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Minter, J. R. "Characterization of colloidal materials by cryo-TEM." Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America 51 (August 1, 1993): 728–29.

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Many researchers develop products and processes that depend upon colloidal materials. Rheological and other important material parameters are influenced by the morphology of the colloid. The photography industry uses many such colloids including silver halide sols, photographic coupler sols and emulsions surfactants, and gelatin solutions and gels. High-resolution direct electron images of these systems in their native states permit photographic scientists to understand how changes in formulation produce changes in microstructure and, ultimately, to understand the photographic performance of the system.We prepare thin biconcave liquid films spanning the holes in a perforated carbon film supported by an electron microscope grid (see Fig 1). To prevent changes in composition of the colloid caused by evaporation, the films are prepared in an environmental chamber and are propelled through a trap door into a container of liquid ethane. The specimen is cooled at a rate sufficient to prevent crystallization of water. When maintained below -150 °C, these specimens are stable and compatible with the high vacuuary of the electron microscope.
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Naqvi, Asghar H., John W. Shields, and Jerrold L. Abraham. "Nasal argyria (deposition of silver-selenium) in the photographic film industry: histopathology and microanalysis." American Journal of Otolaryngology 28, no. 6 (November 2007): 430–32.

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Kadiyali, Vrinda. "Entry, Its Deterrence, and Its Accommodation: A Study of the U. S. Photographic Film Industry." RAND Journal of Economics 27, no. 3 (1996): 452.

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Long, James C. "A new tool for rapid development of electron microscopy negatives and micrographs: Initial impressions of the MOHR/PRO-8 processor." Proceedings, annual meeting, Electron Microscopy Society of America 50, no. 2 (August 1992): 972–73.

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Over the years, many techniques and products have been developed to reduce the amount of time spent in a darkroom processing electron microscopy negatives and micrographs. One of the latest tools, effective in this effort, is the Mohr/Pro-8 film and rc paper processor.At the time of writing, a unit has been recently installed in the photographic facilities of the Electron Microscopy Center at Texas A&M University. It is being evaluated for use with TEM sheet film, SEM sheet film, 35mm roll film (B&W), and rc paper.Originally designed for use in the phototypesetting industry, this processor has only recently been introduced to the field of electron microscopy.The unit is a tabletop model, approximately 1.5 × 1.5 × 2.0 ft, and uses a roller transport method of processing. It has an adjustable processing time of 2 to 6.5 minutes, dry-to-dry. The installed unit has an extended processing switch, enabling processing times of 8 to 14 minutes to be selected.
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Kalienik, Iryna Oleksandrivna, Olena Bronislavivna Shydlovska, Tetiana Ivanivna Ishchenko, and Viktor Fedorovich Dotsenko. "HOTEL FOR PHOTOTOURISTS - A MODERN TREND IN THE HOSPITALITY INDUSTRY." GEOGRAPHY AND TOURISM, no. 52 (2019): 10–16.

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Purpose. To consider the concept of “phototourism”, to find out its essence and difference from other special types of tourism, to characterize its classification features. To reveal the prerequisites for its development in Ukraine to increase the tourist attractiveness of the country. Methods. For research, methods such as system-structural, abstract-logical, analysis, synthesis, generalization, observation, comparison were used; classification and literary methods. The system-structural method was used to assess the possibility of the existence of domestic hotels that will be able to provide photo tourists with services such as renting specialized photo equipment, workshops on using cameras, organizing photo tours and others. Thanks to the abstract-logical method, the theoretical aspects of the development and functioning of phototourism in Ukraine were revealed. The comparison method was used to evaluate the pricing policy of digital and film cameras. Results. The classification of photo tours and the specific features of phototourism, which distinguish it from other types of tourism, are given. The main trends in the development and popularization of phototourism in the world and Ukraine are investigated. Foreign photo tours and their specifics are analyzed. A survey was carried out among the population of Ukraine about their interest in hotel enterprises that can provide services for phototourists, organize tours and offer specialized photographic equipment for rent. A comparative assessment of the pricing policy of various types of photographic equipment is provided, which can be used in phototours organized by a hotel company specializing in phototourism. The innovative aspects of phototourism, which can be used in practice in the domestic hotel business, are analyzed. The given examples of such phototouristic regions as Cherkasy, Carpathian, Transcarpathian and Chernigov, which testify to the potential of Ukraine as a country that has the opportunity to expand its tourism market. Scientific novelty. Scientific novelty lies in substantiating the feasibility of creating a hotel for phototourists in Ukraine, as a new way to popularize phototourism in the hotel industry of the country. Phototourism with the use of film cameras is the newest direction in the tourism sector not only in Ukraine, but throughout the world. The practical significance lies in the fact that the popularization of phototourism can bring the industry to a qualitatively new level in the formation of tourism offers and contribute to the creation of a modern competitive tourism product.
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Durga, V., and Syed Shahab Ahmad. "Low-level Expression of Enzyme from Marine Bacillus Species for Detergents." Journal of Advances in Biology & Biotechnology 26, no. 1 (January 22, 2023): 1–10.

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Proteases are a varied and ancient family of enzymes that play a part in every aspect of an organism's functioning. As a member of the hydrolytic enzyme family, they help break down proteins into smaller peptides and amino acids. Proteases carry out a nucleophilic attack on the carbonyl carbon of the scissile bond to facilitate the addition of water. Because of the wide range of variances in their characteristics, such as substrate selectivity, active site composition, and catalytic mechanism, it is impossible to make generalizations regarding their stability and activity. Peptide synthesis, meat tenderization, cheese production, soy sauce production, silk industry organic syntheses, pharmaceutical industry waste treatment, protein hydrolyzation, and silver recovery from the waste photographic film are just some of the many applications of proteases, which have broad substrate specificity. Around 60% of all enzymes sold in the world are proteases derived from plants, animals, and microorganisms.
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Quagliati, Noemi. "Beyond the Whiteness." Sophia Journal 7, no. 1 (December 15, 2022): 25.

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Saverio Salvioni, Cava di Ravaccione, 1810–1813 (Source: Archivio di Stato Massa e Pontremoli) Marble extraction in the Italian Apuan Alps has been known since Roman times, and its historical importance is symbolized by masterpieces of Western art history. However, the Carrara marble industry has recently received harsh criticism for operating in the protected area of the Apuan Alps Regional Park, recognized by UNESCO since 2015. Environmental and social concerns about mining have arisen from the extreme acceleration of all the productive phases of the extractive industry. From the mid-twentieth century, the exploitation of geological deposits of marble grew exponentially thanks to the development of powerful extraction technologies and a global export economy that creates only relatively few occupations in Carrara. Within this context, photographic and cinematographic projects have increasingly focused on the environmental risks created by the marble mining industry. This article shows how visual representations of Carrara have changed in recent years via an analysis of three case studies: the internationally acclaimed documentary Anthropocene: The Human Epoch (2018), the climbing project and Italian short film Carie (Cavity 2019), and Lorenzo Shoubridge’s naturalistic photographs in Apuane: terre selvagge (Apuan Wildlands 2018). These case studies offer an innovative perspective on the landscapes of marble extraction. Previously, these landscapes were represented following other visual trends emphasizing the technological sublime found in the geometric shapes of the white quarries, the working conditions of marble laborers, and the myth of the purity of marble used in artistic sculptures. The three examples analyzed in this paper attempt to go ‘beyond the whiteness’ by focusing on the scale of environmental destruction (Anthropocene: The Human Epoch), the more-thanhuman perspective (Apuane terre selvagge), and the social struggle for preserving a mountain region through creative solutions (Carie). In other words, new aesthetic and ethical sensibilities are challenging established twentieth-century narratives of the Carrara marble quarries by focusing on a new element: the environment.
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Mujitahid, Herio, and Halim Al Hafizh. "Penerapan Pajak Terhadap Industri Film Di Masa Pandemi." Jurnal Locus Delicti 2, no. 1 (July 1, 2021): 36–48.

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Taxes are compulsory contributions to the state that are owed by individuals or entities that are compelling based on law, without receiving direct compensation and used for the state’s needs for the greatest prosperity of the people. Tax payments are used to finance state households so that the benefits are felt by the wider community or for the public interest. The film industry is a creative industry engaged in the media, arts and culture. Compared to other creative industry sectors, the film, video and photography industries have the highest creativity and knowledge capital, as forms of intangible assets. Effectiveness means that the goals that have been planned before can be achieved or in other words, the targets are achieved because of the activity process. With the existence of an open letter and protests by the film industry, it has resulted in the provision of relief and incentives from the finance minister for entertainment tax, especially for films.
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Zervigón, Andrés Mario. "The Peripatetic Viewer at Heartfield's Film und Foto Exhibition Room." October 150 (October 2014): 27–48.

