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Bonté, Elodie. "Fonctions exécutives chez le babouin (Papio papio) : variabilités interindividuelles." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2012.

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Les fonctions exécutives (FE) sont définies comme des processus de contrôle permettant d'adapter les comportements dans des situations nouvelles. La littérature sur l'homme fait état de fortes variabilités interindividuelles dans l'exécution de ces FE, notamment liées à l'âge des individus. Dans une approche comparative, nous avons cherché à savoir si le primate non humain exprimait de telles variabilités interindividuelles, dans quelle mesure, et pour quelle(s) fonctions(s). Nous avons proposé une série de tâches à un groupe de babouins Papio papio où des individus mâles et femelles d'âges différents, et de statuts sociaux différents cohabitent. Ces expériences ont bénéficié de l'environnement exceptionnel de la plateforme de Comportement et Cognition du Primate située sur la station de Primatologie CNRS de Rousset, où un groupe de babouins a accès ad libitum à dix systèmes de conditionnement opérant automatisés. Les tâches proposées impliquaient chacune une FE particulière, notamment les fonctions d'inhibition et de flexibilité cognitive. Les procédures utilisées, qui reposent sur un principe de conditionnement opérant, consistaient à présenter les tâches sur des écrans tactiles sur lesquels les babouins devaient donner leur réponse. Les expériences impliquant principalement l'inhibition ont montré que le babouin est capable de mettre en place un contrôle inhibiteur efficace. Cependant, les individus les plus âgés montrent des déficits dans leurs performances. Au contraire, lorsque la tâche d'inhibition a une forte composante motrice, les jeunes ont plus de difficultés à adapter leur mouvement
Executive functions (EF), which are defined as control processes, serve the adaptation of the behaviour in new situations. The human literature reveals important inter-individual variabilities in the efficiency of EF, in particular when age is considered. In a comparative perspective, we investigated if similar individual differences also exist in nonhuman primates, and for which function(s). Several tasks were thus proposed to a group of baboons Papio papio, comprising individuals of both sexes and different ages and social status. These experiments were run in a unique research facility, the Primate Behaviour and Cognition platform (Primatology center, Rousset-sur-Arc), where the baboons had an ad libitum free access to ten automated operant conditioning test systems equipped with touch screens. Each task targeted a particular EF, including the functions of inhibition and cognitive flexibility. The baboons demonstrated an efficient inhibitory control in our tasks. Overall, older individuals showed deficits in inhibitory control when compared to the younger subjects. However, this pattern of results is inverted when motor rather than cognitive inhibition was required. The second set of experiments studied cognitive flexibility. That EF appears deficient in adults, in comparison to the younger individuals. Thus, as in humans, monkeys show significant individual differences in executive control. It is concluded that their analysis requires to distinguish motor from cognitive inhibition, and to pay special attention to the factor of age
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Gauthier, Claude-Anne. "Socialisation et système social chez Papio Papio au parc zoologique de Paris." Paris 7, 1994.

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La description des changements morphologiques et psychomoteurs ont permis de définir des classes d'âges et le recensement des activités des individus immatures ont conduit à l'établissement de catégories comportementales. La socialisation est étudiée au travers des interactions sociales et des activités autonomes présentées par les jeunes à proximité des individus des différentes classes d’âge ou seuls. Les jeunes mâles et femelles présentent au cours de leur développement des préférences associatives avec des congénères appartenant à des classes d’âge particulières. Lorsque les individus grandissent ces préférences tendent à diminuer en faveur d'associations indifférenciées avec des représentants de toutes les classes. Parallèlement, après une phase privilégiée pour l'acquisition d'informations par le biais de l'observation des congénères, les jeunes présentent une préférence pour l'établissement de contacts sociaux positifs avec leurs congénères. Ce passage par différentes étapes suggère qu'il existe des opportunités pour l'apprentissage social lequel conduit à l'acquisition de comportements typiques du sexe et du développement d'un rôle social. Ce dernier se manifeste chez les subadultes, en particulier les mâles, lorsqu'ils commencent leur intégration au noyau des reproducteurs. Les babouins de Guinée vivent dans la savane et sont supposés présenter un système social du type multimâles-multifemelles. Or, les différentes stratégies de reproduction développées par trois males subadultes les ont conduits à établir des associations individuelles privilégiées avec certaines femelles. Ces associations ont montré l'existence d'un système social de type polygyne ce qui corrobore les résultats de travaux réalisés en milieu naturel et en captivité montrant ainsi que ces babouins de savane peuvent parfois s'organiser a la manière des babouins du désert. Les babouins semblent faire preuve d'une véritable flexibilité sociale qui pourrait être favorisée par l'apprentissage social par lequel chaque individu bâtit son histoire personnelle et participe à la construction de son système social
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Joubert, Anne. "Exploration et mémoire spatiale chez de jeunes babouins (Papio papio) : aspects cognitifs et sociaux." Aix-Marseille 2, 1987.

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Joubert, Anne. "Exploration et mémoire spatiale chez de jeunes babouins (Papio papio) aspects cognitifs et sociaux /." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1987.

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Lepoivre, Hugues. "Contraintes sociales sur l'apprentissage chez un groupe de jeunes babouins (Papio papio) élevés en corral." Aix-Marseille 2, 1985.

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Etude des phenomenes cognitifs chez des animaus sociaux. Mise en oeuvre d'une methode non reductionniste de description des influences physiques et informationnelles subies par chaque individu d'un groupe structure
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Lepoivre, Hugues. "Contraintes sociales sur l'apprentissage chez un groupe de jeunes babouins (Papio papio) élevés en corral." Grenoble : ANRT, 1985.

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Bentson, Kathleen Louise. "Hormonal, cardiovascular, and behavioral correlates of rank in male baboons during activities that occur in a social setting /." Thesis, Connect to this title online; UW restricted, 1997.

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Medam, Tiphaine. "Étude de la symétrie et de la sémantique combinatoire chez le babouin de Guinée (Papio papio)." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2019.

