Academic literature on the topic 'Patients dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques – Droits – France'
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Journal articles on the topic "Patients dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques – Droits – France"
Pechillon, E. "Questions juridiques posées par la place du consentement en psychiatrie : premier bilan de la réforme législative." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 631–32.
Full textCasadebaig, F., and N. Quemada. "Mortalité des malades mentaux hospitalisés (lère partie)." Psychiatry and Psychobiology 2, no. 5 (1987): 344–49.
Full textSi Ahmed, L. L., and M. Delcoustal. "Trace mnésique de l’intervention médico-psychologique réalisée aux urgences après une intoxication médicamenteuse volontaire (IMV) et adhésion à la prise en charge ultérieure." European Psychiatry 29, S3 (November 2014): 655–56.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Patients dans les hôpitaux psychiatriques – Droits – France"
Mariller, Elodie. "Les droits du patient en prison et en soins psychiatriques sans consentement." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Bordeaux, 2024.
Full textPatients detained and in psychiatric care without consent are fully-fledged patients of our health system. As such, they should enjoy the right to protection of human dignity, the right to health protection and more generally all the rights recognized by the Public Health Code in articles L. 1110-1 et seq. However, the prison and psychiatric institution are unique places. The influence of the security imperative in these institutions cannot be ignored. The legislator must constantly ensure that the prerogatives of this patients are preserved, taking into account the expectations of society and the imperatives of public order. While efforts are made, they are not always sufficient to maintain this delicate balance. In addition to the influence of the concept of lower eligibility, this latter is weakened by the crisis that the health sector has been experiencing for several years and which undermines good professional practices. This deleterious situation affects the quality of care.To try to protect this patients from these attacks, effective safeguards must be provided. In these situations, it is legitimate to want to leave it to the domestic and European judges. However, their seizure is subject to formal procedures which can easily discourage applicants. In response to this, alternatives have been introduced. They may be manifested by the intervention of independent administrative authorities such as the Inspector-General of Locations of Deprivation of Liberty or, in a more original way, by private actors
Moreau, Delphine. "Contraindre pour soigner ? : les tensions normatives et institutionnelles de I'intervention psychiatrique après l'asile." Paris, EHESS, 2015.
Full textThis research explores the use of coercion by psychiatry, which has been deeply evolving since asylum: care is today mainly free and ambulatory, durations of stay have been strongly reduced. This issue is approached through two dimensions: first coercive practices themselves, put in perspective among the interventions of trie professionals, second, the institutional, legal, architectural, spatial dispositifs [apparatus, assemblage], which crystallize a certain arbitration among normative tensions between care/cure, security and freedom. The use of coercion has always been at the core of the charges of arbitrary, abuse, violence, carried against psychiatry, sometimes by the professionals themselves. It is nevertheless advocated in the name of the protection of the people coerced themselves. The inquiry follows how different practices are unequally exposed to the critics and the variation of the forms of their regulations. In order to do so, this research is based on (1) an analysis of the legal and regulatory apparatuses framing the practices of constraint and their binds to the spatial organization of psychiatric care from 1838 to 2013, (2) an ethnographic investigation in various psychiatric care units mainly within a « psychiatric sector » (hospitalization unit, 6 months, crisis centre, 3 months), supplemented by other observations (hospitalization and emergency units, 2 months), and (3) interviews with professionals of the units (n=61)
Mandy, Caroline. "La prison et l'hôpital psychiatrique du XVIIIe au XXIe siècle : institutions totalitaires ou services publics ? : contribution à l'étude de la privation de liberté en France et du paradigme de l'institution totalitaire." Phd thesis, Nantes, 2011.
