Academic literature on the topic 'Pedagogy of error'

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Journal articles on the topic "Pedagogy of error"


Han, Z., and L. Selinker. "Error resistance: towards an empirical pedagogy." Language Teaching Research 3, no. 3 (September 1, 1999): 248–75.

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Han, ZhaoHong, and Larry Selinker. "Error resistance: towards an empirical pedagogy." Language Teaching Research 3, no. 3 (July 1999): 248–75.

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Artem'eva, Svetlana Vadimovna, and Tat'yana Sergeevna Kur'yakova. "Formation of Future Mathematics Teachers’ Professional Competences Using Error Correction Tasks." Pedagogika. Voprosy teorii i praktiki, no. 1 (March 2020): 22–26.

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Hamid, M. Obaidul, and Linh Dieu Doan. "The problematic of second language errors." Australian Review of Applied Linguistics 37, no. 2 (January 1, 2014): 123–44.

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The significance of errors in explicating Second Language Acquisition (SLA) processes led to the growth of error analysis in the 1970s which has since maintained its prominence in English as a second/foreign language (L2) research. However, one problem with this research is errors are often taken for granted, without problematising them and their identification. Against this background, the present study aimed to: (a) measure L2 English teachers’ ability to interpret L2 learner intentions in idiosyncratic expressions, and (b) bring to light factors that facilitate error identification. Findings show that: (1) there is a significant difference between L2 students’ intentions and teachers’ interpretations of those intentions; and (2) L2 English teachers’ knowledge of students’ L1 is not an advantage in error detection. Teacher interview data were drawn on to explicate text interpretation, reconstruction and error identification, suggesting implications for L2 research and pedagogy.
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BIVOL, Ninela. "The error-a fundamental instrument in the study of the french language." Univers Pedagogic 83, no. 3 (September 2024): 18–23.

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In the process of learning a foreign language, the term of “error” is absolutely indispensable. Traditional pedagogy avoids the aspect of making an error, penalizing the student by doing it. But, the evaluation methodology in foreign languages teaching has acquired another dimension. The concept of an error benefits a the significance in the school space. Thus, the moment when the student commits an error is not equal with an inability to understand the subject, but on the contrary, a thorough analysis of the factors that determined this moment in the learning process. The guidance of the teacher at this stage monitors the origin of the appearance of those errors. Therefore, this aspect is analyzed, staged, explained by the teacher, and is accepted by those who learn.
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Kurzer, Kendon. "Accuracy Gains from Unfocused Feedback: Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback as Meaningful Pedagogy." Journal of Language and Education 8, no. 4 (December 26, 2022): 102–16.

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Background. A primary question among L2 writing instructors is how to best deliver written corrective feedback (WCF) to support student learning. One promising WCF method is Dynamic Written Corrective Feedback, in which instructors provide unfocused/comprehensive feedback using a coding system coupled with regular rounds of editing on short, in-class student-written paragraphs. Purpose. In this study, I explored the impact on student accuracy of unfocused DWCF on brief student-produced texts in intermediate and advanced developmental ESL writing classes. This study was motivated by the desire to evaluate this pedagogical intervention and determine if it should continue to be implemented in our developmental writing program. Methods. Utilizing a quasi-experimental research design using t-test analyses, I coded, tallied, and contrasted the errors in term-final paragraphs of 130 students who participated in classes that used DWCF with 79 students in control sections that did not include DWCF. Results. I found statistically significant improvements in the treatment sections at both levels for nearly all error types (including but not limited to verb form/tense, sentence structure, work order, work choice, determiner, noun form, and punctuation errors; the only error type that did not return significance differences was prepositions at the intermediate level). These results suggest that unfocused written corrective feedback may be effectively used in multilingual writing classrooms, at least given certain parameters to help ensure that feedback is manageable and specific, per the DWCF process. Conclusion. This study complicates the so-called best practices stemming from WCF research in which many researchers have advocated for WCF that addresses only a small number of error types. Rather, providing that feedback practices are kept manageable and accessible for the students, multilingual students may effectively process and apply unfocused feedback to their own writing.
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Heift, Trude. "Multiple Learner Errors and Meaningful Feedback." CALICO Journal 20, no. 3 (January 14, 2013): 533–48.

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This paper describes a web-based ICALL system for German that provides error-specific feedback suited to learner expertise. The main focus of the discussion is on the Domain Knowledge and the Filtering Module. The Domain Knowledge represents the knowledge of linguistic rules and vocabulary, and its goal is to parse sentences and phrases to produce sets of phrase descriptors. Phrase descriptors provide very detailed information on the types of errors and their location in the sentence. The Filtering Module is responsible for processing multiple learner errors. Motivated by pedagogical and linguistic design decisions, the Filtering Module ranks student errors by way of an Error Priority Queue. The Error Priority Queue is flexible: the grammar constraints can be reordered to reflect the desired emphasis of a particular exercise. In addition, a language instructor might choose not to report some errors. The paper concludes with a study that supports the need for a CALL system that addresses multiple errors by considering language teaching pedagogy.
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Adams, Whitney Jordan. "Rhetorical Error: Combating Post-Truth and AI Nihilism Through Active Discourse Production." Papers in Arts and Humanities 4, no. 2 (February 4, 2025): 78–86.

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Using the classical pedagogical strategies of Isocrates as a framework, this paper investigates how a renewed focus on civic rhetoric in the classroom will allow for increased dialogue and active discourse production between those inside and outside the Academy. Although Isocrates did not use the word “rhetoric” himself, reading his translated texts through a current lens allows the application of rhetoric through renewed frameworks. As we find ourselves mainly existing in a post-truth world, there is a proclivity among many to replace facts with pathos. As Lee McIntyre (2018) explores in his work Post Truth, heightened reliance on emotion, social media, and fake news represents a dangerous form of nihilism. Connected to this is the abandonment of traditional media, the dismissal of evidence, and a blatant disregard for the truth—all of which can be considered “rhetorical error.” As individuals become more and more distanced from others through a reliance on the digital, they retreat into what McIntyre calls “information silos” (2018). Active discourse production, building on Isocrates’ notion of classical pedagogy, can directly challenge these information silos. Hart (2006) argues for returning to classical pedagogy in the writing classroom. This paper builds on this work, suggesting that pedagogy grounded in ideals put forth by Isocrates can directly challenge both post-truth nihilism and rhetorical error.
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Mohamad Sazali, Nur Asiah Syafikah, Nor Azira Mohd Radzi, Nor Alifah Rosaidi, and Razlina Razali. "A CORPUS-BASED STUDY OF SIMPLE PAST TENSE ERRORS IN MALAYSIAN LEARNERS’ ENGLISH WRITING." International Journal of Modern Education 6, no. 21 (June 30, 2024): 359–71.

