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Borzyh, Stanislav. Theory of Mind. ru: INFRA-M Academic Publishing LLC., 2021.

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This book deals with the problem of human reason and thinking from a somewhat unexpected angle. Its main idea is that both are the product of evolution, and therefore they bear the imprint of their history, and they are mostly reduced to them, although they are not entirely limited to them. This means that they are by no means universal, on the contrary, they are conditioned by their very formation and the circumstances within which they developed and which literally created them as we know them. In practical terms, this suggests that they are aimed at solving the problems and the type that faced our species during its rather long formation, and they are not able to answer any other questions, no matter how much effort we put into it. Even what seems to us an exceptional attribute of modernity or rationality, such as science or politics, fits within the framework of what is available to us, as well as what we are able to formulate and articulate in principle. That is, our intelligence is purely animal and contextual, it never goes beyond the limits set for it, despite the fact that we see it differently. In this regard, questions of their definition, origin, history and current state are considered, and among other things, alternative options that are potentially possible in the field of intelligence, both on Earth and in general, are studied. The text consists of five chapters, a preface and an afterword, is provided with illustrative examples and is aimed at the widest possible adult readership, who likes to think and who is not afraid of debunking some of the ingrained myths that accompany our lives.
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Nassar, Dalia. Understanding as Explanation. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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The animal-human boundary was central to the revolt against mechanism over the course of the eighteenth century: if humans were not machines, then neither were animals. But then, what were they? And how could they be explained? Hermann Samuel Reimarus embraced the view that only a supernatural recourse was possible. By contrast, Herder sought to naturalize the issue. His treatise on language is usually seen as a dispute with Süßmilch, rejecting the idea of a divine origin of human language, and, with Condillac, denying continuity with mere animal sounds. What needs to be brought to light is the central role of his engagement with Reimarus and the theory of animal instinct. It is this third interlocutor who brought out what was most distinctive in Herder’s naturalistic theory of the origin of human language, by drawing a new conception of the animal-human boundary.
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Goldfinger, Eliot. Animal Anatomy for Artists. Oxford University Press, 2004.

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From the author of the classic Human Anatomy for Artists comes this user-friendly reference guide featuring over five hundred original drawings and over seventy photographs. Designed for painters, sculptors, and illustrators who use animal imagery in their work, Animal Anatomy for Artists offers thorough, in-depth information about the most commonly depicted animals, presented in a logical and easily understood format for artists--whether beginner or accomplished professional. The book focuses on the forms created by muscles and bones, giving artists a crucial three-dimensional understanding of the final, complex outer surface of the animal. Goldfinger not only covers the anatomy of the more common animals, such as the horse, dog, cat, cow, pig, squirrel, and rabbit, but also the anatomy of numerous wild species, including the lion, giraffe, deer, hippopotamus, rhinoceros, elephant, gorilla, sea lion, and bear. Included are drawings of skeletons and how they move at the joints, individual muscles showing their attachments on the skeleton, muscles of the entire animal, cross sections, photographs of live animals, and silhouettes of related animals comparing their shapes and proportions. He offers a new and innovative section on the basic body plan of four-legged animals, giving the reader a crucial conceptual understanding of overall animal structure to which the details of individual animals can then be applied. The chapter on birds covers the skeleton, muscles and feather patterns. The appendix presents photographs of skulls with magnificent horns and antlers and a section on major surface veins. Incredibly thorough, packed with essential information, Animal Anatomy for Artists is a definitive reference work, an essential book for everyone who depicts animals in their art.
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Hockings, Kimberley, and Robin Dunbar, eds. Alcohol and Humans. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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Ethanol (or, as it is more popularly known, alcohol) use has a long and ubiquitous history. The prevailing tendency to view alcohol merely as a ‘social problem’ or the popular notion that alcohol only serves to provide us with a ‘hedonic’ high, masks its importance in the social fabric of many human societies both past and present. To understand alcohol use as a complex social practice that has been exploited by humans for thousands of years requires cross-disciplinary insight from social/cultural anthropologists, archaeologists, historians, psychologists, primatologists, and biologists. This multidisciplinary volume examines the broad use of alcohol in the human lineage and its wider relationship to social contexts such as feasting, sacred rituals, and social bonding. Alcohol abuse is a small part of a much more complex and social pattern of widespread alcohol use by humans. This alone should prompt us to explore the evolutionary origins of this ancient practice and the socially functional reasons for its continued popularity. The objectives of this volume are: (1) to understand how and why non-human primates and other animals use alcohol in the wild, and its relevance to understanding the social consumption of alcohol in humans; (2) to understand the social function of alcohol in human prehistory; (3) to understand the sociocultural significance of alcohol across human societies; and (4) to explore the social functions of alcohol consumption in contemporary society.
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Hogh-Olesen, Henrik. The Aesthetic Animal. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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The Aesthetic Animal answers the ultimate questions of why we adorn ourselves; embellish our things and surroundings; and produce art, music, song, dance, and fiction. Humans are aesthetic animals that spend vast amounts of time and resources on seemingly useless aesthetic activities. However, nature would not allow a species to waste precious time and effort on activities completely unrelated to the survival, reproduction, and well-being of that species. Consequently, the aesthetic impulse must have some important biological functions. An impulse is a natural, internal behavioral incentive that does not need external reward to exist. A number of observations indicate that the aesthetic impulse is exactly such an inherent part of human nature, and therefore it is a primary impulse in its own right with several important functions. The aesthetic impulse may guide us toward what is biologically good for us and help us choose the right fitness-enhancing items in our surroundings. It is a valid individual fitness indicator, as well as a unifying social group marker, and aesthetically skilled individuals get more mating possibilities, higher status, and more collaborative offers. This book is written in a lively and entertaining tone, and it presents an original and comprehensive synthesis of the empirical field, synthesizing data from archeology, cave art, anthropology, biology, ethology, and experimental and evolutionary psychology and neuro-aesthetics.
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Radner, Hilary, and Alistair Fox. Cinema and the Body: The Ghost in the Theater. Edinburgh University Press, 2018.

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This chapter focuses its attention on why, in returning in the twenty-first century to a preoccupation with classical cinema, Bellour argued that hypnosis rather than the dream (as in the view of Christian Metz) offers the most accurate metaphor for understanding the cinematic viewer’s relationship to screen narrative. Like an animal, Bellour explains, the spectator is caught by, and subject to, somatic responses that are basically emotional in nature (hence not under his or her rational control) and generated from outside him or her, but which he or she experiences as autogenic in origin as vitality affects, borrowing from Daniel Stern. The chapter explores how, in Bellour’s view, the physicality of these responses highlights the tenuous dividing line between that which is human and that which is animal, within a worldview that dispenses with “the soul” under modernity. Finally, the chapter examines Bellour’s argument that the images of animals that appear in films “mirror” the condition of the spectator in the theater.
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Roscher, Mieke, Nils Steffensen, Roman Bartosch, Liza B. Bauer, Michaela Keck, Alexandra Böhm, Björn Hayer, Jobst Paul, Pamela Steen, and Greta Gaard. Multispecies Futures: New Approaches to Teaching Human-Animal Studies. Edited by Andreas Hübner, Micha Gerrit Philipp Edlich, and Maria Moss. Neofelis Verlag, 2022.

