Academic literature on the topic 'Patrimoine culturel – Bamoum (peuple d'Afrique)'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Patrimoine culturel – Bamoum (peuple d'Afrique)"
Kpoumie, Nchare Armand. "Enjeux de la patrimonialisation du rituel Nguon chez les Bamoun du Cameroun : stratégies identitaires et ambition touristique." Thesis, Poitiers, 2019.
Full textThis research in social and cultural geography focuses on Nguon, a major festival and centuries-old cultural gathering of the Bamoun people in Cameroon. Nguon, with differentiated audiences and in complementary but distinct temporalities, is both a festival and a ritualization of the custom and sacredness of the bamoun kingdom maintained during the colonial era and since the advent of the Republic of Cameroon.The originality of its heritage process is part of the contemporary series of rebuilt traditions. It is an arena for analysis to reveal questions of governance around the attractiveness of the territory for tourism and local development thanks to its rich heritage, but even more so, for its impact on the permanence of community, political and cultural cohesion in a globalized context full of uncertainties. Can the potential for natural and heritage tourism attractiveness of this territory, the Noun, be exploited without causing the bamoun societal structure to be too unbalanced? Finally, how does the patrimonialization put in perspective with the touristic, political and economic stakes interfere with the bamoun cultural identity, and how in return does the bamoun specificity carried by the ritual and the multisecular custom make Nguon a singular festival in the wave of the current patrimonializations?
Provost, Monique. "Les usages sociaux du djembé au Québec : construction locale d'un patrimoine culturel immatériel mondial." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2016.
Full textThis thesis is part of that field of ethnological studies which concerns the transnational movements of the intangible cultural heritage. It deals with the appropriation of the djembé, a West African drum, by Quebec society. Beginning with a multidisciplinary approach which draws on ethnology, history and ethnomusicology, this thesis adds to our knowledge regarding music making in Quebec and to the research which seeks to understand how new forms of intangible cultural heritage are created at the local level within a global context. The study of the transnational migration of the drum tells the story its evolution, along with the recontextualization and the adaptation of playing styles and the transformations of its Mandinka repertoire in Quebec. Following is a Quebec genealogy relating to the manner in which the drum, beaten by hand, illustrates the global nature of traditions linked by percussive rhythms. Lastly, the ethnography of these practices and the oral research carried out in conjunction with recreational djembé players demonstrate that this cultural activity is, first and foremost, the expression of a form of “social corporeality, ” that is, the construction of, new, albeit transitory, socio-musical entities. Synchronizing the bodies engaged in producing the beat and the rhythm requires as well developing a mind set so as to build a heightened presence of belonging to the group. Furthermore, this drumming activity appears at various social events in addition to those focusing on music. The potential, found in djembé playing, to create a collective experience through the synchronizing of bodies is used for relieving stress in recreational contexts, for teambuilding in the workplace, for motivating youth to persevere in their studies at both primary and secondary levels and, last but not least, in opening new channels for communication with autistic children or those showing behavioural problems at school.
Demeulenaere, Elise. "HERBES FOLLES ET ARBRES ROIS - Gestion paysanne des ligneux au pays konso (Ethiopie), contribution à la définition d'un patrimoine naturel." Phd thesis, Museum national d'histoire naturelle - MNHN PARIS, 2005.
Full textBernatets, Claire. "Les Bijagos : des communautés oubliées, des îles magnifiées." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 2009.
Full textLeblon, Anaïs. "La patrimonialisation d'institutions pastorales peules au Mali : le ƴaaral et le degal (Delta intérieur du Niger)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 1, 2011.
Full textThe proclamation of the yaaral and degal pastoral institutions (Inner Niger Delta) on the UNESCO’s list of “masterpieces of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity” is the basis for the study of the forms of appropriation and implementation of international intangible heritage policies. In a context of political decentralization and transformation of agro-pastoral societies, the intersection of contemporary challenges of transhumant pastoralism with the application of a safeguarding program developed according to the new patrimonial standards for the protection of cultural diversity, the involvement of populations and sustainable development, fuels consideration of political practices of tradition and belonging. The interactions between this political and symbolic system of use of the past and ordinary representations and practices of the listed item, sometimes conflicting, reveal power relationships relative to the management of identities and land exploitation, between the Malian State and miscellaneous actors. The intersection and mutual recycling of stereotypes about fulɓe pastoralism mobilized in contradictory strategies at local, national and global scales, produce an original stage for transhumance festivals. Considering the continuum between tradition and heritage, in which heritage would be an extroverted and institutionalized form of tradition, highlights the historical nature of heritagization processes and their inclusion in a long history marked by uses and dynamic reformulations of cultural symbols