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In mastering the English language, learners need to be able to comply with its grammatical rules. Most previous corpus-based studies about learners’ grammar errors have examined the non-Malaysian context. Therefore, the overarching aim of this study is to investigate simple past tense errors in Malaysian English as a Second Language (ESL) secondary school learners’ writing. Employing a corpus-based error analysis approach, it specifically intends to identify the types of simple past tense errors in Malaysian ESL secondary school learners’ writing and the frequency of simple past tense errors in Malaysian ESL secondary school learners’ writing. To this end, the English of Malaysian School Students (EMAS) corpus, in particular the sub-corpus of Malaysian learners’ narrative essays was analysed based on two main frameworks. The Error Analysis Framework was adapted for the error analysis procedure, while the Surface Strategy Taxonomy Framework was used for the classification of types of errors. Online corpus tools such as Part-Of-Speech (POS) the Constituent Likelihood Automatic Word-Tagging System (CLAWS) and Antconc version 3.5.8 were employed as the instruments of the study. The findings of the study showed that there are three types of simple past tense errors in the learners’ writing, namely Error of Omission, Error of Addition and Error of Misformation. Misformation is the most popular type of simple past tense error committed by the learners. The findings of the study would be useful for the Malaysian context of ESL learners’ curriculum design and pedagogy.
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Guénette, Danielle. "The Pedagogy of Error Correction: Surviving the Written Corrective Feedback Challenge." TESL Canada Journal 30, no. 1 (February 17, 2013): 117.

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Should we correct our students’ language errors? Most ESL teachers would an- swer this question with a resounding Yes while at the same time wondering how to meet the challenge. The collaborative project reported below was designed to provide ESL teacher trainees with an opportunity to experience the ups and downs of providing corrective feedback on writing and develop their awareness in this regard. To this end, the teacher trainees acted as corrective-feedback tutors to high school learners during one school semester. During the course of the proj- ect, they kept journals documenting their reflections in regard to this demanding pedagogical practice. Time constraints, motivation, and fear of making mistakes themselves or of not providing adequate guidance to the learners were among the major hurdles encountered by the tutors. In interviews conducted at the end of the project, the tutors offered suggestions for overcoming these difficulties and surviving the corrective-feedback trials and tribulations. The survival tips pre- sented were drawn from the tutors’ recommendations as well as from insights from corrective-feedback research.Devrait-on corriger les erreurs de langue de nos étudiants? La plupart des en- seignants d’ALS répondraient à cette question par un oui catégorique tout en se demandant comment relever ce défi. Le projet collaboratif décrit ci-dessous a été conçu pour fournir aux stagiaires en ALS une occasion de vivre les hauts et les bas liés au fait de présenter de la rétroaction corrective aux travaux écrits, et de se conscientiser à cet égard. À cette fin, les stagiaires ont joué le rôle de tuteurs fournissant de la rétroaction corrective à des élèves du secondaire pendant un se- mestre. Au cours de projet, ils ont tenu un journal pour noter leurs réflexions relatives à cette pratique pédagogique exigeante. Parmi les obstacles les plus im- portants auxquels les tuteurs ont fait face, notons les contraintes de temps, la motivation et la peur de se tromper eux-mêmes ou de ne pas fournir des conseils adéquats aux élèves. Lors d’entrevues qui ont eu lieu à la fin du projet, les tuteurs ont offert des suggestions pour surmonter ces difficultés et survivre aux vicissi- tudes de la rétroaction corrective. Les conseils de survie présentés sont tirés des recommandations des tuteurs et des perspectives découlant de la recherche sur la rétroaction corrective.
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Pedagogy of error"


PETTERSSON, JENNY. "Elever måste få göra fel för att göra rätt : Hur korrigerar lärare uttalsvariationer i engelsk språkinlärning i årskurs 4 - 6?" Thesis, Linnéuniversitetet, Institutionen för språk (SPR), 2021.

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Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att ta reda på vad den senaste forskningen säger om lärares korrigering av uttal hos elever i engelskundervisningen. Detta är viktigt då eleverna behöver ett funktionellt tal för att göra sig förstådda på målspråket och vissa uttalsfel kan försvåra begripligheten. Studien är baserad på sju artiklar som valts ut genom sökning i databaser. Artiklarna har systematiskt analyserats genom att ett kategoriseringsschema skapats med olika begrepp för att kunna identifiera mönster. Förr i tiden skulle alla fel alltid korrigeras eftersom målet var att uppnå ett modersmålsliknande uttal. På grund av alla olika modersmål och dialekter är detta i stort sett omöjligt och därför har man kommit fram till att det viktigaste är att eleverna förvärvar ett begripligt, funktionellt tal. Det ställs höga krav på lärare då de ofta ställs inför svåra dilemman. Lärare måste många gånger fatta snabba beslut angående vilken typ av feedback de ska ge sina elever vid uttalsfel i engelska. Det kan vara svårt att veta hur mycket och när lärare ska korrigera elevernas fel och vad är det egentligen som ska korrigeras. Resultatet påvisade många strategier för korrigering men att alla inte är så effektiva. Det bästa för eleverna är en trygg lärmiljö och att försöka framkalla självkorrigering genom att läraren ställer frågor och uppmanar eleverna till att tänka själva och komma fram till rätt svar. Detta kräver att eleverna har goda kunskaper om språkregler vilket även ställer krav på lärare att introducera dessa i de tidiga åldrarna. Lärare måste också analysera vilka fel eleverna gör för att kunna korrigera dem så effektivt som möjligt. Eleverna kan göra fel men också misstag. Fel ska hanteras direkt när de uppstår, det krävs även då en förklaring för att eleverna ska förstå språkreglerna. Misstag kan ignoreras då det oftast handlar om felsägningar. Det framkom även i studien att många lärare känner en osäkerhet om intonation och betoning men som är mycket viktigt för att ord ska få rätt betydelse. Att ge feedback och korrigera elevernas uttal är inte enkelt och kan vara väldigt känsligt. Därför är det viktigt att lärare är medvetna om hur effektiva deras korrigeringstekniker är och hur dessa tas emot av eleverna.
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Louw, Henk. "MarkWrite : standardised feedback on ESL student writing via a computerised marking interface / Henk Louw." Thesis, North-West University, 2011.