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Cette thèse explore, chez le babouin de Guinée (Papio papio), deux propriétés fondamentales du langage : la sémantique combinatoire et la symétrie. La compositionnalité (le processus permettant d’interpréter des expressions complexes à partir des significations respectives et de l’organisation syntaxique de leurs composantes) repose sur une sémantique combinatoire, i.e. l’intégration et/ou l’inférence des significations respectives de mots combinés quand leur ordre lui-même n’est pas signifiant. La capacité du babouin à associer des combinaisons de labels (un de forme et un de couleur) et leurs référents respectifs a donc été évaluée dans le cadre d’expériences reproduisant les deux situations auxquelles les enfants acquérant le langage sont confrontés : les sujets étaient entraînés sur certaines combinaisons de labels et testés sur de nouvelles, puis entraînés sur des labels isolés et testés sur leurs combinaisons. Le symbolisme (la capacité des mots à représenter des entités extralinguistiques pouvant ainsi être spatialement et/ou temporellement distantes, voire abstraites) repose sur les capacités à former à la fois des représentations catégorielles des référents d’un mot (i.e., des concepts) et des relations symétriques (i.e., bilatérales) entre les mots et leurs significations. Nous avons donc évalué, chez le babouin, l’influence du traitement catégoriel d’objets visuels sur l’émergence de relations symétriques entre ces objets et des labels arbitraires, puis avons cherché à distinguer, chez le babouin et l’humain, les effets respectifs de deux propriétés des relations symétriques : l’inversion de l’ordre entre les stimuli et la préservation de leur relation
This thesis investigated, in Guinea Baboons (Papio papio), two fundamental characteristics of language: combinatorial semantics and symmetry. Compositionality (the process allowing to interpret complex expressions from the respective meanings and syntactic organization of their components) relies on a combinatorial semantics, i.e. the integration and/or inference of the respective meanings of combined words, when their order itself is not meaningful. Baboons’ ability to associate label combinations (a shape one and a color one) with their respective referents thus was assessed within experiments that mirrored the two situations faced by children acquiring language: subjects were trained on certain label combinations and tested on new ones, then trained on single labels and tested on their combinations. Symbolism (the capacity of words to represent extra-linguistic entities which thus can be spatially and/or temporally distant, if not abstract) relies upon the abilities to form both categorical representations of words referents (i.e., concepts) and symmetrical (i.e., bilateral) relations between words and their meanings. We thus evaluated in baboons the effects of categorical processing of visual objects upon the emergence of symmetrical relations between these objects and arbitrary labels, then attempted to distinguish, in both humans and baboons, the respective influences of the two properties of symmetrical relations: reversal of the stimuli ordering, and preservation of the stimuli relation
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Harvey, S. M. "Infant socialisation in olive baboons (Papio anubis)." Thesis, University College London (University of London), 2014.

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Baboons live in social groups and environments that are similar to early hominids, thus they provide a good model for the study of the evolution of human behaviour. Adult baboons (Papio anubis) exhibit complex social behaviour and communication skills, but the process by which they acquire these behaviours has not previously been investigated. Understanding infant socialisation – the process of development from complete maternal dependence to an independent member of a social group – provides insight into the evolution of human behaviour and language. Audio recordings and behavioural data were collected from olive baboons in Gashaka Gumti national Park, Nigeria. This is a marginal environment, with temperatures and rainfall more extreme than other baboon study sites. Physical interactions with the mother (e.g. weaning, being carried), physical interactions with other group members (being taken from mother; ‘infant handling’), and vocal communication are documented from birth to weaning. Infant socialisation in Nigerian baboons is characterised by frequent aggressive and affilitative handling by adults in the first 6 months of life, and a limited vocal repertoire of which three calls are produced from birth, and one is produced after 7 months of age. Only one call shows evidence of context specificity, and communication most likely takes place in the form of an online readout of an infant’s emotional state.
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Maugard, Anaïs. "Appariement relationnel et raisonnement par analogie chez le babouin (Papio papio) : continuités et discontinuités avec les processus d'analogie chez l'humain." Thesis, Aix-Marseille, 2014.

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Le raisonnement par analogie est un aspect fondamental de la cognition humaine souvent considéré comme propre à notre espèce. Des travaux récents utilisant des tâches d'appariement relationnel suggèrent que des chimpanzés, des babouins et des capucins sont également capables de comparer des relations exprimées par des paires d'objets. Cependant, des doutes persistent quant aux stratégies cognitives qu'ils emploient pour résoudre ces tâches, et notamment l'implication du raisonnement par analogie. Cette thèse a pour objectif (1) de déterminer ces stratégies chez le babouin, (2) d'appréhender les facteurs permettant leur émergence et (3) plus généralement de caractériser les continuités et discontinuités entre l'homme et les primates non humains dans leur capacité à raisonner par analogie. Nous avons conduit trois études chez le babouin de Guinée pour aborder ces questions. La première montre que le traitement relationnel chez le babouin implique, comme chez l'homme, à la fois une prise en compte des propriétés des objets et de leurs relations. La seconde étude montre que les babouins utilisent le raisonnement par analogie pour résoudre une tâche d'appariement relationnel puisqu'ils traitent trois niveaux d'informations ; à savoir (1) les objets, (2) les relations entre objets et (3) des relations entre ces relations. La troisième étude montre leur capacité à traiter des relations multidimensionnelles dans une version plus complexe de la tâche d'appariement relationnel. Dans une perspective évolutive, nous discutons des implications de ces travaux du point de vue des continuités et discontinuités entre l'homme et les primates non humains dans leurs capacités d'analogie
Analogical reasoning is a cornerstone aspect of human cognition, often considered to be human specific. Recent experiments using relational matching-to-sample (RMTS) tasks suggest that chimpanzees, baboons and capuchin monkeys can understand and compare the relations expressed between and within pairs of objects. However, the exact strategies used by these species to solve analogy problem remain unclear at this point. We conducted three studies exploring different aspects of analogical reasoning in the Guinea baboons (Papio papio). The first study showed that (1), as in human, relational processing in baboons involves the processing of both perceptive and relational information, and that (2) the relative contribution of these two types of processing depends on the number of items illustrating each relation during training. The second study showed that the cognitive strategy developed by baboons in a RMTS task involves analogical reasoning. The third study emphasized the ability of baboons to process multidimensional relations in a more complex version of the RMTS task. Altogether, these findings from suggest that (1) baboons are able to use analogical reasoning, to solve at least tasks involving perceptive relations; (2) relational processing and further analogical reasoning skills depend on their previous experience with the different relations. We shall discuss the potential implications of those findings, and the continuity and discontinuity of analogical reasoning skills found in human and nonhuman primates
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Lacreuse, Agnès. "Latéralisation hémisphérique dans la modalité tactilo-kinesthésique : une étude des stratégies d'exploration manuelle chez l'homme et le babouin (Papio papio)." Toulouse 3, 1994.

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Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une approche comparative de la perception haptique chez l'homme et le babouin. Chez les primates, la motricite digitale fine est sous le controle de l'hemisphere controlateral. La comparaison des competences de chaque main, chez des sujets humains droitiers, met generalement en evidence une superiorite de la main gauche (hemisphere droit) dans la reconnaissance d'objets explores tactilement. Cependant, bien que l'activite exploratoire de la main semble jouer un role critique dans les capacites perceptives, les relations entre la lateralisation hemispherique et les procedures d'exploration manuelle ont jusqu'ici ete negligees. L'existence d'asymetries manuelles similaires chez les primates non humains au cours de la perception haptique des objets reste sujet a controverses en raison de l'insuffisance des donnees disponibles. Grace a une approche originale, permettant d'analyser les contacts de la main sur les objets au cours de la perception haptique, nous avons etudie, chez l'homme et chez le babouin, les asymetries manuelles non seulement dans le niveau de performance atteint mais aussi dans les strategies d'exploration adoptees par chaque main. Les resultats de trois experiences menees chez des sujets humains droitiers, montrent que: (1) la main droite et la main gauche utilisent des procedures exploratoires differentes, susceptibles de refleter des processus de traitement propres a chaque hemisphere ; (2) ces differences sont plus importantes chez les sujets masculins que feminins ; (3) les asymetries mises en evidence dans les strategies d'exploration peuvent echapper a une analyse restreinte au seul niveau de la performance ; (4) les strategies d'exploration manuelle sur les objets sont determinees par les contraintes biomecaniques que la tache impose a la motricite manuelle et par les modes de traitement propres a chaque hemisphere. Deux experiences ont ete menees chez le babouin. La premiere est une experience preliminaire centree sur les preferences manuelles d'un groupe de babouins dans deux epreuves de discrimination tactilo-kinesthesique. Dans la seconde experience, mettant en uvre un dispositif identique a celui utilise chez l'homme, nous avons observe une superiorite de la main gauche chez deux babouins soumis a une tache de discrimination tactilo-kinesthesique complexe entre deux objets. Cet avantage pourrait etre lie a une periode d'exploration plus longue de la main gauche que de la main droite. Bien que les differences de procedure entre les experiences menees avec les sujets humains et les babouins limitent la portee d'une comparaison des deux especes, les resultats obtenus restent compatibles avec l'idee d'une homologie des mecanismes de la perception haptique chez les primates humains et non humains
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Montanari, Davide [Verfasser], Dietmar [Akademischer Betreuer] Zinner, Dietmar [Gutachter] Zinner, Julia [Gutachter] Ostner, and Julia [Gutachter] Fischer. "Group coordination during collective movements in Guinea baboons (Papio papio) / Davide Montanari ; Gutachter: Dietmar Zinner, Julia Ostner, Julia Fischer ; Betreuer: Dietmar Zinner." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2019.

