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Kymäläinen, Hanna-Riitta, and Anna-Maija Sjöberg. "Pellavan siemenen laadun kehittäminen." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1–4.

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Suomalaiset öljypellavayritykset ovat kiinnostuneita tuotteidensa laadun kehittämisestä. Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitoksessa luodun Laaturenkaan avulla on tutkittu ja arvioitu erilaisia laatuun vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Öljypellavan laadun kehittäminen on osana vuonna 2005 päättynyttä Agrokuituverkosto-hanketta. Tähän hankkeeseen osallistuivat Palmenia, Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitos sekä öljypellavayritykset.Osana Agrokuituverkoston toimintaa on vuosina 2004-2005 Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitoksen toteuttama kadmiumselvitys. Selvitystä varten yritykset toimittivat öljypellavanäytteitä kadmiumanalyyseihin. Mitattuja arvoja verrattiin kansainvälisiin pitoisuuksiin ja hyväksyttävästä päiväsaannista esitettiin arviot. Tulokseksi saadut kadmiumpitoisuudet ovat samaa tasoa kuin kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa. Normaalilla suomalaisella ruokavaliolla pellavansiementä saa kadmiumin suhteen syödä turvallisesti suositellun määrän 24 g - 30 g. Suomalaisen pellavan kadmiumpitoisuus ei siis aiheuta normaaleilla päiväannoksilla (esim. 24 g pellavaa päivässä) erityistä riskiä, kun asiaa tarkastellaan nykyisen WHO:n asettaman PTDI-arvon (Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake) kannalta. Runsaskadmiumisen ruokavalion lisänä em. päiväannokset voivat olla liian suuret, jos käytetään korkean kadmiumpitoisuuden omaavaa pellavaa. Jos pellavansiementä käytetään päivässä alle 24 g määrä, riskit vähenevät vastaavasti. Poikkeuksena ovat ne henkilöt, joilla on muitakin riskitekijöitä kadmiumin saannin suhteen, esim. saastunut asuinalue, tupakointi tai alentunut sietokyky. Tällöin on kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota kadmiumin kokonaissaantiin ja saantiin myös pellavan siemenen osalta. Osasta pellavan siemeniä mitattiin myös rasvahappokoostumus ja muut laatuominaisuudet. Lajikkeiden välillä oli eroja erityisesti proteiinipitoisuuksissa, α-linoleenihappopitoisuuksissa sekä fenolisten yhdisteiden määrässä.
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Palojärvi, Ansa, Mauritz Vestberg, Timo Sipilä, Pauliina Lankinen, Kim Yrjälä, Marjo Keskitalo, and Laura Alakukku. "Viljelykierto ja monipuolinen kasvilajisto peltomaan hyötymikrobiston edistäjänä." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 28 (January 31, 2012): 1–4.

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Tavoiteltaessa “vihreämpää maataloutta” peltomaan mikrobiston toiminnan merkitys korostuu entisestään. Maaperämikrobisto vastaa kasvintähteiden hajotuksesta ja eloperäisessä muodossa olevien ravinteiden vapauttamisesta satokasvien käyttöön. Mykorritsasienet voivat kasvin kanssa muodostuvan ns. sienijuuren avulla tehostaa kasvien fosforin saantia ja suojata kasvia stressitekijöiltä (mm. kuivuus, kasvitaudit). Monimuotoisen mikrobiston on todettu parantavan maaperän luontaista tautisuppressiivisuutta (kasvitautimikrobien kasvun tukahduttaminen). Mikrobisto on runsainta kasvin juuristossa ja sen välittömässä läheisyydessä (”ritsosfääriefekti”). Kasvi luovuttaa yhteyttämistuotteitaan juurieritteiden muodossa ja muokkaa maaperän olosuhteita mikrobeille suotuisiksi. Monivuotisilla kasveilla juuriston koko suhteessa maan yläpuoliseen biomassaan on suurempi kuin yksivuotisilla kasveilla. Monivuotisilla kasveilla juuristo kasvaa koko kasvukauden, kun se yksivuotisilla on laajimmillaan tuleentumisen aikoihin. Kasvilajeilla on kuitenkin suuria eroja juuriston koossa ja juurieritteissä, ja vain osa lajeista kykenee muodostamaan sienijuuren mykorritsasienten kanssa. Tutkimustemme tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko peltomaan mikrobistoon vaikuttaa viljelykierron ja kasvilajivalikoiman avulla. Esitykseen kootaan tuloksia kahdesta tutkimuksesta, jotka molemmat on toteutettu MTT Jokioisilla. MONIKASVI-hankkeen 3-vuotisessa kenttäkokeessa keskityimme juuriston ja sen ympäröivän maan mikrobistoon. Kokeessa oli mukana viisi yksivuotista (ohra (Hordeum vulgare), kinua (Chenopodium quinoa), camelina (Camelina sativa), pellava (Linum usitatissimum) ja tattari (Fagopyrum esculentum)) ja viisi monivuotista (timotei (Phleum pratense), kumina (Carum carvi), ruokohelpi (Phalaris arundinacea), värimorsinko (Isatis tinctoria), nokkonen (Urtica dioica)) viljelykasvia. SUCCESS-hankkeessa vertailimme maaperän mikrobistoa 4-vuotisessa viljelykierrossa (kevätvehnä, rypsi, ohra, herne) ja jatkuvassa kevätvehnän viljelyssä. Vertailussa olivat myös muokkausmenetelmät kyntö ja suorakylvö. Maaperämikrobiston koostumusta selvitettiin fosfolipidirasvahappojen (PLFA) ja neutraalilipidi-rasvahappojen (NLFA) analyysien avulla. MONIKASVI-hankkeessa selvitettiin arbuskelimykorritsojen esiintymistä myös muilla menetelmillä. SUCCESS-hankkeessa analysoitiin mikrobiston koostumusta molekyylibiologisilla menetelmillä, sekä selvitettiin mikrosienten esiintymistä oljessa. Peltomaan mikrobiston esiintymisessä oli suuria eroja kasvilajien välillä. Monivuotiset kasvit ylläpitivät runsaampaa mikrobistoa. Arbuskelimykorritsan esiintymiseen vaikutti ensisijaisesti kasvilajin ominaisuudet. Viljelykierrolla ja muokkausmenetelmällä voidaan edistää toivotunlaisen mikrobiston esiintymistä maassa.
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Palojärvi, Ansa, Saara Kaipainen, Sari Peura, and Christian Eriksson. "Erikoiskasveilla voidaan vaikuttaa peltomaan mikrobiston monimuotoisuuteen." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1.

