Academic literature on the topic 'Poet vates'

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Journal articles on the topic "Poet vates"


Catellani-Dufrêne, Nathalie. "“Sed vatem canimus vates”. Le supplice de Thomas More dans les Funera de Jean Second." Moreana 48 (Number 185-, no. 3-4 (December 2011): 47–68.

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The torture of Thomas More gave rise to strong reactions throughout Europe, as can be seen in the lamentation “Naenia in mortem Thomae Mori” written by Johannes Secundus and at first attributed to Erasmus. The article aims at exploring the functions and stakes of that poem of a hybrid making, which explores different styles and tones and is based on antique models. If this poem depicts an antithetic couple, Thomas More, painted as a saint and an elegiac poet, and Henry VIII, true parangon of the tyrant, it implicitely supports the project of Charles V’s European imperialism. Moreover, Johannes Secundus mostly famous for his erotic poetry, asserts there his esthetic choices and claims the poetic licence at the service of a politicized poetry.
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Borowski, Andrzej. "Pius Vates." Tematy i Konteksty specjalny 1(2020) (2020): 63–73.

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The question dealt with in the paper is as follows: to what extent might the notion of “religious literature” be functional if applied both to the early modern literature and the contemporary literary culture? Does it mean “sacred literature,” simply opposed to the “secular” one, whatever it might mean? The author’s suggestion is to use the notion of “religious literature” more consistently, depending strictly on the liturgical functions of the text (e.g. of prayers, hymns or homilies), while the term “sacred literature” should be used only with reference to the so-called “Sacred Books,” i.e. the Revelation recognized in a given religious system. The sense of the terms “pious literature” or “pious poet,” however, should be much broader, going beyond the limitations of religious functions of the text and reflecting a quasi-prophetic intellectual and moral status of the writer.
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Harrison, S. J. "Deflating the Odes: Horace, Epistles 1.20." Classical Quarterly 38, no. 2 (December 1988): 473–76.

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Epistles 1.20, the last poem of its book, begins with an elaborate joke on the entry of Horace's book of epistles into the world and ends with a well-known σϕραγίς describing the poet himself. It will be argued here that this final poem recalls and subverts the pretensions of two earlier final poems in Horace's own Odes, and that its good-humoured depreciation of Horace himself is matched by a similar attitude towards his previous grand poetic claims as a lyric vates.
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Nielsen, Rosemary M., and Robert H. Solomon. "Rescuing Horace, Pyrrha and Aphra Behn: A Directive." Ramus 22, no. 1 (1993): 60–77.

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The question before us at the turn of both century and millennium is how one determines whether Horace is a dangerous love-poet (unrecognised because we read badly). Or a panderer, playing to our delight in the comedy of manners. Or a serious analyst of communication between the sexes—even a prophet for our time. The choice varies from villain to vates, the extremes reminding us how certainly the past exists, as Robert Frost laments in ‘Directive’: ‘Back in a time made simple by the loss/Of detail, burned, dissolved, and broken off,/Like a graveyard marble sculpture in the weather.’Recently, a Classical scholar, writing about what she termed ‘Horace's detachment as a love poet’, asserted that his readers ‘remain trapped, perhaps by necessity, in male assumptions about desire that they are unable to question.’ She believes that there is a ‘disturbing picture of love and desire’ which critics have missed because we read, almost all of us, with half-closed eyes, ignoring ‘erotic subterfuge’ in the love-odes. We overlook, she insists, ‘the overpowering desire’ of the male ‘poet/lover’ because, in ‘unacknowledged identification’ with Horace, we put on Horatian eyes. This charge raises disquieting questions about distinctions between speaker and poet, persona and historical figure, art and life.
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Kellner, Beate. "Apologie der deutschen Sprache und Dichtkunst in Johann Fischarts Geschichtklitterung." Daphnis 49, no. 3 (July 14, 2021): 379–415.

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Abstract In competing with Rabelais’ French novel Garguanta, the German author Fischart aims to illustrate the richness of the German language and its poetry in his comic novel Geschichtklitterung. Focusing on the second chapter of this text, which has so far been viewed as nothing more than an absurd play on language, this article offers a new interpretation and demonstrates how the German author stylizes himself as a poeta vates in his Pantagruelian prophecy and presents himself as a being purified by wine in his poem “Glucktratrara”. In the end, inspired by Apollo and the Muses, he seems to create an epic poem praising both Germans and the German language.
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Robert, Jörg. "Poetic Physics (Poetische Naturwissenschaft)." Daphnis 46, no. 1-2 (March 15, 2018): 188–214.

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This article deals with Martin Opitz’s didactic poem Vesuvius (1633) and tries to elucidate its fundamental poetical and epistemological issues. In his Buch von der Deutschen Poeterey (1624), Opitz establishes a set of rules for the genre of carmen heroicum that comprises both didactic poetry and narrative epics. Especially didactic resp. scientific poetry plays a decisive role in Opitz’s overall concept of poetry as it denies being fiction (‘Erdichtung’) and claims strict factuality. Thus it is not surprising that Vesuvius becomes the opening piece of the posthumous collection of Opitz’s Teutsche Poemata (1644). Vesuvius reveals itself not only as an imitation / translation of De Aetna (a didactic poem included in the Appendix Vergiliana), but also as an attempt to connect literary tradition, natural philosophy and religious knowledge: The purely scientific parts of the poem (on earthquakes and volcanism) are functioning to reveal the natural order of creation (the aspect of theodicy avant la lettre). The Vesuv-catastrophe is interpreted as God’s clear hint for mankind towards the ending of moral deprivation and civil war. The poet’s role as poeta vates resp. poeta theologus is thus to be the mediator / translator / interpreter between god and mankind, a mediation which actually takes the form of philological interpretation and commentary. The text of the 1633 print reflects this constellation by interweaving text and paratext (commentary) to a unique ensemble. With its particular textual arrangement and discoursive complexity, Vesuvius is symptomatic for premodern negotiations between natural sciences, religious knowledge, and literature.
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Kõvamees, Anneli. "Constructing a Text, Creating an Image: The Case of Johannes Barbarus." Interlitteraria 23, no. 1 (August 5, 2018): 33–47.

