Academic literature on the topic 'Ordres monastiques et religieux chrétiens féminins – Irak'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ordres monastiques et religieux chrétiens féminins – Irak"
Denkha, Ataa. "Autorité, transparence et gestion des entrées et sorties dans les congrégations féminines : éclairages à partir du cas de l’Irak." Thesis, Strasbourg, 2021.
Full textThe revelation of abuse in the Church invites a search for the truth about the management of authority and transparency in female congregations in Mesopotamia. To speak about the abuse of power has become necessary. Canonical norms and the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church invite religious communities to a fair application of the law while respecting the dignity of the human person. Likewise, a change of mentality about women in Arab-Muslim countries, in the Iraqi society in particular, and in the Church as a whole is urgently needed. The results of this research work suggest the need for a reform and renewal of the identity of religious life in Iraq with the view to better manage vocations in the future. Religious life plays an important role in this country which is in need of rebuilding itself humanely, spiritually and fraternally in order to rediscover the values of peace, justice, reconciliation and solidarity. The interest of this subject is not limited to women’s congregations in Iraq alone but is directed to all consecrated persons in the Church
Tran, Thi Hong Tuy. "La Congrégation des Amantes de la Croix : l'exercice de l'autorité." Université Marc Bloch (Strasbourg) (1971-2008), 2005.
Full textThe congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross was founded in 1670 by Mgr. Pierre Lambert de la Motte. It is the first female religious congregation to be distinguished by its Eastern characteristics, both contemplative and apostolic, and created in Vietnam. During 335 years of existence, the Lovers of the Cross community, went through various trials and tribulations : persecutions, disasters, wars and changes of political regimes in particular. There are currently 24 congregations of the Lovers of the Cross nuns of Vietnamese origin of which one is in the United States. Three of them are in Thailand and two others in Laos. One can wonder how the Lovers of the Holy Cross can manage to abide simultaneously by the Canon Law provisions derived from the latin Church and to preserve and the typical features characterizing their Asian culture. Eager to combine her studies of canonical right with a thorough investigation of the legislative texts of her Congregation, the author, a Sister of the Lovers of the Cross, commits herself to this research work so that she can better understand the type of Religious Institute her Congregation belongs to and the most appropriate type of its executive authority. From this point of view, this work is divided into three parts : initialy the first part will present the exercice of authority or executive authority according to Vietnamese tradition. Then the second part will be devoted to a study on the government of the religious Institutes according to the provisions of the Canon Laws. And eventually the third part will approach the exercise of the authority within the Congregation of the Lovers of the Holy Cross. The wish is expressed that in the future, within the Universal Church, all the congregations of the Lovers of the Holy Cross can be reorganized in form of governmental structure recognized by the Church
Ligné, André. "Naissance et évolution d'une congrégation religieuse : les soeurs Marianites de Sainte-Croix du Mans." Le Mans, 2005.
Full textThis research work began with the observation that the history of the congregation of the Marianite Sisters of Holy Cross had been undertaken, till now, only by a few members of the clergy. Applied to give all its importance to the founder's thought and to evoke the spiritual life of the community, these authors had considered the problems of its material life as minor and then had treated them only in short evocations. Therefore, a scope of researches was widely opened to the one who chose to place the human problems in the centre of his work. However, the first soundings taken in the private archives of the congregation made at once appear that numerous relational conflicts and material troubles staked out the history of the Marianite sisters. Understanding these strains and showing their incidence upon the evolution of the congregation gave a subject of research parting radically from the previous studies. The question supposed getting out of the enclosure and introducing the numerous human, materiel and clerical influences coming from the outside of the convent, that the nuns had to support. After the works of the members of the clergy describing a congregation in search of its moral and spiritual unity, this study tries to describe it facing the reality of the outer world and to see how far contemplation and piety fit with the hazards of the everyday life
Giralt, Marie-Carmen. "Création au quotidien d'une réalité monacale féminine." Paris, EHESS, 1995.
Full textBecause the construction of manastic reality springs from the very "apory" of the notion of exteriority and interiority of the world, it sends back-owing to its existence - through a tragic reflexivity to the key question of the knowing of reality. How does this social form come into being as a challenge to the corpus of knowledge ofreality through by and for the human body? in what way would the behaviour proning disposession of the self be paradigmatic of the religious as a whole ? in a attempt to answer those questions, the field of research is made up of three monasteries each of them presenting a particular character as to the tale of their origins wich intermingle with a different "monastic memory" whose aim is no other than the fact of providing a frame for the embodying of memory, within continuity, rupture, actualization of a past in relation with place time and divinity
Bons, Renée. "Les Communautés religieuses de femmes, au temps de la Réforme catholique et des Lumières : évolution de l'infrastructure conventuelle, du recrutement et de la vie des moniales, sur une terre de l'ouest : le Haut-Maine et l'Anjou fléchois." Le Mans, 1996.
