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Sabbioni, G., and H. G. Neumann. "Biomonitoring of arylamines: hemoglobin adducts of urea and carbamate pestides." Carcinogenesis 11, no. 1 (1990): 111–15.

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Chun, Ock Kyoung, Hee Gon Kang, and Myung Hee Kim. "Multiresidue Method for the Determination of Pesticides in Korean Domestic Crops by Gas Chromatography/Mass Selective Detection." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 86, no. 4 (July 1, 2003): 823–31.

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Abstract The multiresidue method used in this study allows the determination of 101 pesticides, including organophosphorus, organochlorine, and nitrogen-containing pesticides, in crops by gas chromatography with mass selective detector. Analysis was performed in the selected–ion monitoring mode, and the identities of the positive analytes were confirmed by retention time and the ratios of selected ions. The selected ion mode demonstrated an acceptable selectivity for most of the pesticides determined in 3 kinds of samples (Chrysanthemum coronarium; Perilla japonica, leaf; and Lactuca savita, which are very popular vegetables eaten raw in Korea), and very minor interferences were observed in the elution area of the pesticide analytes. Samples were spiked with pesticides at 0.1–1.0 mg/kg. The recoveries of 90% of the pesticides were between 70 and 110%; however, the recoveries of acephate and folpet were very poor, i.e., <50%. The limits of detection (LODs) for most pesticides were between 0.02 and 0.3 mg/kg, and the LODs for about half of the pesticeds studied were <0.05 mg/kg.
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Vutrianingsih, Nur Eka, Ikrimatuz Zulfa, and Jojok Mukono. "RISK FACTORS RELATED TO KARBAMAT PESTICIDE POISONING AND ORGANOPHOSPHATE IN RICE FARMERS IN MASANGAN VILLAGE KULON KABUPATEN SIDOARJO." Indonesian Journal of Public Health 15, no. 2 (August 4, 2020): 190.

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In the efforts to increase product of rice plant crops, the use of pesticides to excerminate pest can not be avoided. However rice plant farmers incline carry out spray of pestisides which abused impact can increase poison inciden of farmers. The objective of this research was to know about risk factors related to pesticide poison incidence because use carbamates pesticides and organophosphates pesticides in Masangan Kulon Village Subdistrict Sukodono District Sidoarjo. The type of this research is analytic observational with cross sectional approach. Sample of this research is 28 farmers. The collected data were analyzed analytically using Fisher Exact Test. The variable in this research were age, sex, educational level, length of work,the using Personal Protection Equipment, length of exposure, knowledge, total of kind pesticides, and management practices of pesticides. Checking cholinesterase enzyme value in the blood with Kinetic Photometric DGKC by BBLK of Surabaya.The result of this research showed as 2 farmers (7,1%) has pesticides’s poisoning. The result of statistic test showed there was no significant relationship between sex (p = 0,091), educational level (p = 0,553),length of work (p = 0,288), the using Personal Protection Equipment (p = 0,622), total of kind pesticides (p = 1,000), knowledge (p = 0,549), and management practices of pesticides (p = 1,000) with pesticides poisoning. There was significant relationship between age (p = 0,001) and length of exposure (p = 0,001) with pesticides poisoning. Conclution of this research counseling from relevant agencies about pesticides, periodic checking cholinesterase enzyme of farmers and observe pesticide sale distribution in village.Keywords : Pesticides, Carbamate and Organophosphate, Cholinesterase
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Bhushan, Brijender, and Prabhu Narain Saxena. "Multiple giant cell formation – A consequence of type II pyrethroid intoxication." Interdisciplinary Toxicology 11, no. 2 (August 1, 2018): 178–79.

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Abstract Pesticides are the main remedy for pest eradication, but their use has been found to be harmful also to various non-target organisms. In this study, giant cell formation was observed in hepatocytes of experimental albino rats following two type II pyrethroid pesticdes, Cypermethrin and Beta-cyfluthrin. Histopathological examination was done for this purpose and the results revealed the formation of giant cells and polyploidy condition following intoxication of these experimental compounds with Beta-cyfluthrin, with an edge over, and Cypermethrin, probably due to structural differences.
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Boldbaatar, Odgerel, Amgalan Tuya, Munkhtsetseg Tsendbayar, and Dashdulam Tsanligrenchin. "PESTICIDE USE AND CONSEQUENCES (LITERARY REVIEW)." International Journal of Advanced Research 10, no. 01 (January 31, 2022): 388–91.

