Academic literature on the topic 'Orientation des étudiants – Sociologie'
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Journal articles on the topic "Orientation des étudiants – Sociologie"
CHENARD, Pierre. "L’utilisation de l’information par les cégépiens du secteur général pour leur orientation vers l’université, une étude de sociologie institutionnelle." Sociologie et sociétés 20, no. 1 (September 30, 2002): 71–82.
Full textDUPUIS, Jean-Pierre. "Ces étudiants qui choisissent la sociologie aujourd’hui." Sociologie et sociétés 12, no. 2 (September 30, 2002): 169–78.
Full textChartier, Marie. "Faire du terrain dans une formation universitaire de sociologie : jeux de rôle d’étudiants en observation." Emulations - Revue de sciences sociales, no. 39-40 (May 11, 2022): 137–52.
Full textCollard-Bovy, Olivier, and Benoît Galand. "Socialisation et attribution causale : le rôle des études universitaires." Articles 29, no. 3 (October 6, 2005): 565–87.
Full textRamdé, Pascal, Pierre Lapointe, and Martial Dembélé. "L’appropriation du changement de politiques universitaires par les étudiants en Afrique subsaharienne : le cas de la réforme Licence-Master-Doctorat au Burkina Faso." Comparative and International Education 48, no. 2 (June 16, 2020): 1–19.
Full textBeaud, Olivier, and François Vatin. "« Orientation et réussite des étudiants »." Commentaire Numéro163, no. 3 (2018): 687.
Full textReuchlin, Maurice. "Orientation et sélection des étudiants." L’Orientation scolaire et professionnelle 15, no. 2 (1986): 169–75.
Full textSoulié, Charles. "Apprentis philosophes et apprentis sociologues." Sociétés contemporaines 21, no. 1 (July 1, 1995): 89–101.
Full textImdorf, Christian. "« L’économie des conventions », courant important et méconnu de la nouvelle sociologie économique française : un panorama vu d’Allemagne." Statistique et société 5, no. 2 (2017): 29–32.
Full textPotot, Swanie. "Un master Migrations et relations interethniques." Diversité 166, no. 1 (2011): 197–98.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Orientation des étudiants – Sociologie"
Maroundou, Marthe. "Orientation post-maîtrise des étudiants gabonais : itinéraires, motivations et contraintes." Rouen, 2009.
Full textWhy don't Gabonese students end their studies after obtained their Master's degree ? Why do most of them register for entrance exams to les Grandes Ecoles (ENA, ENS) ? And why do less of them continue doctoral studies ? What could be their motivation ? What reasoning leads these students to make such choices ? Can one conclude that the program level offered by the University Omar Bongo of Libreville (with its limited possibilities for doctoral studies) leads students to only one of two choices : either les Grandes Ecoles or doctoral studies ? This investigation will attempt to answer various questions dealing with the pursuit and choice of studies by Gabonese students who already hold a Master's degree. An analysis of interviews held with students of les Grandes Ecoles and of doctoral students enrolled in French universities highlights the complexity of academic orientation which takes into account both institutional and individual factors
Bayette, Jean-Bruno. "L'affiliation d'une discipline avec les débouchés professionnels : le cas de la sociologie à l'Université de Picardie Jules Verne." Amiens, 2000.
Full textOrange, Sophie. "L'autre supérieur : aspirations et sens des limites des étudiants de BTS." Poitiers, 2011.
Full textThe aim of this thesis is to analize the different social frameworks which are the background of the studying experience in french higher technical sections (Sections de Technicien Supérieur - STS). These vocationnal trainings are the preferred or even the exclusive pathways to the higher education levels, chosen by many vocational and technical "baccalauréat" graduates, thus contributing to the growth of a demand for education in low-income families. The monitoring of a group of students from their entry in STS until their graduation highlight the effects of the institution on school and job ambitions. It appears that the high integration potentential of these training courses and eventually the consecration of the students as a local elite in rural secondary schools allow increasing aspirations of weaker students. Thus, STS play a role of social promotion. However, curricula specificities and internal diversities of pedagogical configurations lead students to moderate their professionnal expectations. Furthermore, the isolation of STS in the french higher education system, a consequence of the LMD reform, has reduced the possibilities for the students to move towards long cycles. Consequently, these training courses are not able to completely guarantee the academic vocations they gave rise to
Geuring, Esther. "Le processus de construction des aspirations de poursuite d’études vers et dans l’enseignement supérieur : l’expérience sociale de la procédure Parcoursup." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Rennes 2, 2024.
