Academic literature on the topic 'Patients en psychothérapie – Psychologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Patients en psychothérapie – Psychologie"
Scocco, Paolo, and Elena Toffol. "Psychothérapie interpersonnelle de groupe : une revue de littérature." Santé mentale au Québec 33, no. 2 (January 15, 2009): 105–31.
Full textGimenez, Guy. "La psychothérapie des patients psychotiques hallucinés." Cahiers de psychologie clinique 21, no. 2 (2003): 83.
Full textDubois, Claude. "Psychothérapie de groupe en pratique privée." Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 14, no. 1 (1990): 103–16.
Full textAmbresin, Gilles, Nicolas de Coulon, Yves de Roten, and Jean-Nicolas Despland. "Psychothérapie psychodynamique brève de la dépression pour patients hospitalisés." Psychothérapies 29, no. 2 (2009): 75.
Full textMathieu, J., C. Petit, C. Lombard, B. Guirkinger, G. Bauchet, O. Ziegler, and J. Lighezzolo-Alnot. "Obésité sévère, quelle prise en charge psychologique ?" psychologie clinique, no. 52 (2021): 159–81.
Full textMosquera, Dolores, and Jim Knipe. "Comprendre et traiter le narcissisme avec la psychothérapie EMDR." Journal of EMDR Practice and Research 10, no. 2 (2016): 29E—48E.
Full textNinot, G., and E. Guerdoux-Ninot. "Évaluer les psychothérapies durant et après un cancer." Psycho-Oncologie 12, no. 4 (December 2018): 229–34.
Full textCharazac, Pierre. "Les images parentales dans la psychothérapie analytique des patients âgés." Psychothérapies 38, no. 4 (2018): 253.
Full textGold, Dolores Pushkar. "Barbara K. Haight and Jeffrey D. Webster (eds.). The Art and Science of Reminiscing: Theory, Research, Methods and Applications. Bristol, PA: Taylor & Francis, 1995, pp. 323." Canadian Journal on Aging / La Revue canadienne du vieillissement 15, no. 4 (1996): 701–5.
Full textKibel, Howard D. "Un modèle conceptuel pour la psychothérapie de groupe à court terme de patients hospitalisés." Revue de psychothérapie psychanalytique de groupe 5, no. 1 (1986): 137–51.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Patients en psychothérapie – Psychologie"
Fofana, Losséni. "Evolution des schémas cognitivo-émotionnels chez des patients anxio-dépressifs en fonction d'une prise en charge en psychothérapie cognitive." Lille 3, 2007.
Full textThe objective of this study is to participate in search of a coherent theoretical foundation of cognitive and emotional psychotherapies, to increase their efficiency in the treatment of the anxio-depressive disorders. With the aim of studying the efficiency of the schemas therapy, in particular, early maladaptive schemas, we showed that a resistant anxio-depressive patients, the anxious and depressive components are related to the activation of some of the early maladaptive schemas described by Young (1995). The use of its schemas-focused therapy decreases strongly and significantly the levels of anxiety and depression. So, the evolution of the anxio-depressive disorder seems related to the anxious components (4 schemas), and the others in the depressive component (7 schemas), and the others else in both at the same moment (3 schemas) ; and schemas are related neither to the one, nor to the order one (5 schemas)
Kourilsky, Françoise. "Psychothérapie stratégique et constructiviste : étude des interactions et des stratégies d'influence dans le dialogue thérapeutique." Besançon, 1996.
Full textLeblond, Thierry. "Abandon de la psychothérapie: influence de l'entretien motivationnel sur le taux de rétention des patients en début de traitement." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2010.
Full textDRIDI, NAZIHA. "Psychotropes et psychotherapie : interets et limites de l'alliance medico-psychologique pour le traitement des patients qui souffrent de troubles mentaux et du comportement." Paris 7, 1997.
Full textThe first part examines the following hypothesis: psychoanalysts should study pharmacology, and psychiatrists should be obliged to study psychotherapy, these two fields would then complement each other. The second part consideres mental and behavioural disorders, such as anxiety or a concept like "object's relation", from the standpoint of psychiatric nosology and semiology on the one hand, and psychoanalytic concept of cardinals symptoms on the other. The third part presents a discussion following from three observations concerning these ideas: the "desire" of the psychotherapist to care for the patient; ethics as it relates to the question of science's refusal to listen to the patient; the relevance of the pharmacotherapy and psychotherapy alliance in private practice. The forth part is a discussion, based on the works of europeans and anglo-saxons psychiatrists and psychoanalysts, of the alliance's advantages and disadvantages. The last and concluding part is a thought about tunisia, based on the works of tunisians psychiatrists, demonstrating the usefulness of this strategy of psychomedical treatment, but claiming not that "we income a revolutionary discovery". This work examines,in france, the advantages and disadvantages of treating patients suffering from mental and behavioural disorders, using the strategy of psychomedical treatment based on pharmacology and psychotherapy espacially inspired by psychoanalysis. These disorders may be mild or serious, treated in ambulatory or hospitalised. The strategy's advantages are based on the combination of pharmacology and psychotherapy treatments; and also on a relationship based on mutual confidence and respect between the co-therapists parteners: the psychiatrist or the general practitioner, and the psychoanalyst. The conceptual points of this thesis are: the psychoanalyst must understand and consider pharmacology and its effects; the psychiatrist must understand and considere psychotherapy and its effects
Truffaut, Joséphine. "De l'enfermement à l'ouverture : la subjectivation dans la psychothérapie de patients condamnés à une peine criminelle." Thesis, Paris 5, 2013.
