Academic literature on the topic 'Phaeophycae'
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Journal articles on the topic "Phaeophycae"
Pribadi, Tri Dewi Kusumaningrum, and Yudi Nurul Ihsan. "Carbon Content In Macroalgae Species Against Temperature Regime." Omni-Akuatika 15, no. 2 (October 10, 2019): 1.
Full textLiang, Yanshuo, Han-Gil Choi, Shuangshuang Zhang, Zi-Min Hu, and Delin Duan. "The organellar genomes of Silvetia siliquosa (Fucales, Phaeophyceae) and comparative analyses of the brown algae." PLOS ONE 17, no. 6 (June 16, 2022): e0269631.
Full textde Ruyter van Steveninck, ED. "Deep water vegetations of Lobophora variegata (Phaeophycae) in the coral reef of Curagao: population dynamics in relation to mass mortality of the sea urchin Diadema antillarum." Marine Ecology Progress Series 36 (1987): 81–90.
Full textPena Martín, Carolina, Amelia Gómez Garreta, and Manuel B. Crespo. "Sobre la presencia de Dictyota mediterranea (Schiffner) G. Furnari (Dictyotales, Phaeophyceae) en la Península Ibérica." Acta Botanica Malacitana 29 (December 1, 2004): 255–60.
Full textJelic Mrcelic, Gorana, Merica Sliskovic, and Boris Antolic. "Macroalgae fouling community as quality element for the evaluation of the ecological status in Vela Luka Bay, Croatia." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 81, no. 3 (2012): 159–65.
Full textRiadi, Hassane, and Mohamed Kallaz. "Inventaire bibliographique des algues benthiques du littoral marocain. I. Chlorophyceae et Phaeophyceae." Acta Botanica Malacitana 23 (December 1, 1998): 23–41.
Full textFlores-Moya, Antonio, Juan Soto, Alberto Sánchez, María Altamirano, Gracia Reyes, and Francisco Conde. "Catálogo de las Phaeophyceae de Andalucía (S. España)." Acta Botanica Malacitana 20 (December 1, 1995): 5–18.
Full textSuryandari, Retno. "Checklist of Macroalgae at Krakal and Drini Beach, Gunungkidul." Proceeding International Conference on Science and Engineering 1 (October 31, 2017): 31–38.
Full textNovianty, Hilda, Emienour Muzalina Mustafa, and Suratno Suratno. "Heavy Metals Content in Phaeophyceae from Malang Rapat Waters, Bintan." ILMU KELAUTAN: Indonesian Journal of Marine Sciences 26, no. 1 (February 15, 2021): 57–62.
Full textOuriques, Luciane C., and Zenilda L. Bouzon. "Organização estrutural e ultra-estrutural das células vegetativas e da estrutura plurilocular de Hincksia mitchelliae (Harvey) P. C. Silva (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae)." Rodriguésia 59, no. 4 (October 2008): 673–85.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Phaeophycae"
Reynes, Lauric. "Connectivité et structure génétiques des populations d'Ericaria Zosteroides (Fucales) et Laminaria rodriguezii (Laminariales) des côtes françaises." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Aix-Marseille, 2021.
Full textMarine forests of brown algae (Phaeophyceae) are impacted by a combination of anthropic pressures. The fate of these ecosystems will depend on the adaptive abilities of populations facing this changing environment. Through my PhD, I studied the factors likely to control the genetic diversity of marine forests by focusing on two endemic species of the mediterranean basin, the Fucoid Ericaria zosteroides and the deep-sea kelp Laminaria rodriguezii. In the first part, I studied the connectivity of populations by a method of reduced representation sequencing of genomes (RAD-seq). The analysis of the genetic structure indicates a reduced connectivity for both E. zosteroides and L. rodriguezii populations. By coupling genetic structure and modeling of marine currents, I studied the role of propagules dispersal, taking as a study case, the populations of E. zosteroides in Provence. The results indicate that the genetic structure is predicted by ocean currents rather than spatial isolation. In the second part, I studied the mode of reproduction of the kelp L. rodriguezii, this species being one of the few of the genus Laminaria to reproduce by vegetative and sexual reproduction. The results obtained indicate an impact of clonality on the genomic diversity of L. rodriguezii, with contrasting levels depending on the populations. In addition to the fundamental questions raised by these results, the existence of a strong genetic structure at short distances for populations divided into habitat patches has important implications for the conservation of these species
Heesch, Svenja, and n/a. "Endophytic phaeophyceae from New Zealand." University of Otago. Department of Botany, 2005.
