Academic literature on the topic 'PAPER SENSORS'
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Journal articles on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Immanuel, Phillip Nathaniel, Song-Jeng Huang, Yudhistira Adityawardhana, and Yi-Kuang Yen. "A Review of Paper-Based Sensors for Gas, Ion, and Biological Detection." Coatings 13, no. 8 (July 28, 2023): 1326.
Full textGuo, Yixuan, and Gaoyang Liang. "Perceptual Feedback Mechanism Sensor Technology in e-Commerce IoT Application Research." Journal of Sensors 2021 (September 28, 2021): 1–12.
Full textMovafaghi, Sanli, Matthew D. Cackovic, Wei Wang, Hamed Vahabi, Anudeep Pendurthi, Charles S. Henry, and Arun K. Kota. "Superomniphobic Papers for On‐Paper pH Sensors." Advanced Materials Interfaces 6, no. 13 (May 14, 2019): 1900232.
Full textSuranthiran, Sugathevan, and Suhada Jayasuriya. "Signal Conditioning With Memory-Less Nonlinear Sensors." Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 126, no. 2 (June 1, 2004): 284–93.
Full textShimojima, Koji, Toshio Fukuda, Fumihito Arai, and Hideo Matsuura. "Multi-Sensor Integration System utilizing Fuzzy Inference and Neural Network." Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics 4, no. 5 (October 20, 1992): 416–21.
Full textZhang, Chang Jie, and Yu Liu. "A Sensor Grouping Method for Industrial Sensor Health Management." Applied Mechanics and Materials 621 (August 2014): 271–76.
Full textHUGHES, KEN, and N. RANGANATHAN. "MODELING SENSOR CONFIDENCE FOR SENSOR INTEGRATION TASKS." International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence 08, no. 06 (December 1994): 1301–18.
Full textChen, Cong, Lulu Tian, Wen Li, Kun Wang, Qijing Yang, Jinying Lin, Tianshou Zhang, Biao Dong, and Lin Wang. "Recent Advances and Perspectives Regarding Paper-Based Sensors for Salivary Biomarker Detection." Chemosensors 11, no. 7 (July 7, 2023): 383.
Full textTay, Li-Lin, Shawn Poirier, Ali Ghaemi, and John Hulse. "Inkjet-printed paper-based surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensors for the detection of narcotics." MRS Advances 7, no. 9 (March 7, 2022): 190–96.
Full textElangkovan, Shuthish, Mastura Shafinaz Zainal Abidin, Shaharin Fadzli Abd Rahman, Mohammad Shafiq Che Soh, and Ahmad Bukhairi Md Rashid. "Economical fabrication of graphite/paper-based humidity sensor." Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 20, no. 1 (October 1, 2020): 54.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Novell, Recasens Marta. "Paper-based potentiometric platforms for decentralised chemical analysis." Doctoral thesis, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, 2015.
Full textEn las últimas décadas, el mundo ha experimentado profundos cambios sociales y tecnológicos. Entre los cuáles son destacables las tendencias emergentes de análisis descentralizados y de redes de sensores, que tienen un gran impacto en muchas áreas, especialmente en el sistema sanitario. El desarrollo de herramientas para realizar análisis fuera del laboratorio de forma robusta, simple i económica, será de gran ayuda per generar, para generar, herramientas de diagnóstico asequibles. Para complementar estas tendencias, esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de una herramienta analítica nueva para análisis descentralizados, usando papel modificado con nanotubos de carbono como sustrato y la potenciometría como técnica de detección. Los nanotubos de carbono se han incorporado con éxito sobre un papel de filtro convencional, convirtiéndolo así en conductor, y proporcionándole habilidad transductora ion-electrón. Con esta plataforma se han desarrollado electrodos selectivos de iones para distintos iones manteniendo el mismo rendimiento analítico que los electrodos convencionales- así como también un electrodo de referencia. La demostración de que esta plataforma puede solucionar un problema analítico se ha hecho a través del desarrollo de una celda potenciométrica completa de papel para la detección de liti en sangre. Estos electrodos también se han combinado con éxito con un potenciómetro de identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID), cosa que permite su uso de forma descentralizada. Otras aplicaciones posibles, junto con las limitaciones sistema se discuten en detalle. En definitiva, este trabajo abre la posibilidad de substituir los sensores convencionales por esta plataforma más económica, abriendo así tota una nueva gama de oportunidades.
