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Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'PCTRAN'

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Pelo, Herbert Leburu. "Evaluation of an advanced fault detection system using Koeberg nuclear power plant data / H.L. Pelo." Thesis, North-West University, 2013.

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The control and protection system of early nuclear power plants (Generation II) have been designed and built on the then reliable analog system. Technology has evolved in recent times and digital system has replaced most analog technology in most industries. Due to safety precautions and robust licensing requirements in the nuclear industry, the analog and digital system works concurrent to each other in most control and protection systems of nuclear power plants. Due to the ageing, regular maintenance and intermittent operation, the analog plant system often gives faulty signals. The objective of this thesis is to simulate a transient using a simulator to reduce the effects of system faults on the nuclear plant control and protection system, by detecting the faults early. The following steps will be performed: • validating the simulator measurements by simulating a normal operation, • detecting faults early on in the system These can be performed by resorting to a model that generates estimates of the correct sensors signal values based on actual readings and correlations among them. The next step can be performed by a fault detection module which determines early whether or not the plant systems are behaving normally and detects the fault. (Baraldi P. et al, 2010.)
Thesis (MSc (Engineering Sciences in Nuclear Engineering))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.
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Faresse, Nourdine. "Identification de PCTA, un nouvel effecteur de la voie de signalisation du TGF-beta." Paris 6, 2007.

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La stimulation des cellules au TGF- entraîne l’assemblage des protéines cytoplasmiques Smad2/3 avec Smad4. Ce complexe activé se transloque dans le noyau et régule la transcription des gènes cibles du TGF-. Dans le noyau, le complexe Smad peut soit recruter un co-répresseur tel que TGIF. Le TGIF peut inhiber la transcription dépendante du TGF- par différents mécanismes. Récemment, il a été démontré que le TGIF est capable de séquestrer la protéine cytoplasmique cPML dans le noyau inhibant ainsi la phosphorylation de Smad2/3. Dans cette étude, nous avons identifié un nouveau partenaire du TGIF que nous avons nommé PCTA (PML Competitor for TGIF Association). PCTA s’associe à TGIF dans les cellules de mammifères et cette association est stimulée par le TGF-. L’expression de PCTA stimule la transcription induite par le TGF-, une activité qui est due à l’inhibition de la séquestration nucléaire de cPML à travers une compétition de liaison au TGIF. Par ailleurs, nous avons démontré que la surexpression de PCTA peut inhiber la progression tumorale. Ces résultats nous permettent de classer PCTA comme une nouvelle protéine anti-tumorale effectrice de la voie du TGF-.
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Rossi, Camila. "Os impactos dos programas condicionais de transferência de renda na oferta de trabalho dos jovens nem-nem." Universidade de São Paulo, 2017.

