Academic literature on the topic 'Platforme virtuelle'
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Journal articles on the topic "Platforme virtuelle"
Piñate, Aracelys. "La formación docente en el uso de las plataformas virtuales educativas en la UPEL-IPC desde la Teoría de la Acción." GACETA DE PEDAGOGÍA, no. 37 (December 1, 2018): 225–40.
Full textBACHA, Youcef, and Hakim MENGUELLAT. "L’apport du e-learning dans l’amélioration de la performance rédactionnelle : cas de la plateforme Moodle." ALTRALANG Journal 2, no. 01 (July 31, 2020): 24–41.
Full textNkunku, Péguy, Alain Pesage, and Magloire Mpembi. "Accès aux technologies digitales pour le traitement ou la gestion thérapeutique des troubles anxieux et dépressifs en Afrique : Une revue systématique de la littérature." Annales Africaines de Medecine 16, no. 3 (June 22, 2023): 5223–38.
Full textBlomgren, Constance, and Serena Henderson. "Addressing the K-12 Open Educational Resources Awareness Niche: A Virtual Conference Response." Alberta Journal of Educational Research 67, no. 1 (March 3, 2021): 68–82.
Full textBracht, U., and W. Hinrichs-Stark. "Kollaboration in logistischen Lieferketten*/Collaboration in logistics supply chains – Mobile logistics management with social media." wt Werkstattstechnik online 105, no. 11-12 (2015): 849–55.
Full textTinsel, Erik-Felix, Shan Fur, Oliver Riedel, and Armin Lechler. "Durchgängigkeit von Steuerungstests/Conception of a continuous simulation-based control test platform." wt Werkstattstechnik online 110, no. 05 (2020): 277–81.
Full textDanji, David. "PRIMENA PROŠIRENE STVARNOSTI ZA UREĐIVANJE ENTERIJERA NA ANDROID MOBILNIM UREĐAJIMA." Zbornik radova Fakulteta tehničkih nauka u Novom Sadu 36, no. 04 (April 4, 2021): 725–28.
Full textMühlich, C., K. Lindow, J. Polte, and E. Uhlmann. "Flexible Automatisierung mit Virtuellen Agenten/Flexible Automation with Virtual Agents." wt Werkstattstechnik online 112, no. 07-08 (2022): 476–80.
Full textMartínez Galván, Jorge Antonio. "«Cumplir, aunque sea de manera diferente»: Expresiones de la devoción en la celebración digital del Señor de Gracias en Tepexpan, Estado de México / «Fulfill, even if in a different way»: Expressions of devotion in the digital celebration of the Lord of Graces in Tepexpan, State of Mexico." Revista Trace, no. 83 (January 31, 2023): 113.
Full textTanasijević, Milena, and Nataša Janković. "The new virtual reality: Teachers' and students' perceptions and experience in English language learning and teaching online." Inovacije u nastavi 34, no. 4 (2021): 167–86.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Platforme virtuelle"
Forcioli, Quentin. "Modeling of micro-architecture for security with gem5." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Institut polytechnique de Paris, 2024.
Full textEmbedded systems are the target of a wide variety of attacks, both software and hardware level. Microarchitectural attacks are particularly difficult to study. By taking advantage of the specific behaviors of systems-on-achip, these attacks enable an attacker to take control of a system or protected resources, bypassing process isolation mechanisms. These attacks can target all element in an SoC: CPU, caches, memory, accelerators (FPGA, GPU), interfaces, etc. The Trusted Execution Environment (TEE), key element of SoC security and involved in securing banking applications, is also the target of micro-architectural attacks. In this thesis, I adopt a simulation-based approach to security: through a virtual platform based on gem5, I reproduce and study micro-architectural attacks against TEEs. To achieve this, I improved gem5’s support for TEEs, allowing the use of an open-source TEE (OP-TEE) I also augmented the GDB debugger present in gem5 to allow the study of attack scenarios, leveraging the simulator environment. With this interface, I created TEE-Time, a tool to analyze cache-timing weaknesses. Thanks to TEE-Time, I found vulnerabilities in standard RSA implementations in OP-TEE, I validated this vulnerabilities with cache timing attacks simulated using my virtual platform. To further validate these attacks on a real system, I developed a virtual platform reproducing the RockPi4 board. To simulate the Rockchip RK3399 SoC on the RockPi4, I developed PyDevices fast-prototyping tools for system devices using gem5’s Python interface. Through cache timing simulation, I discovered that the RK3399 uses AutoLock, an ARM-specific cache protocol. Compiling AutoLock into gem5, I ran my attack scenario targeting OP-TEE’s RSA implementation on the RK3399 simulation. By executing this same attack without any modification on a RockPi4, I managed to leak an average of 30% of the RSA key bits, thus making the link between cache attacks and their exploitation in a real system
Neumann, Detlef, Gunter Teichmann, Frank Wehner, and Martin Engelien. "VU-Grid – Integrationsplattform für Virtuelle Unternehmen." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2014.
Full textNeumann, Detlef, Gunter Teichmann, Frank Wehner, and Martin Engelien. "VU-Grid – Integrationsplattform für Virtuelle Unternehmen." Technische Universität Dresden, 2005.
