Academic literature on the topic 'Personal hygiene care'

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Journal articles on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Way, Susan. "Post-delivery personal hygiene care." British Journal of Midwifery 4, no. 12 (December 1996): 633–36.

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Mumtaz, Dzakiyatul Fahmi, Tati Hardiyanti, and Ito Wardin. "ANALISIS PERILAKU REMAJA TENTANG GENITAL HYGIENE CARE." Jurnal Perawat Indonesia 6, no. 3 (January 11, 2023): 1173–86.

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Personal hygiene merupakan salah satu kemampuan dasar manusia dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya untuk mendapatkan kesejahteraan holistik. Manusia yang tidak bisa melakukan personal hygiene dengan baik maka dapat dikatakan terganggu dalam melakukan personal hygiene. Salah satu contoh personal hygiene adalah genital hygiene care. Personal hygiene tentang genital care pada wanita perlu mendapat perhatian khusus dikarenakan karakteristik bentuk fisiologis organ genitalia wanita. Proses kematangan organ genitalia terjadi pada saat remaja akhir sehingga personal hygiene genital care pada remaja akhir hingga dewasa awal perlu diperhatikan. Penelitian systematic review ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis genital hygiene care wanita usia remaja dan dewasa awal. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif analitik dengan desain systematic review. Pencarian sistematis dari database elektronik Sciencedirect, Pubmed dan Sage, dengan rentang publikasi literatur 2017-2022. Kata kunci yang digunakan “Personal hygiene OR hygiene AND genital care AND adult OR young adult OR teenager AND women”. Kriteria inklusi difokuskan pada perilaku hygiene genitalia wanita remaja dan dewasa awal. Literatur lengkap yang disertakan menggunakan pedoman PRISMA. Setelah membaca keseluruhan include literatur, tema dan konsep kunci diekstraksi dan disintesis. Total terdapat 2382 artikel disaring. Lima artikel memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan dianalisis lebih lanjut. Analisis menemukan 4 kategori yang terkait perilaku kebersihan organ genitalia di wanita remaja dan dewasa awal: vaginal douching, wearing tight pants, menstrual hygiene dan additional care. Hasil analisis menyatakan apabila ke-4 kategori tersebut tidak dilakukan oleh wanita maka dapat menyebabkan infeksi organ genitalia seperti vulvodynia hingga kanker serviks. Genital hygiene care merupakan hal yang vital pada wanita terutama remaja usia 18-25 tahun yang mengalami proses-proses kematangan organ genitalia agar mampu menekan angka kejadian infeksi organ genitalia. Kata kunci: Genital hygiene care, personal hygiene, dewasa, wanita
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Laksmi, Made Hermina, Ni Made Dwi Puspawati, Aurelia Stephanie, and Putu Gde Hariwangsa. "Personal hygiene genitalia wanita." Intisari Sains Medis 13, no. 3 (September 19, 2022): 542–46.

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Since the beginning, genital hygiene has become a concern for women susceptible to infections of the urinary tract and reproductive system where the vagina is an unsterile organ related to external exposure and close to the anus. Several problems related to the personal hygiene of female genitalia arise due to a lack of understanding and literature discussing this matter. This literature review will discuss the normal flora of the female genitalia and procedures for daily vaginal care, which aims to increase understanding of female genital personal hygiene. Sejak dahulu hygiene genetalia sudah menjadi perhatian kaum wanita, karena wanita sangat rentan terkena infeksi traktus urinarius dan sistem reproduksi dimana vagina merupakan organ yang tidak steril yang berhubungan dengan dunia luar serta berdekatan dengan anus. Beberapa masalah terkait personal hygiene genitalia wanita timbul akibat kurang pemahaman dan sedikitnya literatur yang membahas tentang hal ini. Tinjauan pustaka ini akan membahas mengenai flora normal genitalia wanita dan tata cara perawatan vagina sehari-hari yang bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman terhadap personal hygiene genitalia wanita.
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Personal hygiene comes from the Greek words meaning individual, and cleanliness, meaning health. Personal hygiene is taking care of your body to improve your physical and mental health. Clean and healthy living behavior is behavior done by the community to take care of their own health and play an active role in maintaining the cleanliness and health of the environment. Poor personal hygiene can cause various diseases such as diarrhea, tooth decay, and asthma. The purpose of this study is to find out the effect of personal hygiene on school health services. The research design used is descriptive observation with a qualitative approach. Sampling is done using the probability sampling method. The survey method is a questionnaire. This data was analyzed using chi-square statistical analysis. The results of this study indicate that there is an influence between knowledge and personal hygiene with a P value of 0.004. There is an Influence of Attitude with Personal Hygiee at SMK Ganda Husada Tebing Tinggi with a P value of 0.001. There is an influence of Educator Support with Personal Hygiene with P value of 0.003. There is an influence of family support with personal hygiene with a P value of 0.003. There is an influence of PHBS Facilities with Personal Hygiene with a P value of 0.004. In schools, it is recommended that personal hygiene education be taught more in accordance with the school curriculum. Schools can collaborate with local start-ups through the UKS program and conduct regular personal hygiene sessions
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Personal hygiene comes from the Greek, derived from the word 'personal' which means individual and 'hygiene' which means healthy. Personal hygiene is an action to maintain the cleanliness and health of a person for both physical and psychological well-being. Types of personal hygiene include skin, foot, hand and nail hygiene, hair care, oral and dental care, eye, ear and nose care. The purpose of personal hygiene care is to improve one's health status, maintain one's personal hygiene, improve personal hygiene that is lacking, prevent disease, increase one's self-confidence and create beauty. One disease that is quite closely related to personal hygiene is worms and fungal infections (mycosis). In rural communities where the majority of the population work as farmers who are directly in close contact with the soil which is the breeding medium for STH, of course, personal hygiene is very necessary so that they are not easily infected with STH. Another thing that needs to be considered is the environmental conditions in the community in the village, namely the distance between the house and the stables for livestock such as cows which are very close together. The close distance between the house and the livestock cage also has the potential to transmit parasites if the livestock feces are not cleaned regularly. Based on these conditions, it is necessary to conduct counseling on personal hygiene and environmental sanitation in the community as well as identify the presence of worm infection in nail samples in villagers which on this occasion will take place in Tragah District. There were 26 participants identified with STH infection and 14 participants not identified with STH infection
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Family care affects personal hygiene on the elderly this indicates that care family is the family indicator in performing the function of health while the personal hygiene is a parameter that used to improve the care of the family. The aims of this research are to know relationship between the treatment of families with personal hygiene on the elderly in Dusun Asem Nunggal Desa Kalianget Barat Kecamatan Kalianget. This research is quantitative with cross sectional approach. Population are all elderly in Dusun Asem Nunggal Desa Kalianget Barat Kecamatan Kalianget are 56 people. The number of samples are 49 people with simple random sampling. Data analysis using the Spearman Rho to test (α = 0.05 ). Data collection using observation and family care questionnaires and personal hygiene. The results of research on family care shows most (57,1%) do good family care. While the results of research about personal hygiene showed the majority of respondents (61,2%) do personal hygiene well. The results of the test using the corelation of spearman rho indicates p value= 0.000 which means there is a significant relationship between family care with personal hygiene on the elderly. Families can improve the care of the family and understand more about health problems in the elderly. The elderly must maintain personal hygiene on him. The better care the family performed on the elderly then personal hygiene on the elderly is also getting better.
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<p>The Self-Care Agency role is to increase knowledge with changing attitudes in driving the elderly to be more aware of the importance of personal hygiene in their daily lives. One attempt in the prevention of disease in the elderly is by doing personal hygiene so that the elderly can better feel comfort, safety and well-being. This study aimed to determine the effect of Self-Care Agency to the personal hygiene of the elderly in nursing home Binjai. The design study is Quasi-Experimental Design Time Series, with the approach of One Group Pre Post Test Design. Sampling was done by purposive sampling with a sample of 30 respondents. Research results pre intervention personal hygiene less category as much as 73%, and post intervention personal hygiene category of "good" as much as 53.3%. Based on the results of the Wilcoxon test showed that the self-care agency signifikat to improving the personal hygiene of the elderly in Panti Werda Binjai, with p value = 0.001. Low personal hygiene of the elderly in nursing home Binjai due to lack of awareness of the importance of self care. It is necessary innovations in providing nursing interventions, assistance, support and cooperation with the nursing home attendant in improving personal hygiene of the elderly.</p><p><strong>BAHASA INDONESIA </strong>Self-Care Agency berperan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan mengubah sikap dalam mengarahkan lansia untuk lebih menyadari pentingnya melakukan personal hygiene didalam kehidupan sehari-harinya. Salah satu usaha pencegahan penyakit pada lansia dengan melakukan personal hygiene sehingga lansia dapat merasakan kenyamanan, keamanan dan kesejahteraan yang lebih baik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Self-Care Agency terhadap personal hygiene lansia di Panti Werda Binjai. Desain penelitian yang digunakan Quasi Experimental Time Series Design, dengan pendekatan One Group Pre Post Test Design. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan dengan purposive sampling dengan besar sampel 30 responden. Hasil penelitan pre intervensi personal hygiene kategori kurang sebanyak 73%, dan post intervensi personal hygiene kategori “baik” sebanyak 53,3%. Berdasarkan hasil uji Wilcoxon memperlihatkan bahwa Self-care agency signifikan terhadap peningkatan personal hygiene lansia di Panti Werda Binjai, dengan nilai p value = 0,001. Personal hygiene yang rendah pada lansia di Panti werda Binjai disebabkan kurangnya kesadaran pentingnya perawatan diri. Maka perlu inovasi dalam memberikan intervensi keperawatan, pendampingan, dukungan dan kerjasama dengan petugas panti werda dalam meningkatkan personal hygiene lansia.</p>
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Paramita, Windya Kartika. "Systematic Review: Affecting Behaviour of Hygiene and Health Care of the Eldery." Jurnal PROMKES 9, no. 1 (March 30, 2021): 69.

