Academic literature on the topic 'Organisation des chromosomes'
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Journal articles on the topic "Organisation des chromosomes"
Grutzner, F., A. Casey, and T. Daish. "105. MEIOTIC ACROBATS: MONOTREME SEX CHROMOSOME ORGANISATION DURING SPERMATOGENESIS." Reproduction, Fertility and Development 22, no. 9 (2010): 23.
Full textJoseph, Sunitha, Rebecca O’Connor, Abdullah Al Mutery, Mick Watson, Denis Larkin, and Darren Griffin. "Chromosome Level Genome Assembly and Comparative Genomics between Three Falcon Species Reveals an Unusual Pattern of Genome Organisation." Diversity 10, no. 4 (October 18, 2018): 113.
Full textFowler, Katie E., Anjali A. Mandawala, and Darren K. Griffin. "The role of chromosome segregation and nuclear organisation in human subfertility." Biochemical Society Transactions 47, no. 1 (February 7, 2019): 425–32.
Full textNasiri, F., F. Mahjoubi, F. Manouchehry, F. Razazian, F. Mortezapour, and M. Rahnama. "Cytogenetic Findings in Mentally Retarded Iranian Patients." Balkan Journal of Medical Genetics 15, no. 2 (December 1, 2012): 29–34.
Full textSandery, Michael J., John W. Forster, Richard Blunden, and R. Neil Jones. "Identification of a family of repeated sequences on the rye B chromosome." Genome 33, no. 6 (December 1, 1990): 908–13.
Full textHeslop-Harrison, J. S. Pat, and Trude Schwarzacher. "Organisation of the plant genome in chromosomes." Plant Journal 66, no. 1 (March 28, 2011): 18–33.
Full textCintra, Leonardo Adabo, Thaíssa Boldieri de Souza, Letícia Maria Parteka, Lucas Mesquita Barreto, Luiz Filipe Protasio Pereira, Marcos Letaif Gaeta, Romain Guyot, and André Luís Laforga Vanzela. "An 82 bp tandem repeat family typical of 3′ non-coding end of Gypsy/TAT LTR retrotransposons is conserved in Coffea spp. pericentromeres." Genome 65, no. 3 (March 2022): 137–51.
Full textAgashe, Bhavna, Chellapilla Krishna Prasad, and Imran Siddiqi. "Identification and analysis ofDYAD: a gene required for meiotic chromosome organisation and female meiotic progression inArabidopsis." Development 129, no. 16 (August 15, 2002): 3935–43.
Full textHasterok, Robert, Natalia Borowska-Zuchowska, and Ewa Robaszkiewicz. "Cytomolecular Organisation of the Nuclear Genome." International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23, no. 21 (October 27, 2022): 13028.
Full textMishra, Sujeet Kumar, Kunhe Li, Simon Brauburger, Arnab Bhattacherjee, Nestor Norio Oiwa, and Dieter W. Heermann. "Superstructure Detection in Nucleosome Distribution Shows Common Pattern within a Chromosome and within the Genome." Life 12, no. 4 (April 6, 2022): 541.
Full textDissertations / Theses on the topic "Organisation des chromosomes"
Almagro, Sébastien. "Organisation structurale et fonctionnelle des chromosomes." Phd thesis, Université Joseph Fourier (Grenoble), 2003.
Full textDonald, Tamzin. "Organisation and expression of plant B chromosomes /." Title page, table of contents and abstract only, 1999.
Full textFairhead, Cécile. "Proprietes et organisation des chromosomes naturels et artificiels de levure." Paris 6, 1993.
Full textNourse, Jamie. "The structure, organisation and function of dispensable chromosomes in the phytopathogenic fungus Colltotrichum Gloeosporioides /." St. Lucia, Qld, 2001.
Full textOrsi, Guillaume. "Organisation et intégrité des chromosomes parentaux à la fécondation chez la drosophile." Phd thesis, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2011.
Full textMercy, Guillaume. "L'organisation 3D des chromosomes synthétiques de levure." Thesis, Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textThe international project Sc2.0 started 10 years ago by the Pr. Jef Boeke aims to build a fully synthetic genome of S. cerevisiae which increases the genome stability by removing all repeated sequences (tRNA, transposable elements, etc.), and implements SCRaMbLE (for Synthetic Chromosome Rearrangement and Modification by LoxP-mediated Evolution), an inducible, high-throughput chromosome rearrangement system. This design is highly conservative with respect to gene content, the deletion of several classes of repeated sequences and the introduction of thousands of designer changes. However, it may affect genome organization and potentially alter cellular functions. To determine wether those modifications affected the three-dimensional conformation of synthetic chromosmes, we investigated it using chromosomes conformation capture coupled to second generation sequencing method (Hi-C). Currently, eight synthetic chromosomes (synI, synII, synIII, synV, synVI, synIX-R, synX et synXII) have been fully assembled. Using these strains we observed that the large-scale genomic organization is globally unaffected by the presence of synthetic chromosome(s). Two exceptions are synIII, which lacks the silent mating-type cassettes, and synXII, specifically when the ribosomal DNA is moved to another chromosome. We also exploited the contact maps to detect rearrangements induced in these SCRaMbLE strains
Mercy, Guillaume. "L'organisation 3D des chromosomes synthétiques de levure." Electronic Thesis or Diss., Sorbonne université, 2018.