Full textSteyn, Nico. "Virtual reality platform model and design in an enabled environment." Versailles-St Quentin en Yvelines, 2013.
Full textThis research concerns the development of a virtual reality platform for a differential drive mobility aid in manual or electric wheelchairs with multipurpose usage in an enabled environment. The platform for the mobility aid is stationary, with pitch and roll actuated actions for possible different uses such as: manual or electric wheelchair driving simulations, wheelchair training, assistive technology research, architectural route planning and accessibility evaluation. By means of the platform, the differential drive mobility aid, is greatly able to assist inexperienced users in this method of mobility training. The use of the developed mobility simulation platform is additionally of benefit to disabled wheeled mobility users in need of occupational therapist training and evaluation. The investigation into the mobility factor will moreover be of further benefit in the area of the ergonomic designs of architectural structures for wheelchair-bound users. The platform is a mechatronic design with both mechanical and electrical properties. The mechanical components consist of drums, driven by the wheelchair and its user when placed on the platform, where acquired data of the rotation of the wheelchair’s wheels are of importance. The platform is connected to actuators for simulating angular movements of the wheelchair approaching an inclining or declining given path. The simulator necessarily maps intended motion by an electric wheelchair user into the virtual world, taking into consideration influences such as collisions, gradient changes and different surface properties. Audio, motion and force feedback produced on the virtual mobility simulator give the users a sensory stimulus input with regard to sound, movement and balance. Ultimately, the design forms a unity, comprising a mechanical platform, the wheelchair and the enabled user, with the relevant kinematics and dynamics controlled in a simulated virtual reality environment
Sperl, Alexander. "Wissensvermittlung in allen drei Phasen der Lehrerbildung - Das Virtuelle Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (VZL)." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2011.
Full textRoth, Alexander, and Thorsten Hampel. "Konfigurierbare Softwarekomponenten zur Unterstützung dynamischer Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen für virtuelle Gemeinschaften." Saechsische Landesbibliothek- Staats- und Universitaetsbibliothek Dresden, 2014.
Full textRoth, Alexander, and Thorsten Hampel. "Konfigurierbare Softwarekomponenten zur Unterstützung dynamischer Lern- und Arbeitsumgebungen für virtuelle Gemeinschaften." Technische Universität Dresden, 2005.
Full textDelbergue, Guillaume. "Advances in SystemC/TLM virtual platforms : configuration, communication and parallelism." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2017.
Full textThe market for Internet Of Things (IOT) is on the rise. It is predicted to continue to grow at a sustained pace in the coming years. Connected objects are composed of dedicated electronic components, processors and software. The design of such systems is today a challenge from an industrial point of view. This challenge is reinforced by market competition and time tomarket that directly impact the success of a system. In a current design process involvesthe development of a specification. Initially, the team in charge of hardware development beginsto design the system. Second, the application part can be done by software developers. Oncethe first hardware prototype is available, the software team can then integrate their part and try tovalidate the functionality. This step may reveal defects in the software but also in the hardware architecture. Unfortunately, the discovery of these errors occurs far too late in the design process,could impacts the marketing of the system and potentially its success. In order to ensure that the hardware and software designs will work together as early as possible, methodologies based onthe SystemC / Transaction Level Modeling (TLM) standard have been widely adopted. They involvethe modelling and simulation of the proposed hardware architectures. During the initial phasesof a product’s design, they enable the software and hardware team to share a virtual version ofthe (future) system. This virtual version is more commonly referred to as a virtual platform. It facilitates early software development, test and validation; reduces material cost by limiting the number of prototypes; saves time and money by reducing risks. However, connected objects are increasingly incorporating hardware and software features. As the requirements have evolved, theSystemC / TLM simulation standard no longer meets all expectations. It includes aspects related to the simulation of systems composed of many functionality, disparate communication protocolsbut also complex and time consuming models during the simulation. Some works have already been carried out on these subjects. However, as the number of components increases, all formsof interoperability of models and tools become increasingly difficult to handle. Moreover, mostof the research has resulted in solutions that are not inter-operable and can not reuse existingmodels. To solve these problems, this thesis proposes a solution for configuring SystemC / TLMmodels. It is now part of the standard Configuration, Control and Inspection (CCI). In a secondstep, the modeling of high-level abstraction communication protocols (TLM Loosely Timed (LT)and Approximately Timed (AT)) has been studied, as it relates to non-bus protocols. An evolution of the standard to improve support, interoperability and reuse is also proposed. In a third step,a change of the SystemC standard and more precisely of the behavior of the simulation kernelhas been studied to support asynchronous events. These open the way to parallelization and distribution of models on different threads / machines. In a fourth step, a solution to integrate Central Processing Units (CPU) models integrated in Quick EMUlator (QEMU), a system emulator/ virtualizer, has been studied. Finally, all these contributions have been applied in the modeling ofa set of objects connected to a gateway
Yang, Ye. "Isolation Mechanisms within the vSwitch of Cloud Computing Platform." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2022.
