Academic literature on the topic 'Perceptual stability'

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Journal articles on the topic "Perceptual stability"


Barnes, Dylan C., Rylon D. Hofacer, Ashiq R. Zaman, Robert L. Rennaker, and Donald A. Wilson. "Olfactory perceptual stability and discrimination." Nature Neuroscience 11, no. 12 (November 2, 2008): 1378–80.

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Zhang, Kathy, Alina Liberman, and David Whitney. "Perceptual stability without working memory." Journal of Vision 16, no. 12 (September 1, 2016): 1078.

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Zusne, Leonard. "Visual Figure-Ground and Perceptual Stability." Perceptual and Motor Skills 77, no. 2 (October 1993): 564–66.

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A conceptual model that relates all forms of multistable figures is presented. It has the form of a tetrahedron whose faces and edges represent the variables of information contained in the ground, in the figure-ground relationship, in the extent of organization of the ground, and meaningfulness.
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Abadi, Richard V., and Janus J. Kulikowski. "Perceptual Stability—Going with the Flow." Perception 37, no. 9 (January 2008): 1461–63.

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Han, Chao, Teng-Leng Ooi, and Zijiang He. "Perceptual surface completion and surface stability." Journal of Vision 17, no. 10 (August 31, 2017): 1369.

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Rubin, N. "Binocular rivalry and perceptual multi-stability." Trends in Neurosciences 26, no. 6 (June 2003): 289–91.

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Balter, Leonie J. T., Granville J. Matheson, Tina Sundelin, Philipp Sterzer, Predrag Petrovic, and John Axelsson. "Experimental Sleep Deprivation Results in Diminished Perceptual Stability Independently of Psychosis Proneness." Brain Sciences 12, no. 10 (October 3, 2022): 1338.

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Psychotic disorders as well as psychosis proneness in the general population have been associated with perceptual instability, suggesting weakened predictive processing. Sleep disturbances play a prominent role in psychosis and schizophrenia, but it is unclear whether perceptual stability diminishes with sleep deprivation, and whether the effects of sleep deprivation differ as a function of psychosis proneness. In the current study, we aimed to clarify this matter. In this preregistered study, 146 participants successfully completed an intermittent version of the random dot kinematogram (RDK) task and the 21-item Peters Delusion Inventory (PDI-21) to assess perceptual stability and psychosis proneness, respectively. Participants were randomized to sleep either as normal (8 to 9 hours in bed) (n = 72; Mage = 24.7, SD = 6.2, 41 women) or to stay awake through the night (n = 74; Mage = 24.8, SD = 5.1, 44 women). Sleep deprivation resulted in diminished perceptual stability, as well as in decreases in perceptual stability over the course of the task. However, we did not observe any association between perceptual stability and PDI-21 scores, nor a tendency for individuals with higher PDI-21 scores to be more vulnerable to sleep-deprivation-induced decreases in perceptual stability. The present study suggests a compromised predictive processing system in the brain after sleep deprivation, but variation in psychosis trait is not related to greater vulnerability to sleep deprivation in our dataset. Further studies in risk groups and patients with psychosis are needed to evaluate whether sleep loss plays a role in the occurrence of objectively measured perceptual-related clinical symptoms.
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Einhauser, W., J. Stout, C. Koch, and O. Carter. "Pupil dilation reflects perceptual selection and predicts subsequent stability in perceptual rivalry." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105, no. 5 (February 4, 2008): 1704–9.

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OKADA, Masaaki, and Takeshi SUZUKI. "Study on Perceptual Stability of Coastal Landscape." INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING REVIEW 20 (2003): 379–84.

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Riani, Massimo, Maria Teresa Tuccio, Antonio Borsellino, Jirina Radilová, and Tomas Radil. "Perceptual Ambiguity and Stability of Reversible Figures." Perceptual and Motor Skills 63, no. 1 (August 1986): 191–205.

