Dissertations / Theses on the topic 'Organizational culture • corporate culture • culture change • change management • cross-cultural management'
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Britton, Garth Murray, and garth britton@netspeed com au. "On Reading Lines in Shifting Sands: making organisational culture relevant." The Australian National University. College of Business and Economics, 2007. http://thesis.anu.edu.au./public/adt-ANU20071105.161653.
Full textCommunal, Christine Chantal Emilie. "A cultural kaleidoscope : managing the European company." Thesis, University of Northampton, 1999. http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/2705/.
Full textLAAKSO, JOHANNA, and MILLA SALMI. "Apparel and Footwear Environmental Assessment Tool : Understanding how Rapid Design Module is used and if it can contribute to sustainability-oriented organizational culture." Thesis, Högskolan i Borås, Institutionen Textilhögskolan, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hb:diva-18151.
Full textProgram: Master programme in Fashion Management
Manalsuren, Saranzaya. "An ethnographic investigation into Mongolian management in the context of cultural and institutional changes." Thesis, University of Essex, 2017. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/19949/.
Full textVinardi, Carine. "Les défis du Lean à l’ère de la mondialisation et de l’industrie 4.0." Thesis, Compiègne, 2019. http://bibliotheque.utc.fr/EXPLOITATION/doc/IFD/2019COMP2500.
Full textMultinational or transnational companies, whose number is constantly increasing, have the particularity of having employees working on different continents, having different rhythms and culture. More and more employees are required to work in multicultural and remote teams as part of their business activities. These same companies are looking for the best operational performance and the deployment of the Lean approach is a recognised lever for obtaining the best performance in a sustainable manner and has been for decades. In parallel, since the development of the Internet and digital technologies, new tools have become avaible to collect and analyse data or to manufacture. Within companies, while the impacts are often processed separately, it is indeed in a systemic way and at the same time that the cultural dimensions, the deployment of Lean and the implementation of tools linked to the digital era. With the ultimate aim of sustainable performance it is the efficiency of the system as a whole that is at stake. This thesis proposes to review of industrial situations, and to propose an support for the evaluation and consistent implementation of all three elements i.e culture, Lean and digitalization
Paul, Gary William. "Strategies to create a post-merged organisational culture conducive to effective performance management." Thesis, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10948/d1010857.
Full textNg, Chi-hong Anthony, and 吳志康. "How does organizational culture interact with change in the implementation of the school management initiative?" Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1994. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31957353.
Full textIlyukhina, Oxana, and Anna Stathopoulou. "Cultural effect on the change management." Thesis, Internationella Handelshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping, IHH, Informatik, 2019. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:hj:diva-45088.
Full textNg, Chi-hong Anthony. "How does organizational culture interact with change in the implementation of the school management initiative?" [Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong], 1994. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B13832979.
Full textJonsson, Peter, and Peter Hedberg. "Raising environmental awarenessand behavior in and by projectmanagement : An organizational culture and change managementapproach." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Industriell teknik, 2014. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-219027.
Full textMiljömedvetenheten och arbetet med att spara på våra resurser tar allt mer fart runt om isamhället. Uttryck som återvinning, energismarta lösningar, förnyelsebar elproduktion ochhållbar avfallshantering får alltmer uppmärksamhet. Detta är högst välmotiverat då vårtnuvarande konsumtionssamhälle inte skulle finnas kvar länge till då vi förbrukar allt mernaturtillgångar, produkter och energi på daglig basis. Aldrig förr har väl uttrycket ingen kangöra allt men alla kan göra något känts så aktuellt som nu. Självklart gäller detta hushåll ochprivatpersoner men framför allt företag och större organisationer vilka ofta spenderar ochförbrukar väldiga resurser. Dessutom är det oftast de som både har pengar och makt attverkligen påverka utgången av konsumerandet.Något annat som blir allt vanligare bland företagens arbetsmetoder är att bedriva sinverksamhet i projektform. I vissa fall har själva företagsidén blivit att man nischat sig helt tillatt skapa och leda projekt åt andra företag, så kallade managementkonsulter.Detta visar alltså flera åtskiljda växande intressen på frammarsch, men bedrivs de utan någrasamband? Företagens befintliga miljöarbete består mestadels i att sätta upp mål vilkaförhoppningsvis kan leda till någon form av certifiering eller intyg på att en viss nivå haruppnåtts. Dessa miljömål har ofta bristfälliga uppföljningar samtidigt som det finns en uppsjöav olika rapporteringsmodeller och certifieringar vilket försvårar kontinuerlig uppdatering avaktuell status inom området.Denna uppsats är gjord på uppdrag av företaget CGI Sweden vilket i vår uppstartsfas hetteLogica. I och med namn- och ägarbytet är de numer ett av världens största IT-konsultbolagmed många stora kunder över hela världen. De har identifierat ett behov av att på projektbasiskunna genomföra kontinuerliga uppföljningar av miljörapportering vilket skulle underlätta förföretag att uppnå sina hållbarhetsvisioner. CGI Sweden miljörapporterar enligt GRI-standardvilket vi haft som utgångspunkt när arbetet startades. Uppsatsens huvudfokus behandlarpotentiella vägar att gå när företag skall genomföra kultur- och organisationsförändringarsamt börja med sitt miljöarbete på projektnivå. Tankar som genomsyrar studien är hurorganisations- och kulturförändringar sker inom företag, om och i så fall hur företag beaktarmiljöarbete inom projektledningen idag, hur stort intresset är att integrera hållbarhet i sinprojektledning, hur man med hjälp av GRI kan utveckla en potentiell framtida metod och vaddetta skulle innebära.En stor del av uppsatsens empiriska material är insamlat från ett flertal intervjuer med insattaprojektledare, chefer och miljöansvariga från företagsvärlden för att få en så tydlig bild sommöjligt av rådande situation och branschernas framtida syn på våra tankar.Utifrån en sammanställning och analys av intervjuerna, GRI-rapporteringar samt teorier omhur förändringsarbete går till har flertalet rekommendationer i form av förslag och tänktalösningar till problemet framkommit och presenteras i resultatet. Detta mynnar ut i slutsatservilka belyser några konkreta steg som är applicerbara. Vi har genom detta arbete även kommitfram till flera tänkvärda förslag till vidare studier.
