Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Pazienti oncologici'
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Biguzzi, Stefano. "Valutazione delle funzionalità cardiache in pazienti oncologici." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2012. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/3535/.
Full textVisintainer, Laura. "Analisi della cardiotossicità in pazienti oncologici mediante ecografia volumetrica." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/9498/.
Full textBaldi, Andrea. "Valutazione della cardiotossicità in pazienti oncologici mediante tecniche ecocardiografiche." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/11144/.
Full textBELLO, STEFANIA CONCETTA. "Direttive Anticipate di Trattamento nei pazienti oncologici: una prospettiva internazionale." Doctoral thesis, Università di Foggia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11369/338924.
Full textTOGNI, SERENA. "Le lesioni cutanee maligne nei pazienti oncologici: studio osservazionale prospettico." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Milano, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/2434/233153.
Full textLorenzini, Cinzia. "Tecniche diagnostiche per valutare l'effetto cardiotossico delle terapie in pazienti oncologici." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/5176/.
Full textD'Amico, Ester. "Utilizzo della stimolazione elettrica per la terapia antalgica nei pazienti oncologici." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/7070/.
Full textNicolini, Ester. "Valutazione della cardiotossicità in pazienti oncologici mediante tecniche di diagnostica per immagine." Bachelor's thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amslaurea.unibo.it/5104/.
Full textRoganti, Daniele <1980>. "Il monitoraggio della qualità di vita e dei bisogni di pazienti oncologici e caregiver: il caso ANT." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/6379/1/Roganti_-_Il_monitoraggio_della_qualit%C3%A0_di_vita_e_dei_bisogni_di_pazienti_oncologici_e_caregiver%3A_il_caso_ANT.pdf.
Full textANT Foundation provides free medical and psychological home care for cancer patients, with team of phisicians, psychologists and nurses. Cancer has a huge impact on patients' wellbeing. Emotional distress is a concept used to group and describe different symptoms of psychological disorders, but it is important to assess it in a quick and simple way. First study: 66 cancer patients (40% men; mean age 54 years) in palliative home care. 79% of patients showed high levels of distress. 55% reported high anxiety scores, and 81% showed high levels of depression. ROC curves analysis showed that the Distress Thermometer single item, with a cut-off of 4, was capable of detecting 97% of subjects with clinical levels of anxiety and depression, and therefore it can be used as a early screening instrument, both quick and reliable, for mood disorders. Caregivers are the first resource of cancer patients, and it is important to detect and assess their needs in order to know who needs more help and in which specific areas. Second study: 115 caregiver of cancer patients (37% men; mean age 52 years). Most frequent needs are presented as following. Psychological and physical health: “worries about patient” (72%), anxiety (53%) and anger (52%). Informations: “how to take care of the patient” (64%), “alternative or complementary therapies” (64%) and “how to manage stress” (57%). Services and hospital facilities: “a designated staff member”, (65%), “nurse service at home” (62%), “indications on hospital services” (57%), and “specific help for caregivers, i.e. psychological counselling” (55%). The monitoring of needs could optimize home care, avoiding the risk of psychological, practical and physical problems and helping supporting patients' and families' wellbeing and quality of life.
Roganti, Daniele <1980>. "Il monitoraggio della qualità di vita e dei bisogni di pazienti oncologici e caregiver: il caso ANT." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2014. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/6379/.
Full textANT Foundation provides free medical and psychological home care for cancer patients, with team of phisicians, psychologists and nurses. Cancer has a huge impact on patients' wellbeing. Emotional distress is a concept used to group and describe different symptoms of psychological disorders, but it is important to assess it in a quick and simple way. First study: 66 cancer patients (40% men; mean age 54 years) in palliative home care. 79% of patients showed high levels of distress. 55% reported high anxiety scores, and 81% showed high levels of depression. ROC curves analysis showed that the Distress Thermometer single item, with a cut-off of 4, was capable of detecting 97% of subjects with clinical levels of anxiety and depression, and therefore it can be used as a early screening instrument, both quick and reliable, for mood disorders. Caregivers are the first resource of cancer patients, and it is important to detect and assess their needs in order to know who needs more help and in which specific areas. Second study: 115 caregiver of cancer patients (37% men; mean age 52 years). Most frequent needs are presented as following. Psychological and physical health: “worries about patient” (72%), anxiety (53%) and anger (52%). Informations: “how to take care of the patient” (64%), “alternative or complementary therapies” (64%) and “how to manage stress” (57%). Services and hospital facilities: “a designated staff member”, (65%), “nurse service at home” (62%), “indications on hospital services” (57%), and “specific help for caregivers, i.e. psychological counselling” (55%). The monitoring of needs could optimize home care, avoiding the risk of psychological, practical and physical problems and helping supporting patients' and families' wellbeing and quality of life.
PETRONI, VALERIA. "Impiego del comet Assay in pazienti oncologici in età pediatrica e in bambini affetti dalla Sindrome di Down." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/242004.
Full textPallotti, Maria Caterina <1978>. "Delirium nei pazienti oncologici in fase avanzata di malattia: studio prospettico, osservazionale in due differenti organizzazioni di cure palliative." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2018. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/8467/1/Maria%20Caterina_Pallotti_Tesi.pdf.
Full textBackground. Delirium is a neuropsychiatric syndrome more frequent in advanced cancer patients. The Memorial Delirium Assessment Scale (MDAS) is a validated tool used for diagnosis, severity and measuring phenomenology of delirium. The aim of this study is to compare the prevalence at admission, incidence during hospitalization and phenomenology of delirium in advanced cancer patients in two different settings: a hospice and an oncology ward. Methods. We conducted a prospective observational study of patients admitted at Hospice Bentivoglio of the Hospice MT Chiantore Seràgnoli Onlus Foundation (Bentivoglio, Bologna, Italy) (FHS) and attended by the Palliative Care Supportive Team at the Oncology Ward of the University Clinic of Navarra (Pamplona, Spain) (CUN). MDAS was administered at initial hospitalization and repeated every week. Frequency analysis, Chi-squared Pearson Test, Fisher test, Anova Test and Wilcoxon test were analyzed. Results. 227 were enrolled (176 in FHS, 51 in CUN). Delirium prevalence was 26% (46/176) FHS, 22% (11/51) CUN (p<0.585). Delirium incidence was diagnosed in 18% (31/176) of patients in FHS, in 8% (4/51) at CUN (p<0.208). At the time of discharge/death, irreversible delirium was present in 37% (65/176) of patients at FHS, in 6% (3/51) at CUN (p<0.001). In a subset of 32 patients, MDAS was compared at the time of diagnosis of delirium and one week later. In 22 patients with reversible delirium, all MDAS items showed a reduction in the level of intensity of delirium, but in 10 patients with irreversible delirium, the level of all items reminded at the same intensity. Conclusion. Delirium prevalence at admission and incidence during hospitalization was similar in both settings, but the evolution was different: in FSH at discharge/death, there was a higher prevalence of irreversible delirium. Signs of delirium can improve in reversible delirium and not worsen in irreversible delirium by early diagnosis and proper treatment.
PEPE, GIOVANNI. "Implementazione dei protocolli di prevenzione primaria e secondaria dell'osteonecrosi dei mascellari da bifosfonati somministrati per via endovenosa in pazienti oncologici." Doctoral thesis, Università di Foggia, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/11369/338933.
Full textGIUDICI, FABIOLA. "Metodi statistici per la stima di profili di rischio personalizzati basati sulla medicina di precisione del cancro nei pazienti oncologici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3458751.
Full textPrecision medicine is beginning to emerge as a well-defined discipline with specific goals, areas of focus, and tailored methodology. Specifically, the primary goal is to discover treatment rules that leverage heterogeneity to improve clinical decision making in a manner that is reproducible, generalizable, and adaptable as needed. This endeavor spans a broad range of scientific areas including drug discovery, genetics/genomics, health communication, and causal inference, all in support of evidence-based, i.e., data-driven, decision making. Precision Medicine allows patients to be discriminated according to their level of risk (e.g. low or high) and identifies subgroups of patients according to their characteristics in order to assign the treatment to those who are likely to benefit. Statistics research in precision medicine is broadly focused on methodological development for estimation of and inference for treatment regimens that maximize some cumulative clinical outcome. The process for using statistical inference to establish personalized treatment strategies requires specific techniques for data-analysis that optimize the combination of competing therapies with candidate genetic features and characteristics of the patient and disease. The present dissertation focuses on the implementation and application of statistical methods for establishing optimal treatment rules for personalized medicine and discuss specific examples in various medical contexts with oncology as an emphasis. I have focused my research activity mainly in the study of the following topics. 1) Statistical methods to analyze continuous biomarkers. Several approaches were considered according to the design of study: from classical approach - median or mean value, percentiles, optimal cut-point identified by means standard receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis-to more complex analysis - time-dependent ROC, conditional inferential tree and subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern (STEPP) method. 2) Statistical methods for time-to-event endpoints. Competing risks occur commonly in medical research. In the analysis of competing risks data, methods of standard survival analysis lead to incorrect and biased results. In the presence of competing risks, data analysis has to be performed including methods to calculate the cumulative incidence of an event of interest, to compare cumulative incidence curves in the presence of competing risks, and to perform competing risks regression analysis. 3) Meta-analysis for synthesizing evidence. 4) An important topic reviews to use of several statistical methods that handle the issue of treatment switching. The contribution aims at assessing tamoxifen treatment effect taking into account treatment switches, in order to provide a robust assessment of treatment effect applying causal inference methods. 5) The last topic deals with the use of population-based registry and administrative databases. The objective of this project is to develop an acceptable claims-based algorithm to identify second breast cancer events during a 10-year follow-up through a record-linkage of two data sources:the Friuli Venezia Giulia population based-cancer registry and the administrative individual-record FVG database.