During the last decades, the world has undergone deep social and technological changes. Remarkably are the emerging trends of decentralised analysis and sensing networks, which are having a deep impact in many areas, especially in the healthcare system. The development of tools for performing measurements out of the lab in a robust, simple and cost-effective way will be of great help to generate, for example, affordable diagnostic tools. To complement this trends, this thesis presents the development of a novel analytical tool for decentralised measurements, by using paper as a substrate modified with carbon nanotubes (CNT), and potentiometry as detection approach. CNTs have been successfully incorporated over a conventional filter paper making it conductive, and giving to it ion-to-electron transduction capability. Over this platform ion-selective electrodes for different ions have been developed –keeping the same analytical performance as conventional electrodes- as well as a reference electrode. The demonstration that this platform can solve an analytical problem has been proved through the development of a complete paper cell for the detection of lithium in blood. This electrodes have been also combined with a radio frequency identification (RFID) potentiometer, which will allows its use in a decentralised way. Other possible application of this platform together with its limitations are also discussed. All in all, this work opens the possibility to substitute conventional sensors for this low-cost paper sensors, thus unlocking a whole new range of possibilities.
Jain, Ishan. "Paper-Based Sensors for Contaminant Detection Using Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2015.
Full textMaster of Science
Araujo, William Reis de. "Desenvolvimento de sensores eletroquímicos e colorimétricos para aplicações em amostras de interesse forense." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016.
Full textThis thesis shows studies and efforts to the development of chemical sensors for different applications in the forensic field. Electroanalytical methods were developed for detection and quantification of some compounds (procaine, phenacetin, aminopyrine, acetaminophen, levamisole) commonly found in the drug of abuse adulteration process and cocaine, as well as, fundamental studies about the electrochemical behavior of these compounds. It was also employed electrochemical methods for quantification of hazardous compounds such as explosives (picric acid) and melamine. Analytical methods with electrochemical sensors included electrochemical modification of electrodic surfaces, molecularly imprinted polymers (MIP), and paper disposable electrochemical devices using different voltammetric and amperometric techniques, rotating disc electrode (RDE) and quartz crystal microbalance. In addition to the fabrication of paper disposable analytical devices with electrochemical detection, it was also used the colorimetric detection to quantify some of the major adulterants in cocaine seizure samples, such as procaine and phenacetin, as well as analysis and discrimination of explosive compounds (peroxy and nitro explosives) in these low cost portable platforms. All proposed methods were always developed aming at theses characteristics: ease, convenience, low cost and portability for analysis directly at the measurement site with minimal laboratory infrastructure. Finally, we presented some studies conducted during research internship abroad (University of California - San Diego (UCSD)) in the area of Wearable Sensors, which have been developed methods for micronutrient analysis in sweat (Zn) and a metabolite (Uric Acid) in saliva using sensors applied directly to the human body
Schoberg, Paul, Harry Beatty, and Robert A. McKinley. "ITC TENA-Enabled Range Roadmap Paper." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2012.
Full textKoehly, Rodolphe. "Fabrication of sustainable resistive-based paper touch sensors: Application to music technology." Thesis, McGill University, 2011. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=104691.