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The Estonian poet, physician and politician Johannes Vares-Barbarus (1890–1946) is a contradictory figure in Estonian history and culture. He was a well-known and acknowledged doctor named Vares, but also a poet named Barbarus who was notable for his modernistic poems in the 1920s and 1930s. His actions in the 1940s as one of the leading figures in the Sovietization of Estonia have complicated the reception of his poetry. His opposition to the Republic of Estonia and his left-wing views are nearly always under observation when he or his poems are discussed. Predominantly his poetry has been discussed; his other works have received much less attention. This article analyses his travelogue Matkavisandeid & mõtisklusi (Travel Sketches and Contemplations) based on his trip to the Soviet Union. It was published in the literary magazine Looming in 1935 and reprinted in 1950 in his collected works. Travelogues have proven to be valuable materials when discussing the author and his mentality. The article analyses the image of the Soviet Union in his travelogue published in 1935 and discusses notable changes that were made in the reprint some of which have significantly altered the meaning, so that the text fits perfectly into the Soviet canon.
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Sansom, Stephen A. "Typhonic Voices." Mnemosyne 73, no. 4 (December 26, 2019): 609–32.

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Abstract This article argues that Lucan references Hesiod’s Typhonomachy in the voice of Erictho (Luc. 6.685-694). The intertext is significant in two respects. It casts Erictho as a nonpartisan proponent of Gigantomachy and cosmic war itself, a portrayal that informs aspects of her character as a theomachos and vates. Likewise, it presents an innovative use of Hesiod’s Theogony: instead of a poem of peace, Lucan adapts it as a paradigm of civil war.
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Segall, Kreg. "The Tree and the Chaplet: Wanting the Laurel in Skelton’s The Laurel." Explorations in Renaissance Culture 42, no. 2 (November 29, 2016): 124–64.

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This essay argues that the various images of the laurel wreath and laureation in John Skelton’s The Laurel are marked by ambivalence. Far from a unified and full-throated celebration of his own achievements, the poem partakes of good-humored self-parody, serious self-mockery, and open disgust to undermine and question the political and aesthetic significance of the laurel, and what one must do to achieve it. The Laurel acknowledges and mocks the laureate’s impossible balancing act between a prophetic role as vates and a political role as orator regius; this essay suggests that this tension is played out in the poem as Skelton considers the appealing immediacy of oral poetry and the compromises of written poetry.
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Bobay, Orsolya. "Az archaikus költészet szerepe Ioachimus Vadianus költészetelméletében." Antikvitás & Reneszánsz, no. 2 (January 1, 2018): 167–78.

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The aim of my study is the analysis of the views on the archaic Latin literature in the early modern works based on the theory and practice of poetry, especially in the Swiss humanist’s, Joachim von Watt’s work (De poetica et carminis ratione). The concepts of poeta vates, poeta theologus, and poeta eruditus are commonly used by the Italian authors – who knew the most important authors of the early Roman literature regarding this period ‒ in order to emphasize the moralistic and social morals of the archaic poetry’s lecture. Some of the authors – for example Pietro Crinito ‒ following Suetonius emphasized the historical analysis of the ancient literature in a particular way. The innovation of Joachim von Watt’s work was the adaptation of this view of the Italian authors, and it is not present in the works of other Viennese humanists on poetry in the first half of the 16th century.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Poet vates"


