Academic literature on the topic 'Panache du fleuve Niger'
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Journal articles on the topic "Panache du fleuve Niger"
Leclerc, M., and P. Boudreault. "Méthodologie d'analyse détaillée de la contamination par tronçon du fleuve Saint-Laurent par modélisation numérique : le cas du lac Saint-Pierre." Revue des sciences de l'eau 6, no. 4 (April 12, 2005): 427–52.
Full textHauzeur, Joëlle, and Laurent Pelle. "Fleuve Niger : toponymie et géographie récente du W (de Kirtachi à Boumba)." Journal des africanistes 63, no. 1 (1993): 35–66.
Full textB, Alhou, Issiaka Boukari, and Darchambeau F. "Apports En Carbone Et Azote Dans Le Fleuve Niger À Tondibia (Niamey) : Résultats De Deux (2) Ans D’observations." European Scientific Journal, ESJ 12, no. 21 (July 29, 2016): 167.
Full textAboubakar, Awaïss. "L'Initiative Bassin du Niger (IBN) : développement durable et gestion intégrée d'un grand fleuve." Afrique contemporaine 206, no. 2 (2003): 179.
Full textYoussao, A. K. Issaka, and M. N. Assogba. "Prévalence de la fasciolose bovine dans la vallée du fleuve Niger au Bénin." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 55, no. 2 (February 1, 2002): 105.
Full textBaudoux, L., Hassan Kamil, and Charles-Henri Moulin. "Développement de l’agropastoralisme chez une fraction nomade fixée sur les bords du fleuve Niger au Mali." Revue d’élevage et de médecine vétérinaire des pays tropicaux 58, no. 1-2 (January 1, 2005): 103.
Full textBergoeing, Jean Pierre, and Patrick Gilliard. "Geomorphology of the terraces of the river Niger at the Tatitude of the 'W' National Park, Niger." Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie 41, no. 4 (December 26, 1997): 491–504.
Full textMahamane, Ali, Saadou Mahamane, and Jean Lejoly. "Diospyro-Khayetalia senegalensis ord. nov. dans le Parc Régional du W du fleuve Niger." Flora et Vegetatio Sudano-Sambesica 11 (January 1, 2008): 49–60.
Full textHahonou, Eric Komlavi. "Pêcheurs nomades du fleuve Niger. D’une anthropologie partagée à une anthropologie de la citoyenneté." Journal des Africanistes, no. 87-1/2 (May 1, 2017): 156–78.
Full textAmoussou, E., S. H. Totin Vodounon, A. Hougni, E. W. Vissin, C. Houndenou, G. Mahe, and M. Boko. "Changements environnementaux et vulnérabilité des écosystèmes dans le bassin-versant béninois du fleuve Niger." International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 10, no. 5 (March 28, 2017): 2183.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Panache du fleuve Niger"
Houndegnonto, Odilon Joël. "Analyse des variations thermohalines des échelles intrasaisonnière à saisonnière des panaches d'eau douce du Golfe de Guinée." Thesis, Brest, 2021.
Full textIn the Gulf of Guinea (GG), freshwater originated from river discharges and high precipitation rates contribute to the upper ocean density stratification, and play a key role in modulating air-sea interactions. However, the thermohaline variations of the ocean upper layers within the freshwater plumes in the GG are still poorly known, as they are poorly observed and documented. The main objective of this thesis is therefore to study and document the spatial variability at horizontal mesoscale (10-100 km) and vertical (0-100m), from intra-seasonal to seasonal time scales of the thermohaline 3D structure in the freshwater plume areas of the GG: mainly the Congo and Niger Rivers plumes. First, using SSS SMOS satellite data, our study showed that freshwater plumes in this region extend towards the open ocean following two propagation regimes. During September to January, they propagate northwestward while from January to April they redirect to the southwest, where their maximum extension is observed in April. The rest of the year, from May to August, is marked by a surface salinization episode, where the freshwater plumes dissipate with a minimum extension observed in August. A salinity budget analysis in the surface mixed layer allowed highlighting the main physical processes controlling the seasonal variability of salinity within these freshwater plumes. We showed that horizontal advection processes and freshwater fluxes by precipitation and river discharges are the main contributors of low SSS distribution in this region. In the southeastern Gulf of Guinea, off Congo, the horizontal SSS advection is dominated by Ekman wind-driven currents. Second, we showed that the offshore distribution of the Congo plume on intra-seasonal time scales is associated with salt barrier layers and with thermohaline staircases profiles. In a case study (for 2016/03/31), we showed that the observed thermohaline staircases would result from the shear dynamics between the surface Ekman flow associated with the offshore (North-Westward) distribution of the Congo plume, and the geostrophic (South-Eastward) flow associated with the denser and saltier subsurface water masses of the open ocean to the west. Finally, using a Lagrangian approach, we have highlighted the origin and large-scale structuring of water masses involved in the strong haline stratification observed off Congo. This study showed the strong shear of the currents associated with the vertical salinity gradients within the water column associated with the staircases profiles
Yahaya, Abdou. "Développement agricole et autosuffisance alimentaire dans la vallée du fleuve au Niger." Caen, 1992.