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Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estimar os efeitos dos Programas Condicionais de Transferência de Renda (PCTR) no Brasil sobre a oferta de trabalho dos jovens inseridos na situação denominada \"nem-nem\", ou seja, aqueles que não estudam não trabalham e nem estão em busca de emprego. Tendo como base o trabalho de Foguel e Barros (2010) propõe-se verificar se os programas sociais produzem o efeito indesejável de incentivar jovens moradores de domicílios beneficiários a ofertarem menos trabalho, a partir da estimação de modelos de dados em painel aplicados aos microdados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD/IBGE). Foram construídos dois painéis formados pelo mesmo conjunto de municípios durante dois períodos: de 2001 a 2009 e de 2011 a 2014 e com o desenvolvimento deste projeto foi possível identificar o perfil dos jovens nem-nem no Brasil, os fatores associados a essa condição e a evolução nos últimos anos. Durante todo o período em análise o percentual de jovens nem-nem se manteve relativamente estável, mas apresentou comportamentos distintos entre os grupos avaliados neste trabalho: jovens do sexo masculino, feminino, jovens mães e não mães. De um modo geral, a maioria dos jovens nem-nem se concentra em domicílios de baixa renda, tem baixa escolaridade e destaca-se nessa condição as jovens com filho devido ainda a forte exigência da participação dessas mulheres nas atividades domésticas e cuidados com parentes e/ou crianças. Em relação ao impacto dos PCTR na probabilidade de o domicílio possuir jovens fora do mercado de trabalho e da escola observou-se que apenas para as jovens mães o resultado foi significativo - e nesse caso deve-se considerar a falta de disponibilidade de vagas nas creches e pré-escolas como um intensificador da vulnerabilidade das mulheres nessa condição. Por outro lado, embora os jovens do sexo masculino apresentem o menor percentual de nem-nem entre os grupos analisados, observou-se uma tendência de alta, principalmente entre os menos escolarizados. Dessa forma, políticas públicas de incentivo ao aumento de vagas nas pré-escolas para as crianças devem ser adotadas no sentido de garantir às jovens mães oportunidades de inserção no mercado de trabalho e/ou retorno aos estudos. Deve-se também adotar políticas voltadas para a redução do abandono escolar de jovens do sexo masculino, a fim de evitar círculo vicioso de baixa escolaridade e dificuldade de inserção no mercado de trabalho.
This research aims to estimate the effects of the Conditional Cash Transfer (CCT) programmes in Brazil on the labor supply of NEET, that is, youths neither working nor studying or looking for a job. Based on the study of Foguel and Barros (2010), this study verifies if social programs have the undesirable effect of encouraging young people from beneficiary households to offer less work, based on the estimation of panel data models applied to microdata Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD / IBGE). Two panels were built by the same set of municipalities during two periods: from 2001 to 2009 and from 2011 to 2014. It was possible to identify the profile of NEET in Brazil, the factors associated with this condition and developments in recent years. Throughout the study period, the percentage of inactive youths remained relatively stable, but presented different behaviors among the groups evaluated in this study: young men, women, young mothers and non-mothers. Generally, the majority of NEET are in on low-income households, have low schooling levels and stands out in this condition the young women with children because they have a large participation in domestic activities and group of children and relative care. Regarding the impact of PCTRs on the probability that there is NEET in the household, it was observed that only for the young mothers the result was significant - and in this case one should consider the lack of availability of day care centers and pre-schools as an intensifier of women\'s vulnerability in this condition. On the other hand, although young males had the lowest percentage of idles among the groups analyzed, there was an increase trend among the less educated youths. Thus, public policies that increase the number of pre-schools for children should be adopted in order to guarantee young mothers\' opportunities to enter into the labor market and/or to return to school. Moreover, it is recommended the implementation of policies to reduce school drop-outs for young males, in order to avoid the vicious cycle of low schooling and difficulty to entering in the labor market.
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Enel, Morgane. "Nouvelles perspectives pour les complexes de lanthanides dérivés du squelette PCTA[12] : synthèse, propriétés photophysiques et relaxométriques." Thesis, Toulouse 3, 2017.