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Beyond Anthropocentric Perspectives on Education In light of the dramatic growth and rapid institutionalization of human-animal studies in recent years, it is somewhat surprising that only a small number of publications have proposed practical and theoretical approaches to teaching in this inter- and transdisciplinary field. Featuring eleven original pedagogical interventions from the social sciences and the humanities as well as an epilogue from ecofeminist critic Greta Gaard, the present volume addresses this gap and responds to the demand by both educators and students for pedagogies appropriate for dealing with environmental crises. The theoretical and practical contributions collected here describe new ways of teaching human-animal studies in different educational settings and institutional contexts, suggesting how learners – equipped with key concepts such as agency or relationality – can develop empathy and ethical regard for the more-than-human world and especially nonhuman animals. As the contributors to this volume show, these cognitive and affective goals can be achieved in many curricula in secondary and tertiary education. By providing learners with the tools to challenge human exceptionalism in its various guises and related patterns of domination and exploitation in and outside the classroom, these interventions also contribute to a much-needed transformation not only of today’s educational systems but of society as a whole. This volume is an invitation to beginners and experienced instructors alike, an invitation to (re)consider how we teach human-animal studies and how we could and should prepare learners for an uncertain future in, ideally, a more egalitarian and just multispecies world.
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Newson, Lesley, and Peter Richerson. A Story of Us. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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It’s time for a new story of our origins. One reason is that there a great deal of new evidence about what humans are like and the conditions that shaped human evolution. Another is that the thinking on human evolution has shifted. Evolutionists recognize that humans are very different from other animals, and they have been working to explain the different evolutionary path that humans took. There are still many gaps in the story, but this book describes seven points in our ancestors’ tale and explains the evidence behind these descriptions. The story begins seven million years ago, with the life of our ape ancestors, which were also the ancestors of today’s chimpanzees and bonobos. The second point is three million years ago with an ape that walked upright and lived outside the forest. Then follows a description of the life of early humans who lived one and a half million years ago. At the fourth point, 100,000 years ago, humans lived in Africa who were physically very similar to modern humans. The fifth is 30,000 years ago, during the last ice age, when our ancestors had evolved more complex cultures. The sixth is the period of accelerating cultural evolution that began as the planet started to recover from this ice age. Finally, beginning in the 1700s, there is the transformational period we are in now, which we call “modern times.” The style of this book is unusual for a science book because it has narrative sections that illustrate the lives of our ancestors and the problems they faced.
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Diogo, Rui, and Sharlene E. Santana. Evolution of Facial Musculature. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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We review the origin and evolution of the facial musculature of mammals and pay special attention to the complex relationships between facial musculature, color patterns, mobility, and social group size during the evolution of humans and other primates. In addition, we discuss the modularity of the human head and the assymetrical use of facial expressions, as well as the evolvability of the muscles of facial expression, based on recent developmental and comparative studies and the use of a powerful new quantitative tool: anatomical networks analysis. We emphasizes the remarkable diversity of primate facial structures and the fact that the number of facial muscles present in our species is actually not as high when compared to many other mammals as previously thought. The use of new tools, such as anatomical network analyses, should be further explored to compare the musculoskeletal and other features of humans across stages of development and with other animal to enable a better understanding of the evolution of facial expressions.
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Fitzpatrick, Antonia. Aristotelian Tradition (I). Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter discusses, principally, Aristotle’s biological works on animals, De anima and the Metaphysics. Its intent is to lay out the texts with which Aquinas would substantiate his view that individuality has its origins in matter, and not the soul. Aristotle’s thought on heredity and the embryo and his (problematic) account of the relationship between universals (or common natures) and individuals are discussed. The distinctive sophistication of the human body vis-à-vis other animals is another theme. Two related Aristotelian principles emerge as crucial: that matter and form should bear a proportion to one another, such that each form has its differentiated ‘proper matter’, and that matter’s ability to receive form depends upon its having developed the appropriate qualities (i.e. in its capacity as the ‘material cause’). The chapter concludes by schematically illustrating how Aquinas adapted Aristotle’s thought on individuality for his own purposes.
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Clements, Ashley. Humans, among Other Classical Animals. Oxford University Press, 2021.

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This book considers the question of how studying Classics can be relevant at the present moment of environmental and existential crisis. In a series of encounters from the European assimilation and destruction of the New World to our present environmental destruction of our shared world, it explores an answer by demonstrating how the Classics have been implicated in the structures of thought that have ultimately led us to our present historical moment. Telling the story of anthropology’s Classical entanglements from its inception to its growth to critical self-awareness, it demonstrates that Classical ideas have played a crucial—and often deleterious—role in the Western placing of the human and in the discipline that claimed the study of humanity as its own. Responses to our present crisis, it argues, should therefore include, as a prerequisite, considering the origins and implications of these Classical foundations because only by so doing can we attain the full self-awareness necessary to think beyond them and consider the alternatives we now need.
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Ezra, Elizabeth, and Catherine Wheatley, eds. Shoe Reels. Edinburgh University Press, 2021.

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Shoe Reels examines the special relationship between shoes and cinema. The book considers the narrative and aesthetic functions of shoes, asking why they are so memorable, and what their wider cultural resonance might be. Written by experts from a range of disciplines, including film and television studies, philosophy, history, and fashion, this collection covers cinema from its origins to the present day, and spans a global range of films from the United States, Europe, Africa and Asia. Besides protecting the feet, shoes contribute to the performance of gender; they indicate aspects of personality, sexuality, race, ethnicity and social class; and they serve as tools of seduction. As objects designed for the body, shoes also affirm the materiality of individual bodies and the endurance of the human body itself when physical presence has been progressively de-emphasised, first with the advent of technical reproducibility (printing, photography, cinema, radio and the like), and now with the rise of digital technology in the virtual era. The very materiality of shoes—the fact that they are things—is what makes them ripe for analysis. Shoes humanise, setting people apart from non-human animals, but they can also serve to dehumanise. Objects par excellence of hyper-consumption, shoes are situated at the crossroads of sexual fetishism and commodity fetishism. Shoes are clearly more than just good to wear, then: to paraphrase Claude Lévi-Strauss, they are also good to think.
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Pozio, Edoardo. Trichinellosis. Oxford University Press, 2011.