Sierra, Sophie. "Οppοsitiοn et cοnciliatiοn dans les "Ηymnes" de Rοnsard." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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De 1549 à 1584, Ronsard écrit des hymnes d’une grande variété formelle et thématique. Le poète y développe des récits mythologiques ou allégoriques, évoque les guerres contemporaines, pratique l’éloge, tout en respectant une posture d’orant qui tente de restaurer les liens entre humanité et divinité. Ce simple constat peut justifier de réfléchir sur les hymnes à partir du couple notionnel « opposition et conciliation ». Notre étude, fondée sur des analyses narratologiques, stylistiques et rhétoriques, vise à comprendre comment la poétique du conflit contribue à rendre compte de la conception de l’univers de Ronsard, et plus spécifiquement de la place qu’il accorde à l’activité poétique dans l’appréhension des mystères des relations de l’humanité avec le divin. Nous suivons un fil thématique qui conduit progressivement à une réflexion sur le discours philosophique, la pragmatique, et la dimension métapoétique des hymnes. Ce parcours nous conduit à évaluer si cette poétique du conflit peut constituer un trait définitoire du genre au sein du corpus disparate des hymnes ronsardiens. Nous nous intéressons d’abord à la représentation des tensions constitutives d’un univers fondé sur la concordia discors : celle-ci met en évidence le mystère d’un cosmos harmonieux malgré les forces contradictoires qui l’animent et pourraient en provoquer la destruction. La force ou la violence, mais aussi la parole ou l’art, semblent capables d’y maintenir l’ordre. Nous étudions ensuite les évocations bien plus ambivalentes des conflits terrestres. Ils peuvent dévoiler les qualités des combattants, mais ils s’apparentent aussi profondément au « Discord », le désordre qui mine l’harmonie cosmique. Ainsi, les rapports de force sur terre révèlent l’imperfection fondamentale d’une humanité en qui s’opposent la matière et l’esprit. La troisième partie réfléchit à la pragmatique de l’hymne, qui vise à obtenir une action divine bénéfique en retour de l’énonciation du poème. En ce sens, le choix du genre hymnique souligne la confiance accordée par le poète à la parole ; celui-ci s’accorde d’ailleurs un rôle d’intermédiaire essentiel entre humanité et divinité. En effet, les prières cherchent à protéger les bénéficiaires de toutes sortes de maux qui font ressentir à l’homme dans son corps la lutte entre la chair et l’esprit, c’est-à-dire, dans une perspective chrétienne influencée par le néoplatonisme, la tension entre la tentation de la chute dans la matière et l’élévation vers le divin. La quatrième partie poursuit la réflexion sur la représentation de l’opposition entre l’esprit et la matière : cet antagonisme se traduit notamment par des récits mythologiques mettant en scène des personnages placés dans une position intermédiaire entre terre et ciel, qui ont l’audace de vouloir combler cet espace. Le questionne-ment sur la fonction conciliatrice de la parole est central dans ces récits, qui paraissent en outre faire signe vers l’aristotélisme pour résoudre la tension entre matière et esprit intrinsèque à la condition humaine. Le poète s’inclut parmi ces figures audacieuses : il semble donc légitime de rechercher dans la poétique des hymnes la trace d’une réflexion sur la possibilité, pour l’hymnographe, de s’accomplir au sens aristotélicien. Ronsard peut-il « inventer », au sens rhétorique du terme, ce langage tout puissant capable de communiquer avec le divin ? Nous tentons de répondre à cette question dans la dernière partie. Pour cela, nous y étudions en particulier l’énonciation afin de définir en quoi les pièces de notre corpus pour-raient être trace de la quête de cette voie/x apte à réconcilier l’homme avec le divin
From 1549 to 1584, Ronsard wrote hymns of great formal and thematic variety. The poet develops mythological or allegorical narratives, evokes contemporary wars, composes panegyrics, all the while maintaining the posture of an orator attempting to restore the links between humanity and divinity. This simple observation may justify thinking about hymns in terms of the notional couple “opposition and conciliation”. Our study, based on narratological, stylistic and rhetorical analyses, aims to understand how the poetics of conflict helps to account for Ronsard's conception of the universe, and more specifically the place he accords to poetic activity in apprehending the mysteries of humanity's relationship with the divine. We begin by following a thematic thread that gradually leads to a reflection on philosophi-cal discourse, pragmatics and the metapoetic dimension of hymns. This path leads us to assess whether this poetics of conflict can constitute a defining feature of the genre within the disparate corpus of Ronsardian hymns. First, we examine the representation of the tensions that provide the base of a universe founded on concordia discors. This highlights the mys-tery of a harmonious cosmos, in spite of the contradictory forces that animate it and could bring its destruction about. Force or violence, but also speech and art, seem to be able of maintaining order. We then study the far more ambivalent evocations of earthly conflicts. They may reveal the qualities of the combatants, but are also deeply akin to “Discord”, the disorder that undermines cosmic harmony. The power struggles on earth reveal the funda-mental imperfection of a humanity in which matter and spirit are seemingly opposite. The third part reflects on the pragmatics of the hymn, which aims to obtain beneficial divine actions in return for the utterance of the poem. Accordingly, the poet's confidence in the spoken word is underlined by the choice of the hymnal genre. He incidentally grants himself the role of an essential intermediary between humanity and divinity. Indeed, the prayers seek to protect the recipients from all manner of evils that make man feel in his body the struggle between flesh and spirit, i.e., in a Christian perspective influenced by Neoplato-nism, the tension between the temptation to fall into matter and the elevation to the divine. The fourth part continues the reflection on the representation of the opposition between spirit and matter: this antagonism is reflected in mythological tales featuring characters placed in an intermediary position between earth and sky, who have the audacity to try to bridge this gap. The investigations around the conciliatory power of speech are central to these tales, which also seem to point to Aristotelianism as a means of resolving the intrinsically human tension between matter and spirit. The poet can be considered as one of these daring characters. Therefore, it seems legitimate to seek in the poetics of the hymns the trace of a reflection on the possibility, for the hymnographer, of self-fulfillment in the Aristotelian sense. Can Ronsard “invent”, in the rhetorical sense of the term, that all-powerful language capable of communicating with the divine? We attempt to answer this question in the final section. In particular, we study enunciation in order to define how the pieces in our corpus could be a trace of the quest for a voice capable of words that reconcile man with the divine
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Claassen, Jo-Marie. "Poeta, exsul, vates : a stylistic and literary analysis of Ovid's Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto /." Online version, 1986.

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Araújo, Valmir Freitas de. "Memória da imigração síria e libanesa nos vales dos rios Acre e Purus - 1900-1975." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.