ORRU, Graziella. "VALUTAZIONE GERIATRICA MULTIDIMENSIONALE ED INDICE PROGNOSTICO DI MORTALITA' IN PAZIENTI ANZIANI AFFETTI DA NEOPLASIA." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3427550.
Full textBackground: la metodologia della Valutazione Multidimensionale (VMD) è considerata un valido strumento della medicina geriatrica che lo ha elaborato e validato; esso non si limita al solo momento valutativo-diagnostico ma dal punto di vista operativo si estende anche alla gestione del paziente. Essendo l’interdisciplinarità l’elemento caratterizzante la VMD, risulta un valido strumento di indagine nei confronti dell’anziano fragile. La VMD sta acquisendo un crescente interesse in oncologia geriatrica per due ordini di motivi: in primo luogo per la necessità di riuscire a discriminare tra gli aspetti legati alle sindromi geriatriche e quelli strettamente correlati alla patologia tumorale; in secondo luogo, per il suo potenziale valore prognostico in pazienti così clinicamente complessi. Recentemente è stato sviluppato un Indice Prognostico di Mortalità (MPI) - basato sull’utilizzo di una VMD Geriatrica - in pazienti anziani ospedalizzati; è stato dimostrato come ad un MPI più severo sia positivamente associato un rischio di mortalità più elevato. Scopo: il presente lavoro si è posto l’obiettivo di raccogliere una casistica di pazienti anziani affetti da neoplasia al fine di: 1) applicare la metodologia della VMD utilizzando i domini del MPI e valutare se la sua validità - ad oggi accertata nei pazienti geriatrici con patologie acute o riacutizzazioni di patologie croniche - mantenga il suo valore prognostico anche nei pazienti anziani neoplastici; 2) valutare la mortalità dei pazienti oncologici a 6 mesi rispetto alla data di reclutamento ed identificarne una possibile relazione con il peggioramento dei domini del MPI e con una maggiore severità dello stesso; 3) ricercare una possibile relazione tra i domini non inclusi nelle scale del MPI e una maggiore severità del MPI; 4) individuare altri possibili predittori della mortalità associati ai parametri non presenti nello sviluppo e validazione del MPI. Materiali e Metodi: è stato considerato un campione di pazienti affetti da neoplasia maligna di età maggiore o uguale a 70 anni, ricoverati dal 17 Aprile 2008 al 15 Gennaio 2009 presso le tre Unità Operative dell’Ospedale di Padova (Clinica Geriatrica, Clinica Chirurgica Geriatrica e Oncologia Medica II). Previo consenso scritto e possibilità di raccogliere una VMD completa, sono stati raccolti per ogni paziente 160 items derivanti dalle caratteristiche generali e dalla somministrazione di 14 diverse scale di valutazione geriatrica: ADL (Activities of Daily Living), IADL (Instrumental Activities of Daily Living), SPMSQ (Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire), MNA (Mini-Nutritional Assessment), ESS (Exton-Smith Scale), CIRS (Cumulative Illness Rating Scale Comorbility), VNS (Visual Numeric Scale), MMSE (Mini Mental State Examination), GDS (Geriatric Depression Scale), NPI (UCLA-NeuroPsychiatric Inventory), CBI (Caregiver Burden Inventory), SR (Scala di Responsabilizzazione), LPSV (Livello di Protezione dello Spazio di Vita), ICA (Indice di Copertura Assistenziale). Il periodo di osservazione è stato di 180 giorni per i sopravvissuti o rientrante entro tale intervallo di tempo per i deceduti. Risultati: sono stati considerati 160 pazienti di cui 150 sono rientrati nei criteri di inclusione previsti dal protocollo di studio (82 femmine e 68 maschi; età media: 79.2 ± 5.6 anni, range: 69-93; scolarità media: 6.4 ± 3.7, range: 0-19). Le sedi principali di insorgenza del tumore primitivo erano: colon (30%), mammella (22%) e polmone (17%). Il 54% dei pazienti presentavano un MPI basso, il 76% un MPI moderato e il 20% un MPI severo. Il 35.3% dei pazienti (n = 53) sono deceduti entro i 6 mesi di osservazione contro il 15.7% dello studio di riferimento; di questi il 64.2% (n = 34) è deceduto entro i primi 90 giorni contro il 35.8% (n = 19) di essi che sono morti tra i 90 ed i 180 giorni. È stata osservata una significativa associazione tra l’MPI e la mortalità a 6 mesi (MPI basso: 5.6% - MPI moderato: 44.7% - MPI severo, 80%; p<0.0001). È stata, inoltre, rilevata una significativa associazione tra l’MPI e le seguenti caratteristiche: età, peso, BMI, numero di farmaci assunti, condizione sociale (vivere soli ed in RSA), ricovero presso la U.O. Clinica Geriatrica; infatti la Clinica Geriatrica presenta una percentuale significativamente maggiore di decessi rispetto alla Chirurgia Geriatrica e all’Oncologia Medica II rispettivamente: 49.1%, 7.5% e 43.4% (p<0.0001). Non sono invece risultate significativamente associate al MPI: scolarità, sesso, altezza, BSA. È stato osservato un grado di MPI più severo associato al peggioramento delle seguenti scale: MNA, ADL, IADL, CIRS-S, CIRS-CI, ESS (domini del MPI) e MMSE, VNS, GDS, CBI, NPI, SR (non incluse nei domini del MPI). Non è stata, invece, riscontrata una significativa associazione tra MPI e tra MPI e LPSV e ICA Non si è registrata una corrispondenza precisa tra mortalità attesa e mortalità osservata a 6 mesi nel grado severo del MPI (HR = 1.553; IC 95% = 0.904-2.669; mortalità osservata = 0.800; ∆ = 0.753) rispetto al grado basso e moderato (rispettivamente: HR = 0.056; IC 95% = 0.018-0.173; mortalità osservata = 0.056; ∆= 0.000 e HR = 0.584; IC 95%= 0.415-0.823; mortalità osservata = 0.447; ∆ = 0.137). Indipendentemente dal MPI, è stata rilevata una significativa associazione tra rischio di mortalità e: MNA, ADL, IADL, CIRS-SI, CIRS-CI, ESS e SPMSQ (per i domini presenti nel MPI) e VNS, GDS, CBI, NPI (per le scale non incluse nel MPI). Non sono risultate positivamente correlate con il rischio di mortalità il sesso, la scolarità, il MMSE, il numero di farmaci assunti, la condizione sociale, SR, LPSV ed ICA. Conclusioni: nonostante il fatto che l’MPI sembri sovrastimare il rischio di mortalità, dal presente studio emerge che l’MPI, derivato da una VMD, evidenzia un significativo valore prognostico nei pazienti anziani affetti da neoplasia. È, inoltre presente una maggiore mortalità nel campione analizzato rispetto allo studio di sviluppo e di validazione dell’indice stesso; ciò sembrerebbe confermare la severità della patologia tumorale in ambito geriatrico. Ad una maggiore severità dell’indice risulta associata una più elevata mortalità ed un peggioramento dei domini stessi del MPI ad eccezione dello SPMSQ. E’ stata osservata un’associazione significativa tra la severità del MPI e l’ammissione presso la Clinica Geriatrica ma anche tra quest’ultima e mortalità entro 6 mesi. Per quel che concerne i domini valutati non inclusi nel MPI si è rilevato una associazione positiva tra MPI severo e MMSE, VNS, GDS, CBI, NPI ed SR. Dall’analisi dell’associazione tra tutti i parametri considerati ed il rischio di mortalità è stata rilevata una significativa associazione fra il peggioramento di tutte le variabili analizzate ed un aumentato rischio di mortalità, ad eccezione del sesso, della scolarità, dell’altezza, del numero di farmaci assunti, della condizione sociale, delle scale sociali (SR, LPSV, ICA) e del MMSE. Nonostante il ridotto numero di soggetti reclutati, il campione è stato sufficientemente alto per confermare la validità dell’MPI in ambito oncologico.