Full textHuet, Jean-Christophe. "Les habitats perchés dans la boucle du fleuve Niger (Mali)." Paris 4, 1993.
Full textThe Bandiagara plateau and Gourma mounts were used as a refuge by dogon and sonrai populations fleeing plains insecurity. The villages are sometimes fortified and noteworthy for their troglodytic dwellings the habitation is the spatial expression of the social structure whose foundation is the minimal lineage. The social life is encapsulated in a complex symbolic system. A village bush dichotomy is the base of space conceptualization. Progression through life is associated with residence moves toward the village center where the village square express the power of gerontocracy
Ali, Mahamadou. "Irrigation et développement agricole : les périmètres irrigués rizicoles de la vallée du fleuve Niger (au Niger)." Montpellier 1, 1993.
Full textThe recent droughts in niger have demonstrated the fragility of the traditional productive system. That is why an hydro-agricultural realizations policy has been set up to allow the lands development of the river niger valley by irrigation and exclusively for the needs of the rice graving practised in bi-annual production. This hydro-agricultural realization policy has been accompanies, ont the beginning of the eighties by a disengagement of the state, by the transfer of a certain number of fonctions first headed up by the managerial staff (the uncc), then the onaha, to the producers, farmers organized in cooperatives. This rice-output cooperatives have played a very important part in the success of these irrigated perimeters, organizing brillianthy the ploughing and the primary commercialization of the production. The agronomical results are also excellent (around 9 tons ha yearly). Moreover there is an impetus effect on the traditional production system facilitating the access to several factors of production (fertilizers, animal husbandry, motor driven pumps) but all these good results do not hide a certain number of problems particularly linked to the commercialization of the production, to the lack of agricultural credit and the training of producers and their cooperatives
Pin, Benoît. "De la conception d'un fleuve patrimonial à sa mise en tourisme : du Val de Loire au fleuve Niger." Thesis, Tours, 2010.
Full textThe thesis analyzes patterns of tourism development of a river "heritage value", the Loire, and Its Potential application on the Niger River in Mali. In a first time, focusing on the Loire river (France) and on the Niger river (Mali), this research regards the construction of the river as a “heritage object", serving to support a project to enhance tourism. The thesis then analyzes policies organization like tools for tourism development and highlights differences existing between heritage mobilized in the patrimonialization process and heritage truly valued in tourism. In a second step, the thesis discusses the construction of institutional and spatial framework accompanying the tourism development of these rivers. Different levels of functional logics are mobilized and compared with territories of action related to tourism development. Ultimately the thesis highlights the difficulties to build a territorial engineering based on functional spaces hardly perceptible for local administration, and discusses the role of policies conductors
Koré-Oumarou, Harouna. "Les filières céréalières au Niger : étude des facteurs d'offre de mil chez les producteurs de la région du fleuve." Montpellier 1, 1987.
