Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Photographic mechanics'
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Singh, Ajit 1951. "Photographic evaluation of blast fragmentation." Thesis, McGill University, 1985. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=63380.
Full textValenzuela-Escobedo, Sergio. "Mänk’áčen : mécanique photographique, mysticisme et superstition chez les peuples originaires d'Amérique du Sud." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2021. http://www.theses.fr/2021AIXM0328.
Full textToumayacha Alakana : this popular expression lays at the root of my research. It means “to look with a veiled head”. It is how the Fuegians named the act of photographing in the19th century, when they saw their first cameras, as operators came to America around 1840.What names did native people give to those new images-cum-objects ? How was that unknown device perceived ? What does it mean to be looked at by a veiled head ? My doctoral research offers a shift of of focus and point of view on the act of photography in South America. Can our understanding of photography change if we take native peoples’ perspective on the camera as a starting point ?The idea that native people do not want to be photographed, especially because it would be “stealing their souls”, is a colonial myth. This western belief gave value to the images brought back by explorers. The reasons behind refusing the camera are much more complex and diverse : they can be about the camera angle, the circulation of the image of the self, the one-sided nature of the transaction, the lack of understanding of the device, or political and spiritual considerations
Kubaczyk, Daniel Mark. "Photographic lens manufacturing and production technologies." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/69779.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 55-56).
An investigation was conducted to determine the methods and processes required for the manufacture of photographic objective lenses. Production of photographic lenses requires incredible precision in the melting, mixing, molding and machining of optical glass. Manual inspection methods are required to ensure optimum quality and to avoid inclusion of defects in glass. Manual assembly procedures are required to ensure delicate operation of glass elements but contribute significantly to the consumer expense of these lenses. Newly developed technologies in the field of lens machining are discussed in terms of commercial advances and scientific advances. Companies like Canon have sought greater automation in pre-assembly procedures as well as a reduction in the number of machining steps. New advances including precision machining of aspherical lenses, fluid-jet polishing and magnetorheological finishing are pushing the boundaries of lens machining and its characteristic surface roughnesses to depths not seen before.
by Daniel Mark Kubaczyk.
Vernon, Kris. "A photographic probe for wet steam." Thesis, University of Nottingham, 2014. http://eprints.nottingham.ac.uk/30933/.
Full textKiyanda, Charles Basenga. "Photographic study of the structure of irregular detonation waves." Thesis, McGill University, 2005. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=98981.
Full textZhao, Hang Ph D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology. "Computational photography with novel camera sensors." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/103458.
Full textCataloged from PDF version of thesis.
Includes bibliographical references (pages 57-62).
In this thesis, two computational camera designs are presented. They target two major goals in computational photography. high dynamic range (HDR) imaging and image superresolution (SR). HDR imaging refers to capturing both bright and dark details in the scenes simultaneously. A modulo camera does not get saturated during exposure, enabling HDR photography in a single shot without losing spatial resolutions. The second camera achieves image super-resolution with its non-conventional pixel design. It is shown that recording multiple images with a sensor of asymmetric sub-pixel layout increases the spatial sampling capability compared to a conventional sensor. Both proposed camera designs are the combination of novel imaging sensors and image recovering algorithms. Their potential applications include photography, robotics, and scientific research. Theoretical analyses and experiments are performed to validate our solutions.
by Hang Zhao
Mo, Ning. "Mechanical characterisation of bone with laser speckle photography." Thesis, Queen Mary, University of London, 1996. http://ethos.bl.uk/OrderDetails.do?uin=uk.bl.ethos.339170.
Full textYoung, Eleanor Dawn, and ellie@goldstreetstudios com au. "Mechanisms of Controlling Colour and Aesthetic Appearance of the Photographic Salt Print." RMIT University. Applied Science, 2008. http://adt.lib.rmit.edu.au/adt/public/adt-VIT20080901.142948.
Full textSjödahl, Mikael. "An electronic speckle photography system for in plane deformation measurements." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Strömningslära och experimentell mekanik, 1993. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-16973.
Full textStreet, Matthew W. (Matthew William) 1973. "Quick response inventory replenishment for a photographic material supplier." Thesis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 2001. http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/84518.
Full textIncludes bibliographical references (leaf 60).
by Matthew W. Street.
Johnson, Peder. "Dua-beam digital speckle photography : strain field measurements in aerospace applications." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, 1998. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-26085.