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The traveling exhibition Film und Foto, inaugurated in 1929 by the famous German Werkbund association, stands as a critical landmark in the exhibition of modernist photography and film. Yet walking through its inaugural venue, in Stuttgart, was as much like flipping through an instructional photo essay as navigating an exhibition space. The first of the show's thirteen rooms, for example, offered a large number of prints that recapitulated the history of photography, or more specifically the history of its practical use. Displayed on sleek scaffolds that efficiently expanded the available exhibition surface, these prints hung in what may best be described as modernist salon style meets the printed page. A lower register seems strung near thigh level while a second row pushed toward the ceiling. The left-page/right-page and vertical/horizontal dialogues this arrangement afforded encouraged viewers to compare photographs taken from the spheres of science and industry to avant-garde prints inspired by the former. Above this series of exchanges ran a prominent sans-serif caption, a punning query that framed the entire show: “Where is photography's development headed?”
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Jobling, Paul. "Fashion/Photo/Film: The Intertextual Discourse of Funny Face (1956)." Fashion Studies 1, no. 1 (2018): 1–33.

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In this paper I mobilize Funny Face (dir. Stanley Donen, 1956) to examine the intertextual nexus between fashion, fashion photography, and film. Set in New York City and Paris, with costume design by Hubert de Givenchy and Edith Head, the film is a latter day telling of the Pygmalion myth, such that photographer Dick Avery (Fred Astaire) and Maggie Prescott (Kay Thompson), the dictatorial Fashion Editor of Quality, take up the challenge of converting Jo Stockton (Audrey Hepburn), whom they regard as an unprepossessing bookstore intellectual, into a top model. Thus I analyze how a film that is more generally regarded as a benchmark in the Hollywood musical for its exuberant use of colour and songs is, more particularly, a cinematic locus for both the mediation and mediatization of fashionable identities. To this end, I assess how the film elaborates the power of the fashion industry as a matter of social practice in regards to Foucauldian discourse and the related concept of the énoncé, or event/statement. Thus I evince I two events/statements — “Think Pink!” and “Bonjour Paris” — to discuss in particular the relationship of style to national identities and the need or desire for America to assert cultural leadership in fashion photography, art, and design over France in the context of 1950s Cold War politics. By comparison, I enlist the statements, “Take the Picture!” and “A Bird of Paradise,” to examine respectively the dynamic of looking/gazing between the fashion photographer and designer and their (in this case) female models, the nexus between star designing, clothing, and gender identity, and what Foucault calls assujetissement — subjection — which connotes the dual process of Jo’s subordination as well as the act of her becoming or “being made” a subject according to a system of power.
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Kamchatnoe, V. P. "On the issue of fatigue of workers in absolute darkness." Kazan medical journal 43, no. 3 (October 29, 2021): 77–78.

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The hygienic assessment of working conditions in dark workshops is still little known, although in conditions of absolute darkness they work in the film industry, at film-copy factories, in the printing industry, in photographs and other enterprises.
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Lusk, D., M. Gore, B. Boardman, D. Upadhyaya, T. Casserly, and M. Oppus. "A High Corrosion and Wear Resistant Interior Surface Coating for Use in Oilfield Applications." Advanced Materials Research 83-86 (December 2009): 592–600.

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A novel technique for depositing thick DLC based films on the inside of cylindrical substrates, like pipes, tubes and valves, has been developed. A plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition (PECVD) technique has been used to engineer and optimize the above mentioned films for maximum coating performance. Of particular importance is the corrosion and wear resistant qualities of these films. Changes in film chemistry, structure and thickness are attributed to the improved corrosion and wear resistance. Details will be given of the corrosion testing which has taken place, such as exposure to HCL (hot and ambient temperature), NaCl and H2S environments. One such test is a very aggressive sour autoclave test where the film is exposed to an aqueous, organic and gas phase over a 30 day period and no damage to the film was found. In depth details of this sour autoclave test will be shown including photographs of the film before and after testing. Wear testing has also been carried out in dry and wet sand slurry environments where very low coefficient of friction (COF) and wear rates were found. It is believed that this thick DLC based film can increase the component life in applications where internal surfaces are exposed to highly corrosive and abrasive media, in particular the oil and gas industry. Examples of such applications are mud pump sleeves, deep well components, directional drilling, abrasive flow spools, pump barrels and in sour fields (H2S).
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Obika, Alpha. "A Pioneer of Jamaican Film: A Conversation with Raymond Edwards." Black Camera 15, no. 1 (September 2023): 136–45.

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Abstract: Raymond "Bubbles" Edwards is a trailblazing cameraman, director of photography, casting director, loader, and educator with over fifty years of service to the Jamaican film industry. He has worked with global filmmakers on some of the largest film and television productions shot in Jamaica since the 1970s and witnessed firsthand the growth of the audiovisual sector in the Caribbean. Edwards's journey to film was inspired by his childhood viewing of The Harder They Come (dir. Perry Henzell, 1972, Jamaica). As destiny would have it, he became a lifelong colleague and friend to Caribbean filmmaker Franklyn St. Juste and Jamaican actor Carl Bradshaw, who both worked on the iconic film. In this interview Edwards tells his story, which spans his introduction to film production, key moments in his stellar career, along with a critique of the Jamaican film industry and the challenges to overcome for its sustained development in the future.
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Powers, Annie. "A Road Trip Along the Aqueduct in 1915." Boom 3, no. 3 (2013): 115–22.

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A partially reproduced photo album of two men, William Oliver and Henry Frick, who photographed their road trip along the Los Angeles aqueduct in 1915. The photos and their captions reveal contemporary car culture, engagement with the film industry, and interest in the origins of water in LA.
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Akhiyar, Dinul, Vivi Nila Sari, and Abulwafa Muhammad. "Analysis and Development of Marketing for the Creative Industry of West Sumatra Based on E-Commerce with the Concept of Customer Relationship Management (Crm) (Analisa Dan Pengembangan Pemasaran Industri Kreatif Sumatera Barat Berbasis E-Commerce Dengan K." Jurnal KomtekInfo 6, no. 2 (November 19, 2019): 144–54.

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West Sumatra is an area in Indonesia that has many Creative Industries, this is the reason the government places representatives of the Ministry of Creative Industries in this region. This is done to foster, oversee and develop the Creative Industries that exist today. The Creative Industries that exist today are very diverse there are 15 fields that are very potential to be developed in Indonesia, Advertising (Advertising), Architecture, Art Goods Market, Crafts (Craf), Design, Video, Film, Photography, Interactive Games (Games), Music , Performing Arts (Showbiz), Publishing and Printing, Computer and Software Services, Television and Radio (Broadcasting), Research and Development (R&D), Culinary. Of the 15 creative industries in Indonesia for the West Sumatra region there are 9 sub-sectors of potential creative industries, namely, fashion, culinary, handicraft, music, performing arts, photography, design, animation, and film, but not all creative industry sectors it is developing so that it has an impact on the marketing of its products. For this reason, it is necessary to analyze and develop the marketing of creative industries in West Sumatra that prioritizes the concept of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) so that marketing concepts that have the potential to increase marketing of creative industry products will be known. Especially now that the Provincial Government is developing the Halal Tourism Industry, of course in this field there a re very many opportunities for the development of the Creative Industries
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Nisantika, Riris, and Ni Luh Putu Egi Santika Maharani. "Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen Oleh Badan Penyelesaian Sengketa Konsumen (BPSK)." Jurnal Locus Delicti 2, no. 1 (July 1, 2021): 49–59.

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Taxes are compulsory contributions to the state that are owed by individuals or entities that are compelling based on law, without receiving direct compensation and used for the state’s needs for the greatest prosperity of the people. Tax payments are used to finance state households so that the benefits are felt by the wider community or for the public interest. The film industry is a creative industry engaged in the media, arts and culture. Compared to other creative industry sectors, the film, video and photography industries have the highest creativity and knowledge capital, as forms of intangible assets. Effectiveness means that the goals that have been planned before can be achieved or in other words, the targets are achieved because of the activity process. With the existence of an open letter and protests by the film industry, it has resulted in the provision of relief and incentives from the finance minister for entertainment tax, especially for films. The purpose of this study is to determine the arrangements regarding consumer dispute resolution and dispute resolution mechanisms in the Consumer Sengkera Settlement Agency. The research method used is the normative research method. The legal materials used are primary and secondary legal materials and the data analysis technique uses qualitative methods. The results of his research are (1) the settlement of disputes in consumer protection is regulated in Law no. 8 of 1999 concerning Consumer Protection which regulates dispute resolution is divided into 2 (two), namely court channels and outside court channels such as negotiation, conciliation, mediation, and others. BPSK as a dispute resolution agency domiciled in the provincial capital, and (2) consumer dispute resolution at BPSK, in Article 15 Paragraph (1) of the Republic of Indonesia's Minister of Industry and Trade Decree No. 350 / MPP / Kep / 12/2001 regarding the implementation of the duties and authorities of BPSK stated that consumers or business actors who feel their rights have been impaired can submit a consumer dispute resolution request to.
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Hassanpour, Malek. "Economic assessment model of the silver recycling industry." International Journal of Innovation in Engineering 1, no. 3 (October 7, 2021): 20–37.

