Academic literature on the topic 'Pellava'

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Journal articles on the topic "Pellava"


Kymäläinen, Hanna-Riitta, and Anna-Maija Sjöberg. "Pellavan siemenen laadun kehittäminen." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1–4.

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Suomalaiset öljypellavayritykset ovat kiinnostuneita tuotteidensa laadun kehittämisestä. Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitoksessa luodun Laaturenkaan avulla on tutkittu ja arvioitu erilaisia laatuun vaikuttavia ominaisuuksia. Öljypellavan laadun kehittäminen on osana vuonna 2005 päättynyttä Agrokuituverkosto-hanketta. Tähän hankkeeseen osallistuivat Palmenia, Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitos sekä öljypellavayritykset.Osana Agrokuituverkoston toimintaa on vuosina 2004-2005 Helsingin yliopiston Agroteknologian laitoksen toteuttama kadmiumselvitys. Selvitystä varten yritykset toimittivat öljypellavanäytteitä kadmiumanalyyseihin. Mitattuja arvoja verrattiin kansainvälisiin pitoisuuksiin ja hyväksyttävästä päiväsaannista esitettiin arviot. Tulokseksi saadut kadmiumpitoisuudet ovat samaa tasoa kuin kansainvälisissä tutkimuksissa. Normaalilla suomalaisella ruokavaliolla pellavansiementä saa kadmiumin suhteen syödä turvallisesti suositellun määrän 24 g - 30 g. Suomalaisen pellavan kadmiumpitoisuus ei siis aiheuta normaaleilla päiväannoksilla (esim. 24 g pellavaa päivässä) erityistä riskiä, kun asiaa tarkastellaan nykyisen WHO:n asettaman PTDI-arvon (Provisional Tolerable Daily Intake) kannalta. Runsaskadmiumisen ruokavalion lisänä em. päiväannokset voivat olla liian suuret, jos käytetään korkean kadmiumpitoisuuden omaavaa pellavaa. Jos pellavansiementä käytetään päivässä alle 24 g määrä, riskit vähenevät vastaavasti. Poikkeuksena ovat ne henkilöt, joilla on muitakin riskitekijöitä kadmiumin saannin suhteen, esim. saastunut asuinalue, tupakointi tai alentunut sietokyky. Tällöin on kiinnitettävä enemmän huomiota kadmiumin kokonaissaantiin ja saantiin myös pellavan siemenen osalta. Osasta pellavan siemeniä mitattiin myös rasvahappokoostumus ja muut laatuominaisuudet. Lajikkeiden välillä oli eroja erityisesti proteiinipitoisuuksissa, α-linoleenihappopitoisuuksissa sekä fenolisten yhdisteiden määrässä.
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Palojärvi, Ansa, Mauritz Vestberg, Timo Sipilä, Pauliina Lankinen, Kim Yrjälä, Marjo Keskitalo, and Laura Alakukku. "Viljelykierto ja monipuolinen kasvilajisto peltomaan hyötymikrobiston edistäjänä." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 28 (January 31, 2012): 1–4.

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Tavoiteltaessa “vihreämpää maataloutta” peltomaan mikrobiston toiminnan merkitys korostuu entisestään. Maaperämikrobisto vastaa kasvintähteiden hajotuksesta ja eloperäisessä muodossa olevien ravinteiden vapauttamisesta satokasvien käyttöön. Mykorritsasienet voivat kasvin kanssa muodostuvan ns. sienijuuren avulla tehostaa kasvien fosforin saantia ja suojata kasvia stressitekijöiltä (mm. kuivuus, kasvitaudit). Monimuotoisen mikrobiston on todettu parantavan maaperän luontaista tautisuppressiivisuutta (kasvitautimikrobien kasvun tukahduttaminen). Mikrobisto on runsainta kasvin juuristossa ja sen välittömässä läheisyydessä (”ritsosfääriefekti”). Kasvi luovuttaa yhteyttämistuotteitaan juurieritteiden muodossa ja muokkaa maaperän olosuhteita mikrobeille suotuisiksi. Monivuotisilla kasveilla juuriston koko suhteessa maan yläpuoliseen biomassaan on suurempi kuin yksivuotisilla kasveilla. Monivuotisilla kasveilla juuristo kasvaa koko kasvukauden, kun se yksivuotisilla on laajimmillaan tuleentumisen aikoihin. Kasvilajeilla on kuitenkin suuria eroja juuriston koossa ja juurieritteissä, ja vain osa lajeista kykenee muodostamaan sienijuuren mykorritsasienten kanssa. Tutkimustemme tavoitteena oli selvittää, voidaanko peltomaan mikrobistoon vaikuttaa viljelykierron ja kasvilajivalikoiman avulla. Esitykseen kootaan tuloksia kahdesta tutkimuksesta, jotka molemmat on toteutettu MTT Jokioisilla. MONIKASVI-hankkeen 3-vuotisessa kenttäkokeessa keskityimme juuriston ja sen ympäröivän maan mikrobistoon. Kokeessa oli mukana viisi yksivuotista (ohra (Hordeum vulgare), kinua (Chenopodium quinoa), camelina (Camelina sativa), pellava (Linum usitatissimum) ja tattari (Fagopyrum esculentum)) ja viisi monivuotista (timotei (Phleum pratense), kumina (Carum carvi), ruokohelpi (Phalaris arundinacea), värimorsinko (Isatis tinctoria), nokkonen (Urtica dioica)) viljelykasvia. SUCCESS-hankkeessa vertailimme maaperän mikrobistoa 4-vuotisessa viljelykierrossa (kevätvehnä, rypsi, ohra, herne) ja jatkuvassa kevätvehnän viljelyssä. Vertailussa olivat myös muokkausmenetelmät kyntö ja suorakylvö. Maaperämikrobiston koostumusta selvitettiin fosfolipidirasvahappojen (PLFA) ja neutraalilipidi-rasvahappojen (NLFA) analyysien avulla. MONIKASVI-hankkeessa selvitettiin arbuskelimykorritsojen esiintymistä myös muilla menetelmillä. SUCCESS-hankkeessa analysoitiin mikrobiston koostumusta molekyylibiologisilla menetelmillä, sekä selvitettiin mikrosienten esiintymistä oljessa. Peltomaan mikrobiston esiintymisessä oli suuria eroja kasvilajien välillä. Monivuotiset kasvit ylläpitivät runsaampaa mikrobistoa. Arbuskelimykorritsan esiintymiseen vaikutti ensisijaisesti kasvilajin ominaisuudet. Viljelykierrolla ja muokkausmenetelmällä voidaan edistää toivotunlaisen mikrobiston esiintymistä maassa.
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Palojärvi, Ansa, Saara Kaipainen, Sari Peura, and Christian Eriksson. "Erikoiskasveilla voidaan vaikuttaa peltomaan mikrobiston monimuotoisuuteen." Suomen Maataloustieteellisen Seuran Tiedote, no. 21 (January 31, 2006): 1.