SALCICCIA, STEFANO. "Ruolo della risonanza magnetica multiparametrica nella gestione ottimale dei risultati oncologici e funzionali dei pazienti con adenocarcinoma prostatico e candidati a prostatectomia radicale nerve sparing." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/242026.
Full textINTODUCTION: Radical prostatectomy (RP) provides excellent long-‐term disease control for patients with clinically localized prostate carcinoma (PC). The unique challenge of RP is to eliminate the cancer while preserving urinary and sexual function. Recovery of erectile function after RP is related to the preservation of the neurovascolar bundles (NVB). It has been suggested that anatomic variations exist regarding the course of NVBs and may in part explain the variability in recovery of erectile function observed after Nerve sparing (NS) RP series .To obtain the best results with RP, either from an oncological or a functional point of view, a correct selection of cases and planning of surgery are crucial. The combination of anatomic, biological and functional dynamic information offered by multiparametric MRI promises to make it a successful imaging tool for improving many aspects of PC management. AIM: to evaluate whether a modern multiparametric MR imaging can help either to better select prostate cancer cases (PC) for a NS RP or to improve the functional evaluation related to NVBs preservation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: between January 2008 and September 2011, In a Prospective study, 125 consecutive patients with biopsy proven PC who were scheduled to undergo bilateral NS RP. All patients included into the study were submitted to a preoperative multiparametric MRI evaluation of the prostate. On the basis of MRI evaluation patients were divided into two groups. Patients in group A were then submitted to a bilateral NS RP whereas patients in group B were submitted to unilateral NS or non NS RP. RESULTS: In group A, the confirmation from the MRI study to perform a bilateral NS procedure was appropriate in 70 of 73 cases (95.9%) whereas in group B the surgical plan was appropriate in 28 of 32 cases (87.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Multiparametric MRI analysis can significantly improve the standard selection and management of PC cases considered for a NS RP.
Risino, Corrado. "L'anemia nel paziente anziano oncologico." Doctoral thesis, Università di Catania, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10761/1268.
Full textQuinci, Manuela <1987>. "Ruolo dell'imaging ecografico nel paziente oncologico." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/8779/1/Ruolo%20dell%27imaging%20ecografico%20nel%20paziente%20oncologico%20-%20Tesi%20dottorato%20M%20Quinci.pdf.
Full textMy research project focused on the role of ultrasound in dogs and cats with oncologic diseases and it included two studies. The aim of the first was to evaluate the relationship between the sonographic honeycomb pattern (HCP) of the spleen and cyto-histological diagnosis in cats, and to assess the influence of the type of transducer on HCP visualization. Abdominal ultrasounds of cats with HCP were reviewed to record spleen size, shape and margin appearance, other parenchymal alterations, lymphadenopathy. Images acquired with high-frequency and curvilinear transducers were compared to see if HCP was more consistent on high resolution images. A retrospective review of the corresponding splenic cyto-histopatologic samples was performed. Based on our findings, HCP in cats is not predictive of lymphoma and it can be associated with both benign and malignant disorders. The use of high-frequency transducers is recommended to properly recognize HCP or subtle changes in splenic parenchyma. The second study aimed to compare performances of contrast enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) and bidimensional ultrasound (US) guided fine needle aspiration (FNA) of abdominal and thoracic masses and to determine the effect of the following independent predictors: location, size, presence of avascular areas within the mass, operator’s experience, on the adequacy of the cytological sample. Dogs and cats with masses were retrospectively selected and included into 2 groups: 43 patients were included in the CEUS-guided group and 39 in the US-guided group. The cytological samples were reviewed by two pathologists and a final interpretation of the cytological adequacy was provided. According to a univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis both CEUS and US guidance are suitable for FNA. Mass location and presence of avascular areas can also affect the adequacy. Thus, in case of large masses CEUS should be performed before FNA as presence of avascular areas may lead to inadequate sampling.
Rihawi, Karim <1984>. "Caratterizzazione molecolare per la medicina personalizzata nel paziente oncologico." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2021. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/9944/1/TESI%20DOTTORATO%20Karim%20Rihawi_final.pdf.
Full textCirculating tumor cells (CTCs) represent a subset of cells found in the blood of patients with solid tumors, which are mainly involved in the process of metastatization. CTCs preserve primary tumor heterogeneity and mimic tumor properties, and may be considered as clinical biomarker, preclinical model, and therapeutic target. As such, CTCs can play a pivotal role as being a component of liquid biopsy which has potential in analyzing the genomic landscape of patients with cancer, supervising treatment responses, monitoring minimal residual disease, and managing non-invasive therapy resistance. Compared with traditional tissue biopsy, liquid biopsy is noninvasive and real-time. Therefore, CTCs can be used to tailor treatment in oncology patients. The aim of this work is to obtain through the detection of CTCs a multi-level molecular characterization using different tumor samples from the same patient or the same sample but taken throughout different stages of the disease. In our study 190 patients were enrolled; among them, 19 had a CTC count > 4. We report the results of these patients highlighting the strengths and the pitfalls of the techniques utilized as well as the clinical implications of the genetic analyses which followed the identification and isolation of CTCs.
TANZI, Silvia. "Cure Palliative Precoci nei pazienti onco ematologici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11380/1246164.
Full textDuring my PhD I’ve explored the integration between palliative care and hematologic cancer patient. Early palliative care together with standard haematologic care for advanced patients is needed worldwide but little is known about its effect. I first performed a systematic literature review to synthesize the evidence on the impact of early palliative care on haematologic cancer patients’ quality of life and resource use. The search terms were early palliative care or simultaneous or integrated or concurrent care and haematologic or onco-haematologic patients. The following databases were searched: PubMed, Embase, Cochrane, CINHAL, and Scopus. Additional studies were identified through cross-checking the reference articles. Studies were in the English language, with no restriction for years. Two researchers independently reviewed the titles and abstracts, and one author assessed full articles for eligibility. A total of 296 studies titles were reviewed. Eight articles were included in the synthesis of the results, two controlled studies provided data on the comparative efficacy of PC interventions, and six one-arm studies were included. Since data pooling and meta-analysis were not possible, only a narrative synthesis of the study results was performed. The quality of the two included comparative studies was low overall. The quality of the 6 non-comparative studies was high overall, without the possibility of linking the observed results to the implemented interventions. Studies on early palliative care and cancer patients are scarce and have not been prospectively designed. More research on the specific population target, type and timing of palliative care intervention and standardization of collected outcomes is required. The systematic review was registered on PROSPERO and published in October 2020 (Tanzi Silvia, Venturelli Francesco, Luminari Stefano, Merlo Franco Domenico, Braglia Luca, Bassi Chiara, Costantini Massimo. Early palliative care in haematological patients: a systematic literature review. BMJ Support Palliat Care) I consequently wrote a research protocol for an RCT on Early Palliative Care and Haematologic Cancer Patients: we developed a palliative care intervention (PCI) integrated with standard hematological care. The aim of the protocol was focused on exploring the feasibility of the intervention by patients, professionals, and caregivers and on assessing its preliminary efficacy. It was a mixed-methods phase 2 trial. The Specialist Palliative Care Team (SPCT) follow each patient on a monthly basis in the outpatient clinic or will provide consultations during any hospital admission. SPCT and hematologists discuss active patient issues to assure a team approach to the patient’s care. This quantitative study is a monocentric parallel-group superiority trial with balanced randomization comparing the experimental PCI plus hematological standard care versus hematological standard care alone. The primary endpoint will calculate on adherence to the planned PCI, measured as the percentage of patients randomized to the experimental arm who attend all the planned palliative care visits in the 24 weeks after randomization. The qualitative study follows the methodological indications of concurrent nested design and was aimed at exploring the acceptability of the PCI from the point of view of patients, caregivers, and physicians. The trial was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT03743480 and Published in 2020 (Tanzi Silvia, Luminari Stefano, Cavuto Silvio, Turola Elena, Ghirotto Luca, Costantini Massimo. Early palliative care versus standard care in hematologic cancer patients at their last active treatment: study protocol of a feasibility trial.BMC Palliat Care. 2020;19(1):53) We started the RCT in November 2018: in this trial, we will test the feasibility of an integrated palliative care approach starting when the hematologists to propose the last active treatment
Crabu, Stefano. "Dalla molecola al paziente: la ricerca oncologica fra laboratori scientifici e spazi clinici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3423543.