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Pesticides are derived from the Greek word pestis - pest, cido - to destroy, and are substances used to exterminate, repel or reduce plant pests or to act as plant growth regulators, as well as nitrogen stabilizers, plant defoliants, or desiccants. Pesticides are primarily used in agriculture, but about half of the 200 pesticides registered today are widely used by non-agricultural organizations such as hospitals, restaurants, and decontamination services. Pesticide misuse is a big problem not only in Mongolia but all over the world. When this toxic chemical is sprayed on crops, plants, and soil, it accumulates and is released back into the living organism through soil, air, and atmospheric degradation, resulting in poisoning and sickness.Pesticide levels in vegetables and food brought into Mongolia must be kept under strict monitoring.Furthermore, assessments of the types and applications of imported pesticides, as well as their residues in food, reveal the need for further detailed research into pesticide exposure and its negative consequences on human health in Mongolia.
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Hinnebusch, B. Joseph, Iman Chouikha, and Yi-Cheng Sun. "Ecological Opportunity, Evolution, and the Emergence of Flea-Borne Plague." Infection and Immunity 84, no. 7 (May 9, 2016): 1932–40.

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The plague bacillusYersinia pestisis unique among the pathogenicEnterobacteriaceaein utilizing an arthropod-borne transmission route. Transmission by fleabite is a recent evolutionary adaptation that followed the divergence ofY. pestisfrom the closely related food- and waterborne enteric pathogenYersinia pseudotuberculosis. A combination of population genetics, comparative genomics, and investigations ofYersinia-flea interactions have disclosed the important steps in the evolution and emergence ofY. pestisas a flea-borne pathogen. Only a few genetic changes, representing both gene gain by lateral transfer and gene loss by loss-of-function mutation (pseudogenization), were fundamental to this process. The emergence ofY. pestisfits evolutionary theories that emphasize ecological opportunity in adaptive diversification and rapid emergence of new species.
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Saputra, Agung Beny, Kurniah Kurniah, Risma Risma, and Affi Nur Hidayah. "Deteksi pestisida Deltamethrin pada daun teh dengan variasi semprot (3x dan 6x) menggunakan spektroskopi raman." Kultivasi 19, no. 1 (March 30, 2020): 1047.

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Sari. Pestisida banyak digunakan petani untuk mencegah hama pada proses penanaman daun teh, padahal jika tertelan manusia bisa menimbulkan banyak penyakit. Kita perlu mempelajari metode yang mudah untuk mendeteksi kandungan pestisida. Pada penelitian ini, pestisida deltamethrin pada daun teh dideteksi dengan menggunakan alat spektroskopi Raman. Daun teh segar disemprot pestisida dengan konsentrasi 0,01 ppm; 0,1 ppm; 1 ppm; 10 ppm; dan 100 ppm. Variasi penyemprotan juga dilakukan pada daun teh, yaitu 3x dan 6x penyemprotan untuk setiap konsentrasi pestisida yang digunakan. Daun teh yang sudah disemprot kemudian dikeringkan dan ditaruh di dudukan sampel di alat spektroskopi raman dengan sumber laser yang dipakai adalah 532 nm. Spektroskopi Raman membantu dalam menentukan nilai deteksi pestisida pada daun teh dimana nilai deteksi pestisida berupa perbandingan antara panjang gelombang (Raman shift) dengan intensitas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui nilai deteksi pestida yang disemprot pada daun teh dan menentukan pengaruh variasi jumlah semprotan pestisida ke daun teh. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pestisida deltamethrin pada daun teh berhasil dideteksi dengan menggunakan alat spektroskopi Raman. Pada penyemprotan 6x puncak deltamethrin menunjukkan intensitas yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan intensitas puncak pestisida deltamethrin dengan kondisi penyemprotan 3x pada daun teh.Kata kunci: Pestisida Deltamethrin ∙ Spektroskopi raman ∙ Teh Detection of Deltamethrin pesticide on tea leaves with different spray variations (3x and 6x) using spektroskopi raman Abstract. Pesticide were widely used by farmers to prevent pests on tea plant , whereas if swallowed by human could cause many diseases. We need to know the easy method to detect deltamethrin pesticide. In this experiment, deltamethrin pesticides in the tea leaves were detected using Raman spectroscopy. The fresh tea leaves were sprayed with pesticides at the concentration of 0.01 ppm, 0.1 ppm, 1 ppm, 10 ppm, and 100 ppm. Spraying concentration were also carried out on the tea leaves with 3 and 6times spray variation for each concentration. The sprayed tea leaves were dried and placed in a sample position at the Raman spectroscopy. Its testing tool helped in determining the detection value of pesticides on tea leaves, the value of detection of pesticides in the form of a ratio between wavelength (Raman shift) with intensity. The purpose of this study was to determine the detection value of pesticides sprayed on tea leaves and determine the effect of variations in the amount of pesticide spray to tea leaves. The results showed that the deltamethrin pesticide on tea leaves was successfully detected using the Raman spectroscopy. In spraying 6 times, the peak of deltamethrin showed a higher intensity compared to the peak intensity of the pesticide deltamethrin with spraying conditions 3 times on the tea leaves.Keywords: Deltamethrin pesticides ∙ Raman spectroscopy ∙ Tea leaves
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Eddy, Justin L., Jay A. Schroeder, Daniel L. Zimbler, Lauren E. Bellows, and Wyndham W. Lathem. "Impact of the Pla Protease Substrate α2-Antiplasmin on the Progression of Primary Pneumonic Plague." Infection and Immunity 83, no. 12 (October 5, 2015): 4837–47.

