Academic literature on the topic 'Poétique – Amérique du Nord'
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Journal articles on the topic "Poétique – Amérique du Nord"
Camlot, Jason, and Renaud Roussel. "Le Foster Poetry Conference (1963)." Dossier 40, no. 2 (May 1, 2015): 59–75.
Full textFaïgou, Nafée. "Young, Lélia M., Dir. Langages poétiques et poésie francophone en Amérique du Nord." Voix Plurielles 10, no. 2 (November 29, 2013): 499–502.
Full textDelmeule, Jean-Christophe. "La Divine Chanson : les musiques funambules ou Papa Legba aux carrefours des continents." Études littéraires africaines, no. 44 (April 10, 2018): 79–94.
Full textLegros, Dominique, and Marie Mauzé. "Amérique du Nord." Journal de la Société des Américanistes 74, no. 1 (1988): 105.
Full textHerzog, Nathanaël. "Amérique du Nord ?" Outre-Terre N° 50, no. 1 (2017): 167.
Full textPénélope Cormier. "Amérique du nord: Acadie." Nouvelles Études Francophones 25, no. 1 (2010): 204–12.
Full textJean Levasseur. "Amérique du nord: Québec." Nouvelles Études Francophones 25, no. 1 (2010): 222–33.
Full textLevasseur, Jean. "Amérique du nord: Québec." Nouvelles Études Francophones 25, no. 2 (2010): 183–96.
Full textLevasseur, Jean. "Amérique du Nord: Québec." Nouvelles Études Francophones 26, no. 1 (2011): 204–12.
Full textLevasseur, Jean. "Amérique du Nord: Québec." Nouvelles Études Francophones 26, no. 2 (2011): 218–31.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Poétique – Amérique du Nord"
Papa, Stephanie. "Les poétiques cinétiques de Sherwin Bitsui, Natalie Diaz, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke et Layli Long Soldier." Thesis, Paris 13, 2021.
Full textThis thesis presents close readings of four poets of indigenous nations in North America—Sherwin Bitsui, Natalie Diaz, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, and Layli Long Soldier—to address techniques of movement in poetry, which I call kinetic poetics, and which are evoked in two main ways: firstly through textual representations and secondly through their gesticulation beyond language, towards the relationship between human bodies and thenon-humans, waterways in particular. How do these kinetics effects—translingualism, iconicity, sound symbolism, lineation, punctuation, form, prosopopoeia—achieve alternative modes of approaching and receiving poetry today? How does each poet’s notion of time contribute to their kinetic representations of a linguistic and/or somatic continuum? More specifically, how do these kinetic nuances ask us to reconsider our perception of colonialextractivism and its inseparability from ecological disruption, affecting indigenous communities in particular, and the ways in which we are complicit? The linguistic questions these poets textually represent are inevitably questions about our bodies, our physical interactions with one another, and with our lands and waters. Language provides a“place of exiting”, or “a place of moving out” (Bitsui, “The Song Within”), towards somatic realities which are decentered from the self, and in relation to a polychronographic present. This somatic and translingual focus marks a distinct space in contemporary poetry, and the complexity of these effects is often overlooked, despite their contributions to contemporary literature at large
Chanet, Jeanne. "Poétiques de l'identité : être amérindien à Cornell University." Paris 7, 2004.
Full textThe Native peoples of the Americas, and of the United States particularly, intrigue us because they challenge all our conventional conceptions of ethnic identity. Through a study of the ways students from Cornell University (NY) identify themselves as American Indians, this work proposes to examine what having recourse to Indian identity means in a predominantly non-Indian academic environment. It attempts to determine the identitary repertoires to which these students refer, and to consider the relationship they maintain with their social and ethnic background. The field of higher education reveals itself as a relevant approach to the political, strategic, and "poetic" world in which students, in quest of recognition and respect, and calling themselves American Indians, advance. It gives us the opportunity to analyze indianity in all its complexity, plurality, creativity and its relations with the Other
Zhang, Yi. "La zone monétaire optimale en Amérique du Nord." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2020.
Full textHuby-Gilson, Anne-Claire. "La Poétique d'Ernesto Sabato." Paris 10, 1989.
Full textThis work deals with the novels of Ernesto Sabato, a contemporary argentine writer. We have studied both the theorical pattern that he defined in some of his essays and the novelistic practice of this writer, trough his only three novels: el tunel (1948), sobre heroes y tumbas (1961), abaddon el exterminador (1974). From that, my work is divided in four chapters: the novel or how E. Sabato defines it through his essays; the novel as scenery, or as a novelistic thematic directly came from the world vision exposed in the essays. Then a study on the structure of the three novels that shows a game of remakes and a notable continuity on the language, from the rewriting of some extracts from text to another, closed to paraphrase to word game with a comic purpose or to a mixture of languages in order to arrived by a way allways more satisfactory at a writing of one obsession or at an exposure of all the aspects of the society. At least we arrived with the last novel of e. Sabato at the elaboration of an one and only text, that contains and encompass the texts before and cant be imagined without the theorical pattern defined by the essays. Total work, as the autor wished it
Daban, Mary. "Harmonie, identité, pragmatisme chinois chrétien en Amérique du Nord." Pau, 2003.
