Academic literature on the topic 'Owen Value'

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Journal articles on the topic "Owen Value"


Hamiache, Gérard. "The Owen value values friendship." International Journal of Game Theory 29, no. 4 (May 10, 2001): 517–32.

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Albizuri, M. J., J. Aurrecoechea, and J. M. Zarzuelo. "Configuration values: Extensions of the coalitional Owen value." Games and Economic Behavior 57, no. 1 (October 2006): 1–17.

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CASAJUS, ANDRÉ. "THE SHAPLEY VALUE, THE OWEN VALUE, AND THE VEIL OF IGNORANCE." International Game Theory Review 11, no. 04 (December 2009): 453–57.

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We show that the Owen value for TU games with a cooperation structure extends the Shapley value in a consistent way. In particular, the Shapley value is the expected Owen value for all symmetric distributions on the partitions of the player set. Similar extensions of the Banzhaf value do not show this property.
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Hu, Xun-Feng. "New axiomatizations of the Owen value." Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 93, no. 3 (June 2021): 585–603.

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Vidal-Puga, Juan, and Gustavo Bergantiños. "An implementation of the Owen value." Games and Economic Behavior 44, no. 2 (August 2003): 412–27.

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Khmelnitskaya, Anna B., and Elena B. Yanovskaya. "Owen coalitional value without additivity axiom." Mathematical Methods of Operations Research 66, no. 2 (June 22, 2007): 255–61.

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E, Cheng-Guo, Quan-Lin Li, and Shi-Yong Li. "The Owen Value of Stochastic Cooperative Game." Scientific World Journal 2014 (2014): 1–7.

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We consider stochastic cooperative game and give it the definition of the Owen value, which is obtained by extending the classical case. Then we provide explicit expression for the Owen value of the stochastic cooperative game and discuss its existence and uniqueness.
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Pankratova, Yaroslavna B., and Leon Petrosyan. "Owen Value for Dynamic Games on Networks." Contributions to Game Theory and Management 15 (2022): 218–25.

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In the presented paper, we consider dynamic network games with coalition structure in which players cooperate to get the best outcomes. As solution the Owen value is proposed. To simplify the calculations the new characteristic function is introduced based on the possibility of cutting connections by players outside the coalition. For a special case, comparison of the Owen value with other solutions is done.
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Doignies, Bastien, David Coeurjolly, Nicolas Bonneel, Julie Digne, Jean-Claude Iehl, and Victor Ostromoukhov. "Differentiable Owen Scrambling." ACM Transactions on Graphics 43, no. 6 (November 19, 2024): 1–12.

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Quasi-Monte Carlo integration is at the core of rendering. This technique estimates the value of an integral by evaluating the integrand at well-chosen sample locations. These sample points are designed to cover the domain as uniformly as possible to achieve better convergence rates than purely random points. Deterministic low-discrepancy sequences have been shown to outperform many competitors by guaranteeing good uniformity as measured by the so-called discrepancy metric, and, indirectly, by an integer t value relating the number of points falling into each domain stratum with the stratum area (lower t is better). To achieve randomness, scrambling techniques produce multiple realizations preserving the t value, making the construction stochastic. Among them, Owen scrambling is a popular approach that recursively permutes intervals for each dimension. However, relying on permutation trees makes it incompatible with smooth optimization frameworks. We present a differentiable Owen scrambling that regularizes permutations. We show that it can effectively be used with automatic differentiation tools for optimizing low-discrepancy sequences to improve metrics such as optimal transport uniformity, integration error, designed power spectra or projective properties, while maintaining their initial t -value as guaranteed by Owen scrambling. In some rendering settings, we show that our optimized sequences improve the rendering error.
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Albizuri, M. J. "Axiomatizations of the Owen value without efficiency." Mathematical Social Sciences 55, no. 1 (January 2008): 78–89.

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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Owen Value"


Baffo, Boris. "Inégalités de santé liées au revenu : Utilisation de l'indice de concentration et des méthodes de décomposition sur les individus européens." Electronic Thesis or Diss., CY Cergy Paris Université, 2024.

