Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Philippe Le Bas'
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Hericher, Florent. "Ρhilippe Le Bas (1794-1860) un Républicain de naissance." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024NORMR087.
Full textThis thesis presents the life of Philippe Le Bas (1794-1860), the son of the Conventionnel of the same name and first name, who chose on 9 Thermidor to remain faithful to his friend Maximilien Robespierre, out of friendship and convictions and who committed suicide in the night from 9 to 10 Thermidor. He will be a great scholar, a renowned Hellenist, but will remain throughout his life the defender of the memory of his father, of Robespierre, and of the purest Republic. However, at the start of his career, he was for seven years the tutor of a young prince, Louis Napoléon Bonaparte. Two decades later, wishing to follow in his father's footsteps, he ran for the constituent elections of 1848, but he was not elected, unlike his student who not only became a deputy but also President of the Republic. A few years later, through a coup d’Etat, he became Emperor Napoleon III, to the great dismay of his tutor who then saw his dreams of a Republic shattered by his own student
Levecq, Guillaume. "L'organisation militaire de Philippe de Flandre dit "le Bon" dans les Grands Pays-Bas de 1419 à 1467 : une armée moderne invaincue?" Paris, EPHE, 2008. http://www.theses.fr/2008EPHE4031.
Full textSablon, du Corail Amable. "La guerre, le Prince et ses sujets. Les finances des Pays-Bas bourguignons sous les règnes de Marie de Bourgogne et de Philippe le Beau (1477-1506)." Thesis, Paris Est, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PESC0084.
Full textBetween 1477 and 1493, the Burgundian state was confronted with the most serious crisis of its history. Against Louis XI, the successors of Charles the Bold had to defend the territorial integrity of his heritage. Within the Burgundian Netherlands, they were challenged by the claims of the largest Flemish and Brabantine cities, who promoted a political agenda based on urban autonomy. Besides the political background, the economic environment raised other difficulties, owing to the general high level of wages, which dramatically increased the cost of war at the end of the XVth century. The fiscal and military structures of the Burgundian state quickly found their limits and collapsed several times, forcing Maximilian’s captains to live by one’s wits, requisitioning supplies, extorting money or plundering the countryside, so that the inability of the medieval state to lastingly finance war invariably led to outbursts of violence. After the defeat of the Flemish-Brabantine revolt, the political integration of the Habsburg-Burgundian Netherlands made continuous progress. The rise of a common tax system, discussed at the States-General, without offending the strong particularism of the Netherlands principalities, played a crucial role in this process
Sommé, Monique. "Isabelle de Portugal, duchesse de Bourgogne, une femme au pouvoir au quinzième siècle." Lille 3, 1995. https://books.openedition.org/septentrion/121370.
Full textIsabel of Portugal, became in 1430 wife of Philip the Good, duke of Burgundy, has exercised her authority and her protection on a large family compound of her son Charles, bastards of the duke, cousins, nepews and nieces, some of whom were portuguese. She had at one's disposal abundant resources, some attributed to the maitre de la chambre aux deniers for the functioning of her household, others own stocks coming from her domains in Flanders, Artois and Burgundy, gifts or taxes. Her household more four hundred persons of whom were identified constituted a protected environment of men and women, nobles and commoners, who shared her itinerant life, mainly in low countries. The stability of the employment was remarkable. The duchess was associated to the state government by the duke and, in his absence, was appointed to govern. She has showed a great competence in the financial administration and acted efficiently in the diplomatic relations of burgundy with england and France. According to her request her househould was broken-up in 1455 and in 1457 she retired out of the court to life in charity and to encourage the new forms of religious life, but she came back to the public life during the first years (1467-1471) of the reign of Charles the Bold
Chamberland, Philippe. "Foi et images : enjeux spirituels et pédagogiques du tableau religieux dans les paroisses rurales au Bas-Canada. Deux études de cas à partir du fonds de tableaux Desjardins." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/25617.
Full textKinzel, Till. "Die Tragödie und Komödie des amerikanischen Lebens : eine Studie zu Zuckermans Amerika in Philip Roths Amerika-Trilogie /." Heidelberg : Winter, 2006. http://www.gbv.de/dms/bs/toc/515926825.pdf.
