Academic literature on the topic 'Politica penale'

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Journal articles on the topic "Politica penale"


Caterini, Mario, Doris Alina Șerban, and Diana Andone. "Provocările dreptului penal în faţa noilor mijloace de informare în masă." Criminal Law Writings (Caiete de Drept Penal), no. 2 (November 2, 2020): 9–27.

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Articolul prezintă în primul rând modul în care mass-media este înclinată să selecteze informaţii pe criterii pragmatice/comerciale şi nu neapărat folosind ca punct de referinţă relevanţa informaţiei. Rezultatul unei astfel de selecţii ar putea fi o reprezentare distorsionată a realităţii, care ar putea crea griji colective artificiale şi, în consecinţă, ar putea influenţa politica penală şi funcţionarea sistemului penal. A doua parte a articolului analizează tocmai influenţa reprezentării mass-media asupra politicii penale, în special în contextul actual al aşa-numitei „democraţii lichide” dezvoltată în jurul noilor mijloace de informare în masă (în special Internetul). Autorul se concentrează pe riscurile pe care le poate implica această formă de democraţie, în special pe încălcarea potenţială a unor principii fundamentale în sistemele moderne democratice. Concluzia este dedicată culturii dreptului penal, autorul promovând educarea publicului, respectiv o paideia politico-penală, adaptată nevoilor postmoderne democratice şi de masă, care să încerce să urmărească conţinutul ontologic al nivelurilor minime de cunoaştere a cetăţenilor, cum ar fi interiorizarea acelor valori fundamentale care constrâng etosul societăţii civile contemporane.
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Bonnet, François. "Spiegare le variazioni della politica sociale e penale con il principio di less eligibility." SOCIOLOGIA DEL LAVORO, no. 163 (August 2022): 7–25.

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Il welfare (politica sociale) e la punizione (politica penale) variano notevolmente nel tempo e nello spazio, con la politica sociale più o meno generosa e la punizione più o meno barbara. Cosa determina la generosità delle politiche sociali e l'umanità delle politiche penali? Il principio di less eligibility sostiene che in ogni società l'assistenza sarà resa meno attraente del lavoro a basso salario e la punizione renderà il crimine meno attraente dell'assistenza. Io sostengo che il principio di less eligibility determina il mix di assistenza e punizione che viene attuato per governare e gestire la povertà in una data società.
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Nascimbene, Bruno. "Lo spazio di libertŕ, sicurezza e giustizia a due anni dall'entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona." DIRITTO, IMMIGRAZIONE E CITTADINANZA, no. 4 (March 2012): 13–26.

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1. La definizione di spazio di libertà, sicurezza e giustizia2. La comunitarizzazione e il Trattato di Lisbona. Le residue competenze degli Stati3. Le situazioni di compromesso politico: immigrazione, cooperazione giudiziaria penale, accordi di Schengen4. Lo spazio e la tutela dei diritti fondamentali5. Le realizzazioni compiute. Le azioni necessarie6. Il principio del mutuo riconoscimento. La sua rilevanza, in particolare, nella cooperazione giudiziaria penale e nella politica di immigrazione e asilo
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Flick, Giovanni Maria. "Costituzione e processo penale tra principio di ragionevolezza e uno sguardo verso l'Europa." QUESTIONE GIUSTIZIA, no. 1 (March 2010): 9–21.

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Con riferimento al processo penale la Corte costituzionale ha modulato, nei decenni, il proprio ruolo con una attenzione, volta a volta, maggiormente concentrata sui princěpi, sui valori, sul funzionamento della giurisdizione. Oggi il suo ruolo si misura, da un lato, sul delicato crinale dei rapporti tra politica (nel senso etimologico di arte del governo della cosa pubblica) e processo penale e, dall'altro, con significative e irreversibili aperture verso orizzonti piů ampi dell'ormai angusto "osservatorio" nazionale (che lasciano presagire - quanto meno secondo prospettive di larga massima - quale potrŕ essere lo scenario del "domani").
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Marietti, Susanna. "Il paradosso penitenziario." PARADIGMI, no. 1 (April 2011): 187–93.

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L'articolo denuncia la distanza oggi esistente in Italia fra la prassi penitenziaria e la relativa legislazione. Di qui il paradosso per cui il luogo deputato a punire la devianza dalla legge diventa esso stesso illegale, senza che di ciň nessuno possa essere ritenuto responsabile. Il paradosso penitenziario viene qui interpretato, sullo sfondo del "diritto penale minimo", come un tentativo esemplare compiuto dalla politica di negare la propria subordinazione al diritto, qual č implicata dal modello democratico costituzionale.
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Ferrari, Vincenzo. "L'amministrazione della giustizia nell'Italia del 2000. Rassegna e riflessioni." SOCIOLOGIA DEL DIRITTO, no. 3 (December 2012): 173–96.

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In questo articolo vengono presentati succintamente i risultati di una vasta ricerca su "L'amministrazione della giustizia nell'Italia del 2000", svolta da un gruppo di studiosi di scienze sociali, sotto il coordinamento dell'autore, nell'arco dello scorso decennio. L'indagine, da cui sono usciti dodici studi monografici raccolti in nove volumi, ha preso in considerazione il sistema della giustizia sia nella sua struttura e nelle sue funzioni, sia nei suoi rapporti con alcuni altri sistemi d'azione sociale, e precisamente la famiglia, la politica, il contesto europeo e l'avvocatura. L'autore mette in risalto la relativa chiusura della magistratura verso la societŕ e le principali disfunzioni della giustizia civile e penale. Osserva poi che la congestione sembra un tratto comune a molti sistemi di giustizia moderni e, rifacendosi a recenti studi americani, affaccia l'ipotesi che tali sistemi riescano ad operare soltanto in presenza di alternative semi-istituzionali, come il patteggiamento nel penale e la negoziazione nel civile, che ne tradiscono i principi ispiratori.
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Bianchetti, Raffaele. "Sentimenti, risentimenti e politica criminale : un'indagine quali-quantitativa in tema di legislazione penale compulsiva." Archivio penale, no. 1 (2019): 37.

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Icolari, Maria assunta. "IL FENOMENO FISCALE ITALIANO AL TEMPO DELLA CRISI DELLE CONCEZIONI GIURIDICHE TRADIZIONALI." Revista da Faculdade Mineira de Direito 21, no. 42 (July 16, 2019): 131–48.

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La disamina muove dal bisogno di una profonda riflessione del sistema tributario italiano dopo che la stagione della crisi, politica ma anche economica, ha sortito i suoi effetti sia sul rapporto mai paritario tra Amministrazione finanziaria e contribuente che sulla nozione di tributo. Pertanto oggetto di attenzione sono per un verso le problematiche legate alla mancanza sia di un vero e paritario contraddittorio nell’azione tributaria, per cui l’Amministrazione fiscale spesso è in una posizione di intollerabile supremazia, sia di un vero coordinamento con il diritto penale; per altro verso del bisogno di adeguare la nozione di tributo agli indirizzi che provengono dal giudice costituzionale.
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Dogliani, Mario, Francesco Pallante, Chiara Tripodina, Valeria Marcenň, Pinto Ilenia Massa, and Antonio Mastropaolo. "Come i costituzionalisti possono salvarsi l'anima. Considerazioni a margine del decreto legge salvaliste." QUESTIONE GIUSTIZIA, no. 2 (June 2010): 9–16.