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In this work, the results of two experiments on ambiguous patterns are reported, which have been obtained by presenting a series of stimuli designed, in both cases, to reduce gradually the ambiguity of the patterns. Such reduction has been performed by respectively increasing or decreasing the amount of graphic details in the experiments. Data of both experiments show a lengthening of mean reversal time. The increase in the stability of one percept can be regarded as associated with the increasing difficulties encountered by an observer in organizing and restating the alternative “hypochesis” through the perceptual mechanisms. The loss of balance in the durations of percepts is discussed in terms of their different informational contents. Finally, in Exp. 1 an analysis is made to evaluate to what extent an addition of perceptual cues, designed to reinforce a three-dimensional interpretation of a pattern, can influence its figure-ground alternation.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Perceptual stability"


Aydin, Senay. "Age-related deficits in perceptual stability." Thesis, Glasgow Caledonian University, 2012.

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The world's population is ageing, which represents challenges and opportunities concerning different aspects of life. Some older people exhibit various perceptual and cognitive declines, which are related to their inability to construct a stable representation of the external world, it being usually ambiguous and degraded. These declines require thorough research in order to understand their cortical mechanisms. Changes in perceptual stability as a function of ageing were explored in this PhD work using methods of psychophysics, visual evoked potentials, and eye- movement recordings. Specifically studied were attentional control in perceptual rivalry, the ability to construct a stable and efficient internal representation of degraded words and finally, saccadic suppression as an important contributory factor to the underlying perceptual stability of the visual world during saccadic eye movements. Perceptual rivalry, produced by an ambiguous Rubin vase-faces figure, was slower in older people during passive viewing than in young participants. Additionally, older adults, in contrast to young adults, were unable to hold the dominant percept longer than in passive viewing. Using current models of perceptual rivalry and studies of age-related changes in cortical activity, the increased response gain in older adults might be a possible factor leading to prolonged dominance durations in older people during passive viewing as well as impaired ability to hold the dominant percept longer. Visual evoked potentials, elicited by frequency-tagged stimulation, showed that perceptual rivalry under passive viewing caused in both age group suppression of visual evoked potentials to a contrast-modulated pattern. This finding is only true for the vase percept, when the vase percept was not dominant. Thus, the mechanism, underlying perceptual rivalry under passive viewing in early visual cortical areas, could be inhibition of neuronal populations associated with the non-dominant percept, rather than excitation of neuronal populations, corresponding to the dominant percept. Attentional control of holding the dominant percept caused an enhancement of the visual evoked potentials, representing the dominant percept, in young subjects but not in older people. Holding and switching the dominant percept also produced enhancement of gamma activity, recorded with electrodes over the occipital and parietal cortices, only in young adults. These results could be related to age-related deficits in top-down modulated attentional and figure-ground segregation processes. A novel paradigm for recognising words embedded in positional letter noise and a model for estimating internal noise components were developed. Older people showed noise-exclusion deficits when reading normal words and reversed words, but not when reading nonwords. These deficits suggest that older people may experience perceptual instability of words due to inefficient noisy perceptual representations of words. This method has the potential for use as a tool in the clinical testing of noise- exclusion deficits in normal and pathological ageing and in children with reading dysfunctions. Investigation of age-related changes in saccadic suppression revealed for the first time that older adults experienced reduced and delayed saccadic suppression compared to young adults. This could result in perceiving instability of the external world and thus affect their mobility and performance in everyday environments. The results of this thesis provide evidence of age-related deficits in the ability of older people to voluntarily perceive a stable dominant percept during perceptual rivalry, to efficiently exclude positional noise during reading degraded words and to suppress visual information during saccadic eye movements. Although these deficits involve different cortical mechanisms, the underlying cause for them could be related to impairments in inhibitory mechanisms at various cortical processing stages.
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Wang, Fang 1973. "A programmable display system for perceptual stability research /." Thesis, McGill University, 2001. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=31076.

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A programmable display system for perceptual stability research is presented. The display system involves 96 programmable, independent, two-colored LED outputs, and can display a video with the time resolution of one millisecond. Because of the high time resolution, this system provides a means to study humans' perceptual stability with high precision. The system may display up to 24,576 frames repeatedly after each download. Hardware for video download, saving, and display, and software for video design were developed and implemented. The hardware consists of a control module, a storage and interface module, and a display module. The software offers a graphical user interface (GUI). Using this display system, we carried out two preliminary experiments to test the saccade target theory of how humans perceive stability during eye movements.
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Burke, Tommy. "Evaluation of visualisations of geographically weighted regression, with perceptual stability." Thesis, University of St Andrews, 2016.

