Journal articles on the topic 'Phaeophycae'
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Pribadi, Tri Dewi Kusumaningrum, and Yudi Nurul Ihsan. "Carbon Content In Macroalgae Species Against Temperature Regime." Omni-Akuatika 15, no. 2 (October 10, 2019): 1.
Full textLiang, Yanshuo, Han-Gil Choi, Shuangshuang Zhang, Zi-Min Hu, and Delin Duan. "The organellar genomes of Silvetia siliquosa (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) and comparative analyses of the brown algae." PLOS ONE 17, no. 6 (June 16, 2022): e0269631.
Full textde Ruyter van Steveninck, ED. "Deep water vegetations of Lobophora variegata (Phaeophycae) in the coral reef of Curagao: population dynamics in relation to mass mortality of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum." Marine Ecology Progress Series 36 (1987): 81–90.
Full textPena Martín, Carolina, Amelia Gómez Garreta, and Manuel B. Crespo. "Sobre la presencia de Dictyota mediterranea (Schiffner) G. Furnari (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) en la Península Ibérica." Acta Botanica Malacitana 29 (December 1, 2004): 255–60.
Full textJelic Mrcelic, Gorana, Merica Sliskovic, and Boris Antolic. "Macroalgae fouling community as quality element for the evaluation of the ecological status in Vela Luka Bay, Croatia." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 81, no. 3 (2012): 159–65.
Full textRiadi, Hassane, and Mohamed Kallaz. "Inventaire bibliographique des algues benthiques du littoral marocain. I. Chlorophyceae et Phaeophyceae." Acta Botanica Malacitana 23 (December 1, 1998): 23–41.
Full textFlores-Moya, Antonio, Juan Soto, Alberto Sánchez, María Altamirano, Gracia Reyes, and Francisco Conde. "Catálogo de las Phaeophyceae de Andalucía (S. España)." Acta Botanica Malacitana 20 (December 1, 1995): 5–18.
Full textSuryandari, Retno. "Checklist of Macroalgae at Krakal and Drini Beach, Gunungkidul." Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 1 (October 31, 2017): 31–38.
Full textNovianty, Hilda, Emienour Muzalina Mustafa, and Suratno Suratno. "Heavy Metals Content in Phaeophyceae from Malang Rapat Waters, Bintan." ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 26, no. 1 (February 15, 2021): 57–62.
Full textOuriques, Luciane C., and Zenilda L. Bouzon. "Organização estrutural e ultra-estrutural das células vegetativas e da estrutura plurilocular de Hincksia mitchelliae (Harvey) P. C. Silva (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)." Rodriguésia 59, no. 4 (October 2008): 673–85.
Full textSanghvi, Dimpal, Nandini Ray Chaudhury, and Bhanukumar Jain. "Microhabitat Preferences of Phaeophyta on Shore Platform of Dwarka, Gujarat Coast, India." Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research 17, no. 2 (December 1, 2015): 11–22.
Full textDewi, Y. L., A. Yuniza, Nuraini Nuraini, K. Sayuti, and M. E. Mahata. "Review: Potensi, Faktor Pembatas dan Pengolahan Rumput Laut Coklat (Phaeophyceae) sebagai Pakan Ayam Petelur." Jurnal Peternakan Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Animal Science) 20, no. 2 (June 4, 2018): 53.
Full textTrikka, Fotini, Pauline Israel, Konstantinos Koukaras, and Anagnostis Argiriou. "Biochemical characterization of eight Greek algae as candidate species for local seaweed cultivation." Botanica Marina 64, no. 4 (July 14, 2021): 313–26.
Full textMendoza-González, Ángela Catalina, Luz Elena Mateo-Cid, María Del Rosario Ortega-Murillo, Leslie Zurita-Valencia, Juan Diego Sánchez-Heredia, and Cynthia Mariana Hernández-Casas. "Nuevos registros y lista actualizada de las algas pardas (Phaeophyceae) del litoral de Michoacán, México." Revista de Biología Marina y Oceanografía 55, no. 3 (January 21, 2021): 202.
Full textMAIER, INGO, and DIETER G. MULLER. "Chemotaxis inLaminaria digitata(Phaeophyceae)." Journal of Experimental Botany 41, no. 7 (1990): 869–76.
Full textDraisma, S. G. A., and W. F. Prud'Homme van Reine. "ONSLOWIACEAE FAM. NOV. (PHAEOPHYCEAE)." Journal of Phycology 37, no. 4 (August 28, 2001): 647–49.
Full textMüller, D. G. "Apomeiosis inAcinetospora (phaeophyceae, ectocarpales)." Helgoländer Meeresuntersuchungen 40, no. 1-2 (March 1986): 219–24.