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Esta pesquisa analisa a presença de imigrantes sírios e libaneses no Acre, a partir de duas perspectivas distintas. Na primeira, partimos da análise das memorias reminiscentes de dois descendentes da segunda geração de imigrantes, cujas narrativas, reconstituem a trajetória de vida de seus pais, descrevendo as estratégias e os arranjos sociais necessários para conviverem, se estabelecerem e se integrarem à sociedade acolhedora. As narrativas demonstram o entrelaçamento entre o discurso idealizado sobre a memória dos antepassados com a história de vida dos próprios narradores. Na segunda abordagem, pesquisamos em fontes judiciais elementos que demonstrassem a interação dos imigrantes, enquanto grupo, com a sociedade local. Para tanto, analisamos os processos post mortem para compreendermos o perfil dos imigrantes no Acre: como viviam; se casados ou solteiros; em que trabalhavam; como o grupo interagia internamente e com a sociedade local; como morriam; qual o patrimônio que conseguiram formar ao longo da vida; quem era beneficiado com heranças. Nos Inquéritos Policiais e Processos Criminais, analisamos a interação entre homens sírios e libaneses com mulheres brasileiras, e a forma como delitos impactantes (estupros, defloramento e espancamentos) praticados por estes imigrantes contra mulheres locais eram encarados pela sociedade e pelo poder público.
This research analyses the presence of the Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Acre (Brazil), from two different perspectives. In first perspective, we start from the analysis of two descendants of the second generation of immigrants reminiscent memories, whose narratives recount the life trajectory of their parents, describing strategies and the social arrangements needed to mingle, settle and integrate into the welcoming society. The narratives demonstrate the intertwining between the idealized discourse on the memory of their ancestors with the life story of the own narrators. In the second approach, we research judicial sources elements that demonstrate the interaction of immigrants as a group with the local society. To this end, we examined post mortem procedures to understand the profile of immigrants in Acre: how they lived; if they were married or single; which were their jobs; how they interacted internally and with the local society; how they died; what equity they could form over the life; who was benefited with inheritances. In the Police Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions, we analyze the interaction between Syrian and Lebanese men with Brazilian women, and how impactful delicts (rape, deflowering and beatings) practiced by these immigrants against local women were regarded by society and by the Government.
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Jones, Richard Oliver. "Cellular innate immune responses to lung resection via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy : predictors of post-operative pneumonia." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2013.

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Background and Objectives: The pathophysiology of post-operative pneumonia following lung resection is poorly understood despite it being the most common complication which may lead to death. The role of the acute inflammatory response following lung resection, in particular innate immune cells, was investigated and used to identify biomarkers for post-operative pneumonia. Comparison of inflammatory responses to resection undertaken by video-assisted thorascopic surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy was also evaluated. Methods: Patients undergoing lung resection for suspected bronchogenic carcinoma were recruited. Objective pre-defined criteria were used to diagnose pneumonia. Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) was conducted in the contra-lateral lung pre- and postoperatively to measure cellular composition and cytokines. Blood was sampled preoperatively and 6-, 24- and 48-hours post-operatively primarily to assess neutrophil phagocytic capacity, monocyte subsets, monocyte cytokine responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) stimulation and serum cytokine responses. Exhaled nitric oxide (eNO) was also measured at these time points. Patient groups were compared using paired or student t-tests together with ANOVA/ANCOVA modelling. The predictive strength of the biomarkers identified was tested. Results: 40 patients were recruited. 26 patients (65%) underwent major lung resection using VATS and 14 (35%) thoracotomy. There was a post-operative blood monocytosis (p<0.0005) with an absolute expansion of classical and intermediate monocytes (p=0.001) and a relative fall in non-classical monocytes (p<0.005). Post-operatively blood monocytes became more pro-inflammatory with an overall significant increase in IL-8 (p=0.034) and TNF-α (p=0.028) together with an increase in IL-6 (p=0.028) and IL-10 by 48 hours (p=0.010). VATS was associated with a smaller release of IL-10 only (p=0.011). There was a general trend towards post-operative reduction in neutrophil phagocytosis of zymosan (in suspension) on ANOVA modelling (p=0.047). Lung resection led to an increase in serum cytokines IL-6, IL-8 and IL-10 which peaked at 24hrs before falling (p<0.0005). ANOVA modelling confirmed significantly lower levels of serum cytokines in VATS patients compared with thoracotomy (p=0.026 for IL-6, p=0.018 for IL-8 p=0.047 for IL-10). No significant post-operative change was found for IL-1β, TNF-α and IL-12p70 (p>0.05). Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and blood samples demonstrated a relative post-operative leucocytosis due principally to neutrophilia. A relative blood lymphopenia and thrombocytopenia developed postoperatively (p<0.0005). VATS was associated with a lower fall in serum albumin (p=0.001). BALF from the non-operated lung became more pro-inflammatory immediately post-operatively with an increase in IL-6 (p<0.0005), IL-8 (p=0.017), IL- 10 (p=0.018) and IL-1β (p=0.002). eNO tended to fall post-operatively which reached significance at 48 hrs (p=0.029). 14 patients developed pneumonia. Pre-operatively, a blood neutrophil count above 5.04x109/L had a relative risk (RR) for pneumonia of 3.3 (95% confidence interval (CI95) 1.1-10.1), and a BAL cell count of greater than 1.04x105/ml had a RR of 3.4 (CI95 1.3-9.0), whilst LPS-stimulated monocyte secretion of IL-12 of less than 0.15 pg/ml/μg protein had a RR of 3.0 (CI95 1.2-7.3). At 24 hours post-operatively, LPS-stimulated release from monocytes of IL-10 greater than 1.99 pg/ml/μg protein (RR 4.1, CI95 1.3- 12.3) and IL-6 greater than 414 pg/ml/μg protein (RR 3.1, CI95 1.2-8.1) were predictive of pneumonia. Conclusion: Lung resection is associated with significant early pro- and antiinflammatory responses. VATS resection invoked significantly lower levels of serum cytokines and albumin changes compared with thoracotomy suggesting VATS lobectomy should be the surgical treatment strategy of choice for early stage lung cancer. No difference in neutrophil function or monocyte function was however observed between the surgical groups. Clinical benefits of this reduced inflammation need to be evaluated in a larger cohort of patients. Relative pre-operative leucocytosis in blood and BAL together with monocyte hyper-responsiveness in the early postoperative period is associated with the development of pneumonia. These findings warrant further investigation for their predictive power in accurately identifying postoperative pneumonia. Ultimately, they may be incorporated into a risk stratification model enabling targeted prophylactic or earlier therapeutic intervention.
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Hamani, Vincent. "Vers une meilleure compréhension des écosystèmes portuaires : interactions entre les organismes filtreurs et leur environnement." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022.