Full textThis thesis work shows a part of our experience as a clinical psychologist within a detention center, which is the institution destined to the execution of sentences. Studying the therapy of patients who were condemned to criminal imprisonment (for ten years or more), we identified two major and complementary questions to guide our research : under which conditions the situation patients went through could be an opening to psychotherapeutic work ? What is the judicial system's role among this experience and how does it manifest itself ? The detention center being the designated place for the criminal trial sentences to set up, we study the impression this latter left in patients mind and in the therapeutic context. The trial being the event connecting the subject to his crime and his punishment, we offer to talk about "judicial-prison system" in order to emphasise the intricacy of these dimensions which specifies the incarceration experience as a sentence. Assuming that the crime, the sentence and the incarceration are likely to update essentials issues of the mental constitution, we present the situations of three patients we met along a weekly psychotherapeutic setting. The material analysis highlights the subjectivation process mechanisms, showing how it can operate during this detention and, eventually, create a new self-consciousness. As a conclusion we discuss the methodological limits of our research and the new ways it can invite the coming studies to explore
Aiss, Alexandre. "Une institution face à l'autisme : La psychothérapie institutionnelle comme outil thérapeutique." Paris 7, 2014.
Full textThe goal of this thesis is to rethink reconsider the institution taking people with autism into account. How can one be in an encounter while facing someone who precludes the very possibility of relationship? The difficulties faced by caregivers for people with autism need ongoing and diligent investment. Is Institutional Psychotherapy a good enough tool to provide the setting required for a shared life-space? We will attempt, from within a life-space setting for adults with autism and through the discourse of its staff of caregivers, to understand how an institution reinvents and redesigns itself from moment to moment so as to ensure the integrity of this encounter. At this time has psychiatrie system is going through massive reform bringing into the question the place of the subject under care. It is this subject that we will refer, so that tomorrow our institutional work may maintain the spirit of harmony
Grüter, Denis. "À propos de pédophilie : un échec d'assomption subjective ?" Thesis, Bourgogne Franche-Comté, 2018.
Full textPedophilia is a monstrosity in today's Western societies. His evocation provokes in the population important emotional movements of incomprehension, opprobrium and rejection. However, regular revelations in the media and better consideration of victims since the nineties provide insight into the extent of the phenomenon and make it a real social issue.In this context, the psychotherapeutic care of pedophile patients represents a real challenge for professionals, as it raises theoretical, technical and ethical questions.We must try to better understand pedophilia in its historical dimension and define it at the legal, psychiatric, psychopathological level. The psychoanalytic theory offers ways of understanding the internal issues likely to lead to pedophile action. Thus, the use of archaic psychic mechanisms, even the resort to the act, function as attempts of psychic survival in the face of an extreme situation of danger felt as imminent. Such an economy is indicative of an eclipse of subjectivity.Psychotherapeutic management systems must be developed taking into account the psychic functioning of these patients, the safeguarding of the therapist's capacity, and aim at the subjectivisation of the patient.Five clinical vignettes, drawn from a practice of psychologist working in a prison environment and in a specialized outpatient clinic, illustrate and enrich the theoretical concepts
Blondiaux, Isabelle. "Pour une éthique de la parole en psychiatrie." Marne-la-Vallée, 2007.
Full textSpotting quack practices and establishing what a healing speech is, this is what is at stake in the polemical dualization of psychiatry and psychotherapy. While quantitative evaluation fails (since it pronounces only scientifically orthodox statements), ethics vouches for itself. Quack practices can be detected by analysing the intention behind the promise of happiness. Ethics, by acting simultaneously on intellectual & affective processes and philosophical & poetic rationalities, can also provide a basis for a healing speech. Therapeutic virtue depends on the relationships between logos-zôon-pharmakon (a living and ambivalent power) and gift: speech as pharmakon (in an ontic dimension) and transference (in a non-ontic dimension). To be a true pharmakeus, the therapist must (like Socrates) become a mediator and accept becoming the safekeeper of a space where the figures of the Master and the Charlatan converge — without being caught in the trap
Descôteaux, Jean. "Transfert et contre-transfert : importance relative des expressions verbales et non verbales du patient." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2003.
