Academic literature on the topic 'Philosophy'

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Journal articles on the topic "Philosophy"


Grecchi, Luca. "Livio Rossetti: sulla nascita della filosofia e sui Presocratici." Peitho. Examina Antiqua 15, no. 1 (December 12, 2024): 19–24.

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This article aims to dialectically synthesize the main theses of Livio Rossetti concerning the origins of philosophy. It considers Rossetti’s central thesis, which has been prominent in recent years, that philosophy does not begin with Thales but rather with Plato, given that in the works of the Athenian philosopher, the semanteme philosoph* appears with a frequency previously unseen. The article also poses a critical inquiry to Rossetti regarding the definition of philosophia that he, at least implicitly, employs to support his theses.
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Delpierre, Maxime. "Philosophie / Philosophy." Studia Islamica 115, no. 2-3 (December 21, 2020): 272–78.

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Muttaqin, Ali. "Implikasi Aliran Filsafat Pendidikan dalam Pengembangan Kurikulum Pendidikan Islam." DINAMIKA : Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan dan Keislaman 1, no. 1 (February 3, 2017): 67–92.

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Islamic education phenomenon with its kinds and shapes has good philosophic evidence. Philosophy of education is application of philosophyc ideas in education which has essential values to aim the purpose and the performance of Islamic education. Generally, the tendencies in philosophy had created the typology of Islamic education philosophy. Its tendencies influenced the development Islamic education curriculum. This paper tries to explain the tendency of education philosophy which influenced Islamic education curriculum.Keyword : Philosophy , Islamic education curriculum
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Bryan, Jenny. "Philosophy." Greece and Rome 67, no. 2 (October 2020): 280–87.

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Many introductory courses on ancient, or indeed modern, philosophy begin from the observation that the word ‘philosophy’ itself describes a ‘love of wisdom’. Christopher Moore's wide-ranging, original, and fascinating new book sets out to examine the value of that etymology. He argues persuasively that philosophos does not, in fact, originate as a label applied respectfully to pick out a ‘lover of wisdom’ for emulation. Rather, the term is appropriated and developed from its origins as a pejorative name applied to those perceived to be striving too hard and in the wrong way to achieve the status of sophos, a ‘sage-wannabe’ as Moore has it. As he is careful to emphasize, his history of the origins of philosophos and philosophia does not and need not coincide with the origin story of ‘philosophy’ as a certain kind of discipline involving a certain way of talking about specific questions. Nevertheless, by scrutinizing the origins of these terms and their application in the sixth and fifth centuries bce, Moore sets himself up to offer some further enlightening discussion of the fifth- and fourth-century development of the discipline of ‘philosophy’.
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Samuji, Samuji. "Understanding, Basics and Characteristics of Philosophy." Jurnal Paradigma 14, no. 1 (April 28, 2022): 1–11.

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Understanding philosophy can be reviewed etymologically and terminology. The word philosophy comes from the Greek which is a compound word Philosophia or Philosophos. The word consists of two words namely philos (philein) and Sophia. The word Philos means love (love), while Sophia or sophos means knowledge, truth, wisdom or wisdom (wisdom). So etymologically philosophy means love of knowledge, truth or wisdom. There are 3 (three) foundations in philosophy, namely the ontology basis, the epistemological basis and the axiological basis. Meanwhile, according to Suprapto Wirodiningrat in Surajiyo (2012: 13), there are 3 (three) characteristics of philosophy, namely; Thorough, basic and speculative.
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Fortino, Mirella. "Philosophie, connaissance et nouvelle histoire des sciences." Revue des questions scientifiques 190, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2019): 83–98.