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Given the large volume of data that is regularly accumulated, the need to properly manage, efficiently display and correctly interpret, becomes more important. Complex analysis of data is best performed using statistical models and in particular those with a geographical element are best analysed using Spatial Statistical Methods, including local regression. Spatial Statistical Methods are employed in a wide range of disciplines to analyse and interpret data where it is necessary to detect significant spatial patterns or relationships. The topic of the research presented in this thesis is an exploration of the most effective methods of visualising results. A human being is capable of processing a vast amount of data as long as it is effectively displayed. However, the perceptual load will at some point exceed the cognitive processing ability and therefore the ability to comprehend data. Although increases in data scale did increase the cognitive load and reduce processing, prior knowledge of geographical information systems did not result in an overall processing advantage. The empirical work in the thesis is divided into two parts. The first part aims to gain insight into visualisations which would be effective for interpretation and analysis of Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR), a popular Spatial Statistical Method. Three different visualisation techniques; two dimensional, three dimensional and interactive, are evaluated through an experiment comprising two data set sizes. Interactive visualisations perform best overall, despite the apparent lack of researcher familiarity. The increase in data volume can present additional complexity for researchers. Although the evaluation of the first experiment augments understanding of effective visualisation display, the scale at which data can be adequately presented within these visualisations is unclear. Therefore, the second empirical investigation seeks to provide insight into data scalability, and human cognitive limitations associated with data comprehension. The general discussion concludes that there is a need to better inform researchers of the potential of interactive visualisations. People do need to be properly trained to use these systems, but the limits of human perceptual processing also need to be considered in order to permit more efficient and insightful analysis.
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Klingenhöfer, Steffen [Verfasser], and Frank [Akademischer Betreuer] Bremmer. "Perceptual stability during saccadic eye movements / Steffen Klingenhöfer. Betreuer: Frank Bremmer." Marburg : Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2012.

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Driller, Karina. "From Cue to Construct : Cues, Mechanisms, and Stability in Haptic Perception." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2024.