Full textLa fabrication de nouveaux instruments musicaux numérique (IMN) nécessite l'utilisation de plusieurs types de capteurs afin de convertir les actions humaines en signaux électroniques pour le contrôle de variables de synthèse sonore. Parmi eux les capteurs de contact (force/pression) tels que les "Force Sensing Resistors" (FSR) sont les capteurs les plus utilisés. Même si des capteurs commerciaux peuvent facilement êtres trouvés chez des détaillants en électronique, seul un nombre limité de modèles standardisés, avec des tailles, des formes et des caractéristiques électriques prédéfinies, peuvent êtres achetés. Ces limitations ont des conséquences directes sur le design de nouveaux IMN qui doivent ainsi se limiter aux offres commerciales existantes.Après divers essais utilisant des polymères souples, des textiles, et des colles, nous avons choisi de nous concentrer sur les papiers conducteurs comme matières premières pour produire des capteurs de contact sensibles et adaptables. Ces recherches de thèse se sont alors orientées vers deux directions.Premièrement, nous avons commencé par fabriquer des capteurs à partir de papiers industriels à l'origine produit pour fournir des papiers colorés, et non pour une utilisation en tant que matériau conducteur. Nous avons montré néanmoins que ce papier conducteur est un matériaux sensible et exploitable. Plusieurs prototypes de capteurs ont ainsi été fabriqués en utilisant des échantillons de quatre types de papiers industriels provenant de trois manufacturiers (ArjoWiggins (Canson), Fabriano et PASCO). Ces prototypes ont ensuite été utilisés pour le développement de divers contrôleurs gestuels. Afin de vérifier le comportement des capteurs en action, nous avons développé un banc d'essai permettant de caractériser les propriétés électriques de ces capteurs en termes de répétabilité, dérive et hystérésis, et de les comparer à ceux des capteurs commerciaux.La seconde direction consistait à rechercher comment produire de tels papiers. Des expériences de laboratoires ont permis d'évaluer réglages des processus de fabrication à privilégier et les additifs chimiques à ajouter pour optimiser la rétention et la formation d'un mélange uniforme de pigments et de fibres et la formation d'un papier rugueux, poreux et compressible mais toujours élastique. Plusieurs types de papiers ont été réalisés en faisant varier la quantité de pigments et la structure des feuilles afin d'évaluer l'influence des caractéristiques d'un papier sur sa résistance électrique. Cette recherche contribue à la promotion de solutions alternatives pour le développement de capteurs de contact. Elle montre en particulier que les papiers conducteurs et les encres conductrices sont une alternative écologique aux polymères conducteurs pour la production de capteurs de contact. Les capteurs en papiers peuvent remplacer les capteurs industriels dans de nombreuses applications. De plus, ils sont recyclables et adaptables à tous types de design. La production d'un tel papier va procurer un stock de matières premières aux chercheurs afin qu'ils produisent leurs propres capteurs et conçoivent de nouveaux IMN tels que ceux qui sont présentés dans cette thèse. De plus, mis à part leurs capacités pour le contrôle de gestes musicaux experts, les capteurs en papier ont des applications potentielles dans d'autres domaines tels qu'en médecine (monitoring de lits d'hôpitaux), sécurité et domotiques (sols et murs sensibles), emballages intelligents, etc…La recherche multidisciplinaire est un moyen susceptible de générer de nouvelles technologies. Le papier conducteur offre de nouveaux moyens de produire des IMN pour un coût modéré en plus d'un label environnemental. La musique et les arts permettent en retour d'offrir une application ludique, attirante qui à fait ses preuves afin de convaincre les industries que les papiers conducteurs ont un gros potentiel dans d'autres applications.
Wigent, Mark, and Robert A. McKinley. "TENA Implementation at Pacific Missile Range Facility (PMRF) Paper." International Foundation for Telemetering, 2013.
Full textPMRF provides a volume of space, which may include any combination of below-surface, surface, above-surface environments to safely test, gather data, and monitor in real time, the performance of systems being developed. This paper discusses how TENA implementation in range instrumentation; including radar, optics, video, GPS, and telemetry systems; will enhance data acquisition and distribution of systems under test. While details of this implementation plan are specific to PMRF, this approach can serve as a blueprint for TENA implementation at other ranges throughout the DoD.
Silva, José Ricardo da. "Desenvolvimento de sensores químicos de baixo custo visando ao monitoramento da qualidade e da potabilidade de águas." Universidade de São Paulo, 2018.
