Academic literature on the topic 'Parfums – Méthodes statistiques – Analyse'
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Journal articles on the topic "Parfums – Méthodes statistiques – Analyse"
Laourou, H. Martin. "Estimation de la mortalité au Bénin à partir d'une enquête à passages répétés." Population Vol. 49, no. 1 (January 1, 1994): 119–43.
Full textBlayo, Chantal. "La condition d'homogénéité en analyse démographique et en analyse statistique des biographies." Population Vol. 50, no. 6 (June 1, 1995): 1501–17.
Full textOuarda, T. B. M. J., P. F. Rasmussen, B. Bobée, and J. Bernier. "Utilisation de l'information historique en analyse hydrologique fréquentielle." Revue des sciences de l'eau 11 (April 12, 2005): 41–49.
Full textBOUDON, Raymond. "Les statistiques peuvent-elles donner une image réelle de la réalité sociale?" Sociologie et sociétés 8, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 141–56.
Full textJean, Éric. "L' analyse factorielle et son utilisation dans l’examen des phénomènes sociocomportementaux : quelques clarifications méthodologiques." Revue Organisations & territoires 26, no. 1-2 (September 1, 2017): 145–49.
Full textZaugg. "Häufige Fehler in der Biostatistik medizinischer Studien." Praxis 92, no. 6 (February 1, 2003): 218–24.
Full textAsselin, Christian, J. Pages, and René Morlat. "Typologie sensorielle du Cabernet franc et influence du terroir. Utilisation de méthodes statistiques multidimensionnelles." OENO One 26, no. 3 (September 30, 1992): 129.
Full textAllard-Poesi, Florence, and Sandrine Hollet-Haudebert. "Quelle contribution de la mesure au savoir sur le stress au travail ? – Analyse du rapport d’enquête Technologia sur France Telecom." Management international 19, no. 1 (January 30, 2015): 184–96.
Full textFoucambert, Denis, Tracy Heranic, Christophe Leblay, Maarit Mutta, and Minjing Zhong. "Intégration de la visualisation dans l’analyse de processus complexes : écritures et réécritures dans un corpus multilingue universitaire." SHS Web of Conferences 138 (2022): 06010.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Parfums – Méthodes statistiques – Analyse"
Jallat, Jérôme. "Mise au point d'une méthode sensorielle d'analyse descriptive des odeurs de parfumerie." Ecole nationale du génie rural, des eaux et des forêts (Paris ; Nancy ; 1968-2006), 1995.
Full textThe creation of a perfume is an artisanal process: a creator. The perfumer, composes "a juice" using a greater or lesser number of natural or synthetic natural or synthetic raw materials. The process is in the sense that the perfumer uses his or her know-how and personal taste to create an original work of art. But perfume is also a product intended for consumption, which must please and be sold to the greatest number. It is therefore necessary for perfumers to have a tool for communicating with communication with consumers, in order to create a juice as close as possible to market trends". Dialogue between perfumers and consumers is generally ensured by the marketing departments of perfume companies. But the absence lack of any real method of descriptive odor analysis leads these departments to not the fragrance itself. It therefore appears necessary to devise a method for descriptive odor analysis to enable effective dialogue between the various players in a perfume company. Our approach is in line with this need. We carried out our work as part of a CIFRE contract, within the sensory analysis laboratory of the Bourjois company. This company was one of the first companies in its field to develop sensory analysis as a tool for research into fragrance perception
Loustau, Sébastien. "Performances statistiques de méthodes à noyaux." Phd thesis, Université de Provence - Aix-Marseille I, 2008.
Full textLes méthodes de régularisation ont montrées leurs intérêts pour résoudre des problèmes de classification. L'algorithme des Machines à Vecteurs de Support (SVM) est aujourd'hui le représentant le plus populaire. Dans un premier temps, cette thèse étudie les performances statistiques de cet algorithme, et considère le problème d'adaptation à la marge et à la complexité. On étend ces résultats à une nouvelle procédure de minimisation de risque empirique pénalisée sur les espaces de Besov. Enfin la dernière partie se concentre sur une nouvelle procédure de sélection de modèles : la minimisation de l'enveloppe du risque (RHM). Introduite par L.Cavalier et Y.Golubev dans le cadre des problèmes inverses, on cherche à l'appliquer au contexte de la classification.