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Juuret ja maaperän mikrobit elävät kiinteässä vuorovaikutussuhteessa. Kasvilajien tiedetäänkin vaikuttavan maaperän mikrobiston määrään ja laatuun suosimalla eri mikrobeja juuristossaan. Maaperän mikrobeilla on suuri merkitys maaperän keskeisissä prosesseissa, kuten ravinteiden kierrossa ja kasvitautien luontaisessa torjunnassa. Viljeltyjen kasvilajien määrä on vähentynyt huomattavasti ja viljely on yksipuolistunut, mikä on johtanut eloperäisen aineksen ja monimuotoisuuden vähenemiseen viljelymaissa. Kasvattamalla maaperän mikrobi-monimuotoisuutta nostetaan samalla hyödyllisten mikrobien todennäköisyyttä esiintyä maaperässä. Vaikka maamikrobien ja kasvin juuriston välisiä yhteyksiä on tutkittu melko aktiivisesti, on tutkimukset useimmiten tehty tavallisimmilla viljelykasveilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää erikoiskasvien vaikutusta maaperän mikrobiyhteisöihin ja verrata erikoiskasvien vaikutusta kontrollikasvina toimineeseen ohraan. Tässä erikoiskasveilla tarkoitetaan kasveja, joita tällä hetkellä käytetään viljelykasveina melko vähän, mutta joilla on potentiaalia viljelykasveiksi.Esityksessä kerrotaan tuloksia kahdesta astiakokeesta. 1. astiakoe toteutettiin kesällä 2003. Kokeessa oli mukana kaksi yleisesti viljeltyä kasvia, ohra (Hordeum vulgare) ja timotei (Phleum pratense) sekä yhdeksän erikoiskasvia. Erikoiskasvit olivat kumina (Carum carvi), ruokohelpi (Phalaris arundinaceae), värimorsinko (Isatis tinctoria), kinua (Chenopodium quinea), öljyhamppu (Cannabis sativa), kitupellava (Camelina sativa), pellava (Linum usitatissimum), tattari (Fagopyrum esculentum) ja nokkonen (Urtica dioica). Kasvit kylvettiin/istutettiin hienoa hietaa sisältäviin astioihin toukokuussa 2003. Astioita pidettiin lasikattoisessa astiakoehallissa, jossa on verkkoseinät. Näytteet yksivuotisista kasveista otettiintuleentumisen aikaan ja monivuotisista kasveista elokuun lopussa. 2. astiakoe tehtiin kolmella eri maalla (savi, hietasavi, hieno hieta) kasvihuoneessa talvella 2004-05. Mukana olivat erikoiskasvit tattari ja kumina sekä kontrollikasvi ohra. Näytteet otettiin kukinnan aikaan (tattari, ohra) tai kuminalla ohran näytteenoton jälkeen. Jokaisesta ruukusta otettiin kaksi näytettä, löyhästi juuristoon sitoutuneesta maasta maanäyte ja juurten pinnalta ritsosfäärinäyte. Näytteistä analysoitiin mikrobibiomassa ja mikrobiyhteisön rakenne solukalvojen fosfolipidien rasvahappoanalyysin avulla. Suurimmalla osalla kasveista mikrobibiomassa oli suurempi ritsosfäärissä kuin maassa, ja lisäksi mikrobibiomassa oli juuristossa suurempi suurimmalla osalla erikoiskasveista kuin kontrollikasvilla ohralla. Ainoastaan tattarilla ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa juuristo- ja maanäytteiden välillä ja tattarilla oli ohraan verrattuna pienempi mikrobibiomassa juuristonäytteissä. Mikrobiyhteisön rakenne oli erilainen juuristo- ja maanäytteissä, lisäksi kasvilajilla oli merkitystä juuristo- ja maanäytteiden erojen suuruuteen. Kuminalla, värimorsingolla, kinualla ja öljyhampulla oli suurimmat erot juuristo- ja maanäytteiden välillä ja ohraan verrattuna. Eri maissa oli toisistaan poikkeavat mikrobiyhteisöt, mutta ritsosfäärimikrobiston koostumukseen kasvilaji vaikutti maata enemmän.Astiakokeiden tulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa, että tietyillä erikoiskasveilla voidaan muuttaa peltomaan mikrobiyhteisön suuruutta ja rakennetta. Viljelykasvien valinnalla voitaisiin siten ohjata maaperän mikrobiyhteisöä viljelyn kannalta suotuisaan suuntaan.
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Walmsley, Alan. "Coin Frequencies in Sixth and Seventh Century Palestine and Arabia: Social and Economic Implications." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42, no. 3 (1999): 326–50.

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AbstractLarge scale excavations at the ancient urban sites of Pella and Jarash (Gerasa) in Jordan have produced a statistically viable body of data on coin supply and circulation in Byzantine and early Islamic Palestine and Arabia. A comparison of the copper coins (folles and fractions) recovered at these sites reveals consistent trends, notably a major increase in supply during the reigns of Justin I and especially Justin II. After Justin II (d. 578) there is a marked decline in the supply and circulation of copper coins, even taking into account ß uctuating production levels and quality of folles in the later sixth and seventh centuries. The presence of a greater number of mints suggests no major consignments but only the local circulation of coins. A minor improvement in coinage levels at Pella in the late sixth to early seventh century may re ß ect the growing local strategic importance of the town. Support for this explanation can be seen in the expansion of Pella's Byzantine fort and, soon after, the important battle between the Islamic and Byzantine armies in 635.
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ZHAO, RANRAN, WENLI YANG, and GANGMIN ZHANG. "A study of chromosome and gametophyte development in Pellaea connectens C. Chr." Phytotaxa 266, no. 3 (June 24, 2016): 206.

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Pellaea connectens C. Chr., a cheilanthoid fern species, is rare and endemic to West Sichuan, China, and has an ambiguous taxonomical status. Recent molecular phylogenetic work has supported that it is a member of the genus Argyrochosma. In this research, we studied chromosome number and gametophyte development of this species to further elucidate its phylogenetic placement. We found that Pellaea connectens is a sexual tetraploid species with 64 spores per sporangium and with a base chromosome number of x = 27, which is consistent with Argyrochosma and different from other cheilanthoid ferns. We also found that the spore germination pattern of Pellaea connectens is of the Vittaria type and subsequent gametophyte development process is of the Ceratopteris type. All of the above concur with the characteristics of Argyrochosma nivea. Most of the gametophytes of Pellaea connectens reach an adult stage with a cordate symmetric shape, with a few developed as irregularly lobed prothalli. We conclude that cytology and gametophyte development characters support the previous taxonomic treatment of removing Pellaea connectens from Pellaea to Argyrochosma.
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Salusso, Fabricio Alejandro, R. Crespi, D. Ramos, G. Pautasso, and C. Bouzo. "Utilización de efluentes urbanos tratados para la producción de brócoli mediante riego por goteo subterráneo." AgriScientia 36, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 63.

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<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 150%;" lang="es-ES" align="justify"><a name="_Hlk6045826"></a> La utilización de efluentes constituye una alternativa viable en la producción agrícola, transformando un desperdicio en un recurso útil, aportando agua y nutrientes a los cultivos. <span style="color: #212121;">El </span>objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la utilización de efluentes urbanos tratados en la producción de brócoli (<em>Brassica oleracea</em> var. itálica). Los tratamientos resultaron de la combinación de tres cultivares: ‘Matsuri’ (C1), ‘Green Pia’ (C2) y ‘Almanor’ (C3), y dos fuentes de riego: efluentes urbanos tratados (EUT) y agua de acuífero (AC), suministrado mediante riego por goteo subterráneo durante dos temporadas (E1 y E2). El diseño experimental fue en parcelas divididas. A la cosecha se evaluó partición de asimilados en hojas, tallo y pella, <span style="color: #000000;">diámetro de pella, </span>rendimiento fresco y <span lang="es-AR">calidad sanitaria del producto mediante análisis microbiológicos y parasitológicos. L</span>os resultados determinaron diferencias significativas (<em>p</em>? 0,05 Fisher) en rendimiento para los cultivares C2 y C3 (E1) regados con EUT. El diámetro de pellas presentó diferencias para C2, C3 (E1) y C3 (E2). En E1 las condiciones ambientales fueron más favorables, influyendo en el rendimiento de los cultivares. La calidad sanitaria de las pellas determinó que fueron aptas para su consumo en fresco, lo que demuestra <span lang="es-AR">que </span>esta tecnología podría ser utilizada en la producción de brócoli.</p>
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Müller, Sabine. "Marsyas of Pella and Phrygia." Electrum 29 (October 21, 2022): 39–51.

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There is a lot of uncertainty about the attribution of fragments to either Marsyas of Pella or Marsyas of Philippi. This paper challenges the traditional attribution of BNJ 135–136 F 4 (mentioning Midas’chariot with the Gordian knot) to Marsyas of Philippi and argues in favor of the identification of Marsyas of Pella as the author. For ideological and propagandistic reasons, it would fit well into Marysas of Pella’s account of the roots of Argead rule in his first book. By referring to Midas, Marsyas would have been able to link his half-brother Antigonus as the contemporary governor of Phrygia not only with the legendary Phrygian king and his legacy, but also with a Macedonian logos attested by Herodotus, creating a connection between Midas and the foundation of Argead rule. According to this logos, there existed old kinship relations between Macedonians and Phrygians who used to dwell at the foot of Mt. Bermium and were called Briges. This tradition was of propagandistic value and could have served to increase the ideological value of Antigonus’satrapy and main base in the rivalry with the other Diadochs.
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Mendoza, Aniceto, Mike Windham, Blanca Pérez-García, and George Yatskievych. "Una nueva especie de Pellaea (Pteridaceae) del estado de San Luis Potosí, México." Acta Botanica Mexicana, no. 57 (October 1, 2001): 15.