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La perception haptique sert d'interface principale avec le monde physique. Sans elle, notre capacité à comprendre et à répondre à un monde rempli d'objets et de sujets serait profondément altérée. Cette thèse traite de la manière dont nous reconstruisons perceptuellement ce qui est en contact avec notre peau à partir d'entrées mécaniques pertinentes sur le plan comportemental lors des interactions haptiques. Ces informations permettent au système sensoriel d'atteindre ses objectifs, dont l'exploration et la manipulation fine des objets. Après une introduction (Chapitre 1) couvrant les concepts liés à l'émergence des percepts haptiques stables, la thèse présente une série d'études expérimentales visant à découvrir les indices et mécanismes utilisés pour reconstruire différentes interactions haptiques. Comme les interactions haptiques commencent par la détection du contact, le Chapitre 2 identifie quelles informations le système sensoriel utilise pour détecter ce contact. Cette première partie révèle un métamère d'intensité pour le codage des événements d'impact et suggère que l'énergie transférée (le travail mécanique) est un indice important, mais pas le seul facteur dans la décomposition perceptuelle des interactions peau-objet. L'accent passe ensuite à des interactions plus complexes. Comme les indices de texture et de matériau sont cruciaux pour la préhension et le glissement, une attention particulière est accordée à la perception haptique de la rugosité et de la compliance, couvrant trois chapitres. Compte tenu de la complexité de cette perception, le Chapitre 3 explore comment capturer cette complexité sans compromettre le contrôle expérimental, via le développement d'une base de données de stimuli bien caractérisés. Dans le Chapitre 4, l'expérience explore ensuite la contribution des ondes de propagation vibratoires en éliminant les informations cutanées via une anesthésie du doigt. Nous identifions les ondes comme un indice pertinent pour la perception de la rugosité pour certains, mais pas tous. La douceur perçue est, elle, fortement réduite sans informations tactiles locales. Le Chapitre 5 explore l'influence combinée des caractéristiques de surface et de l'élasticité dans la perception de la rugosité et de la douceur, mettant en lumière une confusion perceptuelle dans la reconstruction de la rugosité. Le travail révèle des métamères de rugosité, des zones où différentes combinaisons d'indices mènent à des perceptions identiques. Le dernier chapitre (Chapitre 6) explore les conséquences du timing perçu lors des interactions haptiques lorsque les indices tactiles locaux sont supprimés. Une tâche de liaison temporelle est utilisée pour éclairer le rôle des indices cutanés dans l'estimation du temps d'interaction peau-bouton. Ensemble, ces travaux soulignent l'importance de bien déterminer les contributions des indices et mécanismes physiques, mécaniques, neuronaux et perceptuels pour comprendre la reconstruction du monde tactile
Haptic perception serves as our primary interface to the physical world. Without it, our ability to understand and respond to a world full of objects and subjects would be profoundly impaired. This dissertation addresses the problem of how we perceptually reconstruct what is in contact with our skin from behaviorally-relevant mechanical inputs during haptic interactions. Behaviorally-relevant information is defined as the kind of information that allows the sensory system to achieve its goals, and a primary goal of the somatosensory system is to enable the exploration and dexterous manipulation of objects.Following an introduction (Chapter 1), which covers fundamental concepts related to the emergence of stable haptic percepts, the dissertation comprises a series of experimental studies aimed at uncovering the essential cues and mechanisms used to perceptually reconstruct different haptic interactions. Because most haptic interactions start with the detection of contact, the first challenge taken in Chapter 2 is to identify what information the sensory system uses to detect the onset of skin contact during basic impact events. This first part of the dissertation uncovers a basic intensity metamer in the encoding of impact events and suggests the total amount of energy transferred by a force (i.e., the mechanical work) as an important cue, but not the sole determinant in the perceptual decomposition of haptic skin-object interactions.The focus then moves towards more complex everyday-like skin-object interactions. Because texture and material cues are critical to grasp and sliding behavior, special emphasis is placed on haptic texture and material perception (i.e., roughness and compliance perception), spanning three full chapters of this dissertation. Given the high-dimensional nature of haptic material and texture perception, Chapter 3 first explores how we can capture the complexity of haptic interactions with naturalistic surfaces without compromising on the experimental control needed to link specific cues to perceptual phenomena. This problem is addressed via the development of a dual-property stimulus database containing well-characterized stimuli which resemble the statistics of naturally occurring rough and compliant surfaces.In a following experiment, Chapter 4 then explores the contribution of vibratory propagation waves in perceptually reconstructing these surfaces by eliminating cutaneous information using local anesthesia of the index finger. We identify propagation waves as a behaviorally-relevant and sufficient cue for roughness perception for some, but not all participants. The perceived softness of these surfaces, on the other hand, is strongly diminished when local tactile information is removed. Subsequently, Chapter 5 explores the combined influence of surface features and material elasticity in mediating roughness and softness perception and highlights a perceptual confound in the reconstruction of surface roughness. The work uncovers roughness metamers, that is, regions where different cue combinations lead to identical perceptual outcomes.The final empirical chapter of this dissertation (Chapter 6) uncovers the consequence of the perceived timing of dynamic haptic interactions when behaviorally-relevant local tactile cues are removed. A temporal-binding task is used to illuminate the role of cutaneous cues in estimating the time course of mechanical skin-button interaction.Together, the work presented in this dissertation highlights the importance of correctly determining the contributions of physical, mechanical, neural, and perceptual-level cues and mechanisms in understanding the reconstruction of our world of touch
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Dowiasch, Stefan [Verfasser], and Frank [Akademischer Betreuer] Bremmer. "Visual perceptual stability and the processing of self-motion information: neurophysiology, psychophysics and neuropsychology / Stefan Dowiasch. Betreuer: Frank Bremmer." Marburg : Philipps-Universität Marburg, 2016.

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Eskenazi, Sébastien. "On the stability of document analysis algorithms : application to hybrid document hashing technologies." Thesis, La Rochelle, 2016.

