Journal articles on the topic 'Physical geodesy'
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Bányai, L. "Results in physical geodesy." Acta Geodaetica et Geophysica Hungarica 40, no. 3-4 (October 2005): 307–15.
Full textIvan, M. "Polyhedral approximations in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 70, no. 11 (September 1, 1996): 755–67.
Full textIvan, M. "Polyhedral approximations in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 70, no. 11 (November 1996): 755–67.
Full textBrovar, B. V., and V. V. Popadyev. "Of scientific and technical anthology «Physical Geodesy»." Geodesy and Cartography 883, no. 1 (February 20, 2014): 58–59.
Full textBock, Yehuda, and Diego Melgar. "Physical applications of GPS geodesy: a review." Reports on Progress in Physics 79, no. 10 (August 23, 2016): 106801.
Full textFreeden, W., and F. Schneider. "An integrated wavelet concept of physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 72, no. 5 (May 29, 1998): 259–81.
Full textKearsley, A. H. W. "Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy." Earth-Science Reviews 25, no. 4 (October 1988): 322–23.
Full textBrzeziński, Aleksander, Marcin Barlik, Ewa Andrasik, Waldemar Izdebski, Michał Kruczyk, Tomasz Liwosz, Tomasz Olszak, et al. "Geodetic and Geodynamic Studies at Department of Geodesy and Geodetic Astronomy Wut." Reports on Geodesy and Geoinformatics 100, no. 1 (June 1, 2016): 165–200.
Full textSchwarz, K. P., M. G. Sideris, and R. Forsberg. "The use of FFT techniques in physical geodesy." Geophysical Journal International 100, no. 3 (March 1990): 485–514.
Full textSjöberg, Lars E. "The secondary indirect topographic effect in physical geodesy." Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica 59, no. 2 (November 18, 2014): 173–87.
Full textIhde, Johannes, and Andreas Reinhold. "Friedrich Robert Helmert, founder of modern geodesy, on the occasion of the centenary of his death." History of Geo- and Space Sciences 8, no. 2 (August 8, 2017): 79–95.
Full textBjerhammar, Arne. "A robust approach to global problems in physical geodesy." Bulletin Géodésique 59, no. 4 (December 1985): 303–15.
Full textSjöberg, L. E. "The topographic bias by analytical continuation in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 81, no. 5 (November 10, 2006): 345–50.
Full textSj�berg, Lars E. "On the error of analytical continuation in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 70, no. 11 (September 1, 1996): 724–30.
Full textBian, S. "Some cubature formulas for singular integrals in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 71, no. 8 (July 22, 1997): 443–53.
Full textSjöberg, Lars E. "On the error of analytical continuation in physical geodesy." Journal of Geodesy 70, no. 11 (November 1996): 724–30.
Full textMaksymova, Yuliia, and Oleksii Boiko. "GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY, AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY." GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY, AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 93,2021, no. 93 (June 23, 2021): 59–71.
Full textDrewes, H. "Evidence from physical geodesy for geodynamics in the Caribbean area." Tectonophysics 130, no. 1-4 (November 1986): 49–59.
Full textShen, Wenbin, Jiancheng Li, Jin Li, Jinsheng Ning, and Dingbo Chao. "Applications of the fictitious compress recovery approach in physical geodesy." Geo-spatial Information Science 11, no. 3 (January 2008): 162–67.
Full textRitter, Stefan. "On a class of Robin boundary value problems in physical geodesy." Journal of Mathematical Physics 39, no. 7 (July 1998): 3916–26.
Full textWitsch, Karl J., and R. Leis. "On a free boundary value problem of physical geodesy, I (uniqueness)." Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 7, no. 1 (1985): 269–89.
Full textWitsch, K. J., and R. Leis. "On a free boundary value problem of physical geodesy, II (existence)." Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences 8, no. 1 (1986): 1–22.
Full textDorozhynskyy, O. L. ,., I. Z. Kolb, L. V. Babiy, and L. V. Dychko. "GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY." GEODESY, CARTOGRAPHY AND AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 92,2020, no. 92 (December 24, 2020): 15–23.
Full textHart, L., T. Oba, and A. Babalola. "Geometric and Dynamic Application of Satellite Geodesy in Environmental Mapping: A Conceptual Review." Nigerian Journal of Environmental Sciences and Technology 3, no. 2 (October 2019): 386–97.
Full textOtero, Jesús. "A uniqueness theorem for a Robin boundary value problem of physical geodesy." Quarterly of Applied Mathematics 56, no. 2 (June 1, 1998): 245–57.
Full textSjöberg, L. E. "Arne Bjerhammar- a personal summary of his academic deeds." Journal of Geodetic Science 11, no. 1 (January 1, 2021): 1–6.
Full textJulzarika, Atriyon, and Udhi Catur Nugroho. "PRELIMINARY DETECTION OF GEOTHERMAL MANIFESTATION POTENTIAL USING MICROWAVE SATELLITE REMOTE SENSING." International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 15, no. 2 (February 25, 2019): 187.