Full textThomas, Daniela, Jessica Beltrán, Verónica Flores, Loretto Contreras, Edda Bollmann, and Juan A. Correa. "LAMINARIOCOLAX SP. (PHAEOPHYCEAE) ASSOCIATED WITH GALL DEVELOPMENTS IN LESSONIA NIGRESCENS (PHAEOPHYCEAE)1." Journal of Phycology 45, no. 6 (September 29, 2009): 1252–58.
Full textKumalasari, Deris Erlita, Hari Sulistiyowati, and Dwi Setyati. "Komposisi Jenis Alga Makrobentik Divisi Phaeophyta di Zona Intertidal Pantai Pancur Taman Nasional Alas Purwo." BERKALA SAINSTEK 6, no. 1 (May 4, 2018): 28.
Full textSelivanova, Olga N., and Galina G. Zhigadlova. "Marine Benthic Algae of the Commander Islands (Pacific Coast of Russia) with Checklist Revised in 2012." ISRN Oceanography 2013 (March 31, 2013): 1–12.
Full textTASKIN, E. "First report of the alien brown alga Scytosiphon dotyi M.J. Wynne (Phaeophyceae, Scytosiphonaceae) in Turkey." Mediterranean Marine Science 13, no. 1 (February 24, 2012): 33.
Full textKlochkova, T. A., A. V. Klimova, and N. G. Klochkova. "DISTRIBUTION OF ALARIA ESCULENTA (PHAEOPHYCEAE, LAMINARIALES) IN THE SEA OF OKHOTSK." Bulletin оf Kamchatka State Technical University, no. 50 (2019): 46–56.
Full textDIEDERICH, Paul, Damien ERTZ, and Javier ETAYO. "An enlarged concept of Llimoniella (lichenicolous Helotiales), with a revised key to the species and notes on related genera." Lichenologist 42, no. 3 (March 25, 2010): 253–69.
Full textVan Tu, Nguyen, Le Thi Trang, and Tran Thi Phuong Thao. "Diversity and distribution of the brown macroalgae (Phaeophyceae Kjellman, 1891) in cham islands, Quang Nam province, Vietnam." Academia Journal of Biology 43, no. 3 (September 20, 2021): 37–45.
Full textKuhlenkamp, Ralph. "Photomorphogenesis in Early Development of Tilopteris Mertensii (Tilopteridales: Phaeophyceae)." Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 69, no. 3 (August 1989): 555–62.
Full textSILVA, P., and B. DEREVIERS. "Ordinal names in the Phaeophyceae." Cryptogamie Algologie 21, no. 1 (January 2000): 49–58.
Full textMoura, Carlos Wallace do Nascimento, Aigara Miranda Alves, Alana Araújo dos Santos, Wellington Romualdo de Almeida Almeida, Kátia Lidiane Moniz Brito, Ingryd Santana de Oliveira, Nelma Dos Santos Freitas, Ivania Batista de Oliveira, and Geraldo José Peixoto Ramos. "Checklist of phytobenthos from Boipeba Island, Bahia, Brazil, emphasizing the morphological features of Nitophyllum punctatum (Rhodophyta, Ceramiales)." Check List 11, no. 4 (August 4, 2015): 1704.
Full textTkachenko, F. P., and I. P. Yakuba. "Content of fucoxanthin in some brown algae from the Black Sea (Phaeophyceae, Ochrophyta)." Algologia 29, no. 3 (September 30, 2019): 278–86.
Full textGonzález, Juan Antonio, and Francisco Conde. "Estudio florístico, fenológico, autoecológico y fitogeográfico del macrofitobentos de la Mar Chica (Sebcha Buareg de Nador, Mediterráneo marroquí)." Acta Botanica Malacitana 16 (December 1, 1991): 63–80.
Full textFeng, Ting Ting, Hong Bo Chen, Ping Shao, and Jin Zhe He. "The Nutritional Value and Preliminary Risk Assessment of Major and Trace Elements Accumulated in 8 Edible Seaweeds." Advanced Materials Research 781-784 (September 2013): 1377–84.
Full textRiadi, Hassane, Mohammed Kallaz, and Mohammed Ater. "Contribution à la connaissance des algues marines benthiques du Détroit de Gibraltar et de la Méditerranée occidentale marocaine .I. Chlorophyceae et Phaeophyceae." Acta Botanica Malacitana 25 (December 1, 2000): 5–20.
Full textPeters, Akira F., and Britta Schaffelke. "Streblonema (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) infection in the kelp Laminaria saccharina (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) in the western Baltic." Hydrobiologia 326-327, no. 1 (July 1996): 111–16.
