Academic literature on the topic 'Performances relationnelles'
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Journal articles on the topic "Performances relationnelles"
Collin-Lachaud, Isabelle, and Isabelle Sueur. "Attentions spéciales et performances des programmes relationnels." Décisions Marketing 51 (July 1, 2008): 17–26.
Full textDonada, Carole, and Gwenaëlle Nogatchewsky. "Vingt ans de recherches empiriques en marketing sur la performance des relations client-fournisseur." Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) 20, no. 4 (December 2005): 71–96.
Full textMahamadou, Zoubeyda. "PME et firmes multinationales : performance des alliances asymétriques." Management international 20, no. 4 (September 24, 2018): 158–75.
Full textLejeune, Albert, Lise Préfontaine, and Line Ricard. "Les chemins vers la performance : l'approche relationnelle et la transformation des entreprises." Gestion 26, no. 3 (2001): 45.
Full textBécue, Mathieu, Jean Belin, and Damien Talbot. "Rente relationnelle et sous-performance des firmes pivots dans la chaîne de valeur aéronautique." M@n@gement 17, no. 2 (2014): 110.
Full textBrito, Olivier. "Le passage d’une pédagogie centrée sur l’élève vers une pédagogie centrée sur l’enseignant : une étude de cas comparative." Revue des sciences de l’éducation 38, no. 2 (November 18, 2013): 303–22.
Full textLiang, Dai, Zhao, and Wu. "Assessing the Performance of Green Mines via a Hesitant Fuzzy ORESTE–QUALIFLEX Method." Mathematics 7, no. 9 (August 27, 2019): 788.
Full textCOULON, J. B., F. LESCOURRET, B. FAYE, E. LANDAIS, J. L. TROCCON, and L. PÉROCHON. "Description de la base de données "LASCAR", un outil pour l’étude des carrières des vaches laitières." INRAE Productions Animales 6, no. 2 (February 28, 1993): 151–60.
Full textDONNELLY, Peter. "Les inégalité sociales dans le sport." Sociologie et sociétés 27, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 91–104.
Full textWiame, Aline. "L’art comme expérience et la pragmatique du spectateur, entre performance et philosophie." Tangence, no. 108 (May 30, 2016): 13–27.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Performances relationnelles"
Gardy, Danièle. "Bases de données, allocations aléatoires : quelques analyses de performances." Paris 11, 1989.
Full textThis thesis is devoted to the analysis of some parameters of interest for estimating the performance of computer systems, most notably database systems. The unifying features are the description of the phenomena to be studied in terms of random allocations and the systematic use of methods from the average-case analysis of algorithms. We associate a generating function with each parameter of interest, which we use to derive an asymptotic expression of this parameter. The main problem studied in this work is the estimation of the sizes of derived relations in a relational database framework. We show that this is closely related to the so-called "occupancy problem" in urn models, a classical tool of discrete probability theory. We characterize the conditional distribution of the size of a relation derived from relations whose sizes are known, and give conditions which ensure the a. Symptotic normality of the limiting distribution. We next study the implementation of "logical" relations by multi-attribute or doubly chained trees, for which we give results on the complexity of a random orthogonal range query. Finally, we study some "dynamic" random allocation phenomena, such as the birthday problem, which models the occurrence of collisions in hashing, and a model of the Least Recently Used cache memory algorithm
Abuazzah, Haneen F. "Le rôle des stratégies de pleine conscience RSE sur la qualité de la relation client : recherche dans le secteur pétrolier et pétrochimique - Société SABIC." Thesis, Université de Lille (2022-....), 2022.