Full textIn high maine and anjou around la fleche, twenty-three religious communauties were, according to the spirit of catholic reformation restored or founded. This work studies the constantly ascending movement of this group of religious orders and of women congregations, from the beginning of the decisions of trente council till all the evictions in 1792. Indeed, few convents which hard problems were closed during the 18th century. Yet, far from a run down of the number of nuns, we notice that monastic population resisted the erosion related to the enlightment's century, and that the amount of secular nuns - nurses or teachers - progressed regularly. The documents about the nuns bring quantitative data about their social extraction, on the average age at their profession and death, and also, to a lesser extent, about their calling or the reason for the choice of a convent. These two centuries, while expressing a general stability, reveal deep changes generated by the changes in society. Secular governments differentiate the success of urban cloisters from the weakness of small isolated monastaries. Afar as the best known communauties are concerned, religious life seems to have remained in the demanded strictness of the rule. It also perpetuated, thanks to apostleship and attractive cultual place, the teaching of the message of faith and devotion to laics
Dufourcq, Élisabeth. "Une forme de l'expansion française : les congrégations religieuses féminines hors d'Europe de Richelieu à nos jours : histoire naturelle d'une diaspora." Paris, Institut d'études politiques, 1991.
Full text210 practising catholic female religious congregations founded in France since the Middle Age represent a demographic group of nearly 200 000 persons, among these, one third live in France, another third within Europe (exclusing France) on the rest outside Europe. Outside Europe, over three quarters of these women are found in North and South America, South African Australia and New Zealand as well as the newly industrialised countries of Asia, less than one tenth of them are found in ex-French colonies in Sub-Saharan Africa. Three quarters of the present day extra-European population belong to congregations founded before 1848. The majority of first installations, which date from the sailing vesse epoch, are located along the major maritime trade routes of that period. Following up the institutions over the past three hundred and fifty years brings to light a range of charitable work involving three components: the charisma of each congregation, the motivation of the French supporting environment and the host country's stage of development
Zdichynec, Jan. "Ženské kláštery Horni Lužice mezi duchovní a světskou mocí v 16. A 17. Století." Paris, EHESS, 2007.
Full textThe abbeys of women of the region of Eastern Germany, of historic Upper Lusatia (Marienthal, Marienstern, Lauban) are the only catholic institutions which have survived in the mainly protestant area. I study their situation above all in 16L and 17L century when it was necessary to constitute an organisational basis from which further existence of convents could evolve. The existence of nuns was determined just as strongly by politics, (church) administration and by social and economical factors, as it was by its coexistence with Protestantism, and often in the continuity with the local tradition. A micro-historic investigation of an internal crisis of the convents in the second half of the 16 and the beginning of 17TH century follows, reflecting the blended influence of various authorities, as well as by general trends in the evolution of women's monastic life of the period. The analysis is appended by notes on the inhabitants of the convents and the history of convent dominions
Dewerdt, Raymond. "Autour des sœurs grises : complexité et diversité du tiers ordre féminin franciscain : dans la France du Nord, les anciens Pays-Bas et en particulier dans la Province ecclésiastique de Cambrai du XVè au XVIIIè siècle." Thesis, Artois, 2017.
Full textThe hypothesis that has been retained is that of a constant evolution of devout women in the Middle Ages which continued until a congregation of the third order in the XVIIth (seventeenth) century.In this study, the grey nuns in the ecclesiastical province of Cambrai, heterogeneous religious communities of active nuns in society, are classified into three groups to study their number, their characteristics and their evolution. These three groups are: the hospital nuns (for example Saint-Omer and La Bassée), the nuns of Sainte-Catherine/ the Sainte-Catherine nuns and the grey nuns (e. g. Lille), the cellites black nuns (e.g. Namur). In the late Middle Ages, hospital mercy is the most representative of the apostolate of grey nuns. The closure, imposed by the Council of Trent, but not provided for in the statutes, imposes difficult changes of the Franciscan third order. From the XVIIth (seventeenth) century onwards, the Franciscans offer the uncloistered grey nuns to join a female reformed order as annonciades or the conceptionistes or else to use the penitents- recolecttines of Limburg as a model
Grélois, Alexis Jean Manuel. ""Homme et femme il les créa" : l'ordre cistercien et ses religieuses des origines au milieu du XIVe siècle." Paris 4, 2003.
Full textEver since the 17th century, historians have been debating when the monastic order of Cîteaux began to include nuns, and whether it did so willingly or not. The order was first devised as an association of abbots and monks. However, the white monks had to find a religious status for their female relatives, since conversion was usually a lineage issue. The solutions varied a lot, especially with the different areas of the Western World. Even Bernard of Clairvaux did supervise nunneries and promoted a model of monastic life so attractive that hundreds of nunneries entered the cistercian order from 1200 on. The general chapter tried to strengthen the abbots' control over the nuns, to the detriment of the abbesses and of their own filiation system. The paternity over the nunneries was centralized by Cîteaux and Clairvaux. Around 1300, while the order had lost most of its original features, its institutions were in a perfect state
Cousson, Agnès. "L' expression de soi dans les écrits autobiographiques et la correspondance des religieuses de Port-Royal au XVIIe siècle." Clermont-Ferrand 2, 2008.
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