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Silver Element (SE) is exploited in making coins, jewelry, silverware, electronics devices, medical and decorative stuff, confectionery products, mirrors and glass making, and making up photography films, etc. Because of its antibacterial properties, the SE is utilized in the pharmaceutical industry. One of its important characteristics is high resistance to chemical solvents. The SE has historically had a special position and value among the people because of its precious status and its widespread use, especially in the field of medicine. The Silver Metal (SM) has been used as a trading agent rather than money. The present research investigated the silver recycling industry from photography films and their belongings to deploy an economic assessment model empirically. By the current research, an economic assessment model was developed that can be assigned to assess any engineering & industrial project in the screening step of project identification via the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) plan. Also, the developed model can be employed to estimate the economic indices of breakeven point, economic value-added, and time of return on investment. The configuration of the model is highly emphasized in electronic software's.
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Linford, Ray A. "Innovations in Computer Imaging." American Journal of Cosmetic Surgery 13, no. 4 (December 1996): 355–57.

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Digital imaging and recent advances in computer software and hardware provide the medical industry with a new technology for archiving photos without film and assessing patients' expectations before surgery to make sure patients receive the results they expect. Hardware advances such as the instant-access digital video capture board, advanced digital video/still cameras, and dual Pentium processors allow complex photos to be manipulated quickly so that doctors can point out subtle changes in a patient's image and realistically create end results on a screen before beginning a surgical procedure, allowing the doctor to bring the client's expectations in line with real surgical potential. Other advantages of digital imaging over traditional photography and sketching include the elimination of photo degradation over time, a lessened need for printing with the use of an on-screen image, and a limitless file room for photo storage.
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Matbouly, Mustafa Yousry. "Knowledge Resources Informing Lighting Design Practice in Egyptian TV and Film Industry." Journal of Visual Art and Design 12, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 99–108.

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This study investigated the knowledge resources informing television and film lighting design practice in Egypt and the value of suggesting scientific recommendations to be followed. A questionnaire was circulated among a considerable number of professional lighting designers, lighting directors, directors of photography and cameramen working in the Egyptian media industry. Most of those addressed by the survey indicated that their main knowledge resource during their work is likely to be their own past experience. Very few of them depend on the recommendations of scientific research. Moreover, critical analysis of the collected data showed that there is limited academic research in the discipline of lighting design available for Egyptian television and film practitioners to benefit from. It was concluded that the discipline of lighting design needs more scientific research to establish a database of findings, theories and paradigms just as any other design discipline.
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Forbes, David. "Film Archives: A Decaying Visual History." African Research & Documentation 110 (2009): 37–43.

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The 20th Century saw a movement from the Industrial Revolution to what we could call the Communication Revolution, and perhaps a newer revolution in the past 20 years, which we could characterise as the Information Revolution.The Communication Revolution began with the discovery of photography (and shortly thereafter, cinema) at the end of the 19th Century. The Lumiere brothers in France, Edward Muybridge in England, and Thomas Edison in America explored the possibilities of moving and still images. Rapid expansion of technology and opportunity saw the rise of revolutionary cinema in Russia, and the emergence of Hollywood - the beginnings of an industry that today engulfs our world with images.
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Tsai, Joyce, Angela Chang, Matthew Battles, and Jeffrey Schnapp. "László Moholy-Nagy’s Light Prop as Design Fiction: Perspectives on Conservation and Replication." Leonardo 50, no. 3 (June 2017): 311–15.

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Light Prop for an Electric Stage was presented in 1930 as a prototype for a new kind of mechanical theater that was meant to spark future partnerships between art and industry. Although it was never put into industrial production, Light Prop circulated as an early example of kinetic sculpture, as documented in a highly composed film, in photographs and in textual accounts. In 2016, the Harvard Art Museums and metaLAB (at) Harvard filmed Light Prop and its 2006 replica under highly controlled conditions. The resulting comparative media reveals how László Moholy-Nagy’s film served as the “design fiction” guiding the replication and conservation of Light Prop.
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Jusoh, Emiliana R., M. Halim Shah Ismail, Luqman C. Abdullah, Robiah Y., and W. A. Wan Abdul Rahman. "Crude palm oil as a bioadditive in polypropylene blown film." BioResources 7, no. 1 (January 7, 2012): 859–67.

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Growing public concern about environment and potential risks to health in the polymer and plasticizer industry promises to increase the market for a safer alternative plasticizer such as a vegetable oil-based agent. The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential of crude palm oil as a bio-additive in polypropylene blown films. The polypropylene was blended with 1%, 3%, and 5% dosages of CPO using a twin screw extruder. The extruded samples were blown using the blown thin film technique. Mechanical, physical, and morphological properties were characterized. Modifying polypropylene with CPO showed good enhancement in the mechanical properties of the polypropylene. Tensile strength, elongation at break, impact strength, and tear strength all increased. The scanning electron microscopy photographs of the CPO-modified PP clearly supported the results from the mechanical strength tests. The presence of CPO in the PP matrices decreased the density and increased the melt flow rate. These findings contribute new knowledge to the additives area and give important implications for designing and manufacturing polymer packaging materials.
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Mehr, Linda Harris. "Oscar’s very special library: the Margaret Herrick Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences." Art Libraries Journal 34, no. 3 (2009): 29–34.

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‘Oscar’ is the best-known symbol of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. But there is more to the Academy than the golden statuette. The Academy’s Margaret Herrick Library, which has been in existence for 80 years, is widely regarded as the pre-eminent research and reference facility for the study of all aspects of motion pictures, as an art form and an industry. The non-circulating research and reference collection, located in Beverly Hills, California, is open to the public, free of charge, and is heavily used by students, scholars, industry personnel, journalists, filmmakers and the general public. Its holdings document the multiple facets of the film industry and its personnel, past and present, and include books, periodicals, clipping files and screenplays, as well as special collections of photographs, manuscripts, posters, graphic art materials, music and recorded sound, and oral histories.
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Shin, Soyoun. "A Case Study of NFT Utilization According to Global Marketplace ‘Opensea’ Categorization." Korean Society of Culture and Convergence 45, no. 11 (November 30, 2023): 85–100.

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This paper analyzed NFT cases for each type based on the type classification provided by Opensea the world's No. 1 NFT marketplace, and explored the possibility of NFT being used in the entertainment industry. Among the nine types in total, including Art, Photography, Music, Gaming, Sports Collectibles, Memberships, Profile Pictures (PFPs), Virtual Worlds, and Domain Names, eight of them showed potential for integration with the entertainment industry. Each type could be categorized into three directions: NFT as digital merchandise, NFT as a new method of content creation and production, and NFT as a means to expand and enhance fandom and intellectual property (IP). We hope that the various cases presented and the analysis in this study can inspire various genres of entertainment businesses, such as music, film, musicals, and performances. We also hope that ongoing research from various perspectives on technology, content, and industry markets will contribute academically and industrially.
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Tegar Insani, Azhar Fadholi, Ircham Mutaqin, Raihan Zein, and Dhanar Intan Surya Saputra. "Industri Microstock sebagai Peluang Peningkatan Ekonomi Kreatif di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19." JAMI: Jurnal Ahli Muda Indonesia 1, no. 1 (May 15, 2020): 46–54.