Pavoine, Sandrine. "Méthodes statistiques pour la mesure de la biodiversité." Lyon 1, 2005.
Full textAllain, Guillaume. "Prévision et analyse du trafic routier par des méthodes statistiques." Toulouse 3, 2008.
Full textThe industrial partner of this work is Mediamobile/V-trafic, a company which processes and broadcasts live road-traffic information. The goal of our work is to enhance traffic information with forecasting and spatial extending. Our approach is sometimes inspired by physical modelling of traffic dynamic, but it mainly uses statistical methods in order to propose self-organising and modular models suitable for industrial constraints. In the first part of this work, we describe a method to forecast trafic speed within a time frame of a few minutes up to several hours. Our method is based on the assumption that traffic on the a road network can be summarized by a few typical profiles. Those profiles are linked to the users' periodical behaviors. We therefore make the assumption that observed speed curves on each point of the network are stemming from a probabilistic mixture model. The following parts of our work will present how we can refine the general method. Medium term forecasting uses variables built from the calendar. The mixture model still stands. Additionnaly we use a fonctionnal regression model to forecast speed curves. We then introduces a local regression model in order to stimulate short-term trafic dynamics. The kernel function is built from real speed observations and we integrate some knowledge about traffic dynamics. The last part of our work focuses on the analysis of speed data from in traffic vehicles. These observations are gathered sporadically in time and on the road segment. The resulting data is completed and smoothed by local polynomial regression
Mestre, Olivier. "Méthodes statistiques pour l'homogénéisation de longues séries climatiques." Toulouse 3, 2000.
Full textGu, Co Weila Vila. "Méthodes statistiques et informatiques pour le traitement des données manquantes." Phd thesis, Conservatoire national des arts et metiers - CNAM, 1997.
Full textFrikha, Mohamed. "Analyse économétrique de la dette extérieure de la Tunisie." Paris 2, 1991.
Full textThe objective of this thesis is to propose an econometric model that allows the determination of the mecanisms connecting external financing to the tunsian economy. Its purpose is to describe the relationship between the foreign capital and the macroeconomic variables in order to conceive economic policies that may be used for a better management of the foreign debt. This model results from a confrontation between theories and empirical observation. The analysis of the facts and the existing models as well as their underlying theoritical bases has enabled us to determine the theoriticalstructure of the model. This concerns a structural dynamic model based on simultaneous equations. The estimate and first conclusions of the model demonstrate to un that the policy of endebtment in tunisia must fit in with a global choise of the economic policy based on promoting exports, making the most of savings, the profitability of projects and the balanced trade
Colin, Igor. "Adaptation des méthodes d’apprentissage aux U-statistiques." Thesis, Paris, ENST, 2016.
Full textWith the increasing availability of large amounts of data, computational complexity has become a keystone of many machine learning algorithms. Stochastic optimization algorithms and distributed/decentralized methods have been widely studied over the last decade and provide increased scalability for optimizing an empirical risk that is separable in the data sample. Yet, in a wide range of statistical learning problems, the risk is accurately estimated by U-statistics, i.e., functionals of the training data with low variance that take the form of averages over d-tuples. We first tackle the problem of sampling for the empirical risk minimization problem. We show that empirical risks can be replaced by drastically computationally simpler Monte-Carlo estimates based on O(n) terms only, usually referred to as incomplete U-statistics, without damaging the learning rate. We establish uniform deviation results and numerical examples show that such approach surpasses more naive subsampling techniques. We then focus on the decentralized estimation topic, where the data sample is distributed over a connected network. We introduce new synchronous and asynchronous randomized gossip algorithms which simultaneously propagate data across the network and maintain local estimates of the U-statistic of interest. We establish convergence rate bounds with explicit data and network dependent terms. Finally, we deal with the decentralized optimization of functions that depend on pairs of observations. Similarly to the estimation case, we introduce a method based on concurrent local updates and data propagation. Our theoretical analysis reveals that the proposed algorithms preserve the convergence rate of centralized dual averaging up to an additive bias term. Our simulations illustrate the practical interest of our approach
Ansaldi, Nadine. "Contributions des méthodes statistiques à la quantification de l'agrément de conduite." Université de Marne-la-Vallée, 2002.