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Juuret ja maaperän mikrobit elävät kiinteässä vuorovaikutussuhteessa. Kasvilajien tiedetäänkin vaikuttavan maaperän mikrobiston määrään ja laatuun suosimalla eri mikrobeja juuristossaan. Maaperän mikrobeilla on suuri merkitys maaperän keskeisissä prosesseissa, kuten ravinteiden kierrossa ja kasvitautien luontaisessa torjunnassa. Viljeltyjen kasvilajien määrä on vähentynyt huomattavasti ja viljely on yksipuolistunut, mikä on johtanut eloperäisen aineksen ja monimuotoisuuden vähenemiseen viljelymaissa. Kasvattamalla maaperän mikrobi-monimuotoisuutta nostetaan samalla hyödyllisten mikrobien todennäköisyyttä esiintyä maaperässä. Vaikka maamikrobien ja kasvin juuriston välisiä yhteyksiä on tutkittu melko aktiivisesti, on tutkimukset useimmiten tehty tavallisimmilla viljelykasveilla. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää erikoiskasvien vaikutusta maaperän mikrobiyhteisöihin ja verrata erikoiskasvien vaikutusta kontrollikasvina toimineeseen ohraan. Tässä erikoiskasveilla tarkoitetaan kasveja, joita tällä hetkellä käytetään viljelykasveina melko vähän, mutta joilla on potentiaalia viljelykasveiksi.Esityksessä kerrotaan tuloksia kahdesta astiakokeesta. 1. astiakoe toteutettiin kesällä 2003. Kokeessa oli mukana kaksi yleisesti viljeltyä kasvia, ohra (Hordeum vulgare) ja timotei (Phleum pratense) sekä yhdeksän erikoiskasvia. Erikoiskasvit olivat kumina (Carum carvi), ruokohelpi (Phalaris arundinaceae), värimorsinko (Isatis tinctoria), kinua (Chenopodium quinea), öljyhamppu (Cannabis sativa), kitupellava (Camelina sativa), pellava (Linum usitatissimum), tattari (Fagopyrum esculentum) ja nokkonen (Urtica dioica). Kasvit kylvettiin/istutettiin hienoa hietaa sisältäviin astioihin toukokuussa 2003. Astioita pidettiin lasikattoisessa astiakoehallissa, jossa on verkkoseinät. Näytteet yksivuotisista kasveista otettiintuleentumisen aikaan ja monivuotisista kasveista elokuun lopussa. 2. astiakoe tehtiin kolmella eri maalla (savi, hietasavi, hieno hieta) kasvihuoneessa talvella 2004-05. Mukana olivat erikoiskasvit tattari ja kumina sekä kontrollikasvi ohra. Näytteet otettiin kukinnan aikaan (tattari, ohra) tai kuminalla ohran näytteenoton jälkeen. Jokaisesta ruukusta otettiin kaksi näytettä, löyhästi juuristoon sitoutuneesta maasta maanäyte ja juurten pinnalta ritsosfäärinäyte. Näytteistä analysoitiin mikrobibiomassa ja mikrobiyhteisön rakenne solukalvojen fosfolipidien rasvahappoanalyysin avulla. Suurimmalla osalla kasveista mikrobibiomassa oli suurempi ritsosfäärissä kuin maassa, ja lisäksi mikrobibiomassa oli juuristossa suurempi suurimmalla osalla erikoiskasveista kuin kontrollikasvilla ohralla. Ainoastaan tattarilla ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa juuristo- ja maanäytteiden välillä ja tattarilla oli ohraan verrattuna pienempi mikrobibiomassa juuristonäytteissä. Mikrobiyhteisön rakenne oli erilainen juuristo- ja maanäytteissä, lisäksi kasvilajilla oli merkitystä juuristo- ja maanäytteiden erojen suuruuteen. Kuminalla, värimorsingolla, kinualla ja öljyhampulla oli suurimmat erot juuristo- ja maanäytteiden välillä ja ohraan verrattuna. Eri maissa oli toisistaan poikkeavat mikrobiyhteisöt, mutta ritsosfäärimikrobiston koostumukseen kasvilaji vaikutti maata enemmän.Astiakokeiden tulosten perusteella voidaan olettaa, että tietyillä erikoiskasveilla voidaan muuttaa peltomaan mikrobiyhteisön suuruutta ja rakennetta. Viljelykasvien valinnalla voitaisiin siten ohjata maaperän mikrobiyhteisöä viljelyn kannalta suotuisaan suuntaan.
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Walmsley, Alan. "Coin Frequencies in Sixth and Seventh Century Palestine and Arabia: Social and Economic Implications." Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient 42, no. 3 (1999): 326–50.

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AbstractLarge scale excavations at the ancient urban sites of Pella and Jarash (Gerasa) in Jordan have produced a statistically viable body of data on coin supply and circulation in Byzantine and early Islamic Palestine and Arabia. A comparison of the copper coins (folles and fractions) recovered at these sites reveals consistent trends, notably a major increase in supply during the reigns of Justin I and especially Justin II. After Justin II (d. 578) there is a marked decline in the supply and circulation of copper coins, even taking into account ß uctuating production levels and quality of folles in the later sixth and seventh centuries. The presence of a greater number of mints suggests no major consignments but only the local circulation of coins. A minor improvement in coinage levels at Pella in the late sixth to early seventh century may re ß ect the growing local strategic importance of the town. Support for this explanation can be seen in the expansion of Pella's Byzantine fort and, soon after, the important battle between the Islamic and Byzantine armies in 635.
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ZHAO, RANRAN, WENLI YANG, and GANGMIN ZHANG. "A study of chromosome and gametophyte development in Pellaea connectens C. Chr." Phytotaxa 266, no. 3 (June 24, 2016): 206.