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Abstrak Objektif. Adanya pandemi Covid-19 ini membawa dampak diberbagai sektor kehidupan masyarakat, seperti Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Sosial, Budaya, hingga Pemerintahan dan banyak sektor lainnya. Dampak corona terhadap perekonomian masyarakat di Indonesia sangat signifikan. Pemerintah mengeluarkan berbagai macam kebijakan untuk dapat menekan penyebaran virus ini, seperti adanya kebijakan bekerja dari rumah (work from home), belajar dari rumah (study from home) dan beribadah di rumah, hingga adanya kebijakan isolasi, karantina dan Pembatasan Sosial Berskala Besar (PSBB). Melihat berbagai macam dampak negative tersebut, tentu saja kita sebagai masyarakat berpendidikan perlu melihat adanya peluang yang mucul dari sisi dampak positif. Berdasarkan alasan tersebut, tindakan pengamatan dan penelitian yang dilakukan untuk mengetahui peluang dalam peningkatan ekonomi kreatif di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Material and Metode. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk mengetahui adanya peluang tentang peningkatan ekonomi kreatif di tengah pandemi Covid-19 ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif melalui observasi dan in depth interview kepada para pelaku sektor ekonomi kreatif pada sub sektor Film, Animasi, dan Video; Fotografi; dan Desain Komunikasi Visual. Hasil. Salah satu sektor riil yang sangat layak menjadi prioritas peningkatan dan peluang di tengah pandemi Covid-19 yaitu ekonomi kreatif. Berbeda dengan sektor ekonomi lainnya yang sangat tergantung pada eksploitasi sumber daya alam, kekuatan ekonomi kreatif lebih bertumpu kepada keunggulan sumber daya manusia. Hasil penelitian menyajikan analisa masyarakat yang terdampak dan peluang positif peningkatan ekonomi melalui industri microstock. Kesimpulan. Ada peluang yang dapat diambil untuk meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat khususnya masyarakat dengan keahlian di bidang sektor Film, Animasi, dan Video; Fotografi; dan Desain Komunikasi Visual yaitu melalui industri microstock. Abstrak Objective. The existence of the Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on various sectors of community life, such as the Economy, Education, Social, Culture, to Government and many other sectors. Corona's impact on the economy of the people in Indonesia is very significant. The government issued various policies to reduce the spread of this virus, such as the policy of work from home, study from home and worshiping at home, to the policy of isolation, quarantine and large-scale social restrictions. Seeing the various negative impacts, of course we as an educated community need to see the opportunities that arise from the positive impact. Based on these reasons, the act of observation and research carried out to determine opportunities in improving the creative economy in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Materials and Methods. The research method used to identify opportunities for enhancing the creative economy amid the Covid-19 pandemic uses a qualitative approach through observation and in-depth interviews with actors in the creative economy sector in the Film, Animation and Video sub-sectors; Photography; and Visual Communication Design. Results One of the real sectors that are worthy of being the priority of improvement and opportunity in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic is the creative economy. In contrast to other economic sectors that are highly dependent on the exploitation of natural resources, the strength of the creative economy rests more on the superiority of human resources. The results present an analysis of affected communities and positive opportunities for economic improvement through the microstock industry.. Conclusion. There are opportunities that can be taken to improve the economy of the community, especially the community with expertise in the fields of Film, Animation, and Video; Photography; and Visual Communication Design, namely through the microstock industry.
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Mahnashi, Mater H., Uday M. Muddapur, Bhagya Turakani, Ibrahim Ahmed Shaikh, Ahmed Abdullah Al Awadh, Mohammed Merae Alshahrani, Ibrahim A. Almazni, et al. "A Review on Versatile Eco-Friendly Applications of Microbial Proteases in Biomedical and Industrial Applications." Science of Advanced Materials 14, no. 4 (April 1, 2022): 622–37.

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Enzymes are the keystone for metabolism or the chemical reactions in biological systems. They help to build certain substances and break others down. Enzymes play a critical role in our bodies, industries and corporate sectors. Protease is an enzyme that helps break the peptide bonds present in the protein and separates the amino acids. Microbial proteases are the ones where the bacteria can produce the protease enzyme. Among many industrial enzymes, microbial protease has a versatile role in many fields like laundry, leather preparation, feather degradation, detergent preparation, biocontrol agents, optical lens cleaners, tannery, deproteinization of prawn shell, prevention of putrefaction of cutting oil, food preservatives, chelating agents, fodder additives, removal and degradation of polymeric substances (EPS), removal of hairs in buffalo hide, waste treatment, bioremediation process, reduction of waste-activated sludge and biofilm formation, degumming of silk, cosmetics (to remove glabellar-frown lines), cheese making, Meat tenderization, rehydration of goat skins and reduced water quantity, fibrin degradation, photographic, silver recovery from X-ray films, dairy industry, control harmful nematodes, fruit juice, and bakery, soybean paste, and sauce industry, pulp mills, alcohol production, fish processing wastes, prion degradation. Microbial protease is popularly used in the detergent industry, leather industry, textile industry, food industry, dairy industry, meat processing industry, bakery industry, pharmaceutical industry, etc.
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Lei, Di, and Sae-Hoon Kim. "Design of 3D Modeling Face Image Library in Multimedia Film and Television." Journal of Sensors 2021 (October 15, 2021): 1–11.

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The development of 3D modeling technology has promoted the development of the multimedia film and television industry. This article is aimed at studying the design of 3D modeling facial image library in multimedia film and television, at providing a more comprehensive facial image library for the multimedia film and television industry, at breaking the shackles of the traditional film and television industry with 3D technology, and at continuously surpassing traditional film and television media forms. This article deeply explores the background development of multimedia film and television and the characteristics of the development of new media. Starting from 3D technology, it extracts facial features of characters, transforms image data through deep autoencoders, and uses local binarization mode to perform the original facial image is subjected to texture feature extraction. In this paper, a number of experimental subjects were selected, and the subjects were photographed from the left, front, and right from multiple angles. Through the pinhole camera projection imaging process, the internal and external parameters of the camera were adjusted. In the process of 3D image construction, the image is first selected for feature detection, then the corresponding vector information and geometric conditions are matched to construct a 3D matrix, and the facial structure image is obtained by triangulation. This article compares the 3D production software on the market and selects the Maya platform suitable for building this system. The global constraint information is obtained by training some sample images. When searching the test image, find the appropriate feature point position according to the structural matching degree of the local image. When each search is completed, the global information will be used for constraint, so as to output reasonable feature information. The average residual range of the human face image constructed in this paper is 0.25-0.45, and the maximum residual error does not exceed 4.0. The experimental method in this paper has good stability and robustness. Using the COM transmission model can make experimenters not need to think too much about the underlying details. This face animation-driven simulation scheme can achieve more vivid facial expressions.
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Herlin, Faradilla, and Hasan Basri. "MODEL DAN STRATEGI PENGEMBANGAN UMKM INDUSTRI KREATIF UNGGULAN BERBASIS POTENSI LOKAL DI KOTA JAMBI." Journal Development 6, no. 2 (December 27, 2018): 159–67.

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Studies and studies are needed to map and identify business units of superior creative industry SMEs to be developed in the city of Jambi. The problem in research is which creative industry-based SMEs have the potential to be developed and how can the development model of creative industry SMEs be based on local potential and finally how is the formulation of policy strategies in the development of superior creative industries based on local potential in Jambi City. On the basis of the results of the analysis that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the following are the first, local potential creative industries based on SMEs that have the advantage to be developed in Jambi City are handicraft industries, design industries, fashion industries, film, video and photography industries, game industries interactive, publishing and printing industries, and the television and radio industries. Second, the development model of creative industry-based SMEs based on local potential must pay attention to efforts to increase the creativity of the workforce both through formal education, training and through wage levels, which will have a positive impact on the development of creative industry MSMEs. Likewise, efforts to increase investment, manager's ability and increase production creativity.
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Euodia Grace Maranatha, Endang Sulistya Rini, and Syafrizal Helmi Situmorang. "ANALYSIS OF THE INFLUENCE OF BRAND IMAGE, SERVICE QUALITY AND STORE ATMOSPHERE ON CUSTOMER SATISFACTION CAFE RUANG SARCA MEDAN." International Journal of Economic, Business, Accounting, Agriculture Management and Sharia Administration (IJEBAS) 3, no. 4 (June 27, 2023): 1165–82.

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Based on data from the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy, in 2021, the creative industry will contribute quite a lot to the GDP of the national economy, up to 6.98 percent, almost 7 percent with a value of no less than Rp. 1.134 trillion (Ghofar, 2022). The Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy explained that there are 17 sub-sectors of the creative economy in Indonesia, namely: game developer, architecture, interior design, music, fine arts, product design, fashion, culinary, (animated film and video photography), visual communication design, television and radio, craft, advertising, performing arts, publishing, and applications (Kemenparekraf, 2022), based on 17 (seventeen) sub-sectors of the creative economy in Indonesia, culinary is the largest contributor (30%) from the tourism and creative economy sectors. The culinary industry has a very strong potential for development, so that the culinary industry receives great attention from the government so that this sector can progress by providing facilitation such as business training, access to capital, and business start-up assistance. In addition, the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy also participates in promoting this very diverse Indonesian cuisine in domestic and foreign markets (Kemenparekraf, 2022).
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Lu, R. S. "RESEARCH ON THE MAPPING OF LARGE-SCALE TOPOGRAPHIC MAPS BASED ON LOW-ALTITUDE DRONE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY SYSTEM." ISPRS - International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences XLII-3/W10 (February 7, 2020): 623–28.

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Abstract. The field data collection and in-house data processing of the aerial photography system of the uavouring aircraft are studied, combined with their working examples in this paper. The aerial survey of the Bowen School of Management of Guilin University of Technology is carried out by using the Southern Sky Patrol AS1200 aerial survey system, and the obtained data is processed and studied in the internal and external industry. In order to successfully complete this research, this article (1) first of all to the external industry collected data inspection, that is, the quality of the aircraft film inspection, the main content of the inspection is the detection of the image of the tone, resolution, level, whether the film can clearly identify the main objects, such as houses, roads, etc. can be clearly identified; - Whether the film is ghosting, whether there is misalignment and fuzziness, etc. , if the film has blurred or other quality problems, it is necessary to carry out retest or retest, this step is mainly to ensure the quality of research data, for the industry processing data to do a basic guarantee. (2) For the processing of in-house data, this paper uses a correction model for image data distortion pre-processing, the method of arithmetic and the edge detection operator method of extracting the image feature, and the image matching method Greenfeld-Schenk method based on the feature, Bamard-Thompson method and jump method and other methods to match the image, at the same time, this paper also takes the aerial triangulation method of the processing of internal data, complete the measurement control point encryption work, so as to calculate the spatial coordinates of the encryption control point, reduce the field laying work like control points, and thus reduce the working time of the field. (3) For improving the accuracy of the topographic elevation point in the aviation area, this paper uses polymorphic curve to be legal, using the field elevation measured value of the checkpoint and the three-dimensional measurement value does not match the difference, using the least square-by-multiply method to fit, so that the elevation checkpoint curve fitting value change and the actual difference is the smallest, with the measurement area elevation accuracy.
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Player, Mark. "Media-Morphosis. Intermediality, (Re-)Animation and the Medial Uncanny in Tsukamoto Shinya’s Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989)." Acta Universitatis Sapientiae, Film and Media Studies 12, no. 1 (September 1, 2016): 167–89.