Full textOne of the oldest and most prominent definitions attributed to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is that given by Howard Bowen who refers to as the father of CSR for his “landmark” 1953 book, Social Responsibilities of the Businessman “The obligations of entrepreneurs to pursue those policies, to make those decisions, or to pursue desired lines of action in terms of the aims and values of our society” (Bowen, 1953a).Later, (Carroll, 1979a) focused rather on firm obligations to certain responsibilities to society that extended beyond the economic and legal domains to include employee and community welfare, the political and educational needs of society and service to improve the quality of human life and defined CSR as: “Social responsibility of business encompasses the economic, legal, ethical, and discretionary expectations that society has of organizations at a given point in time”. Nowadays, CSR is recognized at the global, national, regional, and even local level, mostly as a “voluntary contribution to sustainable development” (Jurkowska-Gomulka et al., 2021). The voluntary concept of CSR views CSR as firms’ commitment to sustainability that is beyond the legal requirements.However, CSR is become crucial part of a company’s strategy plan and a real concern of many industrial companies (Widad et al., 2021). As a result, several organizations have implemented different initiatives to encourage companies to adopt CSR approaches, such as Economic Cooperation Development, United Nations Global Compact, International Labour Organisation, and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) (Shehabi et al., 2016). All these initiatives have contributed to developing a unified CSR framework known as ISO 26000 standard published by the International Standard Organization (ISO) in 2010 (Popa & Dabija, 2019). ISO 26000 defines CSR as: responsibility of an organization for the impacts of its decisions and activities on society and the environment, through transparent and ethical behavior by taking into account the stakeholder’s expectations (ISO, 2010). Socially responsible behavior of companies is expected nowadays by a wide scope of entities: mainly consumers, but also trading partners, contractors, and public authorities (Haseeb et al., 2019). Under these circumstances, CSR is no longer voluntary, but is becoming a strong moral or even legal duty (some groups of companies are legally obliged to report their non-financial activities in publicly available documents). Companies have become increasingly aware of the dangers that their activities can cause to the planet and to society in the future. Mindful company (MC) represents a company mindset of caring for society, community and environment which manifests behaviorally in the tempering on activities of which is both defeating and environmentally unsustainable
Martinent, Guillaume. "Une modélisation du processus émotionnel pendant les matchs de compétition en tennis de table : un regard nouveau sur la théorie relationnelle cognitive motivationnelle des émotions de Lazarus." Lyon 1, 2007.
Full textThe main aim of this doctoral dissertation was a better understanding of the emotional process (the emotional determinants to the emotional consequences on sporting performance) that takes place for regional and national table tennis players during their matches in a competitive context. For our study we filmed the participants in competitive situations and noted the participants’ comments during retrospective interviews. These comments referred to the nature of emotions experienced by table tennis players, the cognitive appraisal of the emotional situation, the strategies of emotional regulation used, and the directional interpretation of their emotions. The comments of the participants were analysed by quantitative and qualitative means. The quantitative analysis enabled characterization of the number, nature, duration, direction and co-occurrence of emotions experienced by participants during a competition. Moreover, results suggested that non-punctual emotions, compared to punctual emotions, have a more important impact on the performance of table tennis players. Qualitative analysis (i. E. , grounded theory) showed: (1) the cognitive contents of the appraisal process of per-competitive specific emotions, (2) the characteristics (nature, perceived effectiveness) of the emotional regulation process during competition, (3) the contents of the directional interpretation of per-competitive specific emotions, and (4) the emotional process of each of the per-competitive specific emotions experienced by participants (identification of the concepts and their relationships)
Trépanier, Carole. "Le coaching du directeur et la performance du vendeur une approche relationnelle." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 2010.
Full textSanou, Famara Hyacinthe. "Stratégies relationnelles entre concurrents dans les industries de réseau : le cas des opérateurs de téléphonie mobile." Thesis, Montpellier 1, 2011.
Full textThis thesis examines the types of relational strategies that firms can adopt with their competitors in a network industry : the mobile phone industry. It also purposes to highlight the determinants of these strategic choices and their implication. Finally, it aims to make a comparison of the performances of firms, according to their relational strategies choises. To address these concerns, we used, on one hand the method of structured content analysis so as to identify the strategic movements of the mobile phone operators of different countries and geographical areas ; on the other hand, we used two methods (exploratory and confirmatory) analysis for data processing. Through this thesis, we highlight three key findings : The first result shows that competitive aggressiveness, cooperativeness and coopetition are the viable relational strategies in the mobile phone industry. The second major result shows that the sectorial variables such as industrial concentration, sectorial maturity ; or more or less international presence appear to be factors determining the strategic behavior (aggressive, cooperative and coopetitive) of the mobile operators ; as well that more aggressiveness and more cooperativeness lead to better performance. Finally, it is shown in this study that the performance of the firm depends on the strategy (aggressive, cooperative, or coopetitive) adopted by the mobile operator, but also on its geographical location
Youssefi, Abdelhakim El. "Conception et réalisation d'un système de gestion de base de données suivant un modèle objet : sgbd saad." Valenciennes, 1989.
Full textServajean-Hilst, Romaric. "Approche relationnelle de la coopération verticale d'innovation : facteurs de performance de coopération client-fournisseur en innovation." Palaiseau, Ecole polytechnique, 2015.