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Pellaea connectens C. Chr., a cheilanthoid fern species, is rare and endemic to West Sichuan, China, and has an ambiguous taxonomical status. Recent molecular phylogenetic work has supported that it is a member of the genus Argyrochosma. In this research, we studied chromosome number and gametophyte development of this species to further elucidate its phylogenetic placement. We found that Pellaea connectens is a sexual tetraploid species with 64 spores per sporangium and with a base chromosome number of x = 27, which is consistent with Argyrochosma and different from other cheilanthoid ferns. We also found that the spore germination pattern of Pellaea connectens is of the Vittaria type and subsequent gametophyte development process is of the Ceratopteris type. All of the above concur with the characteristics of Argyrochosma nivea. Most of the gametophytes of Pellaea connectens reach an adult stage with a cordate symmetric shape, with a few developed as irregularly lobed prothalli. We conclude that cytology and gametophyte development characters support the previous taxonomic treatment of removing Pellaea connectens from Pellaea to Argyrochosma.
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Salusso, Fabricio Alejandro, R. Crespi, D. Ramos, G. Pautasso, and C. Bouzo. "Utilización de efluentes urbanos tratados para la producción de brócoli mediante riego por goteo subterráneo." AgriScientia 36, no. 1 (June 30, 2019): 63.

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<p class="western" style="margin-bottom: 0cm; line-height: 150%;" lang="es-ES" align="justify"><a name="_Hlk6045826"></a> La utilización de efluentes constituye una alternativa viable en la producción agrícola, transformando un desperdicio en un recurso útil, aportando agua y nutrientes a los cultivos. <span style="color: #212121;">El </span>objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la utilización de efluentes urbanos tratados en la producción de brócoli (<em>Brassica oleracea</em> var. itálica). Los tratamientos resultaron de la combinación de tres cultivares: ‘Matsuri’ (C1), ‘Green Pia’ (C2) y ‘Almanor’ (C3), y dos fuentes de riego: efluentes urbanos tratados (EUT) y agua de acuífero (AC), suministrado mediante riego por goteo subterráneo durante dos temporadas (E1 y E2). El diseño experimental fue en parcelas divididas. A la cosecha se evaluó partición de asimilados en hojas, tallo y pella, <span style="color: #000000;">diámetro de pella, </span>rendimiento fresco y <span lang="es-AR">calidad sanitaria del producto mediante análisis microbiológicos y parasitológicos. L</span>os resultados determinaron diferencias significativas (<em>p</em>? 0,05 Fisher) en rendimiento para los cultivares C2 y C3 (E1) regados con EUT. El diámetro de pellas presentó diferencias para C2, C3 (E1) y C3 (E2). En E1 las condiciones ambientales fueron más favorables, influyendo en el rendimiento de los cultivares. La calidad sanitaria de las pellas determinó que fueron aptas para su consumo en fresco, lo que demuestra <span lang="es-AR">que </span>esta tecnología podría ser utilizada en la producción de brócoli.</p>
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Müller, Sabine. "Marsyas of Pella and Phrygia." Electrum 29 (October 21, 2022): 39–51.

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There is a lot of uncertainty about the attribution of fragments to either Marsyas of Pella or Marsyas of Philippi. This paper challenges the traditional attribution of BNJ 135–136 F 4 (mentioning Midas’chariot with the Gordian knot) to Marsyas of Philippi and argues in favor of the identification of Marsyas of Pella as the author. For ideological and propagandistic reasons, it would fit well into Marysas of Pella’s account of the roots of Argead rule in his first book. By referring to Midas, Marsyas would have been able to link his half-brother Antigonus as the contemporary governor of Phrygia not only with the legendary Phrygian king and his legacy, but also with a Macedonian logos attested by Herodotus, creating a connection between Midas and the foundation of Argead rule. According to this logos, there existed old kinship relations between Macedonians and Phrygians who used to dwell at the foot of Mt. Bermium and were called Briges. This tradition was of propagandistic value and could have served to increase the ideological value of Antigonus’satrapy and main base in the rivalry with the other Diadochs.
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Mendoza, Aniceto, Mike Windham, Blanca Pérez-García, and George Yatskievych. "Una nueva especie de Pellaea (Pteridaceae) del estado de San Luis Potosí, México." Acta Botanica Mexicana, no. 57 (October 1, 2001): 15.

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Se describe e ilustra Pellaea ribae Mendoza & Windham, una nueva especie de Pellaea sect. Pellaea la cual se distingue claramente de otros representantes del género por sus abundantes tricomas blanquecinos presentes en el pecíolo, en el raquis y en la superficie abaxial de la lámina. Hasta ahora P. ribae se conoce solamente de dos localidades en San Luis Potosí, México. Se discuten las posibles relaciones de esta nueva especie con otros helechos cheilantoides.
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WANG, WAN, WENLI YANG, XINGXING MAO, RANRAN ZHAO, PING DOU, and GANGMIN ZHANG. "The phylogenetic affinities of Pellaea connectens, a rare endemic Chinese fern." Phytotaxa 220, no. 1 (July 15, 2015): 30.

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Using DNA sequences from five chloroplast makers (rbcL/ trnL–trnF/ rps4/ rps4–trnS/ trnG–trnR), we addressed the phylogenetic affinities of Pellaea connectens, a rare endemic Chinese cheilanthoid fern belonging to Pteridaceae. Our results confirmed that the species was a member of the newly segregated genus Argyrochosma, which was formerly considered as native to America, showing that the treatment of Pellaea connectens by Ching nor Tryon & Lugardon was supported. Moreover, its morphology, distribution, ecology, co-existing species, as well voucher specimens were also presented in this paper.
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Penelitian ini telah dilakukan di hutan tanaman industri Acacia mangium dan Eucalyptus pellita di Areal PT Inhutani III Sebuhur Kalimantan Selatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai besaran cadangan karbon pada hutan tanaman industri yang terdiri dari tegakan A. mangium dan E. pellita berdasarkan struktur dan komposisi jenisnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis jumlah (1) Menduga stok karbon hutan tanaman industri berbasis Acacia mangium liar terseleksi; (2) Menduga stok karbon hutan tanaman industri berbasis E. pellita terpilih. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa biomassa A. mangium sebesar 95.167 ton/ha lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan E. pellita sebesar 51.32 ton/ha. Hasil yang sama ditunjukkan pada biomassa tumbuhan bawah Acacia mangium sebesar 0,89 ton/ha yang lebih dari 0,50 ton/ha pada E. pellita. Biomassa nekromas A. mangium tercatat sebesar 39,68 ton/ha lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan E. pellita sebesar 13,18 ton/ha. Secara ringkas, cadangan karbon pada bahan organik di hutan tanaman industri A. mangium sebesar 20,23 ton/ha lebih tinggi dari E. pellita sebesar 12,1 ton/ha.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Pellava"


Davies, Aled Lloyd. "Agweddau pellach o ddatblygiad cerdd dant." Thesis, Bangor University, 1994.