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Nella cultura democratica, in questi anni, la cautela ha ucciso troppe idee. Ha impedito di concepire soluzioni nuove, precludendosi di immaginare il futuro. Ha bloccato il pensiero, anche quello sbagliato che perň puň contenere germi su cui altri possono costruire. Ha favorito la conservazione, sovente per cautela strategica, sul presupposto che non fosse il tempo giusto per dire certe cose, perché il momento politico non lo consentiva o portava acqua a un'altra politica. E se le cose non si possono dire non si arriva neppure a pensarle. In ambito giustizia unicitŕ della carriera e obbligatorietŕ dell'azione penale sono temi in cui č utile verificare se le opinioni consolidate non possano essere il frutto di questa prudenza autocensoria, e chiedersi se le posizioni a loro difesa della grandissima parte della magistratura non risentano di un ingessamento delle idee, non siano in qualche misura riflessi condizionati, alimentati dal bisogno di difendersi, di contrastare un clima d'assedio costellato di attacchi ingiusti e gratuiti; e chiedersi inoltre se certe difese non siano anche espressione del timore del nuovo proprio di ogni corporazione (espressione neutra, puramente denotativa di un ceto portatore di una identitŕ professionale) comprensibile ma non per questo esente da riflessione critica. Le considerazioni che seguono non propongono certezze, ma vogliono seminare dubbi, invitare a un pensiero libero e a un dibattito laico, non condizionato da alcuna fede e da alcun ideologismo.
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Lefterache, Lavinia Valeria. "Minoritatea în Codurile penale (1864-2021). Scurt istoric al vocabularului juridic: de la coconi la minori, de la pricepere la discernământ, de la greşeală la infracţiune şi de la certarea cu măsură la măsurile educative." Criminal Law Writings (Caiete de Drept Penal), no. 2 (November 1, 2021): 9–38.

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Modul în care vocabularul juridic a susţinut claritatea normelor juridice şi menţinerea elementelor de tradiţie a răspunderii penale a minorilor (vârsta răspunderii penale, sancţiuni diferite în cuantum şi natură în cazul minorului care răspunde penal faţă de subiectul major) au asigurat asimilarea mai uşoară a elementelor de noutate la intrarea în vigoare a fiecărui Cod penal. În acelaşi timp, răspunsul dat de legiuitor, începând cu 1864, mai mult sau mai puţin explicit, întrebărilor legate de justul echilibru dintre interesul superior al copilului şi interesul societăţii în reducerea fenomenului infracţional, a depins de experienţele decurgând din punerea în punerea în practică a codurilor şi de consecvenţa jurisprudenţei cu raţiunea legii. Istoricul de faţă îşi propune să explice sensul evoluţie legislative şi, implicit, motivele renunţării la unele soluţii de politică penală, pentru a uşura demersurile viitoare de legiferare în acest domeniu.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Politica penale"


Giliberto, A. "PRINCIPI E LIMITI DI UNA POLITICA PENALE EUROPEA." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2015.

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Il diritto dell’Unione europea possiede oggi un’influenza sempre più rilevante sul diritto penale degli Stati membri. A partire dall’entrata in vigore del Trattato di Lisbona, tale influenza coinvolge espressamente anche le scelte di criminalizzazione, potendo l’Unione operare direttamente la decisione circa l’an e in parte anche il quantum di pena. Le istituzioni dell’Unione hanno già iniziato ad adottare direttive in materia penale impiegando quale base giuridica l’art. 83 TFUE, e ci si può ragionevolmente attendere che tale prassi si consolidi e aumenti il numero degli atti adottati, andando così a costituire un corpus normativo di crescente rilevanza per gli ordinamenti nazionali e in ultima analisi per i singoli individui. La tesi ripercorre le più importanti tappe che hanno condotto all’attuale sviluppo della competenza penale europea, soffermandosi principalmente sul quadro istituzionale introdotto dal Trattato di Lisbona (capitolo primo). Successivamente fornisce un sintetico riepilogo degli strumenti istituzionali e normativi di maggiore rilievo nel settore considerato e delle loro più rilevanti caratteristiche (capitolo secondo), passando poi ad effettuare una disamina dei principali atti sino ad oggi adottati, prima nel vigore del terzo pilastro e poi sotto la base giuridica fornita dal Trattato di Lisbona (capitolo terzo). Infine, prova a verificare la presenza, i caratteri e la giustiziabilità dei fondamentali principi della legislazione penale nell’ordinamento dell’Unione europea, alla luce della normazione vigente e della giurisprudenza della Corte di giustizia (capitolo quarto), per poi tentare di affermare la sussistenza di basi fondative per lo sviluppo di una vera e propria politica penale europea.
European Union law today has an increasingly relevant influence on national criminal law. Since the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, this influence has expressly involved the choices of criminalization as well, as the European Union may directly operate the decision on if and partly how much to punish. The institutions have already begun to adopt directives on criminal matters using art. 83 TFEU as a legal basis, and one can reasonably expect that this practice will consolidate and that the number of measures adopted will increase, thus creating a corpus of legislation which has a growing relevance on the national legal systems and, ultimately, on individuals. The dissertation recalls the most important landmarks that have led to the present development of the European criminal competence, focusing mainly on the institutional framework adopted by the Lisbon Treaty (chapter one). Later, it provides a brief recall of the institutional and legal instruments that have a main role in the relevant subject and of their main characteristics (chapter two). Then, it moves to deal with the main legal acts that have been adopted till now, first in the third pillar framework and then under the legal basis provided by the Lisbon Treaty (chapter three). Eventually, it aims to verify the presence, the characteristics and the possibility to be appealed to on a trial of the fundamental principles of criminal legislation, in the light of the legislation in force and of the case law of the CJEU (chapter four), in order to attempt to maintain the existence of founding basis to the development of an actual European criminal policy.
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Aresi, B. "La camera preliminare della corte penale internazionale : garanzia di legittimità o garanzia politica dell’azione penale internazionale?" Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2009.