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Echeverría-Lozano, Guillermina. "Conflict management in wild chacma baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus)." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2004.

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SILVA-BARRAT, CARMEN. "Etude electrophysiologique de l'epilepsie photosensible du singe papio papio et du syndrome d'abstinence au gaba : role du systeme gabaergique dans ces deux modeles." Paris 6, 1989.

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Chez les papio papio photosensibles, la stimulation lumineuse intermittente (sli) induit des decharges paroxystiques (dp) dans les aires fronto-rolandiques (fr). Ces dp, correlees a des myoclonies bilaterales et synchrones, peuvent etre suivies de crises tonico-cloniques de type grand mal. Nous avons montre que les dp ont leur origine dans l'aire motrice. Les afferences visuelles (non specifiques plutot que specifiques) sont indispensables a l'elaboration de ces dp et elles emprunteraient la voie cortico-corticale. Les structures reticulaires du tronc cerebral et les structures thalamiques sont impliquees secondairement, apres le cortex. Les structures reticulaires sont impliquees lors de la generalisation des crises qui dependraient de modifications ioniques du calcium au niveau du cortex moteur. Des infusions locales d'acide gamma-aminobutyrique (gaba) ont confirme des conclusions car le gaba exerce une action anti-convulsivante puissante sur la photosensibilite lorsqu'il est applique aux niveaux moteur ou occipital, alors qu'il n'agit que sur les crises lorsqu'il est applique dans les structures reticulaires. L'arret de l'infusion intracorticale du gaba est suivie par l'apparition d'une epilepsie focale que nous avons denommee syndrome d'abstinence au gaba (sag). Les rats normaux pouvant aussi presenter le sag, nous avons realise une etude in vitro et montre que le cortex preleve pendant le sag presente des neurones ayant a la fois la propriete intrinseque de decharger en bouffees de potentiels d'action et une tolerance au gaba et a son agoniste gaba#a
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Silva-Barrat, Carmen. "Etude électrophysiologique de l'épilepsie photosensible du singe Papio papio et du syndrome d'abstinence au Gaba rôle du système GABAergique dans ces deux modèles." Grenoble : ANRT, 1989.

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Kesterke, Matthew J. "Heritability of subtrochanteric femur shape (Platymeric Index) in Papio hamadyus and implications for hominid and modern human postcranial variation and evolution." Laramie, Wyo. : University of Wyoming, 2008.

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Liscia, Pierrette. "Evolution des grandeurs hemodynamiques et hormonales induite par des expositions aux accelerations +gz elevees, soutenues et repetees, chez le primate non humin (papio papio)." Paris 11, 1993.

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Les accelerations +gz de haut niveau, soutenues et brutalement installees, rencontrees en aeronautique, impose une surcharge mecanique au cur telle, que l'hypothese des consequences physiopathologiques cardiovasculaires a long terme chez le pilote, a ete posee. L'objet de cette these est de cerner si un risque physiopathologique cardiovasculaire, en particulier hypertensif, existe chez le babouin (papio papio). Dans ce but, des animaux sont exposes regulierement aux accelerations (+gz) pendant 5 mois. La description des perturbations hemodynamiques induites par l'exposition aux accelerations +gz est realisee par des mesures de pressions intracavitaires et intravasculaires, realisees avant et a la fin de la periode d'entrainement. Les changements de la reponse au cours de la periode de repetition, ainsi que les repercussions au repos, sont suivis regulierement par des electrocardiogrammes, la determination des catecholamines circulantes, l'activite renine-plasmatique et des parametres du metabolisme energetique. Les expositions repetees aux accelerations +gz entrainent des modifications de la reponse cardio-vasculaire pendant l'application du facteur de charge qui est nettement mise en evidence par l'etude descriptive des changements des grandeurs hemodynamiques intracavitaires et intravasculaires, et par les electrocardiogrammes. Cette evolution des grandeurs hemodynamiques est en accord avec l'evolution des concentrations hormonales, catecholaminergiques et activite renine plasmatique. Les donnees descriptives recueillies permettent de fonder des hypotheses de mecanismes en accord avec l'evolution des donnees hormonales. Un intense travail musculaire est mis en evidence, probablement a l'origine d'un entrainement musculaire de type isometrique qui contribuerait lui aussi a l'amelioration de la reponse cardiovasculaire. Malgre la nette amelioration de cette reponse, on ne peut conclure de facon definitive a une adaptation physiologique. En revanche, les resultats concordants permettent de conclure qu'un risque pathologique de type hypertensif ne peut etre retenu
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Johnson, Rollin Breese. "The feeding strategies of adult male yellow baboons (Papio cynocephalus)." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1990.

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Goffe, Adeelia S. [Verfasser], Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer, Julia [Gutachter] Ostner, Martina [Gutachter] Gerken, Christian [Gutachter] Roos, and Bernhard [Gutachter] Fink. "Social relationships of female Guinea baboons (Papio papio) in Senegal / Adeelia S. Goffe ; Gutachter: Julia Ostner, Martina Gerken, Christian Roos, Bernhard Fink ; Betreuer: Julia Fischer." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2017.

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Patzelt, Annika [Verfasser], Dietmar [Akademischer Betreuer] Zinner, Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer, and Peter [Akademischer Betreuer] Kappeler. "The Social System of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio) With a Focus on Male-Male Relationships / Annika Patzelt. Gutachter: Julia Fischer ; Peter Kappeler. Betreuer: Dietmar Zinner." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2013.

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Patzelt, Annika Verfasser], Dietmar [Akademischer Betreuer] Zinner, Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer, and Peter M. [Akademischer Betreuer] [Kappeler. "The Social System of Guinea Baboons (Papio papio) With a Focus on Male-Male Relationships / Annika Patzelt. Gutachter: Julia Fischer ; Peter Kappeler. Betreuer: Dietmar Zinner." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2013.

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Hannah-Stewart, Lisa Jade. "Relationship management in captive chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) and baboons (Papio cynocephalus)." Thesis, University of Liverpool, 2004.

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De-Raad, Anne Louise. "Travel routes and spatial abilities in wild Chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)." Thesis, Durham University, 2012.

