Academic literature on the topic 'Ovins laitiers'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ovins laitiers"
ROUEL, J., J. BONY, G. LAIGNEL, G. LIENARD, and M. THERIEZ. "Dans une exploitation laitière, un troupeau ovin complémentaire. Mise au point d’un système de production en ferme expérimentale." INRAE Productions Animales 8, no. 5 (October 24, 1995): 341–52.
Full textBARILLET, F., and F. BOCQUIER. "Le contexte de production des ovins laitiers en France : principaux objectifs de recherche-développement et conditions de leur mise en oeuvre." INRAE Productions Animales 6, no. 1 (February 27, 1993): 17–24.
Full textLABATUT, J., J. M. ASTRUC, F. BARILLET, D. BOICHARD, V. DUCROCQ, L. GRIFFON, and G. LAGRIFFOUL. "Implications organisationnelles de la sélection génomique chez les bovins et ovins laitiers en France : analyses et accompagnement." INRAE Productions Animales 27, no. 4 (October 21, 2014): 303–16.
Full textBUISSON, Diane, Jean-Michel ASTRUC, and Francis BARILLET. "Bilan et perspectives de la gestion de la variabilité génétique des ovins laitiers en France." INRA Productions Animales 31, no. 1 (June 11, 2018): 1–12.
Full textLEGARTO, J., M. GELÉ, A. FERLAY, C. HURTAUD, G. LAGRIFFOUL, I. PALHIÈRE, J. L. PEYRAUD, B. ROUILLÉ, and P. BRUNSCHWIG. "Effets des conduites d’élevage sur la production de lait, las taux butyreux et protéique et la composition en acides gras du lait de vache..." INRAE Productions Animales 27, no. 4 (October 21, 2014): 269–82.
Full textLURETTE, Amandine, S. FRERET, A. CHANVALLON, C. EXPERTON, B. FRAPPAT, J. GATIEN, S. DARTOIS, et al. "La gestion de la reproduction en élevages ovins et caprins, conventionnnels et biologiques : états des lieux, intérêt et acceptabilité de nouveaux outils dans six bassins de production en France." INRA Productions Animales 29, no. 3 (December 12, 2019): 163–84.
Full textBARILLET, F., I. PALHIERE, J. M. ASTRUC, M. BROCHARD, M. BAELDEN, X. AGUERRE, F. FIDELLE, et al. "Le programme français d’éradication de la tremblante du cheptel ovin fondé sur l’utilisation de la génétique." INRAE Productions Animales 17, HS (December 20, 2004): 87–100.
Full textSosina, A. O., and O. J. Babayemi. "Assessment of livestock components in crop-livestock production systems in Ido Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria." Nigerian Journal of Animal Production 47, no. 5 (December 31, 2020): 101–13.
Full textBeck, Cécile, Sylvie Lecollinet, Gaelle Gonzalez, Sandrine A. Lacour, Sara Moutailler, and Laure Bournez. "Encéphalite à tique en élevage : les produits au lait cru peuvent être source de contamination humaine." Le Nouveau Praticien Vétérinaire élevages & santé 12, no. 47 (2020): 45–50.
Full textLAISSE, Sarah, René BAUMONT, Léonie DUSART, Didier GAUDRÉ, Benoit ROUILLÉ, Marc BENOIT, Patrick VEYSSET, Didier RÉMOND, and Jean-Louis PEYRAUD. "L’efficience nette de conversion des aliments par les animaux d’élevage : une nouvelle approche pour évaluer la contribution de l’élevage à l’alimentation humaine." INRA Productions Animales 31, no. 3 (January 18, 2019): 269–88.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ovins laitiers"
Laga, Vassiliki. "Systèmes d'élevage ovins laitiers transhumants de Grèce centrale résultats des élevages et performances de la race Vlachico." Grenoble 2 : ANRT, 1986.
Full textAntonios, Simona. "Méthodes basées sur la généalogie pour partitionner le gain génétique et le fardeau génétique chez les ovins laitiers." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024.