Full textThe international project Sc2.0 started 10 years ago by the Pr. Jef Boeke aims to build a fully synthetic genome of S. cerevisiae which increases the genome stability by removing all repeated sequences (tRNA, transposable elements, etc.), and implements SCRaMbLE (for Synthetic Chromosome Rearrangement and Modification by LoxP-mediated Evolution), an inducible, high-throughput chromosome rearrangement system. This design is highly conservative with respect to gene content, the deletion of several classes of repeated sequences and the introduction of thousands of designer changes. However, it may affect genome organization and potentially alter cellular functions. To determine wether those modifications affected the three-dimensional conformation of synthetic chromosmes, we investigated it using chromosomes conformation capture coupled to second generation sequencing method (Hi-C). Currently, eight synthetic chromosomes (synI, synII, synIII, synV, synVI, synIX-R, synX et synXII) have been fully assembled. Using these strains we observed that the large-scale genomic organization is globally unaffected by the presence of synthetic chromosome(s). Two exceptions are synIII, which lacks the silent mating-type cassettes, and synXII, specifically when the ribosomal DNA is moved to another chromosome. We also exploited the contact maps to detect rearrangements induced in these SCRaMbLE strains
Brun, Christine. "Organisation en boucles de la molécule d'ADN et réplication : tude de la région 14B-15B du chromosome X et de l'unité des gènes ribosomiques de Drosophila melanogaster." Aix-Marseille 2, 1992.
Full textAugui, Sandrine. "Interactions chromosomiques et inactivation du chromosome X : éléments génétiques et mécanismes impliqués dans la reconnaissance du nombre de chromosomes X et dans la coordination des centres d'inactivation." Paris 11, 2009.
Full textIn mammals, dosage compensation is achieved by the inactivation of one of the two X-chromosome during early development in females. X inactivation process is controlled by a complex locus, the X-inactivation centre (Xic), which includes the Xist gene and its antisense transcription unit Tsix/Xite. The Xic senses X chromosome number and initiates inactivation by triggering mono-allelic up-regulation of Xist RNA, and reciprocally, down-regulation of Tsix from one of the two X chromosomes in females. However, the mechanisms underlying sensing and reciprocal Xist/Tsix regulation remain obscure. We recently showed that a previously untested segment of the Xic, lying several hundred kilobases upstream of Xist and enriched in histone H3K27me3 and H3K9me2 marks, brings the two Xic's together prior to the onset of X inactivation (Augui et al, Science 318:1362, 2007). This X-pairing-region (Xpr) can autonomously drive Xic trans-interactions even as an ectopic single copy transgene. Furthermore its presence in male ES cells is selected against, suggesting that it may have a role in triggering Xist up regulation. We proposed that the pairwise interactions driven by this novel X-pairing-region (Xpr) of the Xic might enable a cell to sense that more than one X-chromosome is present in an XX cell, by activating biallelic Xist expression. Furthermore we believe that Xpr pairing then facilitates association between the Tsix/Xite regions, thus rendering biallelic Xist expression monoallelic. Finally, we think that Xpr could be the missing functional region of the Xic since Xpr + Xist/Tsix transgenes seem to recapitulate all Xic function in a male cell line
Toulouze, Mathias. "Analyse de la dynamique des chromosomes chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae." Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Cité, 2018.
Full textThe difficulty and the need to study the dynamic organization of the genome have pushed in recent years, experimenters and theorists to collaborate in the development of theoretical models of chromosomal architecture. Our work is a part of this effort. In collaboration with David Holcman and Assaf Amitaï (ENS Paris), we developped a new method of data analysis for the study of chromosomal sites tagged with fluorescent proteins. This new method allows us to extract from miscroscopy analysis a parameter named Kc characterizing constraints that restrict the mobility of the chromosomal locus. This new analysis was used to compare the mobility of different sites in the genome in order to understand how organization of the nucleus impacts chromatin mobility with the final aim of understanding the impact of this mobility on the regulation of DNA repair mechanisms. It was already proven recently (K. Bloom, 2013) that mobility of chromosomes is constrained by their anchoring to SPB by their centromeres, but little was known about the impact of telomeric sequences to nuclear membrane on chromosome mobility. Contrary to what is commonly accepted, our results showed that telomeres are not strongly anchored to the nuclear membrane. Within a cell population, it exists a high variability in telomere mobility, indeed most of the cells the telomeric interaction with the nuclear membrane is indeed strong enough to change the location of sub-telomeric loci but too weak to impact its mobility. Our results also showed that sub-telomeric loci have a higher mobility than loci located in the middle of the same chromosome arm. In mutant cells the loss of chromosom integrity upon the induction of a double-strand break leads to the apparition chromatin free extremities. Similarly to sub-telomerics loci, DSBs free extremities exhibit a higher mobility than DSBs in chromosome with a preserved integrity. In summary our study has shown that free ends of a chromatin fiber have a higher mobility than other monomers in