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The primary objective of this research was to give insight into the spatial cognitive abilities of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) and to address the question whether chacma baboons internally represent spatial information of large-scale space in the form of a so-called topological map or a Euclidean map. Navigating the environment using a topological map envisions that animals acquire, remember and integrate a set of interconnected pathways or route segments that are linked by frequently used landmarks or nodes, at which animals make travel decisions. When animals navigate using a Euclidean map, animals encode information in the form of true angles and distances in order to compute novel routes or shortcuts to reach out of view goals. Although findings of repeatedly used travel routes are generally considered evidence that animals possess topological-based spatial awareness, it is not necessarily evidence that they navigate (solely) using a topological map or lack complete Euclidean spatial representation. Therefore, three predictions from the hypothesised use of a topological map and Euclidean map were tested to distinguish between them. It was investigated whether there was a difference in travel linearity between the core area and the periphery of the home range, whether travel goals were approached from all directions or from one (or a few) distinct directions using the same approach routes and lastly, whether there was a difference between the initial leaving direction from a travel goal and the general direction towards the next goal. Data were collected during a 19-month period (04/2007-11/2008) at Lajuma research centre in the Soutpansberg (Limpopo Province, South Africa). A group of baboons were followed from their morning sleeping site to their evening sleeping site for 234 days, during which location records, behavioural data and important resource data were recorded. A statistical procedure termed the change-point test (CPT) was employed to identify locations at which baboons started orienting towards a goal and baboons showed goal-directed travel towards identified travel goals. Subsequently, hotspot analysis was employed to delineate clusters of such change-points, termed ‘decision hotspots’. Decision hotspots coincided with highly valuable resources, towards which baboons showed significantly faster travel. It thus seemed that they ‘knew’ when they were nearing their goals and adapted their speed accordingly. Decision hotspots were also located at navigational landmarks that delineated a network of repeatedly used travel routes characteristic of a topological map. Therewith, this method reveals an important utility to the study of decision-making by allowing a range of sites to be selected for detailed observations, which were previously limited to sleeping sites or ‘stop’ sites, which would be impossible if the decision hotspots had not been previously identified. Furthermore, baboons travelled as efficiently in the periphery as in the core area of their home range, which was suggested to be more consistent with Euclidean spatial awareness. However, comparatively low travel linearity throughout the home range revealed it is more likely that the baboons accumulated a similar knowledge of the periphery as of the core area, which allowed them to navigate with a similar efficiently through both areas. The mountainous terrain at the study site provided ample prominent landmarks to aid the baboons in navigation and allowed baboons to initiate navigation to a travel goal with the same direction as when they reached that goal. Baboons did not approach travel goals from all directions, but instead they approached their goals from the same direction(s). In conclusion, the findings of this research are more consistent with the use of a topological spatial representation of large scale space, where landmarks aid baboons to navigate efficiently through large scale space. A review of the literature shows that until date, evidence for the existence of Euclidean spatial representation in both animals and humans is extremely limited and often unconvincing. It is likely that a high level of experimental control is necessary to unambiguously demonstrate the existence of Euclidean spatial awareness in the future.
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Lackman-Ancrenaz, Isabelle. "Le commensalisme du babouin hamadryas (papio hamadryas hamadryas) en Arabie Saoudite." Paris, Muséum national d'histoire naturelle, 1998.

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L'habitat naturel du babouin hamadryas (papio hamadryas hamadryas) en Arabie saoudite a été profondément altère par le récent développement socio-économique du pays, et certaines populations de babouins sont devenues dépendantes de sources de nourriture d'origine humaine. Un recensement des populations commensales et des conflits hommes/babouins à travers le royaume a permis de mesurer l'ampleur de ce phénomène et d'identifier les causes de son développement singulièrement rapide. Différentes méthodes de lutte contre le commensalisme du babouin hamadryas ont par ailleurs été évaluées, et des solutions pratiques sont proposées pour la gestion des populations commensales et pour la conservation de l'espèce en Arabie saoudite. Afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de l'adaptation du babouin hamadryas au mode de vie commensal, l'étude socio-écologique d'une troupe de plus de 1,500 individus vivant sur le site de la décharge municipale de la ville de Taif été effectuée. Les résultats obtenus ont montré de fortes ressemblances entre la structure et l'organisation sociale de cette troupe et celles de troupes sauvages (société organisée en plusieurs niveaux dont l'unité de base est l'unité familiale, système de fission-fusion de la troupe lors des marches quotidiennes, utilisation d'un dortoir central). Mais d'importantes différences ont également été observées (existence de groupes de males célibataires, altération de l'exclusivité sexuelle au sein des unités familiales, etc. ). Ces disparités semblent pouvoir s'expliquer par une modification des stratégies socio-sexuelles individuelles, aussi bien des males que des femelles, sous l'effet de facteurs environnementaux liés au commensalisme (apport artificiel d'une nourriture riche et abondante et densité de population considérablement accrue). Le babouin hamadryas, considère au sein du genre papio comme le spécialiste des milieux semi-arides, semble donc capable d'une certaine flexibilité comportementale en réponse à des variations à court terme de son environnement écologique et social. Ceci suggère que son système social n'est pas aussi rigidement et irréversiblement spécialise qu'on a pu le croire jusqu'à présent.
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Zouiteni, Mohammed. "Effet du défilement rétinien et de la motilité oculaire sur le changement adaptatif du gain du réflexe vestibulo-oculaire chez l'homme et chez le babouin (Papio papio)." Aix-Marseille 1, 1991.

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Le probleme fondamental de l'adaptation du gain du rvo chez l'homme et chez le singe est aborde dans cette etude par l'analyse par l'analyse des facteurs susceptibles d'etre a l'origine de cette adaptation. Par une methode originale d'immobilisation mecanique d'un il ou des deux yeux, qui modifie l'interaction normale entre le mouvement de l'il et le defilement retinien, nous avons teste l'hypothese selon laquelle le codage de la motilite oculaire jouerait un role dans l'adaptation du gain du rvo. Les conditions d'immobilisation d'un il ou des deux yeux pendant des stimulations vestibulaires devant un tambour opto-cinetique stationnaire s'accompagnent d'une augmentation du gain du rvo dans l'obscurite lorsqu'un il ou les deux yeux sont liberes. L'augmentation du gain est relativement importante dans le cas de l'immobilisation d'un seul il. L'augmentation du gain du rvo observee apres immobilisation des deux yeux serait liee a l'effet du defilement retinien. Celle resultant de l'immobilisation d'un seul il serait liee a l'effet de l'association des informations retiniennes et extra-retiniennes. L'information extra-retinienne issue e l'il non immobilise dans le protocole d'immobilisation d'un seul il, serait derivee de la proprioception des muscles extra-oculaires et/ou de la copie de l'efference motrice
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Drews, Carlos. "Psychological warfare and the management of relationships between male baboons (Papio cynocephalus)." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 1993.

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Alberts, Nienke. "Fission fusion dynamics of olive baboons (Papio anubis) in Gashaka-Gumti National Park." Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2013.