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The Pre-Trial Chamber is an unprecedented institution in international criminal justice, which lies at the heart of the preliminary phase of the proceedings before the International Criminal Court as a compromise achieved at the Rome Conference. The feature of Pre-Trial Chamber as "check and balance" of the autonomy granted to the Prosecutor especially in the context of the trigger mechanism of the Court's jurisdiction based on the Prosecutor's proprio motu action seems to reveal the political nature of Pre-Trial Chamber s standing within the Court. Although never put into practice to date, the judicial review power conferred on the Chamber may potentially enable it to steer the Court s policy in accordance with the principle of complementarity. Moreover, the Pre-Trial Chamber is intended to meet due process requirements from the beginning of the proceedings. In this respect, although not entirely comparable to the juge d instruction of the inquisitorial tradition, the Pre-Trial Chamber is largely inspired by the French and Italian legal systems rather than by the common law judicial model which traditionally characterizes international criminal trials, where no interplay between the judge and the parties is provided during pre-trial proceedings. In fact, the Chamber has so far actively played its role of ensuring proceedings fairness, favoring a broad and teleological interpretation of the Rome Statute and of the Rules of Procedure and Evidence. Through the analysis of the travaux préparatoires of the International Criminal Court and of the Statute and Rules relevant provisions as well as of the early case-law of the Court, the work aims to discuss whether the Pre-Trial Chamber represents a guarantee of the Court s policy rather than of international criminal proceedings legitimacy or either.
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La tesi di dottorato indaga il profilo della corruzione “in ambito politico”. Questa tematica – quantomeno dagli anni ’90 in poi – ritorna ciclicamente al centro del dibattito pubblico, in seguito ai sempre più numerosi scandali di corruzione che coinvolgono i vertici politici delle istituzioni dello Stato e che, indipendentemente dall’esito giudiziario a cui pervengono, ingenerano una situazione di grande instabilità, oltre che una crescente e complessiva sfiducia nell’operato della “rappresentanza politica”. Il lavoro – dopo una breve introduzione sulla disciplina vigente dei reati contro la pubblica amministrazione – si pone il problema dell’adeguatezza dello strumentario penale vigente a trovare applicazione con riferimento a soggetti, genericamente definiti in avvio del lavoro, come ricoprenti incarico politico/elettivo. Con tale termine ci si riferisce in particolare a quegli agenti pubblici che detengono un ufficio caratterizzato, vuoi dalla particolare ampiezza de poteri correlata all’investitura popolare (parlamentari, consiglieri regionali, presidenti di Regione, sindaci), vuoi da un rapporto fiduciario con soggetti “eletti” (ministri ed assessori). Tale interrogativo è suggerito dalla comparazione con l’ordinamento tedesco dove – a differenza del codice penale italiano – non si sposa una concezione monolitica di pubblica amministrazione, ma si differenzia dall’insieme dei pubblici ufficiali (Amtsträger) i c.d. Mandatsträger, ovvero gli agenti pubblici che, essendo stati eletti, ricoprono un incarico per mandato. A quest’ultimi lo Strafgesetzbuch riserva un’autonoma figura incriminatrice di corruzione prevista dal § 108e StGB (Bestechlichkeit und Bestechung von Mandatsträgern) e caratterizzata – come si mostra nel dettaglio – da elementi peculiari e da un campo di applicazione più ristretto rispetto a quello delle omologhe fattispecie destinate ai pubblici ufficiali. Questa importante scelta del legislatore tedesco – lungi dall’essere il prodotto della volontà della stessa classe politica di garantirsi un regime penalistico di favore – affonda le proprie radici in una profonda discussione dogmatica e politico-criminale che pone seri ostacoli ad una equiparazione dell’eletto con il funzionario pubblico. Si affianca all’illustrazione di questi argomenti un approfondito studio di diritto costituzionale e amministrativo italiano sulle peculiarità e le prerogative della funzione svolta dagli agenti pubblici sopramenzionati. Il lavoro dedica quindi ampio spazio all’esame dei diversi problemi applicativi cui si espone una concezione monolitica di pubblica amministrazione con specifico riguardo ai reati di corruzione. Nella parte conclusiva, in una prospettiva de jure condendo e nel paragone stretto con le scelte d’incriminazione dello Strafgesetzbuch, si esplora l’opportunità di uno statuto penale differenziato dell’attività politica, proponendo un trattamento specifico di tali soggetti dal punto di vista delle figure incriminatrici loro riservate, in modo da permettere una migliore sussunzione dei fatti a questi ascritti, che tenga effettivamente conto delle prerogative e delle peculiarità garantite dalla Costituzione alla loro funzione.
This PhD dissertation analyzes bribery and corruption “in the political field”. This subject – at least from the ‘90s – cyclically returns on the public debate stage, due to more and more corruption scandals involving politicians who were appointed in top Italian institutional positions. These scandals, regardless of their legal outcomes, created severe political uncertainties, as long as an increasing skepticism about representatives and their activities. After a short introduction on the current Italian regulation related to crimes against Public Administration, this work tries to address the problem of adequacy and utility of Criminal Law redress for acts committed by persons who have a political or electoral mandate. Representatives and some public servants hold an office that is characterized by very wide powers, arising from a direct relationship with the electorate (as legislative assemblies representatives – both at national and regional level – majors or Presidents of Italian Regions) or from an appointment by someone who as a a direct relationship with the electorate (e.g. Ministers or local Governments Secretaries). This adequacy and utility question comes from a Comparative Legal research, which has been performed in order to write this work taking the advantage of the German experience. Differing from Italian Law, German Bribery and Corruption Law doesn’t shape Public Administration as a monolith: the StGB (Strafgesetzbuch, the German Criminal Code) distinguishes between public officers (Amtsträger) and the so called Mandatsträger, mandate representatives who have been elected. For the latter, the Strafgesetzbuch provides a very specific type of Corruption, punished under § 108e StGB (Bestechlichkeit und Bestechung von Mandatsträgern), which is characterized by very peculiar elements and a scope narrower than those of paragraphs punishing public officers Corruption. Beside this Comparative Legal study, this dissertation analyzes in depth the specific aspects and functions of the above mentioned mandate representatives and appointed public servants in the Italian Legal System. The research on this point has been carried out from an interdisciplinary point of view, taking into consideration Constitutional, Administrative and Criminal Law. Then, this work points out many problems arising from the Italian monolithic concept of Public Administration, in particular those related to Bribery and Corruption. Finally, in a de jure condendo perspective and benefiting from the suggestions given by the German experience, this dissertation proposes possible reforms that would introduce a different Criminal Law regulation for political activities, with specific Bribery and Corruption crimes punishing those who have an electoral mandate or have been appointed to a public office by them.
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La ricerca prende l’abbrivio dalla constatazione della crescente importanza acquisita, nel panorama delle fonti penalistiche, dal fenomeno dell’autonormazione: prodotto del diritto penale post-moderno consistente nell’autoimposizione, da parte dei destinatari stessi della norma, di precetti comportamentali in chiave criminal-preventiva. Oltre al ruolo ambivalente del principio di legalità penale (effetto e causa, al contempo, del fenomeno qui preso in considerazione), l’interesse del penalista per l’approfondimento scientifico del fenomeno è sollecitato dal potenziale che quest’ultimo rivela come alternativa (sostitutiva o integrata) rispetto al diritto penale. Il primo capitolo è dedicato alla ricostruzione delle cause che hanno dato origine al fenomeno, all’uopo ripartite in due macro-categorie: (i) le cause di ordine generale, per l’enucleazione delle quali è stata condotta una ricerca che spazia nelle materie sociologiche, economiche e giusfilosofiche; (ii) le cause di natura giuridica, che sono state investigate considerando sia le manifestazioni comuni all’intero ordinamento giuridico, sia quelle specifiche della penalistica, in cui la crisi del principio della riserva di legge e il declino del diritto penale classico assumono un’importanza cruciale. Nel secondo capitolo, il focus dell’analisi si concentra sulla dimensione strutturale del paradigma autonormativo per come emerso nelle sue principali manifestazioni e nelle concettualizzazioni teoriche maturate soprattutto grazie all’approfondimento riservato al fenomeno della Self-Regulation dagli studiosi di area anglosassone. La paradigmatica dell’autonormazione viene scrutinata tanto nelle sue singole componenti costitutive statiche, quanto nei suoi moti dinamici come strategia regolatoria all’interno dell’ordinamento. La ricerca si sposta nel terzo capitolo dalla struttura alla funzione, con l’obiettivo di ricavare i criteri di politica-criminale strumentali all’impiego dell’autonormazione nel sistema penale. A tal fine, sono state esplorate le possibili relazioni interordinamentali di raccordo tra sistemi autonormativi e ordinamento statale, applicando una metodologia mutuata dall’impostazione di Santi Romano ma ambientata sul terreno del diritto penale e delle sue alternative. Nel quarto capitolo l’indagine si rivolge verso i più eminenti esempi di autonormazione manifestatisi nell’ordinamento italiano: i modelli organizzativi ex D. Lgs. 231 del 2001; i piani per la prevenzione della corruzione nella P.A.; le linee guida medico-chirurgiche per lo svolgimento delle attività sanitaria. Oltre a una disamina ricognitiva della disciplina di questi sub-sistemi normativi, i tre banchi di prova vengono scandagliati in chiave struttural-funzionalistica alla luce dei criteri di analisi illustrati nel secondo capitolo e ricavati nel terzo. Il capitolo 5 chiude il lavoro proiettando i risultati delle ricerche sul piano della teoria del reato, per verificare quale impatto abbia/possa avere l’autonormazione sulla dogmatica. Dopo aver passato in rassegna le possibili ricadute sulle diverse categorie penalistiche, la chiosa finale valorizza il potenziale del diritto riflessivo come candidato ideale per la concretizzazione della clausola di extrema ratio in materia penale. L’uso dell’autonormazione come strumento alternativo rispetto al diritto penale viene ritenuto, infatti, il profilo applicativo più promettente e degno di essere ulteriormente esplorato.
One of the crucial challenges of Criminal Law in the new millennium is to deal with the complexity of contemporary society. The traditional approach based on the State monopoly on criminal matters keeps abreast no longer with the scientific-technological sophistication and the rate of changes in criminal behavior in the era of globalization. In this scenario, we witness the rise of Self-Regulation as an auxiliary tool of crime prevention, whose main goal is to fill the vacuum and to compensate for the rapid obsolescence of state legislation. Compliance Programs, Anti-Bribery Plans, Clinical Guidelines are some of the elements of a diverse constellation of cases in which preventive measures, behavioral rules, surveillance, and sanctions are issued and enforced by a legislator who coincides with the recipient, and which is often a private actor. Nevertheless, the ambivalence of Self-Regulation lies in the fact that – in the face of some positive externalities promised – this paradigm could jeopardize some of the fundamental principles of Criminal Law. The aim of this work is to provide a critical analysis of such phenomenon in order to verify the compatibility of Self-Regulation with the Rule of Law and to assess its efficacy in deterring and detecting misconducts.
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Escresa, Guillermo Laarni <1974&gt. "Reexamining the Role of Incarceration and Stigma in Criminal Law." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011.

