Journal articles on the topic 'PIC numerical simulations'
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Liu, Jian, Zhi Yu, and Hong Qin. "A Nonlinear PIC Algorithm for High Frequency Waves in Magnetized Plasmas Based on Gyrocenter Gauge Kinetic Theory." Communications in Computational Physics 15, no. 4 (April 2014): 1167–83.
Full textBacchini, Fabio. "RelSIM: A Relativistic Semi-implicit Method for Particle-in-cell Simulations." Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 268, no. 2 (October 1, 2023): 60.
Full textKonior, Wojciech. "Particle-In-Cell Electrostatic Numerical Algorithm." Transactions on Aerospace Research 2017, no. 3 (September 1, 2017): 24–45.
Full textSary, G., and L. Gremillet. "Hybrid Zakharov-kinetic simulation of nonlinear stimulated Raman scattering." Physics of Plasmas 29, no. 7 (July 2022): 072103.
Full textPinto, Martin Campos, Mathieu Lutz, and Marie Mounier. "Electromagnetic PIC simulations with smooth particles: a numerical study." ESAIM: Proceedings and Surveys 53 (March 2016): 133–48.
Full textGreenwood, Andrew D., Keith L. Cartwright, John W. Luginsland, and Ernest A. Baca. "On the elimination of numerical Cerenkov radiation in PIC simulations." Journal of Computational Physics 201, no. 2 (December 2004): 665–84.
Full textGenco, Filippo, and Ahmed Hassanein. "Numerical simulations of laser ablated plumes using Particle-in-Cell (PIC) methods." Laser and Particle Beams 32, no. 2 (March 28, 2014): 305–10.
Full textMiloch, W. J. "Numerical simulations of dust charging and wakefield effects." Journal of Plasma Physics 80, no. 6 (June 25, 2014): 795–801.
Full textCOULAUD, O., E. SONNENDRÜCKER, E. DILLON, P. BERTRAND, and A. GHIZZO. "Parallelization of semi-Lagrangian Vlasov codes." Journal of Plasma Physics 61, no. 3 (April 1999): 435–48.
Full textXu, Xinlu, Peicheng Yu, Samual F. Martins, Frank S. Tsung, Viktor K. Decyk, Jorge Vieira, Ricardo A. Fonseca, Wei Lu, Luis O. Silva, and Warren B. Mori. "Numerical instability due to relativistic plasma drift in EM-PIC simulations." Computer Physics Communications 184, no. 11 (November 2013): 2503–14.
Full textLopez Ortega, Alejandro, and Ioannis G. Mikellides. "2D Fluid-PIC Simulations of Hall Thrusters with Self-Consistent Resolution of the Space-Charge Regions." Plasma 6, no. 3 (September 11, 2023): 550–62.
Full textDomguia, Ulrich Simo, and Raoul Thepi Siewe. "Controlling Pulse-Like Self-Sustained Oscillators Using Analog Circuits and Microcontrollers." International Journal of Robotics and Control Systems 2, no. 4 (February 12, 2023): 107–19.
Full textYang, Fuxiang, Jie Li, Chuanfu Xu, Dali Li, Haozhong Qiu, and Ao Xu. "MPI Parallelization of Numerical Simulations for Pulsed Vacuum Arc Plasma Plumes Based on a Hybrid DSMC/PIC Algorithm." Aerospace 9, no. 10 (September 23, 2022): 538.
Full textGodfrey, Brendan B., and Jean-Luc Vay. "Numerical stability of relativistic beam multidimensional PIC simulations employing the Esirkepov algorithm." Journal of Computational Physics 248 (September 2013): 33–46.
Full textWang, Yao-Ting, Jian Chen, He-Ping Li, Dong-Jun Jiang, and Ming-Sheng Zhou. "Analysis and particle-in-cell simulation on the similarity relation during an ion extraction process." Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2147, no. 1 (January 1, 2022): 012013.
Full textGallo, Giuseppe, Adriano Isoldi, Dario Del Gatto, Raffaele Savino, Amedeo Capozzoli, Claudio Curcio, and Angelo Liseno. "Numerical Aspects of Particle-in-Cell Simulations for Plasma-Motion Modeling of Electric Thrusters." Aerospace 8, no. 5 (May 15, 2021): 138.
Full textMoskalev, Dmitrii, Andrei Kozlov, Uliana Salgaeva, Victor Krishtop, and Anatolii Volyntsev. "Applicability of the Effective Index Method for the Simulation of X-Cut LiNbO3 Waveguides." Applied Sciences 13, no. 11 (May 23, 2023): 6374.