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Background: The Elderly is an age group that has decreased organ function which is susceptible to various diseases. The elderly also experience physical decline which can affect personal hygiene and health care behavior. Objective: To determine the factors that affect the personal hygiene and health care of the elderly. Method: Personal hygiene referred to in this study was hygiene to care for the whole body including skin, feet, teeth, nails, and hair. This study was a systematic review of studies with primary data related to factors affecting personal hygiene and health care for the elderly. The study was conducted on 35 international journals. Results: Personal hygiene of the elderly are feet. Factors that influence their hygiene on demographic factors include residence, education, source of income, gender, age, and knowledge. Factors affecting elderly hygiene on personal characteristic factors include need assistance, perceived benefits, disease, frequency of cleansing, self-efficacy, physical change, degree of independence, mobility, and self-motivation. Factors affecting them on facilities and infrastructure factors supporters include equipment, care services facilities, equipment, distance to care service facilities, social support, and practical conditions. Factors affecting on healthy program factors include training, education caregiver, motivation caregiver, health promotion, health information seeking, satisfaction, informal care, behavioral programs, utilization, and functional health literacy. Conclusion: Factors affecting personal hygiene and health care for the elderly include demographics, characteristics of the elderly, supporting facilities, and infrastructure and health programs. Dominant factor affecting personal hygiene and health care for elderly are educational, residence, and income source.
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Ilatus Zahroh and Emi Yunita. "Assistance to postpartum mothers using the Home Care method on Personal Hygiene and Breast Care in Kebun Hamlet and Congaban Hamlet, Samiran Village, Proppo Subdistrict, Pamekasan Regency." Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat DEDIKASI 4, no. 2 (November 12, 2023): 70–74.

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Postpartum infections are one of the leading causes of maternal mortality in developing countries. Personal hygiene in postpartum mothers is very important so that they are not vulnerable to infection. This service activity has a direction to improve skills in maintaining personal hygiene and performing breast self-care in postpartum women with the target of activities being a group of postpartum women in the garden hamlet and congaban hamlet of Samiran village, Proppo sub-district, Pamekasan district. The method used is by providing assistance to postpartum women door to door about personal hygiene and breast care. The results obtained are that after home care assistance, postpartum women understand the causes, signs and symptoms and prevention of postpartum infections through good personal hygiene and proper breast care. From counseling activities on personal hygiene and breast care in postpartum mothers, it is very useful, especially for mothers who have children for the first time (primipara). The delivery of material and demonstrating breast care is very influential in improving midwifery care services for postpartum women. Counseling on personal hygiene and breast care by health workers is very useful to increase the knowledge and skills of postpartum women in performing personal hygiene and breast care independently after childbirth.
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Michalik - Marcinkowska, Urszula, and Aleksandra Kiełtyka-Słowik. "Limited adherence to personal hygiene of school-aged children and people over 60 as a continuing challenge for health educators." Przeglad Epidemiologiczny 78, no. 1 (June 5, 2024): 94–106.

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BackgroundHygienic behavior as such belongs to health behavior, acquired at home, at school, at workplace or through the mass-media.ObjectiveThe aim of the study was to analyze the perception of personal hygiene among different age groups and the sociodemographic factors related to hygiene behavior.Material and methodsThe author’s questionnaire for children and seniors concerning selected hygienic behavior was used. The questionnaire was conducted in two groups: 200 primary school children in age: 8-11 years; 109 girls and 91 boys and 200 older people: young-old (60-74 years) and old-old (75+); 110 women and 90 men.ResultsGirls longer than boys take morning hygiene behavior, but statistically boys spend more time on evening washing, cleaning and brushing. Seniors hygienic behavior depend on age: young-old are more likely take a shower every day (51.79%) than seniors in the old-old group (29.86%). The same statistically significant difference was noticed in case of washing hands before a meal.ConclusionsChildren care more about personal hygiene than older people. Age, not gender, is a factor determining the frequency of hygiene practices among older people. Young-old care more about personal hygiene than old-old.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Cousineau, Lisa Marie. "Pharmaceutical and personal care product concentrations in the upper Susquehanna River." Diss., Online access via UMI:, 2008.

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Ramírez, Montoya María Fernanda, Simón Farley Fareld Chacaliaza, Pariasca Jose Herrera, Barrantes Alessandra Ventosilla, and Yabar Stephany Gisella Gonzales. "Spartan Men Care." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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Hoy en día, no solo las mujeres se preocupan por el cuidado de la piel sino también los hombres. Sumado a esta nueva tendencia, se puede observar el ascenso de la preferencia en productos de origen natural que contribuyen al aporte de beneficios a la piel y a la reducción del daño ocasionado por los químicos. En este sentido, se ha encontrado un mercado potencial, los hombres específicamente del estilo de vida sofisticado, una parte de la población, definida por Arellano Marketing, como preocupados por el status, la moda y la imagen. Partiendo de la imagen, es sabido que en la actualidad el mercado de productos estéticos para hombres se encuentra en crecimiento desde hace algunos años habiendo generado hasta S/1,000 millones en el año 2018. Es por ello que “Spartan Man Care” busca abordar el negocio de los productos naturales especializados en hombres que se preocupan por su aspecto físico. Además, es importante resaltar que hoy en día a pesar del mercado potencial existente en los hombres, no existe una variedad de productos dirigidos a ellos, por lo que hay una oportunidad de negocio latente para trabajar. Actualmente, el total de hombres considerados sofisticados en Lima dentro del rango de 25 a 39 años es de 121, 392. De este total el 14% compra productos de higiene con regularidad, representado por 16,995 habitantes y S/3, 976,830 en soles. Finalmente, se determinó que la ganancia del proyecto, calculada a través del VAN, será de S/126, 316 de retorno sobre la inversión.
Today, not only women care about skin care but also men. In addition to this new trend, you can see the rise in preference in products of natural origin that contribute to providing benefits to the skin and reducing the damage caused by chemicals. In this sense, a potential market has been found, men specifically for the sophisticated lifestyle, a part of the population, defined by Arellano Marketing, as concerned about status, fashion and image. Based on the image, it is known that currently the market for men's cosmetic products has been growing for some years, having generated up to S / 1,000 million in 2018. That is why "Spartan Man Care" seeks to address the business of natural products specialized in men who care about their physical appearance. Furthermore, it is important to note that today despite the potential market for men, there is no variety of products for them, so there is a latent business opportunity to work. Currently, the total of men considered sophisticated in Lima within the range of 25 to 39 years is 121, 392. Of this total, 14% purchase hygiene products regularly, represented by 16,995 inhabitants and S / 3,976,830 in soles. Finally, it was determined that the project's profit, calculated through the NPV, will be S / 126, 316 of return on investment.
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King, Larrie Leon Jr. "Private Labels and Personal Care: A Focus on Store Brand Package Design, Branding Design and Consumer Attitudes Towards Private Label Personal Care Products." Kent State University / OhioLINK, 2014.

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Ramirez, Alejandro Javier Chambliss C. Kevin Brooks Bryan William. "Determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products in fish using high performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry." Waco, Tex. : Baylor University, 2007.

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Polimeni, Anne-Maree, and Anne-Maree Polimeni@dhs vic gov au. "Narrative of women's hospital experiences the impact of powerlessness on personal identity." Swinburne University of Technology, 2004.