Full textGivernaud, Thierry. "Recherches sur la Pheophycée Sargassum muticum (Yendo) Fensholt en Basse-Normandie : étude des peuplements, influence de l'environnement sur le développement, régénération in vitro, essais de valorisation." Caen, 1988.
Full textFraser, Ceridwen, and n/a. "Phylogeography of the kelp genus Durvillaea (Phaeophyceae: Fucales)." University of Otago. Department of Zoology, 2009.
Full textNehr, Zofia. "Analyse génétique et fonctionnelle du mutant de morphogenèse étoile de l'algue brune ectocarpus siliculosus." Paris 6, 2013.
Full textMulticellularity has occurred independently in Phaeophyceae and in other multicellular lineages. Therefore these organisms offer the opportunity to study novel and alternative developmental processes. Ectocarpus siliculosus is the model species for brown algae and the development of its early sporophyte has been described precisely. To understand the genetic and molecular basis of this development, a forward genetic approach has been carried out. The mutant étoile is the first morphogenetics mutant exhaustively described. Its single locus and recessive mutation, leads to a defect in cell differentiation that decouples branching tempo and position leading to a hyperbranched phenotype. Gametophyte rhizoïde is modifoed as well, it resembles the étoile early sporophyt phenotype. The two phenotypes are genetically linked and thought to be induced by the etl mutation. The ETL locus has been identified by a map-based approach. The illumina sequencing of the mutant genome allowed to propose candidate mutations. The only non-silent mutation affects a protein with two functional domains: a BAR/IMD domain and RhoGAP domain. BAR/IMD domains can recognize lipid membranes and are able to inhibit RhoGAP domains which are regulators for RhoGTPases. As ETL is expressed in the filamentous apical cells, it could maintain tip-growth in the apices through interaction between its two domains. ETL gene is the first morphogenetic gene that has been cloned, and hence it opens hudge perspectives for functional characterization and evo-devo studies
Rodrigues, Maria Elisa Cairrão Rodrigues. "Fucus spp. (Phaeophyceae, Heterokontophyta) como indicador de contaminação ambiental." Master's thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2003.
Full textO género Fucus apresenta vasta distribuição na zona costeira Ibérica, tendo sido descritas cinco espécies para Espanha e quatro para Portugal (Fucus spiralis L., F. vesiculosus L., F. ceranoides L. e F. serratus L.). Possui enorme importância, tanto ecológica como comercial, essencialmente na produção de produtosnaturais medicinais. As espécies deste género surgem em diversos locais, incluindo os expostos a descargas de efluentes urbanos, industriais e aos lixíviados de terrenos agrícolas, encontrando-se normalmente nas zonas rochosas, onde sofrem zonação notória, que é controlada por complexas interacções fisiológicas e biológicas. O objectivo principal deste trabalho consistiu em efectuar os estudos de base necessários à utilização de espécies do género Fucus como bioindicadores em programas de biomonitorização em zonas costeiras e estuarinas da costa Noroeste de Portugal. Para atingir este objectivo foram desenvolvidos três trabalhos específicos: 1) analisar a variação morfológica de três espécies de Fucus (F. ceranoides, F. spiralis e F. vesiculosus), recolhidos na costa Noroeste Atlântica de Portugal entre o estuário do rio Minho e a Ria de Aveiro durante um ano, e o estabelecimento de correlações com os parâmetros ambientais; 2) avaliar o potencial de bioacumulação de mercúrio das espécies de Fucus [F. ceranoides, F. spiralis (F. spiralis var. platycarpus e F. spiralis var. spiralis) e F. vesiculosus]; 3) desenvolver e validar a metodologia necessária à utilização da actividade de glutationa S-transferase (GST) de Fucus spp. como biomarcador de contaminação ambiental. Através da Análise Canónica de correspondência foi possível perceber que o factor ambiental preponderante na variação