Full textBuckley, Craig. "Photomosaicing and automatic topography generation from stereo aerial photography." Thesis, Manhattan, Kan. : Kansas State University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/2097/790.
Full textMizo, Viktor R. "Investigation of inertia controlled bubble departure mechanism in subcooled flow boiling using high speed photography /." Online version of thesis, 1995. http://hdl.handle.net/1850/12084.
Full textBuck, Dietrich. "Mechanics of Cross-Laminated Timber." Licentiate thesis, Luleå tekniska universitet, Träteknik, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:ltu:diva-68729.
Full textExternal cooperation: Martinson Group AB and Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE)
Bhattacharjee, Rohit Ranjan. "Experimental Investigation of Detonation Re-initiation Mechanisms Following a Mach Reflection of a Quenched Detonation." Thèse, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/24933.
Full textHellström, Lisbeth. "Fracture processes in wood chipping." Licentiate thesis, Mid Sweden University, Department of Natural Sciences, Engineering and Mathematics, 2008. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-7827.
Full textIn both the chemical and mechanical pulping process, the logs are cut into wood chips by a disc chipper before fibre separation. To make the wood chipping process more efficient, one have to investigate in detail the coupling between theprocess parameters and the quality of the chips. The objective of this thesis is to obtain an understanding of the fundamental mechanisms behind the creation of wood chips. Both experimental and analytical/numerical approaches have been taken inthis work. The experimental investigations were performed with an in‐house developed equipment and a digital speckle photography equipment. The results from the experimental investigation showed that the friction between the log and chipping tool is probably one crucal factor for the chip formation. Further more it was found that the indentation process is approximately self‐similar, and that the stress field over the entire crack‐plane is critical for chip creation. The developed analytical model predicts the normal and shear strain distribution. The analytical distributions are in reasonable agreement with the corresponding distributions obtained from a finite element analysis.
Hellström, Lisbeth. "On the wood chipping process : a study on basic mechanisms in order to optimize chip properties for pulping." Doctoral thesis, Mittuniversitetet, Institutionen för naturvetenskap, teknik och matematik, 2010. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:miun:diva-11911.
Full textFör både kemisk och mekanisk pappersmassa så tillverkas flis av trädstockar med hjälp av en skivhugg innan fibrerna separeras. För att göra flisningsprocessen mer effektiv, måste kopplingen mellan processparametrar och fliskvalitet studeras. Ett mål med denna avhandling är att ge fundamental kunskap om mekanismerna bakom bildandet av träflis. Både experimentella och analytiska/numeriska metoder har använts i detta arbete. De experimentella undersökningarna har gjorts med hjälp av egen utvecklad utrustning. Resultaten från den experimentella undersökningen visar att friktionen mellan stammen och flisningsverktyget har betydelse vid flisning. Vidare observerades det att inträngnings processen är approximativt självlik (self similar) och att det är spänningsfältet över hela sprickplanet som är kritiskt för bildandet av en flis. Den utvecklade analytiska modellen förutsäger normal- och skjuvspänningsfördelningen över sprickplanet och kan mer specifikt förutsäga den kompressiva belastning som verkar parallellt fiberriktningen i ett linjärt elastiskt och ortotropt material (trä). De analytiskt bestämda fördelningarna stämmer relativt väl överens med motsvarande fördelningar beräknad med finit element analys. För att kunna studera flisningsprocessen under realistiska förhållanden, vilket bl.a. betyder att skärhastigheter som är representativa för en verklig process skall användas, så utvecklades inom ramen för avhandlingsarbetet, en laboratoriesflishugg. Detaljer rörande flishuggen samt hur uppmätta lastsignaler skall utvärderas ges tillsammans med ett exmpel på hur kraften på skärverktyget (kniven) varierar under ett skärförlopp. Inverkan av en viss flisningsprocessparameter undersöktes genom att flis tillverkades i laboratorieflishuggen varefter de raffinerades i en pilotraffinör under förhållanden som var optimerade för TMP (termomekanisk massa) och CTMP (kemitermomekanisk massa) processerna. Det konstaterades att detaljer i flisningsprocessen hade stor inverkan på t.ex. energiåtgången i både första stegs – och andrastegsraffinering. Resultat som verifierar detta ges i avhandlingen.
At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Submitted. Paper 4: Submitted. Paper 5: Submitted.