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Trichinellosis is caused by nematodes of the genus Trichinella. These zoonotic parasites show a cosmopolitan distribution in all the continents, but Antarctica. They circulate in nature by synanthropic-domestic and sylvatic cycles. Today, eight species and four genotypes are recognized, all of which infect mammals, including humans, one species also infects birds, and two other species infect also reptiles.Parasites of the genus Trichinella are unusual among the other nematodes in that the worm undergoes a complete developmental cycle, from larva to adult to larva, in the body of a single host, which has a profound influence on the epidemiology of trichinellosis. When the cycle is complete, the muscles of the infected animal contain a reservoir of larvae, capable of long-term survival. Humans and other hosts become infected by ingesting muscle tissuescontaining viable larvae.The symptoms associated with trichinellosis vary with the severity of infection, i.e. the number of viable larvae ingested, and the time after infection. The capacity of the worm population to undergo massive multiplication in the body is a major determinant. Progression of disease follows the biological development of the parasite. Symptoms are associated first with the gastrointestinal tract, as the worms invade and establish in the small intestine, become more general as the body responds immunologically, and finally focus on the muscles as the larvae penetrate the muscle cells and develop there. Although Trichinella worms cause pathological changes directly by mechanical damage, most of the clinical features of trichinellosis are immunopathological in origin and can be related to the capacity of the parasite to induce allergic responses.The main source of human infection is raw or under-cooked meat products from pig, wild boar, bear, walrus, and horses, but meat products from other animals have been implicated. In humans, the diagnosis of infection is made by immunological tests or by direct examination of muscle biopsies using microscopy or by recovery of larvae after artificial digestion. Treatment requires both the use of anthelmintic drugs to kill the parasite itself and symptomatic treatment to minimize inflammatory responses.Both pre-slaughter prevention and post-slaughter control can be used to prevent Trichinella infections in animals. The first involves pig management control as well as continuous surveillance programmes. Meat inspection is a successful post-slaughter strategy. However, a continuous consumer education is of great importance in countries where meat inspection is not mandatory.
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Brück, Joanna. Personifying Prehistory. Oxford University Press, 2019.

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The Bronze Age is frequently framed in social evolutionary terms. Viewed as the period which saw the emergence of social differentiation, the development of long-distance trade, and the intensification of agricultural production, it is seen as the precursor and origin-point for significant aspects of the modern world. This book presents a very different image of Bronze Age Britain and Ireland. Drawing on the wealth of material from recent excavations, as well as a long history of research, it explores the impact of the post-Enlightenment 'othering' of the non-human on our understanding of Bronze Age society. There is much to suggest that the conceptual boundary between the active human subject and the passive world of objects, so familiar from our own cultural context, was not drawn in this categorical way in the Bronze Age; the self was constructed in relational rather than individualistic terms, and aspects of the non-human world such as pots, houses, and mountains were considered animate entities with their own spirit or soul. In a series of thematic chapters on the human body, artefacts, settlements, and landscapes, this book considers the character of Bronze Age personhood, the relationship between individual and society, and ideas around agency and social power. The treatment and deposition of things such as querns, axes, and human remains provides insights into the meanings and values ascribed to objects and places, and the ways in which such items acted as social agents in the Bronze Age world.
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Schapiro, Tamar, Kyla Ebels-Duggan, and Sharon Street, eds. Normativity and Agency. Oxford University PressOxford, 2022.

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Abstract This volume is a collection of twelve original essays written in honor of Christine Korsgaard, on the occasion of her retirement from teaching. These articles address questions about the foundations of morality, the nature of normativity, conceptions of the self and of agency, moral responsibility, obligations to non-human animals, constructivism in ethics, and the relations between Kant’s ethics, religion, and politics. Contributors include both colleagues and students of Korsgaard: Stephen Darwall, Kyla Ebels-Duggan, Barbara Herman, Richard Moran, Japa Pallikkathayil, Faviola Rivera-Castro, T.M. Scanlon, Tamar Schapiro, Sharon Street, David Sussman, Sigrún Svavarsdóttir, and J. David Velleman.
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Fridlund, Alan J. The Behavioral Ecology View of Facial Displays, 25 Years Later. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter documents the twin origins of the behavioral ecology view (BECV) of human facial expressions, in (1) the empirical weakness and internal contradictions of the accounts proposed by basic emotion theory (BET) and particularly the neurocultural theory of Paul Ekman et al., and (2) newer understandings about the evolution of animal signaling and communication. BET conceives of our facial expressions as quasi-reflexes which are triggered by universal, modular emotion programs but require management in each culture lest they emerge unthrottled. Unlike BET, BECV regards our facial expressions as contingent signals of intent toward interactants within specific contexts of interaction, even when we are alone and our interactants are ourselves, objects, or implicit others. BECV’s functionalist, externalist view does not deny “emotion,” however it is defined, but does not require it to explain human facial displays.
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Laureno, Robert. Decussation. Edited by Robert Laureno. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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This chapter on “Decussation” examines the right–left crossing of neurological systems. Covered are the corticospinal tract, optic chiasm, and other subjects. The presence of crossed neurological systems is basic to clinical neurology. Crossing, however, appears to not be essential, and the amount of crossing can vary from individual to individual. We can track across vertebrate species the evolution of complete chiasmal crossing to the diminished crossing seen in the human visual system. This change in crossing of vision is very understandable as a correlate of the evolution of a lateral-eyed animal to a frontal-eyed human. The origin of crossing cannot be determined with certainty; we can only speculate about how many times crossing developed in pre-vertebrate history or what advantages, if any, crossing conferred. Clinicians, however, must be prepared to recognize patients with uncrossed anatomy—a challenge when we expect systems to be crossed as usual.
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Maynard Smith, John, and Eors Szathmary. The Major Transitions in Evolution. Oxford University Press, 1997.