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Cette étude vise à expliquer les inégalités liées au revenu dans la distribution de la santé auto-déclarée (SRH) en utilisant des données longitudinales EUSLIC sur la période 2004-2029. Le cadre conceptuel des déterminants sociaux de la santé développé par l'Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS), qui structure hiérarchiquement les contextes politiques et économiques, la démographie, la position socio-économique et enfin les conditions de logement, est utilisé. Du point de vue de la théorie de l'égalité des chances, le premier ensemble de déterminants est appelé circonstances (à la base des inégalités injustes en matière de santé) et les conditions de logement, les efforts (à la base des inégalités équitables en matière de santé).Différentes variables de santé (liées à la santé sexuelle et reproductive) et différentes méthodologies ont été mises en œuvre dans les trois chapitres de cette étude. Les deux premiers chapitres sont consacrés à l'évaluation de la contribution des déterminants de la santé, sur la base d'un modèle de santé et d'une méthode de décomposition. Dans le premier chapitre, la variable de santé considérée est continue, le modèle de santé est le modèle de régression par intervalles et la méthode de décomposition est celle de Wagstaff. Dans le deuxième chapitre, la variable santé est autodéclarée, le modèle utilisé est le modèle logit ordonné, et la nouvelle méthode de décomposition provient de la valeur de Shapley et de la valeur d'Owen. Le chapitre 3 vise à comprendre les variations des inégalités de santé en fonction des inégalités dans les déterminants sociaux de la santé. La méthode de régression et de décomposition RIF a été explorée.Les trois chapitres ont montré la persistance des inégalités de santé en Europe sur la période 2004-2019. Ils montrent que les différences individuelles et régionales de revenus ont un impact significatif sur les inégalités de santé. Elles sont également les principaux moteurs de ces inégalités au cours de la période étudiée. Les résultats ont également mis en évidence la vulnérabilité de certains groupes de population (personnes n'ayant pas fait d'études secondaires, personnes âgées, retraités).En outre, les résultats ont montré le rôle important de l'accessibilité financière et de la privation matérielle non sévère dans l'explication de ces inégalités matérielles. Toutefois, lorsque l'influence des circonstances est supprimée, les contributions de l'accessibilité financière et de la privation matérielle non sévère aux conditions de logement passent de positives à négatives. En termes de politique économique, la recherche d'une redistribution équitable des revenus doit être considérée comme un pilier important de la réduction des inégalités de santé en Europe
This study aims to explain income-related inequalities in the distribution of self-reported health (SRH) using longitudinal EUSLIC data over the period 2004-2029. The conceptual framework of social determinants of health developed by the World Health Organization (WHO), which hierarchically structures political and economic contexts, demographics, socio-economic position and finally housing conditions, is used. From the perspective of Equality Opportunity Theory, the first set of determinants are called circumstances (at the basis of unjust inequalities in health) and housing conditions, the efforts (at the basis of fair inequalities in health).Different health variables (related to the SRH) and different methodologies have been implemented in the three chapters of this study. The first two chapters are devoted to assessing the contribution of health determinants, based on a health model and a decomposition method. In the first chapter, the health variable considered is continuous, the health model is the interval regression model, and the decomposition method is that of Wagstaff. In the second chapter, the health variable is self-reported, the model used is the ordered logit model, and the new decomposition method comes from the Shapley value and the Owen value. Chapter 3 aims to understand variations in health inequalities based on inequalities in health's social determinants. The RIF method of regression and decomposition has been explored.The three chapters have shown the persistence of health inequalities in Eu- rope over the period 2004-2019. They show that individual and regional in- come differences have a significant impact on health inequalities. They are also the main drivers over the study period. The results also highlighted the vulnerability of certain population groups (people with less than secondaryeducation, the elderly, retirees). In addition, the results showed the important role of affordability and non-severe material deprivation in explaining these material inequalities. However, when the influence of circumstances is removed, the contributions of affordability and non-severe material deprivation to housing conditions change from positive to negative. In terms of economic policy, the search for a fair redistribution of income must be seen as an important pillar for reducing health inequalities in Europe
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Humason, Jeff R. "Homeschoolers on Homeschooling: In Their Own Words." University of Toledo / OhioLINK, 2012.

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Cuppett, Kevin S. "How Do Stakeholders Engaged in School-University Partnerships Create Value for their Own Organizations?" Thesis, The George Washington University, 2014.

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The purpose of this study was to determine how stakeholders engaged in school-university partnerships, specifically in the work preparing future school administrators, created and captured value for their own organizations. These case studies examined three partnerships that involved three school systems who all partnered with the same college, which allowed for multi-site and within site analysis. The study used the voices of key stakeholders, partnership documents, and observations of key events within the partnerships as data sources to focus on what stakeholders took away from the partnerships for their own organizations.

The review of literature included research on the role of school-university partnerships in principal preparation reform, and the impact of such reform on leadership succession in schools. In addition, the literature on collaboration provided a clear context for identifying, analyzing and interpreting the actions of stakeholders in these partnerships. The partnerships were examined using negotiated order theory as a conceptual and theoretical framework. This framework proved valuable for determining the actions stakeholders in regard to the preconditions and processes of collaboration, with specific focus on value creation and capture as outcomes.

The findings showed that value creation and capture were specific and significant for all organizations, although there was variance across the partnerships as to what and how value was created and captured. Recommendations were offered for organizations interested in creating school-university partnerships. Recommendations could also be broadly applied to many types of organizations in the social sector that are interested in partnering as a means of creating and capturing value for their own organizations.

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Braddon, Chanel, and Elin Westergren. "Should municipalities in Sweden own or rent their public school premises?" Thesis, KTH, Fastigheter och byggande, 2016.

