Academic literature on the topic 'Poète vates'
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Journal articles on the topic "Poète vates"
Bolonyai, Gábor. "A görög költők tízes kánonja a Corvina-könyvtárban." Magyar Könyvszemle 136, no. 2 (December 30, 2020): 97–124.
Full textDIAS, MARIA ELICE ROSA. "Associações Microflorísticas dos Paleovales do Grupo Itararé no Rio Grande do Sul, Permiano da Bacia do Paraná, Brasil." Pesquisas em Geociências 20, no. 2 (December 31, 1993): 132.
Full textBolonyai, Gábor. "A három ősi vátesz a Corvina-könyvtárban." Magyar Könyvszemle 136, no. 1 (October 24, 2020): 23–41.
Full textD’Alessandro-Lowe, Andrea M., Kimberly Ritchie, Andrea Brown, Bethany Easterbrook, Yuanxin Xue, Mina Pichtikova, Max Altman, et al. "Détresse morale et conséquences psychologiques et fonctionnelles négatives chez les thérapeutes respiratoires canadiens ayant envisagé de quitter leur poste clinique pendant la pandémie de COVID-19." Promotion de la santé et prévention des maladies chroniques au Canada 43, no. 10/11 (November 2023): 515–27.
Full textKreitlow, Jesã Pereira, Sandra Mara Alves da Silva Neves, Ronaldo José Neves, and Milson Evaldo Serafim. "ZONEAMENTO GEOAMBIENTAL DA TECA NO MUNICÍPIO DE CÁCERES/MATO GROSSO - BRASIL." Raega - O Espaço Geográfico em Análise 31 (January 28, 2014): 53.
Full textSouza, Beatriz Pinheiro de, Luis Antonio Castillo López, Solange dos Santos Costa, Sonia Patricia Salazar, and German Vargas Cuervo. "Geomorfologia e Tectono-estratigrafia do Neógeno do setor noroeste da Bacia Vaupés-Amazonas." Revista Brasileira de Geomorfologia 23, no. 4 (October 1, 2022): 1911–28.
Full textBreniquet, Catherine. "A propos du vase halafien de la Tombe G2 de Tell Arpachiyah." Iraq 54 (1992): 69–78.
Full textAbid, Abdelaziz. "L’UNESCO et la conservation du patrimoine numérique." Documentation et bibliothèques 49, no. 3 (May 1, 2015): 93–101.
Full textCarvalho, Patricia Reiners, Ricardo Tadeu Faria, Christina Da Silva Wanderley, Nelson Barbosa Machado Neto, and Oscar De Andrade Junior. "Reguladores de crescimento na redução do porte da orquídea Estrela-de-Fogo para comercialização em vaso." Ornamental Horticulture 22, no. 1 (May 22, 2016): 114.
Full textLima, Luis Philippe De Arruda, Denilton Carlos Gaio, Lauro Leocádio da Rosa, Mariane Ribeiro dos Anjos, Carlo Ralph De Musis, Luciana Sanches, and José Souza Nogueira. "LISÍMETROS DE PESAGEM DE PEQUENO PORTE NA INVESTIGAÇÃO DE TRANSPIRAÇÃO DE PLANTAS DE FEIJÃO." Nativa 8, no. 2 (April 10, 2020): 192.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Poète vates"
Sierra, Sophie. "Οppοsitiοn et cοnciliatiοn dans les "Ηymnes" de Rοnsard." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textFrom 1549 to 1584, Ronsard wrote hymns of great formal and thematic variety. The poet develops mythological or allegorical narratives, evokes contemporary wars, composes panegyrics, all the while maintaining the posture of an orator attempting to restore the links between humanity and divinity. This simple observation may justify thinking about hymns in terms of the notional couple “opposition and conciliation”. Our study, based on narratological, stylistic and rhetorical analyses, aims to understand how the poetics of conflict helps to account for Ronsard's conception of the universe, and more specifically the place he accords to poetic activity in apprehending the mysteries of humanity's relationship with the divine. We begin by following a thematic thread that gradually leads to a reflection on philosophi-cal discourse, pragmatics and the metapoetic dimension of hymns. This path leads us to assess whether this poetics of conflict can constitute a defining feature of the genre within the disparate corpus of Ronsardian hymns. First, we examine the representation of the tensions that provide the base of a universe founded on concordia discors. This highlights the mys-tery of a harmonious cosmos, in spite of the contradictory forces that animate it and could bring its destruction about. Force or violence, but also speech and art, seem to be able of maintaining order. We then study the far more ambivalent evocations of earthly conflicts. They may reveal the qualities of the combatants, but are also deeply akin to “Discord”, the disorder that undermines cosmic harmony. The power struggles on earth reveal the funda-mental imperfection of a humanity in which matter and spirit are seemingly opposite. The third part reflects on the pragmatics of the hymn, which aims to obtain beneficial divine actions in return for the utterance of the poem. Accordingly, the poet's confidence in the spoken word is underlined by the choice of the hymnal genre. He incidentally grants himself the role of an essential intermediary between humanity and divinity. Indeed, the prayers seek to protect the recipients from all manner of evils that make man feel in his body the struggle between flesh and spirit, i.e., in a Christian perspective influenced by Neoplato-nism, the tension between the temptation to fall into matter and the elevation to the divine. The fourth part continues the reflection on the representation of the opposition between spirit and matter: this antagonism is reflected in mythological tales featuring characters placed in an intermediary position between earth and sky, who have the audacity to try to bridge this gap. The investigations around the conciliatory power of speech are central to these tales, which also seem to point to Aristotelianism as a means of resolving the intrinsically human tension between matter and spirit. The poet can be considered as one of these daring characters. Therefore, it seems legitimate to seek in the poetics of the hymns the trace of a reflection on the possibility, for the hymnographer, of self-fulfillment in the Aristotelian sense. Can Ronsard “invent”, in the rhetorical sense of the term, that all-powerful language capable of communicating with the divine? We attempt to answer this question in the final section. In particular, we study enunciation in order to define how the pieces in our corpus could be a trace of the quest for a voice capable of words that reconcile man with the divine
Ngetcham, Louis. ""Figures" chez André Breton : des Manifestes du surréalisme à Nadja, Les Vases communicants et l'Amour fou (théorie et pratique)." Paris 4, 1993.