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Le, Guennec Bernard. "Contribution à la connaissance de l'ichtyofaune du bassin de Mamore (Bolivie) : référence aux sardinons : Pellona castelnaena et Pellona flavipinnisS (Pisces, Clupeidae)." Toulouse, INPT, 1989.

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Suite a une presentation de la region de trinidad (bolivie), plus particulierement des milieux aquatiques et des caracteristiques physico-chimiques des eaux, l'aspect piscicole est aborde grace aux donnees des peches commerciales mais surtout a l'aide de nos peches experimentales. Notre contribution a la connaissance de la faune ichtyologique du bassin du mamore est essentiellement basee sur l'etude de pellona castelnaeana. En parallele, nous avons analyse partiellement la biologie d'un autre clupeidae: pellona flavipinnis. Apres une etude des caracteres systematiques, la biologie des deux clupeidae est abordee par leur repartition spatio-temporelle et les peuplements piscicoles associes. L'etude de la reproduction a permis de definir les modalites, le lieu et l'epoque de la ponte, mais aussi de mettre en evidence l'existence d'un hermaphrodisme protandre. Le role de predateur ichtyophage exclusif a ete confirme. La croissance, abordee par l'otolithometrie et confirmee par la methode de pauly et david, fait ressortir l'existence d'une croissance differente suivant le sexe et un arret de croissance lie a la reproduction. L'ensemble des resultats obtenus, ce qui est connu du milieu et des autres especes, ainsi qu'un essai de prediction de la production potentielle de p. Castelnaeana sont utilises pour proposer des amenagements qui permettraient de mieux exploiter et gerer la grande richesse piscicole de la region de trinidad
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Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T14:43:03Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SiderleiNascimento.pdf: 1511048 bytes, checksum: 4e0d3a8cdb36ae16997bbbd3399459f3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-21
The present study sought to understand the positioning of the Diocese of Ponta Grossa-PR before the changes provided by the Second Vatican Council, which discussed the integration of the Catholic Church to modernity, the appreciation of the particular churchand lay participation. In the city of Ponta Grossa-PR., Diocesan seat, there was the embodiment of the Pastoral Plan for the 1978/1979 biennium, aimed at the formation of Basic Ecclesial Communities, which undertook, with the evangelization liberating and transformative social structures. However, when oral narratives articulate individuals who experienced the historical period, in various social settings of the diocese, we measurethe constraints of the diocesan bishop with regard to the social movements of the church in relation to the participation of church members on issues of local politics , and the preferential option for the poor. From this discussion, we conclude that the materialization of this pastoral plan was effective, more as an instrument of legitimation of the power of the religious specialist, than to the Catholic church linked to social movements.
O presente trabalho buscou compreender o posicionamento da Diocese de Ponta Grossa-PR diante das transformações proporcionadas pelo Concílio Ecumênico Vaticano II, que discutiu a integração da igreja católica à modernidade, a valorização da igreja particular e a participação leiga. Na Cidade de Ponta Grossa-PR., sede diocesana, observou-se a materialização do Plano de Pastoral para o biênio de 1978/1979, que visava à formação de Comunidades Eclesiais de Base, as quais se comprometiam, com a evangelização libertadora e transformadora das estruturas sociais. Entretanto, ao se articular as narrativas orais de sujeitos históricos que vivenciaram o período, em diversos cenários sociais da diocese, aferimos as restrições do bispo diocesano em relação aos movimentos sociais da igreja, em relação à participação dos membros da igreja nos assuntos da política local, e na opção preferencial pelos pobres. De tal discussão, conclui-se que a materialização do referido plano de pastoral foi efetivada, mais como instrumento de legitimação do poder do especialista do campo religioso, do que para a igreja católica ligada aos movimentos sociais.
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Vallée, Lisette. "La sémiotique peircienne : pour une relecture de l'œuvre de Pellan." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 1989.

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A son retour de Paris en 1940, Alfred Pellan ramène une production artistique qui se caractérise par la semi- figuration. Ces représentations surchargées d'éléments hétéroclites, de personnages hybrides et d'objets insolites participent d'une sémanticité nouvelle de l'oeuvre picturale. La sémiotique de Charles S. Peirce, aussi appelée "théorie de la signification", permet une interprétation approfondie, toujours "proposée" et jamais finale des signes visuels. En passant par la notion d'interprétant, les signes visuels iconiques, indiciels et symboliques permettent un décryptage des signes semi- figuratifs contenus dans ce type de représentations. Nous proposons dans ce mémoire une analyse sémiotique de trois tableaux de Pellan des années '40 et '50 en nous basant sur la catégorie de l'objet -icône, indice et symbole-, deuxième niveau de la trichotomie peircienne, en vue d'une confrontation théorie/pratique renouvelant l'approche sémiotique de Peirce en regard de l'objet pictural.
Montréal Trigonix inc. 2018
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Santos, Marisângela Rodrigues dos. "Resistência genética à ferrugem em Eucalyptus pellita e E. urophylla x E. grandis." Universidade Federal de Viçosa, 2011.

