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Journal articles on the topic "Poésie – Histoire – 13e siècle"
Heirbaut, D. "Histoire du droit savant (13e–18e siècle), Doctrines et vulgarisation par incunables." Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis / Revue d'Histoire du Droit / The Legal History Review 75, no. 1 (2007): 96–97.
Full textSuter, Patrick. "Une histoire dialectique de la poésie française du xixe siècle." Critique 737, no. 10 (2008): 770.
Full textCréac’h, Martine. "Le détour par la peinture. Écrire la catastrophe." III. Arts, no. 125-126 (November 12, 2021): 189–201.
Full textWesener, Gunter. "Feenstra, Robert, Histoire du droit savant (13e–18e siècle). Doctrines et vulgarisation par incunables." Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung für Rechtsgeschichte: Germanistische Abteilung 124, no. 1 (August 1, 2007): 402–4.
Full textFuchs Godec, Kim. "Le tourbillon des sentiments amoureux dans la poésie de Marceline Desbordes-Valmore ou la poétisation d’une histoire amoureuse." Journal for Foreign Languages 12, no. 1 (December 28, 2020): 261–76.
Full textGouvard, Jean-Michel. "Le Vers de Pierre Larousse Contribution à une histoire des discours sur la poésie au XIXe siècle." Romantisme 146, no. 4 (2009): 57.
Full textEagleson, Hannah. "The Texture of Time." Renaissance and Reformation 32, no. 2 (April 1, 2009): 73–103.
Full textNdiaye, Christiane. "Le dépassement de la discrimination des formes : métissages intertextuels et transculturels chez Pineau, Sow Fall et Mokeddem." Tangence, no. 75 (April 20, 2005): 107–22.
Full textKahn, Andrew. "« Блаженство не в лучах Порфира » : histoire et fonction de la tranquillité (spokojstvie) dans la pensée et la poésie russes du XVIIIe siècle, de Kantemir au sentimentalisme." Revue des études slaves 74, no. 4 (2002): 669–88.
Full textGuerrero, Gustavo. "Transmédialité et champ poétique: une excursion en Amérique latine." Théories du lyrique: Une anthologie de la critique mondiale de la poésie, October 20, 2020.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Poésie – Histoire – 13e siècle"
Lubello, Sergio. "Pour une nouvelle édition des poètes siculo-toscans : recueil de 41 textes poètiques du XIIIe siècle." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2003.
Full textThe Siculo-Tuscan poets, imitators of the Sicilian poets who lived at the court of Frederic II, do not constitute a school in the modern sense of the word : the definition of Siculo-Tuscan has not only a geographic connotation, but, first of all, it indicates a chronological distinction from the Sicilian poets tout-court. In most cases we have to do with an amount of experiments which mainly follow the canons of the Sicilians and represent a crucial moment for the formation of Italian literary language. The publication of the Clpio (Concordanze della lingua italiana delle origini 1992) invites to reflect upon editorial criteria and upon the necessity of commenting on texts which remain unexplained up to now (Panvini edition 1962-64). In order to fill this gap, we proposed ourselves to make a commented edition of a significant choice of the Siculo-Tuscan, especially Florentine poets (20 sonnets, 1 double sonnet, 19 canzoni ; the order of the texts respects the last edition). .
Robin, Anne. "La poésie rusticale du XIIIe au XVe siècle." Paris 3, 1996.
Full textWhen studying rusticale poetry, the principal problem faced is that of language. The latter almost never aims at representing the peasant's world but it designed to create a comical effect, although some aspects of reality, often satirically targeted at the peasant and sometimes the political power, emerge from the texts : moreover this language can be used to parody the topoi of elevated litterature, particularly lyrical poetry. In this case, rusticale poetry can be considered as a variation of the giocoso genre
Zamuner, Candiani Ilaria. "Pour une histoire du rondeau (XIIIe-XIVe s. ). Étude du genre, répertoire des auteurs et des textes, et bref panorama de la réception." Poitiers, 2011.
Full textUnder the structural profile, the rondeau revolves around a refrain, consisting of two or more lines «qui en est le cellule de base, soit comme élément intégré, soit comme élément générateur» (Bec). Although it may be considered one of the most lyrical genres practiced by the French poets, the rondeau, especially that of the thirteenth century, has not enjoyed special attention from experts and several studies (even recent) stopped on purely musical matters, or on the problems concerning the realization refrains in and at the end of rondeaux. It was therefore up consideration of the texts of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, choosing as its starting point the earliest examples attested in French, that is to say the rondeaux embedded in the Guillaume de Dole by Jean Renart, and as end point (especially for comparison) the rondeaux compounded probably around 1340 and transcribed in the idiographic manuscript Paris, BnF, fr. 1586 (= MachC) by Guillaume de Machaut, author which marks an important step in the process of the gender until now. In the second part of the thesis, we analyzed two moments in the history of the rondeau between the thirteenth and early fifteenth century: the Occitan experience of anonymous baladas and that one of Christine de Pizan. The intention is not to highlight two experiences in particular, but rather to offer, through two significant examples, ideas for new thinking especially under the methodological point of view
Macé, Stéphane. "La pastorale dans la poésie française de l'âge baroque." Paris 4, 1999.
Full textViana, Antonio Fernando Paiva. "La poésie romantique brésilienne et les modèles français." Paris 3, 1994.