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One of the ways by which the legal system has responded to different sets of problems is the blurring of the traditional boundaries of criminal law, both procedural and substantive. This study aims to explore under what conditions does this trend lead to the improvement of society's welfare by focusing on two distinguishing sanctions in criminal law, incarceration and social stigma. In analyzing how incarceration affects the incentive to an individual to violate a legal standard, we considered the crucial role of the time constraint. This aspect has not been fully explored in the literature on law and economics, especially with respect to the analysis of the beneficiality of imposing either a fine or a prison term. We observed that that when individuals are heterogeneous with respect to wealth and wage income, and when the level of activity can be considered a normal good, only the middle wage and middle income groups can be adequately deterred by a fixed fines alone regime. The existing literature only considers the case of the very poor, deemed as judgment proof. However, since imprisonment is a socially costly way to deprive individuals of their time, other alternatives may be sought such as the imposition of discriminatory monetary fine, partial incapacitation and other alternative sanctions. According to traditional legal theory, the reason why criminal law is obeyed is not mainly due to the monetary sanctions but to the stigma arising from the community’s moral condemnation that accompanies conviction or merely suspicion. However, it is not sufficiently clear whether social stigma always accompanies a criminal conviction. We addressed this issue by identifying the circumstances wherein a criminal conviction carries an additional social stigma. Our results show that social stigma is seen to accompany a conviction under the following conditions: first, when the law coincides with the society's social norms; and second, when the prohibited act provides information on an unobservable attribute or trait of an individual -- crucial in establishing or maintaining social relationships beyond mere economic relationships. Thus, even if the social planner does not impose the social sanction directly, the impact of social stigma can still be influenced by the probability of conviction and the level of the monetary fine imposed as well as the varying degree of correlation between the legal standard violated and the social traits or attributes of the individual. In this respect, criminal law serves as an institution that facilitates cognitive efficiency in the process of imposing the social sanction to the extent that the rest of society is boundedly rational and use judgment heuristics. Paradoxically, using criminal law in order to invoke stigma for the violation of a legal standard may also serve to undermine its strength. To sum, the results of our analysis reveal that the scope of criminal law is narrow both for the purposes of deterrence and cognitive efficiency. While there are certain conditions where the enforcement of criminal law may lead to an increase in social welfare, particularly with respect to incarceration and stigma, we have also identified the channels through which they could affect behavior. Since such mechanisms can be replicated in less costly ways, society should first try or seek to employ these legal institutions before turning to criminal law as a last resort.
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Escresa, Guillermo Laarni <1974&gt. "Reexamining the Role of Incarceration and Stigma in Criminal Law." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2011.

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One of the ways by which the legal system has responded to different sets of problems is the blurring of the traditional boundaries of criminal law, both procedural and substantive. This study aims to explore under what conditions does this trend lead to the improvement of society's welfare by focusing on two distinguishing sanctions in criminal law, incarceration and social stigma. In analyzing how incarceration affects the incentive to an individual to violate a legal standard, we considered the crucial role of the time constraint. This aspect has not been fully explored in the literature on law and economics, especially with respect to the analysis of the beneficiality of imposing either a fine or a prison term. We observed that that when individuals are heterogeneous with respect to wealth and wage income, and when the level of activity can be considered a normal good, only the middle wage and middle income groups can be adequately deterred by a fixed fines alone regime. The existing literature only considers the case of the very poor, deemed as judgment proof. However, since imprisonment is a socially costly way to deprive individuals of their time, other alternatives may be sought such as the imposition of discriminatory monetary fine, partial incapacitation and other alternative sanctions. According to traditional legal theory, the reason why criminal law is obeyed is not mainly due to the monetary sanctions but to the stigma arising from the community’s moral condemnation that accompanies conviction or merely suspicion. However, it is not sufficiently clear whether social stigma always accompanies a criminal conviction. We addressed this issue by identifying the circumstances wherein a criminal conviction carries an additional social stigma. Our results show that social stigma is seen to accompany a conviction under the following conditions: first, when the law coincides with the society's social norms; and second, when the prohibited act provides information on an unobservable attribute or trait of an individual -- crucial in establishing or maintaining social relationships beyond mere economic relationships. Thus, even if the social planner does not impose the social sanction directly, the impact of social stigma can still be influenced by the probability of conviction and the level of the monetary fine imposed as well as the varying degree of correlation between the legal standard violated and the social traits or attributes of the individual. In this respect, criminal law serves as an institution that facilitates cognitive efficiency in the process of imposing the social sanction to the extent that the rest of society is boundedly rational and use judgment heuristics. Paradoxically, using criminal law in order to invoke stigma for the violation of a legal standard may also serve to undermine its strength. To sum, the results of our analysis reveal that the scope of criminal law is narrow both for the purposes of deterrence and cognitive efficiency. While there are certain conditions where the enforcement of criminal law may lead to an increase in social welfare, particularly with respect to incarceration and stigma, we have also identified the channels through which they could affect behavior. Since such mechanisms can be replicated in less costly ways, society should first try or seek to employ these legal institutions before turning to criminal law as a last resort.
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De, Giorgi Alessandro. "Re-thinking the political economy of punishment : perspectives on post-Fordism and penal politics." Thesis, Keele University, 2004.

