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Wójtowicz, Bożena Elżbieta. "Międzynarodowy ruch turystyczny zagrożeniem dla zabytków architektury nabatejskiej i społeczności lokalnej na terenie Petry." Studies of the Industrial Geography Commission of the Polish Geographical Society 32, no. 1 (March 25, 2018): 96–107.

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Jednym z najlepiej zagospodarowanych i najczęściej odwiedzanych przez turystów krajów Bliskiego Wschodu jest Jordania. Jordania posiada wiele atrakcji turystycznych. Do najbardziej znanych i najczęściej odwiedzanych przez turystów należy skalne miasto Petra, była stolica arabskiego królestwa, miasto Nabatejczyków w południowo-zachodniej Jordanii, w którym znajduje się wiele cennych zabytków. Uprawianie turystyki zwykle ma wydźwięk pozytywny i rzadko kojarzy się z negatywnymi konsekwencjami. Podjęcie tej problematyki było związane ze wzrostem natężenia międzynarodowego ruchu turystycznego i jego niekorzystnym wpływem na zabytki i społeczność lokalną. Celem badawczym była analiza ruchu turystycznego Petry na tle wybranych atrakcji turystycznych Jordanii oraz wpływu zagrożenia, jakie niesie rozwój usług turystycznych oferowanych w tym regionie, na zabytki architektury i zamieszkujące Petrę plemiona beduińskie.
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Küfner, Heinrich. "Jörg Petry: Alkoholismus." SUCHT 46, no. 4 (January 2000): 299–300.

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Leone, Lucile Petry. "Lucile Petry Leone." Geriatric Nursing 9, no. 3 (May 1988): 180–85.

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Kühnel, Wolfgang, and Herfried Amon. "Dem Gedenken an Gerhard Petry." Annals of Anatomy - Anatomischer Anzeiger 184, no. 5 (September 2002): 405–9.

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Roll, John. "Nancy M. Petry (1968–2018)." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 34, no. 1 (February 2020): 9.

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Roll, John. "Nancy M. Petry (1968–2018)." American Psychologist 74, no. 2 (February 2019): 258.

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Weinstock, Jeremiah, and David Ledgerwood. "In memory of Dr. Nancy M. Petry." Journal of Behavioral Addictions 7, no. 3 (September 2018): 499–500.

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Babor, Thomas F., Lance Bauer, Kathleen Carroll, Victor Hesselbrock, and Howard A. Tennen. "No Ordinary Addiction Scientist: Remembering Nancy Petry." Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs 79, no. 5 (September 2018): 669–71.

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Buhl, Hans Ulrich. "Interview with Martin Petry on “Big Data”." Business & Information Systems Engineering 5, no. 2 (February 13, 2013): 101–2.

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Gregory, Frederick. "Hegel und die Naturwissenschaften. Michael John Petry." Isis 80, no. 1 (March 1989): 188–89.

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Londero, Mário Francis Petry, Luis Felipe Parise, Camila Braz da Silva, and Simone Mainieri Paulon. "Crises da democracia e insurreição. Entrevista com Peter Pál Pelbart." Revista Polis e Psique 6, no. 3 (February 7, 2017): 4.

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Khoroshko, Vladimir A., and Sergey V. Morzhov. "Application of Petry Networks to Parallel Process Modeling." Journal of Automation and Information Sciences 36, no. 4 (2004): 12–17.

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Buhl, Hans Ulrich. "Interview mit Martin Petry zum Thema „Big Data“." WIRTSCHAFTSINFORMATIK 55, no. 2 (February 13, 2013): 103–4.

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Rehbein, Florian, and Hans-Jürgen Rumpf. "In Gedenken an Frau Prof. Dr. Nancy Petry." SUCHT 64, no. 4 (November 1, 2018): 184.

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Molloy, Deborah Snow, and Robert M. Briwa. "Novel Reviews." Transfers 10, no. 2-3 (December 1, 2020): 132–36.

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Ann Petry, The Street (London: Virago, 2019), 416pp., £9.99 (soft back)Luis Alberto Urrea, The Devil’s Highway: A True Story (New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2004), xxi +239 pp. $16.99 (paperback).
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Wilson, Mark K., and Ann Petry. "A MELUS Interview: Ann Petry. The New England Connection." MELUS 15, no. 2 (1988): 71.

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Mellby, Julie. "INSTALLATION ART. Nicolas de Oliveira , Nicola Oxley , Michael Petry." Art Documentation: Journal of the Art Libraries Society of North America 13, no. 4 (December 1994): 39.

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Bentzinger, Rudolf. "Ulrike Petry, Kommunikationsbezogene Syntax bei Johann Eberlin von Günzburg." Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur (PBB) 125, no. 2 (September 2003): 335–41.