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Le ligand PCTA[12], un macrocycle à 12 chaînons intégrant dans sa structure un noyau pyridine intracyclique et trois groupements aminoacide acétique, constitue une alternative intéressante aux ligands traditionnels tels que le DTPA, le NOTA ou le DOTA pour des applications en imagerie biomédicale. Sa potentialité à agir comme agent de contraste pour l'IRM a déjà été reportée, et certains de ses dérivés ont été évalués avec succès pour l'imagerie optique ou nucléaire. En raison de ces résultats encourageants, la synthèse de familles de dérivés du ligand PCTA[12] a été entreprise en vue de l'amélioration des propriétés des différents complexes Ln(III) (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb) qui leurs sont issus. Dans un premier temps, la synthèse multi-étape du PCTA[12] a été reconsidérée et a permis d'atteindre un rendement global de 64% en ligand contre un rendement maximum de 36% pour les méthodologies classiques. La stratégie développée a, par la suite, été employée à la synthèse de ligands à fonctions mixtes acétate/amide ou acétate/phosphinate, mais également de ligands bifonctionnels chélatants porteurs de fonctions hydroxyle, ester, acide carboxylique, hydroxyméthyle ou amine. L'introduction de groupements chromophores de type carbostyrile et benzimidazole en position para de la pyridine a pu être réalisée et une amélioration des propriétés photophysiques a été observée dans le cas du complexe d'europium à motif benzimidazole ((λex = 322 nm et Փ = 9,2%). La dernière modification a consisté en la substitution du noyau pyridine du ligand PCTA[12] par un noyau phénol. La synthèse du composé désiré conduit à la formation conjointe du dimère correspondant. Une amélioration conséquente des propriétés relaxométriques (r1 = 5,7 s-1.mM-1 et τM = 3,1 ns) et fluorescentes (Փ = 22%) des complexes Gd(III) et Tb(III) de la forme monomère a été mise en évidence. Le complexe de terbium du macrocycle dimère analogue a, quant à lui, permis l'obtention d'un excellent rendement quantique de fluorescence de 43% en milieu aqueux
The PCTA[12] ligand is a 12-membered macrocycle containing an intracyclic pyridine ring and three amino acid acetic groups in its structure, and is an interesting alternative to traditional ligands such as DTPA, NOTA or DOTA for biomedical imaging applications. Its potential to act as a contrast agent for MRI has already been reported, and some of its derivatives have been successfully evaluated for optical or nuclear imaging. Because of these encouraging results, the synthesis of families of derivatives of the PCTA[12] ligand has been undertaken in order to improve the properties of their derived Ln (III) complexes (Ln = Eu, Gd, Tb). At first, the multi-step synthesis of PCTA[12] was reconsidered and able to reach an overall yield of 64% ligand against a maximum yield of 36% for conventional methodologies. The strategy developed was subsequently used to synthesize acetate/amide or acetate/phosphinate mixed-function ligands, but also chelating bifunctional ligands bearing hydroxyl, ester, carboxylic acid, hydroxymethyl or amine functions. The introduction of carbostyril or benzimidazole chromophores at the para-position of the pyridine moiety has been carried out and an improvement in the photophysical properties was observed in the case of the benzimidazole europium complex ((λex = 322 nm and Փ = 9.2%). The last modification consisted in the substitution of the pyridine moiety of the PCTA[12] ligand by a phenol core. The synthesis of the desired compound leads to the formation of the corresponding dimer. A consequent improvement of the relaxometric (r1 = 5.7 s-1.mM-1 and τM = 3.1 ns) and fluorescence (Փ = 22%) properties of the Gd(III) and Tb(III) complexes of the monomeric form has been demonstrated. The terbium complex of the dimeric macrocycle has, for its part, made it possible to obtain an excellent fluorescence quantum yield of 43% in aqueous medium
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Yong-Sang, Jennyfer. "Synthèse de nouveaux agents chélatants PCTA du 68Ga - Application au marquage de lipoprotéines pour l’imagerie TEP de la plaque d’athérosclérose." Thesis, La Réunion, 2017.

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Les maladies cardiovasculaires représentent la première cause de mortalité et de morbidité dans le monde. L’athérosclérose est à l’origine de 50 % des décès dans les pays industrialisés. Cette pathologie multifactorielle est caractérisée par l’accumulation de lipides dans la paroi des artères formant une plaque d’athérome. Les manifestations cliniques dues à la rupture de cette plaque dépendent du territoire vasculaire touché, allant de l’accident vasculaire cérébral ischémique à l’infarctus du myocarde. Pour pallier ce problème majeur de santé publique dont la prévalence est deux fois supérieure à l’Île de La Réunion par rapport à la Métropole, nous proposons de développer de nouveaux outils de diagnostic par l’imagerie utilisant la tomographie par émission de positon (TEP). À ce jour, aucun outil ne permet la détection précoce de ces plaques d’athérome. Nous avons choisi de marquer deux types de lipoprotéines (HDL et LDL) pour imager ces plaques. Elles possèdent toutes les deux des rôles opposés mais ont en commun un tropisme avéré pour la plaque d’athérome. Nos travaux ont permis la synthèse puis le radiomarquage d’un nouvel agent chélatant PCTA du Gallium 68 couplé à un biovecteur phospholipidique, la 1,2-distéaroyl-sn-glycéro-3-phosphoéthanolamine (DSPE), qui a ensuite été insérée au niveau de la couche lipidique des lipoprotéines afin d’étudier sa biodistribution dans des modèles in vivo murin et ex vivo humain d’athérosclérose
Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Atherosclerosis accounts for 50% of deaths in industrialized countries. This multifactorial pathology is characterized by the accumulation of lipids within the arterial wall forming an atheromatous plaque. Clinical manifestations due to plaque rupture depend on the affected vascular territory, ranging from ischemic stroke to myocardial infarction. In order to overcome this major public health problem, which is twice more prevalent in Reunion Island relative to Mainland France, we aimed at developing new diagnostic tools using tomography by positron emission (PET) imaging. To date, no specific tool allows the early detection of atheromatous plaques. We chose to label two types of lipoproteins (HDLs and LDLs) in order to image these plaques. They both have opposite roles but have in common a proven tropism for atheromatous plaque. Our work allowed the synthesis and the radiolabelling of a new Gallium 68 PCTA chelating agent coupled to the phospholipid biovector, 1,2-distearoyl-sn-glycero-3phosphoethanolamine (DSPE), which was then inserted in the lipid layer of lipoproteins in order to study its biodistribution in mouse in vivo and in human ex vivo models of atherosclerosis
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Feuillâtre, Hélène. "Détermination automatique de l'incidence optimale pour l'observation des lésions coronaires en imagerie rotationnelle R-X." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2016.