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The thesis argues that there are no good reasons to justify the liability of legal persons, for the endangerment or ham to one of us, should be classified as criminal offense, even when the norm of unfulfilled conduct is precisely a penalty one. To assume that a company might be punish for its ex-crime participation does not imply that it should be penalized, with a criminal offense. The reason for this is that one of the fundamental elements of the penal system, the standard of reasonable doubt, is not justified in the attribution of responsibility of moral entities. In addition, in the criminal procedure, as it does not happen in other matters, the so-called search for truth is only one of the components - necessary, but not sufficient - of the adjudicative activity. In criminal law, we needed a special configuration between the balance of other necessary interests, such as social peace (civility), human dignity (otherness), costs and the stability of decisions that imply that not necessarily the true decision is the correct. To this we should added, more than outstandingly, the moral imperative to prevent the conviction of innocent people. This means that the regulation of standard of proof is influenced by epistemic, counter-epistemic and extra-epistemic reasons, which limit or condition the evidence of the jury or trial finder, making the task of imputation difficult. Therefore, the different processes (criminal, administrative and civil) have different epistemic, extra-epistemic and counter-epistemic rules. In the case of legal persons, there are no reasons to be applied the rules of the criminal procedure. In fact, the structure of the criminal justice system, its principles and guarantees, certainly allow that someone who is actually guilty, that is, who committed the crime, to escape the punish, which indirectly increases the incentives of other possible offenders to commit crimes, but above all, it generates an impact of impunity on the victims. If we considered that criminal law has the mission of protecting the most important human’s values, the previous trade-off would be debatable with respect to an entity that, basically, has an economic ethos and that does not necessarily share fundamental human values, let alone recognize it - because he does not recognize the victim as a moral alter ego. Society should design policies to reduce conducts classified as a crime, not incentivize it, even not directly. The thesis concludes that legal entities are not worthy of deserving our criminal law, they do not deserve that the State limits itself, as it does with natural persons, in the use of the ius puniendi, either to control the sources of risk or to sanction the harms they cause to people.
La tesis sostiene que no hay razones suficientes que justifiquen que la responsabilidad de las personas jurídicas, por la puesta en peligro o la lesión de un bien jurídico, deba imputarse a título de una infracción penal, aun cuando la norma de comportamiento incumplida sea, precisamente, una penal. Decir respecto de una empresa que se le sanciona por su participación ex crimine no implica afirmar que se le deba sancionar penalmente. La razón para ello es que uno de los componentes fundamentales del sistema penal, a saber, el estándar de la duda razonable, no se justifica en la atribución de responsabilidad de los entes morales. Y ello porque en el proceso penal, como no sucede en otras materias, la así llamada búsqueda de la verdad es sólo uno de los componentes –necesario, mas no suficiente– de la actividad adjudicativa. En el Derecho penal se genera una especial configuración balanceada con otros intereses necesarios del proceso, como por ejemplo la paz social (civilidad), la dignidad humana (alteridad), los costos y la estabilidad de las decisiones que implican que no necesariamente la decisión verdadera sea la correcta. A eso se debe agregar, de manera más que destacada, el imperativo moral de prevenir la condena de personas inocentes. Ello tiene como consecuencia que la regulación de las pruebas esté influenciada por razones epistémicas, contraepistémicas y extraepistémicas, que limitan o condicionan el acervo probatorio del adjudicador, dificultando la labor de imputación. Por lo mismo, los distintos procesos (penales, administrativos y civiles) tienen distintas reglas epistémicas, extraepistémicas y contraepistémicas. En el caso de las personas jurídicas no existen razones para que respecto de ellas se apliquen las reglas propias de un proceso penal. De hecho, la estructura del sistema de justicia criminal, sus principios y garantías procesales, ciertamente permite que algunos fácticamente culpables, es decir, que cometieron efectivamente el delito, escapen de la condena, lo que aumenta indirectamente los incentivos de otros eventuales infractores a cometer delitos, pero sobre todo, genera un impacto de impunidad en las víctimas. Si se considera que el Derecho penal tiene por misión proteger los bienes jurídicos más importantes, el anterior trade–off sería discutible respecto de un ente que básicamente tiene un ethos económico y que no necesariamente comparte los valores fundamentales humanos, y menos va reconocer –porque no reconoce– a la víctima como un alter ego moral. La sociedad debiese diseñar políticas para reducir las conductas calificadas como delito, no incentivarlas, siquiera indirectamente. La tesis concluye que las empresas no son dignas de merecer nuestro Derecho penal, de que el Estado se (auto)limite, como lo hace con las personas naturales, para usar el ius puniendi, sea para controlar las fuentes de riesgo sea para sancionar los perjuicios a bienes jurídicos relevantes.
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La ricerca si propone di approfondire il tema della conoscibilità del precetto penale sotto il particolare profilo della percezione dell’offesa corrispondente al tipo di illecito. L’indagine è suddivisa in tre parti. La prima parte si occupa di ricostruire storicamente la disciplina dell’ignoranza della legge e di inquadrarne i contenuti rispetto al sistema penale. Particolare attenzione viene dedicata alla “storica” sentenza della Corte costituzionale, n. 364 del 1988 e ai suoi riflessi sull’ordinamento. Nella seconda parte, si è cercato di tracciare un collegamento tra il principio di colpevolezza e quello di offensività, con specifico riferimento alla conoscibilità del precetto. La ricerca si sviluppa in due prospettive: quella dogmatica e quella politico-criminale. In primo luogo, il tema della coscienza dell’offesa è stato approfondito in relazione agli elementi del reato; successivamente, si è cercato di definire una prospettiva politico-criminale che valorizzi la percezione del disvalore penale del fatto, quale condizione necessaria alla conoscibilità del precetto, da cui derivare un criterio selettivo per la legislazione in materia penale. La terza parte è stata dedicata alla verifica delle indicazioni ricavate dall’indagine rispetto all’ambito disciplinare rappresentato dalla tutela penale dell’ambiente. Sono stati evidenziati i profili di criticità della disciplina rispetto ai principi di offensività e di colpevolezza, con particolare riferimento alle occasioni in cui sembri essere compromessa la certezza del diritto. La scelta dello specifico ambito disciplinare, cui rivolgere l’approfondimento dipende proprio dalla povertà delle fattispecie in materia ambientale sotto il profilo dell’offesa. Pertanto, sulla base di questo assunto, l’indagine ha cercato di trarre conferme all’impostazione di fondo della ricerca, in relazione sia alla definizione del bene giuridico “ambiente”, sia alle modalità di tutela più frequenti. In conclusione, sono state proposte alcune indicazioni che consentano di offrire alla materia ambientale una tutela che garantisca l’afferrabilità dell’offesa e, quindi, la conoscibilità del precetto. Considerando questo requisito essenziale ai fini del rispetto dei principi su cui l’ordinamento penale è fondato, è stata valutata l’opportunità di ricorrere a forme di tutela diverse e, in particolare, a quella amministrativa, quando tale condizione non risulti rispettata.
The thesis is aimed at studying the theme of knowledge about criminal norm particularly concerning the perception of offense correspondent to the types of wrongdoing. The enquiry has been divided into three parts. Firstly it has been examined, with a historical prospective, the discipline of ignorance of law, focusing on its contents with regard to the criminal justice system. Particular attention has been paid to the historical sentence of the Constitutional Court n. 364 of the 1988 and to the effects of such a paramount decision into the criminal justice system. The second part has been dedicated to draw a connection between culpability and harm principle, with particular concern to limiting the application of criminal law. The research has developed into two perspectives: a dogmatic one and one of criminal policy. Primarily, it has considered the key point of the knowledge of the offense as regards to the elements of the crime; subsequently, it has meant to define a criminal policy perspective that enhances the perception of the criminal disvalue of the fact as a necessary condition to the knowledge of the criminal norm from which drawn a selective criterion for penal legislation. Lastly, the study has been centred upon the criminal implications deriving from the violation of the environmental law, which is characterized, in Italy, by the uncertainty of the discipline due also to the intangibility of the offence. The dissertation has intended to highlight some critical profiles of the regulation in respect to the harm principle and the principle of culpability; specifically, it has delved into the situations where the certainty of law appeared to be compromise. The option for such a specific area of legislation depends on the deficiency that distinguishes these cases of the environmental legislation from the point of view of the harm. Furthermore, related to this, the enquiry has attempted to gain some confirmations on this statement of the problem. Both the definition of the environmental interest and the most frequent techniques of safeguard have been object of a close examination. In conclusion, this thesis intends to offer some indications concerning the environmental matter about a system of safeguard which guarantees the perception of the harm and, thus, the knowledge of the criminal norm. Considering this requirement as an essential one for the sake of the principles of criminal justice system, this research has been evaluating the opportunity to have recourse to different kinds of legal safeguards, like an administrative one, in particular, when the condition expressed above appear not to be accomplished.
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CARLES, Roberto Manuel. "La responsabilità penale delle gerarchie politiche e militari nei crimini contro l'umanità." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Ferrara, 2012.