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Expression de l’esprit positiviste, la pensée du philosophe et historien des sciences Abel Rey est caractérisée par « l’affirmation philosophique de l’histoire des sciences ». L’histoire des sciences, selon Rey, n’est pas érudition, ni histoire événementielle, mais philosophie. Bien loin de réduire toutefois la philosophie à la science, il s’agit, selon la nouvelle perspective critique de Rey, de considérer que « la théorie de la connaissance ne peut sortir que de son histoire ». Dans cet article, nous aimerions souligner que la liaison étroite, que Rey a défendu, entre la philosophie et l’histoire des sciences comme histoire de la raison humaine et fait de civilisation promeut une valeur pédagogique et se traduit, donc, en humanisme. * * * As an expression of the positivist spirit, the thinking of the philosopher and science historian, Abel Rey, is characterized by “the philosophical affirmation of the history of science”. The history of science, according to Rey, does not stem from erudition, nor event-driven history, but from philosophy. Far from reducing philosophy to science, however, according to Rey’s new critical perspective, it is a matter of considering that “the theory of knowledge can only emerge from its history”. In this article, we would like to draw attention to the fact that the strong connection, which Rey upheld, between philosophy and the history of science as the history of human reason and a result of civilization, promotes pedagogical value and thus translates into humanism.
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Gunnarsson, Logi. "Transforming philosophy." Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 70, no. 5 (October 1, 2022): 823–36.

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Abstract The aim of the paper is to defend the project of transforming philosophy carried out in my book Vernunft und Temperament. Eine Philosophie der Philosophie. In section 1, I distinguish between five philosophical genres in which transformation plays a role: 1. academic texts in which transformation is simply a topic; 2. texts meant to adequately articulate through their form the transformative experiences of their authors; 3. texts aiming to enable the reader to transform herself; 4. texts on other texts; 5. manifestos defending the project of transforming philosophy. Section 2 is such a manifesto. Its main thesis is: “What makes somebody – anybody – a good philosopher is that she is a real human being.” Many of the remaining 16 theses of the manifesto are elaborations on this main thesis. One example is the thesis that the philosophical activity is essentially a becoming – the development of an individual human being.
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Von Eggers, Nicolai. "Lived Ontologies." Symposium 24, no. 2 (2020): 100–123.

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In this article, I analyze the relation between ontology and practical philosophy in Cicero’s work and the role Hellenistic philosophy plays within the work of Giorgio Agamben. I discuss the relation between life and ontology, between philosophy as a guide to living and philosophy as the study of being. Unlike philosophers who treat Hellenistic philosophy as a form of therapy (Nussbaum, Foucault, Hadot), I show how Agamben interprets Hellenistic philosophy as oppressive by turning the theory of being into an injunction of having-to-be. For Agamben, every philosophy implies a certain form of life, and it is thus impossible to distinguish between ontology and living. The aim of philosophy, therefore, is not to be therapeutic but rather to develop an ontology that will allow for humanity to live without oppression. Through a detailed reading of Cicero’s concept of “nature,” I develop the reading and critique of Cicero suggested by Agamben.Cet article analyse la relation entre l’ontologie et la philosophie pratique dans l’oeuvre de Cicéron et le rôle joué par la philosophie hellénistique dans l’oeuvre de Giorgio Agamben. Il discute la relation entre la vie et l’ontologie, entre la philosophie comme guide de savoir-vivre et la philosophie comme étude de l’être. Contrairement aux philosophes qui traitent la philosophie hellénistique comme une forme de thérapie (Nussbaum, Foucault, Hadot), je montre que Agamben interprète la philosophie hellénistique comme essentielle-ment oppressive en transformant la théorie de l'être en une injonction normative de devoir-être. Pour Agamben, toute philosophie implique une certaine forme de vie, rendant alors la distinction entre l’ontologie et la vie impossible. Ainsi, le but de la philosophie n'est pas d’être thérapeutique mais plutôt de développer une ontologie qui permettra à l’humanité de vivre sans oppression. Par une lecture du concept de la « nature » de Cicéron, je développe l’interprétation et la critique de Cicéron proposé par Agamben.
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Maluleka, P., and T. Mathebula. "Trends in African philosophy and their implications for the Africanisation of the South Africa history caps curriculum: a case study of Odera Oruka philosophy." Yesterday and Today 27 (2022): 65–89.

