Academic literature on the topic 'Photographie – Pratique'
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Journal articles on the topic "Photographie – Pratique"
Dupré, Florence. "Les images de la parenté: exploration de quelques compositions photographiques et corporelles dans les îles Belcher (Nunavut)." Études/Inuit/Studies 38, no. 1-2 (February 25, 2015): 177–96.
Full textNoirot, Julie. "La photographie d’architecture, un art de la traduction ?" Meta 55, no. 4 (February 22, 2011): 779–88.
Full textGaillard, Françoise. "La photographie comme pratique philosophique." Médium 12, no. 3 (2007): 174.
Full textPapinot, Christian. "Vers une pratique photographie participante ?" Journal des anthropologues 49, no. 1 (1992): 151–58.
Full textAntonietti, Thomas. "Photographie et pratique ethnographique. L'usage de la photographie en ethnologie valaisanne." Le Monde alpin et rhodanien. Revue régionale d’ethnologie 23, no. 2 (1995): 37–55.
Full textJonas, Irène. "La photographie de famille : une pratique sexuée ?" Cahiers du Genre 48, no. 1 (2010): 173.
Full textBuscatto, Marie. "Au cœur d'une pratique de loisir très « féminine »: le jazz vocal amateur." Nottingham French Studies 52, no. 1 (March 2013): 113–29.
Full textBrunet, François. "« Un meilleur exemple est une photographie » (CP 2.320). De la valeur de la photographie comme exemple dans les écrits de C. S. Peirce sur le signe.1." Recherches sémiotiques 33, no. 1-2-3 (February 22, 2016): 221–40.
Full textGoerlitz, Guido. "Visage et ornement. Remarques sur une préhistoire de la visagéité photographique dans la modernité allemande chez Simmel et George." Envisager, no. 8 (August 10, 2011): 103–19.
Full textInnes, Randy. "The Day Nobody Died, War Photography, and the Violence of the Image." RACAR : Revue d'art canadienne 39, no. 2 (December 9, 2014): 88–99.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Photographie – Pratique"
Gaboury, Michel. "De la photographie à l'objet : réflexions sur ma pratique, de 1982 à 1987." Paris 8, 1987.
Full textIn this thesis, i pose a reflexion on my artistic practice and on her evolution from 1982 to 1987. This evolution can be describe by the passage from a modernist photographic practice, to the construction of artistic objects in wich i use different photographic notions either erudite, like the semiological notion of the index, or the frame perceived as a theorical instrument; or popular, which are to be found in my personnal history. I use these means to deconstruct the photographic image. I explain my practice in the context of postmodernism which i define as a breakdown in the values defended by modernism
Vrignaud, Carole. "Latence : lieu et fonctionnement d'un inconscient photographique : essai sur la photographie selon l'appareil, mise en place des notions d'instant et de bord dans la pratique photographique." Paris 1, 2004.
Full textDelage, Chollet Colette. "Pratique de photographie et de videoscopie familiales dans la France contemporaine." Toulouse 2, 2001.
Full textThe development of photography, a result of economic growth, has led to its appropriatio by individuals (trought the democratization of the portrait and amateur photography). Anthropologists also used photographs then films (for illustration as participant observers) before becoming interested in them as an object of study in their own right. This research proposes the analysis of family usesof photographs and video in France (1990-2000). Work carried out on recent developments in the family and that related to family uses of photography define its context. Besides the actual subject of the views taken, what do these uses represent in themselves, how are they related to the functioning of contemporary families ? To what extent do the use of photographs or video reveal, translate, participate in and/or organise ways of "being" part of a family ? Observation of the corpus, together with an analysis of the way 37 people use photographs/video, complemented by their commentaries, confirms the central position and selective nature of the "album", but also its role in the contruction and fragmentation of time. These two points are expression of autobiographical intention of the organiser. The analysis also underlines the importance of the other photographs which are not included in the album. The intermingling of family rites and photographic/video rituals on the occasion of formal marriage celebrations or unofficial ones, or on the arrival of a child (by birth or adoption) proves that photography and video reflect and are a part of changes in family arrangements. Divorce, separation, re-formed families, all these have had an effect on their use. The way they are used is revealing of current attitudes in the face of death (the corpse as "taboo" and also of how the family's photographic inheritance is managed and transmitted. It is thus, that photographs and video, by provoking speech and expressing affects, provide an insight into their link with individual and family memories
Gaboury, Michel. "De la photographie à l'objet réflexions sur ma pratique, de 1982 à 1987 /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988.