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Se describe e ilustra Pellaea ribae Mendoza & Windham, una nueva especie de Pellaea sect. Pellaea la cual se distingue claramente de otros representantes del género por sus abundantes tricomas blanquecinos presentes en el pecíolo, en el raquis y en la superficie abaxial de la lámina. Hasta ahora P. ribae se conoce solamente de dos localidades en San Luis Potosí, México. Se discuten las posibles relaciones de esta nueva especie con otros helechos cheilantoides.
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WANG, WAN, WENLI YANG, XINGXING MAO, RANRAN ZHAO, PING DOU, and GANGMIN ZHANG. "The phylogenetic affinities of Pellaea connectens, a rare endemic Chinese fern." Phytotaxa 220, no. 1 (July 15, 2015): 30.

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Using DNA sequences from five chloroplast makers (rbcL/ trnL–trnF/ rps4/ rps4–trnS/ trnG–trnR), we addressed the phylogenetic affinities of Pellaea connectens, a rare endemic Chinese cheilanthoid fern belonging to Pteridaceae. Our results confirmed that the species was a member of the newly segregated genus Argyrochosma, which was formerly considered as native to America, showing that the treatment of Pellaea connectens by Ching nor Tryon & Lugardon was supported. Moreover, its morphology, distribution, ecology, co-existing species, as well voucher specimens were also presented in this paper.
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Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di hutan tanaman industri Acacia mangium dan Eucalyptus pellita di Areal PT Inhutani III Sebuhur Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai besaran cadangan karbon pada hutan tanaman industri yang terdiri dari tegakan A. mangium dan E. pellita berdasarkan struktur dan komposisi jenisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah (1) Menduga stok karbon hutan tanaman industri berbasis Acacia mangium liar terseleksi; (2) Menduga stok karbon hutan tanaman industri berbasis E. pellita terpilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa A. mangium sebesar 95.167 ton/ha lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan E. pellita sebesar 51.32 ton/ha. Hasil yang sama ditunjukkan pada biomassa tumbuhan bawah Acacia mangium sebesar 0,89 ton/ha yang lebih dari 0,50 ton/ha pada E. pellita. Biomassa nekromas A. mangium tercatat sebesar 39,68 ton/ha lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan E. pellita sebesar 13,18 ton/ha. Secara ringkas, cadangan karbon pada bahan organik di hutan tanaman industri A. mangium sebesar 20,23 ton/ha lebih tinggi dari E. pellita sebesar 12,1 ton/ha.
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Kardiansyah, Teddy, and Susi Sugesty. "Pengaruh Alkali Aktif terhadap Karakteristik Pulp Kraft Putih Acacia mangium dan Eucalyptus pellita." JURNAL SELULOSA 10, no. 01 (June 30, 2020): 9.

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Industri pulp Indonesia saat ini memiliki masalah dalam penyediaan bahan baku kayu Acacia mangium, karena serangan penyakit tanaman dan hama. Hal ini harus diantisipasi melalui bahan baku alternatif pengganti Acacia mangium, spesies Eucalyptus pellita dipilih karena lebih tahan terhadap hama dan penyakit. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik kualitas pulp kraft putih E. Pellita. Penelitian pembuatan pulp kertas dilakukan dengan proses kraft dengan bahan baku A. mangium dan E. pellita. Pemasakan dilakukan dengan variasi alkali aktif 16-20%, sulfiditas 28,7%, pada suhu 165 °C, rasio larutan pemasak terhadap kayu 3,5:1 dan faktor H 1.022. Pemutihan pulp dilakukan dengan proses ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) dengan tahapan OD0EoD1. Karakteristik pulp kraft hasil pemasakan A. mangium lebih tinggi pada parameter rendemen tersaring, bilangan kappa dan viskositas dibandingkan dengan E. pellita. Penggunaan alkali aktif 16% pada pemasakan A. mangium lebih rendah dari E. pellita (18%), namun kualitasnya dapat memenuhi spesifikasi kualitas pulp kraft putih sesuai SNI 6107:2015 (Pulp Kraft Putih Kayu daun) pada parameter derajat giling, derajat putih dan sifat fisik. Karakteristik pulp kraft putih A. mangium lebih tinggi pada parameter derajat giling, derajat putih dan sifat fisik dibandingkan dengan E. pellita. Namun demikian E. pellita berpotensi untuk dikembangkan di Hutan Tanaman Industri sebagai bahan baku pulp.Effect of Active Alkali on Characteristic of Acacia mangium and Eucalyptus pellita Bleached Kraft PulpAbstractThe Indonesian pulp industry currently has problems in supplying Acacia mangium wood raw materials, due to plant disease and pest attacks. This could be anticipated through alternative raw materials to substitute Acacia mangium, the Eucalyptus pellita species chosen because it is more resistant to pests and diseases. This study was conducted to determine the quality characteristics of E. Pellita bleached kraft pulp. The research on making paper pulp using A. mangium and E. pellita was carried out by means of the kraft process. The cooking was carried out with a variation of 16-20% active alkali, 28.7% sulfidity, at a temperature of 165°C, a liquor to wood ratio of 3.5:1 and an H factor of 1.022. The bleaching of the pulp has been carried out using the ECF (Elemental Chlorine Free) process with the OD0EoD1 stage. Characteristics of kraft pulp from A. mangium cooking were higher in the screening yield, kappa number and viscosity compared to E. Pellita. The use of 16% active alkaline in cooking of A. mangium is lower than E. pellita (18%), but the quality can meet the quality specifications of white kraft pulp according to SNI 6107: 2015 (White Kraft Leaf Wood Pulp) on the parameters of milled degree, whiteness and properties. The characteristics of A. mangium white kraft pulp were higher in parameters of grind degree, whiteness and physical properties compared to E. pellita. However, E. pellita has the potential to be developed in Industrial Plantation Forests as raw material for pulp.
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Carvajal, Máriom, Catalina J. Vargas, and Eduardo I. Faúndez. "New data on Pellaea stictica Dallas (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) in South America." REVISTA CHILENA DE ENTOMOLOGÍA 45, no. 3 (August 9, 2019): 419–24.

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Sen, Kakali, and Radhanath Mukhopadhyay. "Indian Cheilanthoid fern - A numerical taxonomic approach." Bangladesh Journal of Plant Taxonomy 23, no. 2 (December 28, 2016): 133–42.

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Twenty one species belonging to five genera (viz. Aleuritopteris F?e, Cheilanthes Sw., Doryopteris J. Sm., Notholaena R. Brown, Pellaea Link.) of the Indian cheilanthoid ferns were studied to develop the new data set of micromorphological details viz. epidermal cells, stomatal morphotypes, venation pattern and spore ultrastructre. Cluster analysis was performed by using the two- state of multiple characters that separate the genus Aleuritopteris from Cheilanthes at the Eucladian distance of 5.1, though completely linked with other closely related genera, viz. Doryopteris, Notholaena and Pellaea. The taxonomic conundrum lies within these genera was resolved with numerical taxonomic study.Bangladesh J. Plant Taxon. 23(2): 133-142, 2016 (December)
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Shaz, Rahimulla Afra, Shri Shilpa, and Reddy M. Mohan. "The Guard, His Gauntlet and Goblet- An Atypical Presentation of Pellagra in a Chronic Alcoholic." JOURNAL OF CLINICAL AND BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES 13, no. 3 (December 15, 2023): 94–96.