Full textThe lack of access to safe water remains as a public health problem in Brazil. The development of new analytical methods for low cost contaminated samples recognition is necessary since the complete laboratorial procedures are away from the reality of the most socioeconomic vulnerable population. In order to contribute to solve this problem, this thesis shows our efforts to develop new low-cost analytical methods to evaluate environmental waters quality. The combination of chemometric tools with voltammetric sensors was studied to discriminate contaminated water samples with electroactive species. The proposed model was able to discriminate potable and contaminated samples containing lead(II), copper(II), zinc(II) and nitrite species. Efforts to reduce the analysis cost have also focused on the development of sensors using low-cost materials. A proposed voltammetric device fabricated with paper, graphite and wax was able to quantify heavy metals and pesticides. The use of a sound agitation system for the portable voltammetric devices resulted in a significant increase in the sensitivity allowing the quantification of lead(II) above 48 nmol L-1, cadmium(II) above 370 nmol L-1 e and zinc(II) above 340 nmol L-1 . Another voltammetric sensor was made for the first time using only cardboard as material and a CO2 laser to pyrolyze the cardboard surface generating conductive carbon structures. Paper colorimetric sensors were successfully tested for fluoride quantification in spring water samples based on photographs taken by a smartphone with a LOQ of 500 µmol L-1. Another paper colorimetric system was capable to measure the pH of samples using a multivariate calibration method. As shown in this thesis, the development and integration of analytical paper-based devices is a reliable and low-cost alternative for water quality analysis
Hannani, Adnan. "Analysis of authentication systems : which is the most suitable for BTG?" Thesis, University West, Department of Technology, Mathematics and Computer Science, 2004.
Full textGonçalves, Ricardo Miguel Romão. "Antenna design for passive sensors in non-conventional materials." Doctoral thesis, Universidade de Aveiro, 2016.
Full textMotivado pela larga expansão dos sistemas RFID e com o desenvolvimento do conceito de Internet das Coisas, a evolução no desenho e métodos de produção de antenas em suportes de materiais alternativos tem tido uma exploração intensiva nos últimos anos. Isto permitiu, não só o desenvolvimento de produtos no campo da interação homem-máquina, mas também tornar estes produtos mais pequenos e leves. A procura de novas técnicas e métodos para produzir eletrónica impressa e antenas em materiais alternativos e, portanto, uma porta aberta para o aparecimento de novas tecnologias. Isto aplica-se especialmente no mercado dos sensores, onde o peso, o tamanho, o consumo energético, e a adaptabilidade a diversos ambientes, têm grande relevância. Esta tese foca-se no desenvolvimento de antenas com suporte em materiais não convenvionais, como os já testados papel e têxteis, mas também na exploração de outros, desconhecidos do ponto de vista eléctrico, como a cortiça e polímeros biodegradáveis usados em impressão 3D. Estes materiais são portanto usados como substrato, ou material de suporte, para diversas antenas e, como tal, as propriedades electromagnéticas destes materiais têm de ser determinadas. Assim, e apresentado neste documento uma revisão de métodos de caracterização de materiais, bem como a proposta de um método baseado em linhas de trasmissão impressas, e a respectiva caracterização electromagnética de diversos materiais. Além disso, são propostos desenhos de antenas para diversos cenários e aplicações utilizando os materiais anteriormente mencionados. Com esta tese concluiu-se que a utilização de materiais alternativos e hoje uma realidade e os resultados obtidos são muito encorajodares para o desenvolvimento de um conjunto de sensores para aplicações RFID com uma grande capacidade de integração.
The advancement of the design and fabrication of antennas using textiles or paper as substrates has rapidly grown motivated by the boom of RFID systems and the developing concept of the Internet of Things. These advancements have allowed, not only the development of products for manmachine interaction, but also to make these products smaller and lighter. The search for new techniques and methods to produce printed electronics and antennas in alternative materials is therefore an open door for new technologies to emerge. Especially in the sensors market, where weight, size, power consumption and the adaptability to the target application, are of great importance. This thesis focuses on the development of antenna design approaches with alternative materials, such as the already tested paper and textiles, but also others relatively unknown, such as cork and biodegradable polymers used in 3D printing. These materials are applied to act as substrates, or support structures for the antennas. Therefore, their electromagnetic properties need to be determined. Due to that, a review of electromagnetic characterization methods, as well as the proposal of a custom method based on printed transmission lines, is presented in this document. Besides, several antenna designs, for di erent application scenarios, using the previously mentioned materials, are proposed. With this thesis it was proved that it is possible to develop passive sensors in di erent alternative materials for RFID applications and others, which shows great promise in the use of these materials to achieve higher integration in sensing and identi cation applications.
