Academic literature on the topic 'Particule de renforcement'
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Journal articles on the topic "Particule de renforcement"
Bokobza, Liliane. "Renforcement des élastomères par des particules minérales." Revue des composites et des matériaux avancés 14, no. 3 (December 23, 2004): 237–54.
Full textFontana, Bernard. "Le renforcement de la qualité industrielle chez Framatome." Annales des Mines - Responsabilité et environnement N° 113, no. 1 (January 23, 2024): 37–40.
Full textDias, Daniel, and Richard Kastner. "Modélisation numérique de l'apport du renforcement par boulonnage du front de taille des tunnels." Canadian Geotechnical Journal 42, no. 6 (December 1, 2005): 1656–74.
Full textBachand, Denis, and Karine Bertrand. "Récits croisés d’une migration intérieure. L’identité à l’épreuve du territoire dans Deux Frogs dans l’Ouest et Le divan du monde." Hors dossier 26, no. 1 (July 6, 2016): 109–27.
Full textObbad, Noureddine. "Les marocains du monde et le monde des marocains." Maghreb - Machrek N° Hors-série, no. 1 (August 28, 2023): 47–55.
Full textBehets, Frieda. "Autonomy and biomedical research in low-income countries." Droit, Santé et Société N° 2, no. 2 (December 1, 2023): 40–43.
Full textRodriguez, Christian. "S’adapter au contexte : le retour de la défense opérationnelle du territoire (DOT)." Administration 283, no. 3 (October 14, 2024): 67–69.
Full textPICARD, M., J. P. MELCION, C. BOUCHOT, and J. M. FAURE. "Picorage et préhensibilité des particules alimentaires chez les volailles." INRAE Productions Animales 10, no. 5 (December 9, 1997): 403–14.
Full textCoskun, Alexis. "Les sanctions économiques appliquées à la Russie. Régime, pratique et portée." Recherches Internationales 125, no. 1 (2023): 7–27.
Full textCoskun, Alexis. "Les sanctions économiques appliquées à la russie." Recherches internationales N° 125, no. 1 (January 15, 2023): 7–27.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Particule de renforcement"
Kholodova, Daria. "Emploi de uže, adverbe de temps et particule russe. Essai d'approche énonciative." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris, INALCO, 2024.
Full textDevoted to uže, the present thesis aims to describe the functioning of this poly-categorical unit, defined in dictionaries both as a time adverb and as an intensifying particle. As an adverb, uže locates the term or the content it comments on in relation to a point on the spatio-temporal axis; whereas, as a particle, it makes salient the content within its scope and opposes it to some other content perceived as competing or potentially so. These two functions – location and focalization – are complementary and find their origins in etymology. The study seeks to formalize the operating mode of uže, demonstrating that, regardless of its classification as an adverb or a particle, its functioning obeys regular principles that account for the wide semantic variation of the contexts in which it is employed. The analysis is based on both formal (etymology, the position of uže within a sentence, as well as the sentence prosody) and enunciative data (enunciative positions at play, corresponding viewpoints on propositional content, presence of preconstructed or presupposed information). This approach shows that uže invariably contributes to the expression of the speaker’s subjective opinion, contrasting it with another, competing, viewpoint in relation to the given situation. Whether the opposition expressed by uže is temporal, existential, or evaluative, its mere construction attests to the discursive nature of this linguistic unit, thereby supporting its classification as a discursive marker
Elandaloussi, Radja. "Etude du renforcement / confortement des ouvrages de protection contre les inondations et l'érosion interne." Thesis, Paris Est, 2015.
Full textThe construction of a hydraulic structure starts with the selection of the materials that will constitute it. The soils used in the construction of hydraulic earthen structures may be made of permeable materials such as sands or low permeability materials such as clay or silt. Depending on the availability of materials near the site, it is possible to choose different types of structures (homogeneous structures, core or zoned). In all cases, the cost of such a structure as a dike is even lower than the soils used for its construction come from areas near the site. When soils are sufficiently available near the construction site, but their use is risky for the stability of the structure, it may be appropriate to seek to modify their characteristics so they can be used in the same security conditions than traditional materials. It is around this issue that this thesis was born. More particularly, this research aims to study the improvements made by a lime treatment on a coarse soil subjected to internal flow to stabilize against the phenomenon of internal erosion. Understanding improvements requires the establishment of a multi-criteria analysis through dedicated tests. In the first part, we are interested in developing a testing device for performing internal erosion tests on this type of soil. This device has enabled us to realize a phenomenological study of the phenomena observed with the direction of flow and the presence or not of the treatment. Subsequently a parametric study was conducted to highlight the influence of the main parameters: treatment dosage, treatment time, height of the specimen and overload. In the second part, we studied the influence of immersion samples in water for this purpose the crumb test test was adapted for this type of soil. Additional unconfined compression tests were conducted to estimate the loss of strength after immersion. This allowed us to try couplings between the properties to erosion and soil treated mechanical properties
Schneider, Michael. "Renforcement de polymeres avec des particules composites de latex a base de caoutchouc naturel." Université Louis Pasteur (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1995.