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Abstract Operating self-sufficiently on the fringes of the Japanese film industry for almost his entire career, the work of independent filmmaker Tsukamoto Shinya1 is perhaps best-known for its uncompromising, musical freneticism, as well as its corporeal spectacle. However, Tsukamoto’s dynamic clashing of visual media signifiers, such as those of theatre and television (industries within which he also operated prior to his film career during the 1980s), and how these impact upon his reflexive cinematic style, has yet to be fully considered. Drawing on Laura Mulvey’s conception of the ‘uncanny’ in response to cinema’s potential to confuse animate and inanimate, as well as Tsukamoto’s own under-discussed background in experimental street theatre and television advertising production, this essay seeks to examine Tsukamoto’s unique method of stop motion photography within his signature, self-produced feature Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989). The intention is to show that these hyperbolic sequences instil not only an uncanniness in their live-action subjects, who are rendered inanimate then reanimated to form staccato, cyborg characters, but also a ‘medial uncanny’ that simultaneously emulates and subverts the qualities of a vast range of visual media, particularly television and its associated post-medial peripherals and artefacts.
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Bowles, Kate. "‘Society with Spectacles’: Cultural Memory, Business Risk and the Revival of 3D." Media International Australia 139, no. 1 (May 2011): 103–12.

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The revival of 3D film and television has engaged media retailers and analysts in discussion of the risks associated with novelty viewing, and the likely barriers to wide acceptance. Research by the University of Southern California shows that purchasing decisions are shaped by perceptions of the history of 3D, and its association with ‘kitschy photos of ‘50s movie-house audiences’. In this article, I reflect on one of the most well known of these photographs, in relation to other depictions of the novelty viewing experience of the early 1950s. I suggest that both industry and scholarly analysis might benefit from a more nuanced account of ‘the spectacle’, based on the contribution of qualitative micro-research into the social nature of the audience experience, and argue that the 3D revival offers a valuable opportunity to develop this research.
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O’Connor, Paul. "Hong Kong Skateboarding and Network Capital." Journal of Sport and Social Issues 42, no. 6 (August 24, 2018): 419–36.

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The importance of East Asia to the skateboard industry is multifaceted. It represents a dense commercial asset where the “cool” of skateboarding can be leveraged for consumption. It is also a global resource for touring professional skateboarders visiting countries such as China, Korea, and Japan to film and photograph their tricks in new locations. The success of such strategies are entwined with a regional network of skateboarders, a group whose subcultural capital is operationalized through network capital. Analysis of these connections highlights that Hong Kong’s prominence in East Asian skateboarding is largely dependent on its position as a global city and hybrid entrepôt. By addressing the conservative culture of skateboarding, and the importance of Hong Kong as a global city rather than a “skateable” city, this article further contributes to the theorizing of skateboarding beyond discussions of space and resistance.
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Markiewicz-Patkowska, Julita I., Sławomir Pytel, Piotr Oleśniewicz, and Krzysztof Widawski. "THREE-DIMENSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHY AS A NEW TECHNIQUE TO MAKE DIDACTIC PRESENTATIONS MORE ATTRACTIVE." Information Technologies and Learning Tools 69, no. 1 (February 25, 2019): 1.

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In the 21st century, the form of presenting information plays an incredibly important role in arousing interest in research problems. Stereoscopy is among the imaging techniques that have evoked much interest in the recent years. Its numerous applications that can be observed in various fields (such as medicine, space science, law, marketing, or entertainment industry) suggest that we should also use this technology for didactic purposes. The aim of the article is to discuss the process of creating three-dimensional photography and the opportunities offered by stereoscopy, which makes it possible to obtain images with depth effect and impression of solidity. The authors describe different ways to obtain three-dimensional images and the devices applied in the process, as well as techniques of presenting three-dimensional material to a wider audience. The methods of free-viewing (the oldest method of viewing stereoscopic images), anaglyph (a simple method applied in printing and displaying static images and movies on screen), lenticular raster (employing a series of narrow vertical cylindrical lenses), and stereoscopy (in which mirrors, lenses, prisms, or filters are used) are discussed. Also, the application of computer technology is reviewed and the ways in which stereoscopy can benefit from this medium owing to the use of LCD shutter glasses. Contemporary technology offers considerable opportunities, at the same time posing ever-increasing demands, which are mentioned in the paper, too. Teaching is most effective when information is received through multiple channels, combining verbal and visual messages. Owing to 3D images, the recipients grasp more information details, remember them longer, and are more interested in the message content. Creating didactic presentations with the use of three-dimensional photographs or films is presented as a way of arousing interest, allowing direct participation in the cognitive process, and facilitating the reception of the transmitted content.
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McAllister, Robbie. "Streaming steam." Science Fiction Film & Television 15, no. 3 (October 1, 2022): 295–313.

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Building its present identity from the reimagined recollections of a past age of industry, the steampunk movement’s array of antiquated yet spectacular machines have become hallmarks of our fascination with technology’s history. In this article, I will trace the movement’s retrofuturistic sensibilities through a wave of short films and web series that set themselves within worlds that are constructed from anachronistic devices that belong to neither the past nor the present. Instead, these are texts that, whether constructed by amateur filmmakers, professionals - and a range of practices in-between - use their science fictional identities to disrupt the seemingly linear trajectory of our media’s historical progress. Through them, the aesthetics of nineteenth-century photographic techniques and special effects are reimagined through the lens of current streaming platforms, modern computer-generated imagery and a new breed of maker cultures who desire to conflate cutting-edge innovation with the first wave of invention and experimentation that breathed life into our visual media. Most significantly, however, by exploring the proliferation and popularization of neo-Victorian machinery within the vast array of short films that have been both distributed and produced through highly digitized practices, the steampunk genre will be used to examine representations of craftsmanship and “making” that have become embedded within contemporary popular culture.
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Handayani, Naniek Utami, Diana Puspita Sari, M. Mujiya Ulkhaq, and Risa A. C. Fitriani. "The Analytic Network Process for Identifying the Potential Sub-Sectors of Creative Industry: Empirical Finding from Semarang, Indonesia." Revista de Gestão Social e Ambiental 18, no. 3 (March 8, 2024): e05016.

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Objective: The aims of the present study is to identify the most potential sub-sector of creative industry in Semarang, Indonesia. Theoretical Framework: The creative industry is considered to promote human development while promoting the economic growth. It maintains and protects cultural and historical heritage, foster individual and communities’ creativities, as well as improve cultural capital. Although there is widespread classification of creative industry, the Indonesian Ministry of Tourism has classified the creative industry into 16 sub-sectors, namely, (1) advertising, (2) application and game developers, (3) architecture, (4) craft, (5) fashion, (6) film, animation, and video, (7) fine arts, (8) gastronomy/culinary, (9) interior design, (10) music, (11) performing arts, (12) photography, (13) product design, (14) publishing, (15) TV and radio (broadcasting), and (16) visual communication design. Methodology: The analytic network process (ANP) is used to identify the most potential sub-sector of creative industry. A case study is conducted in Semarang, a capital city of Central Java Province, Indonesia. There are four criteria to be considered, i.e., economic, technology, social, and cultural indicator. Data are collected from in-depth interviews with experts in the field of creative industry. Results and Conclusion: According to the four criteria, it is revealed that the social indicator has the greatest weight among others with value of 0.338. Next, the fashion sub-sector is considered as the most potential sub-sector of creative industry in Semarang with the weight of 0.428. A consistency checking is also performed to test whether the answers of the experts contradict each other or not. The result shows that the value of consistency ratio is 0.049 or less than 0.1, indicating consistency. Implication of Research: The findings of this study can provide local government with valuable insights to prioritize the most potential sub-sector to be developed to actualized Semarang as a creative city. Originality/value: Decision-making is of vital importance as it can help management to make good decision.
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Incumbent companies sometimes innovate and attempt to revitalise old technology-based products, in decline after technological change, by improvements of their technical performance and/or extensions of their lifetime into the market. The name of this innovation approach is "sailing ship effect," the acceleration of innovation in the old technology in response to the threat from the new. However, in theory firms could achieve revitalisation even by an alternative innovation approach based on the development of completely new products. The article reports an illustrative case study: the innovation approach of some of the main incumbent organisations in photography industry after the emergence of digital cameras. In this case, incumbent companies developed and launched film scanners, new technology-based products aimed at supporting users of old analog cameras after the rise of digital imaging. The article contributes to the extant literature about innovation approaches for old products' revitalisation by analysing how established firms can achieve this goal with completely new technological products. The approach of technology reverse is proposed.
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Pavlova, Olena. "When visual practices became mediatized: the context of the signification mode of Modernism and the Classic culture industry." UKRAINIAN CULTURAL STUDIES, no. 2 (11) (2022): 67–71.