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According to the conducted survey the majority of municipalities in Sweden own their municipal school premises, and only a few municipalities hire that type of premises. The reason why municipalities own their schools varies. In many cases it will depend on one or more of the following reasons; because of political reasons, because they have "always done so”, because of policies to own social infrastructure, or because it is considered more economically feasible. In theory, the claim that it will be cheaper to own since a private operator requires a premium to make profit, is correct. Traditionally, municipalities have also been able to borrow money cheaper than private operators. Reasons that some municipalities instead choose to rent their school premises is for instance due to the long-term benefits that the renting option brings. A building will for instance be erected faster if the municipality, instead of a traditional procurement, chooses the renting-procurement alternative. A faster erected building can have socio economic advantages. In addition, the municipality does not lock up a large portion of capital in real estate. Similar to private investors, municipalities has a limit for lending of capital. The rent option of community buildings in general, and school buildings in particular, can therefor enable investments in other buildings that contribute to the municipality's attractiveness. More tax revenue leads to the possibility of investing more in social and traditional infrastructure. The study showed no significant cost difference for renting versus owning. With the increased population and need of new school premises it is important that municipalities conduct investment analysis and base their decisions on the option that is most economically advantageous. Allowing a long-term private operator to construct and rent out the new school should therefore be seen as an option for more municipalities in Sweden, municipalities should hence conduct economic comparing calculations for the two options. The economic assessment, and later the action plan for future school constructions, should be based on the municipality's economic conditions. The assessment should also most probably result in a mix between renting and owning schools, to promote, inter alia, competitiveness and quality.
Enligt den kartläggning som genomförts framkom det att flertalet kommuner i Sverige äger sina kommunala skollokaler och endast ett fåtal kommuner hyr den typen av lokaler. Anledningen till att kommuner äger sina skollokaler varierar men beror i många fall på en eller flera av följande orsaker; på grund av sitt ideologiska styre, för att “de alltid gjort det”, för att kommunen har som policy att äga sina samhällsfastigheter, eller för att det anses vara ekonomiskt fördelaktigt. I teorin stämmer påståendet att det blir billigare att äga eftersom en privat aktör är vinstdrivande och därför kommer kräva en premie på sin affär. Traditionellt sett har även kommuner kunnat låna pengar billigare än privata aktörer. Anledningar till att vissa kommuner istället väljer att hyra sina skollokaler kan bero på de kort och långsiktiga fördelar som hyra-alternativet frambringar. Det kan till exempel gå snabbare att uppföra en skola om kommunen väljer att utlysa en hyresupphandling istället för en vanlig utförandeentreprenad. Rent samhällsekonomiskt kan det vara fördelaktigt att skolan står klar så snabbt som möjligt samt att kommunen inte låser upp för stor andel kapital i fastigheter. Kommuner har dessutom, precis som privata investerare, ett lånetak som försvårar en alltför stor kapitalanskaffning och med tanke på Sveriges rådande och kommande tillväxttakt kan ett allt för stort fokus på att äga bli en utmaning. Genom att välja hyraalternativet av samhällsbyggnader generellt, och för skolbyggnader i synnerhet, kan möjliggöra alternativa investeringar som bidrar till kommunens attraktivitet och därigenom lockar fler medborgare. Mer skatteintäkter leder till möjligheten att investera ytterligare i social och traditionell infrastruktur. I realiteten skiljer sig inte kostnaderna för att hyra kontra äga märkvärt men med den befolkningstillväxt och befolkningsprognos som i dagsläget beskrivs bör investeringsbedömningen utgå ifrån de alternativ som är mest samhällsekonomiskt fördelaktigt. Att låta en långsiktiga privata aktör uppföra den nya skolan för att sedan hyra tillbaka den bör således vara ett fördelaktigt alternativ för fler kommuner i Sverige. Istället för att göra som man ”alltid har gjort” bör det vara självklart att genomföra samhällsekonomiska jämförelsekalkyler för de två alternativen.
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Faulkner, A. "Knowing our own minds : the role and value of experiential knowledge in mental health research." Thesis, City, University of London, 2017.

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This PhD thesis by prior publication describes a journey through the author's experiential knowledge and research development to a position where an understanding of this contribution is achieved with the assistance of emancipatory and standpoint research paradigms. The ten papers submitted as part of this thesis span a total of 12 years and a range of approaches including user-led or survivor research, user-controlled research and service user involvement in research. All of these terms are explored in relation to the ten publications for the different emphasis given to experiential knowledge and the relative power which that knowledge can attain. The research establishes service users/survivors as researchers and as the 'knowers' of mental distress, of mental health services and of their(our) discriminated status within society, presenting critical perspectives on mainstream mental health services and treatments. A central theme is the significance of relationship and connectedness (often established through different manifestations of 'peer support') in the development of experiential knowledge. This body of knowledge represents both a contribution and a challenge to mainstream mental health knowledge and mental health research. Issues of power and identity run through much of this thesis; the dominant psychiatric discourse leaves little space in mental health research for the knowledge that comes from direct experience. Nevertheless, the papers demonstrate that survivor research has carved itself a significant space for experiential knowledge over the last couple of decades, and it is hoped that the newlyframed discipline of Mad Studies will further validate that space and the knowledge(s) that can grow within it.
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Lu, Yinghua. "The Heart Has Its Own Order: The Phenomenology of Value and Feeling in Confucian Philosophy." OpenSIUC, 2014.

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This dissertation proposes a phenomenological investigation into value and feeling in classical and "neo-" Confucianism, particularly in the works of Mencius and Wang Yangming, in light of the German phenomenologist Max Scheler's clarification of human experience and theory of value. The phenomenological method and attitude, which seek essence by resorting to concrete personal and interpersonal experience rather than relying on the presuppositions of conceptual systems, offers a fresh and insightful perspective from which to examine the experiential pattern of morals in Confucian tradition. In order to illustrate how moral feelings and values establish each other, I examine the feeling-value correlations of love, sympathy and ren, shame and righteousness, respect and ritual propriety, and approval and wisdom, developed from Mencius' discussion on four initial moral emotions. This work not only clarifies the optimal experience of moral feelings, but also points out the concrete contents of what Wang Yangming calls the pure knowing of Heavenly principle. This phenomenological presentation of Confucian values, especially as mediated by Wang with some clarification through Scheler's thought, opposes both the dogmatic and relativist conceptions of principle (li) and the abstract interpretations of "pure knowing" (liang zhi) as having no concrete content, and thus it is relevantly applicable in directing our moral lives. The clarification of experience in different traditions is significant for research in both phenomenology and Chinese philosophy, and the experiential analysis made possible by this approach offers greater possibilities for mutual understanding among various cultures in the world.
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Grigoropoulou, Nikolitsa. "Our Own and the Others: What Happens to Perceptions of Immigrant Threat when Value Priorities Collide?" Thesis, University of North Texas, 2019.