Full textLa projection de franges permet de mesurer la carte des déplacement hors-plan. Elle est adaptée à la mesure des contraintes résiduelles dans les films minces par analyses de courbure et/ou essais de gonflement. On montre suite à trois études expérimentales :
1. la précaution à prendre dans l'utilisation de la formule de Stoney même pour des bicouches libre-libre (SiO2/Si) ;
2. la présence de flambage dans les membranes bicouches comprimées encastré-encastré (SiO2/Si) ;
3. un parfait accord entre essais de gonflement et essais de nano-indentation pour des films tendus (polimiide).
La photographie numérique de speckle permet de mesurer la carte des déplacements dans le plan. Elle est adaptée avec succès à un banc d'essais de traction conçu durant la thèse et spécialement dédié aux films minces. Un algorithme original de calcul a été développé pour obtenir une résolution subpixel. Les performances de l'algorithme sont comparées par des simulations et des expériences aux algorithmes classiques de corrélation. Sa rapidité et sa haute résolution permettent de calculer les cartes de déplacements en temps réel. Les déformations dans le plan en sont déduites et permettent le tracé des courbes contrainte/déformation puis le calcul du module d'Young E et du coefficient de Poisson v. Les matériaux choisis pour valider le banc d'essai sont le cuivre électrodéposé, matériaux ductile, puis le silicium monocristallin, matériaux fragile.
Гарник, Ярослав Юрійович, and Yaroslav Harnyk. "Інформаційно-вимірювальна система пристрою для вимірювання довжини канатів з навивкою." Master's thesis, ТНТУ ім. І. Пулюя, 2020. http://elartu.tntu.edu.ua/handle/lib/33753.
Full textAn information-measuring system has been developed for a device for measuring the length of ropes with winding. In this diploma, the calculation of the clamping mechanism was performed and the design elements of the device were selected and calculated. The measuring device which carries out complex control of the basic parameters is described. The process of determining the type of analytical dependence and its coefficients was described. A mathematical study of the motion of a cylindrical body with a shifted center of mass on an inclined plane was made. Also in this work the description of work and the analysis of the scheme of electric basic and the listing of the program of reading of current length is developed.
ВСТУП 1 Аналітична частина 1.1 Патентний пошук і порівняльна характеристика пристроїв 1.2 Пристрій для вимірювання довжини рухаючого матеріалу 2 Основна частина 2.1 Вимоги до роботи приладу 2.2 Методи знаходження кроку кабеля 2.3 Розразунок прижимного механізму 2.4 Вибір і змащування рухомих вузлів 2.5 Кабельна тара, упаковка, маркування, транспортування і зберігання 2.6 Розрахунок похибок вимірювання 2.7 Метрологічний аналіз системи позиціонування 2.8 Економічні переваги пристрою нового обладнання 3 Науково-дослідна частина 3.1 Постановка задачі 3.2 Визначення виду аналітичної залежності і її коефіцієнтів 4 Спеціальна частина 4.1 Схеми керування виконавчим пристроєм 4.2 Вибір, розрахунок схеми включення давачів 4.3 Призначення і структура блоку керування 4.4 Опис роботи схеми 4.5 Програмне забезпечення 4.6 Блок-схема алгоритму роботи блоку керування та опис її роботи 4.7 Схема проходження сигналу 4.8 Лістинг програми зчитування текучої довжини 5 Охорона праці та безпека в надзвичайних ситуаціях 5.1 Охорона праці 5.1.1 Розрахунок місцевого освітлення для спроектованого пристрою 5.1.2 Використання і опис дії систем пожежогасіння, які використовують на підприємствах приладобудування ЗАГАЛЬНІ ВИСНОВКИ ДО КВАЛІФІКАЦІЙНОЇ РОБОТИ ПЕРЕЛІК ПОСИЛАНЬ ДОДАТКИ
Grégoire, David. "Initiation, propagation, arrêt et redémarrage de fissures sous impact." Phd thesis, INSA de Lyon, 2008. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00418626.