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The research reported on in this thesis forms part of the foundation of a bigger research project in which an attempt is made to provide better, faster and more efficient feedback on student writing. The introduction presents the localised and international context of the study, and discusses some of the problems experienced with feedback practice in general. The introduction also gives a preview of the intended practical implementation of the research reported on in this thesis. From there on, the thesis is presented in article form with each article investigating and answering a part of two main guiding questions. These questions are: 1. Does feedback on student writing work? 2. How can feedback on student writing be implemented as effectively as possible? The abstracts for the five individual articles are as follows: Article 1 Article 1 presents a rubric for the evaluation of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) software based on international recommendations for effective CALL. The rubric is presented after a brief overview of the pedagogical and implementation fundamentals of CALL, and a discussion of what needs to be included in a needs analysis for CALL evaluation. It is then illustrated how the evaluation criteria in the rubric can be used in the design of a new CALL system. Article 2 Providing feedback on student writing is a much-debated topic. One group of researchers argues that it is ineffective and another group remains convinced that it is effective, while at ground level teachers and lecturers simply carry on “marking” texts. The author of this article contends that both arguments have valid contributions to make and uses the arguments both for and against feedback to create a checklist for effective feedback practice. Adhering to this checklist should counter most of the arguments against feedback while supporting and improving the positive arguments in favour of feedback. Article 3 This article reports on an experiment which tested how effectively standardised feedback could be used when marking L2 student writing. The experiment was conducted using a custom-programmed software tool and a set of standardised feedback comments. The results of the experiment prove that standardised feedback can be used consistently and effectively to a degree, even though some refinements are still needed. Using standardised feedback in a standard marking environment can assist markers in raising their awareness of errors and in more accurately identifying where students lack knowledge. With some refinements, it may also be possible to speed up the marking process. Article 4 This article describes an experiment in which Boolean feedback (a kind of checklist) was used to provide feedback on the paragraph structures of first-year students in an academic literacy course. The major problems with feedback on L2 writing are introduced and it is established why a focus on paragraph structures in particular is of importance. The experiment conducted was a two-draft assignment in which three different kinds of feedback (technique A: handwritten comments; technique B: consciousness raising through generalised Boolean feedback; and technique C: specific Boolean feedback) were presented to three different groups of students. The results indicate that specific Boolean feedback is more effective than the other two techniques, partly because a higher proportion of the instances of negative feedback on the first draft were corrected in the second draft (improvements), but more importantly because in the revision a much lower number of changes to the text resulted in negative feedback on the second draft (regressions). For non-specific feedback, almost as many regressions occurred as improvements. In combination with automatic analytical techniques made possible with software, the results from this study make a case for using such checklists to give feedback on student writing. Article 5 This article describes an experiment in which a series of statements, answerable simply with yes or no (labelled Boolean feedback), were used to provide feedback on the introductions, conclusions and paragraph structures of student texts. A write-rewrite assignment (the same structure as in article 4) was used and the quality of the student revisions was evaluated. The results indicate that the students who received Boolean feedback showed greater improvement and fewer regressions than students who received feedback using the traditional method. The conclusion provides a brief summary as well as a preview of the immense future research possibilities made possible by this project.
Thesis (Ph.D. (English))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011.
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Souza, Regina Aparecida Marques de. "A mediação pedagógica da professora : o erro na sala de aula." [s.n.], 2006.

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Orientador: Sergio Antonio da Silva Leite
Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Educação
Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-20T17:11:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Souza_ReginaAparecidaMarquesde_D.pdf: 5167571 bytes, checksum: 68e16f1f3742db55ba298f899b50c273 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006
Resumo: Esta pesquisa objetivou observar, analisar e descrever os elementos constitutivos das relações de mediação de uma professora, que se efetivaram no cotidiano de uma sala de aula da primeira série do ensino fundamental, visando à superação/compreensão do erro produzido por seus alunos. Centramos o campo teórico na abordagem histórico-cultural, enfatizando alguns conceitos, tais como: mediação, zona de desenvolvimento proximal, formação de conceitos e a noção de erro. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram baseados na pesquisa qualitativa, com enfoque no estudo de caso, tendo como instrumentos para a coleta dos dados a video-gravação, entrevistas e coleta de material (atividades) dos alunos. Os dados envolveram cinqüenta episódios de interação, organizados em matrizes que apresentavam dois quadros com três colunas cada: o primeiro, com a descrição da interação professor-aluno, destacando as condições antecedentes, o desempenho do aluno e as condições conseqüentes O segundo, com a descrição da relação pesquisadora-aluno, com as mesmas colunas. Os episódios foram divididos em: com sucesso e sem sucesso e analisados a partir de nove categorias e subcategorias, que oportunizaram a realização de testes estatísticos, permitindo identificar a significância dos fatores analisados pelas categorias. Três fatores foram considerados significantes para explicar as diferenças entre os episódios com e sem sucesso: a) Qualidade da Instrução - Clareza, b) Mediação da Professora Diante do Erro ¿ Abrangência e c) Finalização da Mediação. Além disso, a identificação dos alunos envolvidos nos episódios sem sucesso sugeriu que a história de vida escolar tem uma importância significativa no processo de superação do erro
Abstract: This research aims objectified to observe, analyze and describe the constituent elements of the relations of mediation of a teacher, that were accomplished in the daily life of a classroom of the first series of basic education, aiming ovecoming/comprehension of errors produced by pupils. We center the theoretical field in the description-cultural approach, emphasizing some concepts, such as: mediation, zone of proximal development, formation of concepts and the notion of error. The methodolia procedures had been based on the qualitative research, with approach in the case study, having as instruments for the collection of the data the video-writing, interviews and collection of material (activities) of the pupils. The data had involved fifty episodes of interaction, organized in matrices that presented two pictures with three columns each: first with the description of the interaction teacher-pupil, emphasizing the antecedent conditions, the consequent performance of the pupil. The second presented the relation researcher-pupil, described with the same columns. The episodes had been divided in: successfully and without success and all had been analyzed from nine categories and subcategorias, that provided the accomplishment of statistical tests, that allowed to identify the significance of the factors analyzed for the used categories. Three factors had been considered significant to explain the differences between the episodes with and without success: ) Quality of the Instruction - Clarity, b) Mediation of the Teacher Ahead of the Error - Reching and c) Finishing of the Mediation. Moreover, the identification of the involved pupils in the episodes without success suggests that the history of pertaining to school life has a significant importance in the process of overcoming of the error
Educação, Conhecimento, Linguagem e Arte
Doutor em Educação
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Aghaeilindi, Somayé. "La pédagogie de l'erreur en production écrite dans l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère, chez les étudiants persanophones." Phd thesis, Université Toulouse le Mirail - Toulouse II, 2013.