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Visual practices (the dominance of sight through appealing to it the signifier order of the the carrier, but not the complete absence of other sensory orientations) were mediatized, that was, they formed mass audiences (both in participants numbers and the most dense form of integration into society as a whole). This was not possible without cultural technologies covering the everyday level of interaction between people and things, institutes as well as culture became ordinary. Another attribute of media functioning was mass attractiveness (pleasure of the media (e.g. text), not of the artistic work), i.e. realization as a form of "meaning culture" (H. Gumbrecht's term, i.e. beyond the motivation of lack or coercion). The attractiveness of visual media is one of forms of the image practices (G. Boehm 's term, but not of the artistic image and not of the picture contemplation). Thus, mediatization became possible in the process of culture industrialization (i.e. industrial production makes possible both surplus and excess), in particular as the form of "classic culture industry" (S. Lash). It was formed against the background of penetration of inventions of the second industrial revolution into communication technologies. On the other hand, the media in the "The long nineteenth century" (E. Hobsbawm) are predominantly visual because the dominant forms of sensory orientation are based on technologies and cultural products whose signifiers order appealed to the eye (press, photography, silent cinema). Therefore, the way of signification of modernism (blurring the connection with the referent by the play intensifying of the signifier and the signified) was carried out mainly in the logic of mediatization of visual practices through both industrial replication of signifiers and diversification of the orders of the latter (the premise of signifieds multiplicity). A derivative of industrialization and mediatization (de-differentiation with technical carriers, mass audience and attractiveness of the cultural product for it, its ordinary) of culture was the requirement of its newsworthiness (endless updating of media content as a necessary component of the signifiers diversity, a of the dominance rate of the meaning culture). Other forms of mediatization (museums, cafes, cabarets, concerts, music production, etc.) are derived from hybridization with visual media (representation in the press and photographs, film news is an indispensable element of commercial success), as well as spectacularity as a necessary parameter of any media. Mediatization and visualization as a factor in the modernism mod and the classic culture industry caused a powerful transformation of the humanities, in particular the emergence of the fields of cultural history (the reception of the rewriting of the past by the present) and the phenomenology of perception (the rehabilitation of the integrity of sensory orientations beyond their reduction to sight). Mediatization of visual practices in the logic of the formation of the classic culture industry contained the following elements of implementation: mechanization of production and reproduction of cultural products, accordingly, its reduction in price and the possibility of being commercialized, mass consumption, and, consequently, production, of a mass audience. The signification mod of modernism includes "the desacralization of the image of the Author" (scriptwriter, not creator; collective, not person, individual) and the disappearance of the aura of the artistic work (the order of signifiers becomes derived from technical parameters, and therefore, the media become actors of cultural production).
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Moreno Betancourt, Paola Milena. "Comportamiento del sector cinematográfico en Bogotá entre los años 2011 y 2016." Cuadernos de Semilleros de investigación 4, no. 1 (January 1, 2018): 71–78.

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The investigation is developed around the behavior of the cinematographic sector in regard to the years 2011 to 2016 in the city of Bogotá, because the cinema is considered one of the most important arts of the humanity since it has a high impact in the behavior of the society and board dramatic arts, photography, music and literature, this is why it is important to transmit through this the culture of the country and show the impact that has been had. It is currently also one of the largest industries in the world thus impacting the economy of the country generating large amounts of capital. Based on the importance of the film industry in the world, in Colombia the investment made in the sector is the main problem since only a small percentage of those who work for the audiovisual sector achieve and after years of struggle take out their projects go ahead, says Ana Karalin Carmona from producer Tauma. In this way, the behavior of the sector is investigated, where the impact on the economy, cultural development or the main problems that are the cause of obstacles will be evident.
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Duarte, German A., and Justin Michael Battin. "Latin America in Focus." Review of International American Studies 15, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 19–23.

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A key distinction of Review of International American Studies is its commitment to the notion that the Americas are a hemispheric and transoceanic communicating vessel. This angle provides a unique path to de-center the American Studies discipline, which has become tantamount to studies of the United States. This angle also expands the discipline beyond its traditional literary roots, inviting critical investigations into other forms of communicative media, such as cinema, television, and photography. Informed and inspired by this conceptualization of the discipline, this issue of RIAS is composed of several pieces specifically focused on Latin America, each of which employs a unique interpretive approach of visual media to, collectively and comprehensively, articulate how this multilayered cultural landscape manifests in our contemporary social imaginary. The arbitrary delineation of the globe through the notion of ‘the western world’ has, seemingly, transformed the Latin American continent a no man’s land. In its vast extension, this part of the planet seems condemned to exist between two worlds. Despite being part of the western hemisphere, and despite its deep Catholic tradition, this vast region is surprisingly excluded as a member of ‘the west.’ Yet, it was neither placed in ‘the east,’ nor on the other side of the wall, when the world was politically, culturally, and economically divided by the Iron Curtain. This land’s perpetual homelessness might be due to its consistent political instability, to the weakness of some of its democracies, or even its colonial past, one that bears no relation to the Commonwealth of Britain, a belonging that placed Australia in the topos of the West. These reasons, in addition to others, have fostered an understanding of Latin America as being generally alien to the ‘western world.’ Being a no man’s land, deprived of a hemisphere, and broadly unintelligible by the general imaginary of the western cultural industry, this continent, populated by almost 700-million people, was traditionally subjected to stereotypes formulated during the twentieth century, and that remained unchangeable in this new millennium. Latin America has become, for the global imaginary, a place of military juntas, a vast lowland displaying desertic features, a tropical yet savage jungle, a poverty-stricken favela, and a land fought over by romantic revolutionarios. Certainly, the question remains if the obsolete model ‘western world,’ the also obsolete ‘third world,’ or ‘periphery,’ and even the in vogue ‘global south’ would be able to embrace and reproduce a closer image of this heterogenous and vast continent, and by extension if this generalization is able to denote a set of multiple series of social diversities. We doubt it. This doubt encouraged us to gather diverse scholars from diverse academic disciplines to contribute to this issue of Review of International American Studies. And this doubt, which was at a first glance only intuitive, brough us to avoid the topic of identity and representation as the main theme for this journal’s issue. Our initial plan was to structure the series of contributions on some problematics relating to the photographic medium, a medium that is widely regarded as exerting an objective representation of reality, yet also places the pictorial representation on an undetermined semiotic field. The choice of photography was also a choice of intuition that we quickly abandoned since, in our twenty-first century mediascape, photography represents only one element of a fast and global visual stream that shapes and refashions the collective imaginary of the Latin American continent. Thus, we expanded our scope to include other media such as films, paintings, and any visual-oriented human expression that could provide insights on the complex and chaotic mechanism that formulates and constructs the imaginary on the turbulent entity that we call society.
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Leishman, Grant, David Nash, Liu Yang, and Kirsten Dyer. "A Novel Approach for Wind Turbine Blade Erosion Characterization: An Investigation Using Surface Gloss Measurement." Coatings 12, no. 7 (June 30, 2022): 928.

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Wind turbine blade erosion is typically assessed in situ using visual inspection, which is a rudimentary qualitative assessment of the condition of the blade coating system. On coated test specimens in laboratory test conditions, mass loss can provide a better understanding of the stage of erosion, but cannot be extended to real world applications. In this work, by using analysis of photographs, microscopy images, mass data, and gloss data together, it was found that gloss measurements can effectively quantify changes in coating microstructure as a result of rain erosion. This was achieved by correlating and comparing mass loss measurements over time with surface gloss and verifying the erosion stages with photographs and microscopy images. As such, gloss was shown to represent the erosion stages with greater accuracy than the current industry methods. This novel technique has been shown to identify the incubation period, that is the onset of erosion damage, by detecting microstructure changes which are not visible to the naked eye, nor is determinable by mass loss. The quantitative output from the gloss methodology thus allows wind turbine owners and operators to assess, manage, and plan more efficiently for costly erosion repairs and future inspections. The system is presently being used in a laboratory setting, though it has the potential to be combined with drones or climber robots to be remotely used within the wind farm.
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Bahri, Samsul, Yeti Kurniasih, and Ahmadi Ahmadi. "PENGARUH JENIS PELARUT DAN SENYAWA PENGEMBAN TERHADAP EFISIENSI PEMISAHAN LOGAM PERAK DENGAN TEKNIK MEMBRAN CAIR BERPENDUKUNG." Hydrogen: Jurnal Kependidikan Kimia 5, no. 1 (June 17, 2017): 14.

