Academic literature on the topic 'Parlements – Europe du Centre-Est'
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Journal articles on the topic "Parlements – Europe du Centre-Est"
Gallichan, Gilles. "Les Parlements et leurs bibliothèques, ou les chemins documentaires de la démocratie." Documentation et bibliothèques 47, no. 4 (May 13, 2015): 145–48.
Full textRosa, Audrey. "Existe-t-il un droit fiscal de l’Union européenne ?" Gestion & Finances Publiques, no. 4 (July 2020): 109–14.
Full textRupnik, Jacques. "Pouss�es nationales-populistes en Europe du Centre-Est." Apr�s-demain N�43,NF, no. 3 (2017): 26.
Full textMihail, Zamfira. "Interdépendance des cultures du Sud-Est et du Centre-Europe." Études Balkaniques-Cahiers Pierre Belon N° 3, no. 1 (1996): 167.
Full textRupnik, Jacques. "Démocrature en Europe du Centre-Est : trente ans après 1989." Pouvoirs N°169, no. 2 (2019): 73.
Full textLoughlin, John, and Daniel L. Seiler. "Le Comité des Régions et la supranationalité en Europe." Études internationales 30, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 763–80.
Full textFuà, Giorgio. "Les voies diverses du développement en Europe." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 40, no. 3 (June 1985): 579–603.
Full textGrandsenne, Florence. "Les intellectuels français face aux crises du communisme en Europe du Centre-Est (1956-1981)." Labyrinthe, no. 7 (October 30, 2000): 164–66.
Full textLe Baillif, Anne-Marie. "Paris, « un lieu centre de tous les centres ». Est-ce toujours d’actualité ?" Interlitteraria 25, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 435–42.
Full textLe Baillif, Anne-Marie. "Paris, « un lieu centre de tous les centres ». Est-ce toujours d’actualité ?" Interlitteraria 25, no. 2 (December 31, 2020): 435–42.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Parlements – Europe du Centre-Est"
Cojocaru, Corina. "Les régimes parlementaires et le mécanisme constitutionnel en Europe centrale et orientale : Albanie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lettonie, Moldavie et République Tchèque." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textCojocaru, Corina. "Les régimes parlementaires et le mécanisme constitutionnel en Europe centrale et orientale : Albanie, Estonie, Hongrie, Lettonie, Moldavie, République tchèque." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textAmong the 17 countries from Central and Eastern Europe, only 6 are parliamentary regimes with a type of Govermnent of Cabinet : Albania, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Republic of Moldova and the Czech Republic, where the Presidents are being elected by the Parliaments and the executive power is bicephal. This mode of government is difficult to apply in practice in Central and Eastern Europe, since it raises certain questions in different countries, either because of the fact that the construction of a new political regime depended upon a sub-category of a post-communist model from the period of 1989 (initial, frozen and mature), or because of the fact that some countries do not have a veritable tradition of parliamentary democracy, as well as of the fact that the type of Government of Cabinet was more of a casual choice in the researched region, or because of the fact that the Parliaments from these countries do not have strong powers and a stable parliamentary majority (consequences of the type of electoral scrutiny). We have emphasized in this study the importance of the revision of certain Constitutions, especially in the Republic of Moldova (a country that had several political regimes since the independence proclamation in 1991) and the Czech Republic, as well as a redefinition of the interests of political actors, with a view to strengthen the legality over policy, by the consolidation of the role of the Constitutional Court, hereby defending the Constitution and ensuring a viable parliamentary system, based on real cooperation of all powers, where the Government does not present itself as the “absolute power” over the responsibilities of the Parliament
Radonova, Elitsa. "La construction des systèmes de partis politiques dans les pays de l’Europe centrale et orientale et l’intégration européenne : le cas de la Bulgarie, de la Roumanie et de la Slovaquie." Thesis, Paris 1, 2013.
Full textOur research work proposes to study the basis of the construction of the political party systems in post-communist countries and the internal and external factors affecting their evolution. The post 1989 changes were supposed to follow a sequential logic comprising certain inevitable steps - organization of free elections; the adoption of new constitutions, judiciary and administration reform, European harmonization etc, The expectation being that European integration would act as the driving force towards a gradual stabilization of the institutions and of the legal standards and that it would contribute, ultimately, to a progressive convergence of East European practices with those already in place within the European Union. The objective of this research thesis is to tackle the construction of the political party system in Central and Eastern Europe in the triple logic of: the structural characteristics of the political arena, the strategy of the main political actors and the role that the European variable played. Despite the progresses of the integration within the European Union, the atmosphere of permanent crisis and the "cycles of disillusionment" within the CEEC increase the chance that non-traditional and populist parties find a place within the national political scenes. Our research is conducted in a comparative way and its scope covers three countries: Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia
Lefilleur, Julien. "Développement industriel et émergence de sous bassins régionaux en Europe Centrale et Orientale pendant la transition." Phd thesis, Université Panthéon-Sorbonne - Paris I, 2008.