Full textPREMESSA Nel corso di questa tesi di dottorato ho rivolto l’attenzione ai processi attraverso i quali le conoscenze biomediche in oncologia molecolare vengono tradotte in nuove applicazioni cliniche. Più precisamente, mi sono focalizzato sulla cosiddetta ricerca traslazionale nel campo dell'oncologia molecolare al fine di indagare le relazioni tra la ricerca scientifica e la medicina, e tra il personale clinico e i ricercatori. Da un punto di vista teorico, la mia riflessione sulla ricerca traslazionale traccia una discontinuità rispetto ai modelli adottati dalle scienze sociali per studiare i rapporti fra scienza, medicina e società, in cui la traiettoria traslazionale di innovazione è stata tradizionalmente concepita come un meccanismo lineare e progressivo. Nel condurre la ricerca ho adottato una prospettiva maturata dal dialogo fra la sociologia della medicina e della salute e gli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia, che mi ha permesso di costruire una rete di concetti capaci di cogliere le dinamiche che portano comunità biomediche differenti a convergere e dialogare fra loro. Più in particolare, questa prospettiva mi ha consentito di indagare la ricorsività fra le aspettative, le visioni scientifiche, gli oggetti tecnologici e le pratiche tecnoscientifiche attraverso le quali medici e ricercatori cercano di consolidare e materializzare le narrazioni scientifiche sui “futuri clinici” improntati al nuovo paradigma traslazionale. Da questo punto di vista, l'intersezione fra la clinica e il laboratorio definisce e circoscrive uno spazio bioclinico ibrido, rappresentato dalla ricerca traslazionale. Quest'ultima è stata considerata nei termini di un nuovo stile di pratiche, ovvero come l'esito emergente di un lavoro scientifico che ha stimolato il dialogo e la convergenza fra attori umani e dispositivi tecnologici, risorse linguistiche e pratiche discorsive al fine di comprendere in che modo le aspettative e le aspirazioni su possibili futuri clinici possono essere manipolate e gestite entro i contesti laboratoriali dove conoscenza biomedica e nuove indicazioni terapeutiche vengono prodotte e condivise. OBIETTIVI DELLA RICERCA In primo luogo, lo scopo di questa tesi è di contribuire in modo innovativo alla comprensione dei processi di innovazione nella biomedicina contemporanea, cercando di mettere in dialogo diverse prospettive teoriche maturate in seno alla sociologia della medicina e agli studi sociali sulla scienza e la tecnologia. In secondo luogo, nel corso della tesi vengono esplorati in profondità i modi in cui gli scienziati si relazionano alle pratiche e ai problemi clinici che disciplinano il loro campo d'azione, esaminando così in che modo i diversi attori presenti sulla scena della biomedicina traslazionale costruiscono il dialogo tra laboratori scientifici e gli spazi della cura. METODOLOGIA Il disegno dell'indagine, costruito in relazione al quadro teorico e agli obiettivi della ricerca, ha previsto l'analisi documentale e l'osservazione etnografica – della durata complessiva di un anno – condotta all'interno dei laboratori e degli spazi clinici localizzati in due differenti setting biomedici del Nord Italia, nei quali la ricerca e la cura oncologica sono gestite secondo un approccio traslazionale. Inoltre sono state realizzate ventitré interviste etnografiche con scienziati, medici, coordinatori di sperimentazione clinica e infermieri impegnati nei diversi contesti empirici presi in considerazione.
Vicenti, Rossella <1986>. "Effetto dei chemioterapici e degli antiossidanti sulla preservazione del tessuto ovarico crioconservato prelevato da pazienti oncologiche." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2017. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/8150/1/Vicenti%20R.pdf.
Full textIntroduction The cryopreservation of ovarian tissue is a viable strategy for preserving ovarian function of cancer patients at risk of ovarian failure due to chemotherapy treatments. Aims 1.To evaluate the effect of antioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC) on the morpho-functional characteristics of the ovarian tissue undergoing cryopreservation. 2.To evaluate the protective in-vitro effect of NAC and luteinizing hormone (LH) on the ovarian tissue treated with doxorubicin and cisplatin. Materials and methods 1.The ovarian tissue of 10 patients was cryopreserved in presence/absence of NAC to assess: a)the levels of reactive radical species (SRR) produced during the cryopreservation procedure; b)the morphological preservation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue. 2.The stromal cells, isolated from cryopreserved ovarian tissue of 5 patients, were treated with doxorubicin and cisplatin to assess: a)cell viability; b)activation of the apoptotic processes; c)inhibition of cell proliferation and differentiation. Subsequently, the stromal cells were treated with doxorubicin and cisplatin in combination with NAC to evaluate the cellular integrity and the expression of inflammatory markers, or in combination with LH to assess cell viability. Results and Conclusions 1.The NAC determines a good preservation of cryopreserved ovarian tissue and a reduction of oxidative stress, although not at baseline levels. Further studies are needed to test the most effective concentrations of NAC or to identify other antioxidants to reduce the levels of SRR. 2.Doxorubicin and cisplatin reduce cell growth, activate apoptosis and inhibit cell proliferation and differentiation. The cotreatment of stromal cells with chemotherapeutic agents and NAC or LH reduces the cytotoxic effect of drugs by improving the cellular preservation. Further studies are needed to place these substances in the category of "fertisave agents" and to be able to prescribe them to patients in combination with chemotherapy. Research in this field should continue in order to identify other substances which are effective in the ovarian protection.
Marino, Flora <1977>. "Identificazione di un profilo molecolare di rischio nei pazienti pediatrici affetti da Linfoma di Hodgkin." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/5369/1/marino_flora_tesi.pdf.pdf.
Full textPurpose: despite improvement in the treatment of advanced Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), approximately 30% of pediatric patients relapse or die as result of the disease. Current methods to predict prognosis determined by clinical and biological parameters, fail to identify these patients accurately. The aim of this study was to define a molecular profile of risk correlates with outcome in these patients. Methods: retrospective study of pediatric patients with LH homogeneously treated from 2004 onwards. Of these patients was undertaken a validation study of molecular markers already identified in exploratory studies previously. 27 best predictor genes in HL was evaluated in RT PCR in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded diagnostic lymph-node samples obtained from 37 pediatric patients with HL, including 25 responders and 12 non responders to standard treatment and compared the expression profiles of patients with favorable and unfavourable clinical outcome. Results: univariate regression analysis revealed that only the expression of CASP3 and CYCS genes, involved in the apoptotic pathway, is able to significantly predict failure to treatment in our cohort of patients. The study of the possible combinations of these genes has shown the existence of 3 risk groups that correlate with EFS: high risk (down regulation of both genes), intermediate risk (down regulation of only one of the 2 genes), low risk (up regulation of both genes). Multivariate analysis showed that CASP3 is the only variable that maintains its independence in influencing the prognosis with a risk of events more than double in patients with low expression of this gene Conclusions: The results of our cohort of pediatric patients with HL confirm the impact on prognosis of two molecular markers CASP3 and CYCS involved in the apoptotic pathway. The evaluation of the expression profile of these genes, may therefore be used in the course of staging, as a criterion of predictivity.
Marino, Flora <1977>. "Identificazione di un profilo molecolare di rischio nei pazienti pediatrici affetti da Linfoma di Hodgkin." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2013. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/5369/.
Full textPurpose: despite improvement in the treatment of advanced Hodgkin lymphoma (HL), approximately 30% of pediatric patients relapse or die as result of the disease. Current methods to predict prognosis determined by clinical and biological parameters, fail to identify these patients accurately. The aim of this study was to define a molecular profile of risk correlates with outcome in these patients. Methods: retrospective study of pediatric patients with LH homogeneously treated from 2004 onwards. Of these patients was undertaken a validation study of molecular markers already identified in exploratory studies previously. 27 best predictor genes in HL was evaluated in RT PCR in formalin-fixed paraffin embedded diagnostic lymph-node samples obtained from 37 pediatric patients with HL, including 25 responders and 12 non responders to standard treatment and compared the expression profiles of patients with favorable and unfavourable clinical outcome. Results: univariate regression analysis revealed that only the expression of CASP3 and CYCS genes, involved in the apoptotic pathway, is able to significantly predict failure to treatment in our cohort of patients. The study of the possible combinations of these genes has shown the existence of 3 risk groups that correlate with EFS: high risk (down regulation of both genes), intermediate risk (down regulation of only one of the 2 genes), low risk (up regulation of both genes). Multivariate analysis showed that CASP3 is the only variable that maintains its independence in influencing the prognosis with a risk of events more than double in patients with low expression of this gene Conclusions: The results of our cohort of pediatric patients with HL confirm the impact on prognosis of two molecular markers CASP3 and CYCS involved in the apoptotic pathway. The evaluation of the expression profile of these genes, may therefore be used in the course of staging, as a criterion of predictivity.