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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico
Eucalyptus rust caused by Puccinia psidii is currently one of the main eucalypt in Brazil. Disease control has been accomplished by planting rust resistance genotypes. In the last years, this character has been incorporated into eucalypt resistance breeding programs to obtain resistant and superior genotypes for commercial planting. However, to set the breeding strategy, it is crucial to identify the pattern of rust resistance inheritance. This study aimed to determine the genetic basis of rust resistance in full-sib families of E. pellita and E. urophylla x E. grandis. The eucalypt seedlings were inoculated with the P. psidii single pustule isolate UFV2. The segregation pattern of inoculation of 441 individuals from four progeny of E. pellita indicate that resistance is a quantitative trait where several genes act in the plant defense response. In the second study 58 E. grandis parents, 92 E. urophylla and 607 individuals of 31 progenies originated from crosses between E. grandis x E. urophylla were evaluated. Between the evaluated parents rated 32% were resistant to the rust and among those 88% were E. urophylla. A large number of susceptible individuals (1R: 3S) were observed in the progeny indicating a distinct pattern of segregation from the expected single gene model proposed for E. grandis. The segregation found in this study show that the resistance control is more complex and it is closer to an oligogenic model, where more than one gene works in the plant defense response.
A ferrugem do eucalipto causada pelo fungo Puccinia psidii é, atualmente, uma das principais enfermidades da cultura do eucalipto no Brasil. O controle da doença tem sido realizado por meio do plantio de espécies, progênies ou clones resistentes. Nos últimos anos, o caráter resistência tem sido incorporado nos programas de melhoramento genético da cultura a fim de se obterem genótipos resistentes e superiores para plantio comercial. No entanto, a fim de traçar a estratégia de melhoramento, é fundamental determinar o modelo de herança da resistência. O presente trabalho objetivou determinar a base genética da resistência em famílias de irmãos completos de E. pellita e de E. urophylla x E. grandis por meio de inoculações, sob condições controladas, do isolado monopostular UFV-2 (raça 1) de P. psidii. Os resultados de inoculação de 441 indivíduos oriundos de quatro progênies de E. pellita indicaram que a resistência é de caráter quantitativo onde vários genes atuam na resposta de defesa da planta. No segundo estudo empregaram-se 58 genitores de E. grandis, 92 de E. urophylla e 607 indivíduos de 31 progênies oriundas do cruzamento de E. grandis x E. urophylla. Entre os genitores avaliados 32% foram resistentes à ferrugem, sendo que 88% são de E. urophylla. Na avaliação das progênies encontrou-se um maior número de indivíduos suscetíveis (1R:3S), indicando um padrão de segregação distinto do modelo monogênico, proposto para E. grandis. As segregações encontradas neste trabalho demonstram que o controle da resistência é mais complexo e está mais próximo de um modelo oligogênico, onde mais de um gene atua na resposta de defesa da planta.
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Andrade, Mateus Chagas. "Estratégias de melhoramento em Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell a partir da distância genética /." Botucatu, 2020.

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Orientador: Evandro Vagner Tambarussi
Resumo: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell é uma das espécies de importante interesse nos programas de melhoramento visando agregar alelos complementares, por meio da hibridação com espécies amplamente cultivadas, como o E. grandis e E. urophylla. Para isto, torna-se necessário o conhecimento da variabilidade genética e identificar possíveis grupos heteróticos de modo a orientar os programas de hibridação com o E. pellita. Neste sentido, a presente pesquisa objetivou estimar a variabilidade e a distância genética existente em procedências e progênies de E. pellita, por meio de caracteres quantitativos, a fim de subsidiar possíveis estratégias a serem executadas em um programa de melhoramento da espécie. Foi avaliado um teste de procedências e progênies, com 118 progênies pertencentes a sete procedências, além de um clone comercial como controle. O experimento foi delineado em blocos casualizados com cinco repetições, em parcelas lineares com nove plantas. Foram mensurados os caracteres quantitativos diâmetro a altura do peito (DAP), altura, volume individual e sobrevivência (%) aos sete anos de idade. Os dados foram submetidos a análise REML/BLUP, obtendo-se estimativas das componentes de variância, parâmetros genéticos e valores genéticos preditos (BLUP). Foi estimada a distância genética das procedências e progênies a partir da distância generalizada de Mahalanobis (D²), e posterior formação de grupos heteróticos pelo método de agrupamento de Tocher e método da ligação média (UPGMA). Além... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Abstract: Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell is an important species used in breeding programs to add complementary alleles through hybridization with widely cultivated species, such as Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus urophylla. To guide hybridization programs with E. pellita, information about the genetic variability and the identification of possible heterotic groups of the species is necessary. As such, the present study aimed to estimate the variability and genetic distance among E. pellita provenances and progenies using quantitative traits. The goal was to inform possible strategies to be implemented in a species improvement program. A provenance and progeny test with 118 progenies belonging to seven E. pellita provenances was analyzed, with a commercial clone used as the control. The experiment was designed in randomized blocks with five replications in linear plots, and nine plants per plot. The following quantitative traits were measured at seven years of age: diameter at breast height (DBH), height, individual volume, and survival (%). The data were submitted to REML/BLUP analysis to obtain estimates of the variance components, genetic parameters, and predicted genetic values (BLUP). The genetic distance of the provenances and progenies was estimated from the generalized Mahalanobis distance (D²). The formation of heterotic groups was subsequently identified using Tocher’s clustering method and the unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA). In addition, principal c... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
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Souza, Amanda Karen Silva de. "Fauna de metazoários parasitos de Pellona castelnaeana Valenciennes, 1847 (Clupeiformes: Pristigasteridae) da Amazônia Brasileira." Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia, 2018.

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Submitted by Gizele Lima ( on 2018-03-09T20:01:48Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese mestrado pós banca - Amanda Karen Silva de Souza.pdf: 1405799 bytes, checksum: 68b408327a4b2f27d252e91f9498cc17 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-03-09T20:01:48Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Tese mestrado pós banca - Amanda Karen Silva de Souza.pdf: 1405799 bytes, checksum: 68b408327a4b2f27d252e91f9498cc17 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-19
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq
Were collected and examined 63 specimens of Pellona castelnaeana captured in the Catalão lakes complex. The mean fish length was 28.5 cm ± 6.4 and the mean weight was 328.3 g ± 208.5. Were collected and identified 477 specimens of parasites. 14 Monogenoidea; 01 Digenea, 39 Acanthocephala, 382 Nematoda, 43 Copepod, 01 Isopoda and 01 Argulus and 01 Dolops. The Monogenoidea Mazocraeoides makrodemas parasitized the gills filaments, the Digenea Austrodiplostomum compactum the eye; the Acanthocephala Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) sp. n. the intestine; the Nematoda Anisakis sp. the surface of the liver, stomach and intestine; the Copepoda Acusicola pellonidis the gills filaments; the Branchiura Argulus chicomendesi and Dolops bidentata the body surface; and Isopoda, Braga patagonica the gill cavity. Anisakis sp. was the species with the highest prevalence (38%) followed by N. (N.) sp. n. (20.63%). All others species occurred with low prevalence. Eighty percent of the parasite community of P. castelnaeana was dominated by Anisakis sp., followed by Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) sp. (9.6%). The fauna of species parasites of P. castelnaeana was formed by a secondary species and seven satellites species. Only one parasite species presented secondary distribution, Anisakis sp. with prevalence of 38%. The species of Monogenoidea, Acanthocephala, Copepoda and Nematoda presented aggregate distribution. Anisakis sp. presented a negative correlation between total length and abundance. Only for Anisakis sp. "p" was significant (p ≤ 0.05).
Foram coletados e examinados 63 exemplares de Pellona castelnaeana, capturados no complexo de lagos do Catalão. O comprimento médio dos peixes foi de 28,5cm ± 6,4 e o peso médio 328,3g ± 208,5. Foram coletados e identificados 477 espécimens parasitos. Monogenoidea 14 indivíduos; Digenea 1, Acanthocephala 39, 382 Nematoda, Copepoda 43, 01 Isopoda e 2 Branchiura. O Monogenoidea Mazocraeoides makrodemas parasitava as brânquias; o Digenea, Austrodiplostomum compactum o olho; o Acanthocephala, Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) sp. n. o intestino; o Nematoda, Anisakis sp. a superfície do fígado, o estômago e o intestino; o Copepoda, Acusicola pellonidis os filamentos branquiais; as espécies de Branchiura, Argulus chicomendesi e Dolops bidentata a superfície do corpo; o Isopoda, Braga patagônica a cavidade branquial. Anisakis sp. foi a espécie com a maior prevalência (38%) seguida de Neoechinorhynchus (N.) sp. (20,63%). Todas as outras espécies ocorreram com baixa prevalência. Oitenta por cento da comunidade parasita de P. castelnaeana foi dominada por Anisakis sp., seguida por Neoechinorhynchus (Neoechinorhynchus) sp. (9,6%). A fauna de espécies parasitas de P. castelnaeana era formada por uma espécie secundária e sete satélites. Apenas uma espécie parasita apresentou distribuição secundária, Anisakis sp. com prevalência de 38%. As espécies de Monogenoidea, Acanthocephala, Copepoda e Nematoda apresentaram distribuição agregada. Anisakis sp. apresentou correlação negativa entre o comprimento total e a abundância. Somente para Anisakis sp. “p” foi significativo (p ≤ 0,05).
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Tomassetti, Eleonora. "Analisi ambientale della supply chain di tessuti e pellami di un’azienda del settore calzaturiero." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021.