Full textPataki, Gabor Zsolt. "Le devenir géopolitique des minorités hongroises dans le bassin des Carpates." Paris 8, 1999.
Full textAnalysis of political dynamics of the hungarian national minorities in central europe and of their system of relations with hungary. As well their impact on the european integra, tion process. Out of 13. 4 millions of hungarians in the carpathian basin, 3. 1 millions are living in hungary's neighbouring states. Hungarians became minority as a consequence of the treaty of trianon (1920). After living that shock, the hungarians built up a system of mental representations for not forgetting their lost territories and co-nationals. The geopolitical representations are still in the focus of relations between hungary and her neighbour nations. Hungarian minorities maintained a strong national identity, their status differs a lot according to the state in which they live. By taking into account the geopolitical representations that have the ones and the others, one may understand the rivalries of power in controlling these territories: where the hungarian minorities represent majority they desire to self-administrate themselves, and the state does not want to give up the control and leave it for a minority they mistrust. One may distinguish hungarian minorities according to the importance of geopolitical problem they induce: - those having a strong and collective national identity, where they are the most nu, merous: in transylvania (rumania), in upper-hungary (slovakia) and in voivodina (serbia). Their existence causes a major national problem for the state in which they live: this is the militant triangle of hungarian minorities - those having a strong hungarian identity and living in a country where the hungarian problem is not a major geopolitical problem (austria, croatia and slovenia). Limit case: hungarians of ukraine, 0. 31% of the population. After 1989 hungary officially declares that she feels responsible for the fate of hun, garians abroad. Hungarian minorities resisted to all types of assimilation and reaffirm their linguistic and educational revendications. Presentation of different scenarios, more or less probable for the hungarian communi, ties (devolution, cultural and/or territorial autonomy), in the light of the european integration process
Slabakova, Radmila. "Le destin d'une famille noble émigrée d'origine française dans l'empire des Habsbourg et en Tchécoslovaquie de la fin du XVIIIe aux années trente du XXe siècle : les Mensdorff-Pouilly." Grenoble 2, 1999.
Full textThe history of an ancient noble family originally from lorraine that emigrated at the time of the french revolution and established itself, under the new name of mensdorff-pouilly, in the habsburg empire and, later, in bohemia and in moravia, where it remains to this day. The integration of the family was facilitated thanks as much to its marital strategies (union with the saxe-coburgs and, later, with the dietrichsteins) as to the talents and abilities of its members (ascension to the highest military and political posts of the monarchy). The latter are represented by three generations, each studied against the background of the evolution of habsburg society from the end of the 18th century to the first decades of the 20th century. It is a question of the penetration of the moral values of the enlightenment, of the social change between nobility and bourgeoisie, of the struggle of the nobility to remain in a position of eminence and of the relative decline of the latter. Rich sources taken from family archives, in particular the abundant correspondence, permit the analysis of other problems associated with the socio-psychological the values of the family among which the superiority of the notion of honor, the strategies, the relationships, friendships, the unity of the family in the narrow and wide senses of the word. The image of the family is completed by the analysis of the political positions of its members (among other things their attitude towards the question of nationalities) as well as by the study of the economic development of family properties
Suter, Bruno. "Der Ausbau der Schweizer diplomatischen Vertretung in den Nachfolgestaaten der Donaumonarchie 1918 bis 1921 /." Bern : P. Lang, 2001.
Full textZugravu-Soilita, Natalia. "Croissance, commerce, IDE et leur impact sur l'environnement : cas de l'Europe centrale et orientale et de la Communauté des États indépendants." Paris 1, 2009.
Full textPisarek, Weronika. "La contribution de la Pologne au capitalisme de l'Europe du Centre-Est depuis 1989 : configuration institutionnelle et dépendances." Thesis, Université de Paris (2019-....), 2019.