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Un nombre incalculable de documents est imprimé, numérisé, faxé, photographié chaque jour. Ces documents sont hybrides : ils existent sous forme papier et numérique. De plus les documents numériques peuvent être consultés et modifiés simultanément dans de nombreux endroits. Avec la disponibilité des logiciels d’édition d’image, il est devenu très facile de modifier ou de falsifier un document. Cela crée un besoin croissant pour un système d’authentification capable de traiter ces documents hybrides. Les solutions actuelles reposent sur des processus d’authentification séparés pour les documents papiers et numériques. D’autres solutions reposent sur une vérification visuelle et offrent seulement une sécurité partielle. Dans d’autres cas elles nécessitent que les documents sensibles soient stockés à l’extérieur des locaux de l’entreprise et un accès au réseau au moment de la vérification. Afin de surmonter tous ces problèmes, nous proposons de créer un algorithme de hachage sémantique pour les images de documents. Cet algorithme de hachage devrait fournir une signature compacte pour toutes les informations visuellement significatives contenues dans le document. Ce condensé permettra la création de systèmes de sécurité hybrides pour sécuriser tout le document. Ceci peut être réalisé grâce à des algorithmes d’analyse du document. Cependant ceux-ci ont besoin d’être porté à un niveau de performance sans précédent, en particulier leur fiabilité qui dépend de leur stabilité. Après avoir défini le contexte de l’étude et ce qu’est un algorithme stable, nous nous sommes attachés à produire des algorithmes stables pour la description de la mise en page, la segmentation d’un document, la reconnaissance de caractères et la description des zones graphiques
An innumerable number of documents is being printed, scanned, faxed, photographed every day. These documents are hybrid : they exist as both hard copies and digital copies. Moreover their digital copies can be viewed and modified simultaneously in many places. With the availability of image modification software, it has become very easy to modify or forge a document. This creates a rising need for an authentication scheme capable of handling these hybrid documents. Current solutions rely on separate authentication schemes for paper and digital documents. Other solutions rely on manual visual verification and offer only partial security or require that sensitive documents be stored outside the company’s premises and a network access at the verification time. In order to overcome all these issues we propose to create a semantic hashing algorithm for document images. This hashing algorithm should provide a compact digest for all the visually significant information contained in the document. This digest will allow current hybrid security systems to secure all the document. This can be achieved thanks to document analysis algorithms. However those need to be brought to an unprecedented level of performance, in particular for their reliability which depends on their stability. After defining the context of this study and what is a stable algorithm, we focused on producing stable algorithms for layout description, document segmentation, character recognition and describing the graphical parts of a document
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Jaekl, Philip M. "Perceptual stability during active head movement /." 2004.

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Thesis (M.A.)--York University, 2004. Graduate Programme in Psychology.
Typescript. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 116-121). Also available on the Internet. MODE OF ACCESS via web browser by entering the following URL:
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Sharp, Anne. "Searching for boundary conditions for an empirical generalisation concerning the temporal stability of individual's perceptual responses." 2002.

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In line with the call for more PhD dissertations based on replication work (Reid, 1981), this thesis takes an established empirical generalisation and builds on it through replication and extension. The generalisation concerns the stability of individual's perceptual responses over time. While the accepted belief is that peoples' attitudes and brand beliefs are enduring and stable, in fact, on average, only about half of the people who give a response at one interview do so again at a second interview. This instability is in spite of the fact that, at an aggregate level, the results are steady across interviews (Castleberry, 1994; Dall'Olmo Riley, 1995). The empirical generalisation examined in this thesis states that the stability of a perceptual response (known as the repeat rate RR) is predictable, based on the initial proportion of respondents giving the response at the first interview (known as the response level RI). This has been noted in the Journal of Marketing Science as an important empirical generalisation with much scope for replication work (Ehrenberg, 1995).
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Books on the topic "Perceptual stability"