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Colson, Dan. "The Radical Fiction of Ann Petry by Keith Clark." Studies in American Naturalism 9, no. 1 (2014): 111–14.

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Andrews, Larry R. "At Home Inside: A Daughter's Tribute to Ann Petry." African American Review 43, no. 4 (2009): 757–58.

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Coleman, James W. "The Radical Fiction of Ann Petry by Keith Clark." African American Review 48, no. 3 (2015): 385–87.

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Lee, Song-hee. "Media Aptance and the Dital Iagination in Mdern Petry." Korean Language and Literature in International Context 88 (March 30, 2021): 305–26.

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Heitzenrater, Richard P. "Editing at Duke." Church History 80, no. 2 (May 13, 2011): 360–62.

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My first subscription to Church History was in 1965, which came about the same way many people first began receiving the journal in those days—Ray Petry, our medievalist in graduate school at Duke University, recommended that anyone who was interested join the ASCH in order to receive the journal.
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Kurtz, Frédéric. "Petry (François) (dir), Le monde fraternel d’Albert et d’Adolphe Matthis." Revue d’Alsace, no. 132 (September 1, 2006): 570–71.

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Batra, Anil, and Hans Watzl. "Vom Risiko des Peer-Review-Verfahrens: Kommentar zu Petry, (2008)." SUCHT 54, no. 2 (January 2008): 112.

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Petry-Schmelzer, Jan Niklas, Max Krause, Till A. Dembek, Andreas Horn, Julian Evans, Keyoumars Ashkan, Alexandra Rizos, et al. "Non-motor outcomes depend on location of neurostimulation in Parkinson’s disease." Brain 142, no. 11 (September 23, 2019): 3592–604.

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Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus improves non-motor symptoms in Parkinson’s disease, but with considerable inter-individual variability. Petry-Schmelzer et al. show that neurostimulation in specific subregions of the subthalamic nucleus has differential effects on mood/apathy, attention/memory and sleep-related outcomes. Neurostimulation could thus be tailored to patients’ individual non-motor profiles.
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Haitsma Mulier, E. O. G. "J. van Sluis, Bibliotheca Hemsterhusiana. Het boekenbezit van Tiberius en Frans Hemsterhuis, met genealogie en bibliografieF. Hemsterhuis, M.J. Petry, Wijsgerige werken, Petry, M. J., ed." BMGN - Low Countries Historical Review 118, no. 3 (January 1, 2003): 388.

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Yeldho, Joe Varghese. "Sounding Harlem: Ann Petry’s The Street and the Experience of “Dwelling”." American, British and Canadian Studies 34, no. 1 (June 1, 2020): 69–83.

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AbstractThe essay focuses on the thematic coming into being of a place mapped through practices of listening. Sound, noise, and music are seen as part of the racially informed urban “everyday.” The reading depends on the isovist narration of The Street (1946) by Ann Petry, documenting Harlem during the 1940s. The text develops a narrative predicated on the use of aurality as a means of “dwelling upon” the site of a home; a place to live, but where the idea of habitation is compromised by the need to reside. The figural horizon created by Petry anticipates dwelling as Heideggerian habitation rather than as occupation. For Heidegger, the conventional edifice of housing illustrates the forced settling of land. This contradicts his principle of dwelling as a way to remain in a place, leaving us perpetually in search of the dwelling that is more than home. The streets of Harlem cite, among other instruments, the nomadism of such residing, as it attempts to breach the conflicting boundaries of “white” ownership. The trajectory of this subversive foray draws upon the improvisations of a Harlem soundscape, as it works out a means of dwelling anew.
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Clark, Keith. "A Distaff Dream Deferred? Ann Petry and the Art of Subversion." African American Review 26, no. 3 (1992): 495.

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vom Brocke, Jan. "Interview with Martin Petry on “Digital Innovation for the Networked Society”." Business & Information Systems Engineering 58, no. 3 (April 4, 2016): 239–41.

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PRADE, Henri. "BOOK REVIEW: "FUZZY DATABASES — PRINCIPLES AND APPLICATIONS" by Frederick E. Petry." International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems 04, no. 04 (August 1996): 389–90.

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Devlin, Paul. "Ann Petry, Ralph Ellison, and Two Representations of Live Jazz Perfomance." American Studies 54, no. 3 (2015): 115–26.

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Whitt, Margaret Earley. "At Home Inside: A Daughter’s Tribute to Ann Petry (review)." Callaloo 34, no. 4 (2011): 1104–6.

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Kong, Grace. "Commentary on Alessi & Petry (2013): Cellular phone technology and contingency management." Addiction 108, no. 5 (April 15, 2013): 910–11.

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Šulcs, Ivars. "Neue und wenig bekannte Arten der Lepidopteren-Fauna Lettlands. 13. Mitteilung." Entomologica Fennica 3, no. 2 (June 1, 1992): 99–104.