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Since women dominate the health care system as consumers, it is important to understand how women want to be treated by medical staff, and the factors that contribute to satisfactory hospital experiences. The present research comprised two separate but integrated studies exploring these issues. The first study adopted an atheoretical approach. Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to examine the importance of hospital experiences in the lives of women, and the role of power within those experiences. Closed answer items about hospital experiences were completed by 124 women who had had a hospital stay of at least one night. In addition, ten of the women provided open-ended oral and written comments about their hospital experiences, which were used as the basis of the qualitative data. The majority of the women were satisfied with their hospital stay, but a small group recalled experiences of powerlessness associated with the non-medical aspects of their treatment, such as behaviours on the part of health professionals that influenced participants� sense of control as hospital inpatients. The qualitative data reflected similar issues to the quantitative data and provided �process� information by demonstrating how health professionals� behaviour could contribute to patients� feelings of powerlessness. The results suggested that hospital experiences were a salient part of these women�s lives. The richness of the qualitative data suggested that qualitative methodology would be a productive way to further study this area. The second study was an extension of the first via in-depth interviews with 19 women who perceived their hospital experiences as life-altering. The interview content and the analysis were based on a narrative approach that used the theoretical framework of McAdams� (1993) Life Story Model of Identity. Using McAdams� methodology enabled the researcher to evaluate how women constructed meaning from their hospital experiences, and the main issues they faced. The life story interview also proved a useful way to explore issues of loss and self-growth in the face of traumatic hospital experiences. Transcripts of descriptions of positive and negative experiences were analysed according to McAdams� themes of agency (sense of power and control) and communion (relationships with others), and sequences of redemption and contamination. Redemption sequences involve the storyline moving from a bad, affectively negative life scene, to a good, affectively positive life scene. In a contamination sequence, the narrator describes a change from a good, affectively positive life scene, to a subsequently bad, affectively negative life scene (McAdams & Bowman, 2001). Participants also rated their experiences according to Hermans� (Hermans & Oles, 1999) list of affects. There was strong agreement between McAdams� coding of agency and communion and Hermans� agentic and communal indices: the women�s hospital stories strongly emphasised the negative or opposite of McAdams� agentic theme �Self Mastery through Control�, which indicated powerlessness, and Hermans� affects, which involved low self-enhancement. It may be useful for future studies to conceptualise McAdams� themes as bipolar by incorporating currently coded themes and their reverse; in particular, by expanding ideas of agency to incorporate powerlessness, as this theme was pervasive in women�s hospital experiences. The rating of affects added to the findings as this showed a latent dimension of communion manifested as isolation. The common agency and communion themes were apparent in the two distinct but related aspects of hospitalisation that affect patients� sense of control: the medical condition and the manner in which patients are treated by medical staff. The findings of the main study built on the pilot study by showing how ideas of control and powerlessness can inform better practice. For example, respectful, dignified and fair treatment by health professionals played a part in determining redemption sequences; women also indicated this was how they wanted to be treated. Due to the vulnerability of the �sick role�, disrespectful or offhand treatment by health professionals had particularly distressing effects evident in contamination sequences, such as negative changes to sense of self and attitudes toward the health care system. In some cases, such treatment led to participants� avoiding subsequent interactions with doctors and to sustained feelings of helplessness. The present thesis demonstrates that doctors, nurses and other health professionals need to allow time to attend to the affective as well as the medical aspects of the encounter. Health professionals need a good bedside manner, compassion, and communication skills, as these characteristics play a part in maintaining female patients� sense of self and their faith in and satisfaction with the health care system.
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Chung, Yon Antonella, Arancivia Melissa Gutierrez, Huaman Milenny Marissa Jaimes, Dall¨Orso Andrea Valentina Vargas, and Azañero Miguel Eduardo Villalobos. "Estudio de la viabilidad de producción y venta de Jabón natural, Shampoo y Acondicionador en sólido Q´UMIR." Bachelor's thesis, Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC), 2020.

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En la actualidad el país ha ido aumentando el consumo de productos de cuidado e higiene personal, esto sucede por el crecimiento económico, el aumento de los ingresos de la población a lo largo de los años y que las personas buscan más información acerca de qué productos deben consumir según las tendencias. ¿Sabía usted que en un solo día una mujer puede consumir hasta 12 productos de limpieza con aproximadamente 100 ingredientes que son perjudiciales para la salud y el medio ambiente? Cada año se producen 120,000 mil millones de unidades de empaques de cosméticos y de limpieza personal y la mayoría para ser usados una sola vez. Es por eso, que en el mercado han ido ingresando muchas marcas internacionales al país y se han creado nuevas marcas a nivel nacional. Muchas de estas marcas que se encuentran en el mercado se han especializado para diferentes tipos de segmentos específicos, con características específicas como que sus productos están elaborados con insumos que cuiden tanto su bienestar físico como el del medio ambiente. Por este motivo, este trabajo de investigación se basó en proponer una alternativa de idea de negocio en donde los productos están elaborados con insumos y componentes libres de químicos y con un formato innovador.  Q´umir es una empresa encargada de la comercialización y fabricación de jabón, shampoo y acondicionador en sólido para diferentes tipos de piel y cabello (seca, grasa y mixta), le sumamos que utilizamos ingredientes naturales y ecológicos que brindan hidratación y firmeza.
Currently the country has been increasing the consumption of personal care and hygiene products, this is due to economic growth, the increase in the income of the population over the years and that people are looking for more information about what products they should consume according to trends. Did you know that in a single day a woman can consume up to 12 cleaning products with approximately 100 ingredients that are harmful to health and the environment? Every year 120 billion units of cosmetic and personal cleansing packaging are produced, and most are for one-time use. That is why, many international brands have entered the country in the market and new brands have been created at a national level. Many of these brands that are on the market have specialized for different types of specific segments, with specific characteristics such as that their products are made with inputs that take care of both their physical and environmental well-being. For this reason, this research work was based on proposing an alternative business idea where the products are made with inputs and components that are free from chemicals and with an innovative format. Q´umir is a company in charge of the commercialization and manufacture of soap, shampoo and conditioner in solid for different types of skin and hair (dry, oily and mixed), we add that we use natural and ecological ingredients that provide hydration and firmness for women.
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Sagristà, i. Puig Ester. "Hollow fiber liquid-phase microextraction in the determination of pharmaceuticals and personal care products." Doctoral thesis, Universitat de Girona, 2012.

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Extensive amounts of pharmaceuticals and personal care products (organic emerging pollutants) are introduced into the environment mainly through wastewater treatment plants discharges either effluent wastewater reaching into the aquatic environment or sewage sludge which is spread onto agricultural land. These compounds are not regulated and their negative effects on humans and wildlife are unknown. One of the main challenges of analytical chemistry is to develop selective and sensitive methods for the detection and quantitation of pharmaceuticals and personal care products and their transformation products in complex matrices. The research presented in the thesis is focused on the development of new methods based on the use of hollow fiber liquid- phase microextraction (HF-LPME) technique and liquid chromatography for the determination of some of the most consume pharmaceuticals and personal care products in wastewaters, environmental waters and sewage sludge.
Tones de substàncies biològicament actives són alliberades contínuament al medi ambient, a través de la descàrrega d’aigües residuals als medis aquàtics o de biosòlids en l’agricultura. La presència d’aquestes substàncies (contaminants emergents) en el medi ambient ha generat una gran preocupació perquè es desconeix com actuen i quins són els mecanismes implicats en la seva transformació i/o transport. Un dels reptes de la química analítica és dissenyar mètodes selectius i sensibles per a la determinació de contaminants emergents en matrius complexes. La recerca presentada en aquesta tesi es centra en el desenvolupament de nous mètodes analítics basats en l’ús de la microextracció enfase líquida amb fibra buida (HF-LPME) i la cromatografia líquida per a la determinació d’alguns fàrmacs i productes d’higiene personal en aigües residuals, medis aquàtics i biosòlids.
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Audin, Laetitia. "La fοrmatiοn aux sοins d'hygiène cοrpοrelle des étudiant.e.s en sοins infirmiers à l'ère des technοlοgies numériques : le jeu vidéο Les Sims, un espace de prοfessiοnnalisatiοn ?" Electronic Thesis or Diss., Normandie, 2024.