Full textBallantine, David L., Hector Ruíz, and James N. Norris. "Notes on the benthic marine algae of Puerto Rico. XII: additions to the flora." Botanica Marina 62, no. 4 (August 27, 2019): 337–44.
Full text&NA;. "Phaeophyta/potassium iodide." Reactions Weekly &NA;, no. 1388 (February 2012): 24–25.
Full textEl-Shafei, Rasha, Hala Hegazy, and Bishnu Acharya. "A Review of Antiviral and Antioxidant Activity of Bioactive Metabolite of Macroalgae within an Optimized Extraction Method." Energies 14, no. 11 (May 26, 2021): 3092.
Full textSowjanya, I. Vishnupriya, and P. S. Raja Sekhar. "Ecology of marine macro algal flora of Visakhapatnam coastal areas, Bay of Bengal, India." Journal of Threatened Taxa 9, no. 3 (March 26, 2017): 9911.
Full textOuld-Ahmed, Nora, Amelia Gómez Garreta, María Antonia Ribera Siguan, and Nadia Bouguedoura. "Checklist of the benthic marine macroalgae from Algeria. I. Phaeophyceae." Anales del Jardín Botánico de Madrid 70, no. 2 (December 30, 2013): 136–43.
Full textMaier, Ingo. "Fertilization, early embryogenesis and parthenogenesis in Durvillaea potatorum (Durvillaeales, Phaeophyceae)." Nova Hedwigia 64, no. 1-2 (February 17, 1997): 41–50.
Full textKlimova, A. V., and T. A. Klochkova. "CYTOLOGICAL AND CHROMOSOMAL FEATURES OF ALARIA SPECIES (LAMINARIALES, PHAEOPHYCEAE) FROM KAMCHATKA." Bulletin оf Kamchatka State Technical University, no. 58 (2021): 71–86.
Full textKatsaros, Chr, and B. Galatis. "Thallus development inHalopteris filicina(Phaeophyceae, Sphacelariales)." British Phycological Journal 25, no. 1 (March 1990): 63–74.
Full textHasegawa, Kazukiyo, and Jiro Tanaka. "Morphology of Dictyopteris punctata (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae)." Phycological Research 53, no. 4 (December 2005): 287–95.
Full textFredriksen, Stein, Kjersti Sjøtun, Tor Eiliv Lein, and Jan Rueness. "Spore dispersal inLaminaria hyperborea(Laminariales, Phaeophyceae)." Sarsia 80, no. 1 (July 26, 1995): 47–53.
Full textM�ller, D. G., M. N. Clayton, M. Meinderts, W. Boland, and L. Jaenicke. "Sexual pheromone in Cladostephus (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae)." Naturwissenschaften 73, no. 2 (February 1986): 99–100.
Full textGarbary, David J., Carolyn J. Bird, Beverly Hymes, and Herb Vandermeulen. "The marine macroalgae of Brier Island, Nova Scotia, Canada." Proceedings of the Nova Scotian Institute of Science (NSIS) 50, no. 1 (March 15, 2019): 61.
Full textSartika, Dwi, Abdul Razaq Chasani, Ajeng Meidya Ningrum, Septi Lutfiatun Nafiah, and Septy Wulan Cahyani. "KEANEKARAGAMAN DAN KOMPOSISI SPESIES MAKROALGA LAUT PADA TIPOLOGI PANTAI YANG BERBEDA DI KAWASAN PESISIR GUNUNGKIDUL D.I. YOGYAKARTA." BERITA BIOLOGI 20, no. 1 (May 10, 2021): 13–21.
Full textNunes, Jose Marcos de Castro. "Catálogo de algas marinhas bentônicas do Estado da Bahia, Brasil." Acta Botanica Malacitana 23 (December 1, 1998): 5–21.
Full textWynne, Michael J. "A checklist of benthic marine algae of the tropical and subtropical western Atlantic." Canadian Journal of Botany 64, no. 10 (October 1, 1986): 2239–81.
Full textTSIAMIS, K., P. PANAYOTIDIS, A. ECONOMOU-AMILLI, and C. KATSAROS. "Seaweeds of the Greek coasts. I. Phaeophyceae." Mediterranean Marine Science 14, no. 1 (March 12, 2013): 141.
Full textTASKIN, E. "First report of the North Atlantic myrionematoid brown alga Ulonema rhizophorum Foslie (Phaeophyceae, Chordariaceae) in the Mediterranean Sea." Mediterranean Marine Science 14, no. 1 (March 6, 2013): 125.
Full textVishnyakov, V. S. "On the first record of Heribaudiella fluviatilis (Phaeophyceae), a freshwater brown alga in Sibea." Algologia 28, no. 1 (March 20, 2018): 78–88.
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