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Alcoholism a chronic condition affects multiple organ systems including skin. Dermatological markers of alcohol abuse are invaluable. Despite this, association of skin diseases and alcohol misuse maybe overlooked or physicians fail to explore. Pellagra is a multifactorial disease caused by Niacin/Tryptophan deficiency. It exhibits photodermatitis, gastrointestinal and neuropsychiatric manifestations. Chronic alcoholics are at risk. Considering pellagra as differential diagnosis in chronic alcoholics with these symptoms is crucial. This disease is easily treatable but if missed proves fatal. Hence, its recognition is important in other clinical settings for comprehensive treatment. The pathognomonic presentation of Pellagra is the Casal necklace, but here we present a case of 34year old alcoholic with an atypical presentation of Pellagra. Chronic alcoholics need evaluation for Pellagra amongst other nutritional deficiencies which due to diverse presentation can be missed. Early diagnosis and treatment can avoid impending neuropsychiatric complications. Due to participation of numerous disciplines consultation liaison psychiatry is vital here. Keywords: Alcohol dependence, Alcohol cutaneous manifestations, Pellagra, Niacin deficiency, Alcohol biomarkers
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Hassan, Affendy, Parveena Balachandran, and Khairiyyah R. Khamis. "Early Root Development of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. Seedlings from Seed and Stem Cutting Propagation Methods at Nursery Stage." International Journal of Forestry Research 2021 (June 8, 2021): 1–10.

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Macropropagation using cutting for larger multiplying seedlings is cheaper and efficient instead of clonal seeds for uniform plant material seedling production. However, information on root growth of Eucalyptus pellita at early development from seed and stem cutting of E. pellita seedlings is still lacking. With such information, it is useful for forest plantation company management in enhancing the understanding of strategies to optimize yield production with the appropriate agronomic or silvicultural approach in the field of planting. Therefore, the objectives of this study were to compare the root development of two different types of propagation seedlings of E. pellita and to study the effect of various nitrogen concentration levels on two different types of propagation of E. pellita seedlings. The study was conducted using E. pellita seedlings from two different types of propagation, namely, seed and stem cuttings, along with three different nitrogen concentrations (0, 50, and 200 kg N ha−1). Shoot biomass, root intensity (RI), total root intensity (TRI), root biomass, root length density (RLD), and specific root length (SRL) were recorded. Dried shoot biomass, RLD, and SRL of E. pellita seedlings using stem cutting were significantly higher ( P < 0.05 ) compared to seed, whereas there were no significant differences ( P > 0.05 ) for root biomass, TRI, and RI between the propagation types of E. pellita seedlings. In conclusion, E. pellita seedlings from stem cutting were greater in terms of root distribution compared to propagation by seeds at the nursery stage, and 50 kg N ha−1 was the optimal nitrogen concentration level from the considered levels to be applied to the E. pellita seedlings.
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Andika, R., SK Himmi, M. Ismayati, RK Sari, A. Arinana, B. Tjahyono, D. Tarmadi, et al. "Chemical components from the bark layers of Eucalyptus pellita F Muell." IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 1199, no. 1 (July 1, 2023): 012027.

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Abstract The utilization of E. pellita bark as waste is still not widely carried out due to a lack of information about the chemical content. Therefore, the current study aimed to analyze the chemical content of the bark of E. pellita using pyrolysis-gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (PyGCMS). The results showed the total extractive content of E. pellita’s inner bark, outer bark, and mix-bark was 12.17%, 16.19%, and 14.85%, respectively. The holocellulose content of E. pellita mix-bark was 65.45%, while the inner bark and outer bark were 60.68% and 59.29%, respectively. The alpha-cellulose content of E. pellita bark was 57.97%, while the inner and outer barks were 56.43% and 54.14%; the lignin content of the clason mix-bark of E. pellita was 25.39%, and for the inner bark and outer bark were 28% and 26.72%, respectively. The results of pyGCMS showed that the extractives of the bark of E. pellita were catechol, 3-methyl-catechol, resorcinol, 3,5-Dimethoxy-4-hydroxytoluene, and (E)-3,3′-Dimethoxy-4,4′-dihydroxystilbene
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Lesmana, Muhammad Reza, Ambar Tri Ratnaningsih, and Eni Suhesti. "PENGARUH PUPUK KOMPOS DARI LIMBAH PADAT INDUSTRI PULP DAN KERTAS TERHADAP PERTUMBUHAN Eucalyptus pellita." Wahana Forestra: Jurnal Kehutanan 12, no. 2 (July 10, 2017): 74–82.

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The pulp and paper industry produces liquid waste in its production process. Liquid waste in solid form of sludge can be utilized as compost fertilizer. Research conducted at PT. Indah Kiat Pulp and PT Arara Abadi Rasau Kuning District, Riau Province. The aim of this research is to know the effect of compost fertilizer from pulp and paper industry waste on Eucalyptus pellita growth and to determine the most appropriate dose of compost for growth of Eucalyptus pellita. The research method was done by applying compost in 3-month Eucalyptus pellita with dosage of o gram, 750 gram, 1000 gram and 1250 gram. Parameters measured over 3 months were plant height, plant diameter and number of leaves. Provisi on of compost fertilizer from pulp and paper industry waste has no significant effect on Eucalyptus pellita growth. Visually, the most appropriate dose of compost for the growth of Eucalyptus pellita is a dose of 1000 grams.
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Mills, Krystal, Oluwole Akintayo, Linda Egbosiuba, Salome Dadzie, Adrina Skyles, Kudo Jang, Shaheen Fatima, and Norberto Fas. "Chronic Diarrhea in a Drinker: A Breakthrough Case of Pellagra in the US South." Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports 8 (January 2020): 232470962094130.

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The triad of diarrhea, dementia, and dermatitis constitutes the clinical diagnosis of pellagra. However, most reported cases of pellagra have occurred without all components of the triad. Pellagra was declared eradicated in the United States after an outbreak in the 1920s, and is now considered to be an exceedingly rare diagnosis in developed countries. In this article, we present a case of a 56-year-old man who presented with a significant history of alcohol use and chronic diarrhea. Pellagra was clinically diagnosed based on the triad of diarrhea, cognitive dysfunction, and dermatitis in this malnourished, alcoholic patient. The patient was treated and clinically improved with resolution of his diarrhea and cognitive dysfunction.
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Adma Adinugraha, Hamdan, Trisya Ranti Fani, and Yayan Hadiyan. "Evaluasi Pertumbuhan Sambungan Eucalyptus Pellita F. Muell Dengan Teknik Veneer Grafting." Jurnal Sylva Lestari 4, no. 3 (August 30, 2016): 124.

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Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is one of the promising species for pulp production in Indonesia. Tree breeding activities of this species have been developed to investigate a high productivity of Eucalypt through the selection of genetically improved individual trees. Vegetative propagation technique is an important tool needed to multiple the trees. Veneer Grafting is one of the recommended propagation techniques. The objective of the research is to study the compatibility of several E. Pellita clones that are produced from plus trees. Implemented by Completely Randomized Design (CRD), the research was used 36 E. pellita families and 6 hibryds of E. pellita x E. brassiana as the treatment with 4 replications. The result showed that the clone of E. pellita was significantly different effecting growth variation of clone adaptability, shoot number, shoot length, and shoot diameter. Clone adaptability was range from 0 - 100%. Shoot number was around 1-3 stems. Shoot length was range 0.17 cm – 17.82 cm and the shoot diameter was 0.10 mm – 2.27 mm in range. The clone (number 19) from Keru To Nata WP Papua New Guinea was invented as the best in adaptability (100%) during the observation period, while clone (number 33) was the best growth performance in shoot number, shoot diameter and shoot length.Key words : Growth, Eucalyptus pellita, veneer grafting
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Pamungkas, Dedek Aji, Nofita Nofita, Ade Maria Ulfa, and Mala Kurniati. "PENGARUH JENIS PELARUT PADA METODE MASERASI TERHADAP KARAKTERISTIK EKSTRAK DAUN KAYU PUTIH (Eucalyptus pellita)." Jurnal Farmasi Malahayati 6, no. 2 (August 24, 2023): 158–67.

