Academic literature on the topic 'OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT'
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Journal articles on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Chien, Hung-Chun. "New Realizations of Single OTRA-Based Sinusoidal Oscillators." Active and Passive Electronic Components 2014 (2014): 1–12.
Full textHorng, Jiun-Wei. "Quadrature Oscillators Using Operational Amplifiers." Active and Passive Electronic Components 2011 (2011): 1–4.
Full textAbuelma'atti, Muhammad Taher, and Muhammad Haroon Khan. "Grounded Capacitor Oscillators Using A Single Operational Transconductance Amplifier." Active and Passive Electronic Components 19, no. 2 (1996): 91–98.
Full textAbuelmaatti, Muhammad Taher, and Muhammad Ali Al-Qahtani. "Active-Only Sinusoidal Oscillator Circuits." Active and Passive Electronic Components 24, no. 4 (2001): 223–32.
Full textPathak, J. K. "Two New Single-Resistor-Controlled Quadrature Sinusoidal Oscillators using Current-Differencing-Buffered-Amplifiers." International Journal of Advance Research and Innovation 5, no. 2 (2017): 87–94.
Full textAbuelma'atti, Muhammad Taher. "New Current-Mode Oscillators Using a Single Unity-Gain Current-Follower." Active and Passive Electronic Components 18, no. 3 (1995): 151–57.
Full textGan, Kwang Jow, Zheng Jie Jiang, Cher Shiung Tsai, Din Yuen Chan, Jian Syong Huang, Zhen Kai Kao, and Wen Kuan Yeh. "Design of NDR-Based Oscillators Suitable for the Nano-Based BiCMOS Technique." Applied Mechanics and Materials 328 (June 2013): 669–73.
Full textAbuelma'atti, Muhammad Taher, Abdulrahman Khalaf Al-Ali, Sami Saud Buhalim, and Syed Tauseef Ahmed. "Digitally Programmable Partially Active-R Sinusoidal Oscillators." Active and Passive Electronic Components 17, no. 2 (1994): 83–89.
Full textWang, San-Fu, Hua-Pin Chen, Yitsen Ku, and Chia-Ling Lee. "Versatile Voltage-Mode Biquadratic Filter and Quadrature Oscillator Using Four OTAs and Two Grounded Capacitors." Electronics 9, no. 9 (September 11, 2020): 1493.
Full textI'msaddak, Lobna, Dalenda Ben Issa, Abdennaceur Kachouri, Mounir Samet, and Hekmet Samet. "Infrared Oscillators in Conventional Carbon Nanotube FET Technology." Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 24, no. 04 (March 4, 2015): 1550053.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Biswas, Shampa. "Integrated CMOS Doppler Radar : System Specification & Oscillator Design." Thesis, Linköpings universitet, Elektroniska Kretsar och System, 2016.
Full textBosley, Ryan Travis. "A VHF/UHF Voltage Controlled Oscillator in 0.5um BiCMOS." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2003.
Full textMaster of Science
Yu, Chuanzhao. "STUDY OF NANOSCALE CMOS DEVICE AND CIRCUIT RELIABILITY." Doctoral diss., University of Central Florida, 2006.
Full textPh.D.
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Engineering and Computer Science
Electrical Engineering
Chen, Tingsu. "CMOS High Frequency Circuits for Spin Torque Oscillator Technology." Licentiate thesis, KTH, Integrerade komponenter och kretsar, 2014.
Full textQC 20140114
Van, der Merwe John. "An experimental investigation into the validity of Leeson's equation for low phase noise oscillator design." Thesis, Stellenbosch : University of Stellenbosch, 2010.