Full textLaszcz, Maria Alejandra. "Régulation des émotions et mindfulness en population clinique et en population soignants : mise en place et évaluation de deux interventions psychothérapeutiques." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 10, 2024.
Full textThe main aim of this thesis was to study the effects of two brief psychotherapeutic interventions in group format. They shared some ingredients, notably mindfulness practices and the attitudes inherent in mindfulness (acceptance, self-compassion, kindness): emotion regulation training in a clinical population (patients with eating disorders), and mindfulness training for healthcare workers, in a public university hospital ward. We developed the first intervention (study 1) following recent developments in evidence-based transdiagnostic psychotherapeutic approaches to emotional disorders. The second intervention (study 2) was translated from a standardized clinical program adapted for the general population. We examined the effects of these interventions on clinical symptoms (eating disorders, stress, anxiety and depression) and process variables (emotion regulation, mindfulness, self-compassion, rumination, psychological flexibility and acceptance).The results obtained in these studies provide empirical support for the hypothesis that the use of mindfulness techniques promotes adaptive emotion regulation, both in patients (study 1) and in healthy subjects (study 2).Moreover, the improvement in eating disorder-specific symptoms in patients with eating disorders (indirect, since not targeted by the intervention) provides encouraging empirical support for the value of targeting emotional regulation as an adjuvant treatment in this pathology.This work led to three articles. The first (published) paper presents a review of the literature on emotion regulation deficits in people with eating disorders, and points to the value of developing acceptance and mindfulness-based interventions in the context of this pathology. The second article (submitted for publication) examines the acceptability and effects of an emotion regulation training intervention in patients with eating disorders. The third article (in preparation) examines the feasibility and effects of a brief mindfulness program to reduce stress and increase well-being among healthcare staff
Books on the topic "Patients en psychothérapie – Psychologie"
-, Chiva Matty 19, ed. Les psychothérapies: Quelle thérapie pour quel patient? Paris: Armand Colin, 2005.
Find full textMoorey, Stirling. Psychological therapy for patients with cancer. Oxford: Heinemann Medical, 1989.
Find full textFace au suicide: L'expérience suicidaire, perspective archétypale. Beauport: MNH, 1997.
Find full textWomen in therapy: Devaluation, anger, aggression, depression, self-sacrifice, mothering, mother blaming, self-betrayal, sex-role stereotypes, dependency, work and success inhibitions. Northvale, N.J: J. Aronson, 1988.
Find full textAhern, Mary. Psychotherapy and character structure: How to recognize and treat particular character types. New York, N.Y: Human Sciences Press, 1989.
Find full textThe psychology of the physically ill patient: A clinician's guide. New York: Plenum Press, 1989.
Find full textRosenfeld, Herbert A. Impasse and interpretation: Therapeutic and anti-therapeutic factors in the psychoanalytic treatment of psychotic, borderline and neurotic patients. London: Tavistock, 1987.
Find full textLuigi, Caparrotta, ed. The function of assessment within psychological therapies: A psychodynamic view. London: Karnac, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Patients en psychothérapie – Psychologie"
"Les psychothérapies individuelles indiquées dans les troubles psychiques post-traumatiques de guerre." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.1, 91–96. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
Full textMarc, Edmond. "La psychothérapie : émergence d’une discipline." In Psychologie, 169–87. Éditions Sciences Humaines, 2022.
Full textStuart, Scott, and Michael Robertson. "4. Évaluer et choisir les patients." In Psychothérapie interpersonnelle, 101–25. Érès, 2020.
Full textMondor, Josianne, John Wright, and Patricia Eid. "PSYCHOTHÉRAPIE DE COUPLE." In Les fondements de la psychologie du couple, 735–64. Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2017.
Full textRabeyron, Thomas. "Chapitre 9. Psychothérapie et symbolisation." In Psychologie clinique et psychopathologie, 270–322. Armand Colin, 2018.
Full textDouville, Olivier, and Benjamin Jacobi. "Entretien clinique et psychothérapie." In 10 entretiens en psychologie clinique de l'adulte, 1–33. Dunod, 2009.
Full textDucasse, Déborah, and Véronique Brand-Arpon. "Présentation du groupe de patients." In Psychothérapie du Trouble Borderline, 3–9. Elsevier, 2019.
Full textRegourd-Laizeau, Martine, and Joanic Masson. "Chapitre 42. EMDR et psychologie positive." In Pratique de la psychothérapie EMDR, 477–95. Dunod, 2017.
Full textRegourd-Laizeau, Martine, and Joanic Masson. "Chapitre 42. EMDR et psychologie positive." In Pratique de la psychothérapie EMDR, 477–95. Dunod, 2019.
Full textBrennstuhl, Marie-Jo, and Fanny Bassan. "Chapitre 36. EMDR et psychologie positive." In Pratique de la psychothérapie EMDR, 548–63. Dunod, 2022.
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