dos parâmetros morfométricos parece ser a temperatura, estando este intimamente relacionado com o pH e a salinidade, em todas as espécies analisadas. A quantificação de mercúrio em três partes estruturais (receptáculos, lâmina e base) das espécies de Fucus, permitiu observar que os receptáculos continham menor concentração do que a base e a lâmina. Os valores obtidos para o sedimento apresentaram-se concordantes com os obtidos no material biológico (apesar dos espécimes consistentemente registarem concentrações superiores). Estes resultados sugerem que as espécies e variedades de Fucus estudadas são boas bioindicadores da contaminaçãopor mercúrio, em ecossistemas marinhos e estuarinos. F. ceranoides, F. spiralis var. platycarpus e F. vesiculosus apresentaram os valores mais baixos da actividade da GST nos locais de referência. As estações de amostragem, localizadas em áreas com reconhecida contaminação por hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAPs), apresentaram valores mais elevados de actividade de GST, sugerindo indução dos mecanismos de destoxificação. Este facto não foi, no entanto, observado em F. spiralis var. spiralis.
The genus Fucusexhibits a wide distribution on the Iberian coast. Five species have been described for Spain and four for Portugal (Fucus spiralis L., F. vesiculosus L., F. ceranoides L. and F. serratus L.). This genus is of enormous importance, both from ecological and commercial (essentially in the production of natural medicinal products) points of view. Fucus spp. exists in several sites, including those receiving urban and industrial effluent discharges and leachates from farmland. The species of the Fucus genus are mainly found in rocky areas, where conspicuous zonation occurs, which is controlled by complex physiological and biological interactions. The main aim of this study was to launch the necessary basis to validate the use of the Fucusspecies as bioindicators in coastal and estuarine environments. To achieve this objective three steps with specific objectives were outlined: 1) analysis of morphologic variation in three species of Fucus (F. ceranoides, F. spiralis and F. vesiculosus), collected during a year, from the Portuguese Northwestern Atlantic coast (between the estuary of Minho river and the Aveiro tidal lagoon), and the establishment of correlations with environmental parameters; 2) evaluation of the potential of Fucus [F. ceranoides, F. spiralis (F. spiralis var. platycarpus and F. spiralis var. spiralis) and F. vesiculosus] to bioacumulate mercury; 3) to develop and validate the necessary methodologies for the application of Fucus spp. glutatione S-transferase as a biomarker of environmental contamination. Canonical correspondence analysis indicates that the dominant factor influencing morphometric parameters is temperature, always in close correlation with pH and salinity. Quantification of mercury in the three structural parts considered (receptacles, stipe and holdfast) showed that the receptacles consistently showed the lowest concentrations throughout the entire sampling campaign. Values obtained for the sediment were always consistent with the ones obtained for specimens, (the latter always presented higher concentrations). This leads to the conclusion that Fucuscan be considered a good bioindicator for mercury contamination in coastal and estuarine environments. As expected, F. ceranoides, F. spiralis var. platycarpus and F. vesiculosus registered the lowest values of GST activity in the reference stations. Sampling stations located in areas were contamination by polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) is well known, showed higher values of activity for this enzyme, suggesting that detoxification mechanisms were induced.However, a different pattern was observed for F. spiralis var. spiralis.
Mungioli, Mariana. "Estudos morfológicos e moleculares de algas pardas filamentosas (Phaeophyceae) no litoral sudeste do Brasil." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.