Full textWolf, Pierre. "La photographie en pratique medicale courante : conception theorique, historique, technique, mise en oeuvre." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1985.
Full textAlexandre, Lorraine. "Persona : la pratique des apparences comme acte de création." Paris 1, 2008.
Full textPaysant, Camille Mona. "Relire la photo-sécession : les relations internationales du groupe et la diversification de la pratique photographique au regard de la correspondance d'Alfred Stieglitz." Thesis, Paris 1, 2018.
Full textBased on the correspondence between Alfred Stieglitz and his associates, this thesis aims at bringing a complementary view on the official history of the Photo-Secession. Commonly introduced as a group of American photographers united around Alfred Stieglitz's ideals, those written records reveal an alternative history where the nature of this structure reveals itself as being organic, moving and continuously challenged by its main members. The first part of this thesis focuses on analysing the group's structure and operation. The latter unravels the idea of a strictly "American" group where we can discover their international endeavours as well as an organization fragmented by its different 'factions'. In light of those private sources, was the Photo-Secession an international avant-garde? In the second part, we reassess the legacy of this group who worked outside of the limits of aesthetic frameworks, questioning the status of the artist-photographer and redefining the limits of a practice. Based on more than 4000 archival records, the core of this study stems from materials preserved at the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library (Yale, New Haven), the MoMA (New York), the Metropolitan Museum of Art (New York) and archives from the George Eastman Museum (Rochester)
Feray, Jenny. "Révérence : photographies, du prévu à l'invu." Paris 1, 2007.
Full textBenzacar, Hélène. "Le polyptyque ou l'un-possible image : de l'actualité du polyptyque contemporain en photographie : recherche à partir d'une pratique personnelle de la photographie." Paris 1, 2007.
Full textVieira, da Cunha Eduardo. "Entre l'oeil et l'illumination : recherches sur une pratique plastique." Paris 1, 2001.
Full textBooks on the topic "Photographie – Pratique"
Coussedière, A. La photographie à l'école: Sa pratique et son utilisation pédagogique. Paris: Retz, 1988.
Find full textAuteur, Harbonn Jacques, ed. Le guide pratique: Photo de paysage : maîtrisez la photo à grand spectacle avec votre reflex numérique. Paris: Eyrolles, 2012.
Find full textReflex numérique: Technique et pratique : du clic à l'impression : le guide essentiel du reflex numérique! Montréal: Sélection Reader's Digest, 2009.
Find full textKing, Julie Adair. Photographie numérique et retouche photo avec Photoshop Elements. Paris: First interactive, 2008.
Find full textMirande, Pascal. Icares-- et autres pratiques hétéroclites. [Trézélan]: Filigranes, 2005.
Find full textBaldner, Jean-Marie. Les pratiques pauvres: Du sténopé au téléphone mobile. Paris: Isthme, 2005.
Find full textMaddalena, Parise, and Arasse Daniel, eds. L'œil photographique de Daniel Arasse: Théories et pratiques d'un regard. Lyon: Fage éditions, 2012.
Find full textFreeman, Michael. Le grand livre de la photo numérique. 2nd ed. Paris: Dunod, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Photographie – Pratique"
Prats, Morena. "atlas ou l’impossible inanimé : récit de pratique." In La photographie au théâtre, XIXe-XXIe siècles, 245–54. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2021.
Full textRaynal, Jean-Claude. "Table des photographies." In Pratiques cynégétiques, transformation territoriales et régulations sociales, 389. Presses universitaires de la Méditerranée, 2009.
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