Full textChazeau, Laurent. "Etude de nanocomposites à renfort cellulosique et matrice poly(chlorure de vinyle) : mise en oeuvre, étude structurale, comportement mécanique." Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 1998.
Full textIrez, Alaeddin Burak. "Conception, élaboration et caractérisation des composites modifiées par incorporation de particules de caoutchouc recyclées et devulcanisées à base d’époxy : Une approche expérimentale pour des mécanismes de renforcement." Thesis, Université Paris-Saclay (ComUE), 2018.
Full textRecycling of rubber is gaining importance across the world in many industries due to shrinking resources, increasing cost of raw materials, growing conscious about sustainable development as well as environmental issues. In the frame of the common research program between Michigan Tech University/USA and Supmeca/Paris-FRANCE, this PhD work is devoted to the design, development and characterization of recycled rubber modified epoxy-based composites . Additionally, alumina (Al2O3) fibers (AFs) and/or graphene nano platelets (GnPs) have been used as the basic reinforcements. A detailed experimental approach was adapted to these multifunctional composites for explaining of toughening mechanisms by means of fracture toughness test methods and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) on the fracture surfaces. Also, different case studies were included at the end of this work for various potential applications in aeronautic and automotive industries
Robbes, Anne-Sophie. "Nanocomposites à base de particules magnétiques : synthèse et contribution de la dispersion des charges et de la conformation des chaines sur les propriétés de renforcement." Phd thesis, Université Paris Sud - Paris XI, 2011.
Full textRobbes, Anne-sophie. "Nanocomposites à base de particules magnétiques : synthèse et contribution de la dispersion des charges et de la conformation des chaines sur les propriétés de renforcement." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011.
Full textThe mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposite films can be considerably enhanced by the inclusion of inorganic nanoparticles due to two main effects: (i) the local structure of fillers dispersion and (ii) the potential modification of the chains conformation and dynamics in the vicinity of the filler/polymer interface. However, the precise mechanisms which permit to correlate these contributions at nanometric scale to the macroscopic mechanical properties of the materials are actually poorly described. In such a context, we have synthesized model nanocomposites based on magnetic nanoparticles of maghemite γ-Fe2O3 (naked or grafted with a polystyrene (PS) corona by radical controlled polymerization) dispersed in a PS matrix, that we have characterized by combining small angle scattering (X-Ray and neutron) and transmission electronic microscopy. By playing on different parameters such as the particle size, the concentration, or the size ratio between the grafted chains and the ones of the matrix in the case of the grafted fillers, we have obtained nanocomposite films a large panel of controlled and reproducible controlled filler structures, going from individual nanoparticles or fractal aggregates up to the formation of a connected network of fillers. By applying an external magnetic field during the film processing, we succeeded in aligning the different structures along the direction of the field and we obtained materials with remarkable anisotropic reinforcement properties. The conformation of the chains of the matrix, experimentally determined thanks to the specific properties of neutron contrast of the system, is not affected by the presence of the fillers, whatever their confinement, the dispersion the fillers or their chemical state surface. The alignment of the fillers along the magnetic field has allowed us to describe precisely the evolution of the reinforcement modulus of the materials with the structural reorganization of the fillers and the chains at the local scale under stretching, and thus to highlight the key role played by the fillers reorganization under stretching on the nanocomposite reinforcement mechanisms
Limpanichpakdee, Thitima. "Synthesis and mechanical properties of elastomers made by sequential-IPNs." Thesis, Paris 6, 2017.