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The reopening of judgements of crimes against humanity committed by the last dictatorship in Argentina, poses again the question of the criminal liability of who, occupying hierarchical positions in the State, did not have direct contact with the attributed facts. Of course, criminal liability is not in discussion, but the way in which the superiors take part in the crime with their subordinates. From the times of Military Juntas Judgement, Argentine justice has followed the theory of domination of the act because of the domination of the will by means of an organization, in order to support the indirect perpetration of the superiors. This theory poses several problems, among which is crucial, the range of the control of the subordinateʼs will by the superior. Nevertheless, this theory, which is not majority, has been adopted by the Bundesgerichtshof and the International Criminal Court. The complexity of this theoretical construction, the effects of its applications on economical crimes, its dependence on empirical factors and, fundamentally, the possibility of reaching reasonable solutions by other ways, lead us to question its utility and applications in tackling the problem of criminal liability of political and military hierarchies of the State in crimes against humanity.
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Books on the topic "Politica penale"


Colao, Floriana. Giustizia e politica: Il processo penale nell'italia repubblicana. Milano: dott. A. Giuffrè editore, 2013.

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Ruffo, Mario Alberto. La tutela penale della famiglia: Prospettive dommatiche e di politica criminale. Napoli: Ediziioni scientifiche italiane, 1998.

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Minna, Rosario. Il controllo della criminalità: Politica criminale e nuovo codice di procedura penale. Scandicci, Firenze: La nuova Italia, 1997.

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Manes, Vittorio. Il principio di offensività nel diritto penale: Canone di politica criminale, criterio ermeneutico, parametro di ragionevolezza. Torino: G. Giappichelli, 2005.

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Bianchetti, Raffaele. Mass media, insicurezza sociale e recenti orientamenti di politica penale: Un'analisi criminologica sull'interazione tra sistemi comunicativi e processi di reazione sociale. Assago, Milano: Unicopli, 2012.

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Cozzi, Gaetano. La società veneta e il suo diritto: Saggi su questioni matrimoniali, giustizia penale, politica del diritto, sopravvivenza del diritto veneto nell'Ottocento. Venezia: Marsilio, 2000.

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Palmieri, Germano. Dizionario dei termini giuridici: 2000 voci del diritto civile, penale, commerciale, costituzionale, amministrativo, del lavoro processuale e della cronaca politica e giudiziaria. Milano: Rizzoli, 1993.

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Prison policy in Ireland: politics, penal-welfarism and political imprisonment. New York: Routledge, 2011.

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Fumu, Giacomo. Le immunità penali della politica. Bologna: Il mulino, 2012.

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Pineda, Gustavo Salazar. Grandes controversias penales: Equivocaciones y aciertos de la justicia penal. Colombia: Editora Jurídica de Colombia, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Politica penale"


Sawyer, Roger. "Political/Penal Slavery." In Slavery in the Twentieth Century, 191–216. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Brangan, Louise. "Comparative penal culture." In The Politics of Punishment, 10–35. Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2021. | Series: New advances in crime and social harm: Routledge, 2021.

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Molanphy, Helen Clarke. "The Political Prisoner." In The American Penal System, 52–56. New York: Routledge, 2022.

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Logan, Anne. "Popularizing penal reform." In The Politics of Penal Reform, 134–54. Abingdon, Oxon ; NewYork, NY : Routledge, 2018. | Series: Routledge SOLON explorations in crime and criminal justice histories ; 10: Routledge, 2017.

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Birkett, Gemma. "Studying Penal Policy." In Media, Politics and Penal Reform, 7–32. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.

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Delisle, Claire. "Penal Abolition Organising." In Routledge Handbook of Radical Politics, 211–21. New York, NY: Routledge, 2019.: Routledge, 2019.

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Gentes, Andrew A. "Political Exiles." In Russia's Sakhalin Penal Colony, 1849–1917, 217–40. London: Routledge, 2021.

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O'Malley, Pat. "Penal Policies and Contemporary Politics." In The Blackwell Companion to Criminology, 183–95. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.

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Mason, Michele M. "Political Protest And Penal Colonies." In Dominant Narratives of Colonial Hokkaido and Imperial Japan, 83–112. New York: Palgrave Macmillan US, 2012.

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Birkett, Gemma. "Media, Politics and Penal Reform." In Media, Politics and Penal Reform, 147–71. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017.

