Academic literature on the topic 'Plafond de verre symbolique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Plafond de verre symbolique"
Martin, Géraldine. "L’autre plafond de verre." Gestion 42, no. 1 (2017): 113.
Full textMolénat, Xaxier. "Le plafond de verre résiste." Alternatives Économiques N° 411, no. 4 (April 22, 2021): 66–67.
Full textDebras, Sylvie. "Journalisme et «plafond de verre» : Témoignage." Diplômées 208, no. 1 (2004): 273–75.
Full textHarsch, Ernest. "Une Libérienne brise “le plafond de verre”." Afrique Renouveau 19, no. 4 (January 31, 2006): 4.
Full textLe Bourhis, Eric. "Des carrières sous le plafond de verre." Travail, genre et sociétés 43, no. 1 (2020): 125.
Full textLandrieux-Kartochian, Sophie. "Les organisations face au plafond de verre." Revue française de gestion 33, no. 173 (May 6, 2007): 15–30.
Full textBoukhari, Sanaa. "PLAFOND DE VERRE ET CARRIERE DES AUDITRICES : ENTRE OBSTACLES ET MECANISMES DE DEPASSEMENT." International Journal of Advanced Research 11, no. 02 (February 28, 2023): 138–48.
Full textTittel, Katharina. "Ébrécher le plafond de verre sans le percer." Hommes & migrations, no. 1337 (April 1, 2022): 21–33.
Full textCappellin, Paola. "Plafond, parois de verre ou ciel de plomb ?" Cahiers du Genre 48, no. 1 (2010): 31.
Full textLe Jeunne, Claire. "Plafond de verre et carrière des femmes médecins." La Presse Médicale Formation 2, no. 3 (August 2021): 207–9.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Plafond de verre symbolique"
Foughali, Hana. "L'éclatement du plafond de verre ? Entre maquillage politique et gender patchworking identitaire : visions du monde et vie professionnelle de femmes cadres supérieures et dirigeantes." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université Paris Cité, 2023.
Full textThis thesis examines the persistence of a professional malaise, symptomatic of a "symbolic glass ceiling", over and above the (hierarchical) "glass ceiling", through the worldviews of female senior managers and executives. Through the potential decoupling between the heteronomous experiences of these women and the managerial practices of the three companies observed, this work also analyses the latent reasons for this persistence, as well as the way in which protest against or adaptation to these situations of malaise, experienced by these women, may manifest themselves within the institutions. This thesis examins three hypotheses: bodily experience, cultural dimension, and self-ceiling (self-restraint). Using a phenomenological approach, sometimes with features resembling a praxeological approach, this research combines several types of material and theoretical approaches cultivated by different disciplines. Notwithstanding the egalitarian enthusiasm put forward by the companies analysed, the results show that the companies seem to focus more on improving their public image than to bring about substantial change. The structure has not really changed "political make-up". In fact, it is the women who have adapted, by adhering to the mobilisation of their subjectivity and accepting a mould of "masculine neutrality". Hierarchically they have appropriated power, but symbolically they continue to be subjected to these standards, notably through a process of "empowerment by proxy". Fuelled by a variety of factors, the persistence of a professional malaise traps female senior managers and executives in a double contingency; a capitalist "steel cage" and a patriarchal "invisible corset". In this professional situation, full of constraints and 'patriarchal shaming' as well as authorisations for sexist behaviour, granted by a "misogynist pass", these women find themselves trapped in a firmly established lifestyle, which they have consciously created, and which conforms to the instrumental reason they so desired. They have no choice but to conform, by resorting to "gender patchworking identity". Four worldviews emerge from this adaptation: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe and Cosette
Questa tesi di dottorato esamina la persistenza di un malessere professionale, sintomatico di un "soffitto di vetro simbolico", al di là del "soffitto di vetro" (gerarchico), attraverso le visioni del mondo delle donne senior manager e dirigenti. Attraverso il potenziale disaccoppiamento tra le esperienze eteronome di queste donne e le pratiche manageriali delle tre aziende osservate, questo lavoro analizza anche le ragioni latenti di questa persistenza, nonché il modo in cui la protesta o l'adattamento a queste situazioni di malessere, vissute da queste donne, possono manifestarsi all'interno delle aziende. Tre ipotesi guidano la spiegazione: l'esperienza corporea, la dimensione culturale e l'autosoffitto (l'auto-limitazione). I risultati mostrano che, nonostante l'entusiasmo egualitario introdotto dalle aziende analizzate, questo sembra servire più a migliorare la loro immagine pubblica che a produrre un cambiamento sostanziale. La struttura non ha realmente cambiato "trucco politico", sono le donne che si sono adattate