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Questo lavoro di tesi analizza l’impatto ambientale connesso all’utilizzo della pelle in un'azienda del settore calzaturiero, mettendo in luce le caratteristiche che rendono la pelle un materiale unico. Dalle analisi condotte sono venute alla luce problematiche di tracciabilità e di emissioni legate all’utilizzo della pelle che però, date le sue caratteristiche tecniche, risulta un materiale ancora oggi ineguagliabile. La pelle è, inoltre, un prodotto di scarto dell’industria alimentare. Per questo motivo, in un’ottica di economia circolare, è importante valorizzarlo con dei processi che risultino meno impattanti possibili per l’ambiente. Oltre ad essere state svolte delle analisi sono state discusse diverse scelte che potrebbero portare miglioramenti per quanto riguarda l'impatto ambientale e la tracciabilità della pelle.
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Rishøj, Christensen Sanne. "A commentary on select poems by Posidippus of Pella." Thesis, University of Oxford, 2012.

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This thesis is an edition of and introduction and commentary to the text of a selection of Hellenistic Greek epigrams from the so-called Lithika (i.e. 'On Stones') by the Hellenistic poet, Posidippus of Pella, preserved in the first section of a third century BC Milan papyrus bookroll (P Mil Vogl VIII 309) first published in 2001. The thesis includes an introduction, Part 1, which discusses and contextualises the epigrams with other ancient Greek mineralogical literature (such as Theophrastus' On Stones) and also maps out the poetics of the poems. The main part of the thesis, the edition and commentary, Part 2, provides literary and archaeological notes on nine of the twenty (sometimes badly preserved) epigrams about precious stones: AB 3, AB 4, AB 5, AB 8, AB 11 ,AB 13 ,AB 14, AB 16 and AB 17. Tracings of the papyrus' readings and proposed supplements (not included in the editio princeps), which allow checking of the available spacing, are included for select epigrams as an appendix, and show that many supplements printed in the text of the two previous editions are unsubstantiated or wrong. The new text presented here thus furnishes those interested in Hellenistic epigram with a new foundation on which to base further discussion of the poetry.
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Davide, Antonio Claudio 1953. "Avaliação da adaptabilidade e da estabilidade fenotipica de progenies de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell, introduzidas da Australia." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UFPR, 2013.

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O presente trabalho trata do estudo da adaptação e estabilidade de progênies de Eucalyptus pellita F. Muell, procedentes da Austrália e plantadas em 11 locais. As avaliações de altura, DAP e sobrevivência foram realizadas com 1, 2 e 3 anos em7, 11 e 7 locais, respectivamente. O conjunto das progênies testadas apresentou melhor desempenho em Esplanada - BA, mas também demonstrou potencial para ser plantado em Aracruz - ES, Belo Oriente - MG, Brotas - SP, Mogi Guaçu - SP Inhambupe - BA. Nos demais locais (São Jerônimo-SP, Altinópolis - SP, Boa Esperança do Sul - SP, João Pinheiro - MG e Lassance - MG) o material genético introduzido poderá contribuir em programas de hibridação com outras espécies de maior potencial de produtividade. Das 23 progênies testadas, 16 delas (93, 94, 97, 128, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134. 138, 139, 141, 142, 143, 144 e 147) mostraram-se estáveis e deveriam constituir a população base para os futuros trabalhos de melhoramento, tanto para o grupo dos ambientes desfavoráveis (Lassance, João Pinheiro, Altinópolis, Boa Esperança do Sul e São Jerônimo), como para os ambientes com produtividade acima da média (Inhambu,e, Belo Oriente, Aracruz, Brotas, Mogi Guaçu e Esplanada), Apesar do número reduzido, recomenda-se a utilização desse grupo de progênies para a formação de pomares de sementes. Esses pomares poderão atender a uma ampla faixa de ambientes, com consequente redução no custo das sementes Os valores de repetibilidade dos parâmetros da estabilidade, mostraram ser possível o melhoramento para essa característica, apesar de ser mais difícil do que para H e DAP. Os resultados deste trabalho permitiram concluir também que é possível associar alta produtividade com estabilidade, o que é altamente desejável, visando indicar materiais genéticos para plantio em uma faixa mais ampla de ambientes.
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Books on the topic "Pellava"


Vihdanmäki, Aleksi. Kotiseudullisia muistitietoja Tyrvään Ekojärvenmaasta. Vammala: Tyrvään seudun kotiseutuyhdistys, 2008.

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Pellatt, Apsley. Apsley Pellatt on glass making: Publications by Apsley Pellatt senior & Apsley Pellatt junior, 1807-1848. Sheffield: Society of Glass Technology, 2006.

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Martin, Michel. Alfred Pellan. Québec: Musée du Québec, 1993.

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Pellas, Homēros. Homēros Pellas. Athēna: Ekdoseis Gavriēlidēs, 2004.