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Over the history of life there have been several major changes in the way genetic information is organized and transmitted from one generation to the next. These transitions include the origin of life itself, the first eukaryotic cells, reproduction by sexual means, the appearance of multicellular plants and animals, the emergence of cooperation and of animal societies, and the unique language ability of humans. This ambitious book provides the first unified discussion of the full range of these transitions. The authors highlight the similarities between different transitions--between the union of replicating molecules to form chromosomes and of cells to form multicellular organisms, for example--and show how understanding one transition sheds light on others. They trace a common theme throughout the history of evolution: after a major transition some entities lose the ability to replicate independently, becoming able to reproduce only as part of a larger whole. The authors investigate this pattern and why selection between entities at a lower level does not disrupt selection at more complex levels. Their explanation encompasses a compelling theory of the evolution of cooperation at all levels of complexity. Engagingly written and filled with numerous illustrations, this book can be read with enjoyment by anyone with an undergraduate training in biology. It is ideal for advanced discussion groups on evolution and includes accessible discussions of a wide range of topics, from molecular biology and linguistics to insect societies.
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Moriarty, Michael. Pascal: Reasoning and Belief. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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The book is a study of Pascal’s defence of Christian belief in the Pensées. It aims to expound, and in places to criticize, what it argues (drawing on existing scholarship about the history of the text) is a coherent and original apologetic strategy. It sets out the basic philosophical and theological presuppositions of his project, drawing the distinction between convictions attained by reason and those inspired by God-given faith. It sets out his view of the contradictions within human nature, between the ‘wretchedness’ (our inability to live the life of reason, to attain secure and durable happiness) and the ‘greatness’ (the power of thought, manifested in the very awareness of our wretchedness). His mind–body dualism and his mechanistic conception of non-human animals are discussed. Pascal invokes the biblical story of the Fall and the doctrine of original sin as the only credible explanation of these contradictions. His analysis of human occupations as powered by the twin desire to escape from painful thoughts and to gratify one’s vanity is subjected to critical examination, as is his conception of the self and self-love. Pascal argues that, just as Christianity propounds the only explanation for the human condition, so it offers the only kind of happiness that would satisfy our deepest longings. He thus argues that we have an interest in investigating its truth-claims as rooted in the Bible and in history. The closing chapters discuss his view of Christian morality and the famous ‘wager’ argument for opting in favour of Christian belief.
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Benedito, Rui, and Arndt F. Siekmann. Blood vessel differentiation and growth. Edited by José Maria Pérez-Pomares, Robert G. Kelly, Maurice van den Hoff, José Luis de la Pompa, David Sedmera, Cristina Basso, and Deborah Henderson. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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A variety of diseases are related to or dependent on the vascular system. Several lines of evidence show that adequate manipulation of the vascular function in disease requires targeting and interfering with the same molecular pathways and cellular processes that act to form vessels during embryo or organ development. Therefore an understanding of the mechanisms that regulate vascular development in this non-pathological context is of major importance, since it may lead to better ways of treating vascular-related pathologies. This chapter covers the most significant cellular and molecular mechanisms involved in the origin, life, and death of the endothelial cellwhich is involved in several important developmental and pathological processes. Most of the mechanisms described were identified in animal model systems. However, owing to the high evolutionary conservation of these, they are likely be very similar to those occurring in humans and in disease.
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Wilsey, Brian J. The Biology of Grasslands. Oxford University Press, 2018.

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This accessible text provides a concise but comprehensive introduction to the biology of global grasslands. Grasslands are vast in their extent, with native and non-native grasslands now covering approximately 50 percent of the global terrestrial environment. They are also of vital importance to humans, providing essential ecosystem services and some of the most important areas for the production of food and fibre worldwide. It has been estimated that 60 percent of calories consumed by humans originate from grasses, and most grain consumed is produced in areas that were formerly grasslands or wetlands. Grasslands are also important because they are used to raise forage for livestock, represent a source of biofuels, sequester vast amounts of carbon, provide urban green-space, and hold vast amounts of biodiversity. Intact grasslands contain an incredibly fascinating set of plants, animals, and microbes that have interested several generations of biologists, generating pivotal studies to important theoretical questions in ecology. As with other titles in the Biology of Habitats Series, the emphasis is on the organisms that dominate this environment although restoration, conservation, and experimental aspects are also considered. The Biology of Grasslands is suitable for both senior undergraduate and graduate students (in departments of biology, geography, and environmental science) taking courses in grassland ecology, plant ecology, and rangeland ecology as well as the many professional ecologists and conservation biologists requiring an authoritative overview of the topic.
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Michel, Jean-Baptiste. Biology of vascular wall dilation and rupture. Oxford University Press, 2017.

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Arterial pathologies, important causes of death and morbidity in humans, are closely related to modifications in the circulatory system during evolution. With increasing intraluminal pressure and arterial bifurcation density, the arterial wall becomes the target of interactions with blood components and outward convection of plasma solutes and particles, including plasma zymogens and leukocyte proteases. Abdominal aortic aneurysms of atherothrombotic origin are characterized by the presence of an intraluminal thrombus (ILT), a major source of proteases, including plasmin, MMP-9, and elastase. Saccular cerebral aneurysms are characterized by the interaction of haemodynamics and arterial bifurcation defects, of either genetic or congenital origin. They also develop an intrasaccular thrombus, implicated in rupture. Aneurysms of the ascending aorta (TAAs) are not linked to atherothrombotic disease, and do not develop an ILT. The most common denominator of TAAs, whatever their aetiology, is the presence of areas of mucoid degeneration, and increased convection and vSMC-dependent activation of plasma zymogens within the wall, causing extracellular matrix proteolysis. TAA development is also associated with an epigenetic phenomenon of SMAD2 overexpression and nuclear translocation, potentially linked to chronic changes in mechanotransduction. Aortic dissections share common aetiologies and pathology (areas of mucoid degeneration) with TAAs, but differ by the absence of any compensatory epigenetic response. There are main experimental animal models of aneurysms, all characterized by the cessation of aneurysmal progression after interruption of the exogenous stimuli used to induce it. These new pathophysiological approaches to aneurysms in humans pave the way for new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.
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P R, Nisha. Jumbos and Jumping Devils. Oxford University Press, 2020.

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Jumbos and Jumping Devils is an original and pioneering exploration of not only the social history of the subcontinent but also of performance and popular culture. The domain of analysis is entirely novel and opens up a bolder approach of laying a new field of historical enquiry of South Asia. Trawling through an extraordinary set of sources such as colonial and post-colonial records, newspaper reports, unpublished autobiographies, private papers, photographs, and oral interviews, the author brings out a fascinating account of the transnational landscape of physical cultures, human and animal performers, and the circus industry. This book should be of interest to a wide range of readers from history, sociology, anthropology, and cultural studies to analysts of history of performance and sports in the subcontinent.
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Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty. Edited by Adrienne E. Gavin. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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‘I have heard men say, that seeing is believing; but I should say that feeling is believing.’ Anna Sewell's famous ‘Autobiography of a Horse, published in 1877, is one of the bestselling novels in English. It was written not for children, but to expose and prevent cruelty to horses, and is a classic of Victorian literature that continues to captivate readers young and old. Black Beauty's moving story recounts his idyllic colthood and his experiences at the hands of a variety of owners, good and bad. Describing his life as a horse in Victorian England, he tells of his equine companions and human carers, and of the unthinking brutality to which horses were often subjected. A sympathetic hero who faces danger and excitement, Black Beauty never wavers in his principles, and the powerful lessons he teaches influenced animal welfare in England and America. This edition restores the original 1877 text and explores the multiple ways in which the novel has been read: as accessible horse-care manual, protest novel, feminist text, autobiography, slave narrative, and classic animal story.
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Hume, David. An Enquiry concerning Human Understanding. Edited by Peter Millican. Oxford University Press, 2008.

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Commit it then to the flames: for it can contain nothing but sophistry and illusion.' Thus ends David Hume's Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, the definitive statement of the greatest philosopher in the English language. His arguments in support of reasoning from experience, and against the 'sophistry and illusion' of religiously inspired philosophical fantasies, caused controversy in the eighteenth century and are strikingly relevant today, when faith and science continue to clash. The Enquiry considers the origin and processes of human thought, reaching the stark conclusion that we can have no ultimate understanding of the physical world, or indeed our own minds. In either sphere we must depend on instinctive learning from experience, recognizing our animal nature and the limits of reason. Hume's calm and open-minded scepticism thus aims to provide a new basis for science, liberating us from the 'superstition' of false metaphysics and religion. His Enquiry remains one of the best introductions to the study of philosophy, and this edition places it in its historical and philosophical context.
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Stone, Alison. Frances Power Cobbe. Oxford University Press, 2022.