Regan, Patrick M. A Perceptual Approach to Quality Peace. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This chapter tackles the problem of finding data-derived indicators to measure the quality of peace, versus a definition of peace simply as the absence of war. Conceptually, peace is seen as an equilibrium condition where resort to violence is minimal and where the highest quality of peace exists when the idea of armed violence approaches the unthinkable. The author draws upon the early work of Quincy Wright and Kenneth Boulding and progresses from there, establishing first their definitions of and conditions for peace. To put his theories to work, he introduces two proxy indicators: black market currency exchanges and bond market prices. Specifically, he examines and compares the premiums attached to the black market values of currencies in less stable economies and relates them to factors that promote destabilization of the equilibrium. Similarly, he compares the strip spreads on sovereign bonds as an indicator of government stability and instability.
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Book chapters on the topic "Perceptual stability"


Denham, Susan L., Kinga Gyimesi, Gábor Stefanics, and István Winkler. "Stability of Perceptual Organisation in Auditory Streaming." In The Neurophysiological Bases of Auditory Perception, 477–87. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2010.

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Carello, Claudia, Geraldine L. Pellecchia, Polemnia G. Amazeen, and M. T. Turvey. "Stability and Variability of Rhythmic Coordination with Compromised Haptic Perceptual Systems." In Studies in Perception and Action VIII, 191–94. New York: Psychology Press, 2023.

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Saitoh, Sohtaroh, Hiroyuki Iizuka, and Masahito Yamamoto. "Increasing Stability of Human Interaction Against Time Delay on Perceptual Crossing Experiment." In Proceedings in Adaptation, Learning and Optimization, 361–69. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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"Perceptual Processing." In From Chaos to Stability, 25–40. University of Iowa Press, 2024.

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Wade, Nicholas J., and Benjamin W. Tatler. "Perceptual stability and eye movements." In The Moving Tablet of the Eye, 201–48. Oxford University Press, 2005.

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"Perceptual Stability, Attention, and Action." In The VR Book, 139. Association for Computing Machinery, 2015.

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Dosher, Barbara Anne, and Zhong-Lin Lu. "Perceptual Learning." In The Oxford Handbook of Human Memory, Two Volume Pack, 288–333. Oxford University Press, 2024.

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Abstract Experience significantly influences how sensory stimuli are processed and the quality of sensory-based decisions and human performance. This is true for all sensory modalities. Perceptual learning research, especially but not restricted to the visual domain, has focused on not just learning but its specificity as well. This chapter provides a sketch of some of the principles of perceptual learning based on an analysis of behavioral experiments, physiology and brain imaging studies, and computational models. It highlights several theoretical contrasts, including the trade-off between plasticity and stability; the significance of signal and noise; the role of retuning and reweighting (improved readout) in learning; and the importance of top-down influences such as task or goal, attention and reward, as well as bottom-up factors in learning. Each of these reveals some principles of learning and memory in the perceptual domain. The training applications inspired by laboratory research, some of which are beginning to yield potential translations, highlight the motivation for considering not just perceptual learning but also generalizability.
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Bornstein, Marc H. "Perceptual Development: Stability and Change in Feature Perception." In Psychological Development from Infancy, 37–81. Routledge, 2017.

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Cooney, John B. "Stability and Instability in the Dynamics of Perceptual Learning." In Systems Theories and a Priori Aspects of Perception, 337–57. Elsevier, 1998.

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Abrar, Muhammad, Ahmad Sohail Khan, and Bashir Ahmad. "Tourist Consumption Values." In Supporting Environmental Stability Through Ecotourism, 46–67. IGI Global, 2024.

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People's lifestyles have transformed as a result of the advancement of civilization and changes in society. Numerous people are beginning to augment their spiritual and everyday lives by learning about cultural practices and the natural world, and they are prepared to invest more time in preparing trips for various knowledgeable and perceptual leisure activities to de-stress themselves. Ecotourism is booming as a nature-focused, competitive and sustainable form of tourism. There is a need to document tourist consumption values and their significance in ecotourism. Moreover, the impact of tourist's consumption values on the destination and activity choice is crucial. These values are helpful in the promotion and marketing of destinations. Destination marketers can tailor their messages to better align with the interests and values of their intended tourists. Policymakers may also utilize this information to create sustainable tourism plans and control how tourism affects the environment and the local community.
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Conference papers on the topic "Perceptual stability"


Severijnen, Giulio G. A., Verena M. Gärtner, Runa F. E. Walther, and James M. McQueen. "Talker-specific perceptual learning about lexical stress: stability over time." In Speech Prosody 2024. ISCA: ISCA, 2024.

