Academic literature on the topic 'Personnalism'
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Journal articles on the topic "Personnalism"
Roy, Christian. "Le personnalisme de L’Ordre Nouveau et le Québec, 1930-1947." Revue d'histoire de l'Amérique française 46, no. 3 (August 26, 2008): 463–84.
Full textMartin-Hubbard, Marie. "Incursion personnaliste chez les thomistes canadiens-français des années 1930 et 1940 : l’exemple de François Hertel." Mens 6, no. 1 (April 9, 2014): 29–67.
Full textDallabrida, Norberto, and Laurent Gutierrez. "Apresentação - A pedagogia personalizada e comunitária no espaço ibero-americano (1950-1970)." Cadernos de História da Educação 21 (August 4, 2022): e108.
Full textAdnane, Abdelali. "Droit international privé et statuts personnels des non musulmans en terre d’islam: liberté a l’infini, zero ordre public." Revista Internacional de Pensamiento Político 13 (February 18, 2021): 39–66.
Full textFourez, Bernard. "Personnalité psychofamiliale, personnalité psychosociétale." Thérapie Familiale 25, no. 3 (2004): 255.
Full textDorna, Alexandre. "Personnalité machiavélique et personnalité démocratique." Hermès 19, no. 1 (1996): 149.
Full textFrère, Bruno. "Phénoménologie et personnalisme." Archives de Philosophie 67, no. 3 (2004): 445.
Full textDoually, Yva. "Un accompagnement personnalisé." Soins Pédiatrie/Puériculture 34, no. 272 (May 2013): 13–31.
Full textMungo, A., M. Hein, P. Hubain, G. Loas, and M. Delhaye. "Borderline personality disorder in adolescence." Revue Medicale de Bruxelles 40, no. 6 (2019): 485–94.
Full textLabelle, Gilles. "La Révolution tranquille interprétée à la lumière du « problème théologico-politique »." Recherches 52, no. 3 (January 27, 2012): 849–80.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Personnalism"
Bouquet, Natacha. "Le travail comme constitutif d'une identite individuelle, culturelle et/ou personnelle (questionnement dans le cadre post-moderne)." Grenoble 2, 1998.
Full textFor study the function of the work in the individual identity construction in the post-modern cultures, we want to know if the individual identity is implied in and by the post-modern work, and how it collaborate on his construction. We think that a certain work, the production work, is fundamental in the post- modern cultures. It's for this reason that it influence the identity, positively and negatively. Identity and work are human fact; but their realisation is cultural and personal. The work is a production work, and is in relation with the production and the consumption. This work influence the individual identity, but only on his cultural dimension. The personal dimension of the identity is forgotten. The reactions at the problems in relation with the work exist only at the level of the cultural dimension of the identity. They are subjected to the illusion process. It is possible to find a solution by questioning the reels reasons of personal problems. These reasons are in relation with the submission of + be ; to + have
Hardy, Quentin. "Irrésistible progrès ? : essayistes-philosophes au cœur de la querelle du machinisme dans la France de l’entre-deux-guerres." Thesis, Paris 1, 2022.
Full textBased on a corpus of French essayist-philosophers from the 1930s, this thesis is a contribution to the history of the critics of the idea of progress in the 20th century. It argues that these critics promoted the concept of machinism as a legitimate category for thinking the contemporary world, which should widen the field of philosophy in return. In these essayists’ point of view, philosophy should think the tragedy of/in the ordinary by paying attention to historical contingencies and real people. These marginalized authors considered industrial modernity, capitalism, and sovietism as processes falling under the category of productivism. In order to identify the ideological specificities of the interwar period and to better understand what is at stake the controversy over machinism, this thesis surveys the discourses on modernity of this period. The "Machine" became the major focus of these authors’ attempts to capture the meaning of industrial modernity. A tension emerged between the imperative of rationalisation associated with productivism, and the rejection of what was perceived as a heteronomous order, dispossessing individuals and societies of their own futures. After having identified the issues at stake in the discourses on modernization, we distinguish two types of critics: a spiritualist cultural critique and a socio-political critique of industrial society, where capitalism and sovietism merged in a common cult of productivism. While most authors of our corpus here spoke out against the hegemonic philosophy of history with its promise of a linear progress, some essayist-philosophers tried to elaborate a disoriented history, open to revolutionary transformation
Beaujouan, Yves-Marie. "La structure factorielle de l'opq (occupational personality questionnaireʿ? dans huit pays." Paris 5, 2000.
Full textCousson-Gélie, Florence. "L'évolution différentielle de la maladie et de la qualité de vie de patientes atteintes d'un cancer du sein : rôle de certains facteurs psychologiques, biologiques et sociaux : une étude semi-prospective en psychologie de la santé." Bordeaux 2, 1997.