Full textFilamentous brown algae (Phaeophyceae) constitute an essentially marine group that display an extremely simple morphology. The taxonomic identification of these algae is very difficult when based only on morphological characters, due to the high incidence of phenotypic plasticity. In Brazil, no systematic study using molecular data has investigated their representatives. In this context, this study aims to investigate the diversity of filamentous brown algae of the genera Acinetospora, Asteronema, Bachelotia, Ectocarpus, Hincksia and Feldmannia for the first time in Brazil, applying the molecular approach coupled with morphological data. The sampling sites covered the southeastern region of Brazil, including the upwelling area of the Rio de Janeiro and Espírito Santo coasts, which include almost all the filaments of brown algae mentioned for the country. The DNA barcode mitochondrial marker, COI-5P, and the plastid marker for phylogenetic inferences, rbcL, were sequenced. The molecular and morphological studies allowed the recognition of 10 taxa on the Brazilian southeastern coast, out of which eight taxa correspond to the order Ectocarpales, and two to the order Scytothamnales. Ectocarpales is represented by the families Acinetosporaceae (Acinetospora filamentosa, \"Feldmannia\" irregularis, \"Feldmannia irregularis\" 1, \"Feldmannia irregularis\" 2, \"Feldmannia\" mitchelliae, \"Hincksia\" conifer and Hincksia sandriana), and Ectocarpaceae (Ectocarpus fasciculatus). The order Scytothamnales, in turn, includes the families Asteronemataceae (\"Asteronema\" breviarticulatum) and Bachelotiaceae (Bachelotia antillarum) The Acinetosporaceae family is non-monophyletic and was divided into two clusters: Acinetosporaceae 1 for which the family name should be retained, included the type species of the family (Acinetospora crinite) and most of the Brazilian representatives; and Acinetosporaceae 2 for which a new family should be proposed, included the genera Feldmannia, Hincksia and Pylaiella represented by their respective type species, Feldmannia lebelli, Hincksia hincksiae and Pylaiella litorallis. Hincksia sandriana was the only species studied that grouped in the clade of the authentic genus Hincksia. Besides, this is the first record of H. sandriana for Brazil, which constitutes a case of recent introduction. For the other representatives of Acinetosporaceae 1, except Acinetospora, a new genus for science should be proposed. The taxa \"H.\" conifer, \"F.\" irregularis, \"F. irregularis\" 1, \"F. irregularis\" 2 and \"F.\" mitchelliae do not belong to the authentic genera Feldmannia and Hincksia, since they did not group with the respective generitypes. Therefore, should be transferred to the new genus. Analyzes applying both molecular markers showed that \"F.\" irregularis, \"F. irregularis\" 1 and \"F. irregularis\" 2, previously cited as a single species (F. irregularis), constitute three independent taxonomic entities. COI-5P sequences of F. irregularis from Italy, close to the type locality (Adriatic Sea), demonstrate that part of the analyzed material should be maintained under the epithet irregularis, whereas two new scientific species should be proposed to accommodate \"F. irregularis \"1 and \" F. irregularis \"2. COI-5P molecular analyzes divided \"F.\" mitchelliae into three clusters with high genetic divergence and morphological variability indicating that \"F.