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Many pathogens usurp the host hemostatic system during infection to promote pathogenesis.Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of plague, expresses the plasminogen activator protease Pla, which has been shownin vitroto target and cleave multiple proteins within the fibrinolytic pathway, including the plasmin inhibitor α2-antiplasmin (A2AP). It is not known, however, if Pla inactivates A2APin vivo; the role of A2AP during respiratoryY. pestisinfection is not known either. Here, we show thatY. pestisdoes not appreciably cleave A2AP in a Pla-dependent manner in the lungs during experimental pneumonic plague. Furthermore, following intranasal infection withY. pestis, A2AP-deficient mice exhibit no difference in survival time, bacterial burden in the lungs, or dissemination from wild-type mice. Instead, we found that in the absence of Pla, A2AP contributes to the control of the pulmonary inflammatory response during infection by reducing neutrophil recruitment and cytokine production, resulting in altered immunopathology of the lungs compared to A2AP-deficient mice. Thus, our data demonstrate that A2AP is not significantly affected by the Pla protease during pneumonic plague, and although A2AP participates in immune modulation in the lungs, it has limited impact on the course or ultimate outcome of the infection.
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Madariaga-Mazón, Abraham, Adriana Osnaya-Hernández, Arni Chávez-Gómez, Juan Carlos García-Ramos, Fernando Cortés-Guzmán, Durbis Javier Castillo-Pazos, and Karina Martínez-Mayorga. "Distribution of toxicity values across different species and modes of action of pesticides from PESTIMEP and PPDB databases." Toxicology Research 8, no. 2 (2019): 146–56.

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Husna, Mufidatul, and Budi Hartono. "Pajanan Pestisida Organoklorin Terhadap Diabetes Melitus Tipe-2 Pada Usia Muda: Tinjauan Literatur." PREPOTIF : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat 5, no. 2 (October 12, 2021): 576–83.

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DMT2 is the most common type of diabetes in the world. In developed countries, dia¬betes affects people over 65 years old. However, in Asia, the younger generation is also affected and the age onset of diabetes has declined. Several factors that may lead to early diabetes is changes in consumption and activity patterns. However, that should be noted that pestisides expusure by food and environmental pollutants can even be the reason behind the increasing incidence of type-2 diabetes mellitus. This study aims to provide a systematic review of the impact of pesticide exposure on the incidence of type-2 diabetes, especially at a young age. We performed articles search using Science Direct, Spinger Link, ProQuest, Pubmed and Scopus databases published since 2010 until 2020. In total, 10 scientific articles included in this study. Pesticide exposure is determined by the nature of the sources. Most studies showed a strong association between organochlorine pesticides and also the incidence of diabetes. The average age of the entire study was 43 years this has proven that there is a decrease in the onset of age of people with DMT2 in Asia. The results show that organochlorine pesticides had an impact on the incidence of DMT2 at a younger age. Someone with high levels of organochlorines serum will had a high blood glucose levels. Race may also effect the incidence of diabetes, it need to be assessed experimentally.
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Rigotto, Raquel Maria, Ageo Mário Cândido da Silva, Marcelo José Monteiro Ferreira, Islene Ferreira Rosa, and Ada Cristina Pontes Aguiar. "Trends of chronic health effects associated to pesticide use in fruit farming regions in the state of Ceará, Brazil." Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia 16, no. 3 (September 2013): 763–73.