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Les travaux de cette thèse s’inscrivent dans le cadre du planning de traitements minimalement invasifs des lésions des artères coronaires. Le cardiologue réalise un examen coronarographique, puis dans la continuité, une angioplastie transluminale. L’angiographie rotationnelle à rayons X permet de visualiser sous différentes incidences 2D la lumière des artères coronaires sur plusieurs cycles cardiaques et aussi d’obtenir une reconstruction 3D+T des arbres coronaires. A partir de cette séquence, notre objectif est de déterminer automatiquement une incidence optimale 2D du segment sténosé compatible avec les angles du C-arm afin d’aider le cardiologue lors de l’intervention.Différentes étapes sont considérées pour calculer la position angulaire optimale du C-arm. Afin de suivre la zone de lésion durant le cycle cardiaque, une première méthode est proposée pour mettre en correspondance tous les arbres de la séquence 3D+T. Tout d’abord, un appariement deux à deux des arbres successifs est réalisé afin de construire un arbre d’union. Ces derniers sont ensuite fusionnés afin d’obtenir un arbre mosaïque représentant l’arbre le plus complet de la séquence. L’utilisation de mesures de similarités géométriques et hiérarchiques ainsi que l’insertion de nœuds artificiels permet de prendre en compte les différents mouvements non-rigides des artères coronaires subits au cours du cycle cardiaque et les variations topologiques dû à leurs extractions. Cet appariement nous permet de proposer une deuxième méthode afin d’obtenir une vue angiographique 2D optimale de la zone de lésion tout le long du cycle cardiaque. Cette incidence est proposée spécifiquement pour trois types de région d’intérêt (segment unique, segment multiple ou bifurcation) et est calculée à partir de quatre critères (raccourcissement, chevauchement interne et externe ou angle d’ouverture de bifurcation). Une vue 2D déployée du segment projeté avec le moins de superposition avec les structures vasculaires avoisinantes est obtenue. Nous donnons également la possibilité au cardiologue d’avoir une incidence optimale privilégiant soit le déploiement du stent ou soit le guidage d’outils de la racine de l’arbre à la zone sténosée. Nos différents algorithmes ont été évalués sur une séquence réelle de 10 phases segmentées à partir d’un CT et de 41 séquences simulées
The thesis work deals with the planning of minimally invasive surgery of coronary artery lesions. The physician performs a coronarography following by a percutaneous transluminal angioplasty. The X-ray rotational angiography permits to visualize the lumen artery under different projection angles in several cardiac cycles. From these 2D projections, a 3D+T reconstruction of coronary arteries can be obtained. Our goal is to determine automatically from this 3D+T sequence, the optimal angiographic viewing angle of the stenotic segment. Several steps are proposed to compute the optimal angular position of the C-arm. Firstly, a mosaic-based tree matching algorithm of the 3D+T sequence is proposed to follow the stenotic lesion in the whole cardiac cycle. A pair-wise inexact tree matching is performed to build a tree union between successive trees. Next, these union trees are merged to obtain the mosaic tree which represents the most complete tree of the sequence. To take into account the non-rigid movement of coronary arteries during the cardiac cycle and their topology variations due to the 3D reconstruction or segmentation, similarity measures based on hierarchical and geometrical features are used. Artificial nodes are also inserted. With this global tree sequence matching, we propose secondly a new method to determine the optimal viewing angle of the stenotic lesion throughout the cardiac cycle. This 2D angiographic view which is proposed for three regions of interest (single segment, multiple segment or bifurcation) is computed from four criteria: the foreshortening, the external and internal overlap and the bifurcation opening angle rates. The optimal view shows the segment in its most extended and unobstructed dimension. This 2D view can be optimal either for the deployment of the stent or for the catheter guidance (from the root to the lesion). Our different algorithms are evaluated on real sequence (CT segmentation) and 41 simulated sequences
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張進捷. "PCTRAN Model Modification and Comparisons for KuoSheng Operational Transients." Thesis, 2012.