Full textRecently, a new technique to reinforce unfilled acrylic elastomers has been established. The elastomer was prepared by sequential free radical polymerization and swelling of acrylic monomers making interpenetrated networks. By introducing sacrificial bonds, the elastomer had significantly enhanced mechanical properties without changing the Tg of the material. We extended this method to two different elastomeric system to probe its generality. First, a silicone elastomer was synthesized by using polycondensation polymerization via a hydrosilylation reaction which is significantly different from the free radical polymerization used for acrylic networks. The multiple networks were synthesized by sequential swelling and polymerization steps with low molecular weight preducrosrs and a small amount of D4H crosslinker. The resulting silicone multiple networks were fully elastic elastomer with a mechanical toughness improved by about 100%. Second, core-shell latexes made of amphiphilic diblock copolymers Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) or PAA-b-PBA were synthesized by RAFT polymerization induced self-assembly and prepared into thin films. Different types of core-shell latexes and crosslinked latexes were synthesized and characterized both in the aqueous state and in the dry film state. The films were then used as a polymeric filler to a poly(butyl acrylate) by using the interpenetrated network technique. We succeeded for the first time to reinforce elastomers by latex particles. Thanks to interpenetrated networks strategy which distributed homogenously latex particles though the entire material, the interpenetrated films show extremely enhanced mechanical characteristics, fracture energy and toughness by using less than 1 % of glassy PAA content and no crosslinker in the reinforcing particles
Longkaew, Khansinee. "Preparation of calcium carbonate particles for application in natural rubber composites." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Le Mans, 2024.
Full textThis research aims to synthesize different types and shapes of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) particles at a submicrometric and nanoscale, and investigate their applications as reinforcing fillers for natural rubber (NR) composites. The study was therefore divided into two parts. Firstly, the preparation procedure of CaCO3 particles was based on the solution precipitation method between carbonate ions and calcium ions. The second part focused on investigating the mechanical properties of NR/CaCO3 composites. The first part started with the precipitation of (NH4)2CO3 and CaCl2 dissolved in 50% by weight of sucrose as the aqueous medium. This condition resulted in spherical CaCO3 with particle size of 0.42±0.14 µm with an aspect ratio of about one. When the precipitation reaction occurred in the presence of olive soap, the surface property of the CaCO3 was changed from hydrophilic (water contact angle of 28±2o) to superhydrophobic powders (water contact angle of 163±2o). The typical polymorphic phases of CaCO3 were characterized. The results revealed that both untreated and treated spherical CaCO3 were about 99% of the vaterite polymorph. In the precipitation process using Na2CO3 and CaCl2 aqueous solutions performed at 80±1C, bundle-liked CaCO3 was obtained with an aspect ratio in the range of 8–9. The superhydrophobic bundle-liked CaCO3 was also successfully synthesized by soap treatment. The water contact angle of untreated and treated bundle-liked are 29±2o, and 167±2o, respectively. Furthermore, the spherical CaCO3 dispersed in water at 80C resulted in the fiber-shaped CaCO3 nanoparticles which were achieved via the polymorph transformation from spherical vaterite to long nano-wired aragonite with the highest aspect ratio of 156.9. The untreated fiber CaCO3 was hydrophilic with a water contact angle of 31±1o, while the treated fiber CaCO3 with soap resulted in 165±5o of water contact angle, hence it was superhydrophobic similar to other synthesized CaCO3 polymorphs. The XRD revealed that the untreated and treated bundle-liked and fiber-shaped CaCO3 contained the majority of aragonite followed by vaterite and calcite polymorphs. The second part was carried out to incorporate the prepared CaCO3 (0,5,10,20,40,60 phr) in NR latex. It was found that the CaCO3 polymorphs were stable in the NR latex medium. The mechanical properties of NR/CaCO3 included tensile strength, elongation at break, tear strength, and hardness Shore A. It was found that the tensile strength of NR/CaCO3 composites increased when CaCO3 loading was increased. The tensile strength of NR improved from 22.68±2.22 MPa of neat NR up to 23.94±0.97 MPa when untreated spherical CaCO3 powders (20 phr) were added, and to 25.28±0.80 MPa of treated spherical CaCO3 (20 phr) filled NR. The maximum tensile strength of NR/untreated bundle-liked CaCO3 was 30.59±3.50 MPa at 40 phr of loading while 31.51±1.02 MPa of NR/treated bundle-liked CaCO3 at filler loading 20 phr was obtained. The treated CaCO3-filled NR vulcanizates gave higher tensile strength than the untreated ones. This was caused by better compatibility of filler dispersion between the hydrophobicity of treated CaCO3 and hydrophobic property of NR. As a result, it was found that the NR filled with untreated fiber CaCO3 particle provided the highest tensile strength of 31.66±1.80 MPa at 10 phr of filler loading, over other types of CaCO3. The nanoparticle, large surface area, and high aspect ratio of fiber/ long nano wired of CaCO3 enhanced the interfacial adhesion between CaCO3 and NR matrix which could transfer stress from rubber to filler effectively during stretching. This resulted in the reinforcing efficacy of the fiber CaCO3. In summaroze, the prepared CaCO3 powders have the potential to broaden their application not only as diluents or additives but also as reinforcing agents
Limpanichpakdee, Thitima. "Synthesis and mechanical properties of elastomers made by sequential-IPNs." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Paris 6, 2017.