Full textSince the French Revolution in 1789, depriving persons of their freedom by locking them up has become the automatic answer of public authorities to penal and psychiatric matters. This institutional solution to the social problems of delinquency and insanity is organised around a new paradigm : the "total institution". This standardising model tramples on persons, their dignity and their rights ; nevertheless prison and psychiatric total institutions remain the tool society chooses most of the time to keep its "disturbing" persons apart. The shock of the Nazi abuses added to this dehumanising instrumentalisation of inmates triggers a new fervour for the human rights and brings to light, with the destruction of the totalitarian model, the more flexible paradigm of public service and its "rules", a priori conductor of a protecting framework for individuals ; it does not mean to renounce to deprivation of freedom but to give a humanist framework of action to manage these cases. Thus, the inmate holds rights specific to successive citizenship recognised to persons in time. But, the evolution is neither linear nor finished. Deprivation of freedom, in its triangular relations between person, society and institution, remains the latent prey of all securitarian tendencies, to the detriment of the rights of the concerned persons. Behind the theory, the democratic challenge is, for society, to accept the levelling up of these rights ; their adaptation must no longer be used as a disguise to take their fundamental rights away from inmates
Ihout, Sophia. "Approche comparative des soins psychiatriques et des libertés individuelles des patients en droit français et anglo-américain." Thesis, Paris 8, 2019.
Full textToday, the quality of psychiatric care represents a public health issue. More than one person in four is exposed to mental disorders throughout his / her life. Care can be provided in mental institutions (inpatient care) or in the city through medical consultations (outpatient care). Psychiatric hospitalization can be voluntary or forced but it must respect some important criteria in order to enforce his fundamental rights and civil liberties. Indeed, psychiatric care cannot be separated from the exercise of the patient’s rights. Yet psychiatry did not always have a good reputation. Accused of being useless and dangerous to the sick, psychiatric care is deeply associated with the use of contention. Poor health conditions in mental institutions and physical abuse have undermined the standing of psychiatric care throughout the 19th and 20th centuries: enchainment, molestation, humiliation, malnourishment of the “insane”, use of seclusion, sedation and physical contention (restraint straps), etc. The institutional psychotherapy and the antipsychiatric movements have emerged in order to put an end to these forms of abuse and improve the quality of care and health conditions in mental institutions. Nowadays, the purpose of these currents of thoughts is to ensure the patient’s fundamental rights and improve the standard of care. Mental institutions must not constitute a place of confinement and segregation. Quality of care must be associated with the exercise of rights such as the freedom of movement in and out of the hospital, the right to correspondence or to refuse a treatment, etc. However, recent cuts in the financial resources of hospitals create great difficulties regarding the quality of care and the respect of patients’ rights: staff reduction, CCTV implementation, patient seclusion in their own room, etc. French, British and American laws will be compared in order to tackle their resemblances and differences regarding involuntary hospitalization. Our subject will also include inmates and homeless people suffering from mental disorders and their medical care when available. Access to care is especially difficult for these patients due to their precarious situation or the resistance of prison authorities. Then, medication safety and efficiency will be addressed: indeed, it constitutes the first source of psychiatric care along with mental institutions
Cano, Gavaudan Nicole. "La démarche éthique dans les pratiques psychiatriques institutionnelles : de l'implicite à l'explicite." Thesis, Aix-Marseille 2, 2010.
Full textThis work tries to identify the issues encountered in the practice of psychiatry, and to propose reference points likely to clarify thinking from an ethical perspective. We initially examined institutional psycho-therapy, an open and humanistic movement of hospitals, and deliberated the topic in light of ethical medical concepts ; in return, we hoped to interpret ethical principles in the field of psychiatry. This approach placed the accent on the experience inherent in the illness, inter-subjectivity and the institutional context. Secondly, a study conducted via semi-directed discussions among 12 hospital psychiatrists revealed that collective practices are not oriented towards the accountability of patients. The third part dealt with two surveys of hospitalized people. A qualitative study explored the perception of seclusion by 30 patients : they predominantly show negative affects and an experience of being deprived of information. Then, a questionnaire survey showed the opinion of 169 patients on the procedure and effects of a hospital stay ; their rating was over-whelmingly favourable. The confrontation of opinions by psychiatrists and hospitalized patients, compared with the three fundamental principles, revealed the primacy of a benevolent dimension, to the exclusion at times of autonomy and non-maleficence. The ethical dimension of care must continue to be queried and re-asserted unceasingly. To this end, we will continue to discuss and interrogate the pertinence of a questioning tool of practices that would validate the patient’s viewpoints
Schlesinger, Ella. "La fonction de l'isolement : une méta-psycho-anthropologie du cadre : la chambre d'isolement des hôpitaux psychiatriques et la camarinha du candomblé." Université Lumière Lyon 2, Centre de Recherche en Psychopathologie et psychologie clinique, 2016.