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Primate societies have been classified into discrete categories based on the flexibility of their social organisation. However, due to growing evidence of intra-specific and temporal variation in grouping patterns, it has been suggested that instead, primate societies should be characterised by their relative degree of fission-fusion dynamics, which indicates the extent to which groups vary in spatial cohesion and the temporal variation in the size and composition of parties. While perceived predation risk and food availability are known to be key factors shaping primate societies, it is not clear if fission-fusion dynamics reflect short-term behavioural adaptations to these factors, and if social preferences also influence fission-fusion dynamics. Furthermore, little is known about the impact of fission-fusion dynamics on social relationships. These issues are addressed in this thesis by investigating the grouping patterns and social relationships of two troops (Gamgam and Kwano) of free-ranging olive baboons (Papio& hamadryas & anubis) in Gashaka-Gumti National Park, Nigeria. Grouping patterns were measured through association networks and the temporal variation in party size, party composition, and spatial cohesion, and were related to variations in food availability, predation risk, and habitat use. Variations in patterns of associations and fission-fusion dynamics were found both between troops, and between seasons within troops. As these variations could largely be accounted for by differences in ecology and demography, it seems that fission-fusion dynamics reflect a short-term optimisation of the trade-off between the cost and benefits of group living. The network of associations of the fluid Kwano troop, but not of the cohesive Gamgam troop, was found to be sub-structured in a way that indicates Infanticide avoidance may play an important role in association patterns. Both the frequencies of social behaviours, and the structures of networks based on five types of social interactions, were related to differences in fission-fusion dynamics. The degree of fission-fusion dynamics appears to influence social relationships, as a quantitative difference in social behaviour was linked to variation in fission-fusion dynamics.
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Devas, Frederic Seymour. "The influence of social relationships on foraging success in chacma baboons (Papio ursinus)." Thesis, University of Cambridge, 2006.

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Dorey, Nicole R. "Functional analysis and elimination of SIB in an olive baboon (Papio hamadryas anubis)." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2004.

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Self injurious behavior (SIB), such as self-biting and head-banging, has been reported to occur in approximately 10% of captive, individually housed primates (Novak, Kinsely, Jorgensen, and Hazen, 1998). Accounts of the causes of SIB range from environmental to physiological. However, to date, no researchers have investigated the possible influence of social consequences, delivered by handlers and keepers, in the maintenance of SIB. There is only one research report showing that self-injury can be shaped in primates by the manipulation of food as a reinforcing consequence for the animal's behavior. The current study investigated the effects of social contact as potentially reinforcing consequences for the SIB displayed by an olive baboon (Papio hamadryas anubis). Results indicated that the behavior was maintained by attention from humans. As treatment, reinforcement was arranged for an appropriate alternative attention-getting behavior, resulting in increases in the appropriate alternative behavior and decreases in SIB.
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Doubleday, Alison French. "Lrp5 polymorphisms and bone mineral density in the baboon (Papio hamadryas anubis/cynocephalus)." [Bloomington, Ind.] : Indiana University, 2008.

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Thesis (Ph.D.)--Indiana University, Dept. of Anthropology, 2008.
Title from PDF t.p. (viewed on Jul 23, 2009). Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 69-11, Section: A, page: 4390. Adviser: Frederika A. Kaestle.
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Neves, Sónia Sanchez Franco das. "Dinâmicas comportamentais e jogo social de babuínos (papio hamadryas) imaturos em condições de cativeiro." Master's thesis, Instituto Superior de Psicologia Aplicada, 2002.

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Dissertação de Mestrado em Etologia
Com este projecto de investigação pretendeu-se estudar algumas dinâmicas comportamentais, com especial incidência para o jogo social, num grupo de babuínos hamadryas imaturos em condições de cativeiro no Jardim Zoológico de Lisboa. O grupo de imaturos é constituído por uma fêmea de oito meses e vinte e seis dias de idade e dois machos de 19 meses e 22 meses de idade no início de seis meses de estudo. Os outros indivíduos são duas fêmeas subadultas, dois machos e duas fêmeas adultas. Os três primeiros meses constituíram o período de habituação. Aproveitou-se este período para uma observação informal, dirigida à compreensão e descrição dos sujeitos assim como das categorias comportamentais elaborando-se deste modo o etograma. Durante este período, registou-se tudo o que era visível e que parecia relevante num momento determinado - amostragem ad libitum - (Martin & Bateson, 1993). Este tipo de amostragem manteve-se ao longo de todo o estudo longitudinal. Os dados quantitativos foram recolhidos através de amostragens focais com a duração de 15 minutos (Altmann, 1974). Foi feito o registo vídeo dos comportamentos dos babuínos por este proporcionar um registo visual preciso das condutas e permitir mais tarde a sua análise detalhada. Deu-se especial relevo à observação do comportamento de jogo, de modo a determinar diferenças individuais, e sua relação com a idade e sexo dos sujeitos. Os dados mostram que os imaturos ocupam a maior parte do seu tempo em interacções afiliativas e em comportamentos individuais. O jogo social foi o comportamento mais frequente nos indivíduos focais. Constata-se que a quantidade de jogo exibida varia com a idade e sexo do indivíduo. Entre os machos diminui com a idade. A fêmea é o indivíduo que exibe menos jogo social. Relativamente às categorias de jogo social, verifica-se existirem diferenças tanto na exibição dessas categorias comportamentais como na escolha de parceiro. A frequência de comportamentos agonísticos e sexuais observada é muito baixa. Nos comportamentos individuais o peso do jogo solitário é significativo. A sua frequência, analogamente ao que sucede com o jogo social, diminui com a idade. Ao considerar a diferença entre sexos, constata-se que a fêmea exibe mais jogo solitário que os machos. A frequência dos diferentes tipos de jogos parece aumentar e diminuir independentemente, indicando que eles envolvem caminhos ontogénicos diferentes. Mas só estudos que acompanhassem o curso do jogo ao longo do período juvenil forneceriam dados mais precisos. Em etapas seguintes na análise da ontogenia, poderiam manipular-se variáveis como o contacto social, a presença da mãe e estado nutricional.
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Dal, Pesco Federica [Verfasser], Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer, Julia [Gutachter] Fischer, Oliver [Gutachter] Schülke, Tanya [Gutachter] Behne, Julia [Gutachter] Ostner, Christian Pd [Gutachter] Roos, and Annekathrin [Gutachter] Schacht. "Dynamics and fitness benefits of male-male sociality in wild Guinea baboons (Papio papio) / Federica Dal Pesco ; Gutachter: Julia Fischer, Oliver Schülke, Tanya Behne, Julia Ostner, Christian Pd Roos, Annekathrin Schacht ; Betreuer: Julia Fischer." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2020.

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Clymer, Gretchen A. "Foraging Responses to Nutritional Pressures in Two Species of Cercopithecines: Macaca mulatta and Papio ursinus." unrestricted, 2006.

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Thesis (M.A.)--Georgia State University, 2006.
Title from title screen. Frank L'Engle Williams, committee chair; Aras Petrulis, Susan McCombie, committee members. Electronic text (69 p.) : digital, PDF file. Description based on contents viewed Apr. 26, 2007. Includes bibliographical references (p. 58-67).
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Baniel, Alice. "Conflits reproductifs chez un primate social vivant en milieu naturel, le babouin chacma (Papio ursinus)." Thesis, Montpellier, 2016.