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Sandra, Grant Marchand, Pellan Alfred 1906-1988, Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal., and Musée du Québec, eds. Alfred Pellan. [Québec]: Musée du Québec, 1993.

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Lamarche, Jacques. Alfred Pellan. Montréal, Québec: LIDEC, 1997.

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Fund, Palestine Exploration, ed. Pella. London: The Society, 1989.

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Kr̥ṣṇamūrti, Mallādi Veṅkaṭa. Rēpōmāpōpeḷḷaṇṭa =: Repo mapo pellanta. Haidarābād: Lipi Pablikēṣans, 1998.

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Posidippus. Posidippi Pellaei quae supersunt omnia. Milano: LED, 2002.

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Pellanda, Luigi. Luigi Pellanda: 30 anni d'arte. Bologna: Edizioni Cinquantasei, 2016.

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Book chapters on the topic "Pellava"


Braun-Falco, Markus, Henry J. Mankin, Sharon L. Wenger, Markus Braun-Falco, Stephan DiSean Kendall, Gerard C. Blobe, Christoph K. Weber, et al. "Pellagra." In Encyclopedia of Molecular Mechanisms of Disease, 1595–97. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2009.

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Theisler, Charles. "Pellagra." In Adjuvant Medical Care, 271. New York: CRC Press, 2022.

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Hussein, L., Z. Mounir, B. Elnaggar, A. Ashoub, A. Arafah, A. Saleh, H. Abdellah, A. A. Ibrahim, and M. Abassy. "PELLAGRA IN EGYPT." In Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research 1986, edited by David A. Bender, Michael H. Joseph, Walter Kochen, and Hans Steinhart, 147–52. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1987.

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Misra, U. K., and J. Kalita. "Niacin deficiency: Pellagra." In Neurological Consequences of Nutritional Disorders, 47–57. First edition. | Boca Raton, FL : Taylor & Francis, 2021.: CRC Press, 2021.

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Gentilcore, David, and Egidio Priani. "The Bacteriological Divide: Pellagra in Italy and the United States (The Twentieth Century)." In Mental Health in Historical Perspective, 55–76. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractAt the beginning of the twentieth century, there was still no cure for pellagra. This chapter concludes our look at medical reactions to pellagra over the course of the long nineteenth century, with a study of two vastly different reactions to a new explanatory model of the disease in the period leading up to the First World War. In 1910, a doctor at London’s School of Tropical Medicine concluded that pellagra had a bacterial cause and nothing whatsoever to do with maize consumption. In Italy, this challenged the existing orthodoxy that pellagra was caused by a maize toxin. Meanwhile, in the United States, where the disease was fast becoming epidemic, the bacterial approach seemed to provide a ready solution. This chapter asks whether the bacterial theory effectively side-tracked research on pellagra and diet, in the interests of medical investigators, public officials and maize producers. And it explores what these theoretical shifts and the resulting controversies reveal about the very different medical and public health contexts in Italy and the United States. Paradoxically, and quite tragically, pellagra is an example of a disease for which there were more or less effective preventive measures available (and proposed, but not necessarily practised) long before there was a complete understanding of the disease and its cause.
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Carpenter, K. J. "PELLAGRA AND NIACIN BIOAVAILABILITY." In Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research 1986, edited by David A. Bender, Michael H. Joseph, Walter Kochen, and Hans Steinhart, 145–46. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1987.

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Montag, Andreas. "Beckenmoos, Endivienartiges (Pellia endiviifolia)." In Pflanzen und Haut, 381–82. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2023.

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Belavady, Bhavani. "AMINO ACID IMBALANCE AND PELLAGRA." In Progress in Tryptophan and Serotonin Research 1986, edited by David A. Bender, Michael H. Joseph, Walter Kochen, and Hans Steinhart, 153–58. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 1987.

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Gentilcore, David, and Egidio Priani. "Rough Skin: An Introduction." In Mental Health in Historical Perspective, 1–23. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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AbstractWe begin this chapter, and the book, with the tragic story of Mattio Lovat (1806), to introduce the then fairly new and little-understood disease, known in Italy as pellagra—literally, ‘rough skin’, after its primary manifestation. But dermatitis was only the first of the infamous ‘four Ds’, to which we can add diarrhoea, dementia and death. Italy and the United States would be the countries most affected by the disease, but pellagra was either epidemic, endemic or occasional in many other areas where maize cultivation and consumption was widespread. We suggest that what must have seemed like a positive agricultural development—the introduction of the Central American plant maize, with its prodigious yields and its ability to feed so many—had some unintended consequences in Italy over the course of the long nineteenth century. If it became a celebrated part of local culture and diet, because of its very success, maize cultivation altered longstanding landholding patterns and adversely affected peasant conditions and livelihoods. A combination of poverty and meagre diet resulted in endemic pellagra, with an estimated 100,000 sufferers in Italy by the late 1870s. We conclude this chapter by outlining the aims and structure of the book.
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Landsteiner, Erich. "Nichts als Karies, Lungenkrebs und Pellagra?" In Die Geschichte des europäischen Welthandels und der wirtschaftliche Globalisierungsprozeß, 104–39. Wien: Böhlau Verlag, 2001.

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Conference papers on the topic "Pellava"


Zhao, Ruihong, Guohua Jin, Ke Tao, Yue Wang, and Guodong Wu. "IDDF2022-ABS-0080 Pellagra, a re-emerging disease causes gastrointestinal bleeding." In Abstracts of the International Digestive Disease Forum (IDDF), Hong Kong, 2–4 September 2022. BMJ Publishing Group Ltd and British Society of Gastroenterology, 2022.

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Kuronuma, Koji, Natsumi Susai, Tatsuru Ishikawa, Tomohiro Kuroita, and Takeshi Yoshioka. "Effect of pirfenidone on the development of pellagra-related nausea in mice." In ERS International Congress 2021 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2021.

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Kuroita, Tomohiro, Hiroki Yamamoto, Natsumi Susai, Takeshi Yoshioka, Koji Kuronuma, and Shuji Kaneko. "Real world data analysis indicates that pirfenidone may cause pellagra-like photosensitivity." In ERS International Congress 2021 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2021.

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Ardina, Vebria, Bambang Irawan, Danawati Hari Prajitno, and Achmad Roesyadi. "Active alkali charge effect on kraft pulping process of acacia mangium and eucalyptus pellita." In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Ion Sources. Author(s), 2018.