Moro, Lucia <1994>. "Accessibilità e semplificazione linguistica nei testi di ambito medico ad uso del paziente: un esempio di buona pratica. Analisi e commento dei testi informativi della Biblioteca per i Pazienti del Centro di Riferimento Oncologico (CRO) di Aviano." Master's Degree Thesis, Università Ca' Foscari Venezia, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10579/16631.
Full textDISO, DANIELE. "Impatto del grading istologico sulla sopravvivenza nei pazienti sottoposti a resezione radicale per cancro del polmone." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/208573.
Full textFoglino, Silvia <1980>. "Le cure oncologiche e la prospettiva del paziente. Revisione di letteratura e un caso di studio." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/6820/1/Tesi_Dottorato_Silvia_Foglino_Mar2015.pdf.
Full textSeveral studies from around the world have focused on integrated care models as key solutions to build more effective and efficient healthcare systems that can better meet the needs of patients and the populations served. Often, the coordination is mostly clinical, and consists of the promotion of workgroup activities centered on specific oncological pathologies and in the adoption of common guidelines. However, the process needs to be developed and assessed also with respect to the patient perspective and patient experience. The purposes of this research are to explore the relationship between the integration of cancer services and the patient experience; to describe the representation of “patient engagement” and to examine what kind of application exists in the cancer services; finally to examine if patient experience can be measured. The research’s method consisted of a literature review and analysis, and also it consisted of a case study in the Area Vasta Romagna Cancer Network, via the use of a survey distributed to 310 patients with breast or colo-rectal cancer. From the findings, it appears a positive relationship between integration and patient experience. Also,we identified four main themes of patient experience related to integration: “individual care provider”, “team/system care providers”, “mixed approach”, “continuity and quality of care”. Furthermore, it was possible to describe a consistent representation of patient engagement models and to identify four main fields of application: “screening”, “treatment”, “care”, “research”. Finally, the continuity of care framework results an appropriate measure to analyse the integrated cancer care from patient perspective and to evaluate the patient experience over the entire cancer pathway.
Foglino, Silvia <1980>. "Le cure oncologiche e la prospettiva del paziente. Revisione di letteratura e un caso di studio." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2015. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/6820/.
Full textSeveral studies from around the world have focused on integrated care models as key solutions to build more effective and efficient healthcare systems that can better meet the needs of patients and the populations served. Often, the coordination is mostly clinical, and consists of the promotion of workgroup activities centered on specific oncological pathologies and in the adoption of common guidelines. However, the process needs to be developed and assessed also with respect to the patient perspective and patient experience. The purposes of this research are to explore the relationship between the integration of cancer services and the patient experience; to describe the representation of “patient engagement” and to examine what kind of application exists in the cancer services; finally to examine if patient experience can be measured. The research’s method consisted of a literature review and analysis, and also it consisted of a case study in the Area Vasta Romagna Cancer Network, via the use of a survey distributed to 310 patients with breast or colo-rectal cancer. From the findings, it appears a positive relationship between integration and patient experience. Also,we identified four main themes of patient experience related to integration: “individual care provider”, “team/system care providers”, “mixed approach”, “continuity and quality of care”. Furthermore, it was possible to describe a consistent representation of patient engagement models and to identify four main fields of application: “screening”, “treatment”, “care”, “research”. Finally, the continuity of care framework results an appropriate measure to analyse the integrated cancer care from patient perspective and to evaluate the patient experience over the entire cancer pathway.
Giampieri, Riccardo. "Identificazione di markers prognostici in pazienti con carcinoma colo-rettale metastatico trattati con Regorafenib." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/243052.
Full textRegorafenib is an anti-angiogenic drug currently approved for treatment of metastatic colorectal cancer patients, after failure of previous chemotherapy lines with all currently available drugs. Frequent toxicities and the lack of biomarkers of efficacy have hampered widespread use of this therapeutic option. Aim of this study is to evaluate the prognostic role of the results of specific laboratory exams and of polymorphisms of VEGF-driven pathway, in patients receiving Regorafenib monotherapy. This is a observational multicentric retrospective study. All patients were treated with Regorafenib monotherapy and accrual started on August 2013 and ended on July 2014. For all patients we collected clinical data regarding treatment outcome and the results of laboratory exams. Blood or tissue samples were collected for polymorphisms analysis. A total of 138 patients were included in the study. Median overall survival was 7.3 months, whereas median progression free survival was 1.9 months. Our study hinted at a prognostic role of high LDH, high performance status, high platelet count, high neutrophil/lymophocite ratio and the lack of favourable polymorphism (rs2010963 CC recessive omozygous of VEGF-A) as predictors of worse overall survival. Patients having at most 1 of these factors had a median overall survival of 14.76 months, compared with 3.09 months of patients who harboured at least 4 of these factors (p<0.0001). The results of our study suggest a potential role of these factors as determinants of different outcome in patients treated with Regorafenib. It is advisable that these factors are included in subsequent survival analysis regarding this drug and should be auspicably tested in a prospective fashion and also in a larger cohort of patients.
MACCARONI, ELENA. "Caratterizzazione istologica e molecolare nelle pazienti con carcinoma ovarico sporadico ed ereditario." Doctoral thesis, Università Politecnica delle Marche, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/11566/252973.
Full textIntroduction: Ovarian cancer represents the leading cause of cancer deaths among gynecological malignancies. Germline mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are associated with hereditary predisposition to breast and ovarian cancer. Together, germline mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 account for around 15% of OC cases. The present study aimed at evaluating pathological and molecular characteristics of BRCA-wild type (sporadic) and BRCA-mutant (hereditary) ovarian cancer (OC) patients. Patients and Methods: Between June 1996 and April 2017, 227 OC patients underwent genetic counselling and testing for BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes at Centro Regionale di Genetica Oncologica, Ancona. Detected BRCA mutations were divided based on their pathogenicity and type of genetic alteration (frameshift, nonsense, splice-site, missense, silent pathogenic mutations and large rearrangements). Results: Globally, 68 pathogenic mutations and 35 Variants of Uncertain Significance (VUS) were identified. Pathogenic mutations were significantly more frequent in the BRCA1 gene (83%) versus BRCA2 gene (51%) (p=0.00012). High grade serous OC was the most frequently reported histotype (56.7%), followed by endometrioid OC (17%). Median age at diagnosis was 52.03 years (range 16-83 years). No significant differences in terms of age at diagnosis were observed between BRCA-mutant vs BRCA-wild-type patients, neither between BRCA1-mutant and BRCA2-mutant patients. Among 227 patients, 160 (70.5%) had a positive family history for BRCA-related cancers, while 67 (29.5%) had a negative family history. In the first group, 94 patients (28.2%) had a pathogenic BRCA mutation, while in the second group only 4 (1.8%) were carriers of a pathogenic mutation. Finally, the Detection Rate (DR), defined as the probability to detect a pathogenic BRCA mutation, resulted significantly higher (40%) in OC patients with a positive family history compared with patients with a negative family history (6%) (p=0.0009). Conclusions: This work suggests the importance to analyze BRCA genes in OC patients in the Marche Region, as to perform comparisons among mutational and clinic-pathological features in our Region and in other geographical areas.
Adua, Daniela <1983>. "Validazione di un profilo biomolecolare e mutazionale in pazienti affetti da tumore del retto localmente avanzato candidati a trattamento multimodale." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2019. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/8920/1/Adua%20Daniela_tesi%20phd.pdf.
Full textIntroduction. LARC includes stages II and III, (cT3-T4 N - / + M0), whose standard treatment is a combined neo-adjuvant chemo-radiotherapy approach, followed after 6-8 weeks by total mesorectal excision and adjuvant chemotherapy. It represents about 25% of colorectal cancers, with risk of recurrence of 5-10% if it is diagnosed at stage I, 25-30% in stage II, up to 50% in stage III. The 5-year overall survival follows a similar and strictly dependent on lymph node involvement: 85% stage I-II, 55% stage III, less than 3% in stage IV. The prognostic and predictive factors of LARC can be distinguished in clinical, anatomo-pathological and biomolecular. The latter do not yet have a valid prognostic and predictive role. According to the the literature, this might be explained by the absence of an international validation, the lack of homogeneity of the sample, prescribed treatments and immuno-histological norms. Methods. The aim of our research project is to investigate the prognostic and predictive value of biomolecular factors expressed in biopsed tumor tissue at diagnosis time, such as EGFR, thymidylate synthase, p53 protein, Ki-67 proliferation index, BCL-2 protein, microsatellite instability, on a retrospective case series of 149 patients. Moreover, we aim at detecting the gene expression profile in a specific setting of patients with complete pathological response after multimodal treatment, comparing data from a control group of patients with poor response to treatment. Results. Statistical analysis revealed no significant associations between the expression of biomolecular factors respect to the predictive and prognostic response indexes examined, such as the complete pathological response, disease free survival, overall survival. Conclusions. It has not yet been possible to pursue the initial objective of a predictive nomogram of response to radio chemotherapy treatment. Numerous associations and statistical correlations have been confirmed, underlining the importance of multidisciplinary management in this setting.
