Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Parcoursup'
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Geuring, Esther. "Le processus de construction des aspirations de poursuite d’études vers et dans l’enseignement supérieur : l’expérience sociale de la procédure Parcoursup." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024. http://www.theses.fr/2024REN20039.
Full textAlthough access to higher education has been a public policy objective for the last 20 years, it is now being implemented in France in its most recent version through the Students’ orientation and achievement law, which introduced the Parcoursup procedure. Transforming the modalities of access to higher education, this reform strengthens the commitment of the different actors involved in the process of orienting students. Parcoursup falls within an institutional conception of orientation according to which providing students with information and support allows them to formulate “free, informed and enlightened choices”. Nevertheless, this linear conception of orientation can be nuanced by observing the social and educational inequalities that punctuate the process of construction of aspirations.In this context, this thesis proposes to grasp the process of construction of aspirations for further learning towards and in higher education by mobilising sociology of experience. Relying on an interpretive approach, the objective is to comprehend this process while specifying the notion of aspiration by inscribing it in the relation that neo-high school graduates have towards time, themselves and the world. Two main results emerge from a double survey comprising a questionnaire and longitudinal follow-up interviews with neo-bacalauréat graduates enrolled in the first year of their bachelor’s degree at a provincial university. Contrary to the injunction to make a project implied by the continuum “bac –3 / bac +3”, this thesis shows on the one hand a certain volatility of the aspirations for further studies depending on the experience of Parcoursup and the student experience. Furthermore, this more or less important volatility reinforces on the other hand the idea of university being a space to democratise aspirations, for young people who go there to build their future as much as to build themselves
Van, Praet Eric. "Parcours de l'hystérie." Montpellier 1, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990MON11013.
Full textCandiz, Guillermo Osval, and Guillermo Osval Candiz. "Le parcours du combattant." Doctoral thesis, Université Laval, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/33290.
Full textVictimes, trafiquants, clandestins, délinquants, « narcos », aventuriers, sans-papiers, illégaux, héros, irréguliers, passeurs, frontières, naufrages, enlèvements, morts, « eldorado », « American dream ». La liste est longue pour décrire le phénomène migratoire qui touche aujourd’hui le Maroc et le Mexique. Depuis quelques années, ces deux pays attirent l’attention des gouvernements, des journalistes et des chercheurs, car ils sont désormais désignés pays de transit et de destination pour les migrants irréguliers en provenance de la région subsaharienne pour le Maroc et de l’Amérique centrale pour le Mexique. Ils se sont transformés en pays stratégiques, en zones tampons au niveau géopolitique, notamment en ce qui concerne les questions de sécurité, de gouvernance des flux migratoires et de protection des frontières des pays du Nord. En réponse à l’ampleur des flux migratoires, nous assistons à un processus de sécuritisation de la migration se manifestant fondamentalement, dans le cas de notre étude, par le renforcement du contrôle des frontières européennes et américaines et par l’externalisation de ces frontières bien au-delà de leurs limites territoriales. Une de principales conséquences de ce processus est l’augmentation des coûts économiques et humains de la migration pour traverser ces frontières créant ainsi une population de migrants qui s’installent à long terme au Maroc et au Mexique. Alors que la recherche actuelle porte principalement sur les politiques nationales et multilatérales et sur les dispositifs de sécurité et de contrôle, cette étude a pour objectif principal de comprendre les facteurs qui façonnent et influencent l’évolution du projet migratoire pendant l’attente au Maroc et au Mexique, dans un contexte de sécuritisation et d’externalisation des frontières. L’analyse repose sur une étude ethnographique ayant comporté trois périodes de collecte de données. La première période s’est déroulée au Mexique pendant le mois d’août 2013, la deuxième au Maroc entre les mois de janvier et juillet 2015 et la troisième au Mexique entre les mois d’août et décembre 2015. Au total nous avons réalisé 45 entretiens au Mexique et 30 au Maroc, en plus des données collectées à travers des observations réalisées sur le terrain. À partir de trois niveaux d’analyse (macro, méso et micro), les résultats montrent que la sécuritisation et l’externalisation des frontières précarisent davantage les migrants en mettant leur trajectoire en attente, dans une sorte d’immobilité dans la mobilité. Toutefois, pendant l’attente, les projets migratoires continuent à évoluer grâce à plusieurs facteurs qui permettent aux migrants d’entretenir leur projet de passer un jour en Europe ou aux États-Unis
Galinier, Martin. "La colonne trajane et les forums imperiaux : iconographie, parcours d'espace, parcours de sens." Montpellier 3, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995MON30061.
Full textRecently, doubts have been expressed about the legibility of trajan's column reliefs rolled up on twenty-three spirals on a 35 m high shaft : however, description of the architectonic structures of the column prooves the care the architect apollodore of damas gave to this realisation. The detailed study of the reliefs, spiral and vertical, shows the existence of a preliminary plan carefully followed by the sculptors. The iconographical organisation obeys ideologic preoccupatioins : the portrait of trajan points out on his military capacities, but also his civilizing ones, since he is able to broaden the empire's frontiers. The heighth of some scenes is not a damage for their visibility : terraces around trajan's colomn, halfway up the shaft, arrange a preferential level of lecture, obeying the ancient optical science explained by claude ptolemee. The reliefs are visible and totally legible. The enlargement of the study of trajan's forum and to the imperial forums helps to establish the link between column's reliefs and trajanic ideology. Comparing himself with herakles, alexander, caesar, auguste, vespasian and domitian, trajan the optimus claims his superiority and his excellence. The link between trajan's column and its architectural and iconographic environment leads to conclude that the project was global. At last, a way of reaking trajanic reliefs and trajanic urbanism's is proposed, using principles from roman rhetorics and from projects and realisations of alexander, caesar and auguste
Rioux, Denis. "Orientation et récit, une approche expérientielle : du parcours de signalétique au parcours d'expérience d'appropriation." Thesis, Université Laval, 2008. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2008/25749/25749.pdf.