Full textThis thesis presents the french romantic models in the brasilian romantic poetry. The poets studied have been chosen following the criteria of manuel bandeira in his "antologia dos poetas brasileiros da fase romantica". Goncalves de magalhaes, goncalves dias, alvares de azevedo, junqueira freire, casimiro de abreu, fagondes valera and castro alves are studied. The fisrt part sutdies the influence of the french romantism on brasilian poetry, the importance of the french revolution in brasil and the presence of the historical and litterary myths. The second part is dedicated to the first romantic mouvements in brasil : the "official", the "indianism", the "egotism", the "nationalism", and the "saudosismo" periods, the transition period and the social dynamism, inspered by victor hugo. In the third part a link is established between romantism, modernism, and the "modernromantic" poetry of manuel bandeira
Segas, Lise. "Le cycle des pirates dans la poésie épique hispano-américaine (1585-1615)." Bordeaux 3, 2011.
Full textThis thesis analyses the American pirate character in epic poems composed in Spanish America and Spain at the turn of the 17th century. It reflects upon the choice of the Italianate literary epic poetry genre, whose apogee is situated in the Renaissance, to narrate the stories of the privateers and pirates’attacks against Spanish-American cities. In order to understand the success in epic poetry of this subversive historical character who challenged the Spanish domination in America, I started by investigating the pirate character’s literary fortune and by questioning the epic genre. With the decline of the Spanish empire, the Protestant States’ increase in power produced different reactions in Spanish America and in the Iberian Peninsula. Indeed, while Lope de Vega wrote a patriotic epic poem, “La Dragontea”, the Spanish American versions of the facts distanced themselves from Spain (Juan de Castellanos, Silvestre de Balboa, Juan de Miramontes, Mateo Rosas de Oquendo’s epic poems) : abandoned by the crown, these Spanish American poets had to face up to an aggressive enemy and a stranger who questioned the legitimacy of the Spanish rule in the New World and through whose contact the political and social crisis that the colonial society was suffering got intensified. Their critical ironic or parodic reactions towards central power and colonial authorities were expressed through epic poetry, which reveals at the same time the poetic and politic import of these epic poems
Husain, Suzan. "Le drame historique chez les poètes anglais et français à l'époque romantique et post-romantique : : modèles narratifs et structures imaginaires." Tours, 2001.
Full textMantero, Anne. "La muse théologienne : poésie et théologie en France de 1629 à 1680." Paris 4, 1991.
Full textThis study turns its attention to the poems of doctrinal inspiration in the field of the French religious poetry of the 17th century, raising the question of the relationship between poetry and conceptual language. Here indeed theology is understood in the narrowest sense of the scientific dogma. Close analysis of the texts demonstrates it varies between a set of truths to be taught and the learning shared by both the poet and the reader, present in the verse expressed through allusion. First, the didactic works are considered for their coherence and their limits. Next, the point is to show how doctrinal considerations have aroused poetics seeming relatively original, once the teaching objective has been set aside. The attention paid to the function reserved to doctrinal terms allows to define the otherness that relates poem and theology. The metaphors and structure - of the sentence as well as the discourse - point out how theological problematics act upon the problematics of poetry
Ababou, Farid. "La poésie orale marocaine : 1-Qaṣīdat al-Malḥūn al-ṯāmī-al-Mdaǧrī (m. 1273/1856) : son époque, sa vie et son oeuvre." Aix-Marseille 1, 1994.
Full textJeney, Zoltán. "Les racines reniées des poétiques de la Renaissance." Paris 3, 2003.
Full textThe thesis intends to analyse the poetry of a critical period of the French literature. The appearing of a group of poets, the Pléiade, marks the Renaissance poetry. They had launched a literary revolution with the idea to reform poetic language, forms and images. Pléiade's program rejects medieval French poets' imitation, because Ronsard and his friends look upon them as barbarians, and prefer follow in the footsteps of ancient Latins and Greeks or imitate the Italian Renaissance. The thesis tries to discover the repudiated roots of Renaissance poetics, that is to say their medieval sources. The different levels of poetical texts (poetic forms, words, figures) will be examined one by one in order to point out the signs of continuity between the two periods. The thesis describes an unknown side of the French Renaissance poets' inspiration
Books on the topic "Poésie – Histoire – 13e siècle"
Rincé, Dominique. La poésie française du XIXe siècle. 3rd ed. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 1995.
Find full textDuteil, Jean-Pierre. L' Europe à la découverte du monde du 13e au 17e siècle. Paris: Colin, 2003.
Find full textPoésie, musique et société: L'air de cour en France au XVIIe siècle. Sprimont: Mardaga, 2006.
Find full textCorinne, Duvoisin, ed. Histoire de la poésie amoureuse allemande: Du XIIe au XXe siècle : édition bilingue allemand-français. Villeneuve-d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2011.
Find full textParadis, Claude. Ouvrir une porte: Sur dix grandes œuvres de la poésie québécoise du XXe siècle. Montréal: Éditions du Noroît, 2015.
Find full textLy, Nadine. La poésie castillane de la fin du Moyen Age au début du Siècle d'Or. Paris: Ed. Messene, 1998.
Find full textBrochu, André. Tableau du poème: La poésie québécoise des années quatre-vingt. Montréal: XYZ, 1994.
Find full textBayard, Caroline. The new poetics in Canada and Quebec: From concretism to post-modernism. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1989.
Find full textReading public romanticism. Princeton, N.J: Princeton University Press, 1998.
Find full textSabatier, Robert. Histoire de la poésie française, volume 2 : La Poésie du XVIe siècle. Albin Michel, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Poésie – Histoire – 13e siècle"
Sabourin, Lise. "Poésie et illustration : histoire littéraire et histoire des arts." In L'histoire littéraire à l'aube du XXIe siècle : Controverses et consensus, 619. Presses Universitaires de France, 2005.
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