Full textApproved for entry into archive by Hozana Azevedo ( on 2018-10-03T18:43:07Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Ella Schlesinger.pdf: 7537993 bytes, checksum: 86996bf3c240460b4e5acc0aa4535bee (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2018-10-03T18:43:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ella Schlesinger.pdf: 7537993 bytes, checksum: 86996bf3c240460b4e5acc0aa4535bee (MD5)
Esta tese se debruça sobre as diferentes modalidades e funções do isolamento. O quarto de isolamento encontrado em hospitais psiquiátricos levanta questões sobre o acolhimento do sofrimento. Este sofrimento reside no fato de que o ego do sujeito não encontra eco em seu entorno. Isso produz terror e susto quando os elementos do ego se chocam com a realidade externa e / ou seu mundo interno e se difratam, fragmentando-se. Os cuidadores, frente à aflição dos pacientes, diante de sua própria capacidade interna de acolhimento e dos recursos de que dispõem, impõem, em alguns casos, o isolamento como resposta. No intuito de investigar a função de isolamento sem que ela seja reduzida a seu próprio campo de referência, o método complementarista revelou-se uma ferramenta indispensável. Para re-examinar o marco em que essa função é pensada, parece apropriado considerar uma prática de isolamento em um contexto diferente. O encontro inesperado com o candomblé no Brasil, e seu uso da camarinha, oferece um vasto campo de estudo. O confronto dos dois dispositivos, o do hospital psiquiátrico e aquele do candomblé, leva a demonstrar – e essa é a principal articulação deste trabalho – que a função do isolamento contribui para a remodelagem do processo alucinatório do sujeito. Essa comparação permite considerar novas ferramentas para acompanhar o sujeito em isolamento, quando isso é necessário. Serão desenvolvidos principalmente os seguintes conceitos: a "proposta de ser" o "atratores vibráteis" e o "objeto prótese".
Costes, Mylène. "Atelier culturel et hôpital psychiatrique : enjeux et retombées d’un dispositif de médiation culturelle au sein du programme « Culture à l’hôpital »." Thesis, Avignon, 2010.
Full textOur work questions the relationship between cultural action and the psychiatric hospital within the programme “Culture in Hospital”. This programme is part of the cultural policy aimed at the “prevented public”. It carries multiple challenges for the relevant ministries, the hospital administrators, the staff and the visiting artists. It questions, examines and perhaps disturbs the institution, sometimes even becoming a source of tension. This study has highlighted the originality of the specific and recurring device used : cultural workshops. Taking into account the logic of the project behind the workshops, we examine the effects that this device can have on the medical institution and its various actors.To answer these questions, our study took place in three different locations (The Vinatier Hospital, the Bon Sauveur Foundation of Alby and the Montfavet Hospital). We used different corpus : interviews, collective agreements as well as in-house documents related to medical establishments (institution projects, ward projects, work documents for the visiting artists).The main results concerned two separate axes: the one related to the medical field, the other to cultural mediation. The cultural workshop is a new device within the hospital world, it is the “third element” within the act of mediation. The artistic object is less a finality than a means to relate within the triangle of “patient-medical carer-artist”. The meaning given to the artistic action is redefined, the sharing of an aesthetic experience is more important than the finished work. For the patients, the cultural workshop represents “time-out” during their stay in hospital, a new space of expression that is beneficial on both a social level and a self-identity level. The cultural workshop allows a counterbalance to the strictness of the institutional framework. The relationships between the participants (patients and carers) changes during the time of the workshops. Once the workshop is over, the effects of this device continue through a modification in social representations of mental illness, the psychiatric hospital and its actors. We also see a re-appropriation of the experience by the staff who participated. For these professional health-carers, what took place in the workshops could perhaps be repeated within the wards so as to improve the overall care of the patients. Equally, it is a search for legitimacy on both an identity and professional level