Vitale, Dean C. Armenakis Achilles A. "Organizational change recipients and choosing an opinion leader a mixed methods investigation /." Auburn, Ala, 2008. http://repo.lib.auburn.edu/EtdRoot/2008/SUMMER/Management/Dissertation/Vitale_Dean_35.pdf.
Full textLindmark, Felicia, and Petra Nilsson. "Breaking the glass ceiling : How to change an organizational culture to increase the share of women at executive level." Thesis, Uppsala universitet, Företagsekonomiska institutionen, 2015. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:uu:diva-255863.
Full textBowa, Mabvuto. "Exploring differences between organisational cultures in a company undergoing change." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2003. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1006287.
Full textLeung, Wing-chiu. "A case study of a school in the PRC : is the organizational culture prepared for the new goals of national development? /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1997. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B18810974.
Full textKuceja, Andreas. "Quality management system auditing : a critical exploration of practice." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2017. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/4949/.
Full textTurton, Katie. "The impact of participative communication on organisational cultural change: Two local government cases of change." Thesis, Edith Cowan University, Research Online, Perth, Western Australia, 2015. https://ro.ecu.edu.au/theses/1686.
Full textWells, Marilyn A. "Perceptions of knowledge gatekeepers social aspects of information exchange in an organisation undergoing change /." View thesis, 2009. http://handle.uws.edu.au:8081/1959.7/45372.
Full textA thesis presented to the University of Western Sydney, College of Business, School of Management, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Includes bibliographies.
Grube, Markus. "The impact of SAP on the utilisation of Business Process Management (BPM) maturity models in ERP projects." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2018. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/5574/.
Full textKappo-Abidemi, Omolayo Christiana. "People management factors militating against public servants’ professionalism in Nigeria." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/2079.
Full textThe Nigerian public service has been perceived over the years as not delivering its services effectively and in most cases leadership has been assumed to be the problem. However, from the perspective of human resource management (HRM) this study seeks to examine the people management practices that could have contributed to this ineffectiveness. It has been observed that the importance of people as the most important element of productivity cannot be underestimated, because machines can be replaced, money can be recovered but diligent, competent and professional employees are an organisational asset that cannot easily be replaced. The professional employee is described as the one with the right skills, knowledge, qualifications and attitudes that support organisational effectiveness. The study was carried out at the Administrative Staff College of Nigeria where all public servants from Grades 07 or above in Nigeria are expected to attend at least one course before the end of their careers. Questionnaires were administered to about one thousand, one hundred (1,100) randomly selected participants while four hundred and seventy six (476) useable ones were retrieved. Likewise, a focus group discussion was held with three different groups. Quantitative data collected was cleaned and coded appropriately for the Statistical Program for Social Science (SPSS) and used to generate descriptive statistics. Recordings of focus group discussions were also transcribed and organised into themes according to the discussion content. All research objectives were achieved relying on both qualitative and quantitative data output. Various statistical analyses were used for the quantitative analysis and factor correlation showed that organisational culture, organisational climate, human resource retention and development, employment relations climate and exit management have significant relationship with professionalism at various levels. Other statistical measures (t-Test and Analysis of Variance) were adopted to determine the relationship of demographic variable and it was shown that age, work grade level and work experience have significant relationship with professionalism. Employee resourcing (recruitment and selection) was also found to have a significant effect on professionalism, having been statistically analysed using ANOVA. Likewise, all qualitative themes acknowledged the significance of the people management role in public servants’ professionalism.