Full textAlthough access to higher education has been a public policy objective for the last 20 years, it is now being implemented in France in its most recent version through the Students’ orientation and achievement law, which introduced the Parcoursup procedure. Transforming the modalities of access to higher education, this reform strengthens the commitment of the different actors involved in the process of orienting students. Parcoursup falls within an institutional conception of orientation according to which providing students with information and support allows them to formulate “free, informed and enlightened choices”. Nevertheless, this linear conception of orientation can be nuanced by observing the social and educational inequalities that punctuate the process of construction of aspirations.In this context, this thesis proposes to grasp the process of construction of aspirations for further learning towards and in higher education by mobilising sociology of experience. Relying on an interpretive approach, the objective is to comprehend this process while specifying the notion of aspiration by inscribing it in the relation that neo-high school graduates have towards time, themselves and the world. Two main results emerge from a double survey comprising a questionnaire and longitudinal follow-up interviews with neo-bacalauréat graduates enrolled in the first year of their bachelor’s degree at a provincial university. Contrary to the injunction to make a project implied by the continuum “bac –3 / bac +3”, this thesis shows on the one hand a certain volatility of the aspirations for further studies depending on the experience of Parcoursup and the student experience. Furthermore, this more or less important volatility reinforces on the other hand the idea of university being a space to democratise aspirations, for young people who go there to build their future as much as to build themselves
Lefeuvre, Sonia. "Entre souci d'insertion professionnelle et désir d'épanouissement intellectuel : la trajectoire des étudiants d'AES et de LEA." Phd thesis, Université de Bretagne occidentale - Brest, 2009.
Full textSegon, Michaël. "Sociologie d’une case à cocher : penser les (dé)limitations des possibles professionnels et compensatoires des anciens « étudiants handicapés » à travers l’analyse de leurs recours à la RQTH." Thesis, Montpellier 3, 2017.
Full textThis thesis is based on a collection of articles. The subject is about the transitions to employment of young people living with capacity limitations who, having applied for and obtained facilitations during their university studies, have been recognized as "students with disabilities". The sociological analysis focuses on the stakes, during this period, related to the use of the Recognition of the Quality of Handicapped Worker (RQTH): what happens when it comes to choosing whether or not to check this "box" in the "application form" of the Departmental House of Disabled Persons (MDPH)? This research mobilizes data of various kinds (secondary exploitation of a statistical survey, interviews and ad hoc national survey) collected in successive stages.The forms of (non-)use of the RQTH during these transitions to employment seem to offer a fresh perspective on the influences of disability compensation public policies on the trajectories and subjectivities of individuals. The aim was to conduct a "reception of disability policies" sociology (Revillard, 2017) and to understand its effects on the "relationships to working life" (Longo, 2011). How do the professional possibilities and compensatory possibilities articulate themselves? Based on ideal type reasoning, we developed four "navigator" profiles. We use the nautical metaphor to represent individuals in front of their professional perspectives.Our results, first of all, support the idea of the unequal nature of the public policies concerned with disability compensation, which require identity prerequisites that are diverse in the study population. Secondly, there is a paradox here, since policies ultimately seem to get more significant "grips" to individuals who do not recognize themselves in the latter. Finally, we consider that there is a mismatch between the intent of disability policies and the perceptions of disability held by some young people living with capacity limitations
Etienne, Jean-Marc. "Les lecteurs et leurs filières : sociogénèse des usages de la lecture entre le collège et l'université." Paris, EHESS, 2015.
Full textThis work envisages the pathways of the secondary and university education as authorities of socialization which direct the reading practices of their public on the basis of their previous socialization. The comparative survey between several levels - college, high school, university - and education pathways - literary, economic, scientific and technical - allows characterizing the evolution of the reading practices as the pupils move forward in their school route and the role played by the pathways in this process. So it is shown how the differentiation of the frames of socialization established by the pathways is the origin of that of the social uses of the reading. The analysis of the collected materials opens with the examination of the uses of the reading to the middle school. How to characterize these uses? What do they owe to the "effect of age"? To the social and school profile of the pupils? To the specificities of the environment of school socialization? This panorama allows showing their evolution at the high school and at the university, as well as their differentiation according to the pathways. We will show then what the influencing effect of the pathways owes to the previous socialization of the pupils. We will establish, for every education pathway, ideal models of socialization in the reading that will allow understanding better such or such uses. Finally, we will characterize the adjustment more or less adequately realized between these uses and the disciplinary requirements. These modalities depend on the affinity between previous socialization and school requirements
Zahi, Khadija. "L' orientation dans l'enseignement secondaire et supérieur au Maroc, de l'inégalité d'accès à l'inégalité des parcours : étude des projets scolaires et professionnels des lycéens et des étudiants marocains." Toulouse 2, 2002.
Full textHow does secondary schoolboys and students discern their vocational guidance ? What are their relations with studies ? How do they plan their future ? The interest of that questioning is to show up, beyond the hard selection before getting in secondary and upper teaching, the different ways of inequalities standing out every day the students and schoolboys' courses. The thread of our research is to stage the internal inequalities structuring the schools courses through the study of the methods of orientation for students and secondary schoolboys, their study conditions, the bachelors' possibilities for choosing directions and professional insertion. Displaying these disparities allow us to examine in the aggregate the present relation between student's status and society. We conduct our extensive inquiry among 319 secondary schoolboys of terminal class (including all sections) and 266 students of three upper institutions (university, high school of technology, school of engineer). We went deeply into all the empirical given informations by means of series of talks with established authorities on the one hand and with student people on the other hand. The results of our research show that the phenomenon of orientation within the secondary and upper teaching can't be reduced to structural problems (selection, renunciation and institutional disparities). But it principally includes more complex problems attaching to the nature of secondary and upper teaching organization, of teaching quality, of finality and objetcs of these two levels, to the part that the forming machinery into the moroccan society must take and finally, to the strategic choices needful for its growth
Marie-Sainte, Alain. "Stratégies d'orientation des étudiants du Ghana et du Sénégal." Paris 5, 1998.