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PCTRAN code, developed by the MST Research, can simulate nuclear power plant operation and transient accidents. The software has introduced different versions for various nuclear power plant types, including PCTRAN KuoSheng version for simulation of KuoSheng Nuclear Power Station (KSNPS). Actual operating data from Kuosheng has not been used for verifications of PCTRAN KuoSheng model yet. Therefore, we took three transient cases of start-up tests prior to commercial operation for KSNPS to verify PCTRAN KuoSheng model. They are (1) load rejection test in 100% power, (2) recirculation pump trip test in 68% power, and (3) feedwater pump trip in 96% power. For completeness, we then added two transient cases simulated in KSNPS Simulator. They are (1) manual scram in 100% power, (2) all of Main Steam Isolation Valves (MSIV) closing in the same time in 100% power. From comparisons of simulation results of PCTRAN KuoSheng and actual data of above transient cases, we identified the causes for the discrepancies. Then, we corrected the parameters and modified program of PCTRAN KuoSheng and conducted simulations of five transient cases again. In conclusion, the modified PCTRAN KuoSheng has shown its acceptable consistency compared with the existing data from KuoSheng Nuclear Power Station.
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Lin, Fangcheng, and 林芳正. "Investigations of Control system and Thermal-Hydraulic modeling in PCTRAN." Thesis, 2003.

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ABSTRACTS PCTRAN is a reactor transient and accident simulation software program that operates on a personal computer. It was developed by Taiwan Power Company and Micro-Simulation Technology (MST). PCTRAN have high resolution color display and interactive control capability enable versatile, high speed simulation, yet low cost transient simulation. We can use it to simulate various transients and events in order to assess the safety of nuclear power plants. In the present thesis, we will descriptive all of the PCTRAN model structure that it is include source code, VB interface and the data base structure correlation. We also detail investigations into PCTRAN system control blocks. Due to the fact that PCTRAN can not include all of the plant systems and transient initiation events, the operator should be familiar with plant basics in order to complete a reasonable and logical PCTRAN simulation run with its built-in existing functions. Under current basic PCTRAN structures, we can add or modify necessary VB objects and source codes to develop a proper tool for transient analysis in a nuclear power plant.
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Nuclear power has the characteristics of large unit capacity and high security requirements, therefore they are prone to have an impact, and even threaten the safe operation of the power grid since the nuclear power plants are connected to the grid. The nuclear power industry relies more heavily on theoretical analysis of design and safety features than does any other high-technology industry. Before the Three Mile Island accident, much of the safety analysis of commercial reactors focused on a hypothetical accident involving the rupture of a large pipe supplying cooling water to the reactor core. The design basis loss of coolant accident was thought to be worse than any event that would ever happen. Water and steam would be expelled rapidly at the break and the core would be left temporarily uncovered and poorly cooled. Transient analysis of a pressurized water reactor (PWR) using the Personal Computer Transient Analyzer (PCTRAN) simulator was carried out. PCTRAN analyses consists a synergistic integration of a numerical model i.e. a full scope high fidelity simulation system which uses point reactor neutron kinetics model and movable boundary two phase fluid models to simplify the calculation of the program, so it could achieve real-time simulation on a personal computer. Here various types of malfunctions such as Inadvertent Rod Insertion, Loss of coolant Accident with Turbine Trip, Fuel Handling accident in Auxiliary Building, Loss of Coolant Accident with Locked Rotor, and Turbine Trip were simulated. Furthermore, all these malfunctions were carried out at 100% power at the end of cycle and at 75% power at the end of cycle. Again, each malfunction has been compared in different power levels which are very useful for concluding, so that we could know that at which power level the power plant should be operated and is least affected by the above malfunctions. By performing these simulations, the upcoming fault analysis has already been done so that these can be prevented during the practical conditions and can ensure the safe and continuous working of the plant.
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Yang, Chao Yu, and 楊朝裕. "PCTRAN Transient Analysis of KuoSheng Nuclear Power Plant and Code Improvements." Thesis, 2005.