Björk, Anders. "Chemometric and signal processing methods for real time monitoring and modeling using acoustic sensors : applications in the pulp and paper industry /." Stockholm, 2007.
Full textBooks on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Reinhardt, Willsch, and Kersten Ralf Th 1947-, eds. Selected papers on fiber optic sensors. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1995.
Find full textCorrosion/94 Symposium "Corrosion and Corrosivity Sensors" (1994 Baltimore, Md.). Corrosion and corrosivity sensors: Papers presented at the Corrosion/94 Symposium "Corrosion and Corrosivity Sensors". Houston, TX: NACE International, 1994.
Find full text1964-, Sanders Jeffrey S., ed. Selected papers on natural and artificial compound eye sensors. Bellingham, Wash., USA: Spie Optical Engineering Press, 1996.
Find full textA, Sadjadi Firooz, ed. Selected papers on sensor and data fusion. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1996.
Find full textN, Kulchin Yuri, Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers. Russian Chapter., and Society of Photo-optical Instrumentation Engineers., eds. Distributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks: Selected papers on distributed fiber optical sensors and measuring networks, 1999-2000. Bellingham, Wash: SPIE, 2001.
Find full textInternational, Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (1988 New Orleans La ). Optical fiber sensors: Summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fiber Sensors Topical Meeting, January 27-29, 1988, New Orleans, Louisiana. Washington, D.C: OSA, 1988.
Find full textInternational, Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (1988 New Orleans La ). Optical fiber sensors: Summaries of papers presented at the Optical Fiber Sensors Topical Meeting, January 27-29, 1988, New Orleans, Louisiana. Washington, D.C: Optical Society of America, 1988.
Find full textInternational Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors (1991 Wuhan, China). Advances in optical fiber sensors: Selected papers from the International Conference on Optical Fiber Sensors, 9-11 October 1991, Wuhan, China. Bellingham, Wash., USA: SPIE Optical Engineering Press, 1992.
Find full textHutchinson, Suzanne. Gardens of the senses: Paintings, reliefs, works on paper. Brighton: Art for Breakfast, 1995.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Long, Graham. "Paper Making and Printing." In Real Applications of Electronic Sensors, 57–72. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1989.
Full textSundriyal, Poonam, and Shantanu Bhattacharya. "Paper-Based Energy Storage Devices." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 183–91. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textChauhan, Pankaj Singh, Mohit Pandey, and Shantanu Bhattacharya. "Paper Based Sensors for Environmental Monitoring." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 165–81. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textNaik, Priyanka, Riddha Manna, and Debjani Paul. "Nucleic Acid Amplification on Paper Substrates." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 115–46. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textPandey, Mohit, Krutika Shahare, Mahima Srivastava, and Shantanu Bhattacharya. "Paper-Based Devices for Wearable Diagnostic Applications." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 193–208. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textRashiku, Mohammed, and Shantanu Bhattacharya. "Fabrication Techniques for Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 29–45. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textJaitpal, Siddhant, and Debjani Paul. "Flow Control in Paper-Based Microfluidic Devices." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 47–66. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textChoudhary, Aditya, Urmila Brighu, and Kanika Saxena. "Paper-Based Devices for Food Quality Control." In Advanced Functional Materials and Sensors, 147–63. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textXue, Peng, and Yuejun Kang. "Paper-Based Sensors and Microfluidic Chips." In Encyclopedia of Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2647–55. New York, NY: Springer New York, 2015.
Full textShergujri, Mohd Aurif, Rabeuj Jaman, Arup Jyoti Baruah, Mrityunjoy Mahato, Davidson Pyngrope, L. Robindro Singh, and Manashjit Gogoi. "Paper-Based Sensors for Biomedical Applications." In Biomedical Engineering and its Applications in Healthcare, 355–76. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2019.