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This book brings together essential writings by the unjustly neglected nineteenth-century philosopher Frances Power Cobbe (1822–1904). A prominent ethicist, feminist, champion of animal welfare, and critic of Darwinism and atheism, Cobbe was very well known and highly regarded in the Victorian era. This collection introduces contemporary readers to Cobbe and shows how her original philosophical standpoint developed over time, beginning in 1855 with her Essay on Intuitive Morals. In this work she set out her duty-based moral theory, arguing that morality and religion are indissolubly connected. This provided the framework within which she addressed a host of theoretical and practical issues in her prolific publishing career. In the 1860s and early 1870s, she gave an account of human duties to animals; articulated a duty-based form of feminism; defended a unique type of dualism in the philosophy of mind; and argued against evolutionary ethics. Cobbe put her philosophical views into practice, campaigning for women’s rights and for first the regulation and later the abolition of vivisection. In turn, her political experiences led her to revise her ethical theory. From the 1870s onward she increasingly emphasized the moral role of the emotions, especially sympathy, and she theorized a gradual progression in sympathy across history. Moving into the 1880s, Cobbe combatted secularism, agnosticism, and atheism, arguing that religion is necessary not only for morality but also for meaningful life and culture. The critical introduction and explanatory notes provide historical and philosophical context for those encountering Cobbe for the first time.
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Laurence, Stephen, and Eric Margolis. The Scope of the Conceptual. Edited by Eric Margolis, Richard Samuels, and Stephen P. Stich. Oxford University Press, 2012.

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This article explains different views on concepts, which are among the most fundamental constructs in cognitive science. Michael Dummett argues that nonhuman animals are not capable of full-fledged conceptual thought but only a diminished form of thought, which he calls, proto-thought. Human beings can remove themselves from the moment and can rise above the confined world of current perceptions because of their linguistic abilities. Donald Davidson, a contemporary philosopher, denies that animals are capable of conceptual thought and claim that conceptual content requires a rich inferential network. Donald Davidson made an argument against animals having conceptual thought. Davidson's original formulation of the argument begins with the claim that having a belief requires having the concept of a belief but adds that having the concept of belief requires possession of a natural language. It follows, then, that to have a belief requires facility with natural language. The characterization of the conceptual/nonconceptual distinction that is implicit in Davidson's metacognitive argument is a complex one involving a capacity for belief about beliefs, a concept of belief, and concepts of truth and falsity. Both Robert Brandom and John McDowell argued that conceptual thought requires more than a capacity for detection. They claim that conceptual thought requires the ability to appreciate the reasons that would justify a given concept's application and use, and this, in turn, is inherently a social practice that is dependent on natural language
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Leong, Elaine, Laurence Totelin, Iona McCleery, Elaine Leong, Lisa Wynne Smith, Jonathan Reinarz, Todd Meyers, Claudia Stein, and Claudia Stein, eds. A Cultural History of Medicine in the Renaissance. Bloomsbury Publishing Plc, 2021.

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Since the ‘cultural turn’ of the 1980s the history of Renaissance medicine has been radically transformed, with older narratives stood on their head as concepts and categories for research have been re-thought. At the core of this change – for the period now familiarly referred to (not insignificantly) as ‘early modern’ – stands an epistemological reconsideration of the production of natural knowledge, and of power in relation to the core of medicine’s subject, the human body. Additionally, at issue are the origins of modernity itself. Building on the foundations of this historiographical transformation, the essays in this volume elaborate, refine and challenge what are now standard interpretations in the study of medicine and the body in the early modern period. They broaden the scope of study through exploration of the contact zones between European knowledges and practices with other indigenous cultures. They draw attention to the riches of early modern material and visual culture as they take stock of how key epistemological notions for the study and practice of medicine, such as ‘experience’ and ‘authority’, were shaped and redefined. Moreover, essays on such topics as food, animals, environment, and mind and brain demonstrate how the cultural turn has revived and given new urgency to themes long central to the study of sickness and health. Wetting appetites and distilling the recent past, these essays work collectively to remind readers that the ‘cultural turn’ is far from over.
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Barraca Mairal, Javier, Alberto García Gómez, and Amparo de Jesús Zárate Cuello, eds. Bioestética: Reflexiones en torno a la fundamentación. Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, 2021.

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Con la palabra bioestética, compuesta por las voces “bio” (vida) y “estética”, se pretende aludir a las fecundas relaciones que cabe rastrear entre la vida y la estética, sobre el fondo de la actual reflexión bioética. Las investigaciones del presente libro parten y muestran la gran importancia que posee la dimensión estética de la vida. Se advierte, además, acerca del peligro que existe hoy respecto a no apreciar suficientemente el valor especial y la belleza de la vida humana o de los seres humanos, fundados en su singular dignidad. De igual manera, se anima al desarrollo continuo y esforzado de la belleza ética o moral, por parte de los sujetos, así como a la necesidad de armonizar este crecimiento o maduración moral con un adecuado cultivo de la belleza en sus diversos sentidos. El interés de la labor aquí emprendida estriba en que de ella cabe extraer claves que proporcionan pautas para un desarrollo de lo estético por parte de los seres humanos, siempre en sintonía con el crecimiento integral de la persona entera, y así en unidad de vida. Este es el caso de lo psicoterapéutico, campo decisivo de la salud y bioética actuales, cuya belleza es en este lugar ejemplar y profundamente expuesta, junto a la del sufriente humano. Por ende, el propósito, en definitiva, ha consistido en brindar un aporte original y a la vez riguroso, que colabore en la elaboración de una bioética contemporánea que conecte con la estética y extraiga de estos vínculos un fruto provechoso en procura de la fundamentación de la bioestética.
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Oliveira, Diogo Lopes de, and Leonardo Pereira Tavares. Educação e comunicação: vivências e saberes. Editora Amplla, 2021.

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Talvez não haja conceitos que possam abranger uma quantidade maior de atividades genuinamente humanas como educação e comunicação. Ambos estão presentes no título do livro Educação e Comunicação: vivências e saberes. Há de se reconhecer que, evidentemente, outros animais também são capazes de educar e comunicar-se. No entanto, há um terceiro elemento comum a todos os 32 capítulos desta publicação e que reflete a idiossincrasia humana: a ciência! Somente ela permite que vivências, experiências, vicissitudes e transformações sejam armazenadas, compartilhadas e gerem reflexão e criticidade. Somente assim - a partir do conhecimento científico - será possível superarmos a onda negacionista que atinge o mundo inteiro, especialmente em um momento tão delicado quanto a pandemia de COVID-19. Unindo e relacionando educação, comunicação e ciência, este livro cumpre essa primeira função primordial nos tempos que correm. Há ainda um outro fator relevante que enriquece esta obra: a sua diversidade de origens, assuntos e abordagens. Foram recebidos trabalhos de universidades, institutos públicos estaduais e federais, escolas técnicas e de universidades privadas; de centros e instituições de pesquisa de quatro das cinco regiões do Brasil - esperamos que em outras edições, a região norte se faça presente. Pesquisadores de duas faculdades portuguesas também enviaram seus textos para esta compilação e transpuseram as fronteiras do nosso país para além-mar. Os temas também são variados: ensino, tecnologias, inclusão social, artes, esportes, entre tantos outros.
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Klein, Francisca, Verónica Francisca Loewe Muñoz, and Gabriel Enrique Pineda Bravo. Avellano chileno. Gevuina avellana. Monografía. INFOR, 1997.