Full textRecently, a new technique to reinforce unfilled acrylic elastomers has been established. The elastomer was prepared by sequential free radical polymerization and swelling of acrylic monomers making interpenetrated networks. By introducing sacrificial bonds, the elastomer had significantly enhanced mechanical properties without changing the Tg of the material. We extended this method to two different elastomeric system to probe its generality. First, a silicone elastomer was synthesized by using polycondensation polymerization via a hydrosilylation reaction which is significantly different from the free radical polymerization used for acrylic networks. The multiple networks were synthesized by sequential swelling and polymerization steps with low molecular weight preducrosrs and a small amount of D4H crosslinker. The resulting silicone multiple networks were fully elastic elastomer with a mechanical toughness improved by about 100%. Second, core-shell latexes made of amphiphilic diblock copolymers Poly(acrylic acid)-block-poly(butyl acrylate) or PAA-b-PBA were synthesized by RAFT polymerization induced self-assembly and prepared into thin films. Different types of core-shell latexes and crosslinked latexes were synthesized and characterized both in the aqueous state and in the dry film state. The films were then used as a polymeric filler to a poly(butyl acrylate) by using the interpenetrated network technique. We succeeded for the first time to reinforce elastomers by latex particles. Thanks to interpenetrated networks strategy which distributed homogenously latex particles though the entire material, the interpenetrated films show extremely enhanced mechanical characteristics, fracture energy and toughness by using less than 1 % of glassy PAA content and no crosslinker in the reinforcing particles
Books on the topic "Particule de renforcement"
Strengthening cooperation in documentation for development (1991 Paris). Strengthening cooperation in documentation for development: Aseminar on networking with special emphasis on NGOs = Le renforcement de la cooperation en matiere de documentation sur le developpement : séminaire sur les différents réseaux et en particulier ceux des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG) Paris, 3-6 September 1991. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute, Department of Social Science and Development, 1992.
Find full textStrengthening cooperation in documentation for development: A seminar on networking with special emphasis on NGOs = Le Renforcement de la Coopération en Matière de Documentation sur le Développement : séminaire sur les différents réseaux et en particulier ceux des organisations non gouvernementales (ONG), Paris, 3-6 September, 1991. Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute, Development Research and Action Programme, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Particule de renforcement"
BENMAMMAR, Badr, and Asma AMRAOUI. "Application de l’intelligence artificielle dans les réseaux de radio cognitive." In Gestion et contrôle intelligents des réseaux, 233–60. ISTE Group, 2020.
Full textDupla J.-C., Canou J., Terpereau J.-M., and Marchadier G. "Injectabilité d'un loess par des coulis de renforcement." In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. IOS Press, 2009.
Full textForay P., Flavigny E., Nguyen Ngoc-Thanh, Lambert S., and Briançon L. "Modélisation numérique 3D de colonnes ballastées et application." In Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering. IOS Press, 2009.
Full textSavonnet, Georges. "Espaces disputés en Afrique noire." In Hommes et sociétés, 265–80. Karthala, 1986.
Full textFOUCHER, S., J. B. LE-LOCH, A. DESBREST, L. GABILLY, H. LEFORT, and K. TAZAROURTE. "Catastrophe avec nombreuses victimes en milieu urbain." In Médecine et Armées Vol. 46 No.3, 213–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "Particule de renforcement"
Fernández-Durán, Cristina, and Elsa Febles Carmona. Mobilité Humaine et Résilience au Sahel : Défis et opportunités. Oxfam, September 2020.
Full textMoro, Leben, Jennifer Palmer, and Tabitha Hrynick. Considérations clés : Répondre aux inondations au Soudan du Sud par le biais du Nexus Humanitaire- Développement-Paix. Institute of Development Studies, May 2024.
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