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Pendant longtemps, l'erreur était considérée comme l'effet de l'ignorance. Etant donné l'omniprésence de l'erreur dans l'apprentissage, elle occupe une place importante au centre de la didactique moderne. Cette thèse vise à étudier le rôle de l'erreur en production écrite dans l'apprentissage du français chez les étudiants persanophones qui apprennent le français comme langue étrangère. Elle se matérialise autour de la conjugaison du verbe et l'emploi des formes temporelles. Il s'agit d'une expérimentation didactique dans laquelle des pédagogies différentes apparaissent traitant l'erreur chacune d'une manière différente. Le résultat obtenu montre que les erreurs sont moins persistantes dans une méthode basée sur le modèle socioconstructivisme où l'enseignant les prend en compte de façon spécifique, y accordant un statut qui ne dévalorise pas l'auteur, alors que les mêmes résultats dans les méthodes traditionnelles montrent que la réitération de l'enseignement des règles ne suffit pas à résoudre des difficultés qui relèvent davantage du maniement que du savoir. Nous nous sommes proposée de modifier de perspective et de partir des productions des étudiants et de leurs stratégies et faire participer l'étudiant dans une activité réflexive. Le résultat de cette expérimentation nous a permis de corroborer l'hypothèse de cette recherche, selon laquelle les étudiants soumis à une pédagogie de la découverte feront moins d'erreurs que ceux qui sont soumis à une pédagogie traditionnelle.
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Paillussiere, Lisa. "Pour une sémiotique de l'erreur : pédagogie de l'art et projets interdisciplinaires : parcours au sein du projet Augmented Artwork Analysis." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Lyon, École normale supérieure, 2024.

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Afin de répondre à une double sollicitation – d’une part, l’intégration du projet de recherche Augmented Artwork Analysis (budget ANR, 2021-2025) et d’autre part l’inscription idéale dans la suite du projet pédagogique et gouvernemental « Vers une société apprenante » (Rapport Taddei & al., 5 avril 2017) – notre thèse se propose d’étudier la fécondité d’une sémiotique de l’erreur pour (i) la recherche interdisciplinaire, de (ii) la pédagogie et de (iii) l’art en tant qu’outil d’apprentissage, et ce en vue d’une histoire de l’art augmentée comprenant la prise en charge du processus artistique et de ses impasses et hésitations constitutives. L’approche méthodologique de la thèse se voudra originale par au moins deux aspects : la mise en dialogue de littératures sur l’interdisciplinarité avec des documents de la recherche (Compte-rendu de réunions) collectés et construits pendant le projet AAA et la revalorisation d’apports périphériques mis en lien avec des sources primaires, attestées et partagées par la communauté sémiotique. La thèse s’interrogera sur le statut sémiotique de l’erreur et fera l’examen de séquences pratiques variées (débats entre experts et non-experts, séquence-type d’enseignement sur la matérialité, étude de cas d’une élève en cours de musique). L’erreur comme évènement ou perturbation, sera ainsi soutenue en vue d’une logique d’accompagnement du « passage dans le parcours ». On aboutira à une cartographie de régimes (correction, indirection, redirection) correspondant en fait à un continuum d’admissibilité du « passage dans le parcours » depuis la plus ferme interdiction (régime de correction) vers des projets de réénonciations de l’erreur qui admettent l’existence du passage et ne cherchent plus à l’éviter (régimes de l’indirection et de la redirection)
In order to respond to a dual request – on the one hand, the integration of the Augmented Artwork Analysis research project (ANR budget, 2021-2025) and on the other hand the ideal registration in the continuation of the educational and governmental project “Towards a learning society” (Taddei & al. Report, April 5, 2017) – our thesis proposes to study the fertility of a semiotics of error for (i) interdisciplinary research, (ii) pedagogy and (iii) art as a learning tool, and this with a view to an augmented history of art including the management of the artistic process and its constitutive impasses and hesitations. The methodological approach of the thesis will be original in at least two aspects: the dialogue between literature on interdisciplinarity and research documents (minutes of meetings) collected and constructed during the AAA project and the revaluation of peripheral contributions linked to primary sources, attested and shared by the semiotic community. The thesis will question the semiotic status of error and will examine various practical sequences (debates between experts and non-experts, standard teaching sequence on materiality, case study of a student in music class). The error as an event or disturbance will thus be supported with a view to a logic of supporting the "passage in the course". We will arrive at a mapping of regimes (correction, indirection, redirection) corresponding in fact to a continuum of admissibility of the “passage in the course” from the firmest prohibition (correction regime) towards projects of re-enunciations of the error which admit the existence of the passage and no longer seek to avoid it (regimes of indirection and redirection)
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Carrola, Manuela Mendes. "Prevalência dos erros na escrita: contributos para a sua pedagogia." Master's thesis, Universidade da Beira Interior, 2011.