Full textPelletier, Charles. "Parcours, théorie, création et critique." Thesis, National Library of Canada = Bibliothèque nationale du Canada, 2000. http://www.collectionscanada.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp03/NQ61858.pdf.
Full textPelletier, Charles. "Parcours théorie, création et critique." Thèse, Université de Sherbrooke, 1999. http://savoirs.usherbrooke.ca/handle/11143/2708.
Full textDelpech, Jean-Marc Roth François. "Parcours et réseaux d'un anarchiste." Nancy : Université Nancy 2, 2006. http://cyberdoc.univ-nancy2.fr/htdocs/docs_ouvert/doc230/2006NAN21007.pdf.
Full textMarmouch, Maroua. "Transgenres en Nouvelle-Calédonie : discussions intimes sur des parcours de vie wallisiens et quelques parcours kanak." Paris, EHESS, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015EHES0674.
Full textThis work aims at describing and understanding the phenomenon of the emergence of transgender individuals (Male to Female), its transformation and its increasing visibility today in urban context. The bulk of this work rests on the life’s trajectories of the main group of transgender living in Noumea, in New Caledonia: they are Wallisian and Futunian transgender, who have a “Polynesian” cultural background. A smaller part of them, are kanak, who have a “Melanesian” cultural background. Starting in the 1970s, in the urban region of Noumea, individuals who were born males, mostly from immigrant families of Wallisian and Futunian origins, began to adopt a feminine appearance and performance by wearing Western-style clothes and make-up. The emergence of a new transgender in Noumea is linked with the development of a new transgender lifestyle, the tai’ata (street sex work). Transgender sociability, sex, urban life-style and agency are the terms associated to tai’ata and to the modern, urban transgender. Today, this individuals look increasingly at modern technics of body transition (hormonal treatment, mammoplasty, vaginoplasty) in order to shape and define their conception of their own body, on the one hand, and at Western sexual categories such as “transsexuality” in order to define their sexuality, on the other hand. Living in a world of tensions between local values and globalization of Western categories and ideas, transgender of Wallisian and Futunian origins, along with a smaller number of Kanak transgender, develop strategies of resistance and negotiation in order to gain acceptance in their family and community sphere, as well as in their relationships involving friendship, love and sex
Raby, Claudia. "Le parcours critique de Jeanne Lapointe." Thesis, Université Laval, 2007. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2007/24961/24961.pdf.
Full textCoëffé, Vincent. "Touristicité idéale : Hawaii, un parcours utopique." Rouen, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003ROUEL450.
Full textHawaii is a name which signifies a topophilia. This place can be analised as a geosymbol of some spatial archetypes, the paradise and the island (tropical). It's an utopian place, an idealised elsewhere , actualised by the practice of tourism and its social values. Beneath the name has been made up a complicated territorial palimpest, in the way of antetouristic realities. Touristification set in Honolulu in the middle of the nineteenth century, by the most urban place, and spead over Waikiki, which was rirreversibly pushed towards touristic urbanity in the 1920s. Despite the urbanistic transformation of this place, hula, surf, and the cosmopolitan sociabilities have been maintained and diversified. Waikiki would be an ideal City, an edge city heming an empty ocean, highlighted symbolically by and for concrete limit which gathers the diversity and circulates the identity
Doan, Patrick. "Parcours attentionnel chez le scripteur expert." Thesis, Compiègne, 2021. https://bibliotheque.utc.fr/Default/doc/SYRACUSE/2021COMP2600.
Full textHandwriting is one of the most complex skill to learn and involves several processes: psychomotor, cognitive, sensorimotor, attentional. Its fluency can be characterized by the ability to trace in a fluid and precise way legible and rational graphic forms, the letters. The goal of the present thesis is to understand how attentional activity allows the writer to direct, coordinate and modulate the different components of his performance. More specifically, we try to apprehend how sensorimotor activity, cognitive activity and attentional activity are co-determining each other and allows the writer to live his experience as successive awakenings that are the result of his own active involvement in a situation. To do this, we used a first person approach that allows us to investigate the content of the lived experience, a dimension that has to be taken into account in order to understand cognitive processes in general, and attentional activity in particular. We adopted the theoretical and methodological tools developed by the « course of action » research program in order to interview the writer and collect detailed descriptions of his lived experience. The analysis of those data allows us to qualify attention in relation with the organization and the meaning of a task driven activity, calligraphy. This activity is not simply the repetition of a predefined experience but it is the continuous reconstruction, adaption, redefinition of its contents through the active involvement of the individual in a specific situation which finds its roots in a personal history and culture. The horizontal perspective that we developed shows that attention is experienced as the combination of a variety of inner gestures that allows the writer to put in specific relations the different components of his lived experience. The dynamic of those structures is defined by a constant process of hybridization and ramification of the attentional activity, and gives rise to regularities that can be viewed a techniques. The mastery of calligraphy relies on the emergence of attentional techniques, a form of know-how
Emery, Céline. "Immigration italienne en Finistère : parcours d'intégration." Thesis, Brest, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013BRES0014.
Full textThe choice of the Brittany can be a surprise when it is a question of treating Italian migrations. The foreigners always formed in the region a relatively minority group, theItalians including. Nevertheless we observe from the second half of the 19th century on the whole Breton territory, the constitution of long-lasting migrant networks, always perceptible today. What reasons urged these transalpine migrants to put down their suitcases if far from the important Italian communities established in the Southeast of France or the Parisian East? Beyond a reflection on the modalities of the setting-up of an Italian population in the department, it will be a question of wondering about the career of the migrants and more particularly about the strategies implemented to "become integrated" into the local microcosms. Through the memory narratives collected with families stemming from the Italian immigration, we shall try to understand how the migratory act of the ancestor impact on the identical reorganizations of the descendants
Magord, Claire. "Le parcours contentieux de l'aide sociale." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015STETT119.
Full textThe judicial accessing to rights to social assistance depends on the possibilities of access to the judges of welfare. The institutional and procedural specialization of litigation of welfare cases was made with legal and financial resources quite insufficient, to the point of underming access to rights. In its present form, it is a failure
Andrade, Julie de Noussenbaum Gilles. "Dysfonctions sexuelles et parcours de soin." Créteil : Université de Paris-Val-de-Marne, 2009. http://doxa.scd.univ-paris12.fr:80/theses/th0511026.pdf.