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Schwartz, Jean-Luc, Louis Jean Boe, Pascal Perrier, Bernard Guérin, and Pierre Escudier. "Perceptual contract and stability in vowel systems: a 3-d simulation study." In First European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (Eurospeech 1989). ISCA: ISCA, 1989.

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Tan, Ruiguang. "Research methods of product perceptual image recognition in Kansei Engineering." In 13th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2022). AHFE International, 2022.

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The paper studies the image recognition in Kansei engineering. Firstly, the development history of Kansei Engineering is reviewed. The early research object of ergonomics is the explicit physiological and psychological reaction generated after the interaction between human and artificial objects. This type of research object is characterized by objectivity, universality, stability and easiness to measure. Kansei Engineering extends the research object of ergonomics to the implicit psychological reaction generated by the interaction between human beings and artificial objects, which is characterized by subjectivity, difference, fuzziness and unpredictability.Secondly,the perceptual image of the product is discussed. Perceptual images in Kansei engineering are human's feelings and psychological expectations for artificial objects, as well as highly condensed and deep emotional activities. Different groups may have different perceptual images in different stages. In the study of perceptual image, it is necessary to clarify the subject and stage of the perceptual image. Thirdly, the method of product perceptual image recognition is studied. Perceptual image recognition can be divided into two stages: experiment and statistical analysis, which involves the acquisition, representation, modeling and mapping of user perceptual image with product modeling elements. Generally, the test method is to collect product sample pictures and product perceptual evaluation words, combine morphological analysis method and semantic difference method to form a questionnaire, and then select subjects for testing. A series of statistical analyses should be carried out on the questionnaire data, including factor analysis, cluster analysis, multidimensional scale analysis, artificial neural network analysis, etc. The aim of statistical analyses is to establish the mapping relationship between perceptual image and form. Finally, it points out the problems existing in perceptual image recognition, including "the purpose and subject of perceptual image recognition","Questions of subject representation". A more comprehensive research perspective and technical means should be established to study the above problems.
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Lawrence, Dale A., Lucy Y. Pao, Mark A. Salada, and Anne M. Dougherty. "Quantitative Experimental Analysis of Transparency and Stability in Haptic Interfaces." In ASME 1996 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 1996.

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Abstract The notion of haptic transparency is used to quantify the fidelity with which virtual object properties are presented to, and perceived by, the human operator. Experimental results are presented quantifying the ability of humans to detect differences in mechanical impedances representing typical types of impedance corruption (loss of transparency) encountered in haptic interfaces due to stability-enhancing dynamic compensation. In particular, a poor connection is found between the stiffness of virtual walls and their perceptual “hardness”, prompting a new definition of hardness which is often dominated by the high frequency dynamics of the rendered impedance.
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Kodama, Kentaro, and Nobuhiro Furuyama. "Comparing intra- and inter-personal coordination systems: Perceptual effect on stability of finger tapping movement." In 2011 IEEE/SICE International Symposium on System Integration (SII 2011). IEEE, 2011.

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Napolitano, Rebecca K., Wesley F. Reinhart, David W. Sroczynski, Anna C. Blyth, and Branko Glisic. "Understanding cracks in historic structures: Quantitative assessment though numerical simulation and manifold learning." In IABSE Congress, New York, New York 2019: The Evolving Metropolis. Zurich, Switzerland: International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE), 2019.

