Academic literature on the topic 'Poet vates'
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Journal articles on the topic "Poet vates"
Catellani-Dufrêne, Nathalie. "“Sed vatem canimus vates”. Le supplice de Thomas More dans les Funera de Jean Second." Moreana 48 (Number 185-, no. 3-4 (December 2011): 47–68.
Full textBorowski, Andrzej. "Pius Vates." Tematy i Konteksty specjalny 1(2020) (2020): 63–73.
Full textHarrison, S. J. "Deflating the Odes: Horace, Epistles 1.20." Classical Quarterly 38, no. 2 (December 1988): 473–76.
Full textNielsen, Rosemary M., and Robert H. Solomon. "Rescuing Horace, Pyrrha and Aphra Behn: A Directive." Ramus 22, no. 1 (1993): 60–77.
Full textKellner, Beate. "Apologie der deutschen Sprache und Dichtkunst in Johann Fischarts Geschichtklitterung." Daphnis 49, no. 3 (July 14, 2021): 379–415.
Full textRobert, Jörg. "Poetic Physics (Poetische Naturwissenschaft)." Daphnis 46, no. 1-2 (March 15, 2018): 188–214.
Full textKõvamees, Anneli. "Constructing a Text, Creating an Image: The Case of Johannes Barbarus." Interlitteraria 23, no. 1 (August 5, 2018): 33–47.
Full textSansom, Stephen A. "Typhonic Voices." Mnemosyne 73, no. 4 (December 26, 2019): 609–32.
Full textSegall, Kreg. "The Tree and the Chaplet: Wanting the Laurel in Skelton’s The Laurel." Explorations in Renaissance Culture 42, no. 2 (November 29, 2016): 124–64.
Full textBobay, Orsolya. "Az archaikus költészet szerepe Ioachimus Vadianus költészetelméletében." Antikvitás & Reneszánsz, no. 2 (January 1, 2018): 167–78.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Poet vates"
Sierra, Sophie. "Οppοsitiοn et cοnciliatiοn dans les "Ηymnes" de Rοnsard." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.
Full textFrom 1549 to 1584, Ronsard wrote hymns of great formal and thematic variety. The poet develops mythological or allegorical narratives, evokes contemporary wars, composes panegyrics, all the while maintaining the posture of an orator attempting to restore the links between humanity and divinity. This simple observation may justify thinking about hymns in terms of the notional couple “opposition and conciliation”. Our study, based on narratological, stylistic and rhetorical analyses, aims to understand how the poetics of conflict helps to account for Ronsard's conception of the universe, and more specifically the place he accords to poetic activity in apprehending the mysteries of humanity's relationship with the divine. We begin by following a thematic thread that gradually leads to a reflection on philosophi-cal discourse, pragmatics and the metapoetic dimension of hymns. This path leads us to assess whether this poetics of conflict can constitute a defining feature of the genre within the disparate corpus of Ronsardian hymns. First, we examine the representation of the tensions that provide the base of a universe founded on concordia discors. This highlights the mys-tery of a harmonious cosmos, in spite of the contradictory forces that animate it and could bring its destruction about. Force or violence, but also speech and art, seem to be able of maintaining order. We then study the far more ambivalent evocations of earthly conflicts. They may reveal the qualities of the combatants, but are also deeply akin to “Discord”, the disorder that undermines cosmic harmony. The power struggles on earth reveal the funda-mental imperfection of a humanity in which matter and spirit are seemingly opposite. The third part reflects on the pragmatics of the hymn, which aims to obtain beneficial divine actions in return for the utterance of the poem. Accordingly, the poet's confidence in the spoken word is underlined by the choice of the hymnal genre. He incidentally grants himself the role of an essential intermediary between humanity and divinity. Indeed, the prayers seek to protect the recipients from all manner of evils that make man feel in his body the struggle between flesh and spirit, i.e., in a Christian perspective influenced by Neoplato-nism, the tension between the temptation to fall into matter and the elevation to the divine. The fourth part continues the reflection on the representation of the opposition between spirit and matter: this antagonism is reflected in mythological tales featuring characters placed in an intermediary position between earth and sky, who have the audacity to try to bridge this gap. The investigations around the conciliatory power of speech are central to these tales, which also seem to point to Aristotelianism as a means of resolving the intrinsically human tension between matter and spirit. The poet can be considered as one of these daring characters. Therefore, it seems legitimate to seek in the poetics of the hymns the trace of a reflection on the possibility, for the hymnographer, of self-fulfillment in the Aristotelian sense. Can Ronsard “invent”, in the rhetorical sense of the term, that all-powerful language capable of communicating with the divine? We attempt to answer this question in the final section. In particular, we study enunciation in order to define how the pieces in our corpus could be a trace of the quest for a voice capable of words that reconcile man with the divine
Claassen, Jo-Marie. "Poeta, exsul, vates : a stylistic and literary analysis of Ovid's Tristia and Epistulae ex Ponto /." Online version, 1986.