aderendo alla mobilitazione della loro e accettando uno stampo di "neutralità maschile". Si sono appropriate del potere gerarchico, ma simbolicamente continuano a subirlo, attraverso un processo di "empowerment per procura". Alimentata da una serie di fattori, la persistenza di un malessere professionale intrappola le donne dirigenti e manager in una doppia contingenza: la "gabbia d'acciaio" capitalista e il "corsetto invisibile" patriarcale in questa situazione professionale, piena di vincoli e di "shaming patriarcale" e di autorizzazioni a comportamenti sessisti, concessi dalla struttura attraverso un "pass misogino", queste donne si trovano intrappolate in uno stile di vita saldamente stabilito, che hanno consapevolmente creato e che si conforma alla ragione strumentale che hanno desiderato, non hanno altra scelta che adattarsi, ricorrendo al "gender patchworking d'identità". Da questo adattamento emergono quattro visioni del mondo: Caméléon, Ladyboss, Olympe e Cosette
Casini, Annalisa. "Genre et carrière professionnelle: enjeux identitaires et dilemmes normatifs dans le phénomène du "plafond de verre"." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2008.
Full textDoctorat en Sciences Psychologiques et de l'éducation
Naji, Fairouz. "L'égalité professionnelle heurtée au plafond de verre : essai sur une enquête croisée entre la France et le Maroc." Thesis, Paris 13, 2014.
Full textAlmost all over the world and to date, women still face a barrier called “glass ceiling”, impeding their carrier’s progression. An invisible barrier but whose impact on workplace equality is clearly visible. This thesis aims to shed light on the complexity of the glass ceiling phenomenon by identifying the contributing factors which creates it and exploring their interactions. This work, also, seeks to examine gender equality in legislation and gender equality in the workplace, in order to understand the persistence of the glass ceiling. Our analysis is based on an in-depth empirical comparative investigation, of the Moroccan and French contexts. Our results confirm the general idea: the glass ceiling, far from bursting, is covering a field always wider
Landrieux-Kartochian, Sophie. "Plafond de verre et gestion de carrière des femmes cadres : analyse comparée du cas d'une grande entreprise de conseil." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textBentaleb, Doha. "Pratiques ressources humaines et plafond de verre au Maroc : cas des femmes cadres au sein de grandes entreprises privées." Thesis, Toulouse 1, 2011.
Full textCareer theories have been recently enriched by the reading grids dedicated to women who have become key players in business management. Considerable attention is being paid to research work related to organizations worldwide, which have to do with women in business. However, women’s advancement in Management positions is blocked by the so-called glass ceiling phenomenon. The latter’s mechanisms occur at three levels: organizational, individual and social. In order to break through these limits, HR practices are a crucial lever in women's career advancement. In Morocco, the glass ceiling problem is also relevant. Faced with a lack of appropriate institutional rules, in a social context which remains constraining for women, HR practices are playing a key role in breaking the glass ceiling. Some Moroccans companies have been up to the challenge: they are implementing appropriate practices to ensure women’s advancement in hierarchy. By applying qualitative case study methodology, this work aims at analyzing the glass ceilings problems in big private Moroccan’s firms, thus contriving to highlight the characteristics of HR practices implemented by such companies in trying to break the glass ceiling. It also intends to study these practices impact on women’s advancement
Rhalimi, Mohammed Abdessamad. "Carrières des femmes cadres et plafond de verre au Maroc : quelques enseignements à partir du secteur de la grande distribution." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to understand and explain factors and mechanisms at the origin of the glass ceiling that impedes upward mobility of women in the career hierarchy in organizations in Morocco. To investigate this matter, we used the holist GOS (Gender-Organization-System) approach. We adopted a quantitative method based on a survey in the retail sector. Before that, we conducted an exploratory qualitative survey. Our results show that even if women executives are as ambitious as their male counterparts, they tend to temper their ambitions in favor of their work-life balance. This is even more ambivalent in the presence of young children. Moreover, gender stereotypes such as « think manager, think male » don’t seem to be influenced by the hierarchical progress of women, since firms tend to value their skills competences and their leadership
Leglise, Eva. "Des femmes dans la direction des clubs de judo : "plafond de verre" et rapports sociaux de sexe dans l'Espace Catalan Transfrontalier." Thesis, Perpignan, 2017.