Full textThe thesis focuses on the specificities of Polish model of capitalism. By following the diversity of capitalism approach, which is amended by introducing the sixth institutional form that is the mode of insertion in the international system, it shows the existence of Central and Eastern Europe model of capitalism that includes Poland. The qualitative analysis which complements the statistical one, explains the formation of this particular capitalism model during the transition and its evolution since the EU accession of Central and Eastern Europe countries. Poland is analysed as a specific case of this model of capitalism. Its particularities are : the important place of the State in the economy, in particular the public ownership, relatively big financial markets and the specialisation of the international trade. The formation of this model of capitalism was strongly influenced by institutional, political and economic legacy of the socialist era. After the EU accession the evolution of institutions is impacted by the globalisation which appears through the international trade, FDI and international institutions
Schaeffer, Benoît. "L'institution présidentielle dans les Etats d'Europe centrale et orientale." Nantes, 2010.
Full textThis study aims to define the presidential institution in Eastern and Central European states. This institution is recent since it appeared with the constitutional modifications which have followed the "velvet revolutions". This institution lias many origins. The "constitutional models" offered by the Western states alongside with the constitutional history of these states, notably the democratic experience between the two world wars, had a decisive influence. After the fall of communism, because of charismatic leaders being present, the question of the role and the way to appoint a President was at the core of political debates between the main parties. The constitutional choices being made at this point, as well as the political practices during the constitutional transition, have proven beneficial to this institution. But in reaction to this period, the final Constitutions show on the contrary distrust towards this institution. After some founding confrontations, a determinedly parliamentarian reading of the constitutional texts has generally speaking asserted itself, following a rise in power of the Government. Only the lasting political crises enable Presidents to really intervene in the political games. Thus, with the exception of Romania and Poland, this institution plays today a litnited role in the parliamentary regimes
Books on the topic "Parlements – Europe du Centre-Est"
Commission internationale d'histoire ecclésiastique comparée. Congress. Churches and confessions in East Central Europe: In early modern times = Eglises et confessions en Europe du Centre-Est : a l'époque moderne. Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowo Wschodniej, 1999.
Find full textEconomic nationalism in East-Central Europe and South America: 1918-1939 = Le Nationalisme économique en Europe du Centre-Est et en Amérique du Sud. Genève: Librairie Droz, 1990.
Find full textChurches and confessions in East Central Europe: In early modern times = Eglises et confessions en Europe du Centre-Est : A l'epoque moderne (Proceedings ... Ecclesiastique Comparee, Lublin 1996). Instytut Europy Srodkowo Wschodniej, 1999.
Find full textEast-Central Europe's Position Within Europe: Between East and West = L'Europe Du Centre-Est Dans L'Espace Europeen: Entre L'Est Et L'Ouest. Instytut Europy Srodkowo Wschodniej, 2004.
Find full textChristianity in East Central Europe: Late Middle Ages = La Chretiente en Europe du Centre-Est : Le bas Moyen Age (Proceedings of the Commission Internationale ... Ecclesiastique Comparee, Lublin 1996). Instytut Europy Srodkowo Wschodniej, 1999.
Find full textRegards sur l'indomptable Europe du Centre-Est, du XVIIIe siècle à nos jours: Actes du colloque de Villeneuve-d'Ascq, 20-23 septembre 1993. Villeneuve d'Ascq (France): Université Charles de Gaulle, Lille 3, 1996.
Find full textJerzy, Kłoczowski, Plisiecki Piotr, and Łaszkiewicz Hubert Mikołaj, eds. Frontières et l'espace national en Europe du Centre-Est: Exemples de quatre pays--Biélorussie, Lituanie, Pologne et Ukraine = The borders and national space in East-Central Europe : the example of the following four countries--Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. Lublin: Instytut Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej, 2000.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Parlements – Europe du Centre-Est"
Bylina, S. "Recherches sur l’histoire politique du Moyen Âge en Europe du Centre-Est (1993–1998)." In Textes et Etudes du Moyen Âge, 159–70. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2004.
Full textRouski, Margarita. "Les routines discursives dans les débats du Parlement européen." In Lexique(s) et genre(s) textuel(s) : approches sur corpus, 65–80. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2020.
Full textRupnik, Jacques. "1989-2009 en Europe du Centre-Est : trois itinéraires et trois cycles." In Sortir du communisme, changer d'époque, 159–73. Presses Universitaires de France, 2011.
Full textBérenger, Caroline. "L’Europe de Marina Tsvetaeva, du mythe à la constellation." In Marina Tsvetaeva et l'Europe, 97–108. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
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