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The lower valley of Jaguaribe has registered, since the XXI century, the arrival of transnational and regional companies, which led to deep transformations in this region. The increased use of the pesticides is one of the most important ones, being able to cause alterations in human procreation and leading to congenital deformations, besides premature birth and low weight newborns. This article is an ecological study related to the period from 2000 to 2010 in the population of some cities in the state of Ceará, and it was divided in two parts: the first one, a draft of historical series of morbidity and mortality databases and trend verification performed by a simple linear regression; the second one comprehends the calculation of the ratio of rates between cities that are highly exposed to pestiides and the cities selected for comparison, with history of little use of these substances. There was statistically considerable growth tendency (p = 0.026) in the number of hospitalized people with neoplasms. Analyzing the ratios of the rates in these same indicators, it is observed that the rates of hospitalized people with neoplasms were 1.76 times higher in the studied cities than in control cities (p < 0.0010). With regard to to fetal deaths, a statistically considerable increase was observed (p < 0.05) as to the mortality rates in the studied cities. Results suggest there was higher morbidity and mortality caused by neoplasms in the cities with broader use of pesticides, which could be influenced by production, environmental and social transformations associated to the process of deterritorialization induced by the expansion of the agricultural modernization over the morbidity and mortality profile of the population of lower Jaguaribe. This process is a reflex of the production chemical-dependent model adopted by the agribusiness companies, expanding the vulnerability of the country side population.
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Pullen, Jeffrey K., George W. Anderson, Susan L. Welkos, and Arthur M. Friedlander. "Analysis of the Yersinia pestis V Protein for the Presence of Linear Antibody Epitopes." Infection and Immunity 66, no. 2 (February 1, 1998): 521–27.

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ABSTRACT The V protein expressed by pathogenic Yersinia pestisis an important virulence factor and protective immunogen. The presence of linear B-cell epitopes in the V protein was investigated by using a series of 17 overlapping linear peptides. Groups of 10 mice were immunized intraperitoneally with 30 μg of each peptide on days 0, 30, and 60. Although the V protein-specific antibody response to the peptides varied, most of the peptides elicited high antibody titers. The immunized mice were challenged subcutaneously with 60 50% lethal doses (LD50) (1 LD50 = 1.9 CFU) of a virulent Y. pestis strain, CO92. None of the peptide-immunized mice survived challenge. The animals immunized with the V protein were completely protected against challenge. The immunogenicity of some of the V peptides was increased by conjugating them to keyhole limpet hemocyanin. Only one peptide (encompassing amino acids 1 to 30) conjugate demonstrated some protection; the others were not protective. In additional experiments, V peptides that reacted well with sera from mice surviving Y. pestis infection were combined and used to immunize mice. Although the combined peptides appeared to be very immunogenic, they were not protective. Therefore, the protective B-lymphocyte epitope(s) in the V protein is most likely to be conformational.
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Noël, Bernard. "Pesticides." Lignes 33, no. 3 (2010): 62.

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Rea, William J. "Pesticides." Journal of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine 6, no. 1 (January 1996): 55–124.

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Sherma, Joseph. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 59, no. 12 (June 15, 1987): 18–31.

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Sherma, Joseph. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 61, no. 12 (June 15, 1989): 153–65.

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Eddleston, Michael, and D. Nicholas Bateman. "Pesticides." Medicine 35, no. 12 (December 2007): 646–48.

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Eddleston, Michael, and D. Nicholas Bateman. "Pesticides." Medicine 40, no. 3 (March 2012): 147–50.

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Eddleston, Michael. "Pesticides." Medicine 44, no. 3 (March 2016): 193–96.

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Sherma, Joseph. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 63, no. 12 (June 15, 1991): 118–30.

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Sherma, Joseph, and Gunter Zweig. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 57, no. 5 (April 1985): 1–15.

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CABRERA, LAURA Y. "Pesticides." Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 26, no. 4 (September 22, 2017): 602–15.

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Abstract:There is growing evidence about the influence of chemical exposures on specific molecular systems and mechanisms involved in cognitive and mental function. Evidence is also emerging about the negative impact of these chemical exposures on mental health, including depression, suicide, and other risks. Despite the growing appreciation of these factors, however, little attention has been paid to the ethical and social implications of their interactions. Drawing on recent work that argues for an environmental neuroethics approach that explicitly brings together ethics, environment, and conditions of the central nervous system, this article focuses on these critical issues for pesticides specifically.
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Sherma, Joseph. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 67, no. 12 (June 15, 1995): 1–20.