Butcher, Allen Richard. "A critical evaluation of a leadership and culture change strategy : with specific reference to Thabazimbi Iron Ore mine." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2004. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/49814.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Early in 2001, Thabazimbi Iron Ore mine embarked upon a Leadership and Culture Change strategy. This program was one of the five strategic goals decided upon as part of the strategic drive to improve the performance of the business. A formal, structured implementation plan was crafted in house to approach the initiative. The plan was based on the literature of a number of prominent authors in the fields of leadership, competence theory and change management. The plan is built around a model known as the "Thabazimbi Thumbprint" which is primarily based on the work of Bernard Bass and Bruce Avolio in the field of Transfomational Leadership, and Dr Jay Hall's research and literature on the Competence Process. The primary aims of the implementation of this strategy at the mine were to: • Address the damage done to morale and commitment levels by repeated downsizing and the threat of mine closure. • Establish a high performance team culture. • Remove blockages to performance and the development of human potential. The strategy and implementation plan of the mine is compared against current literature within the fields of leadership and change management and significant similarities are observed. Even though the implementation of this initiative has only been running for some 2 years and is far from complete, a number of significant improvements have been made in terms of collaboration, commitment, trust in management and the reduction of conflict. In addition the performance of the mine in the field of safety and health has vastly improved, the production process is currently stable and targets are met, operating costs have reduced by 4% year on year and the current life of mine has been extended to 10 years. The writer has been the Engineering Manager at the mine from December 2001 and has been responsible for the implementation of this strategy within the Engineering department of the mine. The strategy and implementation plan serves as an example of a fully integrated and comprehensive approach to implementing such an initiative, while remaining simple and practical. The author identifies a number of deficiencies within the strategy used by the mine and makes some recommendations to improve the process that should be considered with respect to the future implementations of this type of initiative.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Thabazmbi Ysterertsmyn met 'n Leierskap en Kultuur veranderingstrategie aan die begin van 2001 begin. Die program was deel van vyf strategiese besigheidsdoelwitte wat daarop gemik was om die kern te vorm van die strewe na 'n verbeterde prestasie van die besigheid. 'n Formele, gestruktureerde implementeringsplan is deur die myn ontwikkel vir die daarstelling van die inisiatief. Die plan was op die literatuur van prominente skrywers in die leierskap, bevoegtheidsteorie en veranderingsbestuur rigtings gebaseer. Die plan is gebou op 'n model bekend as die "Thabazimbi Thumbprint" en is gebaseer op die werk van Bernard Bass en Bruce Avolio in die veld van Transformasie Leierskap, en op Dr Jay Hall se navorsing en literatuur oor die "Competence Process". Die primere mikpunte van die implementeering van die strategie op die myn was die volgende: • Om die skade wat herhaalde afskalings en dreigemente van toemaak aan die moraal en toegewydheid van die werksmag gedoen het, aan te spreek. • Om 'n hoe presterende spankultuur te vestig. • Om die blokasies wat onderprestasie veroorsaak en die onderontwikkeling van menslike potensiaal uit die weg te ruim. Die strategie en implementeringsplan is met huidige literatuur in die leierskap- en kultuurveranderingsrigtings vergelyk. Daar is 'n groot mate van ooreenstemming waargeneem. Hoewel hierdie inisiatief maar slegs twee jaar aan die gang is en nog ver van klaar is, is daar al reeds 'n merkwaardige verbetering te bespeur in terme van samewerking, toewyding, die vertroue in bestuur en die vermindering van konflik. Bo en behalwe eersgenoemde pluspunte is daar ook 'n groot verbetering wat betref die gesondheid- en veiligheidsfaktore op die myn. Die produksieproses is stabiel en doelwitte word behaal. Die operasionele kostes is met 4% per jaar besnoei en die huidige lewe van die myn is verleng tot 10 jaar. Die skrywer is die Ingenieursbestuurder van die myn vanal Desember 2001 en was verantwoordelik vir die implementering van die strategie binne die ingenieursafdeling van die myn. Die strategie en implementeringsplan dien as 'n voorbeeld van 'n volledig geintegreerde benadering tot implimentering van so 'n inisiatief, terwyl dit prakties en eenvoudig bly. Die skrywer identifiseer 'n aantal leemtes binne die strategie soos deur die myn gebruik en maak aanbevelings vir die verhetering van die proses wat in die toekoms in ag geneem behoort te word in die implimentering van hierdie tipe inisiatiewe.
Mannonen, Lotta, Aleksi Ojala, and Martinus Vorstenbosch. "Aligning CSR Values to change Corporate Social Behavior : Utilizing Management Control Systems to create Shared Values." Thesis, Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för ekonomi, samhälle och teknik, 2018. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-39352.
Full textChan, Tsui-kum. "The impact of change of principal on organizational culture : a case study of teachers' perception in a Hong Kong secondary school /." Hong Kong : University of Hong Kong, 1997. http://sunzi.lib.hku.hk/hkuto/record.jsp?B1881105X.
Full textvan, der Spek Titus. "Exploring the crux of social entrepreneurship : the pursuit of blended value creation." Thesis, University of Essex, 2018. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/23696/.