Full textBourgeois, Pierre-Louis, and Xavier Davoine. "New mitigation approach to numerical Cherenkov radiation in PIC simulations of wakefield accelerators." Journal of Computational Physics 413 (July 2020): 109426.
Full textYuan, Tiannan, Junxue Ren, Jun Zhou, Zhe Zhang, Yibai Wang, and Haibin Tang. "The effects of numerical acceleration techniques on PIC-MCC simulations of ion thrusters." AIP Advances 10, no. 4 (April 1, 2020): 045115.
Full textChen, Qiang. "Kinetic energy partitions in electron–ion PIC simulations of ABC fields." Nukleonika 68, no. 1 (March 1, 2023): 25–28.
Full textPUKHOV, A. "Three-dimensional electromagnetic relativistic particle-in-cell code VLPL (Virtual Laser Plasma Lab)." Journal of Plasma Physics 61, no. 3 (April 1999): 425–33.
Full textFaraji, F., M. Reza, and A. Knoll. "Enhancing one-dimensional particle-in-cell simulations to self-consistently resolve instability-induced electron transport in Hall thrusters." Journal of Applied Physics 131, no. 19 (May 21, 2022): 193302.
Full textGhorbanalilu, Mohammad, and Elahe Abdollahazadeh. "Extension of temperature anisotropy Weibel instability to non-Maxwellian plasmas by 2D PIC simulation." Laser and Particle Beams 36, no. 1 (December 29, 2017): 1–7.
Full textPATIN, D., E. LEFEBVRE, A. BOURDIER, and E. D'HUMIÈRES. "Stochastic heating in ultra high intensity laser-plasma interaction: Theory and PIC code simulations." Laser and Particle Beams 24, no. 2 (June 2006): 223–30.
Full textLehmann, Götz. "Efficient Semi-Lagrangian Vlasov-Maxwell Simulations of High Order Harmonic Generation from Relativistic Laser-Plasma Interactions." Communications in Computational Physics 20, no. 3 (August 31, 2016): 583–602.
Full textCrouseilles, Nicolas, Guillaume Latu, and Eric Sonnendrücker. "Hermite Spline Interpolation on Patches for Parallelly Solving the Vlasov-Poisson Equation." International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science 17, no. 3 (October 1, 2007): 335–49.
Full textOrozco, E. A., J. D. González, J. R. Beltrán, and V. E. Vergara. "Simulation of bunched electron-beam acceleration by the cylindrical TE113 microwave field." International Journal of Modern Physics A 34, no. 36 (December 30, 2019): 1942030.
Full textARDA, İBRAHİM, and İSMAİL RAFATOV. "Development and benchmark of a 1d3v electrostatic PIC/MCC numerical code for gas discharge simulations." Turkish Journal of Physics 47, no. 4 (August 25, 2023): 198–213.
Full textLIMPOUCH, J., O. KLIMO, V. BÍNA, and S. KAWATA. "Numerical studies on the ultrashort pulse K-α emission sources based on femtosecond laser–target interactions." Laser and Particle Beams 22, no. 2 (June 2004): 147–56.
Full textKlion, Hannah, Revathi Jambunathan, Michael E. Rowan, Eloise Yang, Donald Willcox, Jean-Luc Vay, Remi Lehe, Andrew Myers, Axel Huebl, and Weiqun Zhang. "Particle-in-cell Simulations of Relativistic Magnetic Reconnection with Advanced Maxwell Solver Algorithms." Astrophysical Journal 952, no. 1 (July 1, 2023): 8.
Full textKorzhimanov, Artem V. "Model for Proton Acceleration in Strongly Self-Magnetized Sheath Produced by Ultra-High-Intensity Sub-Picosecond Laser Pulses." Quantum Beam Science 9, no. 1 (January 20, 2025): 4.
Full textJipa, Florin, Laura Ionel, and Marian Zamfirescu. "Advances in Design and Fabrication of Micro-Structured Solid Targets for High-Power Laser-Matter Interaction." Photonics 11, no. 11 (October 25, 2024): 1008.
Full textPetrov, George M., and Jack Davis. "Parallelization of an Implicit Algorithm for Multi-Dimensional Particle-in-Cell Simulations." Communications in Computational Physics 16, no. 3 (September 2014): 599–611.