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ABSTRACT This thesis used PCTRAN, a fast-running nuclear power plant simulation code, to analyze potential transients and accidents of the second nuclear power plant in Taiwan. The signals and mechanisms generated when accidents occur are also clarified. Therefore, this work is mainly separated into two parts, which are the improvements of PCTRAN code and the case studies. In the first part, some improvements to the code were made referring to the KSNPP’s publications. The improvements include the water levels, HPCS setpoints, SRV setpoints, turbine trip logic, and turbine stop valve logic. In the second part, this modified code is used for case studies throughout this thesis. The case studies investigated the change of signals and parameters, such as scram, turbine trip, feedwater trip, SRV open, and parameters which are reactor power, mean steam flow, feedwater flow, and water levels.
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Hung, Hung-Chih, and 洪宏志. "Development and Verification of PCTRAN Feedwater System in Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant." Thesis, 2008.

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Tu, Wantzu, and 杜宛慈. "PCTRAN Analysis for Feedwater System Accident in Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant ATWS." Thesis, 2007.

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The new expanded version of PCTRAN has individualized the Feedwater system and Control Rod system and made users able to control and monitor the two systems in individual window. It helps to enhance the diversity and accuracy of simulation. We utilize the expanded PCTRAN to simulate and analyze the events of Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) of LungMen NPP in feedwater system. Anticipated transient without scram means an anticipated operational occurrence followed by the failure of the reactor trip portion of the protection system. At this moment alternate rod injection (ARI) system starts to insert the control rods. If ARI system fails, the control rods are inserted by Fine Motion Control Rod Drive (FMCRD) run-in system. If ARI and FMCRD systems both fail, standby liquid control system (SLCS) injects into the reactor pressure vessel a borated water solution. We analyzed three ATWS events involved feedwater systems: Loss of Feedwater, Loss of Feedwater Heating and The Feedwater Controller Failure to Maximum Demand. They are triggered separately by low water level, manual and high pressure. We contrasted the results of simulation with PSAR[1]. After a series of verifications, we affirmed the accuracy and credibility of the results of the expanded PCTRAN.
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吳華申. "PCTRAN-ABWR起動測試暫態預測分析." Thesis, 2010.

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This paper used PCTRAN that MST (Micro-Simulation Technology) design to analyzed Taiwan Power Company Lungmen Nnuclear Power Plants transient tests at Start-Up High/Mid Test Plateau.the goal of this paper is to simulate real test process against the results from the GE analyses for Lungmen Plant startup transient tests (STAR ,Startup Test Prediction -Transient Test Prediction Revision 1 Draft B October 2009). The tests are (1)Loss of Feedwater Heater Event;(2)1feedwater pump trip event;(3)1 reactor internal pump trip event;(4) 3 reactor internal pump trip event. Lungmen Plant is not finished all pre-operation tests. Many setpoints have not been performed. The study referenced GE STAR and Lungmen Plant Final Safety Analysis Report (FSTR) to discuss simulate results.Setpoint can be confirmed after Lungmen Plant Start-Up test , that benchmark PCTRAN-ABWR model to upgrad accuracy.
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Chang, Kailan, and 張凱嵐. "Transient Analysis of ATWS Events for Lungmen by Modified PCTRAN-ABWR Code." Thesis, 2010.

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The purpose of this work is to perform an Anticipated Transient Without Scram (ATWS) safety analysis of Lungmen nuclear power plant (LMNPP) in Taiwan. PCTRAN-ABWR is a NPP transient and accident simulation code with high efficiency and convenience. Because PCTRAN-ABWR only consider mass equation and energy equation, it can simulate a variety of accident and transient conditions with little computer resources. In original version, the logics of ATWS are not enough perfect, therefore this work modified this code and added some new logics of ATWS events into modified PCTRAN-ABWR. This work performed by two parts as show as the following:(1)To improve the analyzed ability, the ATWS logics and set points in PCTRAN-ABWR code is modified including ARI, FMCRD and SLCS, according to Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR) 15E.6.(2)Two ATWS cases with the following initiating events, Main Steam Isolation Valve Closure and Loss of Offsite Power selected from FSAR 15E.6, were performed to verify the modified PCTRAN-ABWR. These ATWS mitigation benchmarks show PCTRAN-ABWR has a good ability to simulate ATWS events and their mitigation functions of LMNPP design. In addition to the above DBA analyses, this work analyzed three beyond-DBA cases including Main Steam Line Break Loss-of-Coolant Accident (LOCA) combined with ATWS, Feed Water Line Break LOCA combined with ATWS, and High Pressure Core Flooder (HPCF) Line Break LOCA. The defense-in-depth in nuclear power plant could be observed in these transient analyses.
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Cheng, Chao Che, and 鄭肇哲. "Sensitivity Analysis of Ultimate Response Guideline for Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant with PCTRAN." Thesis, 2015.