the chain. This higher mobility is due to the higher level of freedom that chromatin extremities have. When DNA double strand break (DSB) is generated, the chromosome ends should become physically totally dissociated from one to another, making ensuing repair difficult. To overcome this dramatic event, the DNA damage response (DDR) takes in charge the implementation of a protein bridge that holds the two chromosome ends together and so preserve its integrity. In S. cerevisiae the MRX complex was already known for playing critical functions in early DSB extremities tethering. Several studies showed that a single DSB induces the formation of a ≈100 kb cohesin domain around the lesion. Our study suggests the late role played by cohesins in the emergence of an intra-chromosomal cohesive structure capable to maintain chromosomal integrity. The way of DSB extremities cohesion is established, is consistent with what is published on the recruitment of cohesins at DSBs. Our study also highlight the dynamical behavior of DSB extremities at the cell scale. Indeed once DSB extremities are separated, they alternate during several hours between a tethered and a separated state. We also analysed the impact of cohesins recruitment at DSBs at the chromosome scale. Our results establish a positive correlation between the level of cohesins loaded on the chromosome and the level of folding of the chromatin fiber. The analysis of the chronology of events leading to the preservation of chromosomal integrity upon DSB suggests that chromatin has an intrinsic property (not related to DNA damage response) preserving its integrity despite the apparition of DSBs. This property could potentially be due to short-range inter-nucleosomal interactions or to the presence of secondary structures formed by cohesines in the interphase genome. All these hypothesis should be further tested experimentally
Books on the topic "Organisation des chromosomes"
Wieser, Bernhard. Assessing life: On the organisation of genetic testing. München: Profil, 2010.
Find full textScott, G. B. Transcriptional organisation and regulation of the chromosomal replication origin region of streptomyces coelicolor A3(2). Manchester: UMIST, 1995.
Find full textRichard, Claudia. Die Amplifikation der Nucleolus-Organisator-Regionen (NOR) der akrozentrischen Chromosomen: Ihre Bedeutung für die genetische Beratung. [s.l.]: [s.n.], 1995.
Find full textBooks, Cambridge Stanford, and John Kaisermann. Organisation des Chromosomes Humains. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textBooks, Cambridge Stanford, and John Kaisermann. Organisation Menschlicher Chromosomen. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textBooks, Cambridge Stanford, and John Kaisermann. Organisatie Van Menselijke Chromosomen. Independently Published, 2019.
Find full textLübeck, Medizinische Universität zu, ed. Transkription, Organisation und Evolution amplifizierter "long-range repeat" Sequenzen aus dem Chromosom 1 der Hausmaus (Mus musculus). 1992.
Find full textBook chapters on the topic "Organisation des chromosomes"
de Jong, J. H., X. B. Zhong, P. F. Fransz, J. Wennekes-van Eden, E. Jacobsen, and P. Zabel. "High resolution FISH reveals the molecular and chromosomal organisation of repetitive sequences of individual tomato chromosomes." In Chromosomes Today, 267–75. Basel: Birkhäuser Basel, 2000.
Full textPrakash, Kirti. "Periodic and Symmetric Organisation of Meiotic Chromosomes." In Springer Theses, 105–33. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2017.
Full textSmith-Keary, Peter. "Chromosome organisation." In Molecular Genetics, 31–46. London: Macmillan Education UK, 1991.
Full textBridger, Joanna M., Rita Torres Pereira, Cristina Pina, Sabrina Tosi, and Annabelle Lewis. "Alterations to Genome Organisation in Stem Cells, Their Differentiation and Associated Diseases." In Nuclear, Chromosomal, and Genomic Architecture in Biology and Medicine, 71–102. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2022.
Full textPodgornaya, Olga, Ekaterina Gavrilova, Vera Stephanova, Sergey Demin, and Aleksey Komissarov. "Large Tandem Repeats Make up the Chromosome Bar Code." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 1–30. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textEnukashvily, Natella I., and Nikita V. Ponomartsev. "Mammalian Satellite DNA." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 31–65. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textFeinauer, Christoph J., Andreas Hofmann, Sebastian Goldt, Lei Liu, Gabriell Máté, and Dieter W. Heermann. "Zinc Finger Proteins and the 3D Organization of Chromosomes." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 67–117. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textRamaswamy, Amutha, and Ilya Ioshikhes. "Dynamics of Modeled Oligonucleosomes and the Role of Histone Variant Proteins in Nucleosome Organization." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 119–49. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textSilván, Unai, Brigitte M. Jockusch, and Cora-Ann Schoenenberger. "Unconventional Actin Configurations Step into the Limelight." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 151–77. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textVagnarelli, Paola. "Chromatin Reorganization Through Mitosis." In Organisation of Chromosomes, 179–224. Elsevier, 2013.
Full textConference papers on the topic "Organisation des chromosomes"
Menon, Shankar, Luis Valencia, and Lucien Teunckens. "The Nuclear Decommissioner and the Regulation of Low Dose Radiation." In ASME 2003 9th International Conference on Radioactive Waste Management and Environmental Remediation. ASMEDC, 2003.
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