Full textThis thesis explores pedigree-based methods to partition genetic gain and inbreeding load in French dairy sheep breeds: Lacaune (LAC), Basco-Béarnaise (BB), Manech Tête Noire (MTN) and Manech Tête Rousse (MTR).The Chapter 2 used a retrospective analysis to fine partitioning genetic trend in Mendelian samplings by categories of animals defined by sex and by selection pathways, and to similarly characterize long-term genetic contributions. We analysed genetic gain for milk yield in four dairy sheep breeds: LAC, BB, MTN and MTR. Dams of males and Artificial Insemination (AI) males were the most important sources of genetic progress as observed in the decomposition in Mendelian sampling trends. The yearly contributions were more erratic for AI males than for dams of males as they are averaged across a smaller number of individuals. Overall, in terms of Mendelian sampling, females contributed more than males to the total genetic gain, and we interpret that this is because females constitute a larger pool of genetic diversity. In addition, we computed long-term contributions from each individual to the following pseudo-generations. Mendelian sampling was more important than Parent Average to determine the selection of individuals and their long-term contributions. Long-term contributions were larger for AI males (with larger progeny sizes than females) and in BB than in LAC (with the latter being a larger population).In Chapter 3, we presented theory that show the additive nature of the inbreeding load. The inbreeding load effect and the regular (in non-inbred population) additive genetic effect have a negative correlation depending on allele frequencies, inbreeding and dominance. We calculated and described the partial inbreeding coefficients in three French dairy sheep populations: BB, MTN and MTR. Then, we included these coefficients in a mixed model as random regression covariates, to predict genetic variance and breeding values of the inbreeding load for milk yield in the same breeds. There is genetic variance for inbreeding load in MTN and MTR breeds, but it was not different from zero for BB. As expected, we estimated negative genetic correlations between inbreeding load and breeding values; however, estimates were close to zero in the three sheep breeds. The small magnitude of inbreeding load does not warrant selection based on this criterion.In Chapter 4, we evaluated the effectiveness of involving inbreeding load in selection strategies in a dairy sheep breeding scheme. We did this by simulation of 10 generations of evaluations and selection. Six scenarios that differ in the criteria of selection (only breeding values, only breeding values of inbreeding load, or both genetic and inbreeding load breeding values) and mate allocation strategies (minimising inbreeding load or minimising expected future inbreeding) were evaluated. Scenarios were compared in terms of genetic gain, inbreeding coefficients, rate of inbreeding, effective population size, and accuracy of selection. The use of predictions of inbreeding load effects to select animals directly or in mating strategies is feasible. However, selection based on inbreeding load (due to its variation and magnitude) is not of practical interest. In light of our results, the inclusion of genotype animals could improve the accuracy of predicting individual inbreeding loads. Further research is needed
Jouffroy, Sophie. "Résistance à l’Eprinomectine chez Haemonchus contortus : Diagnostic, Facteurs de Risque et Solutions dans les Elevages Ovins Laitiers en France." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Université de Toulouse (2023-....), 2024.
Full textGrazing sheep are inevitably exposed to gastro-intestinal nematodes (GIN). Infection by these parasites can seriously impact their health and well-being, and therefore can also have repercussions upon the production for which they are raised. For the last 60 years, these impacts have mainly been limited using anthelmintic (AH) drugs. However, the increasing worldwide development of resistance of the major pathogenic GIN species to all AH classes brings into question the sustainability of relying solely on chemical solutions. This question is particularly important in dairy sheep: lactations lasts 6 to 8 months, and milk distribution of some drugs makes them banned, or usable only with a withdrawal period that comes at a cost for the producer. Until 2014, benzimidazoles were widely used during the lactation period. The increasing prevalence of resistance to this AH class and an increase of the withdrawal period from 0 to a minimum of 4 days led to a massive report towards eprinomectin (EPN). This macrocyclic lactone was initially developed and marketed for dairy cattle, then for sheep and goats in 2016 and 2020 in France, for the topical and pour-on formulas respectively. The first suspicions of loss of efficacy of EPN in dairy sheep in France motivated Fecal Egg Count Reduction Tests (FECRT) completed with dosage of serum drug concentration to confirm resistance and dismiss under-exposition, and is described in the first part of this work. The increasing number of suspicions of lack of efficacy, all emanating at first from the Pyrénées Atlantiques (PA) département, led to the study in the second part of this work. We highlighted the importance of transhumance in the spread of AH resistance, and we bring into question to which extent changing environmental conditions at high altitudes allow for the increasing importance of Haemonchus contortus in summer grazing pastures. The important focus on research in refugia-based strategies to delay the appearance of resistance has not always been translated into pratical field guides. Working on 5 farms of the 2 main dairy sheep production areas in France, 3 in the Roquefort Region (RR) and 2 in the PA, we evaluated a targeted selective treatment (TST) protocol. By treating the first lactating ewes and the ones they estimated were in bad body condition, farmers significantly reduced the overall parasite load in their flock while leaving 13 to 80% of ewes as refugia. 4 out of the 5 farms were mainly infected with Haemonchus contortus, yet in both areas farms were not facing the same intensity in GIN infection. Selective treatment of ewes didn’t impact their fertility in the PA. Ewes left untreated in both areas produced 8 (PA) to 9% (RR) less milk than their treated counterparts. This production loss should be balanced with the cost of resistance, i.e. the production loss when treating using an inefficient AH, and with the benefits of reducing the environmental impact of the treatment. EPN efficacy was maintained over the duration of the study when initial efficacy was high. Use of AH in a TST should be part of an integrated management plan to make GIN control more resilient, taking into account feed, immunity development, and pasture management
Vautor, Eric. "Caractérisation moléculaire d'isolats de Staphylococcus aureus responsables de mammites chez des ovins laitiers dans le Sud-Est de la France." Nice, 2006.