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A Kenyan philosopher, Henry Odera Oruka (1944-1995), conceptualised and articulated the six trends in African philosophy. These are ethno-philosophy, nationalistic-ideological philosophy, artistic (or literary philosophy), professional philosophy, philosophic sagacity and hermeneutic philosophy. In this article, we maintain that the last three of these trends, namely professional philosophy, philosophic sagacity, and hermeneutic philosophy, are useful in our attempt to contribute to Africanising the school history curriculum (SHC) in the Curriculum Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) in post-apartheid South Africa. Against this background, we make use of Maton's (2014) Epistemic-Pedagogic Device (EPD), building on from Bernstein's (1975) Pedagogic Device as a theoretical framework to view African philosophy and its implications for the Africanisation of the SHC in CAPS in post-apartheid South Africa. Through the lens of Maton's EPD, we show how the CAPS' philosophy of education is questionable; untenable since it promotes 'differences of content'; and is at the crossroads, i.e., it is stretched and pulled in different directions in schools. Ultimately, we argue that Oruka's three trends form a three-piece suit advertising one's academic discipline (professional philosophy); showing South Africa's rich history told in the words ofAfrican elders (sage philosophy); and imploring school history learners to embark on a restless, unfinished quest for knowledge in the classrooms in post-apartheid South Africa.
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Hacker, P. M. S. "A PHILOSOPHER OF PHILOSOPHY." Philosophical Quarterly 59, no. 235 (April 2009): 337–48.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Philosophy"


Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "Der Stuhl." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014.

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"Denn wenn das Reisen für die Philosophie eine Rolle spielt, dann in Zusammenhang mit der Hervorbringung von philosophischen Texten. Diese nun sind nicht "Unterwegs" geschrieben, sondern "zuhause". Am Ende jeder Reise gab es ein Hinsetzen, ein Zu-Sich-Zurückkommen, ein Sich-Sammeln, und erst daraus entstand Philosophie. Jedenfalls ist das unsere Vorstellung. Das, was wir Philosophie nennen, halten wir für das Produkt einer geistigen Hervorbringung, einer gedanklichen "Setzung".
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Camino, Macedo Federico. "Note on the Doxographic Tradition of the Terms 'Philosopher' and 'Philosophy'." Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú - Departamento de Humanidades, 2013.

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This note is a presentation, without pretending completion, of the doxographic tradition of the terms philosopher and philosophy, showing their variation in meaning. lt deals with the attribution to Pythagoras of these terms'creation, starting with Plato's and Aristotle's decisive relevance in the establishment and configuration of doxography.
La nota es una presentación, que no pretende ser exhaustiva, de los principales momentos de la tradición doxográfica sobre los términos filósofoy filosofía mostrando sus variaciones de significado. Se discute la atribución a Pitágoras de la creación de esos términos a partir de la importancia decisiva de Platón y Aristóteles en el establecimiento y configuración de la doxografía.
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Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "Jurt, Joseph (ed.): Zeitgenössische französische Denker : eine Bilanz. Rombach, Freiburg im Breisgau 1998, 273 S. (Rezension)." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2014.

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Die französische Philosophie der zweiten Hälfte des 20. Jahrhunderts hat weltweit eine Rezeption erfahren, die immer wieder neu Zusammenfassungen und einführend-kommentierende Darstellungen herausfordert. Nun ist ein neuer Sammelband zu vermelden, der von dem Freiburger Romanisten Joseph Jurt herausgegeben wurde.
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Jörnvi, Malin. "Visionary Philosophy." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Avdelningen för estetik, 2020.

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In this thesis I look at possible implications of the philosophical use of sight metaphors as rendered visible in the philosophy of Iris Murdoch. Through Murdoch’s reading of Plato, and together with the perspectives added by Ludwig Wittgenstein, Paul de Man, Carolyn Korsmeyer, and Mats Persson, I argue that some contemporary philosophy as shaped by science and logic might be partially blind to essential aspects of human life and human awareness. I show that this partial blindness becomes visible in an inability to acknowledge and understand the philosophical importance of that which cannot be seen from a distance, and I argue that this may be due to a modern understanding of clarity. I claim that this understanding of clarity essentially differs from that of Plato and that it becomes particularly evident in Plato’s reliance on metaphors and allegories, not as unclear and obfuscating aspects to be untangled, but as depicting essential dimensions of the inexhaustible complexity of life. I finally argue that it is vital to recover and to philosophically consider these obscurer aspects if philosophy is to stay relevant to actual human beings living in the muddle that is everyday life.
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Des, Armier David R. Jr. "Techniques to promote active learners in introductory philosopy courses a curriculum for a philosophy 101 course /." [Denver, Colo.] : Regis University, 2009.