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After the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster took place in 2011, nuclear security have been attached importance to all over the world. Therefore the Ultimate Response Guideline(URG) was developed by Taiwan Power Company for preventing Taiwan from such analogous accident of nuclear power plant as in Japan. In order to test and verify the operating procedures of URG are able to make the nuclear power reactor shut down in emergencies and ensure security of the lives and property of the citizens, PCTRAN is used to simulate the operating procedures of URG of Maanshan Nuclear Power Plant in this paper, and the result of simulation is used to analyze the effect of URG that is according to the two maneuver-play of the plant in 2014. One of the play is for number one machine, it was in serious accident, the reactor part melted down, and the other one is for number two machine, that was not in serious accident, the power recover quickly. In the same timing of play, this study compares the result of PCTRAN with MAAP(Modular Accident Analysis Program) that is a validated software for simulating the accident of nuclear power plant and validates extent of accuracy of PCTRAN. The features of PCTRAN are fast simulating and easy operating, and the flow rate of components in the system is adjustable by user. As a result, the study analyzes the sensitivity of Power Operating Relief Valve(PORV) of Steam Generation, and the rate of the differential pressure and water loss with the aperture of PORV. Furthernore, at a fixed injection time, it also analyzes the deviation of the differential pressure of steam generation with the aperture of water flow.
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Yang, Wei-Yi, and 楊偉義. "PCTRAN Analysis for Steam Line System Accidents in Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant ATWS." Thesis, 2007.

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Chung, Chia-Hao, and 鍾家豪. "Use PCTran ChinShan Model to Compare Behaviors for LOCA of Different Break Sizes." Thesis, 2013.

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Chen, Chun-Yu, and 陳俊宇. "PCTRAN-ABWR緊急爐心冷卻系統模式擴充." Thesis, 2006.

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The thesis focuses on the improvements and modifications of the PCTRAN-ABWR, a simulation code for the Lungmen Nuclear Power Plant, about the Emergency Core Cooling system (ECCS). The methodology to modify the PCTRAN-ABWR code and to improve its process flow and pressure model and the heat exchanger model can be examples for future modifications. The ECCS system includes of three subsystems, the Reactor Core Isolation Cooling subsystem, High Pressure Core Flooder subsystem and Residual Heat Removal subsystem. The approaches of the thesis are as followings: (1)Three independent divisions of ECCS are established. (2)The essential operation modes and interlock logics of ECCS system are improved. (3)The Thermal-Hydraulic relationships among the ECCS, the reactor core model and the containment are clarified. (4)The models for the process flow and pressure drop of ECCS are improved. (5)The RHR heat exchanger model is improved. As benchmarks of the ECCS modifications, the TRACG Benchmark Transient Analysis for the LUNGMEN Simulator Validation Project [1] and the SAFER/GESTR-Loss of Coolant Accident Analysis [2] are utilized. The discussions on the cases of LOCA and the impacts due to the delay of SCRAM time and the failure of the ECCS on the case of loss of all feedwater flow can be examples for future analysis.
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邱茗秀. "Investigations of Thermal-Hydraulic modeling and Setup of Offsite Dose Calculation Capabilities in PCTRAN." Thesis, 2003.

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The thesis investigates thermal-hydraulic modeling of PCTRAN-PWR and establishes offsite Dose Calculation Capabilities in PCTRAN-PWR.PCTRAN-PWR is referred to a PCTRAN version for Westinghouse nuclear power plant. The thesis has generalized major thermal-hydraulic theory about core, pressurizer and steam generator and major portion of calculation function form PCTRAN-PWR The thesis has also established XOQ calculation modeling in PCTRAN-PWR. XOQ is the rate of concentration of the effluent over its flow rate. Using the XOQ calculation modeling of this thesis and dose calculation modeling of PCTRAN-PWR, we can calculate and display the whole body dose rate and thyroid dose rate and their integrated dose in the range of offsite radius 5 km according to weather condition and wind velocity and direction at real time. It will be useful for Emergency plan maneuvers.
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陳玉柱. "核電廠事故分析程式PCTran之引進與應用." Thesis, 2001.