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Sherma, Joseph. "Pesticides." Analytical Chemistry 65, no. 12 (June 15, 1993): 40–54.

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Pfleeger, T. G. "Pesticides." Journal of Environmental Quality 32, no. 6 (November 2003): 2445.

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Kookana, R. S. "Pesticides." Journal of Environmental Quality 36, no. 4 (July 2007): 1231.

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Rosival, L. "Pesticides." Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment & Health 11, no. 3 (June 1985): 189–97.

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Phillips, Scott. "Pesticides." Journal of Agromedicine 11, no. 2 (October 4, 2006): 9–10.

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Berry, C. L. "Pesticides." Human Toxicology 7, no. 5 (September 1988): 433–36.

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1 Chemical treatment of crops is essential not only to reduce losses but also to prevent certain food related diseases. 2 Pesticides, unlike many other compounds, are designed to kill higher organisms and thus pose special toxicological problems. 3 It is important to understand the mechanism of action of the pesticide in the target organism in order to assess risk/benefit as accurately as possible. 4 In future the need for pharmacokinetic/dynamic and comparative metabolic data will increase and it will become important to gather human exposure data for certain commonly used compounds, data which are sadly lacking at present.
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Bateman, D. Nicholas. "Pesticides." Medicine 31, no. 10 (October 2003): 69–71.

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Weiss, Bernard, Sherlita Amler, and Robert W. Amler. "Pesticides." Pediatrics 113, Supplement_3 (April 1, 2004): 1030–36.

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Pesticides are a broad group of heterogeneous chemicals that have a significant public health benefit by increasing food production productivity and decreasing food-borne and vector-borne diseases. However, depending on the agent and the exposure, they may pose health risks. Because of their behavior, acute accidental toxic exposures occur more commonly in children. Because of the dietary habits and greater intake of foods per kilogram in children and because some infants are breastfed, there is also concern about the effects on them of low-level environmental exposures. In the absence of direct conclusive evidence, consistent and relevant observations have led some investigators to infer that chronic low-dose exposure to certain pesticides might pose a potential hazard to the health and development of infants and children. Other investigators have concluded that such inferences can be neither supported nor refuted at the present time. The pediatrician has a role to play in recognizing the symptoms of acute exposure and to be able to provide appropriate treatment. It is essential to study whether there are subtle neurologic effects that may result from low-level pesticide exposures in individual patients.
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le Patourel, G. "Pesticides 1995: Pesticides approved under the control of pesticides regulations 1986." Crop Protection 15, no. 1 (February 1996): 105.

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Chung, Kieu Thi Thu. "Abuse of Pesticides and Environmental Impacts in Vietnam." International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation 24, no. 4 (April 30, 2020): 5857–63.

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Lapone, R. M., C. Olias, A. V. Sauer, and C. F. Miyashiro. "IMPACTOS AMBIENTAIS CAUSADOS PELO USO DE AGROTÓXICOS." Revista SODEBRAS 17, no. 195 (March 2022): 39–46.

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Thombare, Suraj. "Design and Development of Man Driven Pesticides Spraying Machine." International Journal Of Mechanical Engineering And Information Technology 05, no. 03 (March 26, 2017): 1851–54.

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Šmídová, Z., M. Blažková, L. Fukal, and P. Rauch. "Pesticides in Food – Immunochromatographic Detection of Thiabendazole and Methiocarb." Czech Journal of Food Sciences 27, Special Issue 1 (June 24, 2009): S414—S416.

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In this work preliminary studies on application of immunochromatographic method to detection of pesticides in food samples, in particular fruit juices, are presented. The aim was to develop immunochromatographic technique on a porous membrane for rapid detection of the pesticides thiabendazole and methiocarb in fruit juices. For detection colloidal carbon conjugated with secondary antibody was used. The tests were evaluated visually. Our results show that in the fruit juices samples examined the detection limit for thiabendazole covered the MRL (maximum residue limit) for food of plant origin established by the legislative and for methiocarb the method has to be further optimised in order to decrease the detection limit below the MRL.
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Nair, Manoj K. M., Leon De Masi, Min Yue, Estela M. Galván, Huaiqing Chen, Fang Wang, and Dieter M. Schifferli. "Adhesive Properties of YapV and Paralogous Autotransporter Proteins of Yersinia pestis." Infection and Immunity 83, no. 5 (February 17, 2015): 1809–19.