Full textFor the past few years, successive governments and national sports associations have developed a proactive policy as regards equality and parity in sports. What is the real impact of these schemes, actions and recommendations? Jointly carried out in the Pyrénées-Orientales (French region of Languedoc-Roussillon) and within the Autonomous Community of Gerone (Calalonia), our study concentrates on volunteer women’s access to positions of responsibility in local sports clubs. Using the results of a field study made in the Catalan cross-border area, this thesis provides a comprehensive assessment of the position and experience of women leaders in judo clubs. We consider that this comparison is relevant both on scientific and political levels since it allows to understand cultural continuities of gender relations in sports. Moreover, we will also consider the differences linked to the national background and to the consequences of public policies. From monographs of clubs chosen on both sides of the border, we will try and describe the positions and career paths of women managers, but also how their volunteer investment was sometimes held back. In this respect, not only we will compare how these women have reached their leading positions (career, family life, sport capital, clubs operation…) but also we will understand how they themselves consider their duties. Given a fierce competition strongly associated with the values of virility, how do women succeed in breaking the glass ceiling? Is it possible to distinguish between enabling factors or identical brakes, according to the country?Eventually, this thesis provides a combined analysis of gender social relations in sports clubs and a comparison to better understand the respective consequences of political and institutional contexts on the purpose of this study
Touchard, Ophélie. "L'action urbaine écologique de Bordeaux Métropole : le plafond de verre de la nature ou la conflictualité tacite des pratiques de l'aménagement." Thesis, Bordeaux 3, 2019.
Full textIn the light of the contemporary urban planning action, this Phd offers to examine the integration of ecosystems in the urban planning practices of Bordeaux Métropole (France). Relying on an interdisciplinary approach of urban planning and political science, this analysis is part of the research on the plural visions of Nature as an urban space and aims to improve understanding the current weakness of environmental policy actions. An action-research project (2014-2017) with the Communauté Urbaine de Bordeaux (nowadays Bordeaux Métropole) enabled to unfold an ethnographic immersion of urban planning public practices. The case of Bordeaux Métropole illustrates the contradictory management of the environmental challenge in urban areas. The increasing integration of ecological practices does not succeed in implementing a sustainable and operational dimension of spatial planning. There is a tacit and latent conflict of the ecological urban practices of what we could call an « Ecological Glass Ceiling ». Contemporary urban planning practices seems to encounter difficulties to characterize an ecological spatial policy framework which is nor a regulatory and dual zoning (natural areas), neither a wide and scientific concept (biodiversity). Through this Glass Ceiling hypothesis, we will thereby observe how urban ecosystems are still remained unconceived in the on-going urban planning practices
Bennani, Meziane Ghita. "Contribution des pratiques RSE à l'éclatement du plafond de verre et à l'engagement des femmes cadres : le cas de deux entreprises au Maroc." Thesis, Angers, 2016.
