Academic literature on the topic 'Ordonnancement en santé'
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Dissertations / Theses on the topic "Ordonnancement en santé"
Ruiz, Bartolomé Angel. "Logistique de la distribution dans le secteur de la santé." Compiègne, 2002.
Full textAjmi, Faiza. "Optimisation collaborative par des agents auto-adaptatifs pour résoudre les problèmes d'ordonnancement des patients en inter-intra urgences hospitalières." Thesis, Centrale Lille Institut, 2021.
Full textThis thesis addresses the scheduling patients in emergency department (ED) considering downstreamconstraints, by using collaborative optimization approaches to optimize the total waiting time of patients.These approaches are used by integrating, in the behavior of each agent, a metaheuristic that evolvesefficiently, thanks to two interaction protocols "friends" and "enemies". In addition, each agent self-adaptsusing a reinforcement learning algorithm adapted to the studied problem. This self-adaptation considersthe agents’ experiences and their knowledge of the ED environment. The learning of the agents allowsto accelerate the convergence by guiding the search for good solutions towards more promising areas inthe search space. In order to ensure the continuity of quality patient care, we also propose in this thesis,a joint approach for scheduling and assigning downstream beds to patients. We illustrate the proposedcollaborative approaches and demonstrate their effectiveness on real data provided from the ED of the LilleUniversity Hospital Center obtained in the framework of the ANR OIILH project. The results obtainedshow that the collaborative Learning approach leads to better results compared to the scenario in whichagents work individually or without learning. The application of the algorithms that manage the patientscare in downstream services, provides results in the form of a dashboard, containing static and dynamicinformation. This information is updated in real time and allows emergency staff to assign patients morequickly to the adequate structures. The results of the simulation show that the proposed AI algorithms cansignificantly improve the efficiency of the emergency chain by reducing the total waiting time of patientsin inter-intra-emergency
Shtiliyanova, Anastasiya. "Modélisation et simulation informatique de l'innovation en médecine : Conception d'un outil d'aide à l'évaluation médico-économique des centres de radiothérapie." Thesis, Clermont-Ferrand 1, 2012.
Full textThe main subject of the thesis is the modelling and the implementation of a software prototype for evaluating the supply and the demand for radiotherapy centers using innovative therapies (such as hadrontherapy, tomotherapy, stereotaxy, Cyberknife, . . .). The prototype should be used in the medical domain. The patient behaviour with respect to those new technologies is studied as well as their utilization in health institutions. The study takes into account important factors such as the quality of life of the patient and its treatment in a hospital. The costs of installation and maintainance are included in the tool. The new innovative radiotherapy techniques are compared with the existing ones. The comparison is based on medical and financial criteria, including refunding by the French public health insurance system. The software is based on multi-agent systems, and integrates medical knowledge as well as epidemiologic models for characterizing patients and relevant radio-therapies. Economical methods are also implemented for evaluating the associated costs
Sadki, Abdellah. "Planification des chimiothérapies ambulatoires avec la prise en compte des protocoles de soins et des incertitudes." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2012.
Full textObeid, Ali. "Scheduling and Advanced Process Control in semiconductor Manufacturing." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2012.
Full textReboul, Lucie. "La construction de parcours de travail en santé et en compétences : le rôle des régulateurs dans la médiation des parcours de travail des personnels au sol d'une compagnie aérienne." Thesis, Paris, HESAM, 2020.
Full textThis research is carried out with ground staff and their supervisors in an airline company. It aims to report, from an ergonomic approach, on weakening or construction’s processes of these employees’ work paths in a context of multiple and continuous transformations (digitalization of the service relationship of customer service agents, internal and external flexibility of baggage handler teams, overall demographic ageing, etc.). This thesis pursues the hypothesis that the work of regulators (firstlevel managers in charge of assigning tasks to ground staff schedules) mediates the construction of health/work relations between ground staff by being a vector of the path wear and tear or path construction. It mobilizes methodological tools specific to the demography of work and the ergonomics of the activity, by combining diachronic (revealing multiple temporalities with individual, collective and managerial dimensions) and synchronic (articulation or tension between these temporalities in the activity) approaches. The results reveal the multiplicity of health indicators and their temporalities mobilized by regulators to organize work, the individual and collective prevention strategies developed in the course of their experience and the role of temporal constraints in the possibilities of implementing them
Housseman, Sylvain. "Modelisation et aide a la decision pour l'introduction de technologies communicantes en milieu hospitalier." Phd thesis, Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2011.
Full textMazier, Alexandre. "Optimisation Stochastique pour la gestion des lits d’hospitalisation sous incertitudes." Thesis, Saint-Etienne, EMSE, 2010.
Full textHospitals have to deals with a lot of random events making their management hard to realize. Those difficulties are mainly due to the uncertainty relative to future evolutions of demand, in particular in term of future arrivals and departures. Despite those difficulties, a fast and efficient hospitalization is required especially for some units like the emergency department. This department has to find quick solution to the problem of hospitalized of their patients. This can only be possible if (i) emergency arrivals are forecasted and so a bed is remaining free for them and/or (ii) the planning of beds occupation is made in a way allowing easy allocations of emergency patients.Our purpose is going to manage the patient flow in short stay unit (medicine and surgery) starting form the choice of an admission date for each patient until their discharge by keeping in mind the two previous assumptions. By using some stochastic optimization models, we solve a succession of decision problems in order to grant the good state of hospitals. Three level of decision are solved: 1. Admission scheduling for elective patients, 2. Patient assignment to hospital floors, 3. Patient assignment to rooms.Cases of study are based on data provided by a french hospital partner of this work, Firminy's Hospital Center