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Il est parfois complexe pour les étudiant·e·s en soins infirmiers (ESI) de dispenser des soins d’hygiène corporelle (SHC) pour, sur et avec autrui. Différentes dimensions rendent ce soin complexe, et tout particulièrement, l’imprévisibilité de la rencontre interpersonnelle mais aussi l’inéluctable corporalité (Delomel, 1999; Lawler, 1991/2002; Mercadier, 2002/2008) de la personne prise en soin et des étudiant.e.s. En outre, le contexte institutionnel contemporain où prime désormais la rationalité instrumentale, peut se révéler source de désenchantement pour les ESI (Graber et Haberey-Knuessi, 2017) qui peinent à exprimer leurs valeurs soignantes lors de ces soins de l’intime. Cette recherche vise à questionner le potentiel formatif du jeu vidéo grand public : Les Sims dans le processus de professionnalisation des futur·e·s infirmier·e·s. Le rapport qu’ils établissent, pour certain·e·s, entre ce jeu de simulation du prendre soin dans un univers virtuel et le prendre soin qu’ils élaborent lors de leur pratique soignante pourrait les aider à apprivoiser plus sereinement la complexité de soi et d’autrui lors de la réalisation des SHC.En congruence avec les théories winnicottiennes (1971), le protocole de recherche s’inscrit dans une démarche clinique d’orientation psychanalytique. Il a été proposé à huit ESI de s’adonner à ce jeu vidéo puis de participer à deux entretiens non-directifs. Le premier entretien était consacré à la pratique vidéoludique, et selon la volonté des ESI, il pouvait être médié par le jeu Les Sims 3 ou Les Sims 4 (additionné de l’extension Les Sims au travail, laquelle propose d’évoluer au sein d’un hôpital). Lors du deuxième entretien, il était demandé aux ESI de s’exprimer le plus librement possible sur la thématique des SHC. Il apparaît que le rapport à l’avatar des joueu·r·se·s, mais aussi l’humour et l’immense liberté d’action des Sims confèrent à ce jeu un potentiel de transitionnalité particulièrement intéressant. Le joueu·r·se s’incarne dans et à travers l’avatar, ce qui est une caractéristique du médium vidéoludique. En répondant aux différents besoins de cet être de pixels (s’alimenter, se distraire, se laver, etc.), le joueu·r·se fait l’expérience des fondements du care. Mais le degré d’identification à l’avatar fluctue selon les séquences de jeu. C’est pourquoi, l’ESI peut être amené à expérimenter une e-empathie, dirigée envers lui-même mais aussi envers un autrui numérique. Un dernier point également étayé par la mise en scène des patient·e·s-Sims et/ou des autres avatars potentiellement créés [conjoint·e(s), enfant(s)]. De même, grâce à la prise en soin des différents membres d’une famille avatarielle, le futur·e infirmier·e peut être amené à expérimenter sa biparentalité et/ou sa bigénérationnalité psychiques internes, deux conditions du prendre soin d’autrui. Enfin, l’entretien post-séquence de jeu étaye l’appropriation des expériences subjectives induites par la pratique des Sims et soutient un travail de liaison et de déliaison en direction de la sphère professionnelle. Ainsi, Les Sims permettraient à certain·e·s joueu·r·se·s de s’inscrire dans une aire intermédiaire d’expérience, étayant un processus de réunion, à même de faire découvrir aux ESI leur soi, dans un moment subjectalisant. De ce fait, l’expérimentation, même partielle et numérique, des différentes phases d’un care vidéoludique peut favoriser la mise en œuvre de la créativité (au sens winnicottien) des étudiant·e·s. C’est en cela que l’intégration des Sims, dans leur curriculum de formation, peut étayer la professionnalité des futur·e·s infirmier·e·s et concourir à la qualité des SHC dispensés
It is sometimes difficult for a nursing student (ESI) to provide personal hygiene care (SHC) for, on and with others. Different dimensions make this care complex, and in particular, the unpredictability of the interpersonal encounter and the inescapable corporeality of the person being cared for but also that of the student. In addition, the contemporary institutional context, in which instrumental rationality now prevails, can be a source of disenchantment among students, who struggle to express their caring values when providing intimate care. However, the Sims life simulator can enable certain players to enter an intermediate area of experience, underpinning a reunion process that can help future nurses to discover their true selves in a subjectalising moment.In keeping with Winnicottian theories, my research protocol is therefore part of a psychoanalytically-oriented clinical approach. Eight student nurses were asked to play this video game and then to take part in two interviews, one devoted to the video game and the other to SHC.It seems that the Sims' humour and immense freedom of action give this game a particularly interesting potential for transitionality. Thanks to the incarnation of the player in and through his avatar, characteristic of the video game medium, the student has the feeling of being at the same time the director, the author, the spectator (thanks to the objective view) and the actor (via the avatar) of the images displayed in front of him/her. However, to progress in the digital space, he/she has to take care of his pixels double since the principle of the game is based on the foundations of care. In this way, student experiences e-empathy, directed not only towards himself or herself but also towards a digital other. What’s more, by staging of an avatar family, the future nurse can be led to experience his/her internal psychological bi-parenthood and/or bi-generationality, two conditions for caring for others. Finally, the post-game sequence interview supports the appropriation of the subjective experiences induced by playing The Sims and supports liaison work towards the professional sphere.As a result, experimentation, even partial and digital, of the different phases of video game can promote the implementation of creativity (in the Winnicottian sense) of students who have to provide SHC for, on and with others, and thus contribute to the quality of care.This is why the integration of Sims into their training curriculum can support the professionalization process of future nurses
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Freeland, Lisa New. "The medicalization of oral aesthetics: an application of structuration theory." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2000.

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Medicalization has been discussed at length in the sociology of health and illness literature. Typically, dialogue has centered on the effects of medicalization and the process as a phenomenon in professional fields alone. This work is an attempt to study medicalization using a theoretical model, structuration, that allows for inclusion of the larger social system in understanding health system changes and to include consumers of health services in the process as active agents. The example of oral aesthetics provides an opportunity to identify the agents of change, the process of medicalization in the larger social context, and possible indicators of the phenomenon. An attempt to operationalize the complex concept of medicalization marks a move toward creating testable theoretical models for the variety of behaviors and conditions under study as medicalized. Using content analysis of professional dental journals and lay magazines and a review of system rules and resources, shifts in language use and the emergence of medical frameworks were documented to determine if a medicalization of oral aesthetics had occurred. Results show two distinct periods within the last century when oral aesthetics have been medicalized in the United States. Evidence of turn-taking behavior among the agents is noted as well as the relationship of technology and technological language to the process. A model for future testing is suggested that encompass the identified agents, the language and framework, and the elements of social context.
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Shiao, Judith Shu-Chu School of Health Services Management UNSW. "Needlestick injury in health care workers in Taiwan." Awarded by:University of New South Wales. School of Health Services Management, 2000.

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Objectives: Risk associated with needlestick injuries (NSI) in health care workers (HCWs) in Taiwan has not been characterized. We conducted this investigation to study 1) the prevalence and yearly incidence of NSI in HCWs in Taiwan, and the risk factors associated with NSIs; 2) reporting behavior when a NSI was sustained; and 3) seroprevalence of blood-borne pathogens among inpatients. Combination of the above information allowed for risk estimation for contracting hepatitis B virus (HBV), hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in HCWs. Methodology: A cross-sectional questionnaire survey for life-time experience and frequency of NSI was conducted in a random sample from four strata of accredited hospitals according to the number of employees, from July 1996 to June 1997 in Taiwan. All full time employees, including physicians, nurses, technicians, and supporting personnel were recruited. Seroprevalence was examined for HBV, HCV and HIV among inpatients six years in age or older in one teaching hospital during July 1997 to June 1998. Results: A total of 10,469 health care workers were recruited from 16 out of 132 accredited hospitals and 82.6% (8,645) completed the survey, including nurses (61.0%), physicians (16.1%), medical technicians (14.9%), supporting personnel (7.9%). The prevalence of NSI were 93.1%, 86.6%, 78.3%, 61.0% in nurses, physicians, technicians, and supporting personnel respectively. The reported incidence of needlestick and other sharps injuries was 1.30 and 1.21 times per person in the past 12 months. Of the most recent episodes of NSIs, ordinary syringe needles accounted for 80.3% (95% CI, 79.4% - 81.2%) of hollow-bore needles associated incidents, and 74.1% (95% CI, 72.8% - 75.4%) of them were contaminated. The most frequently reported circumstance was the "Breakdown of Universal Precautions", recapping-related behaviors (81.6%, 95% CI 80.3% - 82.9%) of HCWs. More than a quarter (27.8%, 2,399) of HCWs were unprotected (either not vaccinated or having an unknown serological status) against HBV. Seroconversion in stuck HCWs was reported 1.8% for HBV (135), 0.2% (18) for HCV, 0.2% (15) for both HBV and HCV, 0.1% (5) for syphilis and less than 0.1% (2) for HIV. ^M A total of 81.8% of NSIs were unreported. Similarly, high incidence of NSI and low reporting rate were also found in student nurses. Seroprevalence of HBV, HCV, and HIV among inpatients were found higher than the reported rate in source patients of this survey. Seroprevalence of HBsAg was 16.7% in hospitalized patients, 1.7% positive for HBeAg, 12.7% for Anti-HCV, and 0.8% for Anti-HIV. Different seroprevalence rates of HBsAb (+), HBsAg (+), Anti-HCV (+), Anti-HIV (+) in different seasons were also found significant (p<0.001). The risk of seroconversion to HBV was thus estimated to be 0.003 ~ 0.008 time per person-year, HCV 0.003 ~ 0.007 per person-year, and HIV 0.4 ~ 1.2 /100, 000 person-year. Considering the number of HCWs in Taiwan, a total of 330 ~ 917 HCWs will seroconvert to HBV (+) in a year, 330 ~ 880 HCWs seroconvert to HCV (+), and less than one to two HCWs seroconvert to HIV (+). Conclusions: Needlestick and sharps injuries were highly prevalent among Taiwanese HCW and across job categories. Risk of seroconversion is real and significant. Preventive measures are warranted for reduction of contracting blood-borne pathogens in HCWs in Taiwan.
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Books on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Raj, Lad, ed. Biotechnology in personal care. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2006.