Full textConference papers on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Tentzeris, Manos M., Anya Traille, Hoseon Lee, Amin Rida, Vasilis Lakafosis, and Rushi Vyas. "Inkjet-printed paper/polymer-based." In 2010 Ninth IEEE Sensors Conference (SENSORS 2010). IEEE, 2010.
Full textAllen, Noah, Preston Pinto, Aziz Traore, and Masoud Agah. "Paper-based capacitive mass sensor." In 2011 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2011.
Full textMostafalu, Pooria, and Sameer Sonkusale. "Paper-based super-capacitor using micro and nano particle deposition for paper-based diagnostics." In 2013 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2013.
Full textCrowley, Kevin, Diana Nakidde, Jeffrey Travis, and Masoud Agah. "Paper-based MEMS hair cell array." In 2013 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2013.
Full textLópez-Higuera, José Miguel. "Biomedical Optical Sensors: Currents and Trends (Invited Paper)." In Optical Sensors. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2016.
Full textPaul, Ambarish, Md Abdul Kafi, and Ravinder Dahiya. "Paper based pressure sensor for green electronics." In 2017 IEEE SENSORS. IEEE, 2017.
Full textButzbach, Markus, André Malz, and Wilhelm Stork. "Optical Coherence Tomography for the Assessment of Paper Quality." In Optical Sensors. Washington, D.C.: OSA, 2010.
Full textQian, Jingjing, Qinming Zhang, Joyce C. Lai, Yixuan Wang, and Meng Lu. "Rapid MicroRNA Detection Using Paper-Based Isothermal Amplification." In 2021 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2021.
Full textMaddipatla, Dinesh, Binu Baby Narakathu, Sai Guruva Reddy Avuthu, Sepehr Emamian, Ali Eshkeiti, Amer Abdulmahdi Chlaihawi, Bradley J. Bazuin, Margaret K. Joyce, Christie Wong Barrett, and Massood Zandi Atashbar. "A novel flexographic printed strain gauge on paper platform." In 2015 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2015.
Full textMalik, Shahid, Meraj Ahmad, Meera Punjiya, Aydin Sadeqi, Maryam Shojaei Baghini, and Sameer Sonkusale. "Respiration Monitoring Using a Flexible Paper-Based Capacitive Sensor." In 2018 IEEE Sensors. IEEE, 2018.
Full textReports on the topic "PAPER SENSORS"
Hall, Maclin S., Theodore G. Jackson, and Ernest Brown. On-machine ultrasonic sensors for paper stiffness. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), April 2000.
Full textHall, M. S., P. H. Brodeur, and T. G. Jackson. On-machine sensors to measure paper mechanical properties. Final report. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1993.
Full textHall, M. S., and C. C. Jr Habeger. On-machine sensors to measure paper mechanical properties, Report No. 1. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 1988.
Full textJelinek, Raz, Paul Dawson, Timothy Hanks, William Pennington, and Julie Northcutt. Bacterial sensors for food processing environments. United States Department of Agriculture, January 2013.
Full textHamlin, Alexandra, Erik Kobylarz, James Lever, Susan Taylor, and Laura Ray. Assessing the feasibility of detecting epileptic seizures using non-cerebral sensor. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), December 2021.
Full textRiter, Karmann, Anthony Clint Clayton, Kelley Rountree, and Prakash Doraiswamy. Solar Station for an Off-the-Grid Air Quality Sensor System. RTI Press, June 2023.
Full textRathinam, Francis, P. Thissen, and M. Gaarder. Using big data for impact evaluations. Centre of Excellence for Development Impact and Learning (CEDIL), February 2021.
Full textBlevins, Matthew, Gregory Lyons, Carl Hart, and Michael White. Optical and acoustical measurement of ballistic noise signatures. Engineer Research and Development Center (U.S.), January 2021.
Full textBeshouri, Huschenbett, and Bothwell. PR-360-08207-R01 Cylinder Level Sensing and Control on Typical Pipeline Engines. Chantilly, Virginia: Pipeline Research Council International, Inc. (PRCI), February 2016.
Full textLam, Tyler. Pulse Tube Interference in Cryogenic Sensor Resonant Circuits - Final Paper. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), August 2015.
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