Full textQuantifying a customers’ drivability requirement consists in determining some measurable representation criteria of the customers’ feel of drivability as well as ranges of optimal values (tolerance intervals) for each criterion. In this document, a methodology for quantifying customer’s requirements is presented. All steps, from planning the experiments to validating the representation criteria and their tolerance intervals, are described. The customers’ feel is the result of the stimuli he receives, which can be recorded by some physical measurements. We suggest to extract from the measurements an as comprehensive as possible list of potential criteria, by means of an automatic tool for generation and extraction. The quantification process also requires sensory assessment of the customers’ feel of drivability. If a paired comparisons method is used, the preferences analysis can be carried out by Multi-Dimensionnal Scaling models. In order to determine the criteria (quantitative data) which are representative of customers’ feel (qualitative datum), a discriminant analysis based on L1 criterion and levels grouping, is proposed. Once the representation criteria are identified, a tolerance computation tool is proposed for determining the ranges of values for each criterion in order to obtain best possible customers’ feel. Finally, results of this methodology are presented for quantifying the customers’ fell of “take off” for robotized gearbox powertrain
Guedj, Mickaël. "Méthodes Statistiques pour l’analyse de données génétiques d’association à grande échelle." Evry-Val d'Essonne, 2007.
Full textThe increasing availability of dense Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) maps due to rapid improvements in Molecular Biology and genotyping technologies have recently led geneticists towards genome-wide association studies with hopes of encouraging results concerning our understanding of the genetic basis of complex diseases. The analysis of such high-throughput data implies today new statistical and computational problematic to face, which constitute the main topic of this thesis. After a brief description of the main questions raised by genome-wide association studies, we deal with single-marker approaches by a power study of the main association tests. We consider then the use of multi-markers approaches by focusing on the method we developed which relies on the Local Score. Finally, this thesis also deals with the multiple-testing problem: our Local Score-based approach circumvents this problem by reducing the number of tests; in parallel, we present an estimation of the Local False Discovery Rate by a simple Gaussian mixed model
Books on the topic "Parfums – Méthodes statistiques – Analyse"
Minvielle, Erwann. L' analyse statistique et spatiale: Statistiques, cartographie, télédétection, SIG. Nantes [France]: Éditions du Temps, 2003.
Find full textBernard, Paul-Marie. Analyse des tableaux de contingence en épidémiologie. Sainte-Foy: Presses de l'Université du Québec, 2004.
Find full textWirtschaftsstatistik im Bachelor: Grundlagen und Datenanalyse. 3rd ed. Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2012.
Find full textGross, Ju rgen. Grundlegende Statistik mit R: Eine anwendungsorientierte Einfu hrung in die Verwendung der Statistik Software R. Wiesbaden: Teubner, 2010.
Find full textConférence internationale sur l'application des méthodes de l'analyse quantitative dans le domaine de la sécurité sociale (1990 : Bristol, Angleterre), ed. Analyse quantitative et planification de la protection sociale. Genève: AISS, 1992.
Find full textCo-auteur, Bernard Jean, and Le Roux Brigitte Co-auteur, eds. Statistique en sciences humaines: Analyse inductive des données. Paris: Dunod. Bordas, 1990.
Find full textAmyotte, Luc. Méthodes quantitatives: Applications à la recherche en sciences humaines. Saint-Laurent, Québec: Éditions du Renouveau pédagogique, 1996.
Find full textAmyotte, Luc. Méthodes quantitatives: Applications à la recherche en sciences humaines. 2nd ed. Saint-Laurent, Québec: Éditions du Renouveau pédagogique, 2002.
Find full textMéthodes quantitatives: Applications à la recherche en sciences humaines. 3rd ed. Saint-Laurent: ERPI, 2011.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Parfums – Méthodes statistiques – Analyse"
Hallouët, Pascal. "Analyse de résultats de recherche. Utilisation de méthodes statistiques." In Méga Mémo IFSI, 1259–64. Elsevier, 2016.
Full textZHUANG, Jiancang. "Explication des chocs précurseurs et de la loi de Båth." In Méthodes et modèles statistiques pour la sismogenèse, 115–41. ISTE Group, 2023.
Full textZANETTI, Massimo, Francesca BOVOLO, and Lorenzo BRUZZONE. "Statistiques par différences pour les changements multispectraux." In Détection de changements et analyse des séries temporelles d’images 1, 247–303. ISTE Group, 2022.
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