Full textThesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree Master of Science in Engineering at the University of Stellenbosch
ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In 1966, D.B. Leeson presented his model on phase noise in a letter entitled A Simple Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum. This model usually requires an additional e ffective noise figure in order to conform with measured results. (This e ffective noise fi gure has to be determined by means of curve-fi tting Leeson's model with the measured results.) The model is, however, relatively simple to use, compared with other more accurate phase noise models that have since been developed and which can only be solved numerically with the aid of computers. It also gives great insight regarding component choices during the design process. Therefore several experiments were conducted in order to determine conditions under which Leeson's model may be considered valid and accurate. These experiments, as well as the conclusions drawn from their results, are discussed in this document.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: In 1966 stel D.B. Leeson sy faseruis model bekend in 'n brief getiteld A Simple Model of Feedback Oscillator Noise Spectrum. Hierdie model vereis gewoonlik die gebruik van 'n bykomende e ektiewe ruissyfer, sodat die model ooreenstem met die gemete resultate. (Hierdie e ektiewe ruissyfer kan slegs bepaal word deur middel van krommepassings tussen Leeson se model en die gemete resultate.) Die model is egter relatief eenvoudig om te gebruik in teenstelling met ander, meer akkurate, faseruis modelle wat sedertdien ontwikkel is en slegs met behulp van rekenaars opgelos kan word. Dit bied ook onoortre ike insig ten opsigte van komponent keuses tydens die ontwerpsproses. Om hierdie rede is verskeie eksperimente uitgevoer met die doel om toestande te identi seer waaronder Leeson se model as geldig en akkuraat geag kan word. Hierdie eksperimente, asook die gevolgtrekkings wat van hul resultate gemaak is, word in hierdie dokument behandel.
Wang, Shen. "Design and Analysis of a Low-Power Low-Voltage Quadrature LO Generation Circuit for Wireless Applications." Diss., Virginia Tech, 2012.
Full textPh. D.
Arndt, Grégory. "System architecture and circuit design for micro and nanoresonators-based mass sensing arrays." Thesis, Paris 11, 2011.
Full textThe PhD project focuses on micro or nanomechanical resonators and their surrounding electronics environment. Mechanical components are employed to sense masses in the attogram range (10−18 g) or extremely low gas concentrations. The components can then be implemented in arrays in order to construct cutting-edge mass spectrometers or gas chromatographs. To reach the necessary resolutions, a harmonic detection of resonance technique is employed that measures the shift of the resonant frequency of a tiny mechanical structure due to an added mass or a gas adsorption. The need of shrinking the resonator's dimensions to enhance the sensitivity also reduces the signal delivered by the component. The resonator low output signal requires employing new electromechanical resonator topologies and electronic architectures that minimize the noise, the parasitic couplings and that can be implemented in arrays
Fitzpatrick, Justin Jennings. "Analysis and Design of Low-Jitter Oscillators." Diss., CLICK HERE for online access, 2004.
Full textKellum, Reginald 1963. "Analysis and design of a regenerative differential voltage-controlled oscillator for high frequency integrated circuit applications." Thesis, The University of Arizona, 1991.
Full textBunch, Ryan Lee. "A Fully Monolithic 2.5 GHz LC Voltage Controlled Oscillator in 0.35 um CMOS Technology." Thesis, Virginia Tech, 2001.
Full textMaster of Science
Books on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Graf, Rudolf F. The modern oscillator circuit encyclopedia. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: Tab Books, 1992.
Find full textA, Miranda F., and United States. National Aeronautics and Space Administration., eds. Space qualified hybrid superconductor/semiconductor planar oscillator circuit. [Washington, DC]: National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 1995.
Find full textVerhoeven, Chris J.M., 1959- and Roermund, Arthur H. M. van., eds. Oscillators and oscillator systems: Classification, analysis, and synthesis. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic, 1999.
Find full textMatthys, Robert J. Crystal oscillator circuits. Malabar, Fla: Krieger Pub. Co., 1992.
Find full text1973-, Rolfes I., and Siweris H. J. 1953-, eds. Noise in high-frequency circuits and oscillators. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
Find full textSchiek, B. Noise in High-Frequency Circuits and Oscillators. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2006.
Find full textCarr, Joseph J. Mastering oscillator circuits through projects & experiments. Blue Ridge Summit, PA: TAB Books, 1993.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Patrick, Dale R., Stephen W. Fardo, Ray E. Richardson, and Vigyan (Vigs) Chandra. "Oscillator Circuits." In Electronic Devices and Circuit Fundamentals, 819–76. New York: River Publishers, 2023.
Full textVerhoeven, Chris, and Arie van Staveren. "Structured Oscillator Design." In Analog Circuit Design, 3–19. Boston, MA: Springer US, 2002.
Full textTehranipoor, Mohammad, Hassan Salmani, and Xuehui Zhang. "Design for Hardware Trust: Ring Oscillator Network." In Integrated Circuit Authentication, 91–124. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013.
Full textPatrick, Dale R., Stephen W. Fardo, Ray E. Richardson, and Vigyan Vigs Chandra. "Oscillator Circuits – Chapter Outline." In Electronic Devices and Circuit Fundamentals, Solution Manual, 120–28. New York: River Publishers, 2023.