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Chez les espèces sociales, les individus des deux sexes peuvent interférer avec la sexualité et les alliances sociales des femelles, ce qui peut influencer les stratégies reproductives des femelles. Un regain d'intérêt récent pour l'action de la sélection sexuelle chez les femelles a mis en évidence que la compétition entre femelles pour monopoliser les ressources reproductives, comme les partenaires sexuels ou les soins aux petits, est prévalente. Cependant, jusqu'à présent, la compétition reproductive entre femelles a reçu peu d'attention chez les espèces polygynes. Nous avons donc étudié les déterminants de la compétition reproductive entre femelles dans une société primate polygyne, dans une population naturelle de babouins chacma, en Namibie. Nos résultats montrent que l'agression est plus intense entre les femelles qui sont en synchronie reproductive et associées à un même mâle, avec qui elles entretiennent des liens sociaux et sexuels préférentiels, et qui est souvent le protecteur et le père de leur petit. De plus, les femelles gestantes et en lactation harcèlent les femelles qui copulent avec leur mâle, probablement afin d'empêcher de nouvelles conceptions avec celui-ci. La compétition pour les soins des mâles semble donc contribuer à façonner les stratégies reproductives des femelles chez les espèces polygynes où ceux-ci apportent d'importants bénéfices aux femelles. Nous avons ensuite étudié les contraintes exercées par les mâles sur la sexualité des femelles. Mâles et femelles ont souvent des optimaux reproductifs divergents, donnant lieu à l'expression d’un conflit sexuel. Chez certaines espèces, les mâles recourent à la coercition sexuelle en agressant les femelles régulièrement afin de les obliger à s'accoupler avec eux-mêmes, ou de les empêcher de s'accoupler avec leur rivaux. Nous avons testé si l'agression dirigée par les mâles vers les femelles a une fonction de coercition sexuelle chez le babouin chacma. Nos résultats indiquent que l'agression des mâles vise en particulier les femelles sexuellement réceptives, augmente le succès d'accouplement immédiat des mâles avec la femelle harcelée et ses chances de la monopoliser lors de l'ovulation, à l'appui de l'hypothèse de coercition. Dans l'ensemble, cette étude permet d'améliorer notre compréhension des déterminants, de l'intensité, et des conséquences évolutives des contraintes sociales qui s'exercent sur la sexualité des femelles dans une société primate polygyne. Elle montre également que les conflits reproductifs jouent un rôle primordial pour structurer les relations entre les femelles d’une part, et entre les sexes d’autre part
In group-living species, individuals of both sexes can interfere with the sexuality and social alliances of females, which may profoundly influence their reproductive strategies. Renewed attention in the operation of sexual selection on females shows that competition among females to secure reproductive resources, such as mates or allomaternal care, is common. However, to date, female reproductive competition has received little attention in polygynous species. In an attempt to fill this gap, we investigated the determinants of female reproductive competition in a polygynous primate society, the chacma baboon, focussing on a wild Namibian population. Our findings highlight that the frequency of aggression is most intense among females who are reproductively synchronous and who share the same male carer of their offspring. Females also harass sexually receptive females who attempt to mate with their offspring’s carer, likely to prevent further conceptions with him. Overall, competition to secure male carers seems to play an important role in shaping female reproductive strategies in polygynous species where males may provide females with important fitness benefits. We then examined constraints exerted by males on female sexuality. Males and females often have diverging reproductive optima, which underpins sexual conflict. In some species, males may use sexual coercion, in the form of repeated aggression before or during female sexual receptivity to induce females into mating or prevent them from mating with rivals. Here, we tested whether male aggression directed at females represents sexual coercion in chacma baboons. In support of the sexual coercion hypothesis, we found that male aggression against females is most intense when females are sexually receptive, increases male mating success with the harassed female on the short-term, and increases his chances to monopolize her around ovulation on the longer-term. Altogether, these results shed light on the determinants, intensity and evolutionary consequences of social constraints exerted on female sexuality in polygynous primates, and highlight that reproductive conflicts play a primary role in structuring female-female and male-female relationships
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Daspre, Agnès. "Stress, dominance et reproduction chez les femelles babouin olive (Papio anubis) vivant en semi-liberté." Aix-Marseille 2, 2009.

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Chez les primates non humains, on observe une différence de succès reproducteur selon la hiérarchie sociale des femelles. Le rang de dominance ne semblant pas affecter le bilan énergétique des femelles, nous testons l’hypothèse qu’il génère des stress sociaux chroniques altérant leur succès reproducteur. Les buts de cette étude sont d’explorer les relations entre le rang de dominance, le niveau de stress et différents paramètres reproducteurs et de dresser les profils hormonaux et comportementaux de dix femelles babouin olive vivant en semi-liberté au cours du deuxième cycle menstruel post-partum. Lors d’un suivi longitudinal, nous recueillons des échantillons biologiques selon des méthodes non invasives. Nous validons le dosage d’un dérivé du cortisol comme marqueur de stress dans cette espèce (Papio anubis) et pour des échantillons fécaux. Nos résultats montrent que la fonction de reproduction semble assez robuste face à un stress chronique lors des cycles menstruels. En effet, nous ne mettons pas en évidence d’effet de la dominance sur le bon déroulement du cycle menstruel, ni sur la conception lors de ces cycles. De plus, le niveau de cortisol varie selon l’état du gonflement sexuel. Par ailleurs, nous notons que les mâles se montrent capables, notamment d’après l’état du gonflement sexuel, de concentrer leurs efforts de montes lors de la phase fertile. Enfin, la dominance se révèle ne pas être corrélée au niveau de cortisol de la femelle dans notre échantillon. Néanmoins, nos résultats soulignent la corrélation de certaines interactions sociales avec le niveau de cortisol : les comportements affectant la stabilité du statut social de la femelle et la relation mère – enfant
Variation in reproductive success is observed among female non-human primates as a function of their social status. Since female dominance rank is not associated with variation in total energy balance, the hypothesis that social stress may produce this variance in reproductive success was tested. The aims of the study were to investigate the relationship between dominance rank, stress and various reproductive parameters in a social group and to establish hormonal and behavioural profiles for ten semi-free living female olive baboons (Papio anubis) throughout the second post-partum menstrual cycle. Biological samples were collected via non-invasive methods as part of a longitudinal survey of individual females. Fecal cortisol by-product assays were used as stress markers; these were validated for Papio anubis. Our results show that chronic stress in relation to status was unlikely to impair reproductive function during menstrual cycles. We found no effect of dominance rank on the regulation of the menstrual cycle nor on the likelihood of conception during ovulatory cycles. In addition cortisol levels varied with the anogenital swelling phase. Males were able to distinguish ovulation and concentrate their mating effort on the fertile phase, associated with maximal sexual swelling as well as hormonal indicators. No correlation was detected between dominance rank and cortisol level, although rates of some social interactions were significantly related to cortisol, especially those behaviours associated with challenges to the social status of the female and disrupting the infant-mother relationship
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McCarter, Jenneca M. "Major histocompatibility complex diversity in an urban Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) population: Implications for conservation." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2012.

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Includes abstract.
Includes bibliographical references.
Since the 15th century, human activity has altered and degraded nearly half of the available land of the Cape Peninsula, South Africa; this has resulted in significant restriction and fragmentation of the historic geographic range of the peninsula's Chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) population.
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Walz, Jessica Terese Walz. "Competition, coercion, and choice: The sex lives of female olive baboons (Papio anubis)." The Ohio State University, 2016.

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Garcia, Cécile. "Energétique et régulation de la fonction de reproduction chez les femelles captives babouins olive (Papio anubis)." Aix-Marseille 2, 2005.