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Entrar no Ciclo da Escrita pode ser mais complexo do que se imagina, sendo um dos assuntos que mais preocupa os pais das crianças que ingressam para o 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Finalmente, a criança vai poder aprender a decifrar todas as palavras que vê diariamente, o que pode ser para algumas crianças motivo de ansiedade. Com este trabalho, pretendeu-se analisar e reflectir sobre os mecanismos que envolvem a apreensão e compreensão da escrita, primeiro no que respeita à identificação dos grafemas que compõe o nosso alfabeto e segundo, nos aspectos ortográficos e gramaticais. Verificámos que à medida que o aluno progride na sua aprendizagem, o erro ortográfico vai surgindo e este deve ser visto não como motivo de sanção, mas como indicador da evolução da capacidade de elaboração escrita do aluno. Compete ao professor analisar e perceber quais são as causas que levam os alunos a cometê-los e a adoptar estratégias diferenciadas na sala de aula para a sua superação. Num trabalho desenvolvido na sala de aula, pretendemos validar se existe progressão ou não ao nível do erro ortográfico. Para o efeito, seleccionámos uma amostra, composta por alunos do 2º, 3º e 4ºanos de escolaridade. Após interpretação dos dados, concluímos que os alunos, consoante o ano de escolaridade em que se encontram, têm maiores probabilidades de corrigir o erro à medida que vão progredindo de ano.
Rentrer dans le cycle de l´écriture peut être plus difficile qu´on imagine et c´est un des aspects qui préoccupe le plus les parents des enfants qui commencent l´école primaire. L´enfant va pouvoir finalement apprendre à déchiffrer tous les mots qu´il voit tous les jours et, pour certains, ceci peut être vécue avec une certaine inquiétude. Avec ce travail, nous avons cherché à analyser et à réfléchir sur les mécanismes qui impliquent la saisie et la compréhension de l'écriture, premièrement en ce qui concerne l´identification des graphèmes, qui composent notre alphabet, et deuxièmement les aspects orthographiques e grammaticaux. Nous avons constaté qu’au fur et à mesure que l´élève progresse dans son apprentissage, la faute d’orthographe surgit et celle-ci doit être vu non comme un motif de sanction, mais comme un indicateur de l´évolution de la capacité de l´élaboration écrite de l´élève. L'enseignant a comme fonction d’analyser et de comprendre quelles sont les causes qui conduisent les élèves à les faire et adopter des stratégies différentes dans la classe pour les surmonter. À partir d´un travail effectué en salle de classe, nous avons prétendu valider, si oui ou non, il y a une progression au niveau des fautes d'orthographes. Pour cela, nous avons sélectionné un échantillon d´élèves composé par ceux qui fréquentent les trois dernières années de l’école primaire. Après l´interprétations des données, nous avons conclu que ceuxci, selon leurs nivaux scolaires, ont de meilleures chances de corriger leurs erreurs au fur et à mesure qu´ils progressent dans leur scolarité.
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Strömbeck, Wendel. "Error i cisblicken : en normkritisk studie om cisnormen." Thesis, Konstfack, Institutionen för Bildpedagogik (BI), 2014.

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The cis norm could be described as the norm that forces everyone to be either female or male and that genitals, gender identity and juridical sex should be constant throughout a person’s lifetime. “Cis” means “on the same side” in Latin, and in this study Wendel Strömbeck, student at the Pedagogy Institution of Konstfack, University College of Arts, Crafts and Design, has coined the notion “the cis gaze”. “The cis gaze” refer to a performative act of sorting bodies into a female or male category. Wendel study how people with trans* experiences could experience gazes and pictures in relation to the cis norm. The study is based on the queer community that Wendel is a part of, and includes interviews and self-reflections. “Trans” means “to move over” in Latin and “trans*” refers to the whole spectra of possible ways of transgressing the cis norm. The study is devided into two parallel works, an essay and an artistic figuration, a comic book. The comic book includes rendering of the interviews that Wendel has carried out and an irreverent study of cis gendered persons. The essay also includes rendering of the same interviews and an analysis of a poster for the Hollywood movie Glen or Glenda from 1953
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La tesi si articola in tre capitoli, allo scopo di esaminare il tema dell'errore secondo tre differenti prospettive: antropologica, epistemologica e pedagogica. L'azione educativa, in questo caso centrata l'impiego dell'errore come strumento di crescita, non può esimersi dal porsi le domande riguardanti l'identità della persona (antropologia) e la validità dell'azione educativa messa in atto (epistemologia). La riflessione su tali questioni chiarifica, in primo luogo, quali sono i limiti dell'azione educativa, cioè cosa può essere fatto e cosa no sulla base di una ben precisa scelta valoriale; in secondo luogo, il modo migliore per attuare un determinato intervento. Dalle riflessioni sviluppate risulta chiara la nostra adesione all'antropologia personalisticamente orientata e all'approccio sistemico. Tali opzioni ci appaiono come le più adatte per l'avvaloramento dell'errore come occasione educativa. La riflessione pedagogica, per reinterpretare l'errore in chiave comunicativa, è chiamata a separare la valutazione della persona da quella di un suo atto concreto. L'intervento educativo ha da mirare a sviluppare nell'educando la voglia di sperimentarsi in prima persona, senza temere che la realizzazione di un errore venga considerato come compromettente il proprio percorso di crescita. Nel contempo, spetta all'educatore interrogarsi sulle proprie modalità comunicative, considerando che anch'esse come soggette all'errore e che, come tali, possono influire in modo negativo sulla persona a lui affidata.
The thesis is composed by three chapters, with the purpose of examining the theme of error from three different perspectives: anthropological, epistemological and pedagogical. Educational action, focused on the use of error as instrument of growth, has got to answer questions concerning the identity of human being (anthropology) and the effectiveness of the concrete educational intervention (epistemology). The reflection about these arguments explains, first of all, the boundaries of educational action, that means what can be done and what does not have to be done on the reason of a particular choice of values; then, the best way to act an educational intervention. By the reflections, it is evident our assent to the personalistic anthropology and to the systemic approach in epistemology. These choices seem to be the most suitable to interpret the error like an opportunity for education. Pedagogical reflection, to analyse the error in a communicational perspective, has got to separate the judgement of a person from the judgment of a concrete act. Educational intervention should develop the desire of young people to walk by themselves, without fearing that an error could compromise their own journey of growth. At the same time, the educator has got to reflect about his own communicative styles, considering that they are subject to error and that, in this way, they have a negative influence on young people.
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La tesi si articola in tre capitoli, allo scopo di esaminare il tema dell'errore secondo tre differenti prospettive: antropologica, epistemologica e pedagogica. L'azione educativa, in questo caso centrata l'impiego dell'errore come strumento di crescita, non può esimersi dal porsi le domande riguardanti l'identità della persona (antropologia) e la validità dell'azione educativa messa in atto (epistemologia). La riflessione su tali questioni chiarifica, in primo luogo, quali sono i limiti dell'azione educativa, cioè cosa può essere fatto e cosa no sulla base di una ben precisa scelta valoriale; in secondo luogo, il modo migliore per attuare un determinato intervento. Dalle riflessioni sviluppate risulta chiara la nostra adesione all'antropologia personalisticamente orientata e all'approccio sistemico. Tali opzioni ci appaiono come le più adatte per l'avvaloramento dell'errore come occasione educativa. La riflessione pedagogica, per reinterpretare l'errore in chiave comunicativa, è chiamata a separare la valutazione della persona da quella di un suo atto concreto. L'intervento educativo ha da mirare a sviluppare nell'educando la voglia di sperimentarsi in prima persona, senza temere che la realizzazione di un errore venga considerato come compromettente il proprio percorso di crescita. Nel contempo, spetta all'educatore interrogarsi sulle proprie modalità comunicative, considerando che anch'esse come soggette all'errore e che, come tali, possono influire in modo negativo sulla persona a lui affidata.
The thesis is composed by three chapters, with the purpose of examining the theme of error from three different perspectives: anthropological, epistemological and pedagogical. Educational action, focused on the use of error as instrument of growth, has got to answer questions concerning the identity of human being (anthropology) and the effectiveness of the concrete educational intervention (epistemology). The reflection about these arguments explains, first of all, the boundaries of educational action, that means what can be done and what does not have to be done on the reason of a particular choice of values; then, the best way to act an educational intervention. By the reflections, it is evident our assent to the personalistic anthropology and to the systemic approach in epistemology. These choices seem to be the most suitable to interpret the error like an opportunity for education. Pedagogical reflection, to analyse the error in a communicational perspective, has got to separate the judgement of a person from the judgment of a concrete act. Educational intervention should develop the desire of young people to walk by themselves, without fearing that an error could compromise their own journey of growth. At the same time, the educator has got to reflect about his own communicative styles, considering that they are subject to error and that, in this way, they have a negative influence on young people.
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Kawanishi, Kei. "Constructing a genre-based instructional model for English academic writing: A focus on learners’ discourse-level errors." Kyoto University, 2019.