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Pine, Devera. Hair, from personal statement to personal problem. Rockville, Md. (5600 Fishers Lane, Rockville 20857): Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Food and Drug Administration, Office of Public Affairs, 1992.

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Spires, Pat. Hair care. Leicester: Galley Press, 1985.

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Campbell, Alexandra. Face savers. London: Futura, 1986.

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Rogol, Susi. Caring for your skin. London: Sphere, 1986.

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Rogol, Susi. Caring for your hair. London: Sphere, 1986.

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Lowe, N. J. Away with wrinkles: The essential guide to a younger-looking face. New York: Marlowe & Co., 2005.

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Lowe, N. J. The wrinkle revolution: A top dermatologist's latest secrets. London: Kyle Cathie Ltd, 2007.

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Dowd, Timothy Jon. Market trends: The ethnic male personal care market. [New York, NY]: Packaged Facts, 2004.

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Linda, Sonntag. The hairstyle, hair care & beauty book. London: Tiger Books International, 1993.

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Book chapters on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Turan, Mensure. "Child and Personal Hygiene." In Child and Life, 109–28. Istanbul: Nobel Tip Kitabevleri, 2024.

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Personal hygiene covers all practices that individuals perform to ensure their self-care. Therefore, it is very important to teach children personal hygiene habits in maintaining health. Adequate education and appropriate environments should be provided for children to acquire hygiene habits. Inadequate personal hygiene habits increase the risk of infectious diseases, dental caries, parasitic diseases and skin fungi in children. Especially the fact that children are in regular contact with the environment due to their need for socialisation causes them to be more exposed to infectious disease factors. For this respect, it is very important that personal hygiene habits are developed in early childhood.Children can learn the right and positive health behaviours with the correct education. Accordingly, it is important for children to develop personal hygiene habits in order to provide both individual health and social health. Parents, teachers and health professionals should collaborate in teaching these behaviours to children. In this direction, the personal care behaviours that the child will develop are the first process of his/her individualisation.
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Andersen, Bjørg Marit. "Personal Hygiene and Care of Patients." In Prevention and Control of Infections in Hospitals, 255–64. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2019.

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Körükcü, Öznur, and Kamile Kabukcuoğlu. "Health Promotion Among Home-Dwelling Elderly Individuals in Turkey." In Health Promotion in Health Care – Vital Theories and Research, 313–27. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.

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AbstractAlthough the social structure of Turkish society has changed from a broad family order to a nuclear family, family relations still hold an important place, where traditional elements dominate. Still, elderly people are cared for by their family in their home environment. Thus, the role of family members is crucial in taking care of elderly individuals. In Turkey, the responsibility of care is largely on women; the elderly’s wife, daughter, or daughter-in-law most often provides the care. Family members who provide care need support so that they can maintain their physical, psychological and mental health. At this point, Antonovsky’s salutogenic health model represents a positive and holistic approach to support individual’s health and coping. The salutogenic understanding of health emphasizes both physical, psychological, social, spiritual and cultural resources which can be utilized not only to avoid illness, but to promote health.With the rapidly increasing ageing population globally, health expenditures and the need for care are increasing accordingly. This increase reveals the importance of health-promoting practices in elderly care, which are important for the well-being and quality of life of older individuals and their families, as well as cost effectiveness. In Turkey, the emphasis on health-promoting practices is mostly focused in home-care services including examination, treatment, nursing care, medical care, medical equipment and device services, psychological support, physiotherapy, follow-up, rehabilitation services, housework (laundry, shopping, cleaning, food), personal care (dressing, bathroom, and personal hygiene help), 24-h emergency service, transportation, financial advice and training services within the scope of the social state policy for the elderly 65 years and older, whereas medical management of diseases serves elderly over the age of 85. In the Turkish health care system, salutogenesis can be used in principle for two aims: to guide health-promotion interventions in health care practice, and to (re)orient health care practice and research. The salutogenic orientation encompasses all elderly people independently of their position on the ease-/dis-ease continuum. This chapter presents health-promotion practices in the care of elderly home-dwelling people living in Turkey.
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Randriambelonoro, Mirana. "Assessing Activity of Daily Living through Technology-Enabled Tools: Mobility and Nutrition Assessment: MiranaBot: A Nutrition Assessment Use Case." In Quantifying Quality of Life, 27–47. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractActivities of Daily Living (ADLs) refers to the fundamental skills required to care for one-self and live independently and includes dressing, feeding, personal hygiene, continence and transferring. Assessing ADLs is therefore essential, especially for vulnerable population who may need assistance in performing these activities. As current validated scales to measure ADLs capacity are often dependent of an informant or a caregiver and are mainly performed in the controlled settings of the hospital, using technology-enabled tools could benefit individual’s health in terms of disease prevention and treatment but would also enhance individual’s quality of life and independence. This chapter presents 4 standard validated scales for ADLs and the current research activities on the use of technologies to assess one’s ability to perform ADLs, mainly indoor-outdoor mobility and nutrition. A nutrition assessment use case through a conversational agent is presented in the second part of the chapter. Future opportunities for technology-enabled ADL assessment are discussed.
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Baker, Robert, and Matthew K. Wynia. "The Role of Professions in a State: The Effects of the Nazi Experience on Health Care Professionalism." In The International Library of Bioethics, 35–58. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.

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AbstractThis paper reviews three competing ways of organizing health care delivery—professionalism, consumerism and statism—and explores how Germany’s exclusively statist model facilitated the ascendency of an alternative Nazi medical ethics predicated on eugenic conceptions of national “race hygiene.” The primary obligation of health care personnel became using their skills and knowledge to achieve the aims of the Nazi state, which justified forcible eugenic sterilization programs, and then the killing of children and adults with mental or physical disabilities and, eventually, the medicalized mass murder of other groups seen to pose a genetic threat to the health of the state, such as homosexuals, Jews, and Roma. The evolving international response to these medical crimes would come to affect medical professional approaches to virtually every issue in contemporary Bioethics, from abortion to xenotransplantation. In the early post-war years, news of German health care professionals’ participation in these actions shocked fellow health care professionals. Many denied these accounts, some defended German researchers, others dismissed the Germans’ justifications of their actions as madness parading as medicine or medical ethics. Ultimately, however, reformers seeking to remedy or prevent actions reminiscent of Nazi medicine created the foundational documents of modern health care professional ethics and the new field of Bioethics. These are the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration of Geneva, and the Belmont Report. In firmly rejecting Nazi medical ethics, these documents emphasize the rights of autonomous individuals, with health professionals serving as their agents, thus cementing modern ideals of health care professionalism.
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Voegeli, David. "Managing Hygiene." In Adult Nursing Practice. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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This chapter addresses the fundamental nursing role in managing hygiene. The ability to maintain personal and oral hygiene forms some of the activities of living that everyone undertakes every day, but which are often taken for granted until a deterioration in a person’s physical or mental state, such as illness or ageing, prevents individuals from meeting these needs independently. Being able to assess the need for nursing intervention accurately, and to deliver appropriate evidence-based care, requires considerable skill. It draws on many of the core competencies of professional nursing, such as observation, communication, and clinical decision-making. Therefore it is inappropriate that, in a majority of care settings, these activities are often delegated by the registered nurse to those with the least experience. It is important to remember that, registered nurses retain professional accountability for the quality and effectiveness of the interventions provided or delegated to the patients under their care. Increasingly, this fundamental aspect of care is viewed as an overall indicator of the quality of the care provided. Assisting individuals to maintain their personal hygiene needs promotes comfort, safety, well-being, and dignity, and also plays an important part in the prevention of infection. It is also an important aspect of many religions, such as the ritual washing performed by Muslims before prayer. Indeed Young (1991) suggested that cleanliness is a basic human right rather than a luxury. There has been criticism over the past decade that aspects of nursing care relating to the maintenance of patient hygiene have become neglected, and the Healthcare Commission (2007) reported that 30% of complaints received against UK hospitals related to issues of personal care and dignity, including:…● patients being left in soiled clothing or bedding; ● hygiene needs not being met (patients not being washed or mouthcare given); ● hair and nails not being cared for….In response to these criticisms, both the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) and the Department of Health (DH) worked to improve the quality of personal care provided by nurses.
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Wiesemann, F., and R. Adam. "Absorbent products for personal health care and hygiene." In Handbook of Medical Textiles, 316–35. Elsevier, 2011.

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"Nurse-assisted personal hygiene to older adults 65+ in home care setting." In Vand og sæbe versus badeservietter - Praksisnær forskning om personlig hygiejne i Frederiksberg kommune 2015-2023, 14–19. SPL-Publishing, 2024.