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Arsensi, Iin, and Djumali Mardji. "Diseases of Shoot, Stem and Root on Eucalyptus pellita F.Muell. at Sebulu, East Kalimantan." In Joint Symposium on Tropical Studies (JSTS-19). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Kartiko, Agmi Bagus, Agmi Sinta Putri, Enih Rosamah, and Harlinda Kuspradini. "Evaluation of Antibacterial Activity and Physico-Chemical Profiles of Eucalyptus pellita Essential Oil from East Kalimantan." In Joint Symposium on Tropical Studies (JSTS-19). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2021.

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Kuronuma, Koji, Natsumi Susai, Takeshi Yoshioka, Atsushi Saito, and Hirofumi Chiba. "Impact of Bifidobacterium longum BB536 on nausea caused by pirfenidone in a mouse model of pellagra." In ERS International Congress 2023 abstracts. European Respiratory Society, 2023.

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Kalsum, Leila, Idha Silviyati, and Jenie Fahlevi Putri. "Eucalyptus pellita Actived Carbon for Fe Absorption Effect of Carbonization Temperature and Concentration of KOH Activator." In 5th FIRST T1 T2 2021 International Conference (FIRST-T1-T2 2021). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Darmawan, Aria, Yanuar Ananda Putri Ramadhan, Nita Rahayu Dewi, Hikmatun Ni’mah, Achmad Roesyadi, and Firman Kurniawansyah. "Effect of oxygen delignification process on the lignin content and wastewater quality from kraft-pulped Eucalyptus pellita." In PROCEEDINGS OF 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CHEMICAL PROCESS AND PRODUCT ENGINEERING (ICCPPE) 2019. AIP Publishing, 2020.

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Agata, Metika Mega, Selvi Amelia Virda, Aria Darmawan, Hikmatun Ni’mah, Achmad Roesyadi, and Firman Kurniawansyah. "Kappa number and viscosity in oxygen delignification of kraft-pulp Eucalyptus pellita in comparison with prediction data." In II INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL SYMPOSIUM “MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY” (MST-II-2022). AIP Publishing, 2023.

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Reports on the topic "Pellava"


Clay, Karen, Ethan Schmick, and Werner Troesken. The Rise and Fall of Pellagra in the American South. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, August 2017.

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Kerr, D. E. Reconnaissance surficial geology, Nose Lake, Nunavut-Northwest Territories, NTS 76-F. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.

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The oldest regional ice flow in the Nose Lake map area is southwestward. Subsequent northwestward flow is inferred from streamlined bedrock in central and eastern regions. The final and youngest flow was southwestward in these same regions, recorded by an abundance of streamlined landforms in till blanket and bedrock. The western edge of this late active ice lobe is defined by recessional moraines, part of the Twin Jugs moraine, also marking the eastern limit of a broad band of hummocky till from downwasting ice. During deglaciation, short-lived proglacial lakes, identified by raised beaches and deltas, developed within parts of the river valleys of the Mara (420 to 410 m elevation), Hackett (445 to 395 m), and Storak (440 to 415 m). Lakes also formed west of Nose Lake (490 to 430 m elevation) and in the Contwoyto-Pellatt-Ghurka lake basins (470 to 450 m). Orientation of many eskers, associated subglacial meltwater corridors, and sheet drainage is variable, but can be perpendicular to local ice flow.
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Mohammadi, N., D. Corrigan, A. A. Sappin, and N. Rayner. Evidence for a Neoarchean to earliest-Paleoproterozoic mantle metasomatic event prior to formation of the Mesoproterozoic-age Strange Lake REE deposit, Newfoundland and Labrador, and Quebec, Canada. Natural Resources Canada/CMSS/Information Management, 2022.

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A complete suite of bulk major- and trace-elements measurements combined with macroscopic/microscopic observations and mineralogy guided by scanning electron microscope-energy dispersive spectrometry (SEM-EDS) analyses were applied on Nekuashu (2.55 Ga) and Pelland (2.32 Ga) intrusions in northern Canada, near the Strange Lake rare earth elements (REE) deposit, to evaluate their magmatic evolution and possible relations to the Mesoproterozoic Strange Lake Peralkaline Complex (SLPC). These Neoarchean to earliest-Paleoproterozoic intrusions, part of the Core Zone in southeastern Churchill Province, comprise mainly hypersolvus suites, including hornblendite, gabbro, monzogabbro/monzodiorite, monzonite, syenite/augite-syenite, granodiorite, and mafic diabase/dyke. However, the linkage of the suites and their petrogenesis are poorly understood. Geochemical evidence suggests a combination of 'intra-crustal multi-stage differentiation', mainly controlled by fractional crystallization (to generate mafic to felsic suites), and 'accumulation' (to form hornblendite suite) was involved in the evolution history of this system. Our model proposes that hornblendite and mafic to felsic intrusive rocks of both intrusions share a similar basaltic parent magma, generated from melting of a hydrous metasomatized mantle source that triggered an initial REE and incompatible element enrichment that prepared the ground for the subsequent enrichment in the SLPC. Geochemical signature of the hornblendite suite is consistent with a cumulate origin and its formation during the early stages of the magma evolution, however, the remaining suites were mainly controlled by 'continued fractional crystallization' processes, producing more evolved suites: gabbronorite/hornblende-gabbro ? monzogabbro/monzodiorite ? monzonite ? syenite/augite-syenite. In this proposed model, the hydrous mantle-derived basaltic magma was partly solidified to form the mafic suites (gabbronorite/hornblende-gabbro) by early-stage plagioclase-pyroxene-amphibole fractionation in the deep crust while settling of the early crystallized hornblende (+pyroxene) led to the formation of the hornblendite cumulates. The subsequent fractionation of plagioclase, pyroxene, and amphibole from the residual melt produced the more intermediate suites of monzogabbro/monzodiorite. The evolved magma ascended upward into the shallow crust to form monzonite by K-feldspar fractionation. The residual melt then intruded at shallower depth to form syenite/augite-syenite with abundant microcline crystals. The granodiorite suite was probably generated from lower crustal melts associated with the mafic end members. Later mafic diabase/dykes were likely generated by further partial melting of the same source at depth that were injected into the other suites.
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Ground water near Pella and in selected parts of Jasper, Mahaska and Marion Counties, Iowa. US Geological Survey, 2002.

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In-depth survey report: control technology assessment for the welding operations at Vermeer Manufacturing, Pella, Iowa. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, April 1998.

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Effects of remedial grouting on the ground-water flow system at Red Rock Dam near Pella, Iowa. US Geological Survey, 2001.

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Analysis of the ground-water flow system, geochemistry, and underseepage in the vicinity of the Red Rock Dam near Pella, Iowa. US Geological Survey, 1991.

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