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L’hyper-anthropisation, en particulier le long de nos côtes, a profondément modifié l’environnement. De plus en plus de structures, telles que les ports, forment des écosystèmes à part entière. Parmi la multitude d’espèces qui peuplent le port, un groupe semble particulièrement intéressant à étudier : les Filtreurs (bivalve set tuniciers). Ces organismes, par leurs modes de vie, ont une forte interaction avec l’environnement portuaire. En effet, en restant fixés sur les structures, ils subissent sans cesse les facteurs environnementaux qui caractérisent le port et leur mode d’alimentation, la filtration, les amène à être en contact avec une grande quantité d’eau et donc avec les éléments qui s’y trouvent. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est d’étudier ce socio écosystème particulier qu’est l’environnement portuaire à travers ce groupe clé : les filtreurs. Ce travail par une approche pluridisciplinaire a permis :-d’étudier et de cartographier les communautés de filtreurs présents dans le port de plaisance de La Rochelle ; montrant ainsi la complexité de leur communauté et le fait qu’elles seraient impactées par des facteurs anthropiques et hydrosédimentaires .-d’analyser l’effet de deux contaminants très présents en milieu portuaire, le cuivre et le zinc, sur un organisme filtreur modèle : le pétoncle (Mimachlamys varia) ; et de montrer leur impact sur plusieurs voies métaboliques impliquées dans de nombreuses fonctions biologiques, telles que l'osmorégulation, le stress oxydatif, métabolisme énergétique, la reproduction et des phénomènes d’apoptose.- de mettre en évidence le fait que les filtreurs interviennent dans la composition des vases en remobilisant les sédiments présents dans la colonne d’eau et en modifiant leurs propriétés physico-chimiques ;que cela est espèce-dépendant et fortement modulé par les conditions environnementales telles que le taux de matière organique.-de développer plusieurs méthodes d’échantillonnage et d’analyse novatrice nécessaires pour appréhender cet environnement particulier
The hyper-anthropization, particularly along our coasts, has profoundly modified the environment. New structures, such as harbors, emerging, forming “true” ecosystems. Among the multitude of species inhabiting the port, one group seems particularly interesting to study: the filter feeders (bivalves and tunicat). These organisms have a strong interaction with the port environment due to their behaviour. Indeed, by remaining anchored to the structures, they are constantly subjected to the environmental factors that characterize the port and their feeding behavior, the filtration, leads them to be in contact with a large quantity of water and therefore with the elements that are in it. The objective of this thesis is to study this particular socio-ecosystem that is the port environment through this key group: the filter feeders. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this work, has allowed :-to study and map the communities of filter feeders present in the marina of La Rochelle; showing the complexity of their community and the fact that they are impacted by anthropogenic and hydrosedimentary factors.-to analyze the effect of two common contaminants in the port environment, copper and zinc, on the metabolism of a model filter-feeder organism : the scallop (Mimachlamys varia); and to show that they impacted several metabolic pathways involved in numerous biological functions, such as osmoregulation, oxidative stress, energetic metabolism, reproduction and apoptosis.- to highlight the fact that filter feeders are involved in the composition of the mud by remobilizing the sediments present in the water column and by modifying their physico-chemical properties; and that is species dependent and is strongly modulated by environmental conditions such as the level of organic matter.- to develop several innovative sampling and analysis methods needed to understand this particular environment
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Books on the topic "Poet vates"


Maldonado, José. José Maldonado, "el vate": Poeta del amor. [Mexico]: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Delegación en Nayarit, 1995.

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Wescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War. Atlanta, Ga: Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1986.

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Wescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War. Atlanta, Ga: Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1986.

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Schmidbauer, Wolfgang. "Ich wusste nie, was mit Vater ist": Das Trauma des Krieges. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1998.

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Nola, Gerardo Di. Tommaso Campanella, il nuovo Prometeo: Da poeta-vate-profeta a restauratore della politica e del diritto. Bologna: Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 1993.

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Wescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War : [exhibition] November 8, 1986-February 28, 1987, Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, Michael C. Carlos Hall, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, Georgia: The University, 1986.

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FitzGerald, Brian. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The Introduction offers an overview of recent scholarship on medieval prophecy and provides the book’s interpretative framework. The book differs from much previous scholarship by examining how prophecy had a multiplicity of meanings besides prediction in the Middle Ages and by showing the significance of debates over those meanings. The chapter then explains the chronological parameters of the book, beginning in the twelfth century when prophecy became a subject of controversy and ending in the early fourteenth century when humanist intellectuals and poets began challenging the authority of scholastic theologians. The chapter ends by surveying the conceptual background to the book’s subject matter: the classical idea of the vates (poet-prophet) and patristic (particularly Augustinian) theories of prophecy and inspired vision. It shows how these concepts were combined with a functional-institutional model of prophecy derived from St Paul and left a tangled legacy that twelfth-century thinkers needed to resolve.
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Cuadernos De UN Vate Vago/Notebook of a Wandering Poet. Aims Intl Books Corp, 1989.

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Larson, Stephanie. Meddling with Myth in Thebes. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter discusses an Attic red-figure vase found on the Ismenion hill, in Thebes in Greece; the vase changes the iconography of the canonical Panhellenic grypomachy scene by substituting a sphinx, a symbol of local Theban significance. The chapter sets this vase into the context of sphinx imagery and adduces other vases from both within and outside Boeotia as evidence for a link between the image of the sphinx and the myth of Oedipus. It also suggests that this substitution on the vase could be seen as following a Theban trend in altering details of myth to fit local interests, as seen also in the earlier literary works of the Theban poet Pindar.
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Piqueux, Alexa. The Comic Body in Ancient Greek Theatre and Art, 440-320 BCE. Oxford University PressOxford, 2022.