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Silver metal found in the metal plating industry wastewater, industrial process photography and X-ray film process. Wastes that still lack the metallic ions of silver if thrown in the water without further treatment would endanger the life of organisms, mainly bacteria, plants and living things, as silver metal is a metal that is toxic in dissolved form. One separation technique can be used with supported liquid membrane (SLM) technique. This study aimed to identify the type of solvent and carrier compound to percent transport of silver metal from the feed phase to phase receivers with SLM techniques. This type of research used in this study was an experimental research in the laboratory. Percent transport of metal ions Ag + with techniques SLM had done by varying the type of solvent was n-hexane, kerosene, toluene and chloroform to dissolve the compound carrier TBP and D2EHPA with each concentration 1 M. The concentration of the metal ions Ag+ in phase receiver after separation techniques SLM was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) at a wavelength of 328.1 nm, then the calculated percent metal Ag+ ion transport. Based on the results showed that the percent of the silver metal transport centipede on the use of solvent n-hexane and chloroform, with transport by 33.9% percent. While the percent of the highest transport to the use of compounds that was using the carrier of carrier compound TBP, with transport by 33.9% percent.
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Santoso, Yossy. "Competitive Strategy Analysis on Ivanova Printography by Foto 2000 Semarang." Journal of Management and Business Environment (JMBE) 1, no. 2 (January 17, 2020): 106.

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This study aims to identify competitive strategies of Ivanova Printography using SWOT analysis and IE matrix. The data were gathered from the owner, competitors, consumers, and employees. Descriptive qualitative was to interpret the results of the SWOT analysis. The results show that the most important thing is that Ivanova Printography should focus on its strengths, minimize the existing weaknesses and threats, and fill the opportunities available. The best combination is to apply the SO strategy (a combination of Strength and Opportunity). It includes conducting market development (Market Development Strategy) by opening a branch in the area of Semarang, adding new customers by developing markets outside Semarang, adding marketing staff and customer service to deal with customer orders in Semarang that have been increasing and routine, increasing promotions of photo products to increase revenue by conducting more intense promotions through social media such as Twitter, Instagram, BBM, and Whatsapp. The theme of advertisements should be more elegant and focuses on target customers or market segments. The IE matrix results in quadrant I, Grow and Build. The suitable strategies are intensive or integration. The intensive and integration strategy fit for photography industry is to apply market development strategy by expanding market share outside Semarang so that more people recognize Ivanova Printography.
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Kairuz, Eduardo, and Sam Spurr. "CO2 Interiors." idea journal 18, no. 01 (August 31, 2021): 87–112.

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Are there any ulterior narratives that could be mined through a close examination and interpretation of the coal mine interior spaces? CO2 Interiors is a visual essay that addresses this question. And to do so, it unpacks a meticulously curated group of archival images that expose the covert narratives of colonialism and slow violence embedded in coal mining’s (extra)ordinary interiors. This creative exercise entails integrating text into images that include a 19th Century etching of young children pushing coal-filled carriages through steep mine tunnels; and a still from an animated film produced in the 1950s by the National Coal Board Film Unit in Britain. There is an image of human tissue affected by Black Lung Disease; and a photograph of a former Australian Prime Minister enacting the mythology of the alpha male explorer, plunging into the unknown and forbidden depths of the planet. Collectively, these image/text hybrids posit an experimental narrative—an assemblage—that starkly contrasts with contemporary depictions by the mining industry, focused on the technical and quantitative aspects of the activity or greenwashing its multiscalar and devastating effects. This project engages multiple forms of visual representation (historical, spatial, political, and ideological) that have conjured a mythology of coal mining still present today. In doing so, certain refrains echo and multiply, persisting across time frames and political borders to produce a taxonomy of subterranean effects. Integrating text and images, our devices yield a performative reading that seeks to raise awareness and produce affect. As such, CO2 Interiors amplifies our understanding of coal mining beyond its economic and environmental repercussions and well into its social, political, and cultural implications—especially the spatial ones. While the 2019 Australian Federal Election results attest to the embedded mythology of coal mining that is still impossible to restrain, CO2 Interiors dismantles and reassembles it, recasting the false narrative of progress, equity, and solidarity that has been projected from within the coal mine interior space. This curated assemblage of coal stories accumulates as evidence to be critically analysed in order to truly achieve a sustainable post-carbon future.
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Erkmen, Jülide. "Patterns in hammertone paints." Pigment & Resin Technology 45, no. 6 (November 7, 2016): 456–62.

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Purpose The purpose of this study is to determine required paint and silicone proportions, their mixing rate and duration to eliminate the pattern problems caused by the misuse of silicone polymers in hammertone paints. Results of the findings aim at preventing raw material, manufacturing time and labour losses in hammertone paint production. Design/methodology/approach A paint formulation produced commercially was used. The effects of silicone proportion and mixing rate and paint and pigment density on the pattern formation within the paints, to which the spray painting method was applied, were investigated. Brightness controls of the produced paints were done, and the effect of the additive polymer on brightness was investigated. Photographs of paints for each practice were taken. Findings The most suitable silicone proportion and mixing conditions for the silver grey paints, in which Al non-leafing pigments were used, were calculated as 0.034-0.036 g/kg-paint and 15 s at 200 rpm, respectively. It was observed that the increase in pigment density increased required silicone proportion for the desired pattern. It was determined that mixing rate and duration were very significant in pattern formation, and that silicone decomposed and the pattern was disrupted in long-continued mixings. In addition, excess silicone use disrupted the pattern and decreased the paint brightness. Research limitations/implications This research was conducted for hammertone paints, which are industrial and self-patterned aluminium silvered decorative paints. The results can be used for hammertone paint production. Practical implications The results will enable manufacturers to produce hammertone paints more economically. Results can be used in the paint industry to produce such paint. Originality/value It is crucial to produce high-quality products using less raw materials in today’s industry, where the amount of raw materials is decreasing, and economical and reliable production is becoming increasingly important. When environmental impacts in the solvent-based paint industry are taken into consideration, paint production in shorter times is important for both workers’ and environmental health. As a result of this study, hammertone paints will be produced more economically by appropriate production conditions yet without any energy, raw material and time loss.
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Ford, Grace, David Pyles, and Marieke Dechesne. "Stratigraphic Architecture of a Fluvial-lacustrine Basin-fill Succession at Desolation Canyon, Uinta Basin, Utah: Reference to Walthers’ Law and Implications for the Petroleum Industry." Mountain Geologist 53, no. 1 (January 2016): 5–28.

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A continuous window into the fluvial-lacustrine basin-fill succession of the Uinta Basin is exposed along a 48-mile (77-kilometer) transect up the modern Green River from Three Fords to Sand Wash in Desolation Canyon, Utah. In ascending order the stratigraphic units are: 1) Flagstaff Limestone, 2) lower Wasatch member of the Wasatch Formation, 3) middle Wasatch member of the Wasatch Formation, 4) upper Wasatch member of the Wasatch Formation, 5) Uteland Butte member of the lower Green River Formation, 6) lower Green River Formation, 7) Renegade Tongue of the lower Green River Formation, 8) middle Green River Formation, and 9) the Mahogany oil shale zone marking the boundary between the middle and upper Green River Formations. This article uses regional field mapping, geologic maps, photographs, and descriptions of the stratigraphic unit including: 1) bounding surfaces, 2) key upward stratigraphic characteristics within the unit, and 3) longitudinal changes along the river transect. This information is used to create a north-south cross section through the basin-fill succession and a detailed geologic map of Desolation Canyon. The cross section documents stratigraphic relationships previously unreported and contrasts with earlier interpretations in two ways: 1) abrupt upward shifts in the stratigraphy documented herein, contrast with the gradual interfingering relationships proposed by Ryder et al., (1976) and Fouch et al., (1994), 2) we document fluvial deposits of the lower and middle Wasatch to be distinct and more widespread than previously recognized. In addition, we document that the Uteland Butte member of the lower Green River Formation was deposited in a lacustrine environment in Desolation Canyon. Two large-scale (member-scale) upward patterns are noted: Waltherian, and non-Waltherian. The upward successions in Waltherian progressions record progradation or retrogradation of a linked fluvial-lacustrine system across the area; whereas the upward successions in non-Waltherian progressions record large-scale changes in the depositional system that are not related to progradation or retrogradation of the ancient lacustrine shoreline. Four Waltherian progressions are noted: 1) the Flagstaff Limestone to lower Wasatch Formation member records the upward transition from lacustrine to fluvial—or shallowing-upward succession; 2) the upper Wasatch to Uteland Butte records the upward transition from fluvial to lacustrine—or a deepening upward succession; 3) the Uteland Butte to Renegade Tongue records the upward transition from lacustrine to fluvial—a shallowing-upward succession; and 4) the Renegade Tongue to Mahogany oil shale interval records the upward transition from fluvial to lacustrine—a deepening upward succession. The two non-Waltherian progressions in the study area are: 1) the lower to middle Wasatch, which records the abrupt shift from low to high net-sand content fluvial system, and 2) the middle to upper Wasatch, which records the abrupt shift from high to intermediate net-sand content fluvial system.
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Vasileva, Tatiana I., and Yana B. Legostaeva. "Calcium Oxalates in Soils within Disturbed Landscapes and Rock on the Territory of Yakutia (Russia), Formation Conditions in a Sharply Continental Cryoarid Climate." Minerals 13, no. 5 (May 10, 2023): 659.