Full textTwo main objectives constitute the guide-lights of this thesis. Firstly we compare breton's theories from manifestes du surrealisme to nadja,les vases communicants and l'amour fou,considering politics,religion,materialism or psychiatry. We specify his convictions concerning 1920's cultural crisis in europe: protesting against wars,he claimed a new society to be built out of far old values, namely patriotism,rationalism and public order among others. Leading surrealism theories,he carried fighting spears against capitalistic societies. To him,capitalism is the laying bed of social disparities,misery and blind belief to god which enhances human submission to an unseen dictator. Meanwhile he was a paradoxical communist party militant,praising the russian revolution,but not considering social justice in terms of material redistribution or collective production o goods. The revolutionnary society,he claimed,should allow subjective behaviour and bind nobody to any ideological dogmatism called "party discipline". Considering freudism,he defends unconciousness and waking dream as the "highest step" of human freedom. Consequently"dreams should enlighten the search of fundamental solutions" and everyone should get rid of waking activities dictatorship. Rejecting rationalism,he welcomes "hasard objectif", unpredictable mechanism by without any possible scientific interpretation. Defending love against materialistic and religious considerations,he can't bear loneliness for many reasons and celebrates his essential complementarity with things and persons he meets at random. Secondly we observe his views on arts; condemning romantism he praises "automatic writing"but a stylistic analysis shows his imitation of rhetorical figures. Nevertheless he always ruins their traditional structures to build ne forms of speech,insisting on everybody's imaginative capacities. Paris,woman and love complete breton's figure
Harada, Misao. "La Cohérence du texte chez André Breton. Une étude de quatre oeuvres : Nadja, Les Vases communicants, L’Amour fou et Arcane 17." Thesis, Paris 3, 2013.
Full textThis study aims at clarifying the textual coherence in four autobiographical narratives of the Surrealist Poet André Breton: Nadja, Les Vases communicants, L’Amour fou and Arcane 17, which we propose to call “bretonian tetralogy”. Our main thesis is the central importance, in this “tetralogy”, of acts and means of convincing the reader of the genuineness of Surrealism. And the author succeeds in establishing a dynamic tête-à-tête relation with his reader, which endows each narrative with its inward coherence. Photography plays a key role in this rhetoric scheme, and we put forward the interpretation of “bretonian tetralogy” as a variation of 19th century’s illustrated book modernized by the medium and visualization device. On the basis of Freud’s theory about dream and theatricality, we demonstrate that these narratives must be considered as virtual theatres since incorporated theatricality is a way of reminding and exploiting, in the shape of a text, the discourse situation underway between communication partners; Breton and his reader
Desvaux, Marie-Francine Mansour. "Le surréalisme à travers Joyce Mansour : peinture et poésie, le miroir du désir." Thesis, Paris 1, 2014.
Full textJoyce Manour 's work is a striking, sometimes anguishing example of Breton's concept of « communicating vessels » : the subconscious's hidden wounds seep into her writing leaving traces of desire, death and an inextinguishable yet desparate will to live. Parallel to this, the very visual, camal nature of her words provides a « mirror of desire » which enables the intimate echoing between her poetry and the works of her artist friends. Through their collaborations, they sublimate, enhance, comment on and illustrate each other. Each in their own way, they share the same anguish. commit the same transgressions, exercise the sa me freedom. Art and poetry connect deeply. This thesis aims to follow the symbiosis between images, words and experiences which characterises Joyce Mansours work. It reveals itself in the collection of Oceanic art she built up with her husbanc, Samir Mansour ; in the Objets méchants she created using material gleaned from scrapyards or bought at the BHV ... which express a need to intensify daily life, seek its essence in order to escape tedium ; in the elective affinities she shares with with the artists that enrich her works, as she does theirs. This « mirror of desire» is both personal - an expression of the poetess' s destiny, haunted by death and its traumas - and collective, as it seems to reflect the phantasmagorical landscape of a generation hungry for freedom, but haunted, like Joyce Mansour, by the mass graves of successive wars, and in rebellion against the non-life of the living
Books on the topic "Poète vates"
Grissom, Carol A. Producing Posies: A Technical Study of the Frances Jones Poetker Collection of Bouquet Holders at Smithsonian Gardens. Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2024.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Poète vates"
Andersson, Fred. "Groupe µ and “the system of plastic form” -for an evaluation-." In Le Groupe μ : quarante ans de rhétorique – trente-trois ans de sémiotique visuelle. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2010.
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