Full textEcheverría, Sebastián, Pablo S. Moya, and Denisse Pastén. "On the multifractality of plasma turbulence in the solar wind." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 15, S354 (June 2019): 371–74.
Full textFrazzitta, Andrea, Alberto Bacci, Arianna Carbone, Alessandro Cianchi, Alessandro Curcio, Illya Drebot, Massimo Ferrario, et al. "First Simulations for the EuAPS Betatron Radiation Source: A Dedicated Radiation Calculation Code." Instruments 7, no. 4 (December 8, 2023): 52.
Full textBRET, ANTOINE, A. STOCKEM, F. FIUZA, C. RUYER, L. GREMILLET, R. NARAYAN, and L. O. SILVA. "Relativistic collisionless shocks formation in pair plasmas." Journal of Plasma Physics 79, no. 4 (April 3, 2013): 367–70.
Full textGarasev, Mikhail, and Evgeny Derishev. "Generation and decay of the magnetic field in collisionless shocks." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 12, S324 (September 2016): 62–65.
Full textUsui, H., H. Matsumoto, and R. Gendrin. "Numerical simulations of a three-wave coupling occurring in the ionospheric plasma." Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 9, no. 1 (February 28, 2002): 1–10.
Full textAndreev, Andrey D. "Direct comparison of analytically derived “Fedosov” solution with experimental measurements and numerical simulations of relativistic thin annular electron beam generation and propagation in magnetically insulated coaxial diode of SINUS-6 high-current electron-beam accelerator." Physics of Plasmas 29, no. 7 (July 2022): 073106.
Full textBetz, Michael, Hermann Nirschl, and Marco Gleiss. "Development of a New Solver to Model the Fish-Hook Effect in a Centrifugal Classifier." Minerals 11, no. 7 (June 22, 2021): 663.
Full textESIRKEPOV, T., R. BINGHAM, S. BULANOV, T. HONDA, K. NISHIHARA, and F. PEGORARO. "Coulomb explosion of a cluster irradiated by a high intensity laser pulse." Laser and Particle Beams 18, no. 3 (July 2000): 503–6.
Full textCerutti, Benoît, Alexander A. Philippov, and Guillaume Dubus. "Dissipation of the striped pulsar wind and non-thermal particle acceleration: 3D PIC simulations." Astronomy & Astrophysics 642 (October 2020): A204.
Full textMishra, Bharat. "Overview of Numerical Simulations for Calculating In-Plasma β-Decay Rates in the Framework of PANDORA Project." EPJ Web of Conferences 275 (2023): 02001.
Full textYang, Chen, Haochuang Wu, Kangjie Deng, Hangxing He, and Li Sun. "Study on Powder Coke Combustion and Pollution Emission Characteristics of Fluidized Bed Boilers." Energies 12, no. 8 (April 13, 2019): 1424.
Full textAcosta, Belén, Denisse Pastén, and Pablo S. Moya. "Reversibility of Turbulent and Non-Collisional Plasmas: Solar Wind." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 15, S354 (June 2019): 363–66.
Full textLiu, Qi, Yong Li, Yanlin Hu, and Wei Mao. "Effects of Magnetic Field Gradient on the Performance of a Magnetically Shielded Hall Thruster." Aerospace 10, no. 11 (November 5, 2023): 942.
Full textFormenti, A., M. Galbiati, and M. Passoni. "Modeling and simulations of ultra-intense laser-driven bremsstrahlung with double-layer targets." Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 64, no. 4 (February 28, 2022): 044009.
Full textBöttcher, Markus, Matthew G. Baring, Edison P. Liang, Errol J. Summerlin, Wen Fu, Ian A. Smith, and Parisa Roustazadeh. "Diagnosing particle acceleration in relativistic jets." Proceedings of the International Astronomical Union 10, S313 (September 2014): 153–58.
Full textSidorov, I. A., and A. B. Savel’ev. "Numerical 1D PIC-simulations of ion acceleration during laser-plasma interaction: Optimization of a two-component multilayered target structure." Plasma Physics Reports 36, no. 13 (December 2010): 1107–11.
Full textPokhotelov, O. A., R. Z. Sagdeev, M. A. Balikhin, V. N. Fedun, and G. I. Dudnikova. "Nonlinear Mirror and Weibel modes: peculiarities of quasi-linear dynamics." Annales Geophysicae 28, no. 12 (December 1, 2010): 2161–67.
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