Full textMoreno, García Barbara. "Le parcours poétique de Domingo Moreno Jimenes." Paris 8, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA081470.
Full textBouteiller-Laurens, Caroline. "Jean Degottex (1918-1988), un parcours singulier." Thesis, Paris 4, 2013. http://www.theses.fr/2013PA040109.
Full textJean Degottex, was born in 1918 and died in 1988. He worked from 1938 to his death, during fifty years. Early using gestural painting, he is recognized by André Breton for that, who is seeing in this manner the perfect automatism in painting, the same automatism he was seeking in writing. Degottex never subscribed to Surrealism, but he was receptive to some of its aspects. Poesy is one of his major sources of inspiration. Interested in East and its calligraphies, he showed a special interest for Asia. After an important break in his work in the middle of the Sixties, he went back to his work by making a focus on the circle, the rip or the line, with the will to show all the plastic characteritics of the material. Canvas, paper or wood are opened, skinned, dissected and shown as is, with the desire to hide nothing of the processes at work in the painter's work. Sensitive to the social climate of his time, painting was for him a way to militate. From his biography, based on his own archives, this work highlights his contacts, his networks and his place in France and in the World. The analysis put an emphasis on his tools and working methods, and also shows the importance of time and chronology, as it sheds light on the painter's work internal logic, moving from a piece or a series (called Suites by Degottex) to the next one
Tamarozzi-Bert, Federica. "Pratiques thermales : parcours thérapeutiques et plénitude physique." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012AIXM5021.
Full textShared between ancient traditions and modern health practice, contemporary hydrotherapy has become a peculiar health culture encompassing, without mutually excluding, both of these knowledges. This ethnographic work based on field studies in France (Aix-les-Bains) and in Italy (Salsomaggiore) shed light on several aspects of the use of hydrotherapy in Europe. First, the perception of one's own body and of the disease rises from both personal and social experiences. Among all available health practices, hydrotherapy is peculiar in giving a central role to its user, at the same time subject and object of both the physical and psychological aspects of the treatment. Not only he actively interacts with his therapists, but he plays a pivotal role in building and spreading the mythology and the imagination of thermal baths, which are in turn conveyed by the spa town. This becomes not just the geographical place where the therapy is held, but also and most importantly a stage to represent and legitimate a certain view of health. A final important aspect contributing to the flourishing of hydrotherapy is the treatment itself, the effectiveness of the therapeutic water, the quality of the services provided by the therapists who developed a particular relationship with illness. At the crossroads of different types of medicines, ‘ medecines savantes', popular and alternative medicine, modern hydrotherapy revealed itself as a dynamic reality whose plurality allows the use of syncretism to explain the combining of different (often contradictory) beliefs and practices
Parker, Sébastien. "CasaPound Italia - Analyse des parcours d’un groupe de l’ultra-droite." Thesis, Université d'Ottawa / University of Ottawa, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10393/37026.
Full textZakarian, Magda Thérèse. "Le parcours urbain : méthode d'analyse et de conception /." Lausanne : EPFL, 1986. http://library.epfl.ch/theses/?nr=594.
Full textBiichlé, Luc. "Langues et parcours d'intégration d'immigrés maghrébins en France." Phd thesis, Université de Grenoble, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00729028.
Full textCourbin, Lauriane. "Identités, appartenances, transmission: un parcours philosophique avec l'ethnopsychiatrie." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/209678.
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Cela implique une double exigence :décrire les transformations que subissent, dans la rencontre, des notions comme celles d’« identité », de « personne » ou de « relation », mais aussi de « collectif », de « croyance » et de « transmission », tout en montrant en quoi le récit de ces transformations n’équivaut pas à une enquête introspective et à sa restitution subjective.
La transformation principale réside dans le passage d’une pensée générale à un autre régime de pensée (qualifié de « générique » (I. Stengers, La Vierge et le neutrino, Paris, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond / Le Seuil, 2006)) qu’il s’agit de caractériser dans la mesure où la pratique clinique, en particulier dans le contexte de multiplicité qu’imposent les passages entre les mondes, semble le supposer. Dans le cadre thérapeutique d’une contrainte à la transformation en effet, les paroles, actes et gestes doivent prendre une consistance propre afin d’être opérants. Cette consistance clinique et le plan de pensée qui l’accompagne sont ce dont ce travail propose de dessiner les principaux traits :immanence, nouveauté et caractère spéculatif.
This research gives the conceptual account of an encounter: the encounter of philosophy with ethnopsychiatry, a clinical practice which proposes psychotherapeutic treatments to migrant patients. This encounter took place at the centre Georges Devereux whose team accepted the author as an observer and participant during two years. Encountering the other is never indifferent. Something happens – to the one that encounters, to her thought and to her personal and philosophical heritage. The main question is also this: what effect does this encounter with ethnopsychiatry and the worlds it deals with have on philosophical thought and the researcher who represents it here?
This question requires a double answer: describing the changes that notions like “identity”, “relation” or “person”, but also “community”, “culture”, “belief” and “transmission” undergo in the encounter and showing at the same time that such an account is not the equivalent of an introspective inquiry and its subjective report.
The main change consists in the transition from a general way of thinking to another called “generic” (I. Stengers, La Vierge et le neutrino, Paris, Les Empêcheurs de penser en rond / Le Seuil, 2006). The point is to characterize this generic way of thinking in so far as the clinical practice seems to require it – particularly dealing with the multiplicity that crossing between worlds imposes. Indeed, in a therapeutic context requiring change, the words, acts and gestures used have to take a specific consistency to be efficient. This work attempts to draw the mains traits of this clinical consistency and the level of thought that goes with: immanency, novelty and speculative character.
Doctorat en Philosophie
Provost, Guillaume. "Parcours convergeant vers une systémique du travail plastique." Thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://www.theses.ulaval.ca/2011/28462/28462.pdf.