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Yersinia pestisis the causative agent of plague. This bacterium evolved from an ancestral enteroinvasiveYersinia pseudotuberculosisstrain by gene loss and acquisition of new genes, allowing it to use fleas as transmission vectors. Infection frequently leads to a rapidly lethal outcome in humans, a variety of rodents, and cats. This study focuses on theY. pestisKIMyapVgene and its product, recognized as an autotransporter protein by its typical sequence, outer membrane localization, and amino-terminal surface exposure. Comparison ofYersiniagenomes revealed that DNA encoding YapV or each of three individual paralogous proteins (YapK, YapJ, and YapX) was present as a gene or pseudogene in a strain-specific manner and only inY. pestisandY. pseudotuberculosis. YapV acted as an adhesin for alveolar epithelial cells and specific extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins, as shown with recombinantEscherichia coli,Y. pestis, or purified passenger domains. Like YapV, YapK and YapJ demonstrated adhesive properties, suggesting that their previously relatedin vivoactivity is due to their capacity to modulate binding properties ofY. pestisin its hosts, in conjunction with other adhesins. A differential host-specific type of binding to ECM proteins by YapV, YapK, and YapJ suggested that these proteins participate in broadening the host range ofY. pestis. A phylogenic tree including 36Y. pestisstrains highlighted an association between the gene profile for the four paralogous proteins and the geographic location of the corresponding isolated strains, suggesting an evolutionary adaption ofY. pestisto specific local animal hosts or reservoirs.
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Cornelius, Claire A., Lauriane E. Quenee, Derek Elli, Nancy A. Ciletti, and Olaf Schneewind. "Yersinia pestis IS1541 Transposition Provides for Escape from Plague Immunity." Infection and Immunity 77, no. 5 (February 23, 2009): 1807–16.

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ABSTRACTYersinia pestisis perhaps the most feared infectious agent due to its ability to cause epidemic outbreaks of plague disease in animals and humans with high mortality. Plague infections elicit strong humoral immune responses against the capsular antigen (fraction 1 [F1]) ofY. pestis, and F1-specific antibodies provide protective immunity. Here we asked whetherY. pestisgenerates mutations that enable bacterial escape from protective immunity and isolated a variant with an IS1541insertion incaf1Aencoding the F1 outer membrane usher. Thecaf1A::IS1541insertion prevented assembly of F1 pili and provided escape from plague immunity via F1-specific antibodies without a reduction in virulence in mouse models of bubonic or pneumonic plague. F1-specific antibodies interfere withY. pestistype III transport of effector proteins into host cells, an inhibitory effect that was overcome by thecaf1A::IS1541insertion. These findings suggest a model in which IS1541insertion intocaf1Aprovides for reversible changes in envelope structure, enablingY. pestisto escape from adaptive immune responses and plague immunity.
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Banerji, S. "Pesky Pesticides." Science News 169, no. 13 (April 1, 2006): 207.

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Sekhon, Bhupinder Singh. "Chiral pesticides." Journal of Pesticide Science 34, no. 1 (2009): 1–12.

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Pal, Dharam, and Sudesh Rani. "Organic- Pesticides." Scholars Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 7, no. 9 (September 30, 2020): 215–18.

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Barrons, Keith C. "Applying Pesticides." BioScience 36, no. 8 (September 1986): 514–15.

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ERICKSON, BRITT E. "NANOSILVER PESTICIDES." Chemical & Engineering News 87, no. 48 (November 30, 2009): 25–26.

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BOMGARDNER, MELODY M. "GERMINATING PESTICIDES." Chemical & Engineering News Archive 89, no. 16 (April 18, 2011): 13–17.

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Newsome, W. Harvey. "Organonitrogen Pesticides." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 82, no. 2 (March 1, 1999): 507–8.

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Perry, Melissa J., and Peter M. Layde. "Farm pesticides." American Journal of Preventive Medicine 24, no. 4 (May 2003): 310–15.

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McMahon, Bernadette M. "Organohalogen Pesticides." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 72, no. 1 (January 1, 1989): 95–97.

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Newsome, W. Harvey. "Organonitrogen Pesticides." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 72, no. 1 (January 1, 1989): 97–98.

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McMahon, Bernadette M. "Organohalogen Pesticides." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 73, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 129–30.

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Newsome, W. Harvey. "Organonitrogen Pesticides." Journal of AOAC INTERNATIONAL 73, no. 1 (January 1, 1990): 131.

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