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Abstract Using both textual and iconographic sources, this richly illustrated book examines the representations of the body in Greek Old and Middle Comedy, how it was staged, perceived, and imagined, particularly in Athens, Magna Graecia, and Sicily. The study also aims to refine knowledge of the various connections between Attic comedy and comic vases from Sout Italy and Sicily (the so-called ‘phlyax vases’). After introducing comic texts and comedy-related vase-paintings in the regional contexts, the book considers the generic features of the comic body, characterized as it is by a specific ugliness and a constant motion. It also explores how costumes—masks, padding, phallus, clothing, accessories—and gestures contribute to the characters’ visual identity in relation with speech: it analyzes the cultural, social, aesthetic, and theatrical conventions by which spectators decipher the body. This study thus leads to a re-examination of the modalities of comic mimesis, in particular when addressing sexual codes in cross-dressing scenes which reveal the artifice of the fictional body. It also sheds light on how comic poets make use of the scenic or imaginary representations of the bodies of those who are targets of political, social, or intellectual satire. There is a particular emphasis on body movements, where the book not only deals with body language and the dramatic function of comic gesture, but also with how words confer a kind of poetic and unreal motion to the body.
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Book chapters on the topic "Poet vates"


Blake, Hugo. "«Quel maestro che fa vasi in Antigniano»: un ceramista al servizio di Cosimo I." In Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 103–12. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2024.

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In the second half of the sixteenth century a master ceramist (or two?) worked on the villa-farm of Duke (later Grand Duke) Medici in Antignano south of Livorno. In the 1560s he made “large vases” of which some were inventoried in 1574 and 1578 in the royal palaces of Florence. Towards the end of the century the license given to a tableware maker from Montelupo to Antignano to sell his work in Livorno “et for everything” was confirmed. While it appears that in the 1960s the potter had been employed to supply vases to the farm, the one known thirty years later appears to have worked on his own. It is probable that the “kilnsmen” known in Antignano in 1571 made lime to build the new port of Livorno. Instead, one of the two brick “kilns” illustrated in the plans in the following centuries, if already existing before then, was perhaps used to make ceramics.
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Ingleheart, Jennifer. "Vates Lesbia." In Roman Receptions of Sappho, 205–26. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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This chapter argues that the representation of Sappho the poet appears as a coherent portrait in the poetry of Ovid, and that this portrait closely resembles that of Ovid himself. This is so even when Heroides 15, also known as Epistula Sapphus, where Sappho as poet is centre stage, is set aside. The argument emerges from close readings of passages from the earliest of Ovid’s poetic career, such as the Amores, Ars amatoria (Book 3), and Remedia amoris, and also deals with some of his latest poetry in the Tristia, written in exile, all in the context of passages in Sappho and other Latin poetry and prose.
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Griffiths, Jane. "Titular Identity: orator regius, poet laureate, and vates." In John Skelton and Poetic Authority, 18–37. Oxford University Press, 2006.

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Macleod, C. W. "Propertius 4,1." In Collected Essays, 202–14. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.

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Abstract The unity and coherence of Propertius 4,1 are still debated. It also poses the reader another and larger question: what an Augustan poet may mean when he considers the different possibilities open to him as a writer, when he states a programme .and refuses alternatives, and in particular when he indicates his relation to Callimachus ‘ aesthetic. That question in its turn leads us to ask how the writer ‘s character as more or less a Callimachean is connected with his character as the poet of love and as the poet of Rome, the vates. The claim of this paper is that Propertius 4,1 is a well-knit whole, and thus represents these three personae as significantly related aspects of one person. In what follows I go through the poem bit by bit in an attempt to illustrate this thesis.
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Abad Del Vecchio, Julene. "Vatic Authority and Poetics." In The Dark Side of Statius' Achilleid, 176–218. Oxford University PressOxford, 2024.

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Abstract This chapter examines in more depth the question of poetic authority in the Achilleid. The figure of Calchas as the authorial vates of the composition is under scrutiny, and Thetis’ agency is envisioned as adversarial to Calchas. Important questions about the relationship between prophetic status and the status of the poet himself, between violation and violence, between perpetrator and victim, will be considered. Through the examination of the gender-bending elements to Calchas’ characterization, the chapter pays heed to the idea that the Achilleid is characterizable as a feminine composition, and Thetis as its diva. Thetis is therefore interpreted in a new light, a figure of tragic inspiration but also as the artifex behind the poem’s composition, and thus linked to Statius the poet. The chapter ends with an analysis of Thetis against other lamenting mothers in the literary tradition.
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Reverand Ii, Cedric D. "The Final ‘Memorial of my Own Principles’: Dryden’s Alter Egos in his Later Career." In John Dryden, 282–307. Oxford University PressOxford, 2000.