Full textSince China's confrontation with the West, the Chinese people have been experiencing an identity crisis which has caused a general disaffection with traditional identity. Difficulties experienced under maoi͏̈sm also contributed to rendering Chinese identity construction problematic. The philosophical void which has grown ever larger since 1966 continues to enfeeble efforts to renew ties with the humanist tradition of Chinese thought. The phenomenon of conversion of many Chinese immigrants to Christianity is quite significant in many American cities. In order to better analyse this phenomenon, we attempt to understand the principal convergence between Chinese thought and Christian thought. Through a sociological and psychosocial study, we see how the "Great Harmony" in Chinese American Christian identity construction can become a reality through the interiorisation of certain Chinese and Christian values
Rodriguez-Loubet, François. "Les "déserts d'Amérique du Nord" : archéologie et ethnohistoire : une proposition d'approches complémentaires." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textFranco, Aurore. "Cinématique actuelle du Nord de l’Amérique Centrale : zone de jonction triple Nord Amérique-Cocos-Caraïbe." Paris 11, 2008.
Full textNorthern Central America is located in a complex zone of interaction between three major tectonic plates : the North American (NA), the Caribbean (CA) ant the Cocos (CO) plates. While the CO plate is subducting under the NA and CA plates along the Mid- American trench, the on land relative motion between the NA and CA plates is mainly accommodated by the east-west trending left-lateral Polochic-Motagua fault system. We installed in 2005, during 6 months, a 30 stations seismological network in order to analyse the present seismic activity of the Polochic-Motagua fault system and to constrain the lithosphere characteristic at depth in this area. We show that the seismic activity is concentrated at depth less than 15 km. The level of seismicity of the Polochic and the Motagua faults is comparable while no earthquakes were registered from the jocotan fault. We also observe activity in a north-South trending graben south of the Motagua and probably activity on the folds north of the Polochic fault. Using the receiver function method we localise the mohorovic discontinuity at about 35 km. Our data suggest that the cristal thickness is smaller between the Polochic-Motagua faults than north or south. We use GPS data to characterize the deformation in the CO-CA-NA triple junction area in terms of interactions and relative contributions of the different structures (Polochic and Motagaua faults, a series of north south grabens south of them and the Mid-American volcanic Arc, MAVA), and coupling at the subduction interface. We analyse GPS- campaign data from different networks in Guatemala (24 sites measured in 1999-2003-2006), Salvador (3 sites measured in 2003 and 2006) and Chiapas, southern Mexico (8 sites measured each year from 2002 to 2004. Data are processed and combined using the GAMIT/GLOBK software. The obtained velocity field is first fitted using-simple elastic models. The Motagua fault seems to accommodate most of the present left-latéral motion between CA and NA, with less than 15 % taken by the Polochic fault despite its comparable surface morphology, historical seismicity and microseismic activity. This may suggest complex mechanical interactions between the Motagua and Polochic faults at the scale of several seismic cycles. A single fault model, centered on the Motagua fault, locked at a depth of 15 km, indicates a slip rate decrease from eastern (20 mm/yr) to central Guatemala (15 mm/yr) towards the CA-CO-NA triple junction (0mm/yr ? ). This decrease seems to be consistent with east-west extension rates estimated across the Ipala and Guatemala city grabens south of the Motagua fault. We also observe a right-lateral movement across the MAVA : 15 m/yr in Guatemala. This movemet is consistent with that observed along the Nicaraguan and costa-rican volcanic arcs. To take into account the rotation of blocks and the elastic deformation localized on faults at their boundaries in this area, we finally use the 3D-elastic inverse model DEFNODE (McCaffrey 2002) to fit the GPS- derived deformation field. Our 4 blocks ( Co, CA, NA and a microplate in between the MAVA and the CO subduction interface) suggests a coupling decrease at the subduction interface form Chiapas to Guatemala, although not fully resolved with the present data set
Sanouillet, Anne. "Scholarly Publishing et l'édition de recherche en Amérique du Nord." Nice, 1985.
Full textKobtzeff, Oleg. "La colonisation russe en Amérique du Nord, 18e-19e siècles." Paris 1, 1985.
Full textBéru, Laurent. "Une histoire du discours critique nord-américain en communication : réseau(x) généalogique(s) entre radicalisme et modération." Paris 3, 2006.