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Gevuina avellana es una especie monotípica y endémica de Chile que se distribuye en la zona Centro-Sur del país, que posee una gran adaptación ecológica; sobretodo se encuentra en la pluviselva valdiviana. Esta gran adaptación se origina en la capacidad de formar raíces proteiformes que favorecen una absorción de nutrientes y agua en sitios de factores climáticos extremos. Su propagación es posible por medio de semillas estratificadas; presenta buena capacidad para rebrotar desde los tocones, sobretodo en bosques explotados o afectados por fuego; la germinación in vitro no presenta problemas, aunque es bastante irregular. No se le encuentra formando masas, sino más bien pequeños grupos, o en forma aislada. Se asocia normalmente a los Nothofagus. El árbol alcanza 20 metros de altura, posee hojas perennes de color verde oscuro y florece abundantemente. Sus flores hermafroditas se ubican en racimos largos de color blanco. Las avellanas poseen un alto contenido nutritivo, siendo idóneas para el consumo humano ya sea tostadas o saladas y también para alimentación de animales. Por otra parte, el aceite es utilizado en la industria cosmética. Además el avellano tiene importancia como árbol melífero, ornamental y maderero, aun cuando no existen grandes masas que permitan su cultivo a nivel comercial. La madera posee una veta oscura sobre fondo claro y se usa principalmente para revestimientos interiores, muebles, chapas, remos. La corteza tiene un pH ácido y es utilizada por el pueblo mapuche como medicina.
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Wallace, Mark I. When God Was a Bird. Fordham University Press, 2018.

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At one time, God was a bird. In ancient Egypt, Thoth was the Ibis-headed divinity of magic and wisdom. Winged divine beings—griffins and harpies—populated the pantheon of Greek antiquity, and Quetzalcoatl was the plumed serpent deity of the pre-Columbian Aztecs. It is said that in spite of—or better, to spite—this time-honored wealth of divine avifauna, Christianity divorced God from the avian world in order to defend a pure form of monotheism. This narrative, however, misses the startling scriptural portrayals of God as the beaked and feathered Holy Spirit, the third member of the Trinity who, alongside the Father and Son, is the “animal God” of historic Christian witness. Appearing as a winged creature at the time of Jesus’ baptism (Luke 3:21-22), the bird-God of the New Testament signals the deep grounding of archi-original biblical faith in the natural world. This book calls this new but ancient vision of the world “Christian animism” in order to signal the continuity of biblical religion with the beliefs of indigenous and non-Western communities that Spirit enfleshes itself within everything that grows, walks, flies, and swims in and over the Earth. To this end, it weaves together philosophy (Heidegger, Girard), theology (Augustine, Hildegard, Muir), and the author’s own birdwatching visitations (wood thrush, pileated woodpecker, great blue heron, American dipper, domestic pigeon) to argue that all things are alive with sacred personhood and worthy of human beings’ love and protection in a time of ecocidal, even deicidal, climate change.
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Johansen, Bruce, and Adebowale Akande, eds. Nationalism: Past as Prologue. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2021.

