Academic literature on the topic 'Panhellénisme'
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Journal articles on the topic "Panhellénisme"
Bozdemir, Michel. "Chypre, entre panhellénisme et panturquisme." Revue de l'Occident musulman et de la Méditerranée 48, no. 1 (1988): 238–49.
Full textSaïd, Suzanne. "I phigénie à Aulis: une pièce panhellénique?" Sacris Erudiri 31 (January 1989): 359–78.
Full textNoël, Marie-Pierre. "Discours panhellénique et discours de conseil : des Olympiques de Gorgias et Lysias au Panégyrique d’Isocrate." Dialogues d'histoire ancienne S 17, Supplement17 (2017): 291.
Full textCastelli, Hélène. "Pèlerines à Epidaure. Femmes, guérison et publicité dans un sanctuaire panhellénique au IVe siècle av. J.-C." Archimède. Archéologie et histoire ancienne 5 (2018): 124–33.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Panhellénisme"
Visonà, Lucia. "La guerre contre l’Autre. Idéologie et représentation des Perses et des Parthes dans l’œuvre de Plutarque." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2021.
Full textThis thesis examines the account of the wars against the Persians and the Parthians in the work of Plutarch. The Greek author, who lived between the 1st and the 2nd centuries, develops in his corpus a plural but coherent reflection on the relations between the Greeks and the Romans on the one hand and the Eastern barbarians on the other. The period in which he writes is not insignificant since the Emperor Trajan, who was at the head of the Empire at the time, was preparing an ambitious campaign against the Parthians. The first chapter shows that the Greco-Persian wars represent for Plutarch an important moment in the union of the Greek cities. The second chapter analyzes the campaigns of the biographical couple Cimon and Lucullus where the philhellenism of the two protagonists is put in the spotlight. The third chapter deals with the expedition of Agesilaus where the key themes of the narrative are ambition, the union of the Greeks and the liberation of the Greeks in Asia. Plutarch also shows in his accounts a particular interest in Persian characters. The fourth chapter focuses on Alexander's expedition and shows that Plutarch's work highlights the Macedonian's ambition and his relationship with the Greeks, two themes inherited from ancient debates. Lastly, the fifth chapter deals with the expeditions of the Romans against the Parthians: through the figure of Alexander and the imitatio Alexandri, the Roman Parthian campaigns fall under the tradition of the wars against the Persians and underline once again the incompatibility between the Greek culture and the Eastern barbarians
Constantopoulou, Chryssoula. "Logos et praxis : l'idéologie nationale du Mouvement socialiste panhellénique." Paris 5, 1990.
Full textPolitics are characterized by "schizophrenia" between saying and doing. "Praxis dialectics" signifying the "unity" of theory and action and their mutual "transparency", aim to transform society. Greek socialist party discourse, may be characterized as a "socialist tendencial" nationalism; being very "revolutionary" in its words, the socialist government had to realize its national project. Modern theory examines the sincerity of political words by comparing with "effective achievements" (obtained results) without much insisting on the fact that the "effect" is only a "part" of "doing"; but even thus redefined, praxis is not only a rational result; more than "logos-application", it is also dramaturgy having its own dynamics. Greek socialist discourse has thus acted as "catharsis" realizing the "negation" of national dependence (so being more than "reversal ritual" or "recuperation"). The logos-praxis theory concerning political action (connected to a "reason" -idea that dominates modern political theories and ideologies) may be convenient of conceiving social complexity only if "logos" is redefined as in its Greek origins (meaning not only "reason") and if "praxis" is understood in its dramatical autonomy
Botopoulos, Costas. "Les socialistes à l'épreuve du pouvoir : France, Grèce, Espagne dans les années quatre-vingt : idées et pratiques constitutionnelles." Paris 1, 1991.
Full textThe three socialist parties of France, Greece and Spain arrived in power having declared their intention to change profoundly the political system in their countries. The experience of power proved that it was the parties themselves, their political role and the way they function, which were to be transformed ; the socialist governments accepted the political institutions they inherited and did not even try to impose w new constitutionnal logic
Rori, Lamprini. "Les organisations partisanes à la lumière de la professionnalisation de la communication politique : une présidentialisation inachevée : analyse comparative du Parti socialiste français et du Mouvement socialiste grec." Thesis, Paris 1, 2015.
Full textThis thesis addresses the organizational change that parties undertake under the dynamics developed by political communications. It sheds light in the way that modernization of communication technology influences the intra-party functions, by altering the political public space in which parties integrate. Following the most different systems’ design, the comparison between the French and the Greek socialist party develops a reflection on party organizations, trying to understand the causes of their information, the forces that interact in their mutation, the parameters of organizational configuration, and the effects of this transformation on their party function. By creating an original typology of presidentialization on the basis of the source of leadership legitimization, I use the term post-modern, in order to distinguish the contemporary presidentialization sealed by the dynamics of public opinion , from those occured in the past. Institutional and structural factors in Greece and France revealed the existence of a series of parameters that enhance presidentialization. Having then analyzed the transformation of the political public sphere, I demonstrate the complexity of relations, competition and interdependence existing among and between media, communication and political entrepreneurs in the fields of politics and media. I have then identified the nature and degree of professionalization of political communication within the socialist family, through and online survey Heads of Communication in seventeen socialist parties. Among numerous effects stemming from mediatization of politics and professionalization of communication in the macro and micro political level, I consider changes in the links of representation, personalization of politics and the rising cost of politics a the most importantly related to post-modern presidentialization. The rize of public opinion, the dependence of parties from a series of experts and non-partisan agents in a broader-sense, as well as the need to continually adapt communication resources in order to meet the needs of this mediatized political competition, force parties to undertake changes. PASOK and PS confirm the trend of presidentialization, albeit only partially. Although exogenous factors push towards an opening processes and functions of the socialist parties, such as the generalization of a direct relationship between the leader and the citizen, this presidential logic is hampered by other logics – local and parliamentary – as well as dynamics rather than horizontal than vertical. By placing at the heart of my analysis media constraints and conversion to public opinion demands, I have shown that by its nature, this post-modern presidentialization is vulnerable because of external factors related to parties. So while it is supposed to strenghten the leaders and the principal candidates, presidentialization linked to media constraints transfers the leadership legitimization from the intra-party arena towards public opinion. Post-modern presidentialization stengthens already existing deprivation of both parties from their traditional functions and contributes to their ideological and intellectual disinvestment
Books on the topic "Panhellénisme"
Dynamique du discours politique et conquête du pouvoir: Le cas du PASOK (Mouvement socialiste panhellénique) : 1974-1981. Berne: Lang, 1989.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Panhellénisme"
Scarpi, Paolo. "Les visages du héros, discours mythique et schéma rituel, pour une projection panhellénique." In Chemin faisant, 181–91. Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Full textKosmopoulos, Dimitrios. "L’adoption des primaires ouvertes : entre logiques de conjoncture et transformations structurelles. Le cas du Mouvement Panhellénique Socialiste (PASOK) en Grèce, 2004-2009." In Les primaires ouvertes, 83–102. Presses universitaires du Septentrion, 2019.
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