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Le but de cette étude est d'évaluer les paramètres énergétiques et sociaux d'un échantillon de femelles babouins allaitantes, et de tester le rôle éventuel de ces facteurs sur différentes variables reproductives telles que la durée de l'aménorrhée du post-partum ou des intervalles entre naissances. Nous avons réalisé un suivi longitudinal de 2 années sur un échantillon de 23 femelles babouins allaitantes, multipares et vivant en semi-liberté. Les apports énergétiques moyens ne diffèrent pas significativement en fonction du rang de dominance. Les femelles ont toutes une bonne condition corporelle et un bilan énergétique positif. Les coûts énergétiques de la lactation sont essentiellement couverts par 2 adaptations comportementales : une augmentation modérée des apports énergétiques, particulièrement au cours des deuxième et troisième trimestres de lactation, et une réduction de l'activité physique. Les contraintes énergétiques réduites (apports énergétiques accrus et dépense énergétique modérée) expliquent les faibles durées d'aménorrhée du post-partum (145 jours) et d'intervalle entre naissances moyen (451 jours) observées dans notre échantillon comparées à des animaux de même espèce vivant en liberté. La fertilité est fortement influencée par le rang de dominance, les femelles de bas rang ayant des délais avant conception et des intervalles entre naissances plus longs. Par ailleurs, les mères ayant des bébés plus lourds ont des durées de blocage de la fonction ovarienne plus courtes et ont besoin de moins de cycles pour concevoir. Les femelles de haut rang ou ayant une bonne condition corporelle semblent capables de supporter une croissance du jeune relativement rapide quelque soit le sexe du bébé, et ont donc des taux reproductifs plus élevés. La relation entre le statut de dominance et la fertilité ne semble pas être relayée par des mécanismes énergétiques et nos résultats suggèrent plutôt que le stress social interfèrerait avec la régulation de la fonction de reproduction. Cependant, nos résultats confirment que le faible stress énergétique de femelles babouins vivant en semi-liberté explique la courte durée de blocage de la fonction de reproduction comparée à des animaux étudiés dans leur milieu naturel
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Lodge, Emily. "Energetics and life-history of olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in the Gashaka Gumti National Park." Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2012.

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This thesis uses a number of novel methods to investigate how various measures of individual energetic status and condition vary within and between two troops of olive baboons (Papio hamadryas anubis) in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria. One troop is entirely wild-feeding whilst the other supplements its diet with crop-raiding, behaviour previously suggested to provide energetic benefits. Observations of activity budgets and feeding behaviour were combined with nutritional analyses of food samples to estimate energetic intake and expenditure amongst adult female baboons. Glucocorticoid (stress hormone), progesterone (reproductive hormone) and urinary C-peptide (an indicator of energetic status) levels of the same animals were assessed via analyses of faecal and urine samples. These data were used to investigate the effect of food-enhancement, between troops; the effect of reproductive state and rank, within troops; and the effect of variation in weather conditions and food availability across the nine month study period. Benefits of crop-raiding behaviour included elevated resting time, energy intake rates and reproductive success, and reduced feeding time and glucocorticoid levels in the crop-raiding troop as compared to the wild-feeding troop. Food-enhancement also appears to have buffered the crop-raiding troop’s energetic status and stress levels against the effects of environmental stressors. Within troops, energy intake and expenditure rates varied between individuals in different reproductive states but not different ranks and neither factor significantly affected C-peptide or glucocorticoid levels. Rainfall had a considerable but variable influence on the baboons, being correlated with both positive and negative aspects of their behaviour and condition. Gashaka represents an extreme habitat for baboons, with high rainfall creating both a food and disease rich environment. The results of this study suggest that while low to moderate rainfall brings benefits, via increased food availability, heavy rainfall exerts a negative influence on the Gashaka baboons via increased disease risk.
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Warren, Ymke. "Olive baboons (papio cynocephalus anubis) : behaviour, ecology and human conflict in Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria." Thesis, University of Roehampton, 2003.

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Lewis, Matthew Charles. "Behavioural and isotope ecology of marine-foraging chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2015.

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The dominant vegetation type on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, is an oligotrophic shrub land that supports low numbers of medium-sized and large terrestrial mammals. Of these, only the adaptable and dextrous chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) has learnt to supplement its diet with protein-rich foods from the marine intertidal zone. There are qualitative descriptions of this behaviour in the literature, but the relative contribution of marine foods to baboon diet, the influence of lunar cycles on exploitation and the impacts of marine foraging on ranging behaviour and activity budgets through different seasons have yet to be quantified. Furthermore, all previous studies included data from troops that had access to nutrient-rich exotic foods, which may have reduced their reliance on marine organisms. For this thesis I collected behavioural data on ranging patterns, activity budgets and diet of a free-ranging, natural-foraging troop through full lunar tidal cycles over consecutive seasons. I supplemented the behavioural data with estimates of the troop's diet composition modelled from stable isotope ratios of foods, faeces and hair samples. The troop ranged over 45.262km2 and travelled an average of 6.044 km per day over the study period. The troop's activity budget was dominated by walking and feeding behaviour, both of which peaked during the hot, dry summer months. Both spatial and behavioural data suggest that the study troop is nutrient-stressed relative to other troops in this population, and hence it was surprising that they only consumed small amounts of marine foods during all four seasons. Models incorporating δ13C and δ15N values of baboon faeces and hair confirmed that marine foods were not major dietary items for these baboons, whilst generalized additive models revealed that a range of abiotic factors negatively affect the exploitation of marine foods. Both the probability and intensity of marine foraging within a given hour declined with increasing tide height and swell height, and fluctuated depending on wind speed and direction. Intensity of marine foraging varied through seasons (it was highest in autumn and lowest in spring), and was higher on the east coast than on the west. Together, these results suggest that exploitation of nutrient-rich foods in the intertidal zone is limited by rapid, unpredictable changes inaccessibility. The levels of deviance left unexplained by these models however imply that other as yet unknown factors (e.g. alkaloids in mussels and limpets) may also limit the troop's exploitation of marine foods. In conclusion, this thesis represents the first in-depth study of marine foraging, a behaviour which exemplifies baboons' remarkable behavioural and dietary flexibility. That said, the temporal unpredictability of ease of access, and potential dangers associated with harvesting this resource, appear to limit how much of this high nutrient food resource baboons are able utilise.
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Paciência, Filipa M. D. [Verfasser]. "Mating behaviour of a wild olive baboon population (Papio anubis) infected by Treponema pallidum / Filipa M.D Paciência." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2020.

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Codron, Daryl Mark. "Dietary ecology of Chacma baboons (Papio Ursinus (Kerr, 1972) and Pleistocene Cercopithecoidea in Savanna environments of South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2003.

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Bibliography: leaves 124-140.
This dissertation deals with the dietary ecology of savanna-dwelling chacma baboons (Papio ursinus), and a number of fossil cercopithecoids, from modern and Pleistocene environments of South Africa, respectively, using principles of stable light isotope ecology. Previous studies of baboon ecology, based largely on direct observations, have not quantified spatial and temporal dietary variability. The dietary ecology of fossil cercopithecoids is even less clear.
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Dubay, Shannon. "Behavioural and physiological responses of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) to wildfire in the Cape Peninsula of South Africa." Master's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2018.

