Academic literature on the topic 'Parliamentarians of the League of Polish Families'
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Journal articles on the topic "Parliamentarians of the League of Polish Families"
Płoski, Marcin. "Państwo narodowe czy zjednoczona Europa w dyskursie parlamentarzystów Ligi Polskich Rodzin." Przegląd Sejmowy 26, no. 1(144) (2018): 89–111.
Full textde Lange, Sarah L., and Simona Guerra. "The League of Polish Families between East and West, past and present." Communist and Post-Communist Studies 42, no. 4 (October 27, 2009): 527–49.
Full textKoziełło, Tomasz. "The Question of Local Self-Government in The Political Concepts of the Contemporary Polish National Camp." Reality of Politics 18, no. 4 (December 31, 2021): 92–100.
Full textSanecka-Tyczyńska, Joanna. "Między mocarstwowością a peryferyjnością. Międzynarodowa pozycja Polski w XXI wieku w narodowej i konserwatywnej refleksji politycznej." Polityka i Społeczeństwo 19, no. 3 (2021): 110–28.
Full textKoziełło, Tomasz. "Koncepcje ustrojowe polskiego obozu narodowego w XXI wieku na przykładzie Ligi Polskich Rodzin i Ruchu Narodowego." Polityka i Społeczeństwo 20, no. 1 (2022): 57–73.
Full textDubrouka, Alena. "Poland in International Relations in Europe: British Government Circles Assessments on the Еve of the Locarno Conference of 1925." Metamorphoses of history, no. 23 (2022): 0.
Full textMoroska, Aleksandra, and Krysztof Zuba. "Two Faces of Polish Populism. The Causes of the Success and Fall of Self Defence and the League of Polish Families." Totalitarianism and Democracy 7, no. 1 (July 1, 2010): 123–47.
Full textKeinz, Anika. "European Desires and National Bedrooms? Negotiating “Normalcy” in Postsocialist Poland." Central European History 44, no. 1 (March 2011): 92–117.
Full textShibata, Yasuko. "Discursive Politics against Ethnic “Others”: The Racist and Xenophobic Discourse of the League of Polish Families, 2001-2007." Japanese Slavic and East European Studies 31 (2010): 35–80.
Full textKoziełlo, Tomasz. "Changes in political relevance of The League of Polish Families in result of parliamentary, municipal and European elections." Studia Politologiczne 52 (May 15, 2019): 239–50.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Parliamentarians of the League of Polish Families"
Klapal, Ondřej. "Srovnání Ligy polských rodin a Palikotova hnutí v kontextu proměn polské společnosti." Master's thesis, 2014.
Full textBooks on the topic "Parliamentarians of the League of Polish Families"
Płoski, Marcin. Liga Polskich Rodzin jako aktor społeczny. Wrocław: Wydawnictwo Instytutu Socjologii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2016.
Full textDiscrimination for the sake of the nation: The discourse of the League of Polish Families against "others" 2001-2007. Frankfurt am Main: PL Academic Research, 2013.
Find full textShibata, Yasuko. Discrimination for the Sake of the Nation: The Discourse of the League of Polish Families Against Others 2001-2007. Lang Publishing, Incorporated, Peter, 2013.
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