Academic literature on the topic 'Ossements humains'
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Journal articles on the topic "Ossements humains"
Woimant, Georges Pierre. "Inventaire des ossements humains." Revue archéologique de Picardie 3, no. 1 (2002): 195.
Full textBroca, P. "Sur les crânes et ossements des Eyzies." Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 30, no. 3-4 (October 2018): 129–45.
Full textHapiot, Laurence. "C. Le terrain Karmoyannis. Rapport préliminaire sur l'étude des ossements humains." Bulletin de correspondance hellénique 128, no. 21 (2004): 834–35.
Full textBlondiaux, Joël. "Etude des ossements humains de la crypte de l'église Saint-Géry au Mont des Bœufs à Cambrai." Revue du Nord 68, no. 269 (1986): 385–92.
Full textVialet, Amélie, Jean-Claude Favin Lévêque, Matthieu Lebon, Olivier Tombret, Antoine Zazzo, Alain Froment, Philippe Charlier, Carole Vercoutère, and Arnaud Hurel. "Nouvel examen des ossements humains de Moulin Quignon (Somme, France). Étude anthropologique, taphonomique et première datation par le radiocarbone." L'Anthropologie 120, no. 4 (October 2016): 389–427.
Full textLartet, L. "Une sépulture des troglodytes du Périgord (crânes des Eyzies)." Bulletins et Mémoires de la Société d'Anthropologie de Paris 30, no. 3-4 (October 2018): 121–28.
Full textPariat, Jean-Gabriel. "Des pratiques funéraires marginales entre les VIe et IIIe millénaires Av. J.-C. en Europe tempérée ? Le cas des ossements humains en contexte non sépulcrali." Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris 17, no. 3-4 (December 1, 2005): 301–5.
Full textAlexandre-Bidon, Danièle. "Caroline Polet et Rosine Orban, Les dents et les ossements humains. Que mangeait-on au Moyen Âge? Turnhout, Brepols/Institut royal des sciences naturelles de Belgique, « Typologie des sources du Moyen Âge occidental-84 », 2001, 173 p." Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales 57, no. 5 (October 2002): 1365–67.
Full textOsipowicz, Grzegorz, Andrzej Bokiniec, Krzysztof Kurzyk, Daniel Makowiecki, Dorota Bienias, Tomasz Górzyński, Michał Jankowski, et al. "The Late Neolithic sepulchral and ritual place of site 14 in Kowal (Kuyavia, Central Poland)." Praehistorische Zeitschrift 89, no. 2 (June 30, 2014): 261–79.
Full textTeleaga, Emilian, Adrian Bălăşescu, Andrei Soficaru, and Werner Schoch. "Die Scheiterhaufen aus Cugir und Tarinci. Ein Beitrag zu den Bestattungssitten der Balkanhalbinsel und des vorrömischen Dakiens in der Spätlatènezeit." Praehistorische Zeitschrift 89, no. 2 (June 30, 2014): 305–36.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Ossements humains"
Semelier, Patricia. "Ossements humains et enceintes néolithiques : l'exemple du Centre-Ouest de la France." Bordeaux 1, 2007.
Full textThe ditches which bound the neolithic surrounding walls deliver regularly human rests which range from the skeleton to the isolated bone remains. The interpretations of these last ones are various : their status depends on the function of these zones : environment, funeral place, even religious center etc. West central France is a region where these moated sites, dated for most of them recent and final neolithic are particularly numerous. On the scale of this region the target of this survey is to discuss the sepulchral character of these remains considering the various cultural communities. Additional elements from the most recent excavations enable the interpretation of these bone remains through analyses of the differential representation, abnormalities of osseous surface and the spatial criteria on site location. The results obtained not only highlight but seem to confirm the importance of this phenomenon because some cadavers obviously have had original funeral treatments. So for the considered period the main issue concerns the role of these bone remains in comparison with those found in the collective graves
Chambon, Philippe. "Du cadavre aux ossements : la gestion des sépultures collectives dans la France néolithique." Paris 1, 1999.
Full textWhat is meant by the term collective grave? It is a structure in which several individuals were buried in succession. Using evidence from a hundred sites, twenty of which were studied at first hand, the diversity of behaviour in collective graves is analysed, as well as the geographical and chronological development of burial practices. Five categories of site are distinguished. First of all, there are tombs which have traditionally been described as collective, but ultimately contain no clear evidence for successive burials. The second group comprises minimal collective tombs, with small numbers of bodies and quite simple funerary behaviour. Emptied graves are common. This was possibly done for a variety of reasons, such as to create more space or to recuperate bones. Secondary deposits, particularly cremations, are rare. They are not easy to identify and this explains their scarcity. The last group includes tombs with combined evidence for rearranged bones, compartmentation, and partial emptying. A tentative chronology for these practices is put forward. In the middle neolithic (4500-3500 B. C. ) the successive nature of burials in the monumental tombs of western France remains hypothetical. They were built to contain a limited number of burials, without selection for gender or age. From 3300 to 2800 B. C. , inhumation in collective tombs was the norm. Did this apply to the whole population? At the end of the neolithic, between 2700 and 2300 B. C. , an increased variety of burial practice marks the decline of previous ideology. However, collective graves do not disappear until the first quarter of the 2nd millennium. What do the collective tombs really signify? Their image of equality in death must surely conform to social organisation. The society of the dead is an idealized projection of the society of the living
Maurer, Anne France. "Les signaux biogéochimiques enregistrés dans les ossements humains de populations anciennes constituent-ils un document archéologique fiable ?" Paris 6, 2008.
Full textPariat, Jean-Gabriel. "Des pratiques funéraires marginales entre les 6e et 3e millénaires av. J. -C. En Europe tempérée ? : le cas des ossements humains en contexte non sépulcral." Paris 1, 2005.
Full textFossurier, Carole. "Anthropologie et archéologie des sites funéraires carolingiens dans le nord-ouest de la France : Une approche des populations des VIIIème-Xème siècles." Université de Poitiers, 2011.
Full textThe VIIIth century populations of the north-west of France, imperfectly known through written sources, can probably be better understood through human remains. .
Books on the topic "Ossements humains"
Rosine, Orban, ed. Les dents et les ossements humains: Que mangeait-on au Moyen Âge? Turnhout: Brepols, 2001.
Find full textPolet, Caroline. Les dents et les ossements humains : que mangeait-on au moyen âge ? Turnhout: Brepols, 2001.
Find full textDes morts sans tombe?: Le cas des ossements humains en contexte non sépulcral en Europe tempérée entre les 6e et 3e millénaires av. J.-C. Oxford, England: Archaeopress, 2007.
Find full textPowell, Anthony, and Michel Doury. La Danse de la vie humaine, tome 7 : La Vallée des ossements. C. Bourgois, 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Ossements humains"
Polet, C. "Les dents et les ossements humains, révélateurs de vécus." In Typologie des Sources du Moyen Âge Occidental, 365–403. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers, 2003.
Full textGervais-Cloris, Véronique. "Annexe 5. Étude Anthropologique des Ossements Humains de la Str. A-7." In Le Protoclassique à La Lagunita, 243–46. Centro de estudios mexicanos y centroamericanos, 2021.
Full textRoffet-Salque, Mélanie, Pascale Gerbault, and Rosalind E. Gillis. "Une histoire de l’exploitation laitière : approches génétique, archéozoologique et biomoléculaire." In Regards croisés: quand les sciences archéologiques rencontrent l'innovation, 1–24. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2017.
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