Full textAraújo, Valmir Freitas de. "Memória da imigração síria e libanesa nos vales dos rios Acre e Purus - 1900-1975." Universidade de São Paulo, 2015.
Full textThis research analyses the presence of the Syrian and Lebanese immigrants in Acre (Brazil), from two different perspectives. In first perspective, we start from the analysis of two descendants of the second generation of immigrants reminiscent memories, whose narratives recount the life trajectory of their parents, describing strategies and the social arrangements needed to mingle, settle and integrate into the welcoming society. The narratives demonstrate the intertwining between the idealized discourse on the memory of their ancestors with the life story of the own narrators. In the second approach, we research judicial sources elements that demonstrate the interaction of immigrants as a group with the local society. To this end, we examined post mortem procedures to understand the profile of immigrants in Acre: how they lived; if they were married or single; which were their jobs; how they interacted internally and with the local society; how they died; what equity they could form over the life; who was benefited with inheritances. In the Police Investigations and Criminal Prosecutions, we analyze the interaction between Syrian and Lebanese men with Brazilian women, and how impactful delicts (rape, deflowering and beatings) practiced by these immigrants against local women were regarded by society and by the Government.
Jones, Richard Oliver. "Cellular innate immune responses to lung resection via video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) and thoracotomy : predictors of post-operative pneumonia." Thesis, University of Edinburgh, 2013.
Full textHamani, Vincent. "Vers une meilleure compréhension des écosystèmes portuaires : interactions entre les organismes filtreurs et leur environnement." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2022.
Full textThe hyper-anthropization, particularly along our coasts, has profoundly modified the environment. New structures, such as harbors, emerging, forming “true” ecosystems. Among the multitude of species inhabiting the port, one group seems particularly interesting to study: the filter feeders (bivalves and tunicat). These organisms have a strong interaction with the port environment due to their behaviour. Indeed, by remaining anchored to the structures, they are constantly subjected to the environmental factors that characterize the port and their feeding behavior, the filtration, leads them to be in contact with a large quantity of water and therefore with the elements that are in it. The objective of this thesis is to study this particular socio-ecosystem that is the port environment through this key group: the filter feeders. Through a multidisciplinary approach, this work, has allowed :-to study and map the communities of filter feeders present in the marina of La Rochelle; showing the complexity of their community and the fact that they are impacted by anthropogenic and hydrosedimentary factors.-to analyze the effect of two common contaminants in the port environment, copper and zinc, on the metabolism of a model filter-feeder organism : the scallop (Mimachlamys varia); and to show that they impacted several metabolic pathways involved in numerous biological functions, such as osmoregulation, oxidative stress, energetic metabolism, reproduction and apoptosis.- to highlight the fact that filter feeders are involved in the composition of the mud by remobilizing the sediments present in the water column and by modifying their physico-chemical properties; and that is species dependent and is strongly modulated by environmental conditions such as the level of organic matter.- to develop several innovative sampling and analysis methods needed to understand this particular environment
Books on the topic "Poet vates"
Maldonado, José. José Maldonado, "el vate": Poeta del amor. [Mexico]: Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Delegación en Nayarit, 1995.
Find full textWescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War. Atlanta, Ga: Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1986.
Find full textWescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War. Atlanta, Ga: Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, 1986.
Find full textSchmidbauer, Wolfgang. "Ich wusste nie, was mit Vater ist": Das Trauma des Krieges. Reinbek bei Hamburg: Rowohlt, 1998.
Find full textNola, Gerardo Di. Tommaso Campanella, il nuovo Prometeo: Da poeta-vate-profeta a restauratore della politica e del diritto. Bologna: Edizioni Studio Domenicano, 1993.
Find full textWescoat, Bonna D. Poets & heroes: Scenes of the Trojan War : [exhibition] November 8, 1986-February 28, 1987, Emory University Museum of Art and Archaeology, Michael C. Carlos Hall, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia. Atlanta, Georgia: The University, 1986.
Find full textFitzGerald, Brian. Introduction. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textCuadernos De UN Vate Vago/Notebook of a Wandering Poet. Aims Intl Books Corp, 1989.
Find full textLarson, Stephanie. Meddling with Myth in Thebes. Oxford University Press, 2017.
Full textPiqueux, Alexa. The Comic Body in Ancient Greek Theatre and Art, 440-320 BCE. Oxford University PressOxford, 2022.