BORGOGNONE, ALESSANDRO. "La mastectomia a risparmio di cute : chirurgia ricostruttiva immediata versus ricostruzione differita, indicazioni terapeutiche per una corretta selezione dei pazienti." Doctoral thesis, Università degli Studi di Roma "Tor Vergata", 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/2108/203178.
Full textBagattoni, Simone <1988>. "Identificazione e sviluppo di linee guida per la promozione della salute orale in pazienti in eta evolutiva in remissione da patologie oncologiche." Doctoral thesis, Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna, 2016. http://amsdottorato.unibo.it/7402/1/bagattoni_simone_tesi.pdf.
Full textAim: to investigate the oral features in Italian patients in remission from cancer, highlighting the relationship with age at cancer therapy and to compare the data with healthy controls. Materials and methods: fifty childhood cancer survivors treated under the age of 10 years with chemotherapy, haemopoietic stem cell transplantation and/or head-neck Radiotherapy, in remission from cancer for at least 3 years, were examined for dental caries and enamel defects. For each patient a panoramic radiograph was taken to assess dental age and dental abnormalities. Patients were grouped according to age at cancer therapy (<3 years: subgroup Y; 3.1-5 years: subgroup M; >5 years: subgroup O). A control group of 50 healthy children was included. Results: There was not a statistically significant difference in caries prevalence between the two groups. A statistically significant difference was found for enamel defects, dental abnormalities and dental age. The chi-squared test revealed a relationship between age at cancer therapy and specific dental abnormalities. Conclusion: The risk of developing dental abnormalities decreases with the patient’s age at the beginning of therapy: the highest risk was for children treated before 5 years-old. A oral follow-up is needed do diagnose and treat dental late adverse effects.
Full textRUSSO, CHIARA. "Role of the geriatrician in the management of older patient with cancer = Il ruolo del geriatra nella gestione del paziente oncologico anziano." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/942588.
Full textSeveral clinical studies have evaluated the efficacy and tolerability of treatment with immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced stage non-small cell lung cancer. However, there are still many uncertainties regarding the selection of the patients who could benefit the most from this treatment. In a context in which there is a slow but constant improvement in the prognosis of a disease traditionally considered poor in the short term, the weight of those variables, above all "clinical" ones, linked to the patient and his non-oncological anamnesis, can contribute to predicting the benefit of treatments as well as their potential toxic effects. The present study aims to evaluate in an unselected population the prognostic and predictive weight of different humoral variables (histology and PD-L1 value on tumour biopsy, presence of anemia, LDH value, neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio) and clinical ones (performance status, age, smoking status, type of anemia corrections, disease sites, comorbid burden) in patients with advanced NSCLC candidates to receive immunotherapy according to AIFA indications. A total of 166 patients from two University Hospitals of Pavia were enrolled. The median age of the entire population was 68.5 years. 71% of the patients were male and 29% female. 92% were active smokers or former smokers. About half of the patients (45-18%) had an ECOG PS score of 0, while 43.37% had an ECOG PS score of 1 and 11.45% of 2-3. 25.3% of patients had squamous NSCLC, while 74.7% had non-squamous carcinoma, histotype adenocarcinoma. 27.16% of patients had an immunohistochemical expression of PD-L1 on tumour biopsy <1%, 45.68% between 1 and 49%, 44% ≥ 50%. At the start of immunotherapy treatment, most of the patients (76.51%) presented with stage IV disease. Nivolumab was administered to 50% of patients, pembrolizumab to 34%, atezolizumab to less than 4% and durvalumab to 12% of patients. In most cases, patients received immunotherapy treatment in the 2nd (57.23%) or 3rd (13.86%) line of treatment. About 50% of patients had anemia at the start of treatment and in most cases the cause of the anemia was the underlying chronic disease. Concerning the sites of disease of interest, about 12% of patients had brain metastases, 11% liver disease, 23% skeletal metastasis, 87% lymph node metastasis and 9% pleural metastasis. The results of this study show that immunotherapy is confirmed to be an effective and well tolerated treatment in an unselected population of patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer. Our study suggests that some clinical variables are particularly influencing the probability of response to treatment as well as the risk of progression at 6 months and the risk of death at 6 and 12 months. These variables are represented by the patient's performance status, the immunohistochemical expression value of PDL 1 on the tumour piece, the presence of anemia before starting treatment and the LDH values and the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio. In an era in which research is focusing on prognostic or predictive tumour molecular alterations as well as tumour mutational burden, this study highlights how the clinical characteristics of the patient are still an influential basis for predicting the response and the prognosis to oncological treatments, even more with immune checkpoint inhibitors, in which patient's immune system must guide the response to the treatment itself.
Solito, Samantha. "Cellule soppressorie di derivazione mieloide: espansione nei pazienti con tumore, induzione in vitro con fattori di crescita ed analisi dei meccanismi molecolari coinvolti nell'immunosoppressione." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Padova, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/11577/3426978.
Full textLe cellule soppressorie di derivazione mieloide (MDSC) costituiscono una popolazione molto eterogenea che viene espansa in alcune condizioni patologiche, come le neoplasie, le infiammazioni e le infezioni ed ha la capacità di inibire potentemente l'immunità antitumorale mediata dai linfociti T. Le MDSC si accumulano nel sangue, nei linfonodi, nel midollo osseo e nel microambiente tumorale, in pazienti ed in modelli animali portatori di tumore e inibiscono sia la risposta immunitaria innata, che quella adattativa. L'espansione, la mobilizzazione e l'attivazione delle MDSC è indotta da fattori di crescita rilasciati della cellule tumorali e da un'estesa alterazione della mielopoiesi. In pazienti portatori di tumore la caratterizzazione fenotipica e funzionale delle MDSC non è ancora completamente definita, ma esistono evidenze sia sulla natura granulocitaria che su quella monocitaria di tale popolazione. In questo lavoro di tesi abbiamo valutato il fenotipo e l'attività soppressoria di popolazioni leucocitarie isolate dal sangue periferico di pazienti affetti da tumore del colon e melanoma. I nostri risultati indicano che cellule con caratteristiche delle MDSC possono essere trovate sia nella frazione monocitaria che in quella granulocitaria e che un marcatore utile per la loro identificazione è la catena alpha del recettore dell'interleuchina 4 (IL4Ra). Nella seconda parte di questo lavoro abbiamo definito i fattori di crescita necessari per l'induzione in vitro di MDSC da progenitori mieloidi midollari, ed abbiamo usato tali cellule per caratterizzare la biologia ed il fenotipo delle MDSC. Abbiamo dimostrato che le combinazioni di alcune citochine, come G-CSF, GM-CSF e IL-6 inducono l'espansione di popolazioni mieloidi immature midollari (BM-MDSC) che esprimono IL4Ra e dotate di caratteristiche fenotipiche e funzionali simili a quelle delle MDSC espanse nei pazienti. I saggi funzionali hanno mostrato che solo le cellule trattate con le citochine sono in grado di inibire la proliferazione linfocitaria, mentre le cellule isolate ex-vivo o le colture mantenute in vitro senza l'aggiunta dei fattori di crescita, non interferiscono in modo significativo con la proliferazione linfocitaria. Le MDSC derivate da midollo (BM-MDSC) sopprimono sia la proliferazione dei linfociti attivati da alloantigeni, che la proliferazione di linfociti attivati da mitogeni. Abbiamo quindi analizzato i meccanismi di soppressione delle BM-MDSC ed abbiamo dimostrato che tali cellule sono in grado di sopprimere la proliferazione linfocitaria inducendo una diminuzione dell'espressione della catena z del CD3 e che la soppressione mediata dalle BM-MDSC richiede il contatto cellula-cellula. L'attività immunoregolatrice delle BM-MDSC dipende dal fattore di trascrizione C/EBPb, un componente chiave della granulopoiesi di emergenza, dal momento che la diminuzione della proteina induce una marcata inibizione dell'attività soppressoria delle BM-MDSC. Infine abbiamo separato alcune sottopopolazioni mieloidi presenti nelle BM-MDSC, poichè queste sono rappresentate da una popolazione mieloide eterogenea, ed abbiamo dimostrato che la frazione cellulare Lineage- è responsabile della maggiore attività immunosoppressoria inducendo una diminuzione della proliferazione linfocitaria e dell'espressione del CD3z di superficie.