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Obat tradisional di Indonesia semakin mendapat banyak perhatian seiring semakin mahalnya harga obat. Salah satu tanaman yang dipercaya sebagai obat tradisional adalah kayu putih (Eucalyptus pellita), dikarenakan daun kayu putih mengandung metabolit sekunder. Tujuan penilitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui apakah ekstrak dari daun kayu putih (Eucalyptus pellita) dengan pelarut polar, semi polar dan non polar mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder. Hasil penilitian menunjukkan bahwa daun Eucalyptus positif mengandung flavonoid, tanin dan total fenolik. Adanya reaksi yang terjadi pada tabung reaksi adanya endapan berwarna merah bata dapat dikatakan ekstrak daun Eucalyptus pellita positif adanya kandungan tanin. Hasil rendemen dari metode ekstraksi digesti dan maserasi yang telah dilakukan diperoleh E1:20% E2:18,6% E3:16%. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (LCMS) adalah metode kimia analitik yang menggabungkan pemisahan kromatografi cair dengan analisis spektroskopi massa. Metode ini dapat mengidentifikasi perbedaan dari ekstrak. Hasil dari pengukuran absorbansi pembanding asam galat diperoleh kurva linear seperti pada gambar R2 yaitu 0,9609 menunjukkan linearitas yang baik, maka persamaan regresi linear (y=0,0116x+0036) didapatkan kadar total fenol pada daun Eucalyptus pellita yaitu 0,083 mg GAE/g maka dapat dikatakan bahwa Eucalyptus pellita positif mengandung total fenolik. Kata kunci: Daun Kayu Putih (Eucalyptus pellita), Flavonoid, Tanin, Total Fenolik, LC/MS.
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Galant, Yves. "Franke (Franke, Ueber Pellagra in Irrenanstalten. Psycbiatrisch-Neurol Woehenschrift, no. 38, 1933)." Kazan medical journal 29, no. 11-12 (January 12, 2022): 987–88.

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Franke (Franke, Ueber Pellagra in Irrenanstalten. Psycbiatrisch-Neurol Woehenschrift, no. 38, 1933) defines pellagra as a predominantly psychiatric-neurological disease occurring in Germany chap. arr. in psychiatric hospitals.
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Zhang, Liang, XIN-Mao Zhou, Xin-Fen Gao, and Libing Zhang. "Pteris barklyae (Pteridaceae): A new combination and neotypication of Adiantum pallens for the fern flora of the Indian Ocean Islands." Phytotaxa 174, no. 2 (July 9, 2014): 116.

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Pellaea barklyae, a fern endemic to the Seychelles, is transferred to the genus Pteris based on recent molecular studies. We also neotypified Adiantum pallens Swartz, a species endemic to Madagascar, Mauritius, and La Réunion.
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House, APN, and JC Bell. "Genetic Diversity, Mating System and Systematic Relationships in Two Red Mahoganies, Eucalyptus pellita and E. scias." Australian Journal of Botany 44, no. 2 (1996): 157.

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Isozyme variation in two closely related red mahoganies (Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell. and E. scias L.A.S.Johnson and K.D.Hill) was examined in 17 populations of E. pellita from Australia, Papua New Guinea and Indonesia and 8 of E. scias (including all 3 subspecies) from south-eastern coastal Australia. Measures of genetic diversity and relationships between species and subspecies were based on 15 variable loci. Both E. pellita and E. scias had moderately high levels of genetic diversity, comparable to other similarly distributed species. Most genetic diversity within each species was found within populations (80% in E. pellita and 83% in E. scias). There were substantial allelic differences between the species at several loci; the populations clustered into groups corresponding to the two species. Yet genetic differentiation between the two species was relatively low, and the three subspecies of E. scias were not well separated. Outcrossing rates in E. pellita are variable, with low rates (<50%) measured in populations from Irian Jaya and Cape York Peninsula, and 73% in a population from northeast Queensland.
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Vásquez- Cantalicio, Neyson W., and Santos S. Jacobo - Salinas. "El guano de isla y su efecto en el rendimiento de la col (Brassica oleracea L) variedad lombarda (Capitata f. rubra) en Colicocha Huánuco." Revista Investigación Agraria 2, no. 1 (April 1, 2020): 33–38.

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El guano de isla es uno de los abonos naturales de mejor calidad en el mundo por su alto contenido de nutrientes y mejora las condiciones físico-químicas y microbiológicas del suelo. El objetivo de la investigación fue evaluar la efectividad de guano de isla en el rendimiento de la col morada variedad lombarda. Se ejecutó en el caserío de ColicochaHuánuco posicionado a 09°53´34.5” LS, 75°59´49” LO y 2 606 msnm de altitud. La metodología utilizada fue el Diseño de Bloques Completos al Azar (DBCA) con cuatro repeticiones y tratamientos, y fueron: 3 t.ha-1 (T1), 4 t. ha-1 (T2), 5 t. ha-1 (T3) y testigo (T4). Las variables evaluadas fueron: diámetro ecuatorial, diámetro polar, peso de pella por planta, área neta experimental (ANE) y el rendimiento por hectárea. Los resultados del estudio señalan que la dosis de 5 t.ha-1 de guano de isla mostró un resultado estadísticamente significativo en todas las variables evaluadas, en el diámetro ecuatorial (23,73 cm), diámetro polar (24,80 cm), peso de pellas por planta (4,15 kg), por ANE (66,40 kg) y el rendimiento por hectárea (70550,00 kg. ha-1).
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Prado, Jefferson. "New Pellaea from Brazil." American Fern Journal 83, no. 4 (October 1993): 129.

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Amorim, Erick Phelipe, João Roberto Menucelli, Caio Henrique Santos, Miguel Luiz Menezes Freitas, Teresa Cristina Tarle Pissarra, Maria Emília Calvão Moreira da Silva, Marcelo Zanata, and Eduardo Luiz Longui. "WOOD EVALUATION OF Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell. AND Eucalyptus tereticornis Smith AS POTENTIAL FOR PULP AND PAPER PRODUCTION." Revista do Instituto Florestal 33, no. 2 (December 2, 2021): 139–49.

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This paper aimed to determine the quality indexes for paper and cellulose based on the fiber features from two wood species of interest, Eucalyptus pellita and E. tereticornis. The mean annual increment (IMA) was calculated by measuring DBH and Height (25 years), a 10 cm disk from each tree was collected for density determinations and anatomical studies for cellulose and paper. Tree height, trunk diameter at 1.30 m in height (DBH), and volume per tree were higher in E. pellita when compared to E. tereticornis. The volume per hectare and average annual increment were higher in E. tereticornis compared to E. pellita. Based on the quality indexes calculated from fiber dimensions, we did not observe any variation in flexibility coefficient between the two species; however, this index was more heterogeneous with the lowest value in E. tereticornis pith. Eucalyptus pellita showed a lower wall fraction value, including a lower overall value in pith. The Runkel index was lowest in E. pellita; in addition, the highest value, above 1, was found in pith position in E. tereticornis. The slenderness index did not differ between species and it was not possible to detect which had performed better. The results indicate that E. pellita and E. tereticornis have potential for the production of paper with high mechanical resistance, such as writing, printing and packaging. The wood of both species has potential for use in producing paper and cellulose.
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Clay, Karen, Ethan Schmick, and Werner Troesken. "The Rise and Fall of Pellagra in the American South." Journal of Economic History 79, no. 1 (March 2019): 32–62.

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Focusing on the first half of the twentieth century, we explore the rise and fall of pellagra (a disease caused by inadequate niacin consumption) in the American South. We first consider the hypothesis that the South’s monoculture in cotton undermined nutrition by displacing local food production. Consistent with this hypothesis, a difference in differences estimation shows that after the arrival of the boll weevil, food production in affected counties rose while cotton production and pellagra rates fell. The results also suggest that after 1937 improved medical understanding and state fortification laws helped eliminate pellagra.
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Huong, Bui Thi Mai, Ha Van Huan, and Le Tho Son. "Identification of dna barcode sequence of hybrid eucalyptus UP99 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) and UP95 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) to identify plant varieties." Journal of Forestry Science and Technology 8, no. 2 (2023): 36–46.