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Devi, Ms Louriyam Suchitra. "INFECTION CONTROL AND STANDARD SAFETY MEASURES IN OBG UNIT." In Futuristic Trends in Pharmacy & Nursing Volume 3 Book 9, 57–60. Iterative International Publishers, Selfypage Developers Pvt Ltd, 2024.

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Infection control refers to policies and procedures used to minimise the risk of spreading infections, especially in hospitals and human and health care facilities. In obstetrics and gynaecological unit, health care providers must maintain proper hand hygiene. Cleaning, disinfection and sterilization must be done as a routine work in all the obstetrics and gynaecological unit. Hand hygiene stands as the cornerstone of infection prevention, emphasizing the significance of proper handwashing and hand sanitization. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) safeguards both patients and staff during procedures and interactions. Aseptic techniques minimize the risk of introducing infections during medical interventions, and thorough environmental cleaning maintains a clean and safe space.
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Sweet, Bridget. "Self-Care and the Music Educator." In The Oxford Handbook of Care in Music Education, 339—C28P82. Oxford University Press, 2023.

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Abstract Acts of self-care have rarely been more encouraged in the music education profession than today, as symptoms of burnout impact the wellbeing of music educators around the world. Not only may acts of self-care positively improve teachers’ relationships with their important work, but efforts may influence teachers’ lives beyond the music classroom. Intentional acts may also promote self-care for music students, infusing ideas about wellness into their developing crafts. Supported by recommendations of the Health Promotion in Schools of Music Project starting places for musician self-care include vocal hygiene, hearing health, musculoskeletal issues, and psychological health. As examination of teaching practices and personal wellness habits can be challenging, additional considerations of patience, vulnerability, and confidence may assist with efforts of self-care.
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Conference papers on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Zain, Azizah, and Marzan Amat. "The Importance of Personal Hygiene Care Among Preschool Children Through Health Education During Pandemic Covid-19." In 6th International Conference of Early Childhood Education (ICECE-6 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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"Preservation of the Student Contingent by Schools in the Ural in 1941–1945 (the Case of Molotov Oblast)." In XII Ural Demographic Forum “Paradigms and models of demographic development”. Institute of Economics of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 2021.

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Children are a category of the population that is sensitive to the negative factors of war.The article examines one of the most important tasks of school during the Great Patriotic War, namely, the preservation of the student contingent. The paper identifies directions of activity of schools: ensuring optimal conditions in school, supporting children’s health. The main attention is paid to such aspects as sanitary condition of buildings, heating, registration of contingents, control of the dropout rate and its causes, condition and personal hygiene of students, provision of hot meals, clothing and shoes. The article uses a systematic approach, as well as methods of analysis and synthesis. Many historical sources are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. As a result, it was concluded that, despite the most difficult conditions of the war, the schools fulfilled their tasks фтв took care of preserving the health and life of children.
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Gang, Getrude C. Ah, and Jaimond Lambun. "FOSTERING POSITIVE ATTITUDES TOWARDS SELF-CARE AMONG THE YOUTH IN BONGOL VILLAGE DURING THE RECOVERY MOVEMENT CONTROL ORDER." In International Psychological Applications Conference and Trends. inScience Press, 2021.

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"One of the major concerns among the relevant public authorities during the 2019 coronavirus disease (Covid-19) pandemic is the attitude and behavior of the Malaysian society regarding compliance with self-care Covid-19. Although the number of Covid-19 cases is decreasing, public authorities, such as the Malaysian Ministry of Health continually remind people to adhere to the Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Covid-19 to reduce the number of cases. To support the authorities’ efforts, a one-day self-care Covid-19 programme involving 10 youths (3 males & 7 females) with a mean age of 17.35 (SD=3.36) was implemented in Bongol village, Tamparuli. To adhere the Covid-19 SOP regulation which prohibits a large number of people from gathering in a confined, crowded and closed spaces, only a few participants were involved. The programme, which was conducted at the Bongol village community hall, involved various organized activities emphasising the three elements of attitude: cognitive, affective, and psychomotor. Before the programme began, all the participants were registered, and their body temperatures scanned to ensure that they were free from any Covid-19 symptoms. Each participant was given a mask and a small bottle of hand sanitiser that could be used throughout the programme. The activities comprised an ice-breaker, a talk on personal self-hygiene, a 20.02-minute self-care video produced by 28 psychology students, personal self-reflections by the participants, a group exercise, a community song, and a two-way discussion on self-care. The Covid-19 self-care programme, implemented with guidance from the Yale Attitude Change Model, emphasizes the practical issue of ‘who says what to whom and with what effects. The participants’ attitude was measured before and after they completed the one-day programme. The results of a Wilcoxon signed-ranked test study showed that there is a significant difference between the participants’ pre- and post-study attitudes towards self-care. The study results showed that the Covid-19 self-care programme, which is based on the social psychology approach, can help foster positive youth attitudes towards self-care. In regard to the authorities’ efforts to lower the number of Covid-19 cases to zero, it is suggested that each party needs (either governmental and non-governmental agencies) to support the Covid-19 campaign and programme by sharing and delivering self-care messages in creative ways to Malaysian communities, especially those in rural areas."
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M. Waaijer, Elly. "Cen / ISO Technical Report (TR) 12296 - 2013 Ergonomics, Manual Handling of People in the Healthcare Sector International Consensus." In Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference. AHFE International, 2021.

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In 2012 a new ISO Technical Report (TR) 12296) was published, this TR was endorsed by CEN in July 2013. A working group of specialists have been working on this document for a period of more then 3 years. The working group was formed under the responsibility of Technical Committee ISO/TC 159, Ergonomics, Subcommittee SC3, Anthropometry and Biomechanics, representing 23 participating and 12 observing countries. Previous ISO standards and TR’s have had too little attention for the specific problems of patient handling in health care. ISO 11228 parts 1-2-3 address ergonomics and manual handling in general. ISO 11228 part 1 considers in an Annex in short the aspects of manual handling of living persons. The new TR is therefore intended to be a tool for assisting with the application of this series in the context of the healthcare sector. Its main goals are to improve caregivers' working conditions by decreasing biomechanical overload risk, thus limiting work-related illness and injury, as well as the consequent costs and absenteeism, and to account for patients' care quality, safety, dignity and privacy as regards their needs, including specific personal care and hygiene. The work was mainly done in a close cooperation with a scientific group called EPPHE (European Panel on Patient Handling Ergonomics). Members of this group have been working on the TR and have also been available to support ideas, provide materials and additional resources to assist in the development of the TR. EPPHE was formed in 2004 from a collaboration of Experts from the IEA Technical Committees on Healthcare Ergonomics and Musculoskeletal Disorders. (Hignett 2014). The final consensus document includes 6 Annexes with additional information and tools regarding:Risk Assessment and Risk EvaluationOrganizational aspects of patient handling interventionsAids and EquipmentBuildings and EnvironmentStaff education and trainingThe evaluation of intervention effectiveness
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Pihahey, Priscilla Jessica, Bhisma Murti, and Yulia Lanti Retno Dewi. "Personal Hygiene and the Risk of Leprosy: A Meta-Analysis from Case Control Study." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.