Spallanzani, Andrea. "Associazione di chemioterapia e terapia genica in pazienti con carcinoma pancreatico localmente avanzato non resecabile: verso le applicazioni cliniche." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/11380/1291686.
Full textLocally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) represents a future challenge with an increasing incidence. Actually despite important efforts in developing pioneering targeted therapies, PC has today the highest mortality rate of all major cancers. Chemotherapy alone or chemo-radiotherapy aim to control locally advanced pancreatic cancer (LAPC) but fail in major cytoreduction to reach a R0 surgery. In preclinical studies the co-administration of Gemcitabine(GEM) and Nab-paclitaxel (Nab-PTX) increased the intra-tumoral concentrations of both drugs inducing stromal damage. In our pre-clinical experience we reported both in vitro and in vivo model the anti-cancer effect of RR001: an anti-neoplastic gene-therapy strategy based on human adipose mesenchymal stromal/stem cells engineered to secrete proapoptotic soluble (s)-TRAIL protein. To enhance the rational of treating PC with RR001, 58 specimens were collected from pancreatic cancer patients (primary tumor or liver metastases) highlighting the histological positivity of TRAIL functional receptors in 100% of the specimens. Afterwards we have focused on overcoming gemcitabine and TRAIL resistance, confirming both in vitro and in a vivo-like PC model the synergistic anti-cancer activity of the trio-combination of GEM + Nab-PTX + RR001. This combination induces PC death associated with stroma damage: pre-treatment with gemcitabine and nab-paclitaxel overcame TRAIL resistance. With these assumptions we have designed a phase I/IIa trial in LAPC aim to determine the safety, feasibility and dose finding of intra-tumoral injection of the RR001 administered by ultrasound (US) guided injections in combination with standard of care therapy based on GEM/Nab-PTX. Secondly the trial will explore the efficacy of this combination ( radiological or histological for operated patients) researching liquid and tissue predictive biomarkers: the levels of sTRAIL, tumor/stromal ratio and lymphocytes infiltration before and after RR001 in histological specimens. The trial has been approved by local ethical committee on July 2021 and will soon be ready to enroll.
Full textSPAGNOLO, FRANCESCO. "Analisi fenotipica e funzionale dell’infiltrato linfocitario in biopsie di metastasi di melanoma, in pazienti in terapia con farmaci a bersaglio molecolare e/o inibitori dei checkpoint immunologici." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/1009806.
Full textTargeted therapies (TT) and immune checkpoint inhibitors immunotherapy (ICB) has dramatically changed the treatment of metastatic melanoma (MM). Although targeted therapy achieved a response rate as high as 70%, most patients ultimately develop resistance and progressive disease. Immune checkpoint inhibitors, especially with anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibodies, achieve durable responses, but in less than 40% of patients. The majority of patients receiving these treatments ultimately face progressive disease due to the development of primary of secondary resistance. Since only a fraction of patients achieve a durable benefit, the identification of predictive biomarkers is an unmet need. The objectives of our present study are: i) Identification of new molecular targets through the extensive in vitro and in vivo characterization of tumor biopsies; ii) Investigation of associations between PD-1/PD-L1/PD-L2/CTLA-4 variants and tumor microenvironment immunoscore with overall survival of patients receiving TT and ICB; iii) Analysis of the immune effects of TT and ICB on NK cells and their interaction with melanoma cells. Forty-eight patients with advanced melanoma were enrolled and 33 tumor biopsies from 29 patients were analyzed. Patients received TT and/or anti-PD-1 drugs. We observed that TIM3 expression is associated with PD-1 expression, as it is exclusively expressed in CD8+/PD-1 high T cells, while both GmzB and Eomes are also expressed by CD8+/PD-1 low cells. Moreover, CD8+/PD-1 high T cells show a higher Ki67 expression, suggesting that these cells may proliferate within the tumor. CD8+/PD-1 neg/low T cells are able to produce both IFN and TNF after polyclonal stimulation, while CD8+/PD-1 high cells produce low levels of TNF, maintaining the ability to release IFN. The association between PD-1/PD-L1 variants with immune infiltrate highlighted the role of PD1.5C>T and PD-L1C>T rs2297136 SNV in CD8+ cells recruiting. In particular, genotypes harboring the allelic variant T+ modify both the rate of CD8+ PD-1 high cells and the intensity of PD-1 high expression, compared with wild type genotypes.
CASABELLA, ANDREA. "Osteosarcodinapenia in età geriatrica, studio epidemiologico: analisi dei fattori di rischio; studio degli algoritmi e valutazione densitometrica quantitativa e qualitativa (analisi in totalbody e TBS) in coorti di pazienti geriatrici protesizzati selezionati." Doctoral thesis, Università degli studi di Genova, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/11567/1038304.
Full textIntroduction Thanks to the global improvement in care and living conditions, the world population is increasingly aging, however, as evidenced by the literature, the need to improve the qualitative state of this process requires further developments in research. The term fragility identifies a condition of vulnerability caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels, to preserve the functional reserves of organs and systems that regulate a person's life unscathed. The elderly, for reasons related to the aging process and intercurrent illnesses, become more vulnerable and many conditions can alter the body's homeostatic balance. Fragility is caused by the inability of biological systems, at various levels (from cell to person), to maintain homeostasis. With aging there is a reduction in the functional reserves of organs and systems, especially as regards the musculoskeletal system, which expose the individual to a greater risk of "rupture" and "fracture" induced by pathogens or by changes in the bio-psychological balance and quality of life. Since the determinants of this process are very different (biological-clinical or environmental), it is sometimes difficult to identify fragility and its triggering factors, on which to intervene, both preventively and therapeutically. The very elderly represent the age group most involved in the mechanisms that induce fragility, because the clinical condition characterized by disability, resulting from chronic diseases, is often apparently indistinguishable from the conditions of fragility itself. The latter, therefore, is better defined by the set of many variables rather than by a single entity, which is why it is difficult to provide a precise definition. The diagnostic criteria for defining osteosarcodynapenia have indicated as possible markers the presence of balance and gait disorders, sarcopenia, reduced exercise tolerance, changes in body composition and in the quantitative and qualitative aspect of bone tissue (loss weight, sarcopenia, malnutrition). The criteria have been validated by a series of studies that have shown the association of these characteristics with the increased risk of institutionalization and death, as well as with the onset of geriatric syndromes (disability, cognitive status, falls, urinary incontinence, malnutrition). Identifying and understanding the role of frailty as a condition that modulates the quality and duration of life of the elderly is an important starting point; from this point of view, in fact, it becomes the target of targeted interventions on a clinical, surgical, psychological and social level to reduce the risk of negative events. Therefore, recognizing the biological characteristics of age-related osteosarcodynapenia and understanding its pathophysiological determinants have been at the center of gerontological research in recent years. In particular, the research focused on the identification of biological markers that allow screening of frailty at an early stage when the possibilities of prevention and intervention are more likely to be successful. As already indicated in the literature, the focus is mainly on physical problems induced by fragility: - quantitative reduction in bone mineral stock (BMD [Bone Mineral Density] assessment by DXA [Dual X-ray Absorptiometry] and qualitative method (assessable by TBS [Trabecular Bone Score] method)); - disability; increased clinical vulnerability; -high risk of musculoskeletal deterioration (osteoporotic disease state; sarcopenic state assessable with the Total Body Scan iDXA for Metabolic Health method); - Reduction of the degree of functional state based on the CGA (Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment) or the Multidimensional Assessment (VMD) methodology it is considered a valid tool of geriatric medicine that elaborated and validated it; it is not limited only to the evaluation-diagnostic moment but from an operational point of view it also extends to the management of the patient. Since interdisciplinarity is the characterizing