Full textOur study focus on students' guidance strategies of Ghana and Senegal and also on global sharing forms of study fields in both countries. Our hypotheses are: academics and professionals students' choices are determined by institutional constraints and their academics and socio-economics representations; choices have an impact on global sharing of study fields. At the end of the study, using interviews analysis and data statistics analysis, we can say + actorstudent ; bases his own process on action and cognition. Students'guidance strategies may be explained by the implementation of a decision-making behaviour which concerns institutional and representations variables of contexts. Students' strategies choice can model global sharing of study fields (GSF). In background of the choice and decision-making process is connected an action rationality model (arm) implementing and integrating world visions, rationality types, references values, contextualisation process. Nevertheless without minimizing the action of the governments in the mass process (that keeps on) if we put choices strategies in this framework they give us reasonable elements of explanation. Moreover we can say at the end of this compared study there are little differences about the GSF of the two countries. The observed differences translate more both countries specificities in matter of collectives representations but not on guidance academics constraints
Rahimi, Rahim. "L'étude des facteurs déterminants dans l'orientation des étudiants étrangers de troisième cycle en France : le cas des étudiants des universités parisiennes." Paris 8, 1991.
Full textOur work is not about a particular problem of immigration, but it describes the problems of foreign students in a 3rd university grade (the future scientists), and it studies how the knowledge is transmitted. We believe that the slowness of the transmission and the assimilation of knowledge are bigger than we thought. The rate of foreign students is highly misleading. Is it enough to grant scholarships, to multiply exchanges, to open the frontiers in order to achieve studies and prepare scientists with a view to development? Or should there be politics, which allow developing countries to take care of themselves efficiently? It is enough to receive a growing number of students. For the moment, when we look carefully at the evolution of the figures, we see that the number of students, who succeed in their thesis, is not higher than when there were fewer students. Therefore, the growing figures of post-graduates which go back to their country don't grow like the figures of students in France do. In that study, we also classified the problems of foreign students as follows: I. The psychological problems II. The social problems (adaptation-health) III. The social and economic problems IV. The political problems
Books on the topic "Orientation des étudiants – Sociologie"
Felouzis, Georges. La condition étudiante: Sociologie des étudiants et de l'université. Paris: Presses universitaires de France, 2001.
Find full textChadoin, Olivier. Être architecte: Les vertus de l'indétermination : de la sociologie d'une profession à la sociologie du travail professionnel. Limoges: Presses universitaires de Limoges, 2006.
Find full textHouzel, Guillaume. Les étudiants en France: Histoire et sociologie d'une nouvelle jeunesse. Rennes: Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
Find full textFédération des cégeps. Commission des affaires étudiantes. L' intégration des nouvelles étudiantes et des nouveaux étudiants : (problématique et interventions). Montréal, Qué: Fédération des CEGEPS, 1990.
Find full textDevaux, Alexandre. Tout ce qu'il faut savoir sur la prépa scientifique: Les conseils d'un étudiant qui a réussi. Paris: Dunod, 2010.
Find full textCanada. Bureau de la main d'oeuvre féminine. Quand je serai adulte, je: Les attentes et les aspirations des écoliers canadiens à l'égard de leur carrière. Ottawa, Ont: Travail Canada, 1986.
Find full textSylvain, Louise. Les cheminements scolaires des francophones, des anglophones et des allophones du Québec au cours des années 70. Québec, Qué: Conseil de la langue française, 1985.
Find full text1938-, Troyka Lynn Quitman, ed. Majoring in the rest of your life: College and career secrets for students. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 2000.
Find full textBranch, Alberta Learner Services. La planification des études postsecondaires: Guide à l'usage de l'élève de neuvième année. [Edmonton]: Alberta Advanced Education, Learner Services Branch, 2004.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Orientation des étudiants – Sociologie"
Breton, Hervé. "Orientation." In Dictionnaire de sociologie clinique, 454–55. Érès, 2019.
Full textLAFFORT, Bruno. "La Sociologie aux prises avec l’anthropocène." In Expériences pédagogiques depuis l'Anthropocène, 101–12. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2021.
Full textGUICHON, Nicolas, Jean-François GRASSIN, Hélène MATHIAN, and Claire CUNTY. "Représentations du processus d’inscription dans le territoire des étudiants chinois pendant leur séjour en France." In Numérique et didactique des langues et cultures, 1–22. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2022.
Full textPiriou, Odile. "Annexe 1. Enquête sur l’insertion et la mobilité professionnelle des étudiants issus des 2e et 3e cycles de Sociologie en 1984 et 1985." In La sociologie des sociologues, 249–60. ENS Éditions, 1999.
Full textBÉCHÉ, Emmanuel. "WhatsApp et continuité pédagogique en Afrique à l’ère du COVID-19." In Les écoles africaines à l’ère du COVID-19, 337–52. Editions des archives contemporaines, 2024.
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