Full textBook chapters on the topic "Poet vates"
Blake, Hugo. "«Quel maestro che fa vasi in Antigniano»: un ceramista al servizio di Cosimo I." In Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca, 103–12. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2024.
Full textIngleheart, Jennifer. "Vates Lesbia." In Roman Receptions of Sappho, 205–26. Oxford University Press, 2019.
Full textGriffiths, Jane. "Titular Identity: orator regius, poet laureate, and vates." In John Skelton and Poetic Authority, 18–37. Oxford University Press, 2006.
Full textMacleod, C. W. "Propertius 4,1." In Collected Essays, 202–14. Oxford University PressOxford, 1996.
Full textAbad Del Vecchio, Julene. "Vatic Authority and Poetics." In The Dark Side of Statius' Achilleid, 176–218. Oxford University PressOxford, 2024.
Full textReverand Ii, Cedric D. "The Final ‘Memorial of my Own Principles’: Dryden’s Alter Egos in his Later Career." In John Dryden, 282–307. Oxford University PressOxford, 2000.
Full textCalvert, Ian. "Desired Futures: Sidney Godolphin and Edmund Waller." In Virgil's English Translators, 1–25. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.
Full textSchmitz-Emans, Monika. "9. Entwürfe und Revisionen der Dichterinstanz – poeta vates, poeta imitator, poeta creator." In Handbuch Sprache in der Literatur, edited by Anne Betten, Ulla Fix, and Berbeli Wanning. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2017.
Full textBatihan, Güntuğ, and Kenan Can Ceylan. "The Role of Minimally Invasive Surgery in the Treatment of Lung Cancer." In Lung Cancer - Modern Multidisciplinary Management. IntechOpen, 2021.
Full text"20. Scenes from Attic Tragedy on Vases found in Sicily and Lipari." In Painter and Poet in Ancient Greece, 361–70. B. G. Teubner, 1997.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Poet vates"
Koryllos, A., N. Kosse, and E. Stoelben. "single-PORT-non stapled VATS Lobektomie und Segmentektomie." In 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2017.
Full textBERRIER, BOBBY, and MARY MASON. "Static investigation of post-exit vanes for multiaxis thrust vectoring." In 23rd Joint Propulsion Conference. Reston, Virigina: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1987.
Full textNicholson, Thomas, Ben Probyn, Samantha Scott, Cyrus Daneshvar, and Adrian Marchbank. "The risk of surgical emphysema post VATS pleural biopsy and IPC." In ERS International Congress 2019 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2019.
Full textHuang, Yuan Mao, and Chien Liang Li. "Analysis of Forces Acting on Compressor Sliding Vanes." In ASME 2002 Internal Combustion Engine Division Spring Technical Conference. ASMEDC, 2002.
Full textKoryllos, A., N. Kosse, AP Lopez, and E. Stoelben. "(Uniportal) Single-PORT VATS Sleeve Resektionen bei NSCLC. Eine monozentrische 3-jährige Analyse." In 27. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2018.
Full textDeveaux, H. K., and S. Krow. "Post-Operative Outcomes of ARDS after VATS: The Seismic Shift in ARDS Clinical Practice Guidelines." In American Thoracic Society 2024 International Conference, May 17-22, 2024 - San Diego, CA. American Thoracic Society, 2024.
Full textRedwan, B., C. Biancosino, G. Wöbker, F. Giebel, R. Zanner, and S. Bölükbas. "Perioperativer Einsatz der single-site veno-venösen extrakorporalen CO2-Eliminierung (ECCO2R) während single-port VATS Riesenbullaresektion." In 26. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Thoraxchirurgie. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 2017.
Full textZhu, Honggeng, Rentian Zhang, Bin Xi, and Dapeng Hu. "Internal Flow Mechanism of Axial-Flow Pump With Adjustable Guide Vanes." In ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textCaldwell, Alexa, Christopher Durkin, Travis Schisler, and Anna McGuire. "EP181 Quality of post-operative analgesia of paravertebral blocks vs thoracic epidurals in patients undergoing vats lobectomies." In ESRA Abstracts, 41st Annual ESRA Congress, 4–7th September 2024, A185—A187. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd, 2024.
Full textHayden, Andrew P., John Gillespie, Cole Hefner, Todd Lowe, and Alexandrina Untaroiu. "Wake Dynamics of Complex Turning Vanes Using Time-Resolved Particle Image Velocimetry Measurements." In ASME 2023 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2023.
Full textReports on the topic "Poet vates"
Todd, B. J. Benthic habitat of the Gulf of Maine: The legacy of Mesozoic to Cenozoic geological history. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2024.
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