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<p>For projects focused on restoration and strengthening of historic structures, information about the origins, magnitude, and stability implications of damage to a structure are required. The objective of this work is to create a novel methodology for understanding the causes of cracks in masonry structures and the resulting effects on global stability. Using Distinct Element Modeling (DEM), the crack patterns of a building can be simulated for a combination of loading scenarios. The results of this method are benchmarked against experimental results and applied to three case studies. The limitations of current physics-based approaches are discussed and a solution using manifold learning is outlined. Manifold learning can be applied to ensembles of crack patterns observed on real or simulated structures to infer damage pathways when the mechanism is unknown. This technique uses a perceptual hashing of the crack patterns to produce an affinity matrix, which is then analyzed by spectral methods to learn a small set of parameters which can describe the ensemble. Because the affinity is derived from a sparse perceptual hash, these descriptors can then be used to interrogate the manifold via a "lifting" operation which reveals the dominant failure modes in the sample.</p>
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Conwell, Colin, Fenil Doshi, and George Alvarez. "Human-Like Judgments of Stability Emerge from Purely Perceptual Features: Evidence from Supervised and Unsupervised Deep Neural Networks." In 2019 Conference on Cognitive Computational Neuroscience. Brentwood, Tennessee, USA: Cognitive Computational Neuroscience, 2019.

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Bachelder, Edward, and Bimal Aponso. "A Theoretical Framework Unifying Handling Qualities, Workload, Stability and Control." In Vertical Flight Society 77th Annual Forum & Technology Display. The Vertical Flight Society, 2021.

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The concepts and principle developed in this work offer a novel and integrative approach for exploring fundamental issues surrounding pilot performance, handling qualities (HQs), and workload. Fundamental laws of sensory perception are extended to multi-input sensing, showing that multiple sensory inputs add logarithmically. It is proposed rather than being just a sensational response, a pilot’s perception of workload is a skill that is acquired and used for the purpose of modulating system stability (i.e., phase margin) during a tracking task. Evidence is presented indicating than an operator perceives workload and behaves such that workload is linearly related to phase margin (PM). It is also shown that this behavior associated with PM linearization serves to reduce workload. PM-workload linearization would enable a straightforward transformation of workload to PM, allowing PM to be set by the pilot to facilitate loop control. A perceptual transformation of the variables available to the pilot (control activity, error) couples with the behavioral conditioning to complete the linearization between PM and sensed workload. Two contrasting sets of experimental data were used to examine pilot response, indicating that pilot compensation is conducted via both frequency modulation (lead-lag) and temporal modulation (pure time delay). HQ sensing is treated as multi-input perception, where time delay and the lead-lag ratio are the stimuli for compensation sensing, and tracking error is the stimulus for performance sensing. A HQ metric arising from the logarithmic addition of these two sensations is shown to yield promising results. A cost function representing pilot behavioral objectives is developed that serves to modulate the following four items: 1) Tracking error; 2) Workload; 3) Linearity between workload and PM; and 4) Setting a reference PM. The pilot cost function was implemented in an optimal pilot which produced pilot time delay and pilot compensation estimates that closely matched the actual pilot data.
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Allen Rodowicz, Kathleen, Rahmat Muhammad, Michelle Heller, Joseph Sala, and Chimba Mkandawire. "Biomechanical, Perceptual, and Cognitive Factors Involved in Maintaining Postural Control While Standing or Walking on Non-Moving and Moving Surfaces: A Literature Review." In ASME 2010 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. ASMEDC, 2010.

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Postural control has been defined as “regulating the body’s position in space for the dual purposes of stability and orientation.” How the body achieves postural control depends, in part, on the environment. A person navigating a non-moving surface (e.g. hallway, stairway, or step ladder) will process information and will employ different strategies to maintain postural control than someone who is standing or walking on a moving surface (e.g., forklifts, personal transportation systems, escalators, and moving walkways). In both environments, sensory, cognitive, and motor control systems contribute to postural control. The musculoskeletal system uses muscle activation and joint positioning to control the body’s alignment and muscle tone. The biomechanics of postural control rely on information that the musculoskeletal system receives from sensory systems including the vestibular system, which is generally implicated in behaviors requiring balance control, as well as the somatosensory and visual systems. Furthermore, sensory information from these and other systems can be enhanced by cognitive processes, such as attention. The ability to maintain postural control while standing or walking is critical in preventing falls on both non-moving and moving surfaces. This review focuses on moving surfaces and includes a discussion of the biomechanical, perceptual, and cognitive factors responsible for postural control.
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Kitazaki, Michiteru, and Akira Shimizu. "Visual-motor adaptation to stabilize perceptual world." In the 2005 international conference. New York, New York, USA: ACM Press, 2005.

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