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The hybrid Eucalyptus UP99 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) and UP95 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) were recognized as a high economic value species according to Decision 65/QĐ-BNN-LN on January 11th in 2013. However, it is very difficult to the famer in identifying these species by morphological observation. Therefore, this study aimed to develop a method using DNA barcode fragments to identify the hybrid Eucalyptus UP99 and UP95. The total genomic DNA was extracted from leaf samples of UP99 and UP95 and was used to amplify the DNA barcodes (matK, rbcL, trnH-psbA, ITS and ITS2) by PCR. The results showed that the bands of PCR production have the expected size, which is 643 bp, 743 bp, 626 bp, 563 bp, and 250 bp for matK, rbcL, trnH-psbA, ITS, and ITS2 fragment, respectively. After that, these sequences were aligned with the sequence of those genes of other Eucalyptus species in NCBI. The results showed that UP99 with matK, rbcL and trnH-psbA gene fragments are 100% similar to UP95, ITS gene fragment is 99.81% similar to UP95, ITS2 gene fragment is 98.86% similar to UP95. These results suggest that it is best for using ITS2 and ITS molecular marker as a DNA barcode to identify Hybrid Eucalyptus UP99 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) and UP95 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) in Vietnam. These results are an important basis for the identification hybrid Eucalyptus UP99 (E. urophylla x E. pellita) and UP95 (E. urophylla x E. pellita).
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Fadhlurrahman, Muhammad Miftah, Sri Wilarso Budi, and Arum Sekar Wulandari. "Analisis Fisiologi Stek Pucuk dalam Perbanyakan Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell Tanpa Menggunakan Hormon." Journal of Tropical Silviculture 15, no. 01 (May 10, 2024): 36–43.

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Jenis tanaman yang umum digunakan di Hutan Tanaman Industri (HTI) sebagai bahan baku pulp dan kertas adalah Eucalyptus pellita. Bibit berkualitas E. pellita salah satunya diproduksi dari klon unggul dengan perbanyakan secara vegetatif, yakni stek pucuk. Terdapat hasil penelitian yang menunjukkan bahwa perbanyakan klon tertentu memiliki nilai keberhasilan hidup tertinggi dengan perlakuan tanpa menggunakan hormon tambahan. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian perbanyakan bibit stek E. pellita tanpa menggunakan hormon. Hasil analisa fisiologi stek pucuk E. pellita menunjukkan setiap parameter yang diamati yakni kandungan hormon IAA, nilai C-organik, dan nilai N yang diamati menunjukkan hasil yang tidak linear dengan perlakuan umur tunas. Hasil pengukuran panjang tunas, jumlah node, dan jarak antar node menunjukkan nilai yang linear dengan perlakuan umur tunas. Hasil pengamatan total hidup (Survival Rate), total berakar dan bertunas menunjukkan perlakuan umur tunas 18 hari memiliki nilai terendah dibandingkan perlakuan lain. Pada umur 2 MST menunjukkan perlakuan umur tunas 21 hari memiliki kemampuan pertumbuhan akar paling cepat dibandingkan perlakuan lain. Berdasarkan hasil pengukuran tinggi dan diameter umur 12 MST menunjukkan perlakuan tunas umur 21 hari memiliki pertumbuhan dan Survival Rate terbaik sehingga dapat menjadi dasar penentuan umur tunas dalam produksi bibit klon 148 skala operasional. Kata kunci: E. pellita, fisiologi, perbanyakan, hormon
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Mugabe, Vánio André, Arlete Mahumane, Cynthia Semá Baltazar, Érika Valeska Rossetto, Crescêncio Sequeira Nhabomba, Neusa Fataha, Unicia Nyamula, et al. "Cyclone Idai as a Trigger for Pellagra Outbreak in Nhamatanda, Mozambique: A Case–Control Study." American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 104, no. 6 (June 2, 2021): 2233–37.

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Abstract.In mid-June 2019, 3 months after cyclone Idai landfall in Mozambique, health authorities of Nhamatanda district reported an outbreak of Pellagra. Applying a mixed-method protocol, we carried out an investigation to characterize cases of pellagra, identify the associated factors for the outbreak using a case–control study, and explore the perceived impact on food security (availability, access, and usage) before and after Idai. We collected data from 121 cases and 121 controls and conducted in-depth interviews with 69 heads of households. The cases were more likely to be female (P < 0.01) and less educated (P < 0.01) than controls. Insufficient consumption of chicken and peanut before cyclone Idai arrival were statistically associated with pellagra (P < 0.05). From interviewed households’ heads, 51% were experiencing food shortages even before the cyclone hit. Cyclone Idai served as a trigger to reduce niacin consumption below the threshold that protected Nhamatanda population from pellagra and caused a ≈2,300 case (707.9/100,000 inhabitants) outbreak.
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Putra, Mufti Perwira, and Muli Edwin. "Kombinasi Pengaruh Media Tanam Akar Pakis dan Arang Sekam Terhadap Perkecambahan dan Pertumbuhan Bibit Eucalyptus pellitaL. Muell." Jurnal Pertanian Terpadu 5, no. 2 (December 20, 2017): 9–17.

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Penelitian telah dilaksanakan selama 3 bulan mulai bulan Febuari sampai April 2016. Penelitian ini berlokasi di persemaian PT Surya Hutani Jaya, Desa Puan Cepak, Kecamatan Muara Kaman, Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh media tanam terhadap perkecambahan benih dan pertumbuhan bibit Eucalyptus pellita L. Muell. dan mengetahui komposisi media tanam yang terbaik untuk pertumbuhan bibit E. pellita. Penelitian disusun menggunakan pola nonfaktorial di dalam Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) dengan 5 taraf perlakuan media tanam akar pakis dan arang sekam yang masing-masing diulang 4 kali. Perlakuan yang diberikan adalah M0 = akar pakis 100%, M1 = akar pakis 90%+arang sekam 10%, M2 = akar pakis 80%+arang sekam 20%, M3 = akar pakis 70%+arang sekam 30%, dan M4 = akar pakis 60%+arang sekam 40%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa perlakuan berpengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap perkecambahan benih E. pellita, tinggi bibit, jumlah daun, diameter batang, kekompakan akar serta serangan hama dan penyakit. Jadi perlakuan yang diberikan sama baiknya untuk perkecambahan benih dan pertumbuhan bibit E. pellita.
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Clarke, Philip, and Guido Erreygers. "Retrospectives: Edgar Sydenstricker: Household Equivalence Scales and the Causes of Pellagra." Journal of Economic Perspectives 37, no. 2 (May 1, 2023): 231–46.

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In the early part of the 20th century the disease pellagra, now almost unknown, affected and killed thousands of people in the United States. Some claimed it was an infection, while others maintained it was due to a dietary deficiency. The economist Edgar Sydenstricker (1881-1936), who was a member of a US Public Health Service team examining the disease, argued it was critical to understand how pellagra varied by levels of income. Collecting survey data, he realized equivalence scales were needed to adjust household incomes. His research demonstrated that there was a strong negative correlation between the incidence of pellagra and equivalized household income. Further analysis of the dietary differences between households suggested that a dietary deficiency associated to a restricted availability of animal protein food was the cause of pellagra. This was confirmed more than a decade later when a deficiency of vitamin B-3 was identified as the cause.
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Audina, Mia, and Dwi Guntoro. "Potensi Ekstrak Daun Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell sebagai Bioherbisida Pascatumbuh." Buletin Agrohorti 12, no. 1 (January 31, 2024): 13–20.