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Nationalism: Past as Prologue began as a single volume being compiled by Ad Akande, a scholar from South Africa, who proposed it to me as co-author about two years ago. The original idea was to examine how the damaging roots of nationalism have been corroding political systems around the world, and creating dangerous obstacles for necessary international cooperation. Since I (Bruce E. Johansen) has written profusely about climate change (global warming, a.k.a. infrared forcing), I suggested a concerted effort in that direction. This is a worldwide existential threat that affects every living thing on Earth. It often compounds upon itself, so delays in reducing emissions of fossil fuels are shortening the amount of time remaining to eliminate the use of fossil fuels to preserve a livable planet. Nationalism often impedes solutions to this problem (among many others), as nations place their singular needs above the common good. Our initial proposal got around, and abstracts on many subjects arrived. Within a few weeks, we had enough good material for a 100,000-word book. The book then fattened to two moderate volumes and then to four two very hefty tomes. We tried several different titles as good submissions swelled. We also discovered that our best contributors were experts in their fields, which ranged the world. We settled on three stand-alone books:” 1/ nationalism and racial justice. Our first volume grew as the growth of Black Lives Matter following the brutal killing of George Floyd ignited protests over police brutality and other issues during 2020, following the police assassination of Floyd in Minneapolis. It is estimated that more people took part in protests of police brutality during the summer of 2020 than any other series of marches in United States history. This includes upheavals during the 1960s over racial issues and against the war in Southeast Asia (notably Vietnam). We choose a volume on racism because it is one of nationalism’s main motive forces. This volume provides a worldwide array of work on nationalism’s growth in various countries, usually by authors residing in them, or in the United States with ethnic ties to the nation being examined, often recent immigrants to the United States from them. Our roster of contributors comprises a small United Nations of insightful, well-written research and commentary from Indonesia, New Zealand, Australia, China, India, South Africa, France, Portugal, Estonia, Hungary, Russia, Poland, Kazakhstan, Georgia, and the United States. Volume 2 (this one) describes and analyzes nationalism, by country, around the world, except for the United States; and 3/material directly related to President Donald Trump, and the United States. The first volume is under consideration at the Texas A & M University Press. The other two are under contract to Nova Science Publishers (which includes social sciences). These three volumes may be used individually or as a set. Environmental material is taken up in appropriate places in each of the three books. * * * * * What became the United States of America has been strongly nationalist since the English of present-day Massachusetts and Jamestown first hit North America’s eastern shores. The country propelled itself across North America with the self-serving ideology of “manifest destiny” for four centuries before Donald Trump came along. Anyone who believes that a Trumpian affection for deportation of “illegals” is a new thing ought to take a look at immigration and deportation statistics in Adam Goodman’s The Deportation Machine: America’s Long History of Deporting Immigrants (Princeton University Press, 2020). Between 1920 and 2018, the United States deported 56.3 million people, compared with 51.7 million who were granted legal immigration status during the same dates. Nearly nine of ten deportees were Mexican (Nolan, 2020, 83). This kind of nationalism, has become an assassin of democracy as well as an impediment to solving global problems. Paul Krugman wrote in the New York Times (2019:A-25): that “In their 2018 book, How Democracies Die, the political scientists Steven Levitsky and Daniel Ziblatt documented how this process has played out in many countries, from Vladimir Putin’s Russia, to Recep Erdogan’s Turkey, to Viktor Orban’s Hungary. Add to these India’s Narendra Modi, China’s Xi Jinping, and the United States’ Donald Trump, among others. Bit by bit, the guardrails of democracy have been torn down, as institutions meant to serve the public became tools of ruling parties and self-serving ideologies, weaponized to punish and intimidate opposition parties’ opponents. On paper, these countries are still democracies; in practice, they have become one-party regimes….And it’s happening here [the United States] as we speak. If you are not worried about the future of American democracy, you aren’t paying attention” (Krugmam, 2019, A-25). We are reminded continuously that the late Carl Sagan, one of our most insightful scientific public intellectuals, had an interesting theory about highly developed civilizations. Given the number of stars and planets that must exist in the vast reaches of the universe, he said, there must be other highly developed and organized forms of life. Distance may keep us from making physical contact, but Sagan said that another reason we may never be on speaking terms with another intelligent race is (judging from our own example) could be their penchant for destroying themselves in relatively short order after reaching technological complexity. This book’s chapters, introduction, and conclusion examine the worldwide rise of partisan nationalism and the damage it has wrought on the worldwide pursuit of solutions for issues requiring worldwide scope, such scientific co-operation public health and others, mixing analysis of both. We use both historical description and analysis. This analysis concludes with a description of why we must avoid the isolating nature of nationalism that isolates people and encourages separation if we are to deal with issues of world-wide concern, and to maintain a sustainable, survivable Earth, placing the dominant political movement of our time against the Earth’s existential crises. Our contributors, all experts in their fields, each have assumed responsibility for a country, or two if they are related. This work entwines themes of worldwide concern with the political growth of nationalism because leaders with such a worldview are disinclined to co-operate internationally at a time when nations must find ways to solve common problems, such as the climate crisis. Inability to cooperate at this stage may doom everyone, eventually, to an overheated, stormy future plagued by droughts and deluges portending shortages of food and other essential commodities, meanwhile destroying large coastal urban areas because of rising sea levels. Future historians may look back at our time and wonder why as well as how our world succumbed to isolating nationalism at a time when time was so short for cooperative intervention which is crucial for survival of a sustainable earth. Pride in language and culture is salubrious to individuals’ sense of history and identity. Excess nationalism that prevents international co-operation on harmful worldwide maladies is quite another. As Pope Francis has pointed out: For all of our connectivity due to expansion of social media, ability to communicate can breed contempt as well as mutual trust. “For all our hyper-connectivity,” said Francis, “We witnessed a fragmentation that made it more difficult to resolve problems that affect us all” (Horowitz, 2020, A-12). The pope’s encyclical, titled “Brothers All,” also said: “The forces of myopic, extremist, resentful, and aggressive nationalism are on the rise.” The pope’s document also advocates support for migrants, as well as resistance to nationalist and tribal populism. Francis broadened his critique to the role of market capitalism, as well as nationalism has failed the peoples of the world when they need co-operation and solidarity in the face of the world-wide corona virus pandemic. Humankind needs to unite into “a new sense of the human family [Fratelli Tutti, “Brothers All”], that rejects war at all costs” (Pope, 2020, 6-A). Our journey takes us first to Russia, with the able eye and honed expertise of Richard D. Anderson, Jr. who teaches as UCLA and publishes on the subject of his chapter: “Putin, Russian identity, and Russia’s conduct at home and abroad.” Readers should find Dr. Anderson’s analysis fascinating because Vladimir Putin, the singular leader of Russian foreign and domestic policy these days (and perhaps for the rest of his life, given how malleable Russia’s Constitution has become) may be a short man physically, but has high ambitions. One of these involves restoring the old Russian (and Soviet) empire, which would involve re-subjugating a number of nations that broke off as the old order dissolved about 30 years ago. President (shall we say czar?) Putin also has international ambitions, notably by destabilizing the United States, where election meddling has become a specialty. The sight of Putin and U.S. president Donald Trump, two very rich men (Putin $70-$200 billion; Trump $2.5 billion), nuzzling in friendship would probably set Thomas Jefferson and Vladimir Lenin spinning in their graves. The road of history can take some unanticipated twists and turns. Consider Poland, from which we have an expert native analysis in chapter 2, Bartosz Hlebowicz, who is a Polish anthropologist and journalist. His piece is titled “Lawless and Unjust: How to Quickly Make Your Own Country a Puppet State Run by a Group of Hoodlums – the Hopeless Case of Poland (2015–2020).” When I visited Poland to teach and lecture twice between 2006 and 2008, most people seemed to be walking on air induced by freedom to conduct their own affairs to an unusual degree for a state usually squeezed between nationalists in Germany and Russia. What did the Poles then do in a couple of decades? Read Hlebowicz’ chapter and decide. It certainly isn’t soft-bellied liberalism. In Chapter 3, with Bruce E. Johansen, we visit China’s western provinces, the lands of Tibet as well as the Uighurs and other Muslims in the Xinjiang region, who would most assuredly resent being characterized as being possessed by the Chinese of the Han to the east. As a student of Native American history, I had never before thought of the Tibetans and Uighurs as Native peoples struggling against the Independence-minded peoples of a land that is called an adjunct of China on most of our maps. The random act of sitting next to a young woman on an Air India flight out of Hyderabad, bound for New Delhi taught me that the