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The formation of oxalates in soils and rocks under conditions of cryoarid climate, permafrost and taiga vegetation was studied. Whewellite and weddellite were found in four areas associated with the mining industry: on the kimberlite deposit of the Daldyn territory, in the lower reaches of the Markha River of the Central Yakut Plain, and on the coastal outcrop of the Allah-Yun Sellah-Khotun ore cluster. Whewellite was found in the upper organic horizon of Skeletic Cryosol (Thixotropic) (sample 151) and as a film on the surface of plant remains of Humic Fluvisols (sample 1663). Weddellite was found as an extensive encrustation on the surface of the soil and vegetation cover of Stagnic Cryosols Reductaquic (sample 984) and on a siltstone outcrop (sample KM-6-21). Calcium oxalates were identified by X-ray phase analysis, photographs of the samples were taken on a polarizing microscope, and the crystal morphology was studied on a scanning electron microscope. To determine the chemical composition of soils and rocks, the classical wet-chemical method was used; the physical properties of the studied samples were studied using a pH meter, the photoelectric colorimetric method, and a synchrotron thermal analysis device. The source of calcium for the formation of salts is the parent layers of the studied soils, represented by carbonate and carbonate clastic rocks, which cause neutral and slightly alkaline environments. High humidity, which is provided by the seasonal thawing of the permafrost, has a key role in the formation of the studied oxalates in Yakutia with a sharply continental cryoarid climate. Based on the studies, it was found that the first two samples are the products of lichen activity, and the third and fourth are at the stage of initial soil formation by micromycetes. In addition, the formation of these oxalates, in our opinion, is the result of the protective function of vegetation, in the first two cases, with a sharp increase in the load on lichens under technogenic impact, and in the second and third cases, when favorable conditions arise for initial soil formation, but under conditions of toxic content of heavy metals and arsenic.
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Li, Jie, Yi Liu, Xi Li, Pan Dong, Feixiang Liu, Yutong Xie, Liansheng Xia, Jidong Long, and Linwen Zhang. "Characteristics of pulsed nanosecond discharge excited by compact solid-state pulse forming line at atmospheric pressure air." Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 55, no. 14 (January 5, 2022): 145203.

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Abstract Non-equilibrium plasma is a promising technology for the generation of ozone and removal of exhausted fuel gases. However, applications of non-equilibrium plasma are restricted by energy utilization efficiency in many industry fields. Discharge excited by nanosecond pulsed power is regarded as one of the most efficient methods. In this study, a compact five stages stacked Blumlein pulse forming line and photoconductive semiconductor switches-based power source was introduced to generate pulsed plasma. This compact source could achieve over 50 kV with 10.1 ns pulse width and 4.8 ns pulse rising time. Coaxial cylindrical reactor was employed to generate a pulsed streamer discharge driven by the nanosecond pulsed source in atmospheric pressure air. Electrical parameters of the streamer discharge have been obtained in this study, the instantaneous power dissipation exceeds 8 MW and the average energy consumption of each pulse exceeds 56 mJ. Experiments of high speed photography have been conducted to observe the evolution process. It can be found that streamer heads start from the central wire electrode and then head to the grounded cylinder electrode in all radial direction of the coaxial electrode. Triple wire-to-cylinder electrodes discharge shows that all the three coaxial discharges develop synchronously and symmetrically, which shows that is capable of generating large volume non-equilibrium diffusive streamer discharge plasma.
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Ali, Asgar, R. N. Jana, and S. Das. "Hall effects on radiated magneto-power-law fluid flow over a stretching surface with power-law velocity slip effect." Multidiscipline Modeling in Materials and Structures 17, no. 1 (June 26, 2020): 103–25.

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PurposeThis paper aims to assess the effectiveness of Hall currents and power-law slip condition on the hydromagnetic convective flow of an electrically conducting power-law fluid over an exponentially stretching sheet under the effect of a strong variable magnetic field and thermal radiation. Flow formation is developed using the rheological expression of a power-law fluid.Design/methodology/approachThe nonlinear partial differential equations describing the flow are transformed into the nonlinear ordinary differential equations by employing the local similarity transformations and then solved numerically by an effective numerical approach, namely, fourth-order Runge–Kutta integration scheme, along with the shooting iteration technique. The numerical solution is computed for different parameters by using the computational software MATLAB bvp4c. The bvp4c function uses the finite difference code as the default. This method is a fourth-order collocation method. The impacts of thermophysical parameters on velocity and temperature distributions, skin friction coefficients and Nusselt number in the boundary layer regime are exhibited through graphs and tables and deliberated with proper physical justification.FindingsOur investigation conveys that Hall current has an enhancing behavior on velocity profiles and reduces skin friction coefficients. An increase in the power-law index is observed to deplete velocity and temperature evolution. The temperature for the pseudo-plastic (shear-thinning) fluid is relatively higher than the corresponding temperature of the dilatant (shear-thickening) fluid. The streamlines are more distorted and have low intensity near the surface of the sheet for the dilatant fluid than the pseudo-plastic fluid.Social implicationsThe study is pertinent to the expulsion of polymer sheet and photographic films, hydrometallurgical industry, electrically conducting polymer dynamics, magnetic material processing, solutions and melts of polymer processing, purification of molten metals from nonmetallic. The results obtained in this work can be relevant in fluid mechanics and heat transfer applications.Originality/valueThe present problem has, to the authors' knowledge, not communicated thus far in the scientific literature. A comparative study with the published works is conducted to verify the accuracy of the present study. The results obtained in this analysis are significant in providing the standards for validating the accuracies of some numerical or empirical methods.
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YAITSKAYA, Natalia, Vladimir BRIGIDA, Oksana GAVRINA, and Alexander KOPYLOV. "Photogrammetric assessment of deformation processes on landslide slopes while ensuring sustainable development of Caucasus Territories." Sustainable Development of Mountain Territories 15, no. 3 (September 30, 2023): 558–67.

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Introduction. Sustainable development of geo-resources in modern realities is a priority for ensuring sustainable development of the territories of the Russian Federation. In the absence of real mechanisms for its implementation, the territories most sensitive to climate change (the subtropical zone of the Caucasus) will be exposed to increased risks of an increase in dangerous hydro meteorological phenomena. At the same time, the issues of improving methods for assessing deformation processes on landslide slopes become particularly relevant. Materials and methods. The object of the study was a slope located near the “Winter Theater” (Sochi) on the road surface of the descent to the sea where a system of cracks was observed. The area under study was photographed point by point with a Nikon D3100 camera, after which the photographs were depixelized to obtain PNG ASCII files. After this file, standard smoothing processed the containing data arrays and three-dimensional interpolation procedures to obtain regression models that were presented in the software «gnuplot». Results. As a result of completed stage of research, a methodology for determining the deformation processes of slope systems using the photometric method, which is based on the processing of a high-precision raster image (photo) by analytical methods, was adapted and formed. In our case, there would be a series of values only for the line of sites (n = 9) for all pickets (N from 11 to 23). When analyzing only this series, we could conclude that ε varies nonlinearly from 12 (N= 23 m) to the first local maximum of 20 mm (N= 21 to 22 m). Afterwards there is a decline to 17 mm (N = 20 m) and so on, but in general, they do not exceed 23 mm. While when using the photometric method, we can observe in certain areas (segments) that the amount of deformation of the asphalt road reaches up to 40 mm. Discussion. Compared to most similar studies (geo-statistical methods for processing satellite images, classical geodetic methods, methods of geophysics, the photometric method for identifying fractured structures, as well as assessing their development, is more accurate and less labor-intensive in conducting field experiments. Conclusion. To ensure sustainable development of the Caucasus territories, it is necessary to significantly improve the quality of monitoring of road surfaces located in foothill and mountain areas (especially in the presence of serpentine roads). As a result of the completed stage of research, a methodology for determining the deformation processes of slope systems using the photometric method, which is based on the processing of a high-precision raster image (photo) by analytical methods, was adapted and formed. Future research should focus on the methodology for transitioning to displacement rates and considering the response spaces of crack profile dynamics. Resume. The article presents the results of studies of deformation processes of slope systems in a dangerous landslide zone (Winter Theater of Sochi) of the Eastern Black Sea region. It has been established that the width of the walls of crack No. 2 on the road section under study in 2022 increases nonlinearly according to a polynomial law, while the absolute values of deformations can vary from 3 to 40 mm. In addition, a methodology for using the photometric method to assess the degree of cracking in slope systems is presented. The results of the study can be used in the development of a methodology for geoecological monitoring of the condition of road surfaces of highways in mountainous areas. The proposed methodological approaches to processing raster data sets can be used to develop algorithms for managing natural and technical systems in the mining industry.
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