Full textLike other sahel countries, niger frequently undergoes food crises. The incriminated factors are : poor efficiency of the agricultural production system and inadequacy of some choices concerning grain policy. Under these circumstances, can an agricultural policy involving mainly small farm-scale cereal production be of any help in an attempt to escape the crisis ? a study of the two key-systems of the millet channel provides answers to this question. The analysis of production structures and of agricultural markets shows the following evolutionary trends : - an easier access for agricultural holdings to markets of imputs for solving contraints. - the semi-intensification of production systems which allows to improve agricultural productivity. But these major agricultural changes do not systematically entail for all farmers a substantial millet supply on the markets. Indeed, supply rather depends on peasants stragegies when they have to cope with financial charges and to reduce the effects of food precariousness. Small farmers may contribute to ensure a reequilibrium of supply to demand of locally produced cereals provided that the state of production structures. .
Chekou, Koré El Hadji Mohamoud. "Le fleuve Niger : impacts du barrage de Kandadji : Aspects écologiques, socio-économiques et culturels." Paris 13, 2011.
Full textDagobi, Abdoua Elhadji. "L'influence des messages d'éducation pour la santé sur les représentations des maladies liées à l'eau dans la vallée du fleuve Niger." Paris, EHESS, 2010.
Full textThis work examines the problems raised by the design and implementation of health education policy in Niger. It is focused on the process of emergence and developement of a national disposal and how it works especially in the water borne diseases programs in the Niger River valley villages. The main idea is that health education policy is undoubtely related to the state, but its implementation depends on non-state actors. Based on field surveys conducted in this region, this work describes the mechanism for ownership of broadcast messages and the constraints of health behavior changing in Niger rural villages. In describing these constraints, inadequate policies and poverty occupy a prominent place. If health education is of great relevance to public health, it must nevertheless be supported upstream by a consistent policy of raising the standard of living
MARLET, SERGE. "Alcalinisation des sols dans la vallee du fleuve niger (niger). Modelisation des processus physico-chimiques et evolution des sols sous irrigation." Montpellier, ENSA, 1996.
Full textAmogu, Okechukwu. "La dégradation des espaces sahéliens et ses conséquences sur l'alluvionnement du fleuve Niger moyen." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2009.
Full textBooks on the topic "Panache du fleuve Niger"
Desjeux, Catherine. Fleuve Niger: Cœur du Mali. Brinon-sur-Sauldre: Granvaux, 2011.
Find full textDu fleuve Niger au fleuve Congo: Une aventure africaine. Arquennes: Primedia éditions, 2014.
Find full textBernard, Salvaing, ed. Almamy: Une jeunesse sur les rives du fleuve Niger. Brinon-sur-Sauldre: Grandvaux, 2000.
Find full textStappen, Xavier van der. L' Afrique du fleuve Niger: Le Dioliba en canoë. Paris: Harmattan, 1996.
Find full textDjoliba, le grand fleuve Niger: Visions de l'eau, culture de l'autre. Paris: La Dispute, 2010.
Find full textLes disponibilités en eau du fleuve Niger: Enjeux et perspectives pour les aménagements hydro-agricoles : le cas du Niger. Bamako: Institut du Sahel, 2002.
Find full textHassane, Adamou. Les disponibilités en eau du fleuve Niger: Enjeux et perspectives pour les aménagements hydro-agricoles : le cas du Niger. Bamako: Institut du Sahel, 2002.
Find full textCoulon, Gilles. Delta: Vivre et travailler dans le delta intérieur du fleuve Niger au Mali. Bamako, Mali: UICN, 2000.
Find full textJean, Rouch. Les hommes et les dieux du fleuve: Essai ethnographique sur les populations Songhay du moyen Niger, 1941-1983. Paris: Artcom', 1997.
Find full textMaga, Abdoulaye. Fouilles et reconnaissances archéologiques au Niger dans l'espace des terres cuites de la vallée du fleuve: Méthodologie et résultats préliminaires. Cotonou - République du Bénin: Les Éditions du Flamboyant, 2013.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Panache du fleuve Niger"
"Les tenures coutumières dans le bassin du fleuve Niger." In Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali, 107–24. CODESRIA, 2015.
Full text"La décentralisation et le foncier dans le bassin du fleuve Niger." In Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali, 241–62. CODESRIA, 2015.
Full text"La dynamique des transactions foncières dans le bassin du fleuve Niger." In Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali, 263–94. CODESRIA, 2015.
Full text"La stratégie coloniale de mise en valeur du bassin du fleuve Niger." In Évolution des systèmes fonciers au Mali, 159–90. CODESRIA, 2015.
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