Full textZouari, Dorsaf. "Analyse des mécanismes de coordination contractuels et relationnels au sein des chaines logistiques." Thesis, Grenoble, 2014.
Full textIn a supply chain, the value creation potential can only be achieved through effective management of inter-organizational relationships (Madhok and Tallman, 1998). Xu and Beammon (2006) underline the need for a set of resources and tools to manage interdependencies and take consistent decisions while emphasizing the importance of coordination mechanisms. Thus, the objective of this thesis is to figure out elements that make up the inter-organizational coordination in the supply chain. Moreover, we analyze inter-organizational coordination between supply chain partners and the role of contractual and relational mechanisms for managing their interests and resolve conflicts. More specifically, through this Dissertation we seek to answer the following question: What is the impact of coordination mechanisms and contractual relationship on inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain? To better understand this phenomenon, a qualitative study was conducted with fifteen professionals in supply chain management field. A thematic content analysis helped define more accurately the various components of inter-organizational coordination. The collected materials were confronted with the analysis of the literature and then tested on a sample of 216 respondents in the field of supply chain management. Quantitative data collected was analyzed using a principal component analysis in order to purify our scales. We then used the PLS -PM of structural equation models (Partial Least Squares Regression) to estimate the convergent and discriminant validity of the measurement scales validity. This method allowed us to validate our research hypotheses concerning the model of inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain. The results of this research highlight the link between the mechanisms of coordination and contractual relationship and their impact on collaboration, their roles in mastering the difficulties of coordination and their weight on the evaluation of the effectiveness of the contract. We also studied an impact on the type of partner (strategic, non-strategic) on inter-organizational coordination of the supply chain
Duong, Huu Tuyen. "Impact du recours à un prestataire de services logistiques sur la perception de la performance logistique : le cas des industries alimentaires au Vietnam." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.
Full textResource and competence theory is applied to multiple fields and countries. It seems pertinent to infer a possible use to the management of supply chains to better understand the operation. This is the goal of this thesis by questioning the nature of resources and logistic expertise in the hands of logistics service providers (LSP), and how they are mobilized as part of a maneuver integration of the supply chain between industrial and PSL to improve logistics performance perceived by the industry. The conceptual framework developed in the thesis is based therefore on both the resource and competence theory and in-depth analysis of the supply chain integration process. By relying on an extensive literature review, we build a model based on five research proposals relating to the relationship between supply chain integration and perceived logistics performance, which also involves the innovation capacity that can demonstrate LSP. A questionnaire survey was conducted in Vietnam with the participation of 139 food actors. The main results of the research can be summarized in two points. On the one hand, the integration of resources and logistics expertise between industrial and LSP impacts heavily on logistics performance perceived by the industrial. On the other hand, the innovation capacity constitutes for the LSP an important resource, which can have a significant impact on logistics performance perceived by the industrial
Medina-Oliva, Gabriela. "Modélisation conjointe des connaissances multi-points de vue d'un système industriel et de son système de soutien pour l'évaluation des stratégies de maintenance." Phd thesis, Université Henri Poincaré - Nancy I, 2011.
Full textBooks on the topic "Performances relationnelles"
Roy, Shaibal. Sybase performance tuning. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996.
Find full textLennep, Jacques. Alchimie du sens: Ouvrage comportant une contribution à la défense de l'esthétique relationnelle. Bruxelles: Part de l'oeil, 1999.
Find full textLennep, Jacques. L' alchimie du sens: Ouvrage comportant une contribution à la défense de l'esthétique relationnelle. Bruxelles: La Part de l'Oeil, 1999.
Find full textOracle performance survival guide: A systematic approach to database optimization. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2009.
Find full textJeuland, Emmanuel, and Christine Boillot, eds. La qualité dans la performance judiciaire : une notion objective et relationnelle ? IRJS, 2015.
Full textShaw, John, and Julian Dyke. Pro Oracle Database 10g RAC on Linux: Installation, Administration, and Performance. Apress, 2016.
Find full textPro Oracle Database 10g RAC on Linux: Installation, Administration, and Performance (Expert's Voice in Oracle). Apress, 2006.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Performances relationnelles"
Lévêque, Bernard, and Brigitte Quinton. "Chapitre 14. La qualité relationnelle au cœur de l’apprenance et de la performance." In L'apprenance au service de la performance, 147–64. EMS Editions, 2020.
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