Full textBurger, Petrus Frederik. "A high performance work system : making human capital the differentiating factor." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/50252.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Workplaces around the world have recently experienced a wide variety of formal and informal changes in the organisation of work. The pace of change appears to have accelerated since the early 1990's with increased organisational restructuring efforts. New forms of work organisation, popularly labeled "high performance work systems' are reported in the academic and business literature. These workplace systems are characterised by more flexible job designs and work arrangements, team/group work, performance related compensation, greater information sharing and employee involvement in decision-making and cooperative labour-management relations to foster a participative enterprise culture. The general objective of the study is to define the work, organisational culture and human resources management processes and practices that will enable an organisation to make it's human capital the differentiating factor compared to it's competitors or similar organisations in the same industry. The research design consists of a literature study and the formulation of a strategy and implementation plan to transform the leadership behaviour and organisational culture of the organisation, based on experience with the implementation of leadership and culture interventions described in the literature. A clinical-descriptive approach was followed with data being collected to enable the researcher to propose a process to implement a high performance culture in the organisation. Recommendations for further research are made.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die werksomgewing het verskeie veranderinge ondergaan in die afgelope jare. Dit wil voorkom asof die tempo van verandering versnel sedert die begin van die 1990's met 'n toenemende aantal organisasie-herstrukturering wat plaasvind. Nuwe vorme van werksplekherstrukturering, onder 'n populere beskrywing van "hoogs presterende werksplekstelsels", word rapporteer in die bestuurs- en akademiese literatuur. Hierdie werksplekstelsels word gekenmerk deur meer buigsame posbeskrywings en samestelling van posinhoud, groter klem op die deel van inligting oor alle vlakke in die organisasie, groter werknemer betrokkenheid in die neem van besigheidsbesluite, asook samewerkende verhoudings tussen georganiseerde arbeid en die bestuur van die organissasie wat lei tot 'n meer deelnemende organisasie kultuur. Die doelstelling met hierdie studie is om die werkspraktyke, organisasie kultuur en mensbestuurpraktyke te definieer wat 'n organisasie in staat kan stel om sy menskapitaal te kan omskep in 'n onderskeidende element, in term van organisasie prestasie, in vergelyking met kompeterende maatskappye in dieselfde industrie. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsontwerp is gebruik om verskeie klimaatstudies wat reeds binne die organisasie gedoen is, te ontleed en aan die hand van die literatuurstudie, is 'n voorstel gemaak van 'n implimenteringsprogram om die leierskap-gedrag en organisasie kultuur in die organisasie te verander. Aanbevelings vir toekomstige navorsing word aan die hand gedoen.
Joubert, Melanie. "An empirical analysis of the culture in DHL Global Forwarding and concrete suggestions on how to develop the culutre into strategic example." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/96209.
Full textSince 2006, DGF struggled with a diverse and disjointed corporate culture. In this industry, the diversity did not bring about a competitive advantage – on the contrary, it was a negative influence on the organisation’s sustainable performance. It was clear that there were many different cultures, different sub-cultures and different ways of working within DGF, which affected the overall company’s effectiveness, efficiencies and performance. The core research question for the purpose of this research assignment was, “What is the existing culture within DGF, how did this culture evolve and what can be done to change the culture into a strategic example?” The empirical analysis made use of quantitative research, where the majority of the research outcomes were based on the findings from two types of questionnaires. The first questionnaire, “Beehive 2.0”, was used as an analytical tool to analyse DGF’s culture and the second questionnaire was the DGF Employee Opinion Survey (EOS). This survey allowed a safe environment in which the employees voiced their opinions in terms of the organisation. Initial informal one-on-one interviews, open forum Senior Leadership Team discussions and group discussions were held to determine the team’s general approach, how individuals felt towards the organisational culture at the time of the research and whether there was a real opportunity for an improved culture. The Senior Leadership Team identified organisational needs in terms of trust building, changing the culture and improving staff moral. It was clear through the discussions that people were cautious to speak up about organisational culture issues in a group environment. A lot of hurt came to light and without the ability to ensure confidentiality and privacy, a true reflection of how people perceived the culture would not have surfaced. As a result, the quantitative data gathered formed only a small part of the total data gathered for this research. It became apparent through the initial informal discussions as previously referred to, that there was a lack of trust and collaboration, and a culture of fear amongst the employees. The series of acquisitions DGF has been involved with over the years, without solid change management to ensure a unified culture, resulted in many different cultures and sub-cultures within the company. Change management coupled with a unified culture was promised to the employees prior to the acquisitions, but it never materialized. This left the employees uncertain and weary to trust their leaders. Communication throughout the organisation was poor and there was a top down approach to strategy creation. Through this, employees did not feel empowered to make their own decisions and this negatively influenced their trust in the organisation. There was little focus on talent creation, managers did not take the time to impart knowledge or develop employees and in general, employees felt neglected, under-valued and unappreciated. Employee engagement was very low. Most of the results obtained from the EOS and Beehive survey research confirmed the initial needs identified by the Senior Management Team and confirmed the reason for the low morale and negativity in DGF. Employees have lost confidence in a better tomorrow within DGF, and felt that it will not help to speak up anymore. No solid action plans came from making their voices heard in the past, they were concerned about their job security and previous EOS survey results has shown that less than a third of employees felt that positive change could still happen. There was, therefore, a dire need to identify a cultural framework for DGF. Once the new economy leadership culture was selected as the most optimal framework, the existing DGF culture needs to transition into the selected framework. The change of culture was therefore needed to restore the trust of the employees and achieve sustainable competitiveness in DGF, since employee satisfaction and performance are directly linked to organisational culture.
Danks, Shelby. "Measuring Culture of Innovation: A Validation Study of the Innovation Quotient Instrument." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2015. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc848105/.
Full textLudidi, Vathiswa Lungelwa. "The impact of culture on the successful implementation of quality management systems." Thesis, Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.11838/1214.