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Kyoto University (京都大学)
(主査)准教授 高橋 幸, 教授 桂山 康司, 准教授 DALSKY,David Jerome, 教授 田地野 彰
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Books on the topic "Pedagogy of error"


Baldini, Massimo. Virtù dell'errore: Fra epistemologia e pedagogia. Brescia: Editrice La scuola, 2012.

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Paul, Tassoni John, and Thelin William H, eds. Blundering for a change: Errors & expectations in critical pedagogy. Portsmouth, NH: Boynton / Cook Publishers, 2000.

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Possamai, Fabíola. A pedagogia do bacharel: A práxis do ensaio e erro : um estudo de caso na Universidade da Região de Joinville - Univille. Joinville, SC, Brasil: Editora Univille, 2003.

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Seifried, Jürgen, and Eveline Wuttke. Professional Error Competence of Preservice Teachers: Evaluation and Support. Springer, 2017.

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Malik, Muhammad Khan Abdul. Interlanguage Error Analysis: An Appropriate and Effective Pedagogy for Efl Learners in the Arab World. Xlibris Corporation LLC, 2020.

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Malik, Muhammad Khan Abdul. Interlanguage Error Analysis: An Appropriate and Effective Pedagogy for Efl Learners in the Arab World. Xlibris Corporation LLC, 2020.

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Casalini, Cristiano, and Christoph Sander. Benet Perera’s Pious Humanism: Aristotelianism, Philology, and Education in Jesuit Colleges. An Edition of Perera’s Documenta quaedam perutilia. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter discusses the philosophical pedagogy of Benet Perera (1535–1610) through an analysis and transcription of his treatise on the useful, error-free study of Christian philosophy, the Documenta quaedam perutilia iis qui in studiis philosophiae cum fructu et sine ullo errore versari student. It places Perera’s treatise within its historical context—that of the Jesuit Roman college of the 1560s—in order to elucidate how his promotion of his own idea of a Christian philosophy for schools provoked criticism among his fellow Romans Diego de Ledesma and Achille Gagliardi. It shows the position of Perera’s project within the multiple forms of Aristotelianism in the early modern period and how Perera was able to justify his own position as ‘sufficiently pious’ through his emphasis on philology as an approach to philosophy. Perera came up with a strictly Christian philosophy curriculum by integrating different trends of Aristotle’s philosophy into his own, even including approaches that were considered impious by some of his fellow Jesuits.
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Tassoni, John Paul, and William H. Thelin. Blundering for a Change: Errors ; Expectations in Critical Pedagogy. Boynton/Cook, 2000.

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Book chapters on the topic "Pedagogy of error"


Bogdanova, Daria, and Monique Snoeck. "Learning from Errors: Error-based Exercises in Domain Modelling Pedagogy." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 321–34. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Korczak, Jerzy J., and Ilona Pawełoszek. "Constructive Approach to Students’ Error Processing in E-learning Courses." In Smart Education and e-Learning - Smart Pedagogy, 160–69. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2022.

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Leone, Giuliana. "L’errore nella scuola di Epicuro." In Studi e ricerche del Dipartimento di Lettere e Filosofia, 55–83. Firenze: Società Editrice Fiorentina, 2024.

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L’esame di testi epicurei trasmessi nei papiri ercolanesi o attraverso la tradizione manoscritta medievale consente di studiare l’ampiezza e la profondità di applicazione della nozione di errore nella scuola di Epicuro in più ambiti, dall’epistemologia all’etica, dalla filologia alla pedagogia. Si comprende come Epicuro e i suoi, nella consapevolezza che la possibilità di errare è insita nella natura atomica dell’individuo, si siano impegnati, da un lato, nella ricerca di precise indicazioni di metodo da fornire agli allievi per evitare di incorrere nell’errore o per correggerlo, e, dall’altro, nella spietata messa a nudo degli errori più o meno in malafede degli avversari e degli ignoranti.
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Shafique, Haroon, and Rashed Mahmood. "Prepositional Errors Among Undergraduate ESL Learners in Pakistan." In English Language Teaching: Theory, Research and Pedagogy, 203–15. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2022.