Full textCourbin, Lauriane. "Identités, appartenances, transmission : un parcours philosophique avec l’ethnopsychiatrie." Thesis, Paris 10, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012PA100097/document.
Full textThis research gives the conceptual account of an encounter: the encounter of philosophy with ethnopsychiatry, a clinical practice which proposes psychotherapeutic treatments to migrant patients. This encounter took place at the centre Georges Devereux whose team accepted the author as an observer and participant during two years. Encountering the other is never indifferent. Something happens – to the one that encounters, to her thought and to her personal and philosophical heritage. The main question is also this: what effect does this encounter with ethnopsychiatry and the worlds it deals with have on philosophical thought and the researcher who represents it here? This question requires a double answer: describing the changes that notions like “identity”, “relation” or “person”, but also “community”, “culture”, “belief” and “transmission” undergo in the encounter and showing at the same time that such an account is not the equivalent of an introspective inquiry and its subjective report. The main change consists in the transition from a general way of thinking to another called “generic”1. The point is to characterize this generic way of thinking in so far as the clinical practice seems to require it – particularly dealing with the multiplicity that crossing between worlds imposes. Indeed, in a therapeutic context requiring change, the words, acts and gestures used have to take a specific consistency to be efficient. This work attempts to draw the mains traits of this clinical consistency and the level of thought that goes with: immanency, novelty and speculative character
Tain, Laurence. "D'une infécondite a une fécondation in vitro, parcours. ." Lyon 2, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998LYO20065.
Full textWhat leads people to resort to in vitro fertilization ? What social and temporal construction underlies the successive decisions, the life histories whereby a couple ends up seeking medical advice and eventually undergoing in vitro fertilization ? When trying to understand the actual process, one should not unquestioningly assume that it is self-evident. This study deals with the time dimension of medically assisted procreation (which is also rooted in the medical institution) ; it also looks into the joint elaboration, by doctors and the two + patients ; in the consulting couple, of the successive steps taken on this course. The process involves such institutions as cecos, the social security system, or pharmaceutical firms as well as hospital and private practice. The consensus which is at the root of the + agreements ; between all those actors is itself based on several elements :. There is first a shared perception of infertility as a biomedical problem admitting of technical solutions. We have here a hyperactive, technologically oriented conception of medicine, which particularly appeals to women working at the lower levels of the hospital hierarchy ;. A lot of importance is devoted to + hospital ; time, a time of urgent medical decisions, ruled by strict schedules. Simultaneously, this + hospital ; time is often considered as being one with + natural ; time ;. A wish to keep as close as possible to the + biological ; pattern ; this leads to keeping in vitro fertilization for couples made up of a man and a woman. Still, there remain contradictions : all the practices involved in medically assisted procreation can hardly be justified by science alone. Technical procedures tend to undermine the conception of a + natural ; time for procreation and a + biological ; procreation unit. Those are the contradictions the medical profession has to overcome before its role in this new field can be seen as legitimate. Beyond the difficulties faced by individual mds, what is at stake, in fact, is the evolution of social norms, a broader issue which touches on society as a whole
Pellegrin, Jean-Yves. "Parcours identitaire dans les fictions de Saul Bellow." Paris 4, 1997. http://www.theses.fr/1996PA040195.
Full textSaul Bellow's fiction follows the identity pilgrim's progress of an immigrant's son who was shunted ont to the sidelines by the watchdogs of a WASP, official and traditional America. .
Assangone, Nkoulou Angeline. "Manuel Fraga Iribarne : histoire d'un parcours politique singulier." Perpignan, 2000. http://www.theses.fr/2000PERP0368.
Full textProvost, Guillaume Adjutor. "Parcours convergeant vers une systémique du travail plastique." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/23055.
Full textHaemmerli, Guillaume. "Parcours de vie et dynamiques migratoires au Vietnam." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28189.
Full textEn Asie, la migration interne et internationale s’avère incontournable dans l’étude de la région. Dans le cas du Vietnam, depuis le Renouveau, une transformation des opportunités, des modèles de mobilité et des normes sociales a eu lieu, et par conséquent, une transformation des stratégies relatives aux moyens de subsistance des ménages. Par une méthode mixte ayant recours à des données quantitatives et qualitatives, cette recherche s’intéresse aux comportements migratoires, au cycle de vie des ménages et aux besoins (« care needs ») des ménages. Le point de départ et la question suivante : comment le cycle de vie du ménage et ses besoins, lesquels sont de nature multiple et fluctuent dans le temps, influencent-ils les comportements migratoires ? Le volet quantitatif de l’analyse mesure les besoins du ménage selon trois indicateurs : le rapport de dépendance, le niveau de dépenses en santé et le niveau de dépenses en éducation. Cette analyse de la charge du ménage et de la migration montre que les besoins du ménage ne provoquent pas forcément une migration. Les résultats renforcent les observations selon lesquelles la migration requiert certaines conditions et qu’au niveau du ménage, les besoins immédiats ont plutôt tendance à prévenir qu’à provoquer la migration. Un seuil au-delà duquel la charge du ménage devient trop importante fait que les probabilités de migration diminuent. Cependant, les couts de l'éducation demeurent un moteur important de la migration au Vietnam. À partir de données ethnographiques originales, une analyse qualitative explore le seuil à partir duquel les besoins du ménage commencent à limiter les possibilités de migrations d’un ou de plusieurs de ses membres. Les résultats montrent que l’évolution des besoins du ménage et des capacités des membres d’un ménage modifie la façon dont le ménage s’organise et déploie sa force de travail au fil du temps.
