Academic literature on the topic 'Phénomène de localisation'
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Journal articles on the topic "Phénomène de localisation"
Skipetrov, Sergey. "Localisation d’Anderson de la lumière." Photoniques, no. 108 (May 2021): 24–27.
Full textLadmiral, Jean-René. "La traduction, phénomène interculturel et psychorelationnel." Meta 55, no. 4 (February 22, 2011): 626–41.
Full textThomas-Maret, Isabelle, Paul Lewis, Anick Laforest, and David L. Métivier. "Localisation des activités métropolitaines : quels impacts sur le navettage à Montréal?" Environnement urbain 5 (September 21, 2011): 38–51.
Full textLioger, B., F. Maillot, and E. Diot. "Phénomène de Raynaud de la langue : une localisation inhabituelle pour un signe classique." La Revue de Médecine Interne 33 (June 2012): S189—S190.
Full textHamadi, Kamel, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, and Félix Darve. "Caractérisation numérique du phénomène de localisation des déformations dans des essais biaxiaux sur sable." Revue européenne de génie civil 12, no. 6 (August 31, 2008): 651–71.
Full textHamadi, Kamel, Arézou Modaressi-Farahmand Razavi, and Félix Darve. "Caractérisation numérique du phénomène de localisation des déformations dans des essais biaxiaux sur sable." European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 12, no. 6 (June 2008): 651–71.
Full textMc Andrew, Marie, and Paul Eid. "La traversée des frontières scolaires par les francophones et les anglophones au Québec : 2000-2002." Cahiers québécois de démographie 32, no. 2 (September 8, 2004): 223–53.
Full textChoko, Marc H. "Le « boom » des immeubles d’appartements à Montréal de 1921 à 1951." Articles 23, no. 1 (June 27, 2013): 3–18.
Full textLamonde, Yvan. "Le membership d'une association du XIXe siècle. Le cas de l'Institut canadien de Longueuil (1857-1860)." Les associations volontaires au XIXe siècle 16, no. 2 (April 12, 2005): 219–40.
Full textAubry, Philippe, and Hervé Piégay. "Pratique de l’analyse de l’autocorrélation spatiale en géomorphologie : définitions opératoires et tests." Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55, no. 2 (June 21, 2004): 111–29.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Phénomène de localisation"
Ordonevic, Christophe. "Diffusion d'ondes électromagnétiques par des structures complexes. Phénomène de localisation." Aix-Marseille 1, 1998.
Full textBieri, Jean-Baptiste. "Phénomène de localisation à trois dimensions dans les verres métalliques." Paris 11, 1985.
Full textOur aim has been to explore the field of weak localization at three dimensions in disordered metallic systems. We present resistivity and magnetoresistance measurements on series of metallic glasses prepared by sputtering. Localization effects show up very clearly in the magnetoresistance of all the investigated metallic glasses. The behaviour of the magnetoresistance depends on the strength of the spin-orbit coupling: the magnetoresistance is negative for weak spin-orbit couplings, positive at law fields and then negative at high fields for strong spin-orbit coupling. The results can be fitted with the theoretical expressions for weak localization, which gives the inelastic scattering rate. At very low temperature, a variation of this rate as √T is observed and cannot be explained by the present theories. The temperature dependance of the resistivity is more difficult to analyse as several mechanisms are in competition: electron-electron interactions, localization, thermal dependance of the structure factor. The localization term accounts for the major part of the negative temperature coefficient
Berger, Quentin. "Polymères en milieu aléatoire : influence d'un désordre corrélé sur le phénomène de localisation." Phd thesis, Ecole normale supérieure de lyon - ENS LYON, 2012.
Full textFradet, David. "La dépersonnalisation : étude psychanalytique de la dimension contemporaine du phénomène." Thesis, Rennes 2, 2017.
Full textDepersonalization is a disorder within the self. Subjects suffering from this disorder feel that life is a dream or an illusion, whilst being aware of a time when they felt they were more grounded in reality. Their bodily sensations and perception of the outside world are severely altered (derealization). This loss of sense can cause depression and general apathy. As the subject no longer feels grounded in reality, they tend to become withdrawn. There is currently no agreement as to the symptoms of depersonalization, for which different authors have quite different tables, allowing extremely diverse theories to be put forward. Depersonalization is variously described as a symptom, a syndrome, or a defence mechanism in a large number of disorders, and it can be observed in all structures. Following foreclosure of the Name-of-the-Father or as a result of trauma, its transnosographic dimension suggests that it is closely linked to the structure of the subject itself. From the “uncanny” (unheimlich) described by Freud to Lacan’s “extimacy”, depersonalization emphasises the issue of identity and highlights its structural nature
Toussaint, Renaud. "Fracturation des roches en compression : le processus de localisation en tant que phénomène critique." Phd thesis, Université Rennes 1, 2001.
Full textfortes pressions de confinement présente des traits communs avec une transition de phase thermodynamique: la déformation se localise rapidement à l'échelle des grains dès la sortie du régime élastique réversible, tout en restant d'abord homogène aux grandes échelles. Alors que les microfractures individuelles croissent encore de façon stable, apparaissent autour de la contrainte pic des structures de grande échelle (bandes de cisaillement) qui brisent spontanément les symétries translationnelle et rotationnelle du problème.