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Penggunaan bioherbisida untuk mengendalikan gulma merupakan salah satu upaya mewujudkan pertanian berkelanjutan. Zat alelopati tumbuhan dapat dijadikan sebagai bioherbisida yang ramah lingkungan. Daun Eucalypthus pellita mengandung zat alelopati yang dapat digunakan sebagai bioherbisida. Penelitian laboratorium dilaksanakan untuk mengungkap potensi zat alelopati dari ekstrak daun E. pellita sebagai bioherbisida pasca tumbuh. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Februari hingga Juni 2016 di Laboratorium Ekotoksikologi Limbah dan Agen Hayati, Departemen Agronomi dan Hortikultura, Fakultas Pertanian dan Green House Kebun Percobaan Cikabayan Institut Pertanian Bogor. Percobaan disusun dalam Rancangan Kelompok Lengkap Teracak dengan satu faktor dan empat ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas lima konsentrasi yaitu 0 (kontrol), 100, 200, 300, dan 400 g L-1. Hasil percobaan menunjukkan bahwa ekstrak daun E. pellita dapat menghambat pertumbuhan tinggi, jumlah daun, fitotoksisitas dan meningkatkan persentase kerusakan pada gulma Asystasia gangetica dan Borreria alata pada konsentrasi 30% dan gulma Cyperus brevifolius pada konsentrasi 40%. Ekstrak daun E. pellita tidak mempengaruhi pertumbuhan spesies Eleusin indica. Kata kunci: alelopati, gulma daun lebar, pengendalian, rumput, ekstraksi air
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Alagesan, Murali, and Yoganathan Chidambaram. "Pellagra." New England Journal of Medicine 386, no. 10 (March 10, 2022): e24.

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Wiwanitkit, Viroj. "Pellagra." Medical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth 12, no. 1 (2019): 81.

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Piercecchi-Marti, Marie-Dominique, Anne-Laure P??lissier-Alicot, Georges Leonetti, Jean-Paul Terv??, Fran??ois Cianfarani, and Jean-Fran??ois Pellissier. "Pellagra." American Journal of Forensic Medicine and Pathology 25, no. 4 (December 2004): 342–44.

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Bernardo Cofiño, Joaquín, María José Menéndez Calderón, and Andrés Quevedo de Quevedo. "Pellagra." Medicina Clínica (English Edition) 145, no. 4 (August 2015): e7.

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de Oliveira Alves, Andreia, Thaissa Bortolato, and Fred Bernardes Filho. "Pellagra." Journal of Emergency Medicine 54, no. 2 (February 2018): 238–40.

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Sutar, Roshan, Devendra S. Basera, Ashish Pakhre, Pooja Chaudhary, and Anuja Lahiri. "Nonencephalopathic Psychiatric Manifestations (NEPM) and Response to Niacin in Pellagra: A Scoping Review." Indian Journal of Behavioural Sciences 25, no. 02 (October 31, 2022): 128–42.

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Psychiatric manifestations of pellagra could be subtle but important to recognize in clinical practice. These may vary from non-syndromic symptoms of anxiety, depression, and psychosis to pellagrous encephalopathy. The course and outcome of pellagra’s non-encephalopathic psychiatric manifestations (NEPM) are variable and have not received much attention. Therefore, a review in this regard is deemed necessary to understand the evolution of psychiatric symptoms and possible neurochemical changes produced in pellagra. A focused scoping review of the literature using Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews and Meta-Analyses- extension for Scoping Reviews (PRISMA-ScR) guidelines was carried out to chart the results of studies to find out the characteristic nature of NEPM, role of niacin, and underlying etiopathogenesis. The review included 12 studies comprising 271 participants. Depressive and insomnia symptoms were the most frequent manifestations of NEPM followed by anxiety, thought disorder, psychomotor agitation, hallucinations, confusion, and disorientation. Alcohol use remains the most common cause of NEPM in pellagra, followed by nutritional deficiency. The alteration in the kynurenine pathway is a probable mechanism implicated in the NEPM of pellagra and future research should explore the role of niacin replacement in such patients. The findings of the review incite further discussion and research on biomarkers for patients with pellagra and subtype of patients with depression who share a common immune-inflammatory pathway.
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Inail, Maydra Alen, Eko B. Hardiyanto, and Daniel S. Mendham. "Growth Responses of Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell Plantations in South Sumatra to Macronutrient Fertilisers Following Several Rotations of Acacia mangium Willd." Forests 10, no. 12 (November 21, 2019): 1054.

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Eucalyptus pellita has rapidly emerged as the species that has replaced Acacia mangium in broad-scale commercial plantations in Indonesia following widespread losses due to disease and in soils that have suffered a steady decline in phosphorus (P) under plantation forestry. Conversion from a nitrogen (N)-fixing to a non-N fixing species is expected to change the nutrient dynamics and the management required to maximise productivity. In this study in South Sumatra, responses of E. pellita to the application of N, P, potassium (K) and calcium (Ca) fertilisers were assessed at a number of trials on sites with varying site history; A. mangium was planted at one site to compare the species’ responses to N and P. The growth of E. pellita responded significantly (p < 0.01) to P’s application but not to N, K or Ca, with the addition of P increasing the stem volume by 32.6 m3 ha−1 at 3 years of age compared with no addition of P fertiliser; the demand for P in the first two years of growth was, respectively, 4.8 and 6.8 kg ha−1. This positive and large response appears to be because E. pellita has a lower efficiency in its use of P than A. mangium and is, therefore, more responsive than A. mangium to the addition of P. The reason for the lack of response to N remains unclear, although demand for N as well as K and Ca was high. These results suggest that sites recently converted to E. pellita from A. mangium and also new ex-native forest sites will be likely to only respond to P addition and that the response of E. pellita is likely to be greater than for A. mangium to maximise yield. At present, additional N, Ca or K fertilisers are not required, but this may change in the future.
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Susanti, Yuliana. "Uji Kompatibilitas Bakteri Endofit Asal Tanaman Eucalyptus pellita dan Fungi Mikoriza Arbuskular (FMA)." SINTA Journal (Science, Technology, and Agricultural) 3, no. 2 (December 31, 2022): 111–20.

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Penyakit layu bakteri (PLB) yang disebabkan oleh Ralstonia solanacearum telah menjadi masalah besar dalam silvikultur eukaliptus pada hutan tanaman industri (HTI). Penyakit ini membatasi produktivitas tanaman eukaliptus. Upaya-upaya pengendalian telah dilakukan, salah satunya adalah penggunaan bakteri endofit. Aplikasi bakteri endofit secara tunggal menunjukkan hasil yang belum memuaskan. Kombinasi bakteri endofit dan fungi mikoriza arbuskular (FMA) merupakan alternatif pengendalian penyakit layu bakteri pada tanaman eukaliptus yang belum dilaporkan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh kombinasi bakteri endofit dan FMA yang kompatibel pada tanaman Eucalyptus pellita. Metode penelitian meliputi penyiapan bakteri endofit, penyediaan dan perbanyakan FMA, serta penyediaan bibit E. pellita. Hasil penelitian diperoleh kombinasi bakteri endofit dan FMA yang kompatibel. Interaksi kedua mikrob dapat meningkatkan pertumbuhan bibit tanaman E. pellita.
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Alverson, Edward R., and Joseph Arnett. "Pellaea brachyptera New to Washington." American Fern Journal 76, no. 1 (January 1986): 25.

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Prus-Głowacki, Wiesław, Roman Zieliński, and Jerzy Szweykowski. "Biochemical characterization of two sibling species in the liverwort Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda (Hepaticae, Pelliaceae)." Acta Societatis Botanicorum Poloniae 67, no. 1 (2014): 83–86.

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Two sibling species in the <em>Pellia epiphylla</em> (L.) Corda (n=9) complex, viz. <em>Pellia epiphylla</em> sp. <em>N</em> and <em>Pellia epiphylla</em> sp. <em>S</em> were compared in their protein concentration and in the dynamics and also in relative activity of some enzymes: malate dehydrogenase (MDH), esterase (EST), peroxidase (PX) and aspartate aminotransferase (GOT). Serological properties of their antigens were studied as well. Activity of malate dehydrogenase, esterase and aspartate aminotransferase was significantly higher in clons of <em>Pellia epiphylla N </em>than <em>Pellia epiphylla S</em>. Some differences in soluble protein concentration and in the quantities of the AI to AIV antigens between the two sibling species were detected.
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Grönholm, Anna. "Museet skeppargården Pellas som ett minnenas museum." Budkavlen 83 (June 13, 2023): 15–33.