In Asia, internal and international migrations are essential to regional studies. A transformation of opportunities, mobility models and social norms occurred in the case of Vietnam since the Renewal and, consequently, a transformation of strategies pertaining to the livelihood of households as well. Through a mixed-method approach using quantitative and qualitative data, this research focuses on migratory behaviours, the life cycle of households and households’ care needs. The departing point and research question are the following: how does the life cycle of a household and their care needs, which are by nature multiple and in constant fluctuation, influence migratory behaviours? The quantitative component measures household care needs according to three indicators: the dependency ratio, the health expenses and the education expenses. This analysis of the household’s care needs and migration demonstrate that a household’s needs do not necessarily provoke migration. The results reinforce the observations according to which migration requires certain conditions and that the immediate care needs tend to prevent rather than provoke migration at the household level. At some point, a threshold whereby care needs prevent migration is present. However, the cost of education remains an important migration driver in Vietnam. From first-hand ethnographic data, a qualitative analysis explores the threshold from which the needs of a household begin to limit the migration possibilities in a household. The results show that the evolution of care needs and capacities of the household’s members modify the way a household organizes and deploys its workforce over time.
Prado, Márcio Montoril. "La matérialité du geste : un parcours de construction." Master's thesis, Université Laval, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11794/28086.
Full textBeauvisage, Thomas. "Sémantique des parcours des utilisateurs sur le Web." Paris 10, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA100094.
Full textThis thesis proposes a description of users' paths through the Web on the basis of user-centric traffic data. We elaborate methods and tools to enrich such data, in order to represent the form, the temporality and the content of Web paths. We apply them to traffic data collected from representative panels of French Internet users at home, and build a five-classes typology of Web sessions on the basis of their typology and their rythm. Confronted to the visited contents and to individual practices and territories, these types of paths refer to three modes of apprehension of Web contents : the familiar, fast paths dedicated to information and communication streams ; the occasional, more complexes paths related to Web srvices and e-commerce ; and the exploratory, dispersed sessions dedicated to discovery within targeted searches. This work was conducted at the Social Sciences laboratory at France Telecom R&D
Pascal, Audrey. "Essai juridique sur la sécurisation des parcours professionnels." Toulouse 1, 2012. http://www.theses.fr/2012TOU10072.
Full textSince the 1970s, the labor market has undergone major transformations, changes driven by the increasing globalization of the world’s economy as well as fundamental demographic, sociologic and scientific evolutions, leading to new crucial challenges for labor law to answer. Today’s companies have to be flexible and react quickly to an ever-changing and open market, significantly impacting the workers’ professional careers which become less linear and ask for greater mobility, whether forced or voluntary. The paragon of a stable, permanent job which dominated the 20th century’s collective conscience is now obsolete. A new model is dawning, aiming to support the flexibility and adaptability that are essential to today’s 21st century. The juridical measures to secure the workers all along their career are progressively becoming a key answer to this new dialectic, henceforth participating in a dynamic vision of employment. While providing the workers with a safety net throughout their career and supporting transitions in between jobs and statues, their goal ultimately is to reconcile the companies’ requisite for flexibility with the workers’ need for financial security and employability. The participating workers should thus be free to develop their career as they intend to within the labor market. Employment law will have to adapt to these unprecedented stakes with the creation of new rights attached to the individual, so that the principles of social justice and worker dignity are respected. Participating workers will then be more responsive to employment fluctuations while still being lead actors of their professional career
Zoungrana, Jean. "Michel foucault. De deux parcours : levi-strauss, heidegger." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995STR20007.
Full textThe purpose of this work is to examine the progression of the thoughts of michel foucault, on the one hand in his relationship (explicit) with levi-strauss and on the otherhand in his relationship (profoundly masked, concealed and therefor unexpected) with heidegger. Examining this thought starting from its relationship with levi-strauss leads to having a deeper look at structuralism, therefore the ethnologist is one of the most orthodox representatives; levi-strauss or structuralisl, their reciprocal penetration is not doubtful. Considering the stream of structuralism, foucault adopts the ethnological processes that are applied to his own culture, the western culture. He founded, in this way, the archaeological method whose aim is to discover "les codes fondamentaux" which govern the principles of the western culture. Hence the importance of the books such as the birth of the clinic, the order of things, the archaeology of the knowledge. But considering the theoretical obstacles of the archaeological method, he must have been at the origin of genealogy defined as a method of cultural analysis starting from topical issues. Compared to the levi-straussian relationship, the link between foucault and heidegger seems to be more difficult to understand. As questioning ourselves of foucault us heidegger resorts to making an archaeological description, that is to say, a description of what is made possible. For foucault, heidegger is "the essential philosopher". Then it is therefore necessary to wonder about the place of heidegger
Ferrigno, Laura. "Vers un nouveau parcours didactique du grec ancien." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019SORUL015.
Full textOur thesis is a study of the teaching methods for Ancient Greek. Through an analysis of the current crisis in the teaching of ancient languages and of the grammar-translation method, we will attempt to demonstrate that nowadays it would be desirable to make different teaching choices. In particular, we focus our interest on manuals called “story-based courses”. The most widely known of these, are the Ørberg method, the Cambridge Latin Course, Athenaze and Reading Greek. These works are characterized by an ongoing tale written in Latin or Greek and concerning the ancient civilization. They offer an inductive approach to the language, that favors fast reading and a “natural” language learning. We also discuss the matter of the educational practices to adopt in class, which remain essential to create a teaching coherent with these tools. Past experiences (in particular the one led by Rouse at the Perse School of Cambridge), but also the research we have carried out at Liceo Classico Francesco De Sanctis of Salerno, have revealed just how much our teaching can be subverted and how much the students’ reactions might vary. The reflections from our work, which is addressed primarily to teachers of ancient languages, aim specifically to allow a reasoned knowledge of the natura method, overcoming the prejudices that often accompany it and evaluating all its potential
Groshenny, Isac Cornélia. "Cioran : de l'homme à l'oeuvre, le parcours roumain." Paris 1, 1998. http://www.theses.fr/1998PA010581.
Full textBefore becoming the great french stylist, Cioran had left behind him in Romania a rich career as a writer. His romanian work is little known in france, there are unpublished books : solitude and destiny, transfiguration of Romania, his correspondence. We would like to enlighten : the major stages of his life, especially the work of his youth, follow the origin of this singular thought, the years of his intellectual developement, the thinkers who played a big part in his mind (Eminesco, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Schopenhauer, Dostoievski), the spiritual familly to which Cioran belongs (he is fastened to antique scepticism and cynism), the relation existing between the romanian writer and the french philosopher. During the romanian period, cioran sketches out the main themes we will later find in the french work : the meditations of the death, the sense of existence, the absurd or history, the inconvenience of freedom, the illusion of utopia, the quest of god, rebelion against the evil, love of music
Rocher, Clémence. "Débordements : parcours d'une décennie de théâtre, 2010-2020." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Amiens, 2020. http://www.theses.fr/2020AMIE0022.