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Wang, Lei. "Limitations, misunderstandings and translation errors." In John Dewey’s Democratic Education and its Influence on Pedagogy in China 1917-1937, 107–21. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019.

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Jin, Hong Gang, Jie Zhang, and Hongyin Tao. "Learner Errors and L2 Processing in Chinese Verb Complements of Manner/State." In Pedagogical Grammar and Grammar Pedagogy in Chinese as a Second Language, 111–33. London: Routledge, 2022.

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Schulte, Kim. "Chapter 11. Do translators need a different knowledge of their target language?" In Instrumentalising Foreign Language Pedagogy in Translator and Interpreter Training, 196–214. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2023.

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This chapter aims to identify areas in which students of translation can benefit from specific language teaching geared towards their needs as future translators who will normally be expected to translate from as well as into their second language. Drawing on data from translations by several hundred students at a Spanish university, it is shown that general English teaching as it is currently conceived is not sufficient to prepare these students for the job, mainly because they require specific knowledge and contrastive awareness to be able to produce linguistically, stylistically and formally correct translations of the written texts they will be confronted with as professional translators. The data allows us to distinguish several types of frequent mistakes caused by linguistic interference, providing insights into the specific language teaching needs of translation students and setting a starting point for establishing a cross-linguistically valid inventory of the most common types of interference-based errors in translation.
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Alcorn, Alyssa M., Judith Good, and Helen Pain. "Deliberate System-Side Errors as a Potential Pedagogic Strategy for Exploratory Virtual Learning Environments." In Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 483–92. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

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Katz, Adi, and Ronit Shmallo. "Learning from Errors as a Pedagogic Approach for Reaching a Higher Conceptual Level in Database Modeling." In Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 93–102. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Blum, Susan D. "Pedagogy and Pedagogizing." In Schoolishness, 89–101. Cornell University Press, 2024.

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This chapter focuses on the key concepts of pedagogy and pedagogizing. It elaborates on the differences between direct instruction and independent learning. Since much of childhood is about school even at the earliest ages, pedagogy permeates life in the United States and in many other countries. The chapter clarifies that schoolishness is not the only way to learn since children learn to be members of their families and societies through observation, and trial and error for most of human history. In WEIRD (wealthy, educated, industrial, rich, democratic) populations, pedagogizing is assumed as the default condition of learning since schoolishness dominates.
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Conference papers on the topic "Pedagogy of error"


Abu Deeb, Fatima, Antonella DiLillo, and Timothy Hickey. "Using Fine Grained Programming Error Data to Enhance CS1 Pedagogy." In 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Education. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2018.

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Akin, Ömer. "Precedent-Based Learning: An Approach for Studio Pedagogy in the Early Years." In 2019 ACSA Teachers Conference. ACSA Press, 2019.

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Precedent-Based learning is related to a very old method of teaching, particularly in the studio setting. Usually it takes the form of precedent analysis. An empirical study was conducted in order to better understand how experienced designers use precedents in the course of a brief design session. Normative theories of learning suggest that success is most likely to be achieved when students learn (1) the principles governing events or phenomenon in a discipline, and (2) ways of applying these principles to specific situations to solve problems of various kinds. We call this the didactic method. In the didactic approach there is a systematic representation of the fundamental principles of knowledge that identify a specific domain upon which a corpus of applications or problem-solving skills can be constructed. In fields that deal with professional practice, for example design, instruction appears to deviate from this pattern in significant ways. Students are rarely given robust principles (ones that hold in different contexts), let alone immutable ones, upon which they can construct designs that can be judged unequivocally or without error. Instead they are given plenty of precedents from which to learn a variety of heuristics. This type of knowledge is fundamentally tacit, situated in a context of extra-domain information, and involving pedagogy that is principally experiential. In architectural curricula, the experiential approach to learning is omnipresent. Descriptions of design instruction, or for that matter, architectural curricula within which such instruction is found, are invariably of an indirect kind. They describe the stylistic or formal attributes of the architecture that is promoted by the particular pedagogy in order to explain its characteristics, principles and techniques [5,7,8,11,19].
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Dissanayake, Achala K. "The Use of the Literary Present Tense in Literary Analyses Written by Undergraduates of English Literature in Sri Lanka: An Error Analysis." In SLIIT International Conference on Advancements in Sciences and Humanities 2023. Faculty of Humanities and Sciences, SLIIT, 2023.

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In literary analyses, the literary present tense is used to discuss certain events that take place in literary works. In other words, in literary analyses, writers sometimes use the present tense in reference to works of literature written in the past. Literature students for whom English is a second language can find it daunting to grasp the concept of using the simple present to discuss past events. Apart from this confusion, undergraduate students of English literature can face difficulty in distinguishing between the creative and academic writing styles, especially as they are exposed to both styles of writing and are expected to write academically about creative writing. Against this backdrop, this study analyzed errors related to the use of present tense that occurred in academic writing samples of 21 undergraduate students studying English literature at a Sri Lankan non state higher education institute. The causes of these errors too were determined. The error analysis was conducted according to the five steps suggested by S. Pit Corder (1967). A total of 32 present tense-related errors were identified. Of them, 12 were instances of when the literary present tense was not used where necessary. The remaining 20 errors were examples of students’ usage of the simple present tense instead of the simple past. These two types of errors indicate that the students lack knowledge and/ or practice in determining when (and when not) to use the literary present tense in their literary analyses. Furthermore, a reporting sentence which could be written in either the simple present or simple past tense was identified; such reporting sentences can be construed as increasing the difficulty that students would face in the selection of tenses. Therefore, it can be concluded that literature undergraduates should be introduced to the concept of the literary present tense, which is not a term that is frequently discussed in books written about the pedagogy of academic writing, according to the researcher’s knowledge.
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Rafiqa, Syarifa, and Nofvia De Vega. "Grammatical Errors Analysis in the Thesis Abstracts Made by the Students of Borneo University Tarakan." In 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Education and Pedagogy (ICIEP 2020). Paris, France: Atlantis Press, 2022.

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Marczal, Diego, Alexandre Direne, Gabriel Ramos, Andrey Pimemtel, Marcos Castilho, Fabiano Silva, Luis Bona, Marcos Sunye, and Laura García. "Um arcabouço para apoiar a generalização de conceitos através da pedagogia de representações externas." In Workshop de Informática na Escola. Sociedade Brasileira de Computação - SBC, 2010.