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PCTran is a fast PC-based nuclear power plant simulation code developed by Taiwan Power Company (TPC) and Micro-Simulation Technology. We used it to simulate various transients and events in order to assess the safety of nuclear power plants. In the present thesis, we tried to use PCTran for Maanshan to simulate and compare ten cases chosen from Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR). The results will provide us the capabilities and prediction performances of PCTran. In the thesis, we first introduce the main functions of PCTran and examine initial conditions and physical parameters in FSAR cases. After that, we decide and setup associated best initial conditions, malfunctions, and other actions in PCTran, and execute. After intensive comparisons between PCTran simulations and FSAR, we noticed that all cases involved in secondary loop transients showed good agreements. On the other hand, the primary side transients indicated higher-than-FSAR cladding temperatures, probably due to inadequacies of ECCS models in PCTran. Some parameters like DNBR and LVPZ in the study are quite different from the results of FSAR. In addition, there are no appropriate models in PCTran to simulate the cases involving steam generator feedwater line break.
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鄭源傑. "PCTRAN龍門核能電廠暫態事故模擬分析與驗證." Thesis, 2005.

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ABSTRACT PCTran ABWR is a fast-running simulation code for Lungmen nuclear power plant. The code was developed by Micro-Simulation Technology and implemented by Taiwan Power Company (TPC). PCTran can be installed in a PC under Windows operating system and has excellent ability to simulate transients and accidents in a nuclear power plant. In the thesis, we tried to use PCTran ABWR to simulate and compared cases chosen from Preliminary Safety Analysis Report (PSAR). The simulated cases are mainly selected from the chapter 15 in PSAR. This thesis first introduced the important function and features of PCTran. And then, the significant parameters accounted in PSAR are listed. Finally, according to the cases analyzed in PSAR, we simulated these cases by using PCTran ABWR code and compared the results between PSAR and PCTran. The simulating ability and reliability of PCTran ABWR can be evaluated after the comparison Through the comparisons between PCTran ABWR and PSAR, we noticed that all results are quite similar. But we need further research for some transient simulation results. For example, we found that we could not fail all feedwater pumps during the simulation. Some logics for signal triggering are not the same as in PSAR. There is also some difficulties manipulating turbine control valve and bypass valve failure at the same time. The neutron flux responses are not quite sensitive as it should be.
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林南宏. "國聖核能電廠PCTRAN程式網路環境下的發展與應用." Thesis, 2007.

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The original application environment of PCTRAN for Kuo-Sheng nuclear power plant is a stand-alone operation. Therefore, only the local operator of PCTRAN workstation can run simulations and access the simulation results. This research expanded the application environment from stand-alone to multi-operation through Internet. The features of this expansion include (1) using MySQL database so that the initial conditions can be shared by other operators, (2) the simulation results are stored in MySQL database which can be read through webpage, (3) the simulation can be remotely performed using VNC, and (4) the webpage is developed using Tomcat web server so that the PCTRAN simulation results can be shown. Finally, the success of the developed program is demonstrated by two simulations.
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高毓懋. "核能電廠事故模擬程式PCTRAN於.NET平台之建立與功能改進." Thesis, 2006.

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許定國. "核能電廠暫態事故分析程式PCTRAN之資料庫建立與網路應用." Thesis, 2004.

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Kosová, Pavla. "Radioaktivní značení PCTA-Lys3-bombesinu a stanovení stability značeného produktu." Master's thesis, 2014.

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Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of: Biophysics and Physical Chemistry Consultant: Doc. Ing. Alice Lázníčková, CSc. Student: Pavla Kosová Title of thesis: Radiolabeling of PCTA-Lys3-Bombesine and determination of stability of the radiolabeled product The dissertation deal with study of radiolabeling of new receptor-specific peptide - bombesin, which was modified with chelator PCTA, PCTA-Lys3-bombesin, with radionuclide 177 Lu, and determination of labelled product quality and its stability. For quality control we used method high-efficiency liquid chromatography (HPLC) and thin-layer chromatography (ITLC) on ITLC-SG. HPLC offer clear proof about pollution and possible dissociative outputs. Comparison of both methods for determination of purity of labelled peptide showed that HPLC is more accurate than TLC method.
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