\" mitchelliae corresponds to a species complex. A sequence of \"F. mitchelliae from the United States (North Carolina), near the type locality (Massachusetts), obtained and included in the present study, confirmed that the Brazilian material should be described under the epithet mitchelliae and transferred to a new genus. Our molecular results have clearly demonstrated that the genus Acinetospora is non-monophyletic. Acinetospora filamentosa is for the first time mentioned for the Atlantic Ocean and was revealed by molecular data, both by COI-5P and rbcL. The species Acinetospora crinite recorded on the southeastern coast of Brazil was not collected in this study. Morphological differences in plurilocular structures between two species and absence of monosporangia in A. filamentosa, described as typical only for A. crinite, confirmed the occurrence of A. filamentosa for the Atlantic. Our results with the rbcL revealed that the family Asteronemataceae is non-monophyletic. \"Asteronema\" breviarticulatum was grouped with Asterocladon lobatum, the type species of the genus, and should be transferred to the genus Asterocladon and to the family Asterocladaceae. Consequently, a new combination should be proposed to solve taxonomic placement of this species. The high genetic divergence observed for the COI-5P and rbcL markers demonstrated that Bachelotia antillarum is a cryptic species. The use of the molecular tool in the study of filamentous brown algae in the southeastern region of Brazil was fundamental to uncover their diversity, previously underestimated, as well as to allow a better delimitation of their genera and species. The innovative data presented here constitute a relevant source of information to the taxonomy and systematics of filamentous brown algae. More investigations through a broad review, especially of the Acinetosporaceae family, a wider sampling in the Brazilian coast and the inclusion of more genera of filamentous brown algae in the analyses can still change the classification scenario of this group
Figueiredo, Camila Silva de. "Contribuição à quimiotaxonomia e ficoquímica de Canistrocarpus cervicornis (Kützing) De Paula & De Clerk (Dictyotaceae) : coletada nos litorais paraibano e fluminense." Universidade Federal da Paraíba, 2013.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES
Marine biodiversity is presented as a promising source of new substances with high biological potential. Among the many organisms that inhabit the marine environment, we stress the brown algae belonging to the family Dictyotaceae. Genus Canistrocarpus was recently established, and some algae Dictyota formerly were reclassified as Canistrocarpus. This work describes the results of the phycochemical study of Canistrocarpus cervicornis (formerly classified as Dictyota pulchella), and the evaluation of the phycochemical profile of C. cervicornis collected on the coast of Paraíba and the coast of Rio de Janeiro, which contributed to the correct name of Dictyota pulchella as Canistrocarpus cervicornis. Alga samples were collected at Bessa Beach (coordinates 07º04'01 '' S and 34º49'35 '' W), city of João Pessoa (PB) in August 2010 and December 2012. The material was dried at room temperature and extraction was performed with CH2Cl2 : MeOH (2:1). The material was dried at room temperature in fresh air and extraction was performed with CH2Cl2: MeOH (2:1). The extract obtained the first collection was subjected to vacuum filtration on silica gel with solvent hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol in increasing gradient of polarity. The fraction hexane : ethyl acetate (85:15) was subjected to column chromatography yielded one new natural product, the dolastane diterpene 4,7-diacetoxy dichotenone A. The extract resulting from the second collection was divided in two parts. The first part was subjected to column chromatography resulted in the isolation of a known dolastane diterpene, 4-acetoxy-14-hidroxydolast-1(15),7,9-triene. A second aliquot of the extract was acetylated and subjected to column chromatography, which led to the isolation of three diterpenes, one dolastane unpublished in the literature, 4-desoxy-amijidictyol and two known secodolastanes, isolinearol acetate and indicol. Chemical constituents isolated were identified by spectroscopic methods 1H and 13C-1D and 2D NMR, optical rotation and comparison with literature data. This study contributed to the chemotaxonomy of the tribe Dictyoteae, especially C. cervicornis.