Full textSince women have been integrated to the labor market, they encounter barriers which slow down their professional evolution and limit their access to top management. The« glass ceiling » is the expression used to refer to these invisible barriers. This doctoral work proposes a contribution to the study of these barriers by placing it within a theoretical framework which integrates its antecedents and its consequences. More specifically, this thesis focuses on the impact of gender oriented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices on the breaking of the glass ceiling and on executive women’s commitment, in a particular cultural (Morocco) and organizational environment (male-dominated sectors), through a case study. Semi-directive interviews were conducted, with employees (women and men) and management representatives in two different industrial Moroccan companies, one of them which was CSR certified. The data based on 64 interviews was complemented by observations and a documentary analysis. From a theoretical point of view, we fit into the new conceptualization of commitment suggested by Klein and al. (2012, 2014), by adapting their multi-target process model of commitment. The proposed modelling highlights the opposing or synergetic effects between targets or between bond types (either commitment or of a different nature). From the managerial viewpoint, the results of this work offer avenues to improve human resource management and the control of its impact on employee attitudes and behaviors
Bouabdillah, Naima. "Infirmières issues de minorités visibles : barrières socio-culturelles à la mobilité verticale en milieu hospitalier." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2016.
Full textBooks on the topic "Plafond de verre symbolique"
Thon-Adjalin, Aymeric. Le plafond de verre est noir: La discrimination des Noirs en entreprise. Paris: Envolume, 2015.
Find full textLes femmes au secours de l'économie: Pour en finir avec le plafond de verre. Montréal (Québec): Stanké, 2012.
Find full textPourquoi les femmes gagnent-elles moins que les hommes?: Les mécanismes psychosociaux du plafond de verre. Paris: Pearson, 2011.
Find full textVendre son cerveau: Le développement des affaires pour services professionnels. Montréal, Québec]: Les éditions Québec-Livres, 2013.
Find full textGavard, Gabriella. L'Importance de l'audace pour franchir le plafond de verre. Edilivre, 2017.
Find full textGavard, Gabriella. L'Importance de l'audace pour franchir le plafond de verre. Edilivre, 2017.
Find full textMars, David. Manuel du Pirate: Comment Briser le Plafond de Verre de Votre Carrière. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textKouoh, Patrick. Je Suis Noir et J'ai Brisé le Plafond de Verre: Le Sanglot des Jeunes Issus de l'immigration Africaine. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Plafond de verre symbolique"
"Le plafond de verre de Geneviève." In Études de cas en GRH, en relations industrielles et en management, 79–86. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2017.
Full text"Bibliographie." In Le plafond de verre et l'État, 209–20. Armand Colin, 2017.
Full textSoulages, Jean-Claude. "7. Le plafond de verre dans le discours publicitaire." In L'assignation de genre dans les médias, 111–23. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2014.
Full textBelghiti-Mahut, Sophia, and Fabienne Bastid. "Chapitre 7. Les femmes et le plafond de verre." In Comportement organisationnel Vol. 2, 207–22. De Boeck Supérieur, 2006.
Full textLaufer, Jacqueline. "28. Le plafond de verre : un regard franco-américain." In Travail et genre dans le monde, 298–308. La Découverte, 2013.
Full textQuennouëlle-Corre, Laure. "Chapitre XIV. Sous le plafond de verre, paroles de banquières." In Publications d'histoire économique et sociale internationale, 187–98. Librairie Droz, 2022.
Full textThérenty, Marie-Ève. "Le « plafond de verre » des femmes journalistes du xixe siècle." In Féminin/Masculin dans la presse du XIXe siècle, 337–54. Presses universitaires de Lyon, 2022.
Full textAngeli, Verveine. "Du plancher pourri au plafond de verre du monde du travail." In Racismes de France, 101–14. La Découverte, 2020.
Full textMayer, Nonna. "Chapitre 13 / Le plafond de verre électoral entamé, mais pas brisé." In Les faux-semblants du Front national, 297–322. Presses de Sciences Po, 2015.
Full textSchweitzer, Sylvie. "Les inspectrices des Finances de 1945 à nos jours : les éclats du plafond de verre." In Dictionnaire historique des inspecteurs des Finances 1801-2009, 37–41. Institut de la gestion publique et du développement économique, 2012.
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