Tibetans had something to share with the Lakota, the Iroquois, and hundreds of other Native American states and nations in North America. Active resistance to Chinese rule lasted into the mid-nineteenth century, and continues today in a subversive manner, even in song, as I learned in 2018 when I acted as a foreign adjudicator on a Ph.D. dissertation by a Tibetan student at the University of Madras (in what is now in a city called Chennai), in southwestern India on resistance in song during Tibet’s recent history. Tibet is one of very few places on Earth where a young dissident can get shot to death for singing a song that troubles China’s Quest for Lebensraum. The situation in Xinjiang region, where close to a million Muslims have been interned in “reeducation” camps surrounded with brick walls and barbed wire. They sing, too. Come with us and hear the music. Back to Europe now, in Chapter 4, to Portugal and Spain, we find a break in the general pattern of nationalism. Portugal has been more progressive governmentally than most. Spain varies from a liberal majority to military coups, a pattern which has been exported to Latin America. A situation such as this can make use of the term “populism” problematic, because general usage in our time usually ties the word into a right-wing connotative straightjacket. “Populism” can be used to describe progressive (left-wing) insurgencies as well. José Pinto, who is native to Portugal and also researches and writes in Spanish as well as English, in “Populism in Portugal and Spain: a Real Neighbourhood?” provides insight into these historical paradoxes. Hungary shares some historical inclinations with Poland (above). Both emerged from Soviet dominance in an air of developing freedom and multicultural diversity after the Berlin Wall fell and the Soviet Union collapsed. Then, gradually at first, right wing-forces began to tighten up, stripping structures supporting popular freedom, from the courts, mass media, and other institutions. In Chapter 5, Bernard Tamas, in “From Youth Movement to Right-Liberal Wing Authoritarianism: The Rise of Fidesz and the Decline of Hungarian Democracy” puts the renewed growth of political and social repression into a context of worldwide nationalism. Tamas, an associate professor of political science at Valdosta State University, has been a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University and a Fulbright scholar at the Central European University in Budapest, Hungary. His books include From Dissident to Party Politics: The Struggle for Democracy in Post-Communist Hungary (2007). Bear in mind that not everyone shares Orbán’s vision of what will make this nation great, again. On graffiti-covered walls in Budapest, Runes (traditional Hungarian script) has been found that read “Orbán is a motherfucker” (Mikanowski, 2019, 58). Also in Europe, in Chapter 6, Professor Ronan Le Coadic, of the University of Rennes, Rennes, France, in “Is There a Revival of French Nationalism?” Stating this title in the form of a question is quite appropriate because France’s nationalistic shift has built and ebbed several times during the last few decades. For a time after 2000, it came close to assuming the role of a substantial minority, only to ebb after that. In 2017, the candidate of the National Front reached the second round of the French presidential election. This was the second time this nationalist party reached the second round of the presidential election in the history of the Fifth Republic. In 2002, however, Jean-Marie Le Pen had only obtained 17.79% of the votes, while fifteen years later his daughter, Marine Le Pen, almost doubled her father's record, reaching 33.90% of the votes cast. Moreover, in the 2019 European elections, re-named Rassemblement National obtained the largest number of votes of all French political formations and can therefore boast of being "the leading party in France.” The brutality of oppressive nationalism may be expressed in personal relationships, such as child abuse. While Indonesia and Aotearoa [the Maoris’ name for New Zealand] hold very different ranks in the United Nations Human Development Programme assessments, where Indonesia is classified as a medium development country and Aotearoa New Zealand as a very high development country. In Chapter 7, “Domestic Violence Against Women in Indonesia and Aotearoa New Zealand: Making Sense of Differences and Similarities” co-authors, in Chapter 8, Mandy Morgan and Dr. Elli N. Hayati, from New Zealand and Indonesia respectively, found that despite their socio-economic differences, one in three women in each country experience physical or sexual intimate partner violence over their lifetime. In this chapter ther authors aim to deepen understandings of domestic violence through discussion of the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of theit countries to address domestic violence alongside studies of women’s attitudes to gender norms and experiences of intimate partner violence. One of the most surprising and upsetting scholarly journeys that a North American student may take involves Adolf Hitler’s comments on oppression of American Indians and Blacks as he imagined the construction of the Nazi state, a genesis of nationalism that is all but unknown in the United States of America, traced in this volume (Chapter 8) by co-editor Johansen. Beginning in Mein Kampf, during the 1920s, Hitler explicitly used the westward expansion of the United States across North America as a model and justification for Nazi conquest and anticipated colonization by Germans of what the Nazis called the “wild East” – the Slavic nations of Poland, the Baltic states, Ukraine, and Russia, most of which were under control of the Soviet Union. The Volga River (in Russia) was styled by Hitler as the Germans’ Mississippi, and covered wagons were readied for the German “manifest destiny” of imprisoning, eradicating, and replacing peoples the Nazis deemed inferior, all with direct references to events in North America during the previous century. At the same time, with no sense of contradiction, the Nazis partook of a long-standing German romanticism of Native Americans. One of Goebbels’ less propitious schemes was to confer honorary Aryan status on Native American tribes, in the hope that they would rise up against their oppressors. U.S. racial attitudes were “evidence [to the Nazis] that America was evolving in the right direction, despite its specious rhetoric about equality.” Ming Xie, originally from Beijing, in the People’s Republic of China, in Chapter 9, “News Coverage and Public Perceptions of the Social Credit System in China,” writes that The State Council of China in 2014 announced “that a nationwide social credit system would be established” in China. “Under this system, individuals, private companies, social organizations, and governmental agencies are assigned a score which will be calculated based on their trustworthiness and daily actions such as transaction history, professional conduct, obedience to law, corruption, tax evasion, and academic plagiarism.” The “nationalism” in this case is that of the state over the individual. China has 1.4 billion people; this system takes their measure for the purpose of state control. Once fully operational, control will be more subtle. People who are subject to it, through modern technology (most often smart phones) will prompt many people to self-censor. Orwell, modernized, might write: “Your smart phone is watching you.” Ming Xie holds two Ph.Ds, one in Public Administration from University of Nebraska at Omaha and another in Cultural Anthropology from the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, where she also worked for more than 10 years at a national think tank in the same institution. While there she summarized news from non-Chinese sources for senior members of the Chinese Communist Party. Ming is presently an assistant professor at the Department of Political Science and Criminal Justice, West Texas A&M University. In Chapter 10, analyzing native peoples and nationhood, Barbara Alice Mann, Professor of Honours at the University of Toledo, in “Divide, et Impera: The Self-Genocide Game” details ways in which European-American invaders deprive the conquered of their sense of nationhood as part of a subjugation system that amounts to genocide, rubbing out their languages and cultures -- and ultimately forcing the native peoples to assimilate on their own, for survival in a culture that is foreign to them. Mann is one of Native American Studies’ most acute critics of conquests’ contradictions, and an author who retrieves Native history with a powerful sense of voice and purpose, having authored roughly a dozen books and numerous book chapters, among many other works, who has traveled around the world lecturing and publishing on many subjects. Nalanda Roy and S. Mae Pedron in Chapter 11, “Understanding the Face of Humanity: The Rohingya Genocide.” describe one of the largest forced migrations in the history of the human race, the removal of 700,000 to 800,000 Muslims from Buddhist Myanmar to Bangladesh, which itself is already one of the most crowded and impoverished nations on Earth. With about 150 million people packed into an area the size of Nebraska and Iowa (population less than a tenth that of Bangladesh, a country that is losing land steadily to rising sea levels and erosion of the Ganges river delta. The Rohingyas’ refugee camp has been squeezed onto a gigantic, eroding, muddy slope that contains nearly no vegetation. However, Bangladesh is majority Muslim, so while the Rohingya may starve, they won’t be shot to death by marauding armies. Both authors of this exquisite (and excruciating) account teach at Georgia Southern University in Savannah, Georgia, Roy as an associate professor of International Studies and Asian politics, and Pedron as a graduate student; Roy originally hails from very eastern India, close to both Myanmar and Bangladesh, so he has special insight into the context of one of the most brutal genocides of our time, or any other. This is our case describing the problems that nationalism has and will pose for the sustainability of the Earth as our little blue-and-green orb becomes more crowded over time. The old ways, in which national arguments often end in devastating wars, are obsolete, given that the Earth and all the people, plants, and other animals that it sustains are faced with the existential threat of a climate crisis that within two centuries, more or less, will flood large parts of coastal cities, and endanger many species of plants and animals. To survive, we must listen to the Earth, and observe her travails, because they are increasingly our own.
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