A biodiversidade marinha apresenta-se como uma fonte promissora de novas substâncias com grande potencial biológico. Dentre os diversos organismos que habitam o ambiente marinho, merecem destaque as algas pardas pertencentes à família Dictyotaceae e gênero Canistrocarpus. Este gênero foi instituído recentemente, e algumas algas anteriormente denominadas Dictyota foram reclassificadas como Canistrocarpus. O presente trabalho descreve os resultados do estudo ficoquímico de Canistrocarpus cervicornis (anteriormente classificada como Dictyota pulchella), envolvendo a avaliação do perfil ficoquímico de C. cervicornis coletada no litoral da Paraíba e no litoral do Rio de Janeiro. Este estudo contribuiu para a correta denominação da então D. pulchella em C. cervicornis. As amostras da alga foram coletadas na Praia do Bessa (coordenadas 07º04’01’’ S e 34º49’35’’ W) na cidade de João Pessoa (PB), em agosto de 2010 e em dezembro de 2012. A secagem foi realizada a temperatura ambiente, em local arejado e a extração procedida com CH2Cl2:MeOH (2:1). O extrato resultante da primeira coleta foi submetido a uma filtração a vácuo em sílica gel com os solventes hexano, acetato de etila e metanol em gradiente crescente de polaridade. A fração hexano:acetato de etila (85:15) foi submetida a cromatografia em coluna, de onde se obteve um novo produto natural, o diterpeno dolastano 4,7-diacetoxi de dichotenona A. O extrato resultante da segunda coleta foi dividido em duas partes. Uma alíquota foi submetida à cromatografia em coluna, de onde se obteve o diterpeno dolastano conhecido 4-acetoxi-14-hidroxidolasta-1(15),7,9-trieno. A segunda alíquota do extrato foi acetilada e submetida a cromatografias em coluna, o que levou ao isolamento de três diterpenos, sendo um dolastano inédito na literatura, o 4-desoxi-amijidictyol e dois secodolastanos conhecidos, o acetato de isolinearol e o indicol. Os constituintes químicos isolados foram identificados por análises espectroscópicas de RMN 1H e 13C uni e bidimensionais, rotação ótica, e comparação com dados da literatura. Este estudo contribuiu para a quimiotaxonomia da tribo Dictyoteae, em especial de C. cervicornis.
Motuhi, Sofia-Elena. "Valorisation de substances naturelles marines de Nouvelle-Calédonie d'intérêt en traitement anticancéreux." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.
Full textMarine zones associated with coral reef systems of the New Caledonia archipelago have been investigated for almost forty years with respect to their plant and invertebrate biodiversity and chemodiversity. In particular, thanks to their unique subtropical position close to tectonically active zones and to the Australian subcontinent, the complex reef systems of New Caledonia’s lagoons are home to a highly diverse marine fauna that is relatively protected from climatic disturbances. This is reflected by the score of novel bioactive molecules that have been discovered and characterized, several of which have been actively investigated for their antineoplastic and antitumoral potential activities. We paid particular attention to macroalgal species that induce programmed cell death, as an approach to detecting original anticancer bioactivities. Seven species of red (Rhodophyceae) and brown (Phaeophyceae) macroalgae collected in the South lagoon of New Caledonia (decree N°197-2016/ARR/DENV) have demonstrated interesting in vitro anticancer activity. In particular, one red macroalgal species led to the characterization of two bioactive natural products, the structure of one of which has not been described to date. Biological tests have shown that these two compounds could be promising candidates as antimitotic kinase inhibitors agents for the development of targeted anticancer chemotherapies. Interesting biological activities have also been revealed from several molecular isolates from two species of brown macroalgae, showing high selectivity towards non-cancerous cells. In the continuing investigations of the therapeutic potential of natural products isolated from New Caledonian marine organisms, this doctoral thesis has highlighted the therapeutic potential of several species of Rhodophyceae and Phaeophyceae which has hitherto been largely unexplored
Oppliger, Zan Luz Valeria. "Reproduction des grandes algues brunes des côtes Chiliennes et Bretonnes en marge de leur aire de distribution." Paris 6, 2010.
Full textBooks on the topic "Phaeophycae"
Kitayama, Taiju. A Taxonomic study of the japanese Sphacelaria (Sphacelariales, Phaeophyceae). Tokyo: National Science Museum, 1994.
Find full textMarine algae of the northern Gulf of California: Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2010.
Find full textNorris, James N. Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California: Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2010.
Find full textNorris, James N. Marine algae of the northern Gulf of California: Chlorophyta and Phaeophyceae. Washington, D.C: Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, 2010.
Find full textParente, Manuela. Studies on the families Lithodermataceae, Nemodermataceae, Punctariaceae and Scytosiphonaceae (Phaeophyta) in the Azores. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, 2002.