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ABSTRACT Background: Leprosy is caused by Mycobacterium leprae (M. leprae) which is transmitted through nasal and oral fluids. The incubation period for M. leprae ranging from 3 years to 20 years. The impact of leprosy is a disability that reduces the quality of life. Social contact to patients can increase the risk of leprosy. This study aimed to determine the relationship between personal hygienic and the risk of leprosy. Subjects and Method: This was a meta-analysis and systematic review on the Leprosy determinants. This study was conducted by search published articles from PubMed, ProQuest, Science Direct, Scopus, Spinger Link, EBSCO, Google Scholar, Embase, LILACS, Embase, Emerald, PLOS, and Indonesian National Library (Perpusnas) electronic databases. “leprosy OR hansen desease AND risk factor AND Personal hygiene OR sanitation AND odds ratio” keywords were inserted to find related articles. The inclusion criteria were full text, open access article, published from 1949 to 2020, using Indonesian or English language, case control study, and reporting adjusted odds ratio (aOR). The articles were analyzed using PRISMA flow chart and Revman 5.3. Results: 4 articles were met the criteria. A sample of 297 cases and 297 controls was selected for this study. This study reported that poor personal hygiene increased the risk of Leprosy 3.52 times (aOR= 3.52; 95%CI= 2.30 to 5.40; p<0.001). Conclusion: Poor personal hygiene increases the risk of Leprosy. Keywords: personal hygiene, Leprosy, meta-analysis Correspondence: Priscilla Jessica Pihaheys. Masters Program in Public Health. Universitas Sebelas Maret, Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: Mobile: 08114852336. DOI:
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Amin Zada, Sayamak. "COVID-19 Health Management and Business Continuity." In SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract Considering the world faces an unprecedented challenge with economies everywhere affected by the COVID-19 pandemic there was an extreme need for coming together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic bringing governments, organizations from across industries and individuals together to manage this global outbreak. From the early stages of pandemic escalation, SOCAR AQS realized that only diversified measures would minimize risks, fulfil the duty of care responsibilities and promote workforce resilience. The establishment of the COVID-19 crisis management team ensured the continuous application of a proactive risk-based approach aligned with governmental regulations on the ground of the most up to date local and international information including the industry best practices. Access to the offices for all relevant staff and visitors was minimized, and the specific procedure for work from home was developed. A combination of preventive measures at all worksites and transportation facilities is held through regular effective disinfection, health checks, continuous access to the required personal protection and hygiene facilities, maintaining social distancing, and careful tracing close contacts for all suspected cases. Health promotion to all staff is conducted through various communication means. Two-stage pre-mobilization COVID-19 screening was implemented through a comprehensive health questionnaire prior to commuting at the entrance of quarantine facilities. There was a week of individual isolation in the designated controlled quarantine facilities with optimal detectability of the virus by the fifth day followed by highly-specific PCR testing before entering operational worksites enables early revealing of an infection prior to its manifestation in the human body. Specific post-illness medical assessment is a key for individual healthy return to work is carried out. Considering vaccines as a critical new tool in the battle against COVID-19, vaccination of all offshore personnel is implemented. As an outcome, the entire process provided a prudent way to ensure the continuation of uninterrupted operations resulted in zero COVID-19 detection at the quarantine worksites by follow-up of suspected cases during first eight months of the pandemic fight in Azerbaijan. In conclusion, the abovementioned statement provides the guidelines for the workforce working on worksites or in offices, and clear expectations of the measures to be taken to ensure COVID-19 health management and smooth business continuity are maintained.
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Amin Zada, Sayamak. "COVID-19 Health Management and Business Continuity." In SPE Annual Caspian Technical Conference. SPE, 2021.

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Abstract Considering the world faces an unprecedented challenge with economies everywhere affected by the COVID-19 pandemic there was an extreme need for coming together to combat the COVID-19 pandemic bringing governments, organizations from across industries and individuals together to manage this global outbreak. From the early stages of pandemic escalation, SOCAR AQS realized that only diversified measures would minimize risks, fulfil the duty of care responsibilities and promote workforce resilience. The establishment of the COVID-19 crisis management team ensured the continuous application of a proactive risk-based approach aligned with governmental regulations on the ground of the most up to date local and international information including the industry best practices. Access to the offices for all relevant staff and visitors was minimized, and the specific procedure for work from home was developed. A combination of preventive measures at all worksites and transportation facilities is held through regular effective disinfection, health checks, continuous access to the required personal protection and hygiene facilities, maintaining social distancing, and careful tracing close contacts for all suspected cases. Health promotion to all staff is conducted through various communication means. Two-stage pre-mobilization COVID-19 screening was implemented through a comprehensive health questionnaire prior to commuting at the entrance of quarantine facilities. There was a week of individual isolation in the designated controlled quarantine facilities with optimal detectability of the virus by the fifth day followed by highly-specific PCR testing before entering operational worksites enables early revealing of an infection prior to its manifestation in the human body. Specific post-illness medical assessment is a key for individual healthy return to work is carried out. Considering vaccines as a critical new tool in the battle against COVID-19, vaccination of all offshore personnel is implemented. As an outcome, the entire process provided a prudent way to ensure the continuation of uninterrupted operations resulted in zero COVID-19 detection at the quarantine worksites by follow-up of suspected cases during first eight months of the pandemic fight in Azerbaijan. In conclusion, the abovementioned statement provides the guidelines for the workforce working on worksites or in offices, and clear expectations of the measures to be taken to ensure COVID-19 health management and smooth business continuity are maintained.
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Wahyuningsih, Sri, Hany Yusmaini, Erna Harfiani, and Meiskha Bahar. "Compliance Characteristics of Community Health Assistant Cadre in Implementing Health Protocols During Covid-19 Pandemic." In The 7th International Conference on Public Health 2020. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret, 2020.

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Background: Covid-19 is a highly infectious disease. Primary prevention approaches, including personal protective measures, social distancing, and environmental surface cleaning, are required to contain disease transmission. This study aimed to investigate the compliance in implementing Covid-19 health protocols among cadres at Community Health Centre, Depok, West Java. Subjects and Method: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted at Community Health Centre, Depok, West Java. A total of 73 cadres was selected for this study. The study variables were compliance on Covid-19 protocols, including mask-wearing, hand hygiene, physical and social distancing, level of education, level of Covid-19 knowledge, and other personal risk factors. The study subjects were selected by total sampling. The primary data were collected via WhatsApp group using questionnaires. The data were reported descriptively. Results: Two-third of study subjects were at age 40-50 years (61.64%). The majority of subjects were junior high school educational level (74.4%). All the study subjects complied to wear a face mask (100%). The majority of cadres possessed a high level of Covid-19 knowledge (57.53%). Most of the cadres were unemployment (72.88%). The common personal health problem was digestive problems (10.96%). Conclusion: The characteristics of cadres vary with age, educational level, level of compliance in Covid-19 protocols, work status, and level of Covid-19 knowledge. The common personal health problem among cadres is digestive problems. Keywords: compliance, Covid-19, health protocols, characteristics Correspondence: Sri Wahyuningsih. Faculty of Medicine, UPN Veteran Jakarta. Jl. Pondok Labu, Jakarta Selatan. Email: Mobile: +6281287552465. DOI:
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Ajamah, S., M. Tanaka, K. De Vore, Y. Vogiazou, S. Joseph, F. Galban Horcajo, and M. Babangida. "Noma discharge toolkit - a person-centred approach to improve continuity of care." In MSF Paediatric Days 2022. NYC: MSF-USA, 2022.

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BACKGROUND AND AIMS The Noma hospital in Sokoto State, Nigeria, provides specialised care for noma, a rapidly progressive and often fatal necrotising bacterial disease, which continues to be neglected. This project was initiated and is led by the Noma project team in collaboration with the Sapling Nursery fund (MSF UK) who provide resources and support. Through community-based exploratory assessments, it was found that caregivers do not have enough resources, knowledge and overall capacity to continue with the necessary treatment and care after discharge. Patients are too often re-admitted in worse condition than before. This highlights a serious gap in the continuity of care, which the Noma Discharge Toolkit (NDT) aims to improve. METHODS Person-centered design methodologies aiming to improve quality of care were central to toolkit development. Individual interviews and group sessions led to the identification of needs and challenges, while also exploring potential solutions. The resulting NDT contains four components to support care after discharge: --Locally sourced food items (Kwash-pap) and RUTF (Plumpy-nut); --Non-food items for hygiene and transport/storage; --Medication and treatment; --Knowledge/engagement booklet. The feasibility of the NDT was investigated using qualitative data collection methods to understand the perceived benefit by caregivers and hospital staff. RESULTS The pilot is in an early stage and distribution data will be gathered and analysed in autumn 2022, but the NDT’s preliminary results are promising. It has been welcomely integrated within the team’s regular processes. Initial feedback is positive, highlighting how the kit gives necessary resources, while increasing engagement, knowledge and focus on quality of care. For the upcoming distribution data collection and analysis, formal ethics approval will be sought. CONCLUSIONS The process is this project’s strength – it demonstrates what can be accomplished when co-designing with community and hospital staff, while concretely showing the potential of person-centred design methodologies.
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Bezerra, Karolina, José Machado, Vitor Carvalho, Filomena Soares, Bruno Silva, Demétrio Matos, and Celina P. Leão. "System for Assistance on Bath of Bedridden Elderly People." In ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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From Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) perspective it is important to have information regarding the type of care needed by bedridden elderly people (BEP) living in their homes, in order to support independence, autonomy and maximize their quality of life. Some basic tasks as eating, taking a bath and the hygiene cares may be difficult to execute, regarding that almost always the main caregiver is the other element of the couple (husband or wife). Following this trend, the development of mechatronic devices is of upmost importance in creating solutions to facilitate these tasks. This paper presents the conceptual design of a mechatronic system especially devoted to the assistance during the bath of BEP. Issues as reducing the number of caregivers to only one to assist the bath and reducing the system’s handling complexity (because most of the time it will be used by an aged person) are considered. Visits to rehabilitation centers and hospitals, and respective working meetings, are considered in the development of the proposed mechatronic system.
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Reports on the topic "Personal hygiene care"


Jenkins, J. Lee, Edbert B. Hsu, Anna Russell, Allen Zhang, Lisa M. Wilson, and Eric B. Bass. Infection Prevention and Control for the Emergency Medical Services and 911 Workforce. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), November 2022.