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Faunistic and ecological notes are given on 66 Latvian species of Lepidoptera, 31 of which are new to the fauna. Of these, 13 are also new to Estonia and Lithuania: Ectoedemia albibimaculella (Larsen), E. longicaudella Klimesch, Tinea pallescentella Stainton, Bucculatrix noltei Petry , Agonopterix bipunctosa (Cuttis), Coleophora conyzae Zeller, C. gardesanella Toll, Metzneria aestivella (Zeller), Scrobipalpa nitentella (Fuchs), Epinotia indecorana (Zetterstedt), Pammene clanculana (Tengström), Dichrorampha uralensis (Danilevsky), Eupithecia ochridata Pinker. 2341 species of Lepidoptera are now known from Latvia.
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Becker, K., A. Fuhrmann, M. Holtmann, and M. H. Schmidt. "«Körper und Seele und Freundschaften kaputt»." Zeitschrift für Kinder- und Jugendpsychiatrie und Psychotherapie 31, no. 2 (May 2003): 145–53.

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Zusammenfassung: Fragestellung: Schätzungsweise 250000 Kinder und Jugendliche in Deutschland sind alkoholabhängig oder stark alkoholgefährdet. Während es für erwachsene alkoholkranke Patienten sowohl Therapiemanuale als auch störungsspezifische Nachsorgeeinrichtungen gibt, ist dies für jugendliche Patienten nur unzureichend der Fall. Methoden: Es wird die Kasuistik eines 14-jährigen alkoholabhängigen Patienten beschrieben mit Schwerpunkt auf Darstellung des für Jugendliche adaptierten störungsspezifischen Alkoholtherapiemanuals in Anlehnung an das Original von Petry (1996). Beispielhaft werden Arbeitsblätter dargestellt, die zur Ergänzung anderer verhaltens-, sozio- oder familientherapeutischen Interventionen hilfreich sein könnten.
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Soepriandono, Hari, and Bambang Irawan. "AMBANG WAKTU PENDEDAHAN TELUR Lymnaea sp UNTUK MENGAMATI ABNORMALITAS EMBRIO SEBAGAI PARAMETER DALAM UJI HAYATI TERHADAP KARBAMAT." Berkala Penelitian Hayati 6, no. 1 (December 31, 2000): 71–76.

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The aim of this study was to know the specific expose period of the Lymnaea sp. embyos and their age in order to utilization eggs of Lymnaea sp. in bioassay. Fifty individuals of Lymnaea sp. collected from Gonggan River Magetan were captured in laboratory. Egg cluster of each individual then was placed in petry dish which was filled by Baycarb 500 EC of 0.0001, 0.001 and 0.01 ppm. The result showed that 12 hours exposure in Baycarb 500 EC was the effective time since within 6 hours all of embryos were death and abnormalities of the survivals was detected in the embryos of 48 and 72 hours.
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Pacheco Ceballos, Daniel, and Ricardo Vivas Gómez. "De donald trump y otros milagros del progresismo." Revista Cultural Unilibre, no. 1 (June 1, 2017): 119–23.

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El 201 6 pasará a la historia de la humanidad como el año en el cual se institucionalizó una tendencia ideológica mundial que pidió a gritos el freno del caos mundial y del excesivo libertinaje con el que se quiso encausar el inicio de este milenio. Salta a la vista lo evidente de tal aseveración si se tiene como referente lo acaecido con los procesos democráticos gestados en países como Colombia, Reino Unido y Estados Unidos, y como por si eso fuera poco, desde ya se avizora gran expectativa con lo que serán las contiendas a desplegar por Marine Le Pen y Frauke Petry en Francia y Alemania respectivamente.
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Dingledine, Don. ""It Could Have Been Any Street": Ann Petry, Stephen Crane, and the Fate of Naturalism." Studies in American Fiction 34, no. 1 (2006): 87–106.

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Luz, Elaine Coelho Da. "SILVA, Vera Lucia Gaspar; PETRY, Marilia Gabriela (ORGs). Objetos da Escola: Espaços e lugares de constituição de uma cultura material escolar (Santa Catarina – séculos XIX e XX). Florianópolis, SC: Editora Insular, 2012. ISBN 978-85-7474-599-2." Linguagens, Educação e Sociedade, no. 30 (May 2, 2019): 215.