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With immigration controversies increasingly found at the forefront of the European public arena, understanding the social and cultural forces driving negative perceptions of immigrants becomes a pressing task of academic scholarship. Situated within the broader theoretical framework of group-conflict theories, human values theory and social identity theory encourage different interpretations of how our interest to the welfare of the people closest to us (benevolence) and the broader human community (universalism) can inform attitudes towards immigrants. Human values theory argues for a unidirectional, negative effect of benevolence and universalism on negative perceptions of immigrants, while social identity theory suggests that, unlike universalism, benevolence would increase such perceptions. The present study seeks to examine how self-transcending human values (a.k.a. benevolence and universalism) affect perceptions of immigrant threat and whether the locus of our value priority matters. Using nationally pooled data from the European Social Survey (ESS) for 15 European countries, the results provide robust evidence that benevolence and universalism affect perceived immigrant threat in opposite directions, generally aligning with the propositions of the social identity theory. The group we place our loyalty matters. At the same time, national context matters too suggesting that grand scheme interpretations of this phenomenon fall short. Theoretical implications and future directions are further discussed.
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Tattersall, Bronwyn. "The Impact of Governmental Performance Management Values on Teachers' own Values and Practice in the area of Performance Management." Thesis, University of Sussex, 2009.

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Hinz, Andreas, Winfried Häuser, Heide Glaesmer, and Elmar Brähler. "The relationship between perceived own health state and health assessments of anchoring vignettes." Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 2016.

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Self-reported health depends on the internal frame of reference and on response styles. One way of studying this dependency is using anchoring vignettes. Response shift effects are assumed to induce a negative correlation between self-reported health and the health assessments attributed to the vignettes. Method: A representative sample of the German adult population (N = 2,409) was selected. Participants were asked to rate their health state and the health states of two rather complex vignettes representing patients with several health complaints on a 0-100 scale. Results: The mean score of self-assessed health was M = 76.20 (SD = 20.6). There was a very small positive correlation between the assessment of the vignettes and the self-assessed health state (r = .12). After controlling for a proxy of objective health, measured in terms of chronic conditions, the relationship remained slightly positive. Chronic conditions were only marginally associated with the assessments of the vignettes (0 conditions: M = 44.8; ≥ 2 conditions: M = 42.2). Conclusions: The lack of the postulated association between self-reported health and vignettes’ ratings means that we cannot derive tools to correct the subjective ratings for differential use of frames of reference.
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Clausén, Gabriella. "Do profitable banks with a solid capital base have a higher ratio of capital buffer? : Reviewing the impact of regulation, the previous financial crisis and banks own incentives of having excess capital." Thesis, KTH, Entreprenörskap och Innovation, 2013.

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The financial crisis starting in mid-2007 is still affecting us, and with increased regulation banks and institutions are supposed to get more solvent and the industry to become more stable. The Basel Committee is working towards more unified regulation across countries, but the question is how the increased regulation is affecting banks financials. Do profitable banks with a solid capital base have a higher ratio of capital buffer? Looking at banks in 16 OECD countries during the period 1993-2009, with country-level panel-data displayed in two simultaneous equation estimations illustrating how profit and capital buffer has changed during these years, and the relation between them. To get an understanding of how the crisis affected these variables the regressions are also done for a pre-crisis period of 1993-2006. Internal funding variables and other economic control variables are explanatory variables and results show the internal funding variables have a large effect on profit and for capital buffer profit have the largest impact. Results imply that profitable banks with a solid capital base do have a higher ratio of capital buffer. The results coincide with the franchise value theory which is applied in the paper.
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Books on the topic "Owen Value"


author, Tew Raymond Paul, Owen Steven L. author, and Szot Alison editor, eds. Value-based Medicare reimbursement: For hospitals & physicians / by J. Duncan Moore Jr., Raymond Paul Tew & Steven L. Owen ; editor, Alison Szot ; designer, Nicole Lombardo Ganz. 2nd ed. United States: Medicus Innovation, 2014.

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Inc, Technical Insights, ed. New profits, new growth: Exploiting the hidden value of your own technology. Englewood/Fort Lee, NJ: Technical Insights, 1993.

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Thurman, Jennifer. A voice of its own?: The value of a nonprofit sector association in Oklahoma. Cambridge, Mass: John F. Kennedy School of Government, 2008.

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Ofstad, Harald. Our contempt for weakness: Nazi norms and values--and our own. [Sweden?]: Almquist & Wiksell International, 1989.

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M, Andrews Lewis. To thine own self be true: The relationship between spiritual values and emotional health. New York: Doubleday, 1989.

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Webb, Adam Kempton. A path of our own: An Andean village and tomorrow's economy of values. Wilmington, Del: ISI Books, 2009.