element of the VMD, is a valid investigation tool for the frail elderly. It is therefore evident that and the essential element is the multidimensionality that clinical evaluation must have. [1-13] OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to examine the associations between neuro-motor and nutritional cognitive parameters and bone mineral density, bone quality, fat mass, and lean body mass in prosthetic geriatric patients. hip, divided into two groups according to bone therapy with Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) and in the reference healthy controls (CNT) Materials and methods: 95 patients (mean age 80 ± 8 years) with hip replacement and 50 healthy controls of the same age (mean age 74 ± 11 years) were enrolled. The study population was divided into two groups according to Denosumab (DMAB) vs Alendronate (ALD) therapy. The Geriartric assessment scales of functional status (CGA) were performed: HAND GRIP, BARTHEL index, ADL, IADL, MNA, CIRS com, CIRS sev, Tinetti, MMSE. Bone mineral density (BMD, g / cm2) at the level of the lumbar spine (L1-L4) and of the entire femur was measured by the DXA Lunar Prodigy densitometer (GE Lunar, Madison, WI, USA) as well as the evaluation of the total metabolic body expressed by the Relative Skeletal Mass Index (RSMI). The body mass index (BMI, kg / m2) was calculated for all subjects. According to the anthropometric equation [14], sarcopenia was defined by RSMI <5.5 kg / m2 in women. The TBS value was calculated on all lumbar spine densitometric examinations using the TBS iNsight Medimaps software (Lunar Prodigy). Evaluation of the expected fracture risk in the next 10 years in relation to the recognized risk factors (FRAX algorithm analysis) All patients underwent a serum dosage of 25 hydroxyvitamin D (25 (OH) D ng / ml), of the PTH pg parathyroid hormone / ml and evaluation of hemoglobin Hb g / L. RESULTS: In the 95 patients enrolled, a reduction in bone mass was observed for 78 patients (80%); in particular 52 with osteoporosis (53%) and 41 (42%) with osteopenia. BMD values were significantly lower in hip replacement patients than in the control group (respectively, lumbar spine: 0.998 ± 0.161 g / cm2 vs 1.240 ± 0.932 g / cm2; Femoral neck: 0.784 ± 0.212 g / cm2 vs 0.845 ± 0.164 g / cm2; Ward 0.563 ± 0.173 g / cm2 vs 0.657 ± 0.106 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.666 ± 0.104 g / cm2 vs 0.725 ± 0.143 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 0.827 ± 0.182 g / cm2 vs 1.033 ± 0.161 g / cm2, both with p <0.001). To date (respectively, lumbar spine: 1.178 ± 0.761 g / cm2 Femoral neck: 0.989 ± 0.712 g / cm2; Ward 0.874 ± 0.982 g / cm2; Trochanter: 0.981 ± 0.382 g / cm2; Whole Femur: 1.036 ± 0.294 g / cm2). The TBS values at the level of the lumbar spine were significantly lower in the prosthetic patients compared to the control group (respectively, 1.012 ± 0.163 score vs 1.361 ± 0.126 score, both with p <0.001). Average RSMIs are 5.42 ± 0.078kg / m² below the mean of the control population (5.7kg / m²) increased on average by 2.07 ± 0.078kg / m² compared to T0. Between the levels of TBS and the levels of RSMI respectively 1.914 ± 0.152 and 4.72 ± 0.029kg / m² there is a positive correlation with p <0.001; with an average implementation of TBS from T0 of 0.874 ± 0.121. A comparison of the 1-year data on the 55 concluded patients shows that the levels of TBS appear to be influenced by antiresorptive therapy; the improvement is more in the ALD group (60%) than in the DMAB group (40%); in both cases the improvement does not exceed 5-8% of total significance so it is not statistically detectable. The dosages of 25 (OH) D were found to be 13 ± 1.4 ng / ml at T0 and 24 ± 0.7 ng / ml at T1. The PTH values were 40.36 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T0 and 47 ± 2.7 pg / ml at T1. Hb values were 12.47 ± 1.1 g / L at T0 and 14.18 ± 0.97 g / L to T1. From the analysis of geriatric parameters respectively in the ALD vs DMAB group, we found: Hand-grip strength, Kg ± DS In female patients: 15.3 ± 5.3 vs 13.5 ± 6.2, in male patients 22.1 ± 5.0 vs 23.2 ± 1.6; Barthel Index, score ± SD 91 ± 14 vs 83 ± 23; ADL, n ° ± SD 5.5 ± 0.9 vs 5.1 ± 1.5; IADL, n ° ± SD 5.8 ± 2.5 vs 5.1 ± 3.4; MNA, score ± SD 11.4 ± 2.2 vs 10.4 ± 2.9 CIRS comorbidity, score ± SD 4.3 ± 1.8 vs 4.2 ± 1.6; CIRS severity, score ± SD 1.9 ± 0.5 vs 1.9 ± 0.3, SPMSQ, score ± SD 2.0 ± 2.2 vs 1.9 ± 2.1; BMI, mean ± SD 24.4 ± 5.2 vs 21.3 ± 2.9 Examining the basal characteristics from the bone and muscle point of view, first of all, a deficient state of Vitamin D common to the two groups is highlighted. In both, BMD is indicative of osteoporosis in the femoral neck and osteopenia in the spine (probably due to artifacts due to the presence of osteoarthritis and / or vertebral fractures). The TBS shows a slight difference between the two groups (DMab 1.129 ± 0.160 ALD 1.032 ± 0.162, p .073), indicating a condition of bone degradation in both. Considering the Hand Grip and RSMI values, with reference to the cut offs indicated in the EWGSOP2 Consensus, both groups show a state of “confirmed” sarcopenia. In particular, the values of RSMI in women are frankly pathological, while those of men are at the lower limits (Ald 7.7 ± 1.2, Dmab 7.1 ± 0.1), but we must weigh the lower prevalence of males within the sample (12.2%). There is no real difference between the two drugs, even after adjustment for the variables (BMI and TBS). The percentage changes in RSMI clearly show a strengthening effect of the appendicular musculature from part of Denosumab, with statistically significant difference compared to Alendronate (Ald -5.8 ± 12.4 vs Dmab 0.5 ± 4.5, p = 0.046) Conclusions. Currently the study shows us how there is a correlation between the recovery of muscle mass, the reduction of fat mass and the functional, motor and fragility index recovery.This study shows that sarcopenia is common in elderly patients, mostly in those classified as normal or overweight according to BMI. Therefore, the TBS and BMD values could play a key role in a muscle-bone feedback in the geriatric patient in the post-operative state such as that of the hip replacement. Patients who report fragility femur fractures are osteosarcopenic subjects, we must consider the syndrome, not the individual pathologies. linked to the transient immobilization following the event indicating that the continuation of therapy beyond the 1st year should be recommended and encouraged, in association with interventions aimed at favoring patient mobilization. Consistent with the resulting data, in association with an average increase in (OH) D, in the most compliant patients a more marked recovery is also observed on BMD, mirror of the bone mineral quantity, while the recovery on the quality of the bone shown by the analysis of trabecular bone (TBS) is lower. have a potential muscle strengthening effect, so it appears to be a promising approach to the elderly osteosarc patient openico. The TBS in association with the evaluation of the total metabolic body, prove additional clinical parameters compared to the standard densitometric values on our sample of elderly patients, suggesting how these methods can improve the evaluation of "fragility" of the geriatric patient in the post-fracture period to improve 'diagnostic-therapeutic framework and better compliance with therapy. References .Rockwood K et al.Interdiscip Top Gerontol Geriatr. 2015;41:VII-X.;2.Chen KW et al.Worldviews Evid Based Nurs. 2017 Apr 27 3.Mitnitski AB et al. 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Di, Lorenzo Del Casale Maria Oliva. "FITOVIGILANZA:INTERAZIONI FARMACO-FITOTERAPICI IN PAZIENTI ONCOLOGICI ED IMMUNOCOMPRESSI." Doctoral thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/105889.
Full textDi, Lorenzo Del Casale Maria Oliva. "FITOVIGILANZA: INTERAZIONI FARMACO-FITOTERAPICI IN PAZIENTI ONCOLOGICI ED IMMUNOCOMPROMESSI." Doctoral thesis, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10447/94715.
Full textSAGNOTTA, ANDREA. "Gastrectomia e strategie multimodali nel trattamento del cancro gastrico in stadio IV: risultati oncologici di 16596 pazienti." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1263695.
Full textGENTILUCCI, ALESSANDRO. "Ruolo della risonanza magnetica multiparametrica nella gestione ottimale dei risultati oncologici e funzionali in pazienti con carcinoma prostatico candidabili a prostatectomia radicale nerve sparing." Doctoral thesis, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/917708.
Full textVIRGILIO, EDOARDO. "Significato clinico-patologico e valore prognostico dell’analisi citopatologica del lavaggio gastrico in 80 pazienti affetti da adenocarcinoma dello stomaco." Doctoral thesis, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/936635.
Full textBOTTICELLI, ANDREA. "Biomarcatori di risposta in pazienti affetti da neoplasia del polmone metastatico in trattamento con immunoterapia." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1227290.
Full textMALLOZZI, MADDALENA. "Caratteristiche ultrasonografiche-anamnestiche e rischio di cancro endometriale in pazienti Tam-user." Doctoral thesis, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/11573/1215687.
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