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Conference papers on the topic "Politica penale"


Selvadurai, S., N. Lyndon Sarmila Mohd Sum, Suhana Saat, Azimah Abd Manaf, and Zaimah Mohd Ramli. "Penan Natives' Discourse for and against development." In 2nd Annual International Conference on Political Science, Sociology and International Relations. Global Science Technology Forum, 2012.

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Roux-Demare, François-Xavier. "Adaptation of the Penal Response to the Globalization of Criminality." In G.I.D.T.P. 2019 - Globalization, Innovation and Development, Trends and Prospects 2019. LUMEN Publishing, 2022.

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The evolution of international economic-political relations and the means of communication has required, for a long time, a review of the apprehension of spaces and borders. The jurist was not excluded from this reflection, quite the contrary. The criminal sciences – despite the traditional term of “sovereign matter” – have had to adapt to an obvious evolution. The situation is not new; crime is becoming international. Nevertheless, it is no longer a question of being limited to the international crimes creating international criminal law, but of the necessary response of an international criminal law. In fact, alongside crimes that undermine the international public order, States must fight against an internationalized crime. The physiognomy of this crime is now acquired: internationalized, interpenetrated and professionalized. Borders do not seem to be an obstacle to crime. The globalization of exchanges and means of communication strengthens the effectiveness of criminal bands. To this criminal evolution, the States had to react. Again, this is not a recent response. Quickly, the national police collaborated to fight against a blatant and detestable impunity through the game of borders. However, and in order to face the increase in this crime benefiting from the disappearance of borders, States had to overcome their sense of sovereignist withdrawal. The European Union illustrates this new response, going beyond traditional criminal cooperation to ensure a real criminal integration.
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Kuchta, Josef. "Trestný čin nedovoleného opuštění republiky v kontextu vývoje protistátních trestných činů od roku 1948." In Protistátní trestné činy včera a dnes. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2021.

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The Article solves Purposes, Object and Reasons of Filing of the subversive Crimes in the Territorium of the Czech Republic from the Year 1948 up to the Prezent. It consists in two parts – the historical and the juristic Parts. In the first Part it is described the short Knowledge in the Czech Penal Legislatur from the Year 1948 up to the present. On that Background is the Public introduced with the Adjustment of the Crime of the Unlegitimate Leaving of the Republic. The Article concerns its basic Principles and Problems, it shows Deficiences in The Legislatur and Problems with its Realisation in the Practice. It is showed its antidemocratic Character too. On the Base of Statistic this Crime was out of the historical point of view very frequent in the Practice. At the present is its Regulation out of Czech Penal Code, that is in the opposite to Basic Human Rights and it had political and ideological Charakter. It must be but observed, that any subversive Crimes must be maintained in modern democratic States.
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Xiao, Sixue. "The Influence of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights on the Death Penalty Legislation in China." In 3rd International Conference on Judicial, Administrative and Humanitarian Problems of State Structures and Economic Subjects (JAHP 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Alade, Idowu Mojeed. "In Quest for Sanctity and Inviolability of Human Life: Capital Punishment in Herodotus Book 1." In 27th iSTEAMS-ACity-IEEE International Conference. Society for Multidisciplinary and Advanced Research Techniques - Creative Research Publishers, 2021.

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It is a common knowledge that workers both in the public and private sector spends their wages on critical needs such as rent, school fees, food, transportation, recharge cards and healthcare (moller,2004). They are also predominantly expose to economic risk, natural risk, health risk, life cycle risks, policy based and institutional risks, social and political risk (Geneva, ILO-STEP). Various government including Nigeria, historically have been able to introduce some forms of ad-hoc interventions programmes such as mortgage rent reduction, reduction in taxes, cancellation or postponement of loan payment and other form of direct subsidies (Townsend, 1994). Majority of these measures are privileges and not “right” in most developing countries including Nigeria (Sigma, 2005; UNDP 2003). Practiced in almost all ancient and traditional societies, with debates for and against, among lawgivers and philosophers, Capital punishment, also known as death penalty, was a part of the Athenian Greek law code as early as the time of Draco during the 7th Century BC. The debates and controversies continue until date. Is it just, unjust or a false justice? As at the year 2018, according to Amnesty International,1 55 countries of modern civilized world retain death penalty while a certain number have completely abolished it. Herodotus, the ancient Greek historian, in his Histories, record many instances of state sanctioned capital punishments. This paper, an attempt to accentuate the unjust nature of capital punishment and support its complete universal abolition, identifies three references to death penalty in Herodotus Book 1: combing, impaling and stoning. Book I of Herodotus was context analysed and interpreted with evidence from other relevant literary and historical sources. Arguments for death penalty include serving as deterrent to potential offenders and some sort of justice for the victims and family, especially in the case of murder; and the state, in the case of treason and other capital offences. Findings, however, revealed that capital punishment seldom curb potential criminals and might embittered and encouraged grievous crimes while discoveries of errors in judgment, among other reasons, could make death sentences unjust. The paper concluded by recommending prevention of such crimes necessitating capital punishments and proffered making greater efforts towards total abolition. Keywords: Capital punishment, Herodotus, Herodotus Histories, Justice, Death penalty.
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فهد حسين, محمد. "Forced displacement in Iraq 1990-2003." In Peacebuilding and Genocide Prevention. University of Human Development, 2021.

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"Summary of research / forced displacement in Iraq 1990- 2003 Prof. Dr. Muhammad Fahad Al-Qaisi College of Education for Human Sciences / University of Wasit 07706925308 The process of forced displacement is one of the most severe cases that a person or group can be exposed to, and its cruelty may be equivalent to the death penalty, because it represents a moral death for all the values, ties and belonging of the human soul, and it strips man of his relationship with his homeland and all kinds of decent living, and makes him A homeless being without affiliation and communication, and the consequent economic, political and even moral problems affecting the individual or the group. In view of the peculiarity of the nineties of the last century for Iraq, as it witnessed the most violent war that Iraq witnessed after its invasion of Kuwait and the subsequent political and social disintegration and economic hardship. Many cases of forced displacement in which Iraq was a party in one way or another have been noted. Forced displacement of his people, in addition to the presence of population groups that were forcibly displaced to him, with the addition of an important matter, which is the return of those who were forcibly displaced in his lands or to his lands. The research aimed to discuss all these matters and on a number of themes, namely: The first axis: cases of forced displacement of the Iraqi people The second axis: cases of forced displacement of other peoples who passed through Iraq The third axis: cases of return of the forcibly displaced We sincerely hope that we have contributed regarding the danger of the phenomenon of forced displacement, and the fairness of its victims with regard to their inherent rights that prevent their deportation from their areas of origin in any way. "
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Diante do quadro lucrativo do comercio ilegal de drogas aproveitado no Brasil e no mundo todo, a pesquisa teve como objetivo geral buscar novas formas de aplicar os recursos obtidos das apreensoes do narcotrafico, devolvendo para a sociedade em forma de investimento em politicas publicas, principalmente na reducao da oferta e do consumo de drogas. Os objetivos especificos foram divididos em tres pontos: a) Realizar uma analise dos avancos trazidos pela nova legislacao, durante os ultimos anos, demonstrando como tem se tornado eficiente na pratica; b) Fazer uma abordagem acerca de como se pode, futuramente, facilitar ainda mais a desburocratizacao do problema, ocasionando uma maior arrecadacao para o Fundo Nacional Antidrogas (FUNAD); e, c) Dar uma destinacao adequada dos recursos de tal forma que a comunidade visualize os frutos daquilo serem aplicados de uma forma positiva, agindo o ente competente como funcao reparadora da lesao ao bem juridico. Ademais, a demora no processamento das demandas e a falta de infraestrutura dos depositos, fez com que mudancas na legislacao fossem necessarias. E entao, o nascimento de uma lei reformulando a tematica da gestao dos ativos veio a facilitar a venda de bens apreendidos em investigacoes do trafico de drogas, isso porque os bens em deposito acabam imprestaveis pela ma conservacao e pelo decurso do tempo. Deste modo, a pesquisa desenvolvida se propos a discutir o que atualmente e feito no ambito da gestao dos ativos apreendidos de acoes penais sobre narcotrafico e crimes conexos, correlacionando com o que ja era realizado antes da Lei no 13.886/2019 e o que pode ser feito a titulo de avancos no que concerne ao tema. Assim, a pertinencia do assunto para a sociedade contemporanea e indiscutivel, pois todos nos, de alguma forma somos impactados pela circulacao, no mercado, dos frutos do trafico de drogas. Diante disso, se buscou apresentar alternativas rentaveis, que visem aumentar a captacao desses recursos, a fim de que se maximize a devolucao deles a sociedade, em forma de investimento em politicas publicas, principalmente na reducao da oferta de drogas.,
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Miller, Alistair I., and Romney B. Duffey. "Hydrogen: The Fuel That Drill Bits Cannot Reach." In 14th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering. ASMEDC, 2006.