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Gillis, John R. A world of their own making: Myth, ritual, and the quest for family values. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

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Gillis, John R. A world of their own making: Myth, ritual, and the quest for family values. New York: Basic books, 1996.

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van Donselaar, Gijs, Peter Rijpkema, and Henri Wijsbek. The Ethics of Determining One’s Own Death. Nieuwe Prinsengracht 89 1018 VR Amsterdam Nederland: Amsterdam University Press, 2025.

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This collection brings together key contributions on the ethics of end-of-life decisions, inspired by the publication of ‘What Kind of Death: The Ethics of Determining One’s Own Death’, a new standard work by professor Govert den Hartogh. The topics covered reflect the book’s comprehensive approach, with its central themes explored by ethicists, legal experts, and medical professionals. The various contributions offer a thorough examination of the major steps in Den Hartogh’s ‘dual track approach’. This collection serves as a valuable supplement to the book and an important contribution to the ongoing debate about patient self-determination and well-being as foundational values in the ethics of determining one’s own death.
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1955-, Rosenzweig Philip M., ed. Unexpected Japan: Why American business should return to its own traditional values and not imitate the Japanese. New York: Walker, 1985.

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Book chapters on the topic "Owen Value"


Juarez-Romero, Oliver, William Olvera-Lopez, and Francisco Sanchez-Sanchez. "Additional Properties of the Owen Value." In Trends in Mathematical Economics, 209–16. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.

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Saavedra-Nieves, Alejandro, Ignacio García-Jurado, and M. Gloria Fiestras-Janeiro. "Estimation of the Owen Value Based on Sampling." In Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 347–56. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2018.

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Algaba, Encarnación, Andrea Prieto, Alejandro Saavedra-Nieves, and Herbert Hamers. "Analyzing the Zerkani Network with the Owen Value." In Studies in Choice and Welfare, 225–42. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.

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Bellina, Lidia, and Sauro Garzi. "Il lavoro ‘educato’ in Robert Owen." In Idee di lavoro e di ozio per la nostra civiltà, 647–53. Florence: Firenze University Press, 2024.

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Work is at the heart of Owen's universal model of society. Community heritage and measurement of the value of goods. Owen considers manual work as a barrier to the effects of the uncontrolled production of machines. He defines "circumstances" significant for the formation of character, made competent and rewarding by education, alternating with "rational recreation", the antithesis of idleness related to intemperance and uselessness.
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Laruelle, Annick, and Federico Valenciano. "On the Meaning of Owen—Banzhaf Coalitional Value in Voting Situations." In Theory and Decision Library, 113–23. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2004.

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Feld, Scott L., Joseph Godfrey, and Bernard Grofman. "The Shapley–Owen Value and the Strength of Small Winsets: Predicting Central Tendencies and Degree of Dispersion in the Outcomes of Majority Rule Decision-Making." In Studies in Choice and Welfare, 289–308. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2014.

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Stern, Carl W. "The Deconstruction of Value Chains." In Own the Future, 299–302. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.

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Haanaes, Knut, Catherine Roche, Jonathan Sharp, and Marty Smits. "Creating Practical Consumer Value from Sustainability." In Own the Future, 125–29. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.

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Kotzen, Jeffrey, Eric Olsen, Frank Plaschke, Daniel Stelter, and Hady Farag. "Focusing Corporate Strategy on Value Creation." In Own the Future, 227–33. Hoboken, NJ, USA: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2015.

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Griseri, Paul. "Ethics as its Own Worst Enemy." In Managing Values, 204–18. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1998.

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Conference papers on the topic "Owen Value"


Genenz, Ulrike, Neelanjana Anne, Zeynep Kılıç, Daniel Mathews, Oya Ok, Adrian Schmidt, and Zeki Can Seskir. "Why Teach Quantum on Your Own Time: The Values of Grassroots Organisations Involved in Quantum Technologies Education and Outreach." In 2024 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE), 82–88. IEEE, 2024.

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Tsitsagi, Mariam, Ana Palavandishvili, and Zaza Gulashvili. "DROUGHT INDICES AND VIS-BASED CANOPY STATUS OF VINEYARDS." In 24th SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference 2024, 83–90. STEF92 Technology, 2024.

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The study aims to evaluate how droughts impact irrigated and non-irrigated vineyards by analysing the relationship between short-term drought and vegetation indices to identify areas irrigated from unofficial sources. The re-search area includes vineyards in Telavi municipality (eastern Georgia). RStudio was used to calculate SPI and SPEI (1- month and 3-month timescales) and EDI (daily) to measure the severity of the meteorological drought. The 27-year (1993�2020) data from a weather station in the study area included daily temperature and precipitation. Water stress in crops using Sentinel 2-based NDVI and NDMI data from April 1 to August 31, 2020, was estimated in ArcMap 10.8. For accuracy assessment, data from the vineyard cadaster (2020) and Georgian amelioration were used. The study's findings indicate that based on the SPI and SPEI (1-month and 3-month) values, the growing season of 2020 experienced a near-normal (-1�1) condition. In June, there is a reported moderate drought (SPI_1=- 1.3, SPEI_1=-1.6), and in July, the 3-month data shows a value of -1.1 for SPEI_3. According to daily EDI measurements, the number of drought days is highest in June and early July. Because of the climatic conditions in the research area, irrigation is re- quired for the agricultural parcels. The Georgian irrigation system is the country's primary source of irrigation water. According to official sources, 589 hectares of vineyards out of a total of 6936 hectares receive irrigation. Examining the irrigated parcels' vegetation indices showed that, despite the dry days, the NDVI and NDMI values remained stable, while in some parcels, the values decreased significantly after the dry days. Identified areas include those that receive water from a variety of sources, as well as those that lack both official and unofficial irrigation sources. The findings indicated that 5.3% (337 ha) of vineyards lack an alternate water source, whereas 94.7% (6010 ha) receive water supply during periods of drought. Additional data analysis showed that the majority of such parcels are adjacent to rivers and provide water supplies on their own. The findings ensure that we can accurately evaluate irrigation patterns using drought and Sentinel-based vegetation indices.
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Li, Shujin, Xiaoning Li, and Qiang Zhang. "The Extension of Owen Coalition Value." In 2008 Fourth International Conference on Natural Computation. IEEE, 2008.