Analysant des données déformation/contrainte obtenues sur diverses
roches et conditions de charge, on montre que celles-ci présentent
un haut degré d'universalité, à savoir que la pente de charge est une loi de puissance de l'écart à la contrainte pic, avec un exposant identique dans les différentes experiences à la résolution expérimentale près. Cette loi est vérifiée pratiquement de la sortie du régime élastique, à la contrainte pic.
Le fait que cet exposant semble indépendant de la roche, conjoint aux brisures de symétries et à l'émergence d'une structuration macroscopique, est typique d'un point critique. En conséquence, on développe à partir d'un simple postulat de maximisation d'entropie un formalisme de physique statistique adapté à ce problème. On obtient ainsi une distribution de probabilité sur les configurations de microfractures, en fonction de l'énergie nécessaire à leur formation. partir d'un modèle pour ces énergies basé sur des interactions élastiques, on obtient un système présentant deux transitions de phase: la première correspond à l'initiation de l'activité des microfractures, la seconde à la localisation macroscopique.
Ce modèle prédit à l'approche de la seconde transition le comportement quadratique observé dans les données, alors que le module d'Young effectif du matériau reste fini.
Cormery, Fabrice. "Contribution à la modélisation de l'endommagement par mésofissuration et du phénomène de localisation associé." Poitiers, 1994.
Full textNicolas, Anne. "Etude par relaxation diélectrique des propriétés de surface des zéolites au cours du phénomène d'adsorption." Montpellier 2, 2007.
Full textZeolites possess unique features as gas adsorbents, gas separators, and catalysts. Adsorption properties are closely related to the localisation of non-framework cations and to their accessibility to adsorbed molecules. Knowledge of the location of these cations and of their interaction between both the zeolite framework and the adsorbates is a crucial point for understanding the surface properties. In fact, the cation forms with the oxygen of the framework a dipole, which reorientation is illustrated by a cation hopping process between two neighbouring equilibrium positions, separated by an energy barrier. The experimental approach based on the Dielectric Relaxation Spectroscopy (DRS) gives information on both the distribution of the cation among the different crystallographic sites and their de-trapping energy ΔE. In this work, we use DRS to investigate the effect of methanol and water adsorption on the dynamics and the localisation of sodium ions in faujasites, Mordenites and ZSM-5 sodic zeolites. We clearly show that the cation de-trapping energy depends on the site geometry, the Si/Al zeolite ratio and the presence of adsorbed molecules. It is then possible to discriminate the structurally different cations equilibrium position as a function the adsorbate loading. Moreover, combining DRS data with Molecular Dynamics (MD) calculations is fruitful in view of explaining the microscopic mechanisms of cation migrations and of adsorption
Lacoin, Hubert. "Désordre et phénomènes de localisation." Paris 7, 2009.
Full textThis thesis studies models of random directed polymers. We focus on the influence of disorder on localization of the trajectories for pinning model and directed polymers in random environment. In addition to the classical Zd models, we pay a particular attention to so-called hierarchical models, built on a sequence of self-similar lattices, that are frequently studied in the physics literature. The results we obtain concern mainly free energy and superdiffusivity properties. In particular we present the proof that: (1) disorder is relevant at arbitrary high temperature for pinning models in dimension 1+1, (2) very strong disorder holds at all temperature in dimension 1+2 for directed polymers in random environment
Torri, Niccolò. "Phénomènes de localisation et d’universalité pour des polymères aléatoires." Thesis, Lyon 1, 2015.
Full textThe pinning model describes the behavior of a Markov chain in interaction with a distinguished state. This interaction can attract or repel the Markov chain path with a force tuned by two parameters, h and β. If β = 0 we obtain the homogeneous pinning model, which is completely solvable. The disordered pinning model, i.e. when β > 0, is most challenging and mathematically interesting. In this case the interaction depends on an external source of randomness, independent of the Markov chain, called disorder. The interaction is realized by perturbing the original Markov chain law via a Gibbs measure, which defines the Pinning Model. Our main aim is to understand the structure of a typical Markov chain path under this new probability measure. The first research topic of this thesis is the pinning model in which the disorder is heavy-tailed and the return times of the Markov chain have a sub-exponential distribution. In our second result we consider a pinning model with a light-tailed disorder and the return times of the Markov chain with a polynomial tail distribution, with exponent α > 0. It is possible to show that there exists a critical point, h(β). Our goal is to understand the behavior of the critical point when β -> 0. The answer depends on the value of α and in the literature there are precise results only for the case α < ½ et α > 1. We show that for α ∈ (1/2, 1) the behavior of the pinning model in the weak disorder limit is universal and the critical point, suitably rescaled, converges to the related quantity of a continuum model
Sienkiewicz, Magdalena. "Méthodologie de localisation des défauts soft dans les circuits intégrés mixtes et analogiques par stimulation par faisceau laser : analyse de résultats des techniques dynamiques paramétriques." Thesis, Bordeaux 1, 2010.
Full textThis thesis deals with Soft failure localization in the analog and mixed mode Integrated Circuits (ICs) by means of Dynamic Laser Stimulation techniques (DLS). The results obtained using these techniques are very complex to analyze in the case of analog and mixed ICs. In this work we develop a methodology which facilitates the analysis of the laser mapping. This methodology consists on combining the experimental results (laser mapping) with the electrical simulations of laser stimulation impact on the device. The influence of photoelectric and thermal phenomena on the IC (transistor level) has been modeled and simulated. The methodology has been validated primarily on test structures before being used on complex Freescale ICs existing in commerce