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In an ecological context, ‘flexibility’ refers to an animal’s ability to respond immediately to environmental stimuli through physiological and behavioural adjustments. Specifically, primates exhibit a high degree of ecological flexibility, which allows them to persist through environmental changes that vary in duration and predictability. To cope with the variability of conditions within their habitats, baboons have evolved flexibility in ranging behaviour, social behaviour, and diet. Natural disasters are predicted to increase across the globe, and many parts of the world are experiencing longer wildfire seasons and higher wildfire frequencies than ever before. The aim of this study is to use an existing data set to assess how baboons responded, behaviourally and physiologically, to an extensive wildfire. I compare home range use, activity budgets, faecal glucocorticoid concentrations, and urinary C-peptide concentrations three months after the fire to the same three months in the previous year for the same 16 adult females. In the months following the fire, the baboons had a larger spatial range compared to the same months in the year prior. The additional area incorporated unburnt areas into their home range, which were preferentially used over burnt areas. Behavioural adjustments included notably less time spent engaging in social behaviours than in the year prior. Perhaps most surprisingly, postfire physiological indicators did not suggest high levels of psychological, energetic, or nutritional stress, as glucocorticoid concentrations were significantly lower post-fire compared to the year prior, while C-peptide concentrations were not significantly different between the two periods. The troop appears to have benefited from a surfeit of exotic pine seeds that were released by pine trees as a result of the fire. This unexpected nutritional windfall, in addition to the inclusion of vineyards within their ranging patterns, may explain why there were no physiological indicators of nutritional stress despite the loss of most above ground biomass. Despite suffering the loss of 12 troop members in the fire and injury to a further 12 individuals, adult females in the Tokai troop were able to adjust to a severe and extensive change to their home range. Although primate ecological flexibility has been widely documented, this is the first study to explore the behavioural and physiological responses of baboons to extensive habitat changes resulting from a wildfire, and the potential implications for the management of wildlife on the urban edge.
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Kalbitzer, Urs [Verfasser], Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Fischer, Peter M. [Akademischer Betreuer] Kappeler, Eckhard W. [Akademischer Betreuer] Heymann, Julia [Akademischer Betreuer] Ostner, Christian [Akademischer Betreuer] Roos, and Oliver [Akademischer Betreuer] Schülke. "Foundations of variation in male aggressiveness and tolerance between chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in Botswana and Guinea baboons (P. papio) in Senegal / Urs Kalbitzer. Gutachter: Julia Fischer ; Peter M. Kappeler ; Eckhard W. Heymann ; Julia Ostner ; Christian Roos ; Oliver Schülke. Betreuer: Julia Fischer." Göttingen : Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen, 2014.

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Pebsworth, Paula Ann. "An investigation of geophagic and ranging behavior of chacma baboons (Papio hamadryas ursinus)living in a human-modified habitat." 京都大学 (Kyoto University), 2012.

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Moxley, Courtney. "Infection of two distinct Trichuris sp. genotypes within and among baboon (Papio ursinus) troops on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa." Bachelor's thesis, University of Cape Town, 2013.

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The chacma baboon (Papio ursinus) population on the Cape Peninsula, South Africa is divided into 16 geographically isolated troops, 14 of which are classified as being commensal with humans. Regular contact with humans in urban and agricultural settings may have increased the risk of transmission of the different parasite species identified within this population. The aim of the study was to identify whether two previously-identified genotypes of the whipworm, Trichuris sp., infect the same individual baboon simultaneously and whether both genotypes infect baboons of different troops on the Peninsula. Genomic DNA was extracted from adult Trichuris worms extracted from the gastrointestinal tract of six baboons from five different troops on the Peninsula. Two sets of primers were designed to amplify different sized products of the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA through PCR. Diagnostic PCR revealed the DG genotype among two Trichuris sp. specimens in a baboon from an unknown troop, while the CP-GOB genotype was observed among five specimens within a baboon from the Groot Olifantsbos troop. Sequence data confirmed the presence of a single genotype in each troop. This study suggests that the genotypes are specific to baboon troops but the potential for both genotypes to infect baboons within troops on the Peninsula cannot be ruled out. Knowledge of the specificity of the Trichuris genotypes to baboon hosts of different troops may inform our understanding of the evolution of diversity within this genus. Future research into the transmission of both genotypes within and between troops may also highlight the potential for two distinct species of Trichuris to exist among the baboons. Considering the close contact between baboons and humans on the Peninsula, clarification on host specificity of either genotype will also be important for managing zoonoses and preventing break-outs of infectious diseases between the species.
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Hoffman, Tali S. "The spatial ecology of chacma baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Cape Peninusula, South Africa: towards improved management and conservation strategies." Doctoral thesis, University of Cape Town, 2011.

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Competition for space between humans and wildlife is prevalent worldwide. In the Cape Peninsula, South Africa, extensive land transformation has geographically isolated, fragmented and reduced the size of the local chacma baboon population and is perceived to be a major driver of human-baboon conflict. However, no data on baboon landscape use exist to verify this perception. I studied the spatial ecology of this population, identifying baboon land use patterns, determining the drivers of intrapopulation variation in spatial ecology and investigating how spatial variables could inform baboon management efforts to reduce human-baboon conflict.
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Zahed, Nabeel Zaki. "Experimental and field studies on the role of hamadryas baboons Papio hamadryas as maintenance hosts of Schistosoma mansoni in Saudi Arabia." Thesis, Brunel University, 1995.

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Dunn, Jason. "A comparison of the subspecific divergence of two sympatric African monkeys, Papio hamadryas & Chlorocebus aethiops : morphology, environment, diet & phylogeny." Thesis, University of Hull, 2011.

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The baboon and vervet monkey exhibit numerous similarities in geographic range, ecology and social structure, and both exhibit extensive subspecific variation corresponding to geotypic forms. This thesis compares these two subspecific radiations, using skull morphology to characterise the two taxa, and attempts to determine if the two have been shaped by similar selective forces. The baboon exhibits clinal variation corresponding to decreasing size from Central to East Africa, like the vervet. However West African baboons are small, unlike the vervet. Much of the shape variation in baboons is size-related. Controlling for this reveals a north-south pattern of shape change corresponding to phylogenetic history. There are significant differences between the chacma and olive baboon subspecies in the proportion of subterranean foods in the diet. No dietary differences were detected between vervet subspecies. Baboon dietary variation was found to covary significantly with skull variation. However, no biomechanical adaptation was detected, suggesting morphological constraint owing to the recent divergence between subspecies. Phylogeny correlates with morphology to reveal an axis between northern and southern taxa in baboons. In vervets C. a. sabaeus is the most morphologically divergent, which with other evidence, suggests a West African origin and radiation east and south, in contrast with a baboon origin in southern Africa. Path analyses of all the factors discussed revealed markedly different relationships between the two taxa, with baboons responding to the environment via diet rather than directly. The two subspecific radiations have different relationships with diet, environment and phylogeny. In spite of superficial similarities, the study taxa are sufficiently different that similar ecological and environmental selective forces have not produced convergent patterns of radiations. The baboon exhibits greater flexibility and larger size freeing it from limiting constraints faced by vervets. Additionally the two have distinct sites of origins and patterns of dispersals adding a stochastic element to the differences between radiations.
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