Full textAs an important component of cloud platform, virtual switch (vSwitch) is responsible for achieving network connectivity between virtual machines (VMs) and external devices. Most existing vSwitches adopt the split design principle, which destroys the isolation between VMs. In vSwitch, different VMs compete for shared resources and unrestricted memory access, making them unable to guarantee stable network quality of service (QoS), while facing the risk of data plane attacks and illegal access to memory. In order to solve these performance, failure and security problems caused by the lack of isolation, the main works and contributions of this thesis are as follows: 1) Network QoS method based on CPU cycle isolation (C2QoS). This approach secures VM network bandwidth by isolating concurrency from CPU resources, and at the same time reduces additional VM network latency caused by concurrency by 80%. 2) Data plane attack defense mechanism based on stream table isolation (D-TSE). D-TSE uses VM as the unit to separate the flow table structure to achieve independent packet classification performance and fault isolation at the cost of 5% additional CPU usage. 3) Virtualized Network I/O (VNIO) mechanism based on Memory Access Isolation (S2H). Based on a secure memory sharing model, S2H provides VM memory isolation and security at the cost of 2-9% increased latency
Joy, Jinju. "Evaluating Temporal Decoupling in a Virtual Platform." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för elektroteknik och datavetenskap (EECS), 2021.
Full textFör att fånga marknaden inom området SoC måste företag lansera sinq produkter före sina konkurrenter. De virtuella plattformarna gör det möjligt att bygga och testa mjukvara innan hårdvaran finns tillgänglig, så hårdvaru- och mjukvaruutvecklingen kan ske parallellt och minska ledtiden. En virtuell plattform används för att utföra snabbare simulering. Den simulerar hårdvarans funktionalitet snarare än att modellera tidsinformation. I SystemC-baserade simulatorer tillåter den löst tidskopplade modellen SystemC-trådarna att köra en förutbestämd tid innan de synkroniseras med andra trådar i systemet. På detta sätt blir trådarna tidsmässigt frikopplade från varandra. Den tid som trådarna kan köra framåt kallas det globala kvantat. Att öka kvantat kan leda till att trådarna exekverar längre och därmed minskar antalet trådbyten. Detta ökar simuleringshastigheten men på bekostnad av noggrannhet. I detta arbete utvärderas effekterna av tidsmässig frikoppling i SystemC-baserade virtuella plattformer genom att simulera tre olika varianter av virtuella plattformar, vardera för två olika ASIC plattformar. Målet är att kontrollera om variationen i den tidsmässiga frikopplingen påverkar prestandan. Det globala kvantumvärdet varieras i steg och data samlas in för det effektiva kvantat. Kvantum-utnyttjandet beräknas sedan för att se hur stor del av det globala kvantat som faktiskt används under en simulering. För att se hur en förändring av det globala kvantat påverkar prestandan mäts också simuleringstiderna för olika kvantum-värden och reduktionen i antalet trådbyten beräknas. Två varianter uppvisade en minskning av antalet trådbyten upp till 96% jämfört med lägsta uppmätta kvantumvärdet och kvantum-utnyttjandet visade sig vara högre för dessa varianter jämfört med den första varianten. Simuleringstiden visade en minskning när det globala kvantat ökades, upp till ett visst värde. Vissa testfall misslyckades vid högre kvantumvärden. Detta visar att globala kvantat kan användas som en noggrannhetsparameter i en simulator, förutsatt att simulatorn har tillräckligt löst kopplade trådar, så att det effektiva kvantat ökar när det globala kvantat ökar.
Books on the topic "Platforme virtuelle"
Ravi, Nair, ed. Virtual machines: Versatile platforms for systems and processes. Amsterdam: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2005.
Find full textWilson-Barnao, Caroline. Digital Access and Museums As Platforms. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textWilson-Barnao, Caroline. Digital Access and Museums As Platforms. Taylor & Francis Group, 2021.
Find full textAdvanced Server Virtualization: VMware and Microsoft Platforms in the Virtual Data Center. AUERBACH, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Platforme virtuelle"
Ćeranić Perišić, Jelena, and Aleksandra Višekruna. "Crkva, digitalne tehnologije i metaverzum – Pledoaje za neophodnost i način pravnog regulisanja –." In Savremeno državno-crkveno pravo : uporednopravni izazovi i nacionalne perspektive, 917–40. Institut za uporedno pravo, 2023.
Full textSoppa, S. Balci, T. Filler, A. "Aufbau einer Functional Engineering Platform (FEP) für den kontinuierlichen Entwicklungsprozess bei Volkswagen – Die FEP für Continuous Integration und Continuous Testing in der virtuellen Fahrzeugent..." In Fahrerassistenzsysteme und automatisiertes Fahren 2018, 265–82. VDI Verlag, 2018.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Platforme virtuelle"
Gavrić, Aleksandar, Nikola Mitrović, Emilija Živanović, Miloš Marjanović, Danijel Danković, Sandra Veljković, Milan Danković, Aleksandar Stanimirović, and Leonid Stoimenov. "Laboratorijske vežbe iz oblasti mikroelektronike uvirtuelnoj realnosti." In LXVIII Конференција ЕТРАН 2024, 297–302. Друштво за ЕТРАН и Академска мисао, 2024.
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