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A obra Objetos da Escola: Espaços e lugares de constituição de uma cultura material escolar (Santa Catarina – séculos XIX e XX), organizada por pesquisadoras na área da História e Historiografia da Educação, voltada ao público brasileiro, em especial, interessados na temática da cultura material escolar. Permite assim, que se faça a sugestão de sua leitura devido ao amplo número de artigos escritos por pessoas envolvidas em um trabalho coeso. Vera Lucia Gaspar da Silva e Marilia Gabriela Petry trazem com essa obra, uma proposta de instigar a valorização do patrimônio histórico escolar, dando visibilidade à memória das instituições e de seus sujeitos por meio da cultura material escolar, a base teórica dos autores que se debruçam sobre cultura escolar é a teoria da História Cultural.
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Burns, Ian, and Henry Jacek. "Politics, Institutions, and Fiscal Policy: Deficits and Surpluses in Federated States." Canadian Journal of Political Science 39, no. 3 (September 2006): 713–15.

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Politics, Institutions, and Fiscal Policy: Deficits and Surpluses in Federated States, Louis M. Imbeau and Francois Petry (editors), Studies in Public Policy; Toronto: Lexington Books, 2004, pp. 239.Despite the continual attention by the public, the media and politicians on governmental deficits, surpluses and governmental debt over the past decade, the political science literature in this area is sparse. When political scientists do venture into this area, they are unduly influenced by economic considerations rather than using political-institutional explanations. Happily this volume avoids the usual approaches and instead emphasizes political variables. In particular, the editors and authors highlight the importance of the proximity of elections, the ideology of the incumbent party, and the severity of established anti-deficit policies.
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Cobb, Paul M. "Protectors or Praetorians? The Last Mamlūk Sultans and Egypt's Waning as a Great Power.Carl F. Petry." Speculum 73, no. 4 (October 1998): 1164–65.

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Tailakov, O. V. "MODELING OF THE AIR DISTRIBUTION PROCESSES IN EXISTING ENTRIES OF COAL MINES BASED ON PETRY NET." News of the Tula state university. Sciences of Earth 4, no. 1 (2019): 72–79.

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The methodological approach to designing models of artificial air distribution in coal mine entries based on the network representation of bipartite oriented graphs has been proved. It is shown that the air distribution in the mine entries is evaluated by defining of closed contours of the ventilation network corresponding to the positional semi-flows of the Petri nets and using the method of successive approximations.
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Rowe, Anne E. "A Genius in His Way: The Art of Cable's Old Creole Days by Alice Hall Petry." Studies in American Fiction 19, no. 1 (1991): 123–24.

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Stanger, Catherine, and John M. Roll. "Introduction to the special issue in honor of the life and work of Dr. Nancy Petry." Psychology of Addictive Behaviors 34, no. 1 (February 2020): 1–8.

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Veras, Eduardo Horta Naasif. "Rumo à prosa: aspectos de um novo projeto de tradução dos Petits poèmes en prose, de Baudelaire." Cadernos de Tradução 38, no. 3 (December 12, 2018): 54–69.

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O artigo apresenta, em linhas gerais, as principais diretrizes que guiaram o trabalho de uma nova tradução dos Petits poèmes en prose, de Baudelaire, realizado por mim em parceria com Isadora Petry. Procuro mostrar, primeiramente, como o projeto do poeta francês de passagem para prosa demorou a ser compreendido mesmo pela crítica especializada, o que explica em grande parte o caráter poético das primeiras traduções brasileiras. Por outro lado, a radicalização do prosaísmo também não parece dar conta do desafio de traduzir essas “bagatelas laboriosas”, concebidas por Baudelaire como uma experiência poética essencialmente ambivalente. Sempre em diálogo com a Crítica, nossa tradução procurou enfrentar esse desafio da ambivalência, do qual este artigo aborda dois aspectos: o encontro da prosa com a poesia e a apropriação irônica e significativa do lugar-comum.
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Silverman, Kenneth, Dace Svikis, Elias Robles, Maxine L. Stitzer, and George E. Bigelow. "Toward application of the Therapeutic Workplace: Reply to Higgins (2001), Marlatt (2001), McLellan (2001), and Petry (2001)." Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology 9, no. 1 (February 2001): 35–39.

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Schultz, Warren C. "Protectors or Praetorians? The Last Mamluk Sultans and Egypt's Waning as a Great Power. Carl F. Petry." Journal of Near Eastern Studies 58, no. 3 (July 1999): 232–33.

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McLaughlin, John L. "Die Entgrenzung Jhwhs: Monolatrie, Bilderverbot und Monotheismus im Deuteronomium, in Deuterojesaja und im Ezechielbuch - By Sven Petry." Religious Studies Review 35, no. 3 (September 2009): 177.

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Baumann, Anette. "David Petry, Konfliktbewältigung als Medienereignis. Reichsstadt und Reichshofrat in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Colloquia Augustana, Bd. 29.) Berlin, Akademie 2011 Petry David Konfliktbewältigung als Medienereignis. Reichsstadt und Reichshofrat in der Frühen Neuzeit. (Colloquia Augustana, Bd. 29.) 2011 Akademie Berlin € 59,80." Historische Zeitschrift 296, no. 2 (April 2013): 511.

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