Full textIrrespective of the nature of organisations, they all face a certain amount of uncertainty and risk. In order to maintain resilience, competitiveness and performance, organisations must have a system in place to manage the risks associated to their organisations. The challenge is to determine how much risk and uncertainty is acceptable, and how to cost effectively manage the risk and uncertainty while meeting the organisation‟s strategic and operational objectives. For many large organisations, quality or so called „customer perceived quality‟, has become an issue of survival. Furthermore, increased competitiveness is necessary in order to become the obvious choice for the customer. Corporations must have long term goals and Quality Management Systems serve as organised mechanisms to manage quality, effectiveness and competitiveness involving every one at all levels of the organisation. An understanding of culture in organisations can thus offer insight into individual and group behaviour, and leadership. Furthermore, it can help to explain not just „what‟ happens in an organisation, but „why‟ it happens. Companies view culture as something to be influenced to achieve organisational goals of productivity and profitability. Attempts to change the culture of an organization, may meet with varied levels of success. The emphasis on quality building products, have been the focus of the construction industry in South Africa. As a supplier of extruded aluminium profiles to the building industry, Hulamin Extrusions is also faced with typical challenges representative of the industry and as a result, the following aspects would be subjected to research scrutiny: Introduction of a Quality Management System. The challenges of organisational culture. The need for change management. Facilitating the implementation of the system. Continuous Improvement. The researcher anticipates finding ways to improve organisational culture, which in turn would facilitate quality improvement within the organisation.
Alabani, Hanan M. "An exploration of leadership from the perspectives and experiences of Libyan female leaders in senior positions." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2010. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/2793/.
Full textSohler, Stefan A. "Owner-manager learning in small firms : a study of technology-rich firms in the Rhine Valley region." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2014. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/2917/.
Full textDhir, Saloni. "The changing nature of work, leadership, and organizational culture in future ready organizations." Scholarship @ Claremont, 2019. https://scholarship.claremont.edu/cmc_theses/2064.
Full textRadwan, Ali R. A. "An investigation into the approaches to the evaluation of training in Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO)." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2014. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/2970/.
Full textChan, Tsui-kum, and 陳翠琴. "The impact of change of principal on organizational culture: a case study of teachers' perception in aHong Kong secondary school." Thesis, The University of Hong Kong (Pokfulam, Hong Kong), 1997. http://hub.hku.hk/bib/B31959283.
Full textFatsha, Litha M. "Leveraging leadership factors to drive culture change in the Department of Health, Eastern Cape : a case for improved service delivery." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/21379.
Full textLeadership has always been, and always will be, central to human affairs, whether from a political, societal, religious, business or any other view. Both the need for leadership in managerial jobs and the difficulty of providing effective leadership in these jobs has grown considerably more, to include even lower level managerial, technical and professional employees. An important objective of this research report was to investigate the Eastern Cape Department of Health’s (ECDoH’s) current business practices and culture, as perceived by its leadership and management. The aim was to understand and document reasons for perpetual underperformance and to suggest ways of transforming the organisation’s culture and practices into a high performing organisation on a sustainable basis. To achieve the above objectives, this research report uses the Beehive Model of Organisational Renewal, developed by Christo Nel of the Village Leadership Consulting, which looks at seven elements of workplace practices that are benchmarked against international best practices. These seven elements are strategy execution, change leadership, structure, business discipline, talent creation, rewards and recognition and stakeholder value. The Beehive Model of Operational Renewal assumes that it is possible for any organisation to achieve greatness, to be a high performing organisation based on the conditions that success is by choice and not by accident; it is a long and winding journey and requires full executive acceptance, commitment and resolve to achieving a high performance organisation (HPO) status. The reviewed literature shows that cultures within successful organisations have characteristics of adaptability, alignment with external factors and the organisation’s vision and mission, and are biased towards action. It also suggests that when people are listened to, respected, supported and appreciated, in exchange they tend to go the extra mile in executing their jobs, even lifting the performance of individuals previously written off as mediocre. Depending on the desired type of culture, people behaviours, organisational symbols and systems will have to be modified to suppport and entrench the values of that organisation. Establishing a culture in an organisation is primarily a leadership role and culture and leadership are viewed as two sides of the same coin which cannot be separated. Literature suggests that long-term organisational change in the public sector is complex and problematic, because of the many stakeholders and short-term orientation of many political stakeholders. Change is particularly difficult because it has to overcome a longstanding tradition, uncertaintly and doubt amongst many people, fear of job loss and inertia and much Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za iv resistance, both visible and subdued. Healthcare staff all over the world face the challenge of a rapid introduction of technology in the form of electronic patient records, computerbased decision support tools and hospital information networks which are changing the traditional ways of doing things. Managing organisational culture is viewed as an essential part of the health system reform in most countries, where evidence shows that it will be a complex, multi-level, and uncertain process, requiring strategies unfolding over a period of years. For any change to be successful, it requires leadership – in fact, it is argued that leaders drive change from the top, through people and with people. Successful change is about leadership getting involved in driving the change at grass roots level, being authentic, honest and transparent. Leaders must balance the natural resistance people have to change with the time and space people need to reflect and accept the change and the directives that the leaders use to put pressure on the employees. In healthcare, many techniques have been employed to bring about changes to quality healthcare delivery. These include total quality management (TQM), lean management, learning organisation, business process reengineering and some leaders have used external consultants to influence change. None of these techniques was found to be successful without good leadership