Full textThis work aims to name and define theatricals overflows present on the contemporary stage. It aims to reveal their meaning with regard to theatrical practice, but also to our society. Whether they are within the creation itself or whether they concern the spectators, the spatio-temporal, dramaturgical, idological, interpretative, spatial, performative of emotional overflows raise the question of the meeting of the living with the fixity of theatricals borders, and in particular the edge of the stage. It is a question of thinking about the way in which directors such as Vincent Macaigne, Thomas Ostermeier or Rodrigo García attempt or succeed in practising off-stage staging in an agreed architectural space that is the Theater. The increasing crossing of the theater stage by, among other things, bodies, materials, cultures or disciplines, reexamines the definitions and functions of theater as well as the place, the function and the role of the spectator, but also changes the work of the director, the playwright, the comedian and the stage manager. Multidisciplinarity and interdisciplinarity force the theatre-medium to adapt and to invest new creative spaces such as the in-between space to the point of disrupting spectator reception. We study the mechanisms that allow us to "get out of", whether it be in this desire to disturb or to sublimate through the practice of the performance art in particular. So, we can wonder us what it is to "having one's place in front of or within a performance" ? And how does the aesthetics of theatrical overflow immerse the spectators in an emancipatory experience ?
Ben, Slama Hanène. "Parcours urbains quotidiens : l'habitude dans la perception des ambiances." Phd thesis, Grenoble 2, 2007. http://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-00398948.
Full textDans cette recherche nous mettons en avant une analyse comparative qui traite de l'influence de la dimension culturelle dans la manière de percevoir les ambiances d'un parcours urbain quotidien. Nous optons pour des parcours situés dans deux contextes socioculturels où les usages, pratiques et vécus de l'espace public, ne sont pas les mêmes. Il s'agit d'une recherche exploratoire, qui nous a permis de tester des méthodes permettant d'accéder aux processus d'habituation dans la perception des ambiances.
Après la réalisation et l'analyse des enquêtes effectuées à Tunis et Grenoble, nous avons structuré nos résultats sous trois formes, à savoir :
- Une typologie exploratoire des habitués : description des profils des habitués, de leur mode d'attention et de perception des ambiances de l'espace public habituel.
- L'étude des habitudes dans l'espace public, en traçant le lien qui existe entre la configuration spatiale et les pratiques quotidiennes.
- Et enfin le processus d'habituation aux parcours (les caractéristiques et le déroulement), qui se fait en boucle et en trois étapes : "acquisition, maturation et stabilisation".
Horemans, Jean-François. "Aspects normatifs des parcours autopraxéologiques à caractère (non)-résilient." Doctoral thesis, Universite Libre de Bruxelles, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/2013/ULB-DIPOT:oai:dipot.ulb.ac.be:2013/210066.
Full textCette « G.R.H. » ne concerne d’ailleurs plus uniquement la sphère de travail stricto sensu, mais s’étend désormais de plus en plus nettement à la formation professionnelle ainsi qu’aux efforts consentis, en aval et en amont de celle-ci, en vue de favoriser la réinsertion socioprofessionnelle, voire la « simple » réactualisation de l’employabilité des travailleurs effractés, par exemple à la suite d’un terme précocement – et souvent brutalement – posé à leur engagement dans la vie active.
Quels sont les aspects normatifs des parcours convoqués par cette recherche ?
Nous posons d’abord que le récit de soi (récit ipsatif), sous quelque forme qu’il s’exprime, constitue un ressort majeur des démarches à caractère potentiellement résilient, copyant ou autopraxéologique (proposé comme non résilient), ces différents cheminements pouvant être empruntés par une même personne, après qu’elle ait dépassé le stade de la sidération, soit au moment d’envisager une réappropriation de son parcours (agentivité).
Afin d’offrir aux accompagnants et formateurs quelques outils nouveaux d’une gestion des ressources humaines davantage centrée sur l’intégration à long terme que sur la réalisation « immédiate » de statistiques, nous posons que les indices de mise en récit scriptural ou verbo-comportemental de son ipséité par celui qui s’exprime, recourent partiellement à des images fictionnelles, voire à des auto-mensonges légitimes qu’il convient donc de considérer.
Les récits, fictionnels ou non, de dix auteurs justifiant, à nos yeux, de l’un au moins des parcours envisagés, sont analysés dans le cadre de cette recherche afin de souligner autant que faire se peut la qualité, la chronologie et les constituants de leurs récits, partant, la place qu’ils occupent dans la reconstruction à tout le moins partielle dont ils justifient au terme de leur exercice scriptural de sublimation.
Normative aspects of the (non) resilient self-praxeological pathways
The individuals confronted to adverse circumstances within a socio professional context resort, more or less consciously, to several trails in the confrontation with those events. Amongst those trails, the resilience, the copying and the self-praxeological pathways (self-education by the practice) play a less and less contingent part in this world where the management of the labour's strength shows a progressive evolution to a human resources management wished as always more refined.
Anyway, this "HRM" does not anymore concern the work sphere strictly speaking, but henceforth increasingly expand to vocational training as well as to the efforts made, down and uphill, in order to foster the socio-professional reintegration, nay the "simple" updating of the employability of the workers affected for instance by precocious – and often rough – ending imposed to their involvement in the active life.
What are the normative aspects of the pathways related to the present research?
We first consider that the telling in itself (ipsative story), in whatever form it is expressed, represents a major energizer of the potentially resilient, copying or self-praxeological approach (proposed as non resilient). Those different pathways can be adopted by the same person, after the stage of stupefaction, at the time of envisaging a reappropriation of its development (agentivity).