Find full textFarrell, Paul. A study of the recently introduced macroalga Undaria pinnatifida (Harvey) Suringar (Phaeophyceae laminariales) in the British Isles. Portsmouth: University of Portsmouth, Institute of Marine Sciences, 2003.
Find full textAthanasiadis, A. Taxonomisk litteratur och biogeografi av skandinaviska rödalger och brunalger =: Bibliography and biogeography of Scandinavian Rhodophyta and Phaeophyta. Göteborg: Algologia, 1996.
Find full textHakubutsukan, Ōsaka Shiritsu Shizenshi. Nihon-san kaisō hyōhon mokuroku.: List of seaweed specimens in the herbarium of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Chlorophyceae and phaeophyceae. Ōsaka-shi: Ōsaka Shiritsu Shizenshi Hakubutsukan, 1988.
Find full textSeto, Kō. Nihon-san kaisō hyōhon mokuroku: Ryokusō kassō hen : List of seaweed specimens in the herbarium of the Osaka Museum of Natural History. Chlorophyceae and phaeophyceae. Ōsaka-shi: Ōsaka Shiritsu Shizenshi Hakubutsukan, 1988.
Find full textSeaweeds Of The British Isles Fucophyceae Phaeophyceae V. Pelagic Publishing Ltd, 1987.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Phaeophycae"
Kawai, Hiroshi, and Eric C. Henry. "Phaeophyta." In Handbook of the Protists, 1–38. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textKawai, Hiroshi, and Eric C. Henry. "Phaeophyta." In Handbook of the Protists, 267–304. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textDahlgren, Gertrud, and Meinrad Küttel. "Abteilung Phaeophyta (Braunalgen)." In Systematische Botanik, 45–48. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
Full textWehr, John D. "Brown Algae (Phaeophyceae) in Rivers." In River Algae, 129–51. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textPeters, Akira F., and Britta Schaffelke. "Streblonema (Ectocarpales, Phaeophyceae) infection in the kelp Laminaria saccharina (Laminariales, Phaeophyceae) in the western Baltic." In Fifteenth International Seaweed Symposium, 111–16. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1996.
Full textSchmid, Christine E. "Cell-cell-recognition during fertilization in Ectocarpus siliculosus (Phaeophyceae)." In Fourteenth International Seaweed Symposium, 437–43. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1993.
Full textMaier, Ingo. "Environmental and Pheromonal Control of Sexual Reproduction in Laminaria (Phaeophyceae)." In Proceedings in Life Sciences, 66–74. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1987.
Full textSchnetter, Reinhard, Ingrid Hörnig, and Gisela Weber-Peukert. "Taxonomy of some North Atlantic Dictyota species (Phaeophyta)." In Twelfth International Seaweed Symposium, 193–97. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1987.
Full textKawashima, Yukio, and Hiroshi Tokuda. "Callus formation in Ecklonia cava Kjellman (Laminariales, Phaeophyta)." In Thirteenth International Seaweed Symposium, 375–80. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 1990.
Full textParente, M. I., R. L. Fletcher, and A. I. Neto. "New records of brown algae (Phaeophyta) from the Azores." In Island, Ocean and Deep-Sea Biology, 153–57. Dordrecht: Springer Netherlands, 2000.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Phaeophycae"
Moreira, Ramón, Santiago Vilas Arufe, Jorge Sineiro, and Francisco Chenlo. "Effect of air drying temperature on phytochemical properties of brown seaweed Bifurcaria bifurcata." In 21st International Drying Symposium. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica València, 2018.
Full textLemesheva, V. S., E. M. Lukasheva, A. A. Tsarev, A. V. Kushnareva, T. E. Bilova, K. Birkmeier, K. Ealing, A. Zinz, A. A. Frolov, and E. R. Tarakhovskaya. "Characterization of the proteome of functionally differentiated thallus zones of Fucusvesiculosus L. (Phaeophyceae)." In IX Congress of society physiologists of plants of Russia "Plant physiology is the basis for creating plants of the future". Kazan University Press, 2019.
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