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Giménez, José Miguel, and María Albina Puente. "A New Procedure to Calculate the Owen Value." In 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.

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Giménez, José Miguel, and María Albina Puente. "A New Procedure to Calculate the Owen Value." In 6th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2017.

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Kalani, Ankit, and Satish G. Kandlikar. "Pressure Drop Analysis Using the Homogeneous Model for Open Microchannel With Manifold (OMM)." In ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels collocated with the ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2014.

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Flow boiling in microchannels has the ability to dissipate high heat fluxes due to the associated small hydraulic diameter and latent heat effects. However, flow instabilities and early critical heat flux have often limited the heat transfer performance of such systems. In a previous study, the open microchannel with manifold (OMM) design was introduced to address these issues. Low pressure drop at high heat flux were obtained with this configuration. In this work, theoretical modeling of pressure drop for the OMM geometry with a uniform and a tapered manifold is undertaken. Applicability of the homogeneous model is evaluated using seven different viscosity averaging schemes. Experiments were performed with two test sections (one plain and one with open microchannels) and with four different manifolds (one uniform and three tapered). All experimental data with various configurations were compared with the different viscosity models. The viscosity model of Owen et al. predicted the highest value of pressure drop, while the lowest value was obtained with that of Dukler et al. All models underpredicted for uniform manifold with plain and microchannel chips with an average MAE of 50%. For tapered manifolds, plain chip underpredicted, while good agreement was obtained with microchannel chip for McAdams et al. and Akers et al.
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Dweik, Zain, Roger Briley, Timothy Swafford, and Barry Hunt. "Computational Study of the Unsteady Flow Structure of the Buoyancy-Driven Rotating Cavity With Axial Throughflow of Cooling Air." In ASME Turbo Expo 2009: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. ASMEDC, 2009.

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Buoyancy driven flows such as the one that occurs in the inter-disk space of an axial compressor spool plays a major role in determining the gas turbine engine projected life and performance. Details of the developed flow structure inside these spaces largely impact the operating temperatures on the rotating walls of the compressor hardware and therefore impact the life of the machine. In this paper the impact of engine power condition (Idle, Highpower, and Shutdown) on the flow structure for these rotating cavities is studied under a wide range of operating conditions encountered by realistic turbomachines. A computational analysis is performed using commercially available computational tools for grid generation (ICEM-CFD) and turbulent-flow simulation (CFX). A computational test case was developed to imitate the rig-test conditions of Owen and Powell, and computed results were assessed and validated by comparison with their experimental results. A total of fifteen unsteady CFD cases covering a wide range of operating conditions (Rossby Number Ro, Rotational Rayleigh Number Raφ, and axial Reynolds Number Rez) were analyzed. The computed flow results revealed that the flow structure evolution, starting from a steady state solution, is such that radial arms of different number (according to the engine power condition), surrounded by a co-rotating (cyclonic) and counter-rotating (anti-cyclonic) pair of vortices, start to form at different locations. Cold air from the central jet enters the cavity in these arms under the combined action of the centrifugal buoyancy and the Coriolis forces. As time proceeds, the flow structure tends to become virtually invariant with time in a repeatable pattern. The number of radial arms, strength of recirculation zones, and the degree of invasion of the central cooling air toward the shroud are all dependent on the engine power condition. The computations also revealed that at high rotational speed the flow stabilizes, and the unsteady features of the flow structure (cyclonic and anti-cyclonic recirculation zones surrounding the radial arms, radial invasion of the cooling air in the radial arms, and its final impingement upon the shroud surface) eventually disappear after a threshold value of the rotational speed is reached.
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Giménez, José, and María Puente. "The Owen and the Owen-Banzhaf Values Applied to the Study of the Madrid Assembly and the Andalusian Parliament in Legislature 2015-2019." In 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019.

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Giménez, José, and María Puente. "The Owen and the Owen-Banzhaf Values Applied to the Study of the Madrid Assembly and the Andalusian Parliament in Legislature 2015-2019." In 8th International Conference on Operations Research and Enterprise Systems. SCITEPRESS - Science and Technology Publications, 2019.

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Uchida, Takahisa, Takashi Minato, and Hiroshi Ishiguro. "Does a Conversational Robot Need to Have its own Values?" In HAI '16: The Fourth International Conference on Human Agent Interaction. New York, NY, USA: ACM, 2016.