Full textYuan, Jiann-Shiun. "Voltage-Controlled Oscillator Reliability." In CMOS RF Circuit Design for Reliability and Variability, 33–48. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.
Full textYuan, Jiann-Shiun. "Oscillator Design for Variability." In CMOS RF Circuit Design for Reliability and Variability, 89–97. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2016.
Full textHu, Wenjing. "A New Circuit Design for Chaotic Oscillator." In Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 161–68. Singapore: Springer Singapore, 2017.
Full textSenani, Raj, D. R. Bhaskar, V. K. Singh, and R. K. Sharma. "Sinusoidal Oscillator Realizations Using Modern Electronic Circuit Building Blocks." In Sinusoidal Oscillators and Waveform Generators using Modern Electronic Circuit Building Blocks, 269–366. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2016.
Full textDrzewiecki, Gary. "Nonlinear Oscillator Circuit Model Lab Exercise (Properties of Self-Excitable Cells)." In Fundamentals of Chaos and Fractals for Cardiology, 127–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Full textEfremova, E. V., and A. S. Dmitriev. "Ultrawideband Microwave 3–7 GHz Chaotic Oscillator Implemented as SiGe Integrated Circuit." In Emergent Complexity from Nonlinearity, in Physics, Engineering and the Life Sciences, 71–80. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textConference papers on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Yeryomka, V. D., O. P. Kulagin, and Jung-Il Kim. "Terahertz M-type oscillator: Optimal geometry of oscillatory circuit." In 2014 24th International Crimean Conference "Microwave & Telecommunication Technology" (CriMiCo). IEEE, 2014.
Full textGiles, C. R., T. H. Wood, Tingye Li, and C. A. Burrus. "Quantum-Well SEED Optical Pulse Generator." In Quantum Wells for Optics and Opto-Electronics. Washington, D.C.: Optica Publishing Group, 1989.
Full textLi, Bin, Jeong Ho You, and Yong-Joe Kim. "Self-Powered Interface External Circuit for Low-Frequency Acoustic Energy Harvester." In ASME 2013 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition. American Society of Mechanical Engineers, 2013.
Full textWei, Lianggui, Fan Lu, and Bilong Zhang. "Design of a Crystal Oscillator Circuit." In 2021 IEEE International Workshop on Electromagnetics: Applications and Student Innovation Competition (iWEM). IEEE, 2021.
Full textPoddar, Ajay K., Ulrich L. Rohde, Vivek Madhavan, Anisha M. Apte, and Shiban K. Koul. "Ka-Band metamaterial Möbius Oscillator (MMO) circuit." In 2016 IEEE/MTT-S International Microwave Symposium (IMS). IEEE, 2016.
Full textRoubicek, Tomas, and Stanislav Dado. "Digital oscillator circuit using synchronous pulse driving." In 2008 15th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2008). IEEE, 2008.
Full textEiroa, Susana, and Iluminada Baturone. "Circuit authentication based on Ring-Oscillator PUFs." In 2011 18th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems - (ICECS 2011). IEEE, 2011.
Full textCaillet, M., O. Lafond, and M. Himdi. "Active radiating antennas using an oscillator circuit." In 11th International Symposium on Antenna Technology and Applied Electromagnetics [ANTEM 2005]. IEEE, 2005.
Full textlan, tao, Shengming Huang, Quanzhen Duan, and Lulu Xun. "Design of an externally adjustable oscillator circuit." In International Conference on Neural Networks, Information, and Communication Engineering (NNICE 2022), edited by Rajeev Tiwari. SPIE, 2022.
Full textMaheshwari, Sudhanshu, and Jagadish Rajpoot. "Electronically tunable Quadrature Oscillator circuit using DXCCCII." In 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering (UPCON). IEEE, 2019.
Full textReports on the topic "OSCILLATOR CIRCUIT"
Kung, C. C., G. J. Kramer, E. Johnson, W. Solomon, and R. Nazikian. Circuit Design to Stabilize the Reflectometer Local Oscillator Signals. Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI), October 2005.
Full textSchwarz, Steven E. Improvements in Oscillators for Planar Millimeter-Wave Circuits. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, April 1995.
Full textHam, Donhee, Xiaofeng Li, and William Andress. Nanoelectronic Initiative - GHz & THz Amplifier and Oscillator Circuits With ID Nanoscale Devices for Multispectral Heterodyning Detector Arrays. Fort Belvoir, VA: Defense Technical Information Center, October 2009.
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