and a culture that embraces these changes. Arguably, people are the only competitive advantage any organisation has. Given that people are the executors of strategy, it is imperative that they get involved in its development. The use of systemic ways of developing strategy and making sure of its implementation using the balanced score card and strategy maps, is recommended. Linking company values and culture to the strategy leads to far greater organisational success. In most organisations human resources (HR) practices are still in the traditional back office. In the new economy, HR practices need to be transformed to deliver a new proposition, which adds value to the bottom line of the business by satisfying all stakeholder requirements, aligning people to performance and increasing organisational capabilities for sustainable performance. In the last decade, New Public Sector Management (NPSM) has emerged as a major reform strategy applied in varying degrees in a growing number of public sector organisations. Its main focus is to improve service delivery and to give rise to new management practices in the public sector. It emanates from a continued dissatisfaction with the performance of traditional public sector leadership and bureaucracy, reinforced by claims that the private sector is more efficient. Three building blocks for NPSM are described to reform public sector and these are responsibility, accountability and performance. In transforming public Stellenbosch University http://scholar.sun.ac.za v sector organisations, managers have to explicitly introduce policies within each building block – these policies contain leverage to influence clarity of purpose, agreements, power over decision-making, individual and team performance, and customer accountability. There are strong arguments to encourage clinicians to change their mindset and be retrained to lead the healthcare reform around the world. Some of the arguments are that clinicians are in the frontline, making decisions that determine quality and efficiency of care, having the technical knowledge to make sound strategic choices about longer-term patterns of service delivery. Clinicians are typically intelligent, well-trained and caring people who expressly choose this career to cure and comfort. A growing body of research supports the assertion that effective clinical leadership lifts the performance of health care organisations, as evidenced in a study which found that hospitals with the greatest clinician participation in management scored about 50% higher on important drivers of performance than hospitals with low levels of clinical leadership did. In another study, it was found that in 11 cases of attempted improvement in services, organisations with stronger clinical leadership were more successful, while another found that Chief Executive Officers (CEO) in the highestperforming organisations engaged clinicians in dialogue and in joint problem-solving efforts. The research findings show that the ECDoH is entrenched in the old economy values, meaning that business practices that were examined using the Beehive Model are rated in the risk/poor class. All seven elements scored in this poor class, with changed leadership, structures and talent creation constituting the poorest performers. This implies that the organisation is led from the top, leaders use power over others, there is widespread compression and incompetency at all leadership levels. It is unlikely that a single political head in the form of the Member of Executive (MEC) or a change in the head of department (HoD) will bring about the required astronomical transformation of the ECDoH. Only when the collective begins to accept the current predicament, can a total buy-in and commitment to high performance status begin. Finally, it is recommended that the ECDoH leadership transform their mindsets and adopt the new economy values of leading the organisation. They need to leverage on their positions of power to co-create a new culture, learn and adopt new change leadership skills, and transform the organisation’s HR proposition inside out. The executives are urged to consider funding a three to five year project of organisational renewal, using the Beehive Model and its related tools, to bring about sustainable change in the ECDoH.
Tresselt, Christian H. "The management of complexity in project management : a qualitative and quantitative case study of certified project managers in Germany." Thesis, University of Gloucestershire, 2015. http://eprints.glos.ac.uk/2924/.
Full textHancocks, Matthew A. "Disclosing new worlds? : strategic management, styles and meaning." Thesis, University of Essex, 2017. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/19468/.
Full textHoltzhausen, Natasja. "Die rol van die openbare bestuurder in die ontwikkeling van 'n organisasiekultuur : 'n normatiewe beskouing (Afrikaans)." Diss., University of Pretoria, 2000. http://hdl.handle.net/2263/26956.
Full textDissertation (MA (Public Administration))--University of Pretoria, 2006.
School of Public Management and Administration (SPMA)
Paro, Pedro Ernesto Pereira. "Sistemática de transformação: desenvolvimento teórico para o alinhamento entre estratégia e cultura organizacional nos projetos de Lean." Universidade de São Paulo, 2016. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/18/18156/tde-05072016-102816/.
Full textSince the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, several studies have analyzed the Lean Continuous Improvement Programs high rate of failure or dissatisfaction. This failure rate is too high, ranging between 66% and 90%. Because of this rate, companies have lost money, lost time, wasted resources and, perhaps the worst: this failure can spread the fear in the change agents of making new change initiatives. Studies indicate that a key issue for this failure is the lack of alignment between such improvement programs with the organizational culture. Based on this research theme, this theoretical essay can also be characterized as basic research nature seeking to generate new and useful knowledge to organizations without practical application set forth in this first stage of research. The source of evidence to support the proposed systematic will be based on case studies of literature, being both used one Systematic Bibliographic Review (RBS) and Exploratory Review, seeking to achieve the \"state of the art\" in the field of study. The Theoretical Foundation of the work bases on the literature of three major fields of study: (i) Strategy, (ii) Lean, (iii) Organizational Culture and (iii) Change Management. The RBS focuses on the intersections of these great fields, adding 190 international studies. The Exploratory Review brings some of the main references of the three fields of study, such as Edgar Schein, John Kotter, Kim Cameron, Robert Quinn, David Mann, among others. Thus, this paper studied the influence of organizational culture in transformation projects and, from the disruption with the current theory, this research work built and proposed a theoretical systematic, titled \"Transformation Systematic\" (or simply \"T Systematic\") proposing the alignment of three dimensions: Strategy, Transformation Project and Organizational Culture. Making use of this systematic, it is expected that change agents can have a more efficient planning process of diagnosis, evaluation and management of organizational culture aligned to the strategy and also the Transformation Project, with emphasis on Lean programs. The proposition and use of this method can both facilitate academic discussion in Operations Management on the topic, as also provide support for applications best practices.