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Abstract With modern scholarship over the last thirty years or so being more attentive to what Thomas H. Fujimura has aptly called ‘the personal element‘ in Dryden‘s poetry, we have become more alert to the ways in which he used alter egos in his poems to help him work through his frustrations, defend himself, and express his values. We have also become more alert to a recurrent Dryden concern, which often appeared when he addressed other artists, namely the power of art, of particular interest to him because he regarded his role as a public poet in a classical sense, as vates, meaning both bard and prophet, empowered with special authority to comment and criticize. One of the most telling examinations of this issue occurs in his ode to Anne Killigrew (1686), where Dryden, having recently converted to Catholicism, takes stock of his career to this point and rebukes himself for stooping to write obscene plays when he might have had nobler poetic ambitions.
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Calvert, Ian. "Desired Futures: Sidney Godolphin and Edmund Waller." In Virgil's English Translators, 1–25. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

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Chapter 1 outlines two key strands of Virgil’s mid-seventeenth century English reception: his reputation as a vates (poet-prophet) and the belief that his poetry contained ethical and political counsel that was directed to Augustus. It argues that his translators were drawn to Virgil’s use of prophecy and counsel as a means of imagining the alternate near-futures that the fragility of his own historical moment had made possible in light of the political uncertainties prompted by Rome’s civil war and its transition from Republic to Principate. Virgil’s poetry consequently provided a site for his translators to evaluate their own experience of civil war and express their hopes for the future, both personal and political. The translation of Aeneid 4 by Sidney Godolphin and Edmund Waller is used to identify the book’s overall concerns, especially with regard to the sometimes mobile nature of the translators’ loyalties across the period, and the signalling of their political affinities through paratextual materials as well as direct interventions in their translations and imitations of Virgil’s texts.
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Schmitz-Emans, Monika. "9. Entwürfe und Revisionen der Dichterinstanz – poeta vates, poeta imitator, poeta creator." In Handbuch Sprache in der Literatur, edited by Anne Betten, Ulla Fix, and Berbeli Wanning. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.

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Batihan, Güntuğ, and Kenan Can Ceylan. "The Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Lung Cancer." In Lung Cancer - Modern Multidisciplinary Management. IntechOpen, 2021.

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Lobectomy plus regional lymph node dissection remains the gold standard treatment method in early-stage lung cancer. However, with the demonstration of the safety and efficacy of minimally invasive approaches, the expression of surgery in this statement, replaced by thoracoscopic anatomical lung resection. Clinical studies have demonstrated the superiority of VATS in terms of postoperative pain, drainage time, length of hospital stay, and complications, moreover, long-term oncologic results are similar or better than thoracotomy. Therefore, VATS lobectomy is the preferred surgical method in early-stage lung cancer. Different surgical techniques are available in VATS and can be modified according to the surgeon’s personal experience. Uniport can be applied as well as two or three port incisions. In this book section, I plan to focus on VATS lobectomy, technique-related tricks, complication management, and long-term oncologic results in early and locally advanced lung cancer.
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"20. Scenes from Attic Tragedy on Vases found in Sicily and Lipari." In Painter and Poet in Ancient Greece, 361–70. B. G. Teubner, 1997.

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Conference papers on the topic "Poet vates"


Koryllos, A., N. Kosse, and E. Stoelben. "single-PORT-non stapled VATS Lobektomie und Segmentektomie." In 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2017.

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BERRIER, BOBBY, and MARY MASON. "Static investigation of post-exit vanes for multiaxis thrust vectoring." In 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1987.

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Nicholson, Thomas, Ben Probyn, Samantha Scott, Cyrus Daneshvar, and Adrian Marchbank. "The risk of surgical emphysema post VATS pleural biopsy and IPC." In ERS International Congress 2019 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2019.

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Huang, Yuan Mao, and Chien Liang Li. "Analysis of Forces Acting on Compressor Sliding Vanes." In ASME 2002 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.

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This study utilizes Newton’s law to analyze: 1) the force required to act on a vane bottom in order to create zero contact force between the vane and the stator, and 2) the contact forces between the vane and the rotor in a sliding vane compressor. The effects of the number, length, thickness and material of vanes, the locations of the outlet ports, and the rotor rotational speed of the compressor on these forces are analyzed. The results show that the effect of the vane thickness on these forces is not significant. Nevertheless, these forces increase when the number of vanes and the angular starting location of the outlet port increases. When the length and the density of the vane and the rotational speed of the rotor increase, there is a decrease in the force required to act on the vane bottom in order for it to come in to contact with the stator.
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Koryllos, A., N. Kosse, AP Lopez, and E. Stoelben. "(Uniportal) Single-PORT VATS Sleeve Resektionen bei NSCLC. Eine monozentrische 3-jährige Analyse." In 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.

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Deveaux, H. K., and S. Krow. "Post-Operative Outcomes of ARDS after VATS: The Seismic Shift in ARDS Clinical Practice Guidelines." In American Thoracic Society 2024 International Conference, May 17-22, 2024 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2024.

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Redwan, B., C. Biancosino, G. Wöbker, F. Giebel, R. Zanner, and S. Bölükbas. "Perioperativer Einsatz der single-site veno-venösen extrakorporalen CO2-Eliminierung (ECCO2R) während single-port VATS Riesenbullaresektion." In 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2017.

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Zhu, Honggeng, Rentian Zhang, Bin Xi, and Dapeng Hu. "Internal Flow Mechanism of Axial-Flow Pump With Adjustable Guide Vanes." In ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.