Full textTo test the multifactorial model of health psychology, we have studied the impact of certain biological, psychological and social factors on breast cancer evolution and quality of life. 75 breast cancer patients aged from 30 to 70 years and treated with neoadjuvant chemotherapy have been followed for two years, since breast cancer diagnosis. The data relative to sociobiographical and personality characteristics (predictors) were collected before the announcement of the diagnosis. The adjustment strategies (mediators) were evaluated three weeks after the diagnosis. Quality of life and evolution of the disease were estimated two years after the announcement of the diagnosis. Results shows that breast cancer patients have recourse to four qualitatively different coping strategies : perceived control, problem-focused strategy, hopelessness and perceived social support. High trait anxiety, unfavorable body perception, presence of progesterone receptors are associated with the perceived control strategy. High trait anxiety, favorable body perception, patient's poor health and inflammatory tumor are linked to hopelessness. High number of life events and presence of estrogen receptors predicted the use of problem-focused strategy. Separation or husband's loss and a high histologic grade were associated with perceived social support. Furthermore, results shows that a large number of children, high trait anxiety, patient's poor health, inflammatory tumor, absence of menopause and hopelessness reaction to the diagnosis, perceived control and problem-focused strategies predicted a poor quality of life. Absence of previous psychiatric problems, widowhood, inflammatory tumor and hopelessness are associated with an unfavorable evolution of the disease. The results also indicate that there is a mediator effect of coping strategies between some predictors and quality of life
Johnston, Gladys. "L'enfant asthmatique en periode de latence. Proposition d'une strategie therapeutique." Caen, 2001.
Full textChang, Bingbing. "Évaluation du stress au travail et méthodes de prévention." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textThis thesis aims to develop and validate experimentally a method of assessing professional stress inspired by the “Job Demands-Resources” model in a company and in Ph.D students. Two questionnaires customized to these two populations (employees vs. Ph.D students) were created and validated. The results show that our two questionnaires are reliable, valid and flexible to various professional contexts. Measures of coping, well-being and lifestyle allow for an overall assessment of the stressful situation and its repercussions on the individual. Stress profiles and coping combinations identified by Cluster analysis provide a better understanding of the complexities of psychological problems. The final part is devoted to a protocol of induction of psychological stress in a laboratory setting to evaluate and treat an inherent state of stress in a professional context. This protocol of stress induction inspired by the Trier Social Stress Test was set up to study the associations among personality, coping, emotions and heart rate variability. Anxiety traits, neuroticism, extraversion, and consciousness play important roles in stress, coping, and heart rate variability. Fear and shame have been identified as the negative emotions of stress. Mitigation of certain positive emotions has been revealed under stress. These studies offer new directions for the psychological risks’ prevention and serve as a basis for an innovative, inexpensive and adapted tool to a wider variety of professions for the detection and management of occupational stress
Ferchaud, Dominique. "Humour et personnalité." Nice, 1987.
Full textThe purpose of this study is to determine whether humoristic creation is influenced by somme affective data of personality. We both used the Rosezweig picture frustation study and some cartoons without caption, also based on the main "hero"'s frustation. Subjects were instructed to find some captions as funny and amusing as possible for the 21 selected cartoons. The captions were scored with the test's criteria of agression. Then, each subject's aptions were compared with his final scring of agression in the Rosenzweig's test. The comparison between the test and the cartoons showed that the extrapunitive subjects found more ironic captions. Intropunitive and impunitive subjects was previously interviewed on laugh and humor. A clinical investigation of these interviews was done. 50 subjects composed our sample : they were different in age, sex and social classes. It disclosed the importance of laugh in each subject's every day life, his self-evaluation of his humoristic abilities and its consequence on his participation to the cartoon, the kind of connections he put up with other people thaks to laugh and the kind of defense he set up in theses connections
Ben, Ticha Sonia. "Recommandation personnalisée hybride." Thesis, Université de Lorraine, 2015.
Full textFace to the ongoing rapid expansion of the Internet, user requires help to access to items that may interest her or him. A personalized recommender system filters relevant items from huge catalogue to particular user by observing his or her behavior. The approach based on observing user behavior from his interactions with the website is called usage analysis. Collaborative Filtering and Content-Based filtering are the most widely used techniques in personalized recommender system. Collaborative filtering uses only data from usage analysis to build user profile, while content-based filtering relies in addition on semantic information of items. Hybrid approach is another important technique, which combines collaborative and content-based methods to provide recommendations. The aim of this thesis is to present a new hybridization approach that takes into account the semantic information of items to enhance collaborative recommendations. Several approaches have been proposed for learning a new user profile inferring preferences for semantic information describing items. For each proposed approach, we address the sparsity and the scalability problems. We prove also, empirically, an improvement in recommendations accuracy against collaborative filtering and content-based filtering
Yildirim, Gulsen. "L'autonomie financiere dans la communaute de vie." Limoges, 2000.
Full textDang, Ngoc Frédéric. "Moteur de recherche personnalisé et décentralisé." Paris 11, 2006.