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As realization grows of the damaging cumulative effects of CO2 on our biosphere, the prospect of substituting hydrogen for oil-based fuels attracts growing attention. Japan provides a leading example of remedial action with the expectation of five million fuel-cell-powered vehicles in operation by 2020. But where will the fuel for these and the rest of a “Hydrogen Age” come from? The hydrogen market used to be straightforward: small-scale or high-purity markets were supplied relatively expensively by electrolysis; the other 95% was supplied much more cheaply by reforming hydrocarbons — mostly using steam-methane reforming (SMR) and low-cost natural gas. The recent rise in the price of hydrocarbons — natural gas as well as oil — plus the need to sequester CO2 has disrupted this scenario. It seems likely that this is a permanent shift driven by growing demand for limited low-cost sources of fluid hydrocarbons. So the traditional SMR route to hydrogen will be in competition with reforming of heavier hydrocarbons (particularly coal and residual oils) as well as with electrolysis based on electricity produced from low-CO2-emitting sources. By 2025, new high-temperature thermochemical or thermoelectrolytic sources based on high-temperature nuclear reactors could be in contention. This paper assesses the economics of all these potential sources of hydrogen and their price sensitivities. It also considers their environmental footprints. Is hydrogen from “clean coal” or other lower value hydrocarbons cost-effective if it is also CO2-free? Is intermittent low-temperature electrolysis based on nuclear- and wind-produced electricity (NuWind©) the best way or does the hydrogen future belong to thermochemistry or thermoelectrolytic sources? How can one produce hydrogen to upgrade Canada’s vast oilsands resources without the detraction of a large CO2 processing penalty? Fortunately for our planet, switching to hydrogen is no more than a technical challenge with a range of possible solutions but we need to make that point clearly to the political decision-takers and be able to provide assurance that the preferred solution will not be a source of new problems.
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إسماعيل جمعه, كويان, and محمد إسماعيل جمعه. ""Forced displacement and its consequences Khanaqin city as a model"." In Peacebuilding and Genocide Prevention. University of Human Development, 2021.

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"Humanity has known (forced displacement) as one of the inhuman phenomena, and international law considers it a war crime, and the forcibly displaced area is subjected to various types of psychological, physical, cultural and ethnic torture. Khanaqin has been subjected to more displacement compared to the rest of Iraq's cities, and forced displacement is a systematic practice carried out by governments or armed groups intolerant towards groups that differ from them in religion, sect, nationalism, belief, politics, or race, with the aim of evacuating lands and replacing groups other population instead. Forced displacement is either direct, i.e. forcibly removing residents from their areas of residence, or indirect, such as using means of intimidation, persecution, and sometimes murder. This phenomenon varies in the causes and motives that depend on conflicts and wars, and greed, as well as dependence on cruelty in dealing and a tendency to brutality and barbarism. With regard to forced displacement in Iraq before the year 2003 AD, it was a systematic phenomenon according to a presidential law away from punishment, and it does not constitute a crime, as evidenced by the absence of any legal text referring to it in the Iraqi Penal Code, but after the year 2003 AD, criminal judgments were issued against the perpetrators of forced displacement. For the period between 17/7/1967 to 1/5/2003 CE, displacement cases were considered a terrorist crime, and consideration of them would be the jurisdiction of the Iraqi Central Criminal Court. The deportations from the city of Khanaqin were included in the forced displacement, by forcibly transferring the civilian population from the area to which they belong and reside to a second area that differs culturally and socially from the city from which they left. Al-Anbar governorate identified a new home for the displaced residents of Khanaqin, first, and then some of the southern governorates. We find other cases of forced displacement, for example, what happened to the Faili Kurds. They were expelled by a presidential decision, and the decision stated: (They were transferred to Nakra Salman, and then they were deported to Iran). These cases of deportation or displacement have led to the emergence of psychological effects on the displaced, resulting from the feeling of persecution and cultural extermination of the traditions of these people, and the obliteration of their national identity, behavior and practices. After the year 2003 AD, the so-called office for the return of property appeared, and there was a headquarters in every governorate, Except in Diyala governorate, there were two offices, the first for the entire governorate, and the second for Khanaqin district alone, and this indicates the extent of injustice, displacement, deportation, tyranny, and extermination that this city was subjected to. The crimes of forced displacement differ from one case to another according to their causes, origins, goals and causes - as we mentioned - but there are expansive reasons, so that this reason is limited to greed, behavior, cruelty, brutality and barbarism. But if these ideas are impure and adopted by extremists, then they cause calamity, inequality and discrimination, forcing the owners of the land to leave. In modern times, the crime of forced displacement has accompanied colonial campaigns to control other countries, so that displacement has become part of the customs of war, whether in conflicts external or internal. Forced displacement has been criminalized and transformed from an acceptable means of war to a means that is legally and internationally rejected by virtue of international law in the twentieth century, especially after the emergence of the United Nations charter in 1945 AD And the two Additional Protocols attached to the Geneva Conventions of 1977 AD, as well as declarations, , conventions and international conferences that included explicit legal texts criminalizing forced displacement as a universal principle of genocide. My approach in this study is a field-analytical approach, as I present official data and documents issued by the competent authorities and higher government agencies before the year 2003 AD, and indicate the coordinates and modalities of the process of displacement and deportation, as well as an interview with the families of the displaced, taking some information and how to coexist with their new imposed situation. forcibly on them."
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