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Schneider, Ulrich Johannes. "Der Stuhl: Philosophie im Sitzen." Leipziger Universitätsverlag, 1996.

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"Denn wenn das Reisen für die Philosophie eine Rolle spielt, dann in Zusammenhang mit der Hervorbringung von philosophischen Texten. Diese nun sind nicht "Unterwegs" geschrieben, sondern "zuhause". Am Ende jeder Reise gab es ein Hinsetzen, ein Zu-Sich-Zurückkommen, ein Sich-Sammeln, und erst daraus entstand Philosophie. Jedenfalls ist das unsere Vorstellung. Das, was wir Philosophie nennen, halten wir für das Produkt einer geistigen Hervorbringung, einer gedanklichen "Setzung".
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Merklinger, Philip M. "Philosophy, theology, and Hegel's Berlin philosophy of religion, 1821-1827." Thesis, University of Ottawa (Canada), 1991.

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Morris, Paul Martin. "Three Hindu philosophers : comparative philosophy and philosophy in modern India." Thesis, Lancaster University, 1988.

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Agwuele, Anthony Onyemachi. "Rorty's deconstruction of philosophy and the challenge of African philosophy." Frankfurt, M. Berlin Bern Bruxelles New York, NY Oxford Wien Lang, 2007.

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Charlebois, Lise. "Scientism and philosophy." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 1996.

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Books on the topic "Philosophy"


Dilman, İlham. Philosophy and the Philosophic Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 1992.

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Inc, Islamic Philosophy Online, ed. Islamic philosophy online: Philosophia Islamica. [Wayne, N.J.?]: Islamic Philosophy Online, Inc., 2001.

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Working Group of the Correctional Law Review., ed. Correctional philosophy =: La philosophie correctionnelle. [Ottawa?]: Solicitor General, Ministry Secretariat, 1986.

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Kunstverein, Neuer Berliner, ed. Kunst und Philosophie: Art and philosophy. Köln: Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2012.

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van, Ackeren Marcel, and Muller Jorn 1969-, eds. Antike Philosophie verstehen =: Understanding ancient philosophy. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006.

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van, Ackeren Marcel, and Müller Jörn 1969-, eds. Antike Philosophie verstehen =: Understanding ancient philosophy. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 2006.

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Williamson, Timothy, ed. The Philosophy of Philosophy. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.

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Laruelle, François. Philosophy and non-philosophy. Minneapolis: Univocal, 2013.

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Verster, Ulrich. Writing philosophy (written philosophy). London: Dainichi, 1989.

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Williamson, Timothy. The philosophy of philosophy. Malden, MA: Blackwell Pub. Ltd., 2007.

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Book chapters on the topic "Philosophy"


Marinoff, Lou. "Philosophy without a philosopher." In Routledge Handbook on the Philosophy of Meditation, 227–40. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Pribram, Karl H. "Philosophy: Philosophy of mind." In Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 6., 175–80. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2000.

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Howard, George S. "Philosophy: Philosophy of science." In Encyclopedia of psychology, Vol. 6., 180–84. Washington: American Psychological Association, 2000.

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Sim, Stuart. "Philosophy as Post-Philosophy." In Contemporary Continental Philosophy, 177–85. London: Routledge, 2021.

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Edwards, Steven D., and Mike J. McNamee. "Philosophy." In The Paralympic Athlete, 89–101. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010.

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Williams, Garrath. "Philosophy." In Europe in a Global Context, 50–61. London: Macmillan Education UK, 2011.

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Robbins, Robert. "Philosophy." In Tactical Trend Trading, 165–206. Berkeley, CA: Apress, 2012.

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Wittgenstein, Ludwig. "Philosophy." In Wittgenstein in Florida, 3–22. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1991.

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Gibson, Arthur, and Niamh O’Mahony. "Philosophy." In Ludwig Wittgenstein: Dictating Philosophy, 187–241. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2020.

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Burrell, David B. "Philosophy." In The Blackwell Companion to Modern Theology, 34–46. Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2007.

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Conference papers on the topic "Philosophy"


Van der Laan, P. C. T., M. A. Van Houten, and A. P. J. Van Deursen. "Grounding Philosophy." In 7th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exhibition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 567–72. IEEE, 1987.