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Reports on the topic "Owen Value"


Ruiz de Gauna, Itziar, Anil Markandya, Laura Onofri, Francisco (Patxi) Greño, Javier Warman, Norma Arce, Alejandra Navarrete, et al. Economic Valuation of the Ecosystem Services of the Mesoamerican Reef, and the Allocation and Distribution of these Values. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2021.

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Coral reefs are one of the most diverse and valuable ecosystems on Earth. The Mesoamerican Reef contains the largest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere. However, its health is threatened, so there is a need for a management and sustainable conservation. Key to this is knowing the economic value of the ecosystem. “Mainstreaming the value of natural capital into policy decision-making is vital” The value of environmental and natural resources reflects what society is willing to pay for a good or service or to conserve natural resources. Conventional economic approaches tended to view value only in terms of the willingness to pay for raw materials and physical products generated for human production and consumption (e.g. fish, mining materials, pharmaceutical products, etc.). As recognition of the potential negative impacts of human activity on the environment became more widespread, economists began to understand that people might also be willing to pay for other reasons beyond the own current use of the service (e.g. to protect coral reefs from degradation or to know that coral reefs will remain intact in the future). As a result of this debate, Total Economic Value (TEV) became the most widely used and commonly accepted framework for classifying economic benefits of ecosystems and for trying to integrate them into decision-making. This report estimates the economic value of the following goods and services provided by the MAR's coral reefs: Tourism & Recreation, Fisheries, Shoreline protection. To our knowledge, the inclusion of non-use values in the economic valuation of the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System is novel, which makes the study more comprehensive.
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Ahmed, S. Amer, Thomas Hertel, and Ruben Lubowski. Calibration of a Land Cover Supply Function Using Transition Probabilities. GTAP Research Memoranda, February 2009.

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In the GTAP-AEZ framework the supply of land across different uses is determined through a Constant Elasticity of Transformation (CET) supply function, where land cover is allocated across forestry, grazing and crops, followed by the allocation of harvested area across cropping activities. This research memorandum describes the empirically based calibration strategy used to determine the CET value for the land cover allocation nest dealing with the broader three commercial uses, and examines how land use responsiveness and the parameter value evolve over time. The calibration is accomplished using the GTAP Land Use Database and time paths of land quantities by use over a 100 year period. These land quantity projections are, in turn, based on matrices of land use transition probabilities and own return elasticities of transition probabilities for the USA. We find that over time there is a rise in the land use response to increases in own-returns and in own return elasticities, while there is a fall in the calibrated CET value. The value of the CET parameter decreases at a decreasing rate every five-year period, although it can be approximated by a linear relationship in the short to medium run. We can use this linear interpolation to estimate the average CET parameter associated with any desired length of run.
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Aldonas, Grant. Regional Integration behind the Border: Applying a Value Chain Approach. Inter-American Development Bank, July 2009.

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This paper outlines a methodology for assessing the cost of internal and external obstacles affecting the performance of the value chains serving local producers in developing countries as a means of identifying high impact interventions that would contribute to the country's successful integration into regional and global markets. The objective is to create a single measure of the effect of such barriers in order to illustrate the value of examining internal reforms (i.e., those steps essential to regional integration "behind the border") as well as export barriers in developing a regional integration strategy that makes sense in the context of the accelerating integration of global markets. The methodology employed uses tools applied by global firms in assessing their own operations and in making critical sourcing decisions. This paper was presented at Latin America/Caribbean and Asia/Pacific Economics and Business Association (LAEBA)'s 5th Annual Meeting held in Singapore on July 15th, 2009.
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Böhm, Franziska, Ingrid Jerve Ramsøy, and Brigitte Suter. Norms and Values in Refugee Resettlement: A Literature Review of Resettlement to the EU. Malmö University, 2021.

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As a result of the refugee reception crisis in 2015 the advocacy for increasing resettlement numbers in the overall refugee protection framework has gained momentum, as has research on resettlement to the EU. While the UNHCR purports resettlement as a durable solution for the international protection of refugees, resettlement programmes to the European Union are seen as a pillar of the external dimension of the EU’s asylum and migration policies and management. This paper presents and discusses the literature regarding the value transmissions taking place within these programmes. It reviews literature on the European resettlement process – ranging from the selection of refugees to be resettled, the information and training they receive prior to travelling to their new country of residence, their reception upon arrival, their placement and dispersal in the receiving state, as well as programs of private and community sponsorship. The literature shows that even if resettlement can be considered an external dimension of European migration policy, this process does not end at the border. Rather, resettlement entails particular forms of reception, placement and dispersal as well as integration practices that refugees are confronted with once they arrive in their resettlement country. These practices should thus be understood in the context of the resettlement regime as a whole. In this paper we map out where and how values (here understood as ideas about how something should be) and norms (expectations or rules that are socially enforced) are transmitted within this regime. ‘Value transmission’ is here understood in a broad sense, taking into account the values that are directly transmitted through information and education programmes, as well as those informing practices and actors’ decisions. Identifying how norms and values figure in the resettlement regime aid us in further understanding decision making processes, policy making, and the on-the-ground work of practitioners that influence refugees’ lives. An important finding in this literature review is that vulnerability is a central notion in international refugee protection, and even more so in resettlement. Ideas and practices regarding vulnerability are, throughout the resettlement regime, in continuous tension with those of security, integration, and of refugees’ own agency. The literature review and our discussion serve as a point of departure for developing further investigations into the external dimension of value transmission, which in turn can add insights into the role of norms and values in the making and un-making of (external) boundaries/borders.
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Le, Trinh, and Thomas Benison. Do New Zealand home equity release schemes provide value for money? Motu Economic and Public Policy Research, September 2024.