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Axial-flow pumps are widely used in many fields where low pumping head and large flow rate are required such as irrigation and drainage, flood control, bio-environmental protection and inter-basin water diversion. Conventional axial-flow pump diffuser is designed with post fixed guide vanes to eliminate circulation, diffuse water and decrease flow velocity while converting dynamic energy to pressure energy. Under designed flow rate the inlet setting angle of the fixed guide vanes is designed to be equal to the outlet flow angle of the impeller blades which is regarded to be the best operating condition. Under off-design conditions the outlet flow angle of the impeller blades does not match the inlet setting angle of guide vanes any more. As a result hydraulic losses are increased, flow separation appeared and vortex generated inside the diffuser, the operation conditions of pump is deteriorated, bringing in bad cavitation characteristics, more energy consumption and lower pumping efficiency. The proposal of Axial-flow pumps with adjustable guide vanes are put forward in this paper, in which the inlet setting angle of guide vanes can be adjusted to coordinate with the change of flow rate and impeller blade setting angle and guarantee the outlet flow angle of impeller blades matching the inlet setting angle of guide vanes. The three-dimensional time-averaged N-S equations, closed by the standard κ–ε turbulence model, are adopted to simulate the internal flow fields of axial-flow pumps with fixed and adjustable guide vanes, and their performances are predicted. The internal flow mechanism of an axial-flow pump with adjustable guide vanes is investigated, and computational fluid dynamics is adopted to simulate and analyze the internal flow fields. Computation results indicate that the value of the highest pumping efficiency is slight changed while the vane setting angle is adjusted when the inlet setting angles of blades are fixed and the setting angles of guide vanes are regulated. Under off-design conditions the flow conditions inside the diffuser of axial-flow pump with adjustable guide vanes can be improved, the hydraulic loss reduced and the pumping efficiency can be raised effectively.
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Caldwell, Alexa, Christopher Durkin, Travis Schisler, and Anna McGuire. "EP181 Quality of post-operative analgesia of paravertebral blocks vs thoracic epidurals in patients undergoing vats lobectomies." In ESRA Abstracts, 41st Annual ESRA Congress, 4–7th September 2024, A185—A187. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2024.

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Hayden, Andrew P., John Gillespie, Cole Hefner, Todd Lowe, and Alexandrina Untaroiu. "Wake Dynamics of Complex Turning Vanes Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements." In ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.

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Abstract The use of turning vanes spans multiple engineering disciplines such as aerospace, ocean, and biomedical to effectively turn an otherwise uniform flowfield and achieve desired downstream flow angles. The presented work investigates the wake dynamics generated by sets of complex turning vanes which contained nonaxisymmetric geometries, spanwise variations in turning angle, and multiple vane junctions. Time-resolved particle image velocimetry (TR-PIV) measurements were performed to collect three-component velocity data downstream of the vane pack geometries. As the vanes contained blunt trailing edges, large-scale periodic structures (von Kármán vortices) dominated the unsteady wakes. Two post-processing methods, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) and Dynamic Mode Decomposition (DMD), were employed to extract the wake energy or enstrophy content, corresponding spatial modes, and associated frequencies. This was completed for various parameters such as Reynolds number, vane turning angle, and vane trailing edge thickness. Spatial POD analyses showed that zero-turning vanes contained similar dynamics to that of a circular cylinder, and the total wake energy distributions were affected by freestream velocity. A spectral POD analysis in the wake of vane junctions found that the junction flow contained significant coherent content, and gave some insight into the mean flow. Lastly, vane parameters such as turning angle and TE thickness were found to play a large role in modifying the enstrophy content of the large-scale shedding modes.
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Reports on the topic "Poet vates"


Todd, B. J. Benthic habitat of the Gulf of Maine: The legacy of Mesozoic to Cenozoic geological history. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.

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Une série de vignettes illustre et décrit une série d'habitats benthiques dans le golfe du Maine. Les habitats benthiques actuels sont l'héritage de l'histoire géologique de la région de l'ère mésozoïque (il y a 252 à 66 millions d'années) à l'ère cénozoïque (il y a 66 millions d'années à aujourd'hui). La plate-forme de marge continentale peu profonde abritant le golfe du Maine s'est formée lors de l'ouverture de l'océan Atlantique Nord par le rifting des plaques nord-américaine et africaine au niveau d'un centre d'expansion au cours de l'ère mésozoïque. Des roches sédimentaires non marines et marines se sont déposées sur la nouvelle marge continentale. Au cours de l'ère cénozoïque, une série de transgressions et de régressions du niveau de la mer, associées à de multiples avancées et retraits des calottes glaciaires continentales nord-américaines, se sont accompagnées de dépôts et d'érosions de sédiments et de substrat rocheux sous-jacent. Certains de ces événements d’érosion ont été profonds et se reflètent aujourd’hui dans la géomorphologie à grande échelle de la région. Au cours du dernier maximum glaciaire (il y a environ 24 à 20 14 000 ans) de l'époque du Pléistocène (il y a 2,58 millions à 11 700 ans), la marge sud-est de l'inlandsis laurentidien (LIS) occupait le golfe du Maine. La cartographie de la géomorphologie sous-marine fournit la preuve qu'un courant de glace marine à écoulement rapide occupait le golfe. La LIS s'est retirée vers le nord par étapes. Des sédiments superficiels se sont déposés dans le golfe pendant et après la glaciation. La géomorphologie glaciaire en vue en plan est interprétée à partir de la bathymétrie sonar multifaisceaux haute résolution définie dans des données bathymétriques à l'échelle régionale. L'interprétation des profils de sismique réflexion fournit la structure transversale des caractéristiques glaciaires et les modèles de sédimentation dans le golfe du Maine. Les bassins du golfe présentent des dépôts épais (des dizaines de mètres) de sédiments glaciaires et post-glaciaires à grains fins. Les crêtes séparant les bassins sont dominées par des dépôts à grains filants (till) et ces crêtes constituent une série de moraines de récession majeures. Au cours de l'époque de l'Holocène (il y a 11,7 mille ans jusqu'à aujourd'hui), l'interaction de l'élévation du niveau de la mer avec le rebond post-glaciaire de la croûte a entraîné une exposition subaérienne, pendant un certain temps, des bancs Georges et Browns, limitant ainsi le golfe du Maine de l'Atlantique. Océan. L'interprétation de la bathymétrie du sonar multifaisceau met en évidence une érosion fluviale sur les berges durant cette période. Les inondations ultérieures se sont accompagnées du développement de vastes champs de vagues de sable formés sous le régime actuel des courants.
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