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Objectives. To summarize current evidence on exposures to infectious pathogens in the emergency medical services (EMS) and 911 workforce, and on practices for preventing, recognizing, and controlling occupationally acquired infectious diseases and related exposures in that workforce. Review methods. We obtained advice on how to answer four Guiding Questions by recruiting a panel of external experts on EMS clinicians, State-level EMS leadership, and programs relevant to EMS personnel, and by engaging representatives of professional societies in infectious diseases and emergency medicine. We searched PubMed®, Embase®, CINAHL®, and SCOPUS from January 2006 to March 2022 for relevant studies. We also searched for reports from State and Federal Government agencies or nongovernmental organizations interested in infection prevention and control in the EMS and 911 workforce. Results. Twenty-five observational studies reported on the epidemiology of infections in the EMS and 911 workforce. They did not report demographic differences except for a higher risk of hepatitis C in older workers and severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) in minorities. EMS clinicians certified/licensed in Advanced Life Support have a high risk for blood and fluid exposure, and EMS clinicians had a higher risk of hospitalization or death from SARS-CoV-2 than firefighters whose roles were not primarily related to medical care. Eleven observational studies reported on infection prevention and control practices (IPC), providing some evidence that hand hygiene, standard precautions, mandatory vaccine policies, and on-site vaccine clinics are effective. Research on IPC in EMS and 911 workers has increased significantly since the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. Conclusions. Moderate evidence exists on the epidemiology of infections and effectiveness of IPC practices in EMS and 911 workers, including hand hygiene, standard precautions, mandatory vaccine policies, and vaccine clinics. Most evidence is observational, with widely varying methods, outcomes, and reporting. More research is needed on personal protective equipment effectiveness and vaccine acceptance, and better guidance is needed for research methods in the EMS and 911 worker setting.
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Monetary Policy Report - July 2022. Banco de la República, October 2022.

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In the second quarter, annual inflation (9.67%), the technical staff’s projections and its expectations continued to increase, remaining above the target. International cost shocks, accentuated by Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have been more persistent than projected, thus contributing to higher inflation. The effects of indexation, higher than estimated excess demand, a tighter labor market, inflation expectations that continue to rise and currently exceed 3%, and the exchange rate pressures add to those described above. High core inflation measures as well as in the producer price index (PPI) across all baskets confirm a significant spread in price increases. Compared to estimates presented in April, the new forecast trajectory for headline and core inflation increased. This was partly the result of greater exchange rate pressure on prices, and a larger output gap, which is expected to remain positive for the remainder of 2022 and which is estimated to close towards yearend 2023. In addition, these trends take into account higher inflation rate indexation, more persistent above-target inflation expectations, a quickening of domestic fuel price increases due to the correction of lags versus the parity price and higher international oil price forecasts. The forecast supposes a good domestic supply of perishable foods, although it also considers that international prices of processed foods will remain high. In terms of the goods sub-basket, the end of the national health emergency implies a reversal of the value-added tax (VAT) refund applied to health and personal hygiene products, resulting in increases in the prices of these goods. Alternatively, the monetary policy adjustment process and the moderation of external shocks would help inflation and its expectations to begin to decrease over time and resume their alignment with the target. Thus, the new projection suggests that inflation could remain high for the second half of 2022, closing at 9.7%. However, it would begin to fall during 2023, closing the year at 5.7%. These forecasts are subject to significant uncertainty, especially regarding the future behavior of external cost shocks, the degree of indexation of nominal contracts and decisions made regarding the domestic price of fuels. Economic activity continues to outperform expectations, and the technical staff’s growth projections for 2022 have been revised upwards from 5% to 6.9%. The new forecasts suggest higher output levels that would continue to exceed the economy’s productive capacity for the remainder of 2022. Economic growth during the first quarter was above that estimated in April, while economic activity indicators for the second quarter suggest that the GDP could be expected to remain high, potentially above that of the first quarter. Domestic demand is expected to maintain a positive dynamic, in particular, due to the household consumption quarterly growth, as suggested by vehicle registrations, retail sales, credit card purchases and consumer loan disbursement figures. A slowdown in the machinery and equipment imports from the levels observed in March contrasts with the positive performance of sales and housing construction licenses, which indicates an investment level similar to that registered for the first three months of the year. International trade data suggests the trade deficit would be reduced as a consequence of import levels that would be lesser than those observed in the first quarter, and stable export levels. For the remainder of the year and 2023, a deceleration in consumption is expected from the high levels seen during the first half of the year, partially as a result of lower repressed demand, tighter domestic financial conditions and household available income deterioration due to increased inflation. Investment is expected to continue its slow recovery while remaining below pre-pandemic levels. The trade deficit is expected to tighten due to projected lower domestic demand dynamics, and high prices of oil and other basic goods exported by the country. Given the above, economic growth in the second quarter of 2022 would be 11.5%, and for 2022 and 2023 an annual growth of 6.9% and 1.1% is expected, respectively. Currently, and for the remainder of 2022, the output gap would be positive and greater than that estimated in April, and prices would be affected by demand pressures. These projections continue to be affected by significant uncertainty associated with global political tensions, the expected adjustment of monetary policy in developed countries, external demand behavior, changes in country risk outlook, and the future developments in domestic fiscal policy, among others. The high inflation levels and respective expectations, which exceed the target of the world's main central banks, largely explain the observed and anticipated increase in their monetary policy interest rates. This environment has tempered the growth forecast for external demand. Disruptions in value chains, rising international food and energy prices, and expansionary monetary and fiscal policies have contributed to the rise in inflation and above-target expectations seen by several of Colombia’s main trading partners. These cost and price shocks, heightened by the effects of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, have been more prevalent than expected and have taken place within a set of output and employment recovery, variables that in some countries currently equal or exceed their projected long-term levels. In response, the U.S. Federal Reserve accelerated the pace of the benchmark interest rate increase and rapidly reduced liquidity levels in the money market. Financial market actors expect this behavior to continue and, consequently, significantly increase their expectations of the average path of the Fed's benchmark interest rate. In this setting, the U.S. dollar appreciated versus the peso in the second quarter and emerging market risk measures increased, a behavior that intensified for Colombia. Given the aforementioned, for the remainder of 2022 and 2023, the Bank's technical staff increased the forecast trajectory for the Fed's interest rate and reduced the country's external demand growth forecast. The projected oil price was revised upward over the forecast horizon, specifically due to greater supply restrictions and the interruption of hydrocarbon trade between the European Union and Russia. Global geopolitical tensions, a tightening of monetary policy in developed economies, the increase in risk perception for emerging markets and the macroeconomic imbalances in the country explain the increase in the projected trajectory of the risk premium, its trend level and the neutral real interest rate1. Uncertainty about external forecasts and their consequent impact on the country's macroeconomic scenario remains high, given the unpredictable evolution of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, geopolitical tensions, the degree of the global economic slowdown and the effect the response to recent outbreaks of the pandemic in some Asian countries may have on the world economy. This macroeconomic scenario that includes high inflation, inflation forecasts, and expectations above 3% and a positive output gap suggests the need for a contractionary monetary policy that mitigates the risk of the persistent unanchoring of inflation expectations. In contrast to the forecasts of the April report, the increase in the risk premium trend implies a higher neutral real interest rate and a greater prevailing monetary stimulus than previously estimated. For its part, domestic demand has been more dynamic, with a higher observed and expected output level that exceeds the economy’s productive capacity. The surprising accelerations in the headline and core inflation reflect stronger and more persistent external shocks, which, in combination with the strength of aggregate demand, indexation, higher inflation expectations and exchange rate pressures, explain the upward projected inflation trajectory at levels that exceed the target over the next two years. This is corroborated by the inflation expectations of economic analysts and those derived from the public debt market, which continued to climb and currently exceed 3%. All of the above increase the risk of unanchoring inflation expectations and could generate widespread indexation processes that may push inflation away from the target for longer. This new macroeconomic scenario suggests that the interest rate adjustment should continue towards a contractionary monetary policy landscape. 1.2. Monetary policy decision Banco de la República’s Board of Directors (BDBR), at its meetings in June and July 2022, decided to continue adjusting its monetary policy. At its June meeting, the BDBR decided to increase the monetary policy rate by 150 basis points (b.p.) and its July meeting by majority vote, on a 150 b.p. increase thereof at its July meeting. Consequently, the monetary policy interest rate currently stands at 9.0% . 1 The neutral real interest rate refers to the real interest rate level that is neither stimulative nor contractionary for aggregate demand and, therefore, does not generate pressures that lead to the close of the output gap. In a small, open economy like Colombia, this rate depends on the external neutral real interest rate, medium-term components of the country risk premium, and expected depreciation. Box 1: A Weekly Indicator of Economic Activity for Colombia Juan Pablo Cote Carlos Daniel Rojas Nicol Rodriguez Box 2: Common Inflationary Trends in Colombia Carlos D. Rojas-Martínez Nicolás Martínez-Cortés Franky Juliano Galeano-Ramírez Box 3: Shock Decomposition of 2021 Forecast Errors Nicolás Moreno Arias
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