In order to offer to the accompanying persons and trainers some new tools for a human resource management more oriented on a long term integration than on an "immediate" production of statistics, we consider that the signs of scriptural or verbo-behavioural telling of its selfhood by an individual is partly based on fictional pictures, nay legitimate self-lies that must be taken into consideration.
The stories - fictional or not - from ten writers, relevant, up to our perception, to at least one of the pathways envisaged, are analysed in the framework of this research in order to underline, as far as possible, the quality, the chronology and the constitutive aspects of their text, and therefore the place they hold in the reconstruction, at least partial, they attest at the end of their scriptural exercise of sublimation.
Doctorat en Sciences politiques et sociales
Laflamme, Simon, and Pierre Bouchard. "Les jeunes et le nord : un parcours à découvrir." Commission de formation du nord-est, 2005. https://zone.biblio.laurentian.ca/dspace/handle/10219/30.
Full textSimon Laflamme est professeur au Département de sociologie de l'Université Laurentienne Pierre Bouchard est professeur au Département de sociologie de l'Université de Hearst. Commission de formation du nord-est (CFNE)
"La Commission de formation du nord-est (CFNE) est un organisme sans but lucratif composé de bénévoles qui représentent le patronat, les travailleurs et travailleuses, les éducateurs/formateurs, les femmes, les francophones, les personnes handicapées, les minorités raciales et les autochtones. La CFNE est subventionnée par le ministère de la Formation et des collèges et universités de l'Ontario et Service Canada".
Noujaim-Le, Garrec Souraya. "Poétique des palais nasrides de l’Alhambra : parcours, lecture, symboles." Thesis, Paris 10, 2017. http://www.theses.fr/2017PA100021.
Full textFrom the late thirteenth and especially fourteenth century, grew on the walls of the Nasrid palaces of the Alhambra of Granada, a scriptural art of great variety, combining plastic virtuosity, visual qualities, poetic and political messages. Bands, epigraphic friezes and medallions underline the ornamental program of the palaces. The votive inscriptions are mingled with calligrams whose letters, backed by a fine carved network, generate architected silhouettes of plant-like interlacing Added to this poems, carved into the walls, closely linked to the power it underlines. Thus speech becomes construction and the words themselves also become imaginary buildings: therefore constituting the basis for a dynasty culturally brilliant while politically in decline.Works of three viziers poets of the end of the Nazari dynasty, Ibn al-Jayyab, Ibn al-Khatib and Ibn Zamese “sultanistic” poems qasa'id Sultaniya exalt in form of eulogies the greatness of the dynasty. They claim the religious mission of Nasrid sovereigns and celebrate through exalted images the majesty of the place representing a unique example in the Arab-Islamic ornamental art.Inseparable from the architecture they adorn, thirty poems were specially written and inscribed on the walls of the Alhambra with certain texts tracing the origin to now extinct palaces of the XIth century. They bring together, in summary form, information on the issues raised by the epigraphic corpus. However, this work does not claim to be exhaustive. It rather wants to explore and expose, in the form of an analytical assessment, the decorative program of the palace, following the thread of a historical and artistic, even psychological, contextual approach, contribute to the analysis of the links between literary and poetic facts, decorative symbolism and their pre-Islamic origins
CHIMIER, GRIMAULT DOMINIQUE. "Dans le parcours de l'ethylique : l'hopital, un temps fecond ?" Angers, 1993. http://www.theses.fr/1993ANGE1097.
Full textCARMIGNANI, PAUL ANDRE. "Shelby foote, romancier du sud : parcours d'un espace-texte." Montpellier 3, 1987. http://www.theses.fr/1987MON30001.
Full textThis thesis is both a theoretical reflection on southern literature as a whole and also a textual analysis of a particular author's works which are typically southern. The methodology used in the thesis is that of the "new criticism" which provided us with definitions of text (a space linked to exploration of language, plurality, intertextuality, pleasure and play) and of reading (a productive process complementary to the writing process). It posits two essential points, namely that literature is a sort of anthropology (it contains all fields of knowledge in a non-scientific state) and that the "science of literature" is none other than literature itself. These theoretical and methodological principles orient a quest -through a reading of shelby foote's novels- for a southern imaginary order and mode of writing which superimposed on a geographical and historical south a lite- rary and mythical one whose referent is not reality but the complete body of texts categorized as southern literature. Hence the proposed hypothesis concerning the existence of a diegetic south defined as a "topos", i. E. Both a topic and a place created by language, a textual space which owes its existence to writing. After describing its essential figures (the delta the circle. . . ), signifiers (letters and numbers. . . )and motifs (voice vision time curse. . . ), the study of this fictional south, a replica of a cultural and ideological pattern, goes on to discuss a series of antithetical terms such as "the imaginary" vs "the symbolic", reality vs fiction, truth vs verisimilitude and above all the fundamental triad, myth, history, and literature. The author postulates a definite kinship between history and fiction (all forms of history being subservient to narration, the distinction between history- and fiction-writing apparently disappears in the writing process), a highly debatable assumption. The truth sought by the author in his historical and fictional writing has no other justification than in its conformity to the laws of a literary practice and history, which should be defined ideally as a "deconstruction" of myth, aims in s. Foote's work at handing it down and giving it a new lease on life
Rosse, Elizabeth. ""Parcours de la reconnaissance" à l'adolesence. Musiques et drogues." Paris 5, 2005. http://www.theses.fr/2005PA05H029.
Full textThe historical stability of the link between musical innovation and drug use among young people invites us to question the conditions of "subjectivation" in present societies. The dialectic operated between empirical studies and theories work, lead to the elaboration of three way of comprehension, articulated by the notion of "recognition/acknowledgement". Music and drugs propose identificatory models, inside "tribes" that fit in, while they are involved, the paradoxycal demands of the teenager and the constraints of the current society. To escape the boredom of adolescent expectations and achieve a sense of self-continuity, young people build themselves by relating their musical and psychotropic experiences. Eventually, the existential incarnation of the desire of recognition, the body finds to express itself in those "in-between" music and drugs, where the distance of the Self and the others, granted to everyone, is negotiated
Morissette, Gilles. "Parcours dans l'espace tridimensionnel : une recherche en art visuel." Paris 8, 1995. http://www.theses.fr/1995PA080999.