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Inicialmente, são apresentados os aspectos que justificam a necessidade de se projetar a implementar um controlador genérico de interatividade que pode ser aplicado e reutilizado por diversos objetos de aprendizagem. Os principais objetivos do controlador são detalhados em termos de acesso ao conteúdo e como ele enfatiza aspectos meta-cognitivos envolvidos nas tarefas típicas de aprendizagem. A abstração por meio da generalização, tal qual foi proposta por Ainsworth (2006), fudamenta a pedagogia associada ao processo de aprendizagem. Ao final, a arquitetura e a implementação do arcabouço denominado controlador de acesso reflexivo e retroativo indexado por erros (CARRIE) têm seus módulos principais descritos e exemplificados.
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Cumming, Geoff, and Fiona Fidler. "Interval estimates for statistical communication: problems and possible solutions." In Statistics Education and the Communication of Statistics. International Association for Statistical Education, 2005.

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In many behavioural and social sciences reformers are urging wider use of interval estimates. We believe confidence intervals can improve research communication markedly, but several problems are raised by our empirical studies of how people understand and misunderstand intervals. We describe three of these problems: an incorrect belief about confidence interval overlap and its relation to statistical significance; failure to distinguish between confidence intervals and standard error bars; and finally, neglect of the importance of research design in applying and interpreting intervals. Our suggested solution is better guidelines, or ‘rules of eye’, and improved graphical presentations to assist with confidence interval presentation and interpretation. The rules of eye are also pedagogic tools, for teaching deeper understanding of interval estimates. By confronting existing misconceptions, these guidelines should facilitate conceptual change in thinking not only about interval estimates themselves, but also the often misunderstood concept of statistical significance.
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Bajtl, Dunja, Josip Barać, and Vladimir Bajtl. "PRIKAZ SVIJETA OČIMA OSOBA S OŠTEĆENJIMA VIDA KAO PRILOG BOLJIM INKLUZIVNIM PRAKSAMA U OBRAZOVNIM USTANOVAMA." In Persons with disabilities in arts, science and education. Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek, J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, 2024.

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Persons with various degrees of visual impairment are part of the education system and often pose a pedagogic challenge to educators and teachers. Despite advances in medicine, many children and parents struggle with vision difficulties such as strabismus, large refractive errors, and various congenital defects that cause inadequate visual development and amblyopia. Teachers and educators often lack opportunities to receive training on vision difficulties. The paper is intended for teaching staff in educational institutions and non-teaching staff who work with the visually impaired. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the most common causes of visual impairment and to show the world how children with different visual impairments visually experience it in order to better understand their problems and the way they experience and perceive their environment. How does a healthy child wearing glasses see the world? What does the world look like to a child with strabismus or a child with a severe visual impairment? These are just some of the questions that the paper will answer as a contribution to the development of special competencies in educators and teachers for better inclusion of children with visual impairments in the educational system. In our daily work, we have noticed that visually impaired people and people with strabismus are more likely to encounter certain prejudices regarding their physical appearance. Every prejudice stems from inadequate knowledge of the matter, and we hope that this paper can contribute to an adequate perception of this issue. In conclusion, we believe that it is necessary to establish better cooperation between health and school institutions for the benefit of persons with disabilities, including the visually impaired
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Mangual-Martínez, Isaac A., Larisa Sherbakova, Ryan Craney, Garret Wood-Sternburgh, and Misri Patel. "Digital Digital Fabrication Fabrication: Remote collaborative teaching and learning in advanced fabrication." In 110th ACSA Annual Meeting Paper Proceedings. ACSA Press, 2022.

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Many schools of architecture are facing a pressing issue: How do we offer access to fabrication in an equitable and inclusive manner? Furthermore, how can we create a sustainable, pedagogical model for our institutions to share knowledge about machinery and fabrication processes that are often inaccessible? Two architecture programs, one a PWI (Predominately White Institution) and one an HBCU (Historically Black College/University), joined forces during the 2020-2021 academic year. Together they explored the teaching of advanced fabrication in a virtual/remote learning space. Advanced fabrication mentors from the PWI provided virtual/remote mentorship for students at the HBCU, to assist in designing for and using the ShopBot CNC router at their school’s fabrication space. The team of fabrication mentors stayed constant over both semesters, in contrast to a changing cohort of students and project objectives. During the fall, HBCU worked with mentors to complete a bigger scale, parametric modeling project. Throughout this semester, both teams realized that existing practices, already developed for use in other remote learning environments, were not fulfilling the pedagogical goals of these advanced fabrication efforts. In the spring semester, the PWI/HBCU teaching team reworked the curriculum, as the student body progressed towards smaller scale making-focused projects. In addition, the implementation of innovative technologies in live-streaming allowed for more responsive and interactive collaboration. These projects tackled two primary challenges: working through the technical issues of digital and physical fabrication, and establishing a remote, fabrication-oriented mentorship process, which by nature is hands-on and requires in-person work. Coordinated work sessions between the two universities’ fabrication spaces were facilitated through a real-time, multi-camera, CNC set-up which utilized open-source broadcasting software to sync multiple audio feeds, screen share (Rhino and CNC programing software), and live video feeds of both CNC router setups. Iterative improvements to the technical set-up were invaluable as consistency and learning from past errors were major keys to success, evidenced by a dramatic improvement in the quality of work and participation from one semester to the next. To sustain this new pedagogical model of exchange, a legacy of knowledge needs to be built. This starts by ensuring that there are always more experienced students who can guide incoming students (and those who are new to fabrication). All of this will be possible by maintaining the primary goal of increasing accessibility to the technological and machine based integration that is necessary for architectural education programs to remain relevant in the future. This collaboration demonstrated that remote digital and physical fabrication is possible, and both universities are working to expand this platform to other projects and collaborations. By recognizing and leveraging the expertise that already exists within faculty and staff of each institution, collaboration-come-knowledge exchange is not only possible but fruitful and highly effective. Remaining vigilant in the efforts to increase equity of access should be the charge of all schools of architecture; embracing ever-evolving pedagogy through an understanding that experimentation is necessary will propel this type of learning, allowing for a model that is both transportable and sustainable.
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