Full textThis study characterized phenotypic and genotypic traits of Staphylococcus aureus isolates recovered from dairy sheep farm in Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (PACA). The typing by PFGE, MLST, RAPD-PCR, RFLP shown that the strains were genetically related. Among forty six strains tested for adherence and slime production, 39% and 26% were positive respectively despite the absence of bap gene (coding the biofilm-associated protein) but with the presence of the intercellular adhesion locus (icaA-D). The strains were mainly susceptible to ten antibiotics (absence of plasmids). The in vitro production of enterotoxins A-D in fifteen isolates illustrated the phenotypic variability for this parameter in these genetically related strains. A genomic comparative study was carried out on 113 S. Aureus isolates recovered from sheep, goats, cows, from nostrils recovered from regional sheep and from other dairy sheep farms in France. For this purpose, a single-dye DNA microarray had been developed for simultaneous characterization of 187 genes implicated in S. Aureus virulence. The screening of the 113 isolates allowed us to identify a few genes or alleles which were specifically associated with the regional dairy sheep in correlation to their genetic clonality. Some genes had been found to be specific to small ruminants versus cows. The nasal carriage isolates had identical genetic specificity in comparison with mastitis isolates. The S. Aureus strains compared in the part two shown that gangrenous mastitis had genetic particularities (presence of genes of virulence) in comparison with the strains responsible of subclinical mastitis
Bourdon, Céline. "Recherche d’associations entre microARNs, variants génétiques et QTL laitiers chez les bovins, caprins et ovins RumimiR: a detailed microRNA database focused on ruminant species In silicowhole genome SNP dataset analyses identify variations in microRNAs with a potential impact on dairy traits in bovine, caprine and ovine species." Thesis, université Paris-Saclay, 2021.
Full textGenomic selection, based on the prediction of the genetic value of candidate animals based on the information provided by a large number of genetic markers using neutral markers, is a relevant and perennial lever. The search for causal mutations and their integration into genomic evaluations would allow a significant gain in precision. It is therefore essential to better characterize the causal mutations responsible for the variability of quantitative traits related to production efficiency and the quality of products such as milk. The objective of this project has been to search for genetic variants of microRNAs expressed in the mammary gland or present in milk and located in genomic regions having an effect on dairy and mastitis quantitative traits (QTL), in three ruminant species. The detection of 59,124 microRNA variants expressed in the mammary gland or present in milk in cattle, 13,427 variants in goats and 4,761 in sheep has been allowed through the development of a bioinformatics script. In cattle, 4,679 genetic variants of interest have been located in dairy and mastitis QTLs and 127 in goats, none in sheep. Three detected bovine variants have been validated through GWAS studies. The biological effects of the validated variants have been studied, with different strategies depending on the location and thus the putative effect of the mutation. In the case of the mutation located in the "seed" region of bta-let-7e, the expression level of targeted mRNAs has been tested. Inconsistent results were obtained between the qRT-PCR and RNAseq techniques used. In the case of mutations located in the flanking regions of bta-miR-92b and bta-miR-486, the presence of these microRNAs has been measured in bovine milk. These analyses did not reveal any significant difference in the expression of microRNAs between genotypes. This project therefore has allowed a global analysis of microRNA variants, from their detections to their potential effects
Esnault, Olivier Bertagnoli Stéphane. "Étude sur l'analyse de risque de la Fièvre Catarrhale Ovine (Bluetongue) dans le bassin ovin laitier de Roquefort cas particulier des centres d'insémination artificielle /." [S.l.] : [s.n.], 2008.
Full textOget, Claire. "Effet pléiotrope de la mutation R96C dans le gène SOCS2 chez la brebis laitière." Thesis, Toulouse, INPT, 2019.