Alberts, Rasmus Stephanus. "The effect of organisational restructuring at Xstrata Coal South Africa and its impact on the business culture at the Tweefontein division." Thesis, Stellenbosch : Stellenbosch University, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10019.1/6097.
Full textENGLISH ABSTRACT: Xstrata Coal South Africa (XCSA) embarked on a restructuring exercise towards the end of 2005 to enable the organisation and its management to adapt to the pressures and requirements of an ever-changing South African coal industry. The executive team of XCSA felt that some of the business units were too large to be effectively managed by one general manager and his/her management team. The Tweefontein and Impunzi business units fell into this category. Further, the executive team felt that the existing organisational structures on the mines were unable to effectively manage the demands coming from an ever-changing coal industry. Most such demands emanated from sustainable development issues: workplace safety, environmental management, health-related concerns to do with the employees and community development around the mines. The restructuring took place towards the end of 2005, not long after the restructuring of the business performance went into decline. The author of this thesis, as the General Manager of the Tweefontein Complex from the beginning of 2006 until mid-2008, was responsible for the day-to-day management of the division at the time. After explaining the need for restructuring, as well as how the structure was changed, the author will describe a comprehensive literature research study. The aim of such a study is to create a common understanding with the reader of the principles relating to culture, leadership and change management. The author then compares the two climate assessments of the organisational culture of the Boschmans Colliery undertaken during 2005 prior to embarking on the restructuring exercise, and of the Tweefontein Complex undertaken during 2007, on completion of the restructuring. Boschmans Colliery employees now constitute most of the underground and surface operations areas of the Tweefontein Complex. The organisational culture of the Tweefontein Complex was found to have been influenced by the restructuring exercise. The author concludes with recommendations on how the organisational culture of XCSA as a whole could be aligned. Chief among the recommendations are that: • A cultural alignment programme should be implemented to create a common organisational culture across XCSA. • A leadership development programme should be implemented to promote the desired organisational culture. • A communication strategy should be implemented to support the cultural alignment programme. • A branding campaign should be launched to strengthen the image of XCSA within the surrounding community.
AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Xstrata Coal South Africa (XCSA) het aan die einde van 2005 besluit om die besigheid te herstruktureer om aan te pas by die veranderende aard van die Suid-Afrikaanse steenkoolindustrie. Die gevoel van die uitvoerende komitee was dat sekere van die besigheidseenhede te groot was om effektief deur een algemene bestuurder, bestuur te word. Die Tweefontein- en Impunzi-besigheidseenhede het in die kategorie geval. Verder het die uitvoerende kommitee gevoel dat die bestaande bestuurstruktuur per myn nie voldoende was om al die verwagtinge vanuit 'n vinnig veranderende steenkoolindustrie effektief te kan bestuur nie. Die vernaamste verwagtinge van die vinnig veranderende industrie was die vanuit die veld van Volhoubaarheid, naamlik veiligheid op myne, omgewingsbewustheid, gesondheid van die werknemers, sowel as die opbou van die gemeenskap. Die herstrukturering het aan die einde van 2005 plaasgevind en nie lank na die herstrukturering nie het die prestasie van die besigheid drasties afgeneem. Die skrywer was die Algemene Bestuurder van die Tweefontein Complex vanaf die begin van 2006 tot die middel van 2008, en was verantwoordelik vir die dag-tot-dag-bestuur van die afdeling. As deel van die studie sal die skrywer eerstens poog om die redes vir die herstrukturering te gee en ook hoe die nuwe struktuur daar uitsien. Tweedens sal die skrywer 'n deeglike literatuurstudie verskaf om 'n gemeenskaplike verstandhouding tussen die skrywer en die leser oor die beginsels van kultuur, leierskap en veranderingsbestuur te skep. Derdens sal die skrywer die resultate van twee klimaatstudies ontleed wat op die besigheidskultuur van die Boschmans-steenkoolmyn in 2005 voor die herstrukturering gedoen is en een wat in 2007 op die Tweefontein Complex na die herstrukturering gedoen is. Die werknemers van die Boschmans-steenkoolmyn maak tans die grootste gedeelte van die Tweefontein Complex se ondergrondse en aanleg- en logistieke afdelings uit. Na aanleiding van die analise van die twee klimaatstudies, bevind die skrywer dat die herstrukturering 'n daadwerklike invloed op die kultuur van die Tweefontein Complex gehad het. Die skrywer maak dan na gelang van sy bevindinge aanbevelings oor hoe die kultuur van Xstrata Coal South Africa (XCSA) as 'n geheel belyn kan word. Sy belangrikste aanbevelings is as volg: • Die implementering van 'n kultuurbelyningsprogram om 'n gemeenskaplike besigheidskultuur regoor Xstrata Coal South Africa (XCSA) daar te stel. • Die implementering van 'n leierskapsontwikkelingsprogram wat belyn is met die verlangde besigheidskultuur. • Die implementering van 'n kommunikasiestrategie wat die kultuurbelyningsprogram ondersteun. • Die loodsing van 'n Xstrata Coal South Africa (XCSA) bemarkingsveldtog am Xstrata Coal se beeld in die gemeenskap te bevorder.
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Full textPulliam, Wheeler D. "Negotiating Work-life Balance Within the Operational Culture of a Chaebol in the Southeastern United States." Thesis, University of North Texas, 2014. https://digital.library.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metadc699879/.