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Home equity release refers to financial products that allow people to access the equity that is tied up in their own homes. Home equity is a large part of household wealth in New Zealand, making it an important asset that could potentially be used to fund retirement. However, the take-up of equity release products such as reverse mortgages is very low. This research examines whether home equity release schemes currently available in the New Zealand market provide value for money and how they might provide a suitable form of retirement income for some people. The available data confirm the existence of many households with low retirement income and high housing wealth, highlighting those who stand to potentially gain from home equity release. Assessments of the features and costs of current home release schemes, alongside worked examples using realistic values, highlight the scenarios when home equity release may (or may not) be beneficial. Depending on current circumstances and future financial needs, home equity release may be a suitable form of retirement income for some retirees but not for others.
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Filippou, Ilias, James Mitchell, and My T. Nguyen. The FOMC versus the Staff: Do Policymakers Add Value in Their Tales? Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, August 2023.

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Using close to 40 years of textual data from FOMC transcripts and the Federal Reserve staff's Greenbook/Tealbook, we extend Romer and Romer (2008) to test if the FOMC adds information relative to its staff forecasts not via its own quantitative forecasts but via its words. We use methods from natural language processing to extract from both types of document text-based forecasts that capture attentiveness to and sentiment about the macroeconomy. We test whether these text-based forecasts provide value-added in explaining the distribution of outcomes for GDP growth, the unemployment rate, and inflation. We find that FOMC tales about macroeconomic risks do add value in the tails, especially for GDP growth and the unemployment rate. For inflation, we find value-added in both FOMC point forecasts and narrative, once we extract from the text a broader set of measures of macroeconomic sentiment and risk attentiveness.
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Angood, Peter. “Profiles in Success”: Certified Physician Executives Share the Value and ROI of their CPE Education. American Association for Physician Leadership, April 2024.

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The value of physician leadership is self-evident. Physician-led hospitals and health systems outperform their non-physician-led peers in objective measures of quality of care, patient experience, and cost of care. Health system and hospital leaders recognize that more physician leaders are needed and are investing in physician leadership development programs to address that need. The impact, value, and benefits of these programs are understudied topics, and research is needed to identify the return-on-investment that organizations can expect. AAPL is well-positioned to take a lead in this important research. To that end, AAPL began documenting the value of its own Certified Physician Executive (CPE) credential in 2023 when it surveyed program alumni to identify the organizational impacts of their leadership since completing the program.
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Hoy, Michael D. Herons and Egrets. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, August 2017.

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Herons and egrets commonly cause damage at aquaculture facilities and recreational fishing waters where fish are held at high densities. Fish-eating birds also can have an impact on intensively managed sport fisheries. Damage occurs when herons and egrets feed on fish purchased and released for recreational sport fishing activities. Values of these fish can be quite high given the intensity of management activities and the direct relationship of fishery quality to property value. Herons and egrets are freshwater or coastal birds of the family Ardeidae. Herons and egrets discussed in this section are all piscivorous. They are opportunistic feeders, however, and will consume small amphibians, insects, and reptiles. Due to these food preferences, herons and egrets are attracted to shallow lakes and human-made impoundments. Native bird species are covered under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA) and given federal protection. Depredation permits can be obtained through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In addition, individual states may require their own permits for legal take of these bird species.
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Ter-Minassian, Teresa. Reform Priorities for Sub-national Revenues in Brazil. Inter-American Development Bank, May 2012.

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This paper surveys the system of sub-national own revenues and the inter- governmental transfer system (including the sharing of oil revenues) in Brazil, highlighting their critical flaws. The latter include heavy reliance on a mixed- origin/destination-based value-added tax and many sub-national governments' inadequate exploitation of the tax bases assigned to them. The paper then discusses reform priorities, outlining a comprehensive reform strategy and some initial steps that could be taken toward its implementation in the near term, as well as related political economy considerations.
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Scholl, Lynn, Daniel Oviedo, and Orlando Sabogal-Cardona. Disrupting Personal (In)Security? The Role of Ride-Hailing Service Features, Commute Strategies, and Gender in Mexico City. Inter-American Development Bank, December 2021.

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This paper sheds light on the personal security dimension of ride-hailing from a gender perspective. We explore how features of Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) services affect riders perceptions of security when commuting in ride-hailing services, and how general perceptions of fear of crime shape the way people value such features. Moreover, we analyze the strategies women and men are using to enhance their own security in ride-hailing and factors influencing these strategies. We conducted a survey of users of the TNC DiDi in Mexico City. The statistical methods used are structural equation models SEM and ordered logit models OLOGIT. Results show that women are more likely to value the information made available by ride-hailing applications (e.g., knowing your location or knowing driver information) and the presence of a panic button. The value given to information also increases if a person feels insecure in the streets, in a public transit station or in public transit. People who perceive higher insecurity in the streets have increased positive perceptions of the possibility of travelling without transfers. We also find that women are 64.4% less likely to share ride-hailing trips (pooling) and 2.14 times more likely to share details of their trips through their cellphones.
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