Full textIn this PhD thesis, we investigated a mutation in the SOCS2 gene (Suppressor Of Cytokine Signaling 2) with a pleiotropic effect, i.e. it affects several traits of interest in the Lacaune dairy sheep. This mutation is unfavourable for mastitis resistance (udder inflammation), and favourable for growth and milk production traits..T Located in the highly conserved binding domain of the SOCS2 protein, this point mutation (SNP - Single Nucleotide Polymorphism), l ocated in the highly conserved binding domain of the SOCS2 protein, causes the loss of functionality of the protein that is involved in a major signalling pathway in mammals:, the JAK (Janus Kinase) / STAT (Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription) pathway, regulating a large spectrum of cytokines and growth factors. The first objective of this PhD thesis was to provide a basis for considering this mutation in the context of genomic selection in the Lacaune breed. Weighted evaluation methods, and the addition of the SOCS2 SNP among the chip markers, brought gains in accuracy on predictions (+3.99% and +0.26% respectively on average), suggesting the possibility of more efficient selection. The Gene Content method was also interesting because it made it possibleallowed to dissociate the genetic value due to the SOCS2 gene from that of the other genes (polygene). Thus, we have shown that the current selection in Lacaune breed allows reducing the frequency of the unfavourable SOCS2 allele while improving the resistance to mastitis explained by the remaining part of the genome. The second objective was to study the effects of SOCS2 on traits of interest not yet investigated: udder infection status and reproduction in females, and growth in males. Association studies with a 960 SNP chip, including SOCS2 SNP, confirmed the effect of SOCS2 on milk production and mammary inflammation, and showed a direct effect on infection using new fine phenotypes (bacteriology, clinical examinations). Linear models showed that the SOCS2 mutation was associated with: i) an increase in weight in young males (+1.5%), as observed in ewes, and ii) a decrease in the artificial insemination success rate in ewes (+1.3 times the risk of failure), with no effect on prolificacy. These striking and original results on reproduction pave the way for further analyses to determine in particular at what biological stage (ovulation, fecundation, embryonic implantation, etc.) the SOCS2 protein could be involved. The last objective was to determine the role of the SOCS2 protein in the underlying biological immune mechanisms of immunity by investigating the response of 14 homozygous carrier and non-carrier ewes to intramammary infection by Staphylococcus aureus. All ewes developed two peaks of immune cell recruitment to the udder at 20 and 88 hours post-inoculation (T20 and T88). Differential analysis of the expressed genes confirmed a modification of the transcriptome from T16 related to the activation of the immune system, the DNA repair and the cellular apoptosis pathways. Ewes carrying the SOCS2 mutation were distinguished from wild ewes by an increased clinical response at T56 and a difference in T lymphocyte recruitment at the time of the inflammatory peaks. At T56, a total of 177 genes were differentially expressed between the two genotypes. A functional analysis of these genes, and the integration between gene expression and phenotypes, suggest that the mutation leads to an over activation of signal transmission and regulatory pathways (interferons, STAT3) with a deleterious impact on the clinical status of ewes
El-Zahar, Khaled. "Étude des protéines du système laitier ovin et de leurs transformations par hydrolyse et par fermentation lors de la fabrication des yaourts." Nantes, 2004.
Full textFour set of starters have been used for the fabrication of yoghurts from ovine milk pre-heated in different conditions. The degree of hydrolysis of caseins and whey proteins depended on the starter used. During fermentation, -casein was more hydrolysed than S-caseins; -lactalbumin (ALA) was more degraded than -lactoglobulin (BLG). -lactalbumin and -lactoglobulin have been obtained in a pure form by anion-exchange chromatography. -lactoglobulin was a mixture of A and B variants. -lactalbumin was obtained as an unique variant. -lactoglobulin was monomeric at acid pH and low ionic strength but became dimeric at neutral pH. At the opposite of its bovine counterpart, ovine -lactoglobulin was susceptible to pepsinolysis. Peptic hydrolysates of whey proteins showed an antibacterial activity against Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus
Books on the topic "Ovins laitiers"
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Produits Laitiers Ovins et Caprins en Mediterranee: Traditionnels et Sains. Food & Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2002.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ovins laitiers"
Dubeuf, J. P. "Développement durable des systèmes laitiers ovins et caprins dans le bassin méditerranéen: des besoins identifiés d’innovation et d’information." In Prospects for a sustainable dairy sector in the Mediterranean, 289–99. Brill | Wageningen Academic, 2002.
Full textKaabi, M., J. C. Boixo, M. Alvarez, L. F. de la Fuente, E. Anel, and L. Anel. "Relation entre la prolificite et la production laitiere dans la race ovine Churra." In Prospects for a sustainable dairy sector in the Mediterranean, 356–59. Brill | Wageningen Academic, 2002.
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