Full textDes expériences de rupture dynamique ont donc été réalisées sur du Polyméthacrylate de méthyle (PMMA) durant lesquelles la mixité du chargement varie et des arrêts et redémarrages de fissures se produisent. Deux bancs d'essais différents ont été utilisé, le premier basé sur la technique des barres de Hopkinson (ou barres de Kolsky), le second mettant en jeu un vérin rapide. Le PMMA étant transparent, la position de la fissure au cours de l'essai a été acquise grâce à des caméras rapides mais aussi en utilisant un extensomètre optique (Zimmer), habituellement dédié à la mesure de déplacements macroscopiques d'un contraste noir/blanc. L'utilisation de cet extensomètre pour suivre la fissure au cours de l'essai a permis d'obtenir une localisation très précise de la pointe de la fissure en continu, permettant ainsi l'étude des phases transitoires de propagation. Afin d'étudier le même phénomène dans des matériaux opaques comme les aluminiums aéronautiques (Al 7075), des techniques de corrélation d'images numériques ont été employées en mouchetant les éprouvettes impactées. De nouveaux algorithmes ont été développés afin de traiter les images issues d'une caméra ultra-rapide (jusqu'à 400 000 images par seconde).
Plusieurs géométries ont été envisagées afin d'étudier différents cas de propagation dynamique : initiation en mode I pur, initiation en mode mixte, propagation, arrêt, redémarrage, interaction entre deux fissures, influence d'un trou sur le trajet d'une fissure, branchement dynamique de fissures. Ces expériences ont ensuite été reproduites numériquement afin de valider les algorithmes et les critères de rupture choisis.
Fernandes, Sandro Roberto. "Ferramenta de visão computacional para processos fotogramétricos." Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, 2008. http://www.bdtd.uerj.br/tde_busca/arquivo.php?codArquivo=718.
Full textIn this dissertation is presented the development of a computational tool for the processing of pairs of images estereoscópicas obtained by metric and not metric aerial cameras. The program was developed in the program language C++ and the library was used OpenGL. The result of the program is a three-dimensional image from where it can be extracted height quotas and land forms. These images can be used in the study of risk areas on slopes.
Huang, Yong-Jian, and 黃詠健. "Developing a Professional Image Enhancement Mechanism Based on Contemporary Photograph Aesthetics Criteria Mining." Thesis, 2015. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/17283014763907672061.
Full text國立臺灣科技大學
In recent years, the rise of smartphones and digital cameras makes it easier to take photos and a mass amount of photos are spread on the Internet. Photographic aesthetics is some sort of art which is expressed by the professional photographers’ aesthetic sensibilities and emotion. Moreover, many professional photographers make adjustments to the photos in post, and let photos much become more beautiful and meet the conditions of photographic aesthetics rules. Enhancing the images followed by ambiguous photographic aesthetics become a big task for computer. In this thesis, an automatically image enhancement based on the aesthetics images dataset from the internet is proposed. We used many method to analyze an image such as RMS method, Laplace of Gaussian method, saliency map method, Gabor filter method and so on. We can use above sixteen features extracted from image to judge an image is good or not. We present a new concept to enhance images by using cluster styles which are generated from X-means and CART decision tree. When an input image is judged as a bad image by CART decision tree, the reason can be traced back by the decision tree characteristic to know which features needs enhancement. We list ten features which can enhance image efficiently such as gamma correction, Gaussian blur and so on. We use Interval Halving method to approach the value which come from giving suggestion of a feature by CART decision tree based on contemporary aesthetics criteria. In the experiments, we apply cluster and classification to our dataset, and the average of cluster’s accuracy is 96.8%. In the enhancement part, we use CART decision tree aesthetic suggestion which means some feature are not enough or some feature are too high that can enhance our image step by step. Then we can get differently image style result like professional photographers do.
Wu, Jeng-horng, and 吳振宏. "The Comparative Study about the Effects of Using Online Teacher Assessment Mechanism and Peer Assessment Mechanism on College Students’ Performance of Photography Course." Thesis, 2011. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/72523805288828116938.
Full text國立臺南大學
The aims of this study were to explore the difference in college students accepting different online assessment mechanisms between overall performance of photography course and five performance dimensions of photography course, and to understand college student''s learning reflection on peer assessment in photography course. The subjects of this study were two college classes, a class of students went through online teacher assessment mechanism, and another class of students went through online peer assessment mechanism. Two classes of students involved in a quasi-experimental design with pretest, posttest and delayed posttest to evaluate their performance of photography course. After eight weeks, one class going through online peer assessment mechanism were selected to survey their performance satisfaction of photography course. The main conclusions of this study were as follows: 1. In terms of the immediate effects and delay effects of using online teacher assessment mechanism and peer assessment mechanism on college students’ overall performance of photography courses, there was no significant difference between two assessment mechanisms. 2. In terms of the immediate effects and delay effects of using online teacher assessment mechanism and peer assessment mechanism on college students’ five performance dimensions of photography course, there was no significant difference between two assessment mechanisms. 3. The learning reflection of 80% students in online peer assessment mechanism group reached high-level. 4. The students in peer assessment mechanism group expressed high performance satisfaction on overall performance of photography courses.