Full textThis theoretical and practical thesis questions : how can the fullness of three-dimensional space be expressed? the production of contemporary art works by gilles morissette (1984 to 1995) responds to this question. These works evolve from sculpture to interior environments. The participation of the spectator in the work is an importa nt factor. The orchestration of different strategically organized points of view allows the spectator a specific ambulat ion. He is confronted with what there is in front of him, and with what he feels around him. He can choose different key positions in order to have different points of view on one singular compositional element. He can thus relativize his perception. The three-dimensional line is an essential element of the drawing in space, as is the evolution of its technique, materialization and function in the space. The different types of space which have influenced the artist's interest in three-dimensional space and its use in his interior environments are explored. The theme of hydroelectric pylons, radio antennas and telecommunication towers is a constancy in his research. Multilinear constructions (linear forms covered with black paper) are inspired by these structures as well as by their undulatory activity. Structural lines and spatial gesture are linked to the matter of black textured paper. The artist analyzes the constituent parts of light, shadow, darkness, their evolution and contribution to the dynamics of his art work. He signifies how light diminishes gradually to cede to darkness. The interaction of material lines, immaterial lines, shadow and darkness creates situations whereby materiality and immateriality are put in doubt
Depondt-De, Ruidiaz Anne-Charlotte. "La construction métallique : le parcours de Paul Depondt, architecte." Paris 1, 2004. http://www.theses.fr/2004PA010711.
Full textLeneveu, Marie-Christine. "L'entreprise personnelle après le salariat : processus d'un parcours professionnel." Paris 5, 1990. http://www.theses.fr/1990PA05H023.
Full textThe matter of this thesis is a research about psychosociological processes in relation to professional evolution passing from a wage-earning activity to starting and managing a personal firm. Considering that founding a business is, according to the entrepreneur, an initiative in defining his professional position, the author tries to understand the individual strategies which are developped in interaction with perceived socioprofessional situations. The analysis of social perceptions is preferred. In fact, concepts of self-image and situation perception as well as attribution processes which organize them are particulary well explaining the bulding mechanismus of these careers. The hypothesis is consolidated by the whole results which well show a strong link between the dispositions of the entrepreneur and the activity of the company he started. The valuations associated with this mobility process have raised two directions in the self-perception -the field of used knowledge and the attitude towards autonomy-, organizing a behavior logic of continuity which is emerging under several schemes. This kind of dynamic provides answers to questions about entrepreneurs concerning their specificities, the organization of their behavior, their competences
Ferrari, Alessandro. "Parcours de la laïcité française : une perspective historico-juridique." Paris 11, 2003. http://www.theses.fr/2003PA111001.
Full textNdiaye, Youssou. "Modélisation et évaluation de la sécurité des parcours d'authentification." Thesis, Rennes 1, 2019. http://www.theses.fr/2019REN1S076.
Full textSoftware Applications are being ubiquitous in our daily life. One application may run in different platforms (e.g., Web, Mobile, Gaming Console) while being accessible simultaneously. Although these heterogeneity raises the usability from the end-user’s perspective, it makes the applications more complex to maintain when they evolve, especially when it comes to verify the end-user’s identity and authenticity. Approuved Standards and protocols provide means to ensure the end-user’s identity. Neverthless, these ones lake of considering risks introduced by factors of these heteregeneous context. Some of the factors are : execution environment, usability choice, design errors and end-user’s behaviour. This thesis provides tools and approaches that allows designers to improve the security design of their applications while considering elements from the real-life contexte. This approach imply to identify the main assets to protect, the risks and the threats. Our approach involves Web/Mobile applications, mainly we are focusing on the authentication procedure of the end-user since this is vital in order to avoid unauthorized access to the legitimate user’s resources. These authentification, while leveraging on approuved authentication schemes, considerably lakes of formal specification during the design phase. First, we investigate the impact of the heteregeneous elements on the authentication procedure. Consequently, we identify the relevant flaws that we caracterize and then define as logic flaws. To overcome their flaws, we provide a set requirements that aim to tackle them during the design phase. Second, to overcome the lake of formal specification of the authentication procedure during the design phase, we provide a Domain-Specific Language (DSL). This dedicated language implements the abstractions of a risk assessment framework that we provide. The DSL allows to extend existing authentication schemes while considering real-life contexts. Then, from a given specification, it provides the result of the risk assessment of the identified logic attacks
Eremenko, Tatiana. "Les parcours des enfants de migrants vers la France." Thesis, Bordeaux, 2015. http://www.theses.fr/2015BORD0044/document.
Full textFrance has experienced a new immigration wave since the end of the 1990s, characterized by a diversification of migrants’ profiles in terms of their countries of origin, migration motives, family situations... As the impact of these transformations in the area of family migration has been relatively under-investigated, the aim of this thesis was to understand the experiences of these migrants' children.We identified several stages in the journey of the children of migrants: the parents’ initial migration, the experience of life in a transnational family, the possible migration of the child to France and his or her legal recognition at destination. Each of these stages has been the subject of a quantitative analysis based on multiple data sources, including surveys among the migrant population (MGIS, TeO, ELIPA) and administrative data derived from procedures targeting migrant families (payment of benefits to families residing abroad, beneficiaries of the family reunification procedure). Profiles of migrant families have diversified, largely as a result of the multiplication of the countries of origin in France today. These new migrant families, where only the mother or both parents migrate simultaneously, differ in terms of their migration projects from their predecessors and are more often accompanied or joined by their children. The transnational family stage that may have corresponded to a fairly long period in the past, is transitory for many of them, but also associated with more complex family configurations. The legal context,characterized by the increasing regulation of migration, determines the children’s legal conditions upon arrival in France, which are defined by more uncertainty
Carmignani, Paul. "Shelby Foote, romancier du Sud parcours d'un espace-texte /." Lille 3 : ANRT, 1988. http://catalogue.bnf.fr/ark:/12148/cb37603627s.
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