Full textBarzaghi, Riccardo, Carlo Iapige De Gaetani, and Barbara Betti. "The worldwide physical height datum project." Rendiconti Lincei. Scienze Fisiche e Naturali 31, S1 (August 27, 2020): 27–34.
Full textSünkel, H. "Fourth International Summer School in the Mountains on Mathematical and Numerical Techniques in Physical Geodesy." Bulletin Géodésique 60, no. 4 (December 1986): 377–78.
Full textIsmail-Zadeh, Alik, and Jo Ann Joselyn. "IUGG: beginning, establishment, and early development (1919–1939)." History of Geo- and Space Sciences 10, no. 1 (April 16, 2019): 25–44.
Full textHussmann, Hauke, and Alexander Stark. "Geodesy and geophysics of Mercury: Prospects in view of the BepiColombo mission." European Physical Journal Special Topics 229, no. 8 (May 2020): 1379–89.
Full textSánchez, L. "Towards a vertical datum standardisation under the umbrella of Global Geodetic Observing System." Journal of Geodetic Science 2, no. 4 (December 1, 2012): 325–42.
Full textJulzarika, Atriyon, and Kuncoro Teguh Setiawan. "UTILIZATION OF SAR AND EARTH GRAVITY DATA FOR SUB BITUMINOUS COAL DETECTION." International Journal of Remote Sensing and Earth Sciences (IJReSES) 11, no. 2 (April 12, 2017): 143.
Full textWilson, Clark R. "Geodetic and Geophysical Applications of High Precision Astrometry." International Astronomical Union Colloquium 180 (March 2000): 182–89.
Full textHEO, Myoung-Sun, Dai-Hyuk YU, and Won-Kyu LEE. "High-Accuracy Optical Frequency Atomic Clock." Physics and High Technology 30, no. 3 (March 31, 2021): 2–7.
Full textVermeer, Martin. "Comment on Sjöberg (2006) “The topographic bias by analytical continuation in physical geodesy” J Geod 81(5):345–350." Journal of Geodesy 82, no. 7 (November 21, 2007): 445–50.
Full textLi, Wei, and Ying Li. "Description and Improvement of Civil Engineering." Advanced Materials Research 677 (March 2013): 544–48.
Full textTruong, Nguyen Ngoc, and Tran Van Nhac. "Determination of the constant Wo for local geoid of Vietnam and it’s systematic deviation from the global geoid." Tạp chí Khoa học và Công nghệ biển 17, no. 4B (December 15, 2017): 138–44.
Full textRomeshkani, Mohsen, and Mehdi Eshagh. "DETERMINISTICALLY-MODIFIED INTEGRAL ESTIMATORS OF GRAVITATIONAL TENSOR." Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 21, no. 1 (March 2015): 189–212.
Full textKanapickaitė, Jolanta. "Individualization and Communality in the Context of Vocational Training." Pedagogika 110, no. 2 (June 10, 2013): 57–65.
Full textSchweitzer, Johannes, and Thorne Lay. "IASPEI: its origins and the promotion of global seismology." History of Geo- and Space Sciences 10, no. 1 (April 16, 2019): 173–80.
Full textСычев, Михаил, Mikhail Sychev, Владимир Минаев, Vladimir Minaev, Александр Фаддеев, and Aleksandr Faddeev. "Seismic risk assessment in tourist-recreational areas: mathematical models." Servis Plus 9, no. 2 (June 15, 2015): 25–34.
Full textBektas, Sebahattin. "Orthogonal distance from an ellipsoid." Boletim de Ciências Geodésicas 20, no. 4 (December 2014): 970–83.
Full textMacCracken, Michael C., and Hans Volkert. "IAMAS: a century of international cooperation in atmospheric sciences." History of Geo- and Space Sciences 10, no. 1 (April 16, 2019): 119–36.
Full textCai, Changsheng, Xiaomin Luo, Zhizhao Liu, and Qinqin Xiao. "Galileo Signal and Positioning Performance Analysis Based on Four IOV Satellites." Journal of Navigation 67, no. 5 (April 29, 2014): 810–24.
Full textSjöberg, L. E., and M. S. S. Joud. "A numerical test of the topographic bias." Journal of Geodetic Science 8, no. 1 (February 1, 2018): 14–17.
Full textSjöberg, Lars E. "Answers to the comments by M. Vermeer on L. E. Sjöberg (2007) “The topographic bias by analytical continuation in physical geodesy” J Geod 81:345–350." Journal of Geodesy 82, no. 7 (November 13, 2007): 451–52.
Full textKudelin, Igor, Srikanth Sugavanam, and Maria Chernysheva. "Rotation Active Sensors Based on Ultrafast Fibre Lasers." Sensors 21, no. 10 (May 19, 2021): 3530.
Full textLi, X. "Modeling the North American vertical datum of 1988 errors in the conterminous United States." Journal of Geodetic Science 8, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 1–13.
Full textPoslončec-Petrić, V., V. Vuković, S. Frangeš, and Ž. Bačić. "VOLUNTARY NOISE MAPPING FOR SMART CITY." ISPRS Annals of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-4/W1 (September 5, 2016): 131–37.
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