Full textIn this thesis, we will describe the search engine maay that we have conceived. The motivation is to propose an alternative to web search engines (google, yahoo!, etc. ) whose lack of transparency makes less credible (skewed results, censorship, privacy, etc. ). In the system, we propose to use the users, more particularly, their actions in the system, to personalize results. In maay, publications, indexations and searches are decentralized on user's computers. Each computer (peer) learns semantic profiles of other peers and of documents from observations of search and download messages. By preferentially querying peers with similar semantic profiles, and by ranking documents according to the requester profile, users may find documents which are relevant for them. That is what we show through simulations. To do so, we propose a user and document model, and several measures to evaluate the efficiency of a search system to provide personalized answers to its users. The results that we have obtained show that maay succeeds in adapting to its users by providing them personalized answers. Finally, we have implemented a prototype of maay to test its feasibility and the functionalities that will be implemented in the final version of our system
Books on the topic "Personnalism"
Introduction to personality. 5th ed. Fort Worth (Texas): Harcourt Brace, 1993.
Find full textIntroduction to personality. 5th ed. Fort Worth, Texas: Harcourt Brace Janovich College Publishers, 1993.
Find full textIntroduction to personality: A new look. 4th ed. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, 1986.
Find full textMischel, Walter. Introduction to personality: A new look. 4th ed. New York: CBS Publishing Japan Ltd, 1986.
Find full textYuichi, Shoda, and Ayduk Ozlem, eds. Introduction to personality: Toward an integrative science of the person. 8th ed. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2008.
Find full textIntroduction to personality: Toward an integration. 7th ed. Hoboken, NJ: J. Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Find full textMounier, Emmanuel. Le personnalisme. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1985.
Find full textMaddi, Salvatore R. Personality theories: A comparative analysis. 5th ed. Chicago, Ill: Dorsey Press, 1989.
Find full textPhares, E. Jerry. Introduction to personality. 2nd ed. Glenview, Ill: Scott, Foresman, 1988.
Find full textPersonality theories: A comparative analysis. 6th ed. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., 1996.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Personnalism"
Aparicio, T. "Traitement personnalisé selon l’âge." In Médecine personnalisée en cancérologie digestive, 3–15. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textLandi, B., and O. Bouché. "Traitement personnalisé selon les mutations." In Médecine personnalisée en cancérologie digestive, 333–45. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textBouchet, S., and M. Molimard. "Traitement personnalisé selon la pharmacocinétique." In Médecine personnalisée en cancérologie digestive, 347–60. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textLassau, N. "Traitement personnalisé selon l’imagerie fonctionnelle." In Médecine personnalisée en cancérologie digestive, 29–38. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textBourgier, C., and D. Azria. "Vers une radiothérapie personnalisée ?" In Acquis et limites en sénologie / Assets and limits in breast diseases, 88–91. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textLaunay-Vacher, V., S. Zimner-Rapuch, and J. B. Rey. "Traitement personnalisé selon la fonction rénale." In Médecine personnalisée en cancérologie digestive, 17–27. Paris: Springer Paris, 2013.
Full textLegeais, Raymond. "Le personnalisme juridique." In L'Évolution de la philosophie du droit en Allemagne et en France depuis la fin de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, 181–201. Presses Universitaires de France, 1991.
Full textJaillon, Dominique. "Accompagnement professionnel personnalisé." In Vocabulaire des histoires de vie et de la recherche biographique, 271–74. Érès, 2019.
Full textVéron, Bérangère. "LE RITUEL PERSONNALISÉ:." In Rites et symboles contemporains, 123–34. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2011.
Full textMehran, Firouzeh. "La personnalité." In Psychologie positive et personnalité, 11–15. Elsevier, 2010.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Personnalism"
Mdhaffar, Salima, Jean François Bonastre, Marc Tommasi, Natalia Tomashenko, and Yannick Estève. "Extraction d'informations liées au locuteur depuis un modèle acoustique personnalisé." In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textMaizeray, S., H. Herry, G. Valette, and S. Boisramé. "Innovation dans la communication et la gestion du stress en chirurgie orale : méthode d’analyse ProcessCom®." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textMARTIN, Matthias. "Les décorations décernées aux personnes morales : une extension peu banale de la personnalité juridique." In Les journées de l'interdisciplinarité 2022. Limoges: Université de Limoges, 2022.
Full textTomashenko, Natalia, Salima Mdhaffar, Marc Tommasi, Yannick Estève, and Jean-François Bonastre. "Sur la vérification du locuteur à partir de traces d'exécution de modèles acoustiques personnalisés." In XXXIVe Journées d'Études sur la Parole -- JEP 2022. ISCA: ISCA, 2022.
Full textDaas, M., and K. Dada. "Le flux numérique en implantologie." In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textFerre, F. "Des greffes autologues aux cellules souches, quel avenir pour la chirurgie pré-implantaire ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
Full textCatros, S. "A quoi servent les Bio-Imprimantes 3D ?" In 66ème Congrès de la SFCO. Les Ulis, France: EDP Sciences, 2020.
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