Jukes, Vanessa. "Myth and mechanism: exhibiting the unexpected Saskatchewan landscape." 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/1993/8479.
Full textLin, Xiang. "Direct coupling of imaging to morphology-based numerical modeling as a tool for mechanics analysis of wood plastic composites." Thesis, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/1957/26472.
Full textGraduation date: 2012
Hsu, Cheng-Hsing, and 許正興. "Ⅰ.An effective one-trap-level TCAD model for proton-induced semi-insulating substrates rendered by the general SOC integration platform: Particle-Beam Stand (PBS)Ⅱ.A preliminary research on the possible physical mechanism of the Kirlian Photography." Thesis, 2005. http://ndltd.ncl.edu.tw/handle/tg4ng5.
Full text國立虎尾科技大學
Ⅰ.A π technology (PEI = particle-enhanced isolation) had previously been proposed to employ energetic proton beams on the already-manufactured mixed-mode (analog-digital) IC wafers (prior to packaging) for the suppression of undesirable substrate coupling. Results of an improvement of 25-30 dB in noise coupling reduction and a great enhancement of 100-300 % on Q values of on-chip inductors had also been reported. Today, continued evaluations of this π technology have persuaded some chipmakers into realizing a new VLSI back-end facility: the particle-beam stand (PBS), which may ultimately become the general SOC (system-on-a-chip) integration platform. However, up to this day the physics behind such proton-caused defect phase has not been properly addressed. Thus, in this work, an effective 1-level defect model is constructed by fitting the existing single-trap-level theory with experimentally obtained parameters and those from numerical simulations of the SRIM (The Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter) (or previously, TRIM -- the Transport of Ions in Matter) code, a charged-particle stopping-power calculation program. It is realized that, more than being simple traps of charge carriers, these proton-created defects are also intrinsically charged (carrying +e or -e) and thus all are contributing to the Rutherford-like scattering of the then remaining free charge carriers. The calculated effective single trap level (ET) is shown to be about +0.24 eV in n-Si and -0.34 eV in p-Si, measuring from center of the energy band-gap. Ⅱ.In the early days of the 20th century, Russian scientist Kirlian and his wife discovered a new kind of photography, commonly known as the Kirlian Photography. By displaying bright halo or glow around objects taken, it further claimed to be capable of revealing the energy patterns emitted by human bodies for medical and psychological purposes. For Kirlian photography, maybe the most amazing demonstration by far is known as the “phantom-leaf” experiment. Namely, a leaf with portions of it cut off appeared in the photography as a whole leaf intact. Up to this day, however, the mechanism(s) behind Kirlian photography has never been certain. Some claimed that due to the constant release of various types of molecules from human body, the high-voltage, high-frequency electric field used in the Kirlian exposure accelerated and ionized these molecules to generate radiations which in turn contributed to the observed halo. Others argued instead that the Kirlian phenomena were the mere result of interactions between the applied AC electric field and bio-plasma (or bio-energy field) of human body. Other than the above two opposing conjectures, it was noticed that nonliving objects, such as a key or coin, also gave out Kirlian halos, and so far no satisfactory explanation has been given for that. On the application front, however, researches conducted over the last several decades worldwide, unfortunately, have only led to more divided opinions over the role played by the Kirlian photography. Some have allegedly confirmed beyond doubt that Kirlian photography has recorded the bio-energy distribution around human body and provided a very comprehensive image of the functioning of the entire mind-body system. In fact, there are already many applications of it, including: measuring the life-force in seeds and plants, detecting illness before physical symptoms appear, investigating residual toxic effects of drug addiction, assessing psychological compatibility between two people, evaluating the ability of a therapist to activate the self-healing processes in a patient, and for use in conjunction with other therapies such as acupuncture, homoeopathy and spiritual healing, as a cross check to the effectiveness of the methods, to name just a few, even though its physical mechanism was never made clear. On the other side, there are strong opinions claiming that the whole Kirlian phenomena could just be a manifestation of the unstable air or water vapor corona discharge, in addition to the fact that the results are simply not repeatable. Under such circumstances, this thesis work aimed to conduct several preliminary experiments concerning scientific inspection into the frequency aspects of the Kirlian phenomena, disregarding its functions, effectiveness as well as aesthetics.