Full textThis article is devoted to the genealogy of North-American academic’s critical thought within communication studies – and media studies or journalism studies. Through the sociology of science, the study suggested underlines relationships between the ascending and downward generations of critical scholars. While taking for example of academic headlights – from Herbert Schiller ou Robert McChesney – and of principal North-American faculties where critical courses are taught in communication studies – in Urbana-Champaign or in Burnaby –, joined together by the conferences of scientific associations, we are interested to recall the construction and development of dissenting thought in university – (neo)marxist or simply progressist. Our research takes into account from critical genesis (1950-1970), personalized by those who made pioneer critical research in political economy and cultural studies, until critical apogee (1980-2000), symbolized by two new generations of scholars. At the time of the production of the scientific knowledge, it appears obvious that intergenerational logic, theoretical approach and ideological activism are supplemented
Books on the topic "Poétique – Amérique du Nord"
L' Amérique du Nord et Napoléon. Paris: Nouveau monde, 2003.
Find full textKloet, S. P. Vander. Le genre Vaccinium en Amérique du Nord. Sudbury, Ont: École des traducteurs et interprètes, Université Laurentienne, 2000.
Find full text1909-1990, Le Clech Grégoire, ed. Les huguenots bretons en Amérique du Nord. Rennes: Portes du large, 2012.
Find full textVigneron, Lucien. De Montréal à Washington (Amérique du Nord). Paris: Delhomme et Briguet, 1985.
Find full textJean-Paul, Quentric, and Fleury Jean, eds. Ailes françaises en Amérique du Nord: 1943-1958. Paris: Association pour la recherche de documentation sur l'histoire de l'aéronautique navale, 2009.
Find full textChevalier, Jacques. Grandes et très grandes villes en Amérique du Nord. Paris: Ellipses, 2000.
Find full textMarcel, Fournier. Les Bretons en Amérique du Nord des origines à 1770. Québec: Société généalogique de Québec, 1987.
Find full textBernatchez, Jean-Claude. Vers une transformation des relations industrielles en Amérique du Nord. Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2006.
Find full textHamel, Réginald. Dictionnaire des auteurs de langue française en Amérique du Nord. [Montréal]: Fides, 1989.
Find full textMartin, André. Portrait de l'industrie de l'information électronique en Amérique du Nord. [Québec]: Ministère des communications, Direction des technologies de l'information, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Poétique – Amérique du Nord"
Naves, Marie-Cécile. "Amérique du Nord." In L'Année stratégique 2022, 76–87. Armand Colin, 2021.
Full textMonsiváis, Carlos, Cuauhtémoc Cárdenas, Delcio Monteiro de Lima, Raúl Sohr, Gerónimo Cardozo, and Raúl Leis. "8 - Nos démons du Nord." In Notre Amérique métisse, 343–90. La Découverte, 1992.
Full text"Europe Et amérique du nord." In Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau 2017, 102–7. UN, 2017.
Full textLipponen, Annukka, and Nicholas Bonvoisin. "Europe et Amérique du Nord." In Rapport mondial des Nations Unies sur la mise en valeur des ressources en eau, 80–83. UN, 2016.
Full text"LES GENS LIBRES EN AMÉRIQUE DU NORD." In De freemen à Métis : l'histoire retrouvée des gens libres entre la Baie-James et Montréal, 17–58. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2021.
Full textLANDRY, Carol. "Émergence et développement du partenariat en Amérique du Nord." In École et entreprise, 7–28. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full text"Historique de la formation médicale en Amérique du Nord." In Planification de formations en santé, 3–8. Les Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2019.
Full textMeyer, Jean. "LA FRONTIÈRE EN AMÉRIQUE DU NORD AU XIXE SIÈCLE." In L’Amérique du Nord. Une histoire des identités et des solidarités, 9–32. Presses de l'Université Laval, 2019.
Full textLasserre, Frédéric. "LES PROJETS DE TRANSFERTS MASSIFS CONTINENTAUX EN AMÉRIQUE DU NORD." In Les transferts massifs d'eau, 489–534. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2005.
Full textMeintel, Deirdre. "Identités ethniques plurielles et reconnaissance connective en Amérique du Nord." In La reconnaissance à l’épreuve, 311–19. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2008.
Full textReports on the topic "Poétique – Amérique du Nord"
Hofmann, H. J. Synopsis des occurrences de fossiles du Précambrien en Amérique du Nord. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1998.
Full textLucas, S. B., and M. R. St-Onge. Géologie des provinces précambriennes du lac Supérieur et de Grenville et fossiles du Précambrien en Amérique du Nord. Natural Resources Canada/ESS/Scientific and Technical Publishing Services, 1998.
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