Full textPfeifer, Philipp [Verfasser], and Robert [Akademischer Betreuer] Bals. "IL-17C ist ein Mediator des angeborenen Immunsystems des respiratorischen Epithels / Philipp Pfeifer. Betreuer: Robert Bals." Saarbrücken : Saarländische Universitäts- und Landesbibliothek, 2015. http://d-nb.info/1080170936/34.
Full textVoß, Susanne. "Philipp Phoebus (1804 - 1880) : sein Leben und wissenschaftliches Werk - nach dem Prinzip der Materia Medica und ihrer Entwicklung zur aktuellen Wissenschaft /." Gießen : Schmitz, 2003. http://www.gbv.de/dms/bs/toc/366405594.pdf.
Full textBelitsou, Kondylenia. "Présentation de la Grèce ancienne dans l'enseignement secondaire en France au XIXème siècle (1814-1914)." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017USPCC124.
Full textThe present work attempts to answer the following question : how the discipline of history teaching was built in France in the context of the teaching of history of the ancient Greece. In the nineteenth century, ancient history was most of the time imposed in the sixth or fifth grade in secondary school. In the first part of our thesis, we study the legislative developments through the socio-political changes recorded between 1814 and 1914, under the responsibility of the Ministry of Education, which provides for the first time the curriculum of ancient history. The close connection between classical humanities and history shows that ancient history follows a different path of that of French history which at the same time starts to dominate in secondary schools. On the other hand, ancient history asserts itself due to the rising of archeology. At the second part, the study of textbooks of ancient history, that were published between 1814 and 1914, allow us to observe how the presentation of ancient Greece is gradually moving away from the framework of Greek history of Charles Rollin (1661-1741) because of the professionalization of historical studies and the re-definition of their methodological foundations at the end of the century
Opitsch, Michael [Verfasser], and Roberto Philip [Akademischer Betreuer] Saglia. "The bar of the Andromeda galaxy revealed by integral field spectroscopy / Michael Opitsch ; Betreuer: Roberto Philip Saglia." München : Universitätsbibliothek der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, 2016. http://d-nb.info/1120302420/34.
Full textBao, Chunxiao [Verfasser], Andreas [Akademischer Betreuer] Janshoff, and Philipp [Akademischer Betreuer] Vana. "Optical Fusion Assay Based on Membrane-Coated Beads in a 2D Assembly / Chunxiao Bao. Gutachter: Andreas Janshoff ; Philipp Vana. Betreuer: Andreas Janshoff." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014. http://d-nb.info/1071713191/34.
Full textLoreggia, Fabio. "The ban of religious symbols in primary and secondary schools in France : A short analysis of its compatibility with Pettit’s theory of liberty as non-domination." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Filosofiska institutionen, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-357913.
Full textNadeau, Marie-Hélène. "Ab uno disce omnes : les représentations de la mémoire collective dans le récit de soi chez Philippe Aubert de Gaspé." Thèse, 2020. http://depot-e.uqtr.ca/id/eprint/9291/1/eprint9291.pdf.
Full textRatliff, Eric Alan. "The price of passion performances of consumption and desire in the Philippine go-go bar /." Thesis, 2003. http://wwwlib.umi.com/cr/utexas/fullcit?p3116141.
Full textLemos, Rui Gonçalo Relíquias de. ""Escaping isn`t always something bad": exploring the ludonarrative relationship between Campo Santo`s Firewatch and Philip Connor`s Fire Season." Master's thesis, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/131130.
Full textA presente dissertação pretende analisar o videojogo Firewatch (2016) enquanto objecto cultural, ostensivamente inspirado por um enquadramento de temas e mitos presentes no romance Fire Season (2011) de Philip Connors. Mais precisamente, o objectivo é determinar a relação entre ambas as obras através de uma metodologia ludonarratológica, uma combinação de perspectivas lúdicas e narrativas, e determinar qual o impacto da influência de Fire Season na narrativa, mecânicas e design de Firewatch. A importância de narrativa para progressão e criação de significado é imperiosa, influenciando técnicas de design e o próprio espaço do jogo. Firewatch é extensivamente influenciado no seu design por descrições da rotina de vigias florestais em wilderness, território primordial Americano. Firewatch culmina numa reflexão sobre a natureza escapista de videojogos, o poder transformativo de wilderness na formação de identidade nos Estados Unidos e os efeitos de design de jogo propositadamente enganador e subversivo. Outras obras, sejam literatura ou videojogos, serão usadas como exemplo quando apropriado.