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Tankarna på ett skeppargårdsmuseum väcktes år 1992 då Peder Eriksson donerade sitt barndomshem Pellas till Ålands Sjöfartsmuseum. Tanken bakom donationen var att Pellas skulle bli ett gårdsmuseum över den åländska segelsjöfarten. Tanken förverkligades. Intresset för ämnet hade några år tidigare väckts av en skönlitterär bok, Leo (1989) av Ulla-Lena Lundberg. I boken beskrivs livet på gården Simons i Granboda, Lemland och personerna som bodde där. Simons är i verkligheten Pellas. På Pellas föddes min mormors farmor, Erika Kristina, som är en av huvudpersonerna i Leo (1989) och mor till Ulla-Lena Lundbergs farfar Algot, Leonard i boken. Mitt eget barndomshem Hansas kallas Eskils i boken, gården dit Erika Kristina flyttade som gift. Erik Petter Eriksson, Erika Kristinas far, lät bygga Pellas år 1884 och mycket av den atmosfär som fanns i huset då finns fortfarande kvar. Huset uppvisar en tidlöshet vilket många har påpekat.
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Zakaria, Siti Norizam. "Isu-Isu Kesusasteraan Arab Oleh Charles Pellat Dalam The Encyclopaedia Of Islam." Ulum Islamiyyah 21 (July 31, 2017): 103–20.

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Charles Pellat is an orientalist scholar. He has numerous works in The Encyclopaedia of Islam which contains 11 volumes. However, there were only eight entries that fit the writings of Charles Pellat throughout his life. This study was conducted in order to analyze the issues highlighted by Charles Pellat in The Encyclopaedia of Islam. Those issues will be analyzed from the whole volumes of The Encyclopaedia of Islam. This study uses qualitative methodology, and document analysis to achieve the objectives of the study which is to identify the issues highlighted by Charles Pellat in The Encyclopaedia of Islam. The result of this study shows that his writing in The Encyclopaedia of Islam was focusing on three main issues which are Arabic literature, the history of Islam and grammar. Abstrak Charles Pellat merupakan seorang sarjana Orientalis. Penulisan beliau banyak didapati dalam Encyclopaedia of Islam yang mempunyai 11 jilid. Walau bagaimanapun, hanya lapan buah jilid yang memuatkan penulisan Charles Pellat sepanjang hayat beliau. Kajian ini dijalankan bagi mengetahui isu-isu kesusasteraan Arab yang telah diketengahkan oleh beliau dalam Encyclopaedia of Islam. Isu-isu tersebut akan dilihat dalam keseluruhan jilid Encyclopaedia of Islam. Kajian ini menggunakan metodologi kualitatif dan berbentuk analisis dokumen untuk mencapai objektif kajian iaitu mengenal pasti isu-isu yang diketengahkan oleh Charles Pellat. Dapatan kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa isu-isu yang diketengahkan oleh beliau dalam jilid pertama Encyclopaedia of Islam terbahagi kepada tiga isu utama iaitu sejarah Islam, sastera Arab dan tatabahasa.
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Nyangu, Sarah, MARY KAGUJJE, PATRICK LUNGU, KELVIN ZIMBA, LOPHINA CHILUKUTU, and MONDE MUYOYETA. "The use of Neurobion® Forte in the Treatment of Pellagra in an adult on anti-TB treatment: A case report from Lusaka, Zambia." Medical Journal of Zambia 48, no. 1 (April 6, 2021): 58–62.

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Abstract The deficiency of Niacin and/or its precursor amino acid, Tryptophan can result in a disease called Pellagra. Isoniazid (INH), a key drug used in tuberculosis (TB) treatment has been associated with pellagra particularly in developing nations where poor nutritional status is highly prevalent among its people.We report a case of pellagra with classical dermatological manifestations (hyperpigmented skin lesions around the neck), on the face, and external surfaces of the upper limbs) in a black African HIV negative adult female, on TB treatment for 11 weeks managed with a combo of Vitamin B1 - 10mg, Vitamin B2 - 10mg, Vitamin B3 - 45mg, Vitamin B5 - 50mg, Vitamin B6 - 3mg and Vitamin B12 - 15mcg (Neurobion® Forte) with noticeable response to the treatment within one week.
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Nyangu, Sarah, Mary Kagujje, Patrick Lungu, Kevin M. Zimba, Lophina Chilukutu, and Monde Muyoyeta. "The use of Neurobion Forte in the Treatment of Pellagra in an adult on anti-TB treatment: A case report from Lusaka, Zambia." Medical Journal of Zambia 48, no. 1 (April 7, 2021): 58–62.

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The deficiency of Niacin and/or its precursor amino acid, Tryptophan can result in a disease called Pellagra. Isoniazid (INH), a key drug used in tuberculosis (TB) treatment has been associated with pellagra particularly in developing nations where poor nutritional status is highly prevalent among its people.We report a case of pellagra with classical dermatological manifestations (hyperpigmented skin lesions around the neck), on the face, and external surfaces of the upper limbs) in a black African HIV negative adult female, on TB treatment for 11 weeks managed with a combo of Vitamin B1 - 10mg, Vitamin B2 - 10mg, Vitamin B3 - 45mg, Vitamin B5 - 50mg, Vitamin B6 - 3mg and ® Vitamin B12 - 15mcg (Neurobion Forte) with noticeable response to the treatment within one week.
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Irmak, Nurettin, and Murat Alp. "Pellans sequence and its diophantine triples." Publications de l'Institut Math?matique (Belgrade) 100, no. 114 (2016): 259–69.

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We introduce a novel fourth order linear recurrence sequence {Sn} using the two periodic binary recurrence. We call it ?pellans sequence? and then we solve the system ab+1=Sx, ac+1=Sy bc+1=Sz where a < b < c are positive integers. Therefore, we extend the order of recurrence sequence for this variant diophantine equations by means of pellans sequence.
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Aprialdi, Dwinata, Muhammad Ibnu Haiban, Bjørn Kløve, and Ali Torabi Haghighi. "Irrigation Requirement for Eucalyptus pellita during Initial Growth." Water 11, no. 10 (September 21, 2019): 1972.

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The growth of Eucalyptus pellita in forestry plantations requires attention to water requirements, especially in the initial growth phase from seedling to field-ready plant. In this study, actual evapotranspiration (ETa), crop coefficient (Kc), and the irrigation requirement of E. pellita were assessed during the nursery growth phase (day 40–142). The experimental set-up included lysimeters with different treatments in terms of plants, drainage, and soil conditions. Plant growth and water balance were monitored during June September 2018 in an open nursery area in Riau, Indonesia. ETa was determined by the water balance lysimeter method and potential (reference) evapotranspiration (ETo) was extracted based on the Penman-Monteith method (FAO/56). The results showed that the average Kc value for E. pellita at age 40–142 days is 0.79, which exceeds that reported for E. grandis. The recommended irrigation requirement varies depending on precipitation, from 70 mL/plant/day with no rainfall to zero at precipitation of >30 mm/day. This is the first study to assess water use in E. pellita growing in pots during the nursery phase, which provides guidance on irrigation requirements during their initial growth phase.
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Pageot, Édith-Anne. "Le théâtre pellanien (1944-1946) : intermédialité et modernité." Pratiques & travaux, no. 45 (August 25, 2010): 153–74.

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Peu d’études ont été consacrées à la scénographie réalisée par l’artiste canadien Alfred Pellan en 1944 pour la pièce Madeleine et Pierre, d’abord connue du public comme feuilleton radiophonique diffusé à Québec et à Montréal. En 1946, on confie également à Pellan la scénographie de l’adaptation française du classique shakespearien, Le soir des rois (Twelfth Night). L’analyse du travail de scénographie montre qu’outre les références au cubisme et au surréalisme, il y a chez Pellan une forme d’intermédialité. Pourtant conçues dans le même esprit d’avant-garde, les deux scénographies reçoivent des commentaires critiques contradictoires. Cet article documente le travail de Pellan au théâtre au cours des années 1940 et explique l’ambiguïté de sa réception critique.
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