Full textHopeck, Janell Marie. "Face-to-face communication versus memo communication to announce mergers and acquisitions the importance of media richness." CSUSB ScholarWorks, 2011. https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd-project/140.
Full textValenzuela, Francisco. "Public Servant identity at work in Chilean State bureaucracy : a Lacanian interpretation." Thesis, University of Essex, 2016. http://repository.essex.ac.uk/17349/.
Full textAwarab, Erwin Ronald. "An investigation into the organisational culture at an academically successful secondary school in Namibia." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003494.
Full textRoveda, Vanessa. "As inter-relações entre liderança, comunicação e cultura nas organizações." reponame:Repositório Institucional da UCS, 2010. https://repositorio.ucs.br/handle/11338/523.
Full textSubmitted by Marcelo Teixeira (mvteixeira@ucs.br) on 2014-06-02T18:50:36Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vanessa Roveda.pdf: 2174254 bytes, checksum: 06ebfa647afd6bf71370c2ea9de34a7b (MD5)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-06-02T18:50:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Dissertacao Vanessa Roveda.pdf: 2174254 bytes, checksum: 06ebfa647afd6bf71370c2ea9de34a7b (MD5)
Following a tendency within the social sciences to understand the relationship among the processes that compose it, this study aims to examine the interrelationships among leadership styles, the leader communication and the organizational culture. To this end, an extensive review of leadership, communication and culture theories was conducted. The study of interrelationships was developed through quantitative research with a sample of 268 employed individuals. The participants answered to an instrument to measure the dimensions of culture, leadership style, and communication competence of the leader, as well as the subordinate satisfaction with the leader communication. These data were analyzed by correlation techniques, linear regression and ANOVA, showing significant relationships between leadership style, communication of the leader and the characteristics of this culture in organizations. Proving that the behavior of relationship-oriented leader generate greater influence on communication and culture, the conduct of the task-oriented leader
Mabuza, Linda Tengetile. "The influence of organisational culture on a high commitment work system and organisational commitment : the case of a Chinese multinational corporation in South Africa." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1017768.
Full textGutierrez, Raquel Dolores. "Life-Affirming Leadership: An Inquiry into the Culture of Social Justice." [Yellow Springs, Ohio] : Antioch University, 2008. http://etd.ohiolink.edu/view.cgi?acc_num=antioch1226609058.
Full textTitle from PDF t.p. (viewed March 26, 2010). Advisor: Carolyn Kenny, Ph.D. "A dissertation submitted to the Ph.D. in Leadership and Change program of Antioch University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy 2008."--from the title page. Includes bibliographical references (p. 147-153).
Jones, Joanna Dawn. "Improving workforce environmental behaviour : a case study of the construction industry." Thesis, University of Northampton, 2010. http://nectar.northampton.ac.uk/8863/.
Full textBabaheidari, Persheng, and Geer Hans De. "Corporate foresight in Sweden : A quantitative comparison between Swedish and European companies." Thesis, KTH, Skolan för industriell teknik och management (ITM), 2017. http://urn.kb.se/resolve?urn=urn:nbn:se:kth:diva-210576.
Full textStudier visar att genomsnittslivstiden för stora bolag minskar, samt att dagens företag möter en högre grad av marknadsmättnad orsakad av globalisering. För att företag ska överleva behöver de skanna efter trender utanför deras nuvarande verksamhet, vilket kan göras genom att arbeta med affärsförutseende. I detta examensarbete undersöks unika egenskaper gällande affärsförutseende i stora svenska bolag jämfört med stora europeiska bolag. Fokus ligger i att mäta skillnaderna i behov, färdigheter samt mognadsgrad av affärsförutseende. Detta examensarbete konstaterar genom flertalet källor att intresset och behovet av att utforska affärsförutseende för svenska bolag finns, eftersom Sverige är ett av världens mest innovativa länder. Från litteraturstudien etableras en metod för att mäta nivåer på de tre dimensionerna behov, färdigheter samt mognadsgrad. Empirisk data har samlats in på 11 stora svenska bolag genom en enkätbaserad intervju, där tillgång har erhållits till en granskad enkät genom samarbetspartnern Rohrbeck Heger GmbH, samt tillgång till deras databas med europeiska bolag. Den svenska datan jämförs därefter mot ett europeiskt dataset, där en kvantitativ metod används för att jämföra dessa grupper; ett icke-parametriskt test (Mann-Whitney U-test) samt ett parametriskt test (Welch’s t-test). Genom dessa tester erhålls flera intressanta skillnader mellan svenska och europeiska bolag. Gällande behov, visade resultatet att svenska bolag har ett lägre dynamiskt affärsklimat, men där affärsklimatet är mer komplext. Gällande färdigheter skiljer sig svenska bolag på de interna färdigheterna kultur, metodraffinering samt informationsanvändning. Slutligen, gällande mognadsgrad för affärsförutseende, är svenska bolag starkare på att uppfatta trender men svagare på att analysera trender. Sammanfattningsvis är det inte möjligt att dra någon slutsats överlag huruvida behov och mognadsgrad gällande affärsförutseende är mer avancerat bland svenska bolag. Däremot kan slutsatsen dras att svenska bolag har starkare färdigheter för affärsförutseende än dess europeiska motsvarigheter.
Van, Heerden Vicky. "Local government reform in Western Australia: a case study on change readiness." Thesis, Rhodes University, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10962/d1003897.
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