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Martynovich, Sergey. "The philosophy of science and philosophy of psychology: haw much philosophy in the philosophy of psychology." In International Conference on Innovation and Sustainability. USA, Detroit: Научная общественная организация "Профессиональная наука", 2022.

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Wenting Xie and Ren Peng. "Philosophy of art & arts in philosophy." In Conceptual Design (CAID/CD). IEEE, 2008.

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Ba Trinh, Nguyen. "Convergent Philosophy." In 8th International Conference on Modern Approach in Humanities. Acavent, 2020.

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Nikolic, Predrag K., Sasa Arsovski, and Adrian David Cheok. "Robosophy philosophy." In SA '17: SIGGRAPH Asia 2017. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2017.

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Ba Trinh, Nguyen. "Convergent Philosophy." In 5th International Conference on New Findings On Humanities and Social Sciences. Acavent, 2020.

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Etienne, Hubert. "Computational Philosophy." In AIES '22: AAAI/ACM Conference on AI, Ethics, and Society. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2022.

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Dudin, Boris Mikhailovich. "Physical philosophy." In Наука, техника и инновации: гипотезы, проблемы, результаты. Санкт-Петербург: Профессиональная наука, 2022.

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Б.Л., Яшин,. "Public philosophy and teaching philosophy at the university." In Современное образование: векторы развития. Социально-гуманитарное знание и общество: материалы VII конференции с международным участием, посвященной 150-летию МПГУ (г. Москва, МПГУ, 21–22 апреля 2022 г.). Crossref, 2022.

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Yu, Xufeng. "Philosophy Education and the Innovation of Contemporary Chinese Philosophy." In Proceedings of the 2018 2nd International Conference on Economic Development and Education Management (ICEDEM 2018). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2018.

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Reports on the topic "Philosophy"


Kozyreva, Olga, and Ilya Gushchin. Ancient Greek Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy. Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Уральский государственный медицинский университет" Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации, December 2024.

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The course aims at familiarizing students with the features of Ancient Greek and Medieval philosophies. The course adapts the problematic approach to the history of philosophy, which involves the study of the problems posed in certain periods of philosophy and their possible solutions. The main idea of ​​the course is that studying philosophy does not simply involve assimilation of the material but rather active analysis of arguments, their validity and soundeness, finding objections to these arguments and the ways to defend them from these objections. The works of ancient Greek and medieval philosophers are used as a material for practicing the above mentioned reasoning skills, which contributes to the development of the future spesialists' abilities to reflect, critically think, and use the rational argumentation in any type of discussion. The course complexity is 23 hours. The course consists of one didactic unit named"Ancient Greek Philosophy and Medieval Philosophy".
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Gresh, Gary L. Leadership and Management: Command Philosophy Vice Executive Philosophy. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1989.

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Nazarycheva, A. I. Philosophy: creative search. OFERNIO, November 2020.

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Hatley, Vernon W. Command Philosophy Development. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1990.

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Savater, Fernando. Education and Citizenship in the Global Era. Inter-American Development Bank, October 2003.

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Melton, Clayton E. The Leadership Philosophy Model. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, March 1989.

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DUNCAN, G. P. Operations and maintenance philosophy. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1999.

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Obua, Steven. Philosophy of Abstraction Logic. Steven Obua (trading as Recursive Mind), December 2021.

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Abstraction Logic has been introduced in a previous, rather technical article. In this article we take a step back and look at Abstraction Logic from a conceptual point of view. This will make it easier to appreciate the simplicity, elegance, and pragmatism of Abstraction Logic. We will argue that Abstraction Logic is the best logic for serving as a foundation of mathematics.
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Obua, Steven. Philosophy of Abstraction Logic. Steven Obua (trading as Recursive Mind), December 2021.

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Abstraction Logic has been introduced in a previous, rather technical article. In this article we take a step back and look at Abstraction Logic from a conceptual point of view. This will make it easier to appreciate the simplicity, elegance, and pragmatism of Abstraction Logic. We will argue that Abstraction Logic